Thursday, May 27, 2010

My examination of Bristol Palin's interview with Harper's Bazaar which includes a very special commentary from Sherry Johnston.

From Harper's Bazaar:

Bristol never expected to find herself here: waking up at 5:00 a.m. to fix Tripp's breakfast (usually eggs), get herself ready — "It takes me so much longer with a baby, it's not even funny" — then head to work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. as a medical assistant in a dermatologist's office. "I thought I would be somewhere warm at college with my friends," she says. "But that was definitely not possible with having Tripp."

I think it is important to note that in my opinion this whole 8 to 5 job in the dermatologist office is purely for show.  It is clear that the Palin's are working to create an image here.  In fact if Bristol has the financial means to spend the majority of her time caring for Tripp, I think most mothers would agree that she should be doing exactly that.  And of course if she truly HAS to work than the next person who should be called in to parent him is Levi, the child's father, and not somebody else.  Even IF that somebody else is supposedly Track's long suffering girlfriend, Britta:

Her older brother Track's girlfriend, Britta, currently lives in the third bedroom, and her 15-year-old sister, Willow, often sleeps over. "I was scared to live by myself," Bristol explains.

One can only imagine how much scarier it must be in the Palin compound for Bristol to pack up and move all of the way to Anchorage.  And remember this is BEFORE the journalistic "stalker" moved in next door.  No, whatever drove nineteen year old Bristol out of her house in Wasilla has been there all along.

Her neighborhood is not the picturesque wilderness many associate with Alaska; it's a modest cluster of homes halfway between Ted Stevens International Airport and the Great Alaskan Bush Company, where the wildlife accepts tips.

I am somewhat amazed that the writer of this article chose the Great Alaskan Bush Company as one of the landmarks to illustrate where Bristol lives.  The Bush Company is perhaps the most famous strip club in Anchorage. (In the interest of full disclosure I should let you know that worked as a bouncer at the Bush for a brief time in the 80's.  Long story.) Could this be some hidden message to the Palins from the author?

(And by the way, I KNOW where Bristol lives, and this description is very deceptive.  Don't worry Bristol I have no intention of publicizing your address or infringing on your privacy.  Despite what your mother may have told you about me.)

In May of 2009, she began working with the Candie's Foundation, which approached her after her frank interview with Fox News's Greta Van Susteren. Bristol now preaches abstinence as "the only 100 percent foolproof way you can prevent pregnancy."

Detractors have been quick to pounce, but "I don't think it's hypocritical at all," Bristol responds. "Like, if you get lung cancer from smoking, why wouldn't you want to tell people, 'Hey, look, don't smoke.' Why wouldn't you want to be productive and share your story and do something positive with it?"

Did she just compare giving birth to her son ("He's like a Gerber baby. He's the cutest baby in the whole world.") to getting lung cancer?  Number one that is horrible, and number two perhaps a better example would be to compare having a baby to taking a job that turned out to be extremely tough but infinitely rewarding at the same time.  After all having a child is not usually fatal.

But don't worry, according to Bristol the things she says in this interview will NOT emotionally scar Tripp.

She's not worried that Tripp himself might one day read her words and take them the wrong way. "He knows that I love him," she says, shaking her head. There's no doubt that he is a happy baby, making a few cooing complaints only when it nears nap time. He is learning basic sign language to communicate with Trig, including stop, which Trig signs when Tripp tackles him. (Sign language? So it sounds like Trig's hearing is even worse than we thought.)

Her parents seem impressed with their determined daughter. "We're very proud of her for taking responsibility. It's not an easy road, but it's the right road," says Sarah. "Decisions were made, and we can't unwind those decisions. Consequences are being dealt with. I'm sincerely proud of her."

Indeed, if the campaign spotlight finds Bristol again, version 2.0 will be tougher. "There's been so much misreporting and lying about me and my family, it makes me sick," she says. "It proves a lot of reporters just report lies and rumors, so I'd push for more accountability." Meanwhile, she and the rest of the world are speculating about Palin 2012. "I don't know if my mom will run, but she should." (Remember "lies and rumors" is Palin-speak for "truths and embarrassing secrets".)

Unsurprisingly, she's no Obama fan. "I think he is making more Americans become dependent on government, and he's acting like government can and should take care of everyone. That is completely contrary to what made America a great nation. We should be expected to take responsibility for ourselves."

Yeah why can't EVERYBODY just quit their job halfway though and then milk their unsophisticated fanatical supporters of all of their  hard earned money?  Or, if that is not an option,  get knocked up as a teenager and use thier family's famous name to pimp their baby out to magazines for oodles of money?  Isn't THAT the American way?

WHAT could possibly make this saccharine sweet fiction about Bristol and her life with Tripp even more nauseating?

"I just want Tripp to be happy and healthy. But it would be fun if he was an athlete," she says, before picking him up and giving him a hug. "I know I'll be a hockey mom."

Ugh!  Yep that did it!  Gee I wonder who talked her into adding that last part?

In case some of you wonder why it took me until today to write this post, well first of all I was a little busy yesterday (Wasn't it fun?), but the other reason is because somebody e-mailed me and asked if they could weigh in on this topic.

How could I say no?

From Sherry Johnston:

I am simply confused as to just what this photo shoot is all about?

When I looked at this I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. In the interview Bristol refers to herself as a single teenage mother, who does it all by herself, with no help from Tripp’s “dead beat” father, and further states that she struggles with everything from daycare to diaper duty, while continuing to stick with her "stay abstinent until marriage” line.

And yet she also claims that it is Levi who is exploiting Tripp!

Well the only one I have seen exploiting my grandson is his own mother Bristol! I am looking at pictures of her dressed in designer clothes from head to toe, while pretending to cook in her brand new condo, all while standing beside my precious grandson. Who, by the way, is dressed like a slob in comparison and with no socks on his little feet!

And they present this as if it was like any other day in their life, in which everything is just great.

But wait! It seems to have slipped her mind that the queen of abstinence is trying to send the message to young teenagers everywhere that it is NOT glamorous to have a baby. They are supposed to realize that it’s a 24/7 job, and costs a lot of money to take care of a baby, and that it is a struggle every single day.

However the only struggle Bristol has when she wakes up in the morning (in her big brand new condo), is which designer jeans she should wear, and which truck she should drive today.

She apparently enjoys live in child care, and her boyfriend can pop in to visit whenever he likes (And yes she has one). When other teenagers see this layout they are going to think “WOW, now I am definitely going to have a child! I wish I had it TWICE as bad as her because then I might even own an airplane to fly me to all my speeches!”

There was no reason at all for my grandson Tripp to be in that photo shoot. The only reason that I can imagine is that they offered her more money if he was included.

It seems obvious that Bristol is using Tripp to make money, after accusing my son of that very same thing. The message to my son and my family is clear, “Do as we say, not as we do.”


  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Shouldn't the baby be getting paid for his image, and shouldn't that be put in a trust fund? Where is gloria allred?

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

    It's comical to have bristol talk about lying, like everything that comes from a Palin is the gospel. the Johnstons might as well give it up, the Palins have to be in charge and they will do anything to keep it that way. They don't care if the baby ever sees his father again.

  3. Nan (aka roswellborn)4:32 PM

    Sorry to rain on the parade here, but sign language for babies is the "latest thing." (Google " babies sign language") It actually looks kinda cool, from what I've read.

    Beyond that, we've all known that there were several different standards at work here... all of them beginning and ending with "...except for the Palins - who do what they want until [somebody] stops them.

    Sherry honey, hang in there... and please know that there are a LOT of people rooting for you and yours.

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Even IF that photo spread made an ounce of sense which it doesn't. Single mother, struggle, whine, blah blah, Trip has no shoes on and looks like a sloppy mess. Cute kid and being barefoot is not a big deal but going with the photo spread is just stuck out like a sore thumb. Yup I know soooo many single Moms with a condo. Heck that place is bigger then what I live in.

  5. I said a few days ago it looks like paylin babies dont wear shoes. weird.

  6. I would love to know what Levi is going to do about this then. It's one thing to lament and complain, it's another to take Bristol to task and get visitation of his son.

  7. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Sherry, my heart goes out to you. Bristol is afraid that Levi will exploit Tripp in photographs, and then Bristol exploits Tripp in photographs. In fact, she thinks that it is darling to show him in his high chair with his face smeared with food. Well, we can't expect anyone in a fancy evening dress to get her hands dirty wiping his face. Especially, since none of the cakes look eaten.

    What Bristol is doing is to glamorize teens having sex, babies, condos, not to mention their own suv, full time job and magazine spreads. She would not be enjoying any of this if it wasn't for her mother. I cannot think of any girl with only a high school degree who is qualified to be a medical assistant. Maybe answer the phone and takes messages, but seriously, a medical assistant!

    I certainly wish you and your family the best. You are up against one really crazy woman! Seeing her lash out at a nearby writer, we can only imagine the venom which is directed at Levi.

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Andrew Sullivan's closing on his Palin's fence post

    Good luck, Joe. Hang in, Sherry and Mercede. C'mon, Levi!

  9. I'll post this again. It is normal to teach toddlers with DS sign language. Their tongues tend to be large giving them difficulty with feeding and making speech sounds. I am delighted that Trigg is learning sign language. If he signs "stop" when Tripp tackles him, that is really great showing good language and cognitive development. I so hope Sarah will let him have the interventions he needs (it sounds like he is getting some). What little I've heard would indicate he is above the middle on the spectrum of DS. In some ways, I wish I knew more, but I'm also delighted the child has disappeared from view. Maybe, he is getting what he needs.

  10. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Levi..if you have the facts to take Sarah is time to do so.

    Acta non verba... deeds not words

    Like Andrew Sullivan said... go visit Joe McGinness... unload the story

  11. Anonymous5:22 PM

    First, Levi needs his child support lowered to reflect the fact that Bristol is independent, is able to buy her own condo, big screen TV, leather sofas, etc.

    Secondly, that child is getting a skewed idea of what life is like. He needs a more normal routine with stable caregivers with whom he can bond.

    Can't believe all the clothing attention was focused on the two young women and none on Tripp. How short-sighted was the vision of editor who okayed this photo shoot? I think Candie's is not going to be pleased with the mixed-message the designer dresses are sending added to Bristol's "look at all the wonderful (and expensive) things I've bought.

    No way a "medical assistant" can afford this - particularly one that is still under 20. Maybe she got paid well for her media appearances thus far, but something stinks and something is very wrong with this message.

    Sherry, understand we are all pulling for you, but few of us can understand why Levi is not getting better legal advice or is holding back on trying to get shared custody of his son. The longer he waits, the stronger the argument against shared custody because the Palin team will argue Tripp has bonded with Bristol and other caregivers and would be traumatized to be shuttled back and forth. We wish your family the best, but are bracing for a rough path ahead of you. Take care. Thanks for sharing your side of this.

  12. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Sherry, when is Levi going to stand up to Bristol? I feel really bad for you and your family and I cannot imagine not seeing my grandson. Hopefully you know how many people support you here at IM. But, I do understand the folks who are being criticle of Levi. It is HIS responsibility to stand up for his rights. Unless, he really doesn't want to be burdened with a child.
    As a grandparent, I cannot imagine what you are going through.

  13. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Am I the only one who questions, if Bristol has live in child care, why in the hell is she waking him up so early to get ready for her to go out???

    Also these photo's should be part of the custody case. They show how it is more important for Bristol to dress in really expensive designer outfits than interace with her son.

    I have yet to see a magazine photo of Tripp showing joy and laughter with his mom. Yet I have seen photo's of him with his dads family laughing and being hugged and people actually on his level playing with him. With Bristol I see her confining Tripp to a high chair and towering over him. Does she confine him rather than let him play and explore?

  14. Anonymous5:45 PM

    PRIOR: (Sign language? So it sounds like Trig's hearing is even worse than we thought.)

    RESP: Sign language is probably a mismoner. More accurately is probably "signs." (which are taken from American Sign Language) It is a common tool to use with children who are language delayed, which presumeably includes many children with Down Syndrome. "Stop" is one of the first sign they teach. It's so effective that some parents (in my universe mostly sign language teachers or special ed teachers who work with deaf or disabled students) use it with normal hearing/normal intelligence children. It's also been experimented with with some promise with adults in early stages of dementia.

  15. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe where there are certain facts right in front of us, but the Palins and the Paliban insist on presenting a make-believe world. Specifically: Bristol has made tens of thousands of dollars and will make much, much more with speaking engagements. (BSMP LLC or whatever?) Yet we still have "reporters" and "journalists" and "magazines" spewing stuff from Bristol like waking up at 5 a.m. to go to work and it's so hard but I'm so responsible blah blah blah. Girl, forget about going "somewhere warm at college with my friends"... you're rich enough to rent a suite on the beach in Hawaii for the summer and NOT go to college -- just sip from drinks with umbrellas!

  16. Anonymous5:50 PM

    WHY is levi not going after custody and lower child support???

    And also to, is Britle pregnant again ??!!??

    If confirmed, what a slam at the "family values" stuff they peddle....

  17. imnofred5:57 PM

    Bristol is turning into a lying little wench, just like her mom. She has learned to play the victim, vilify the press, and is now starting to take jabs at the President. Wonder how long it will be before Bristol turns into Sarah version 2.0 and is spewing hate and lies just like mom.

  18. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I read the spread too, Ms. Johnston.


    AND wonder what the hell. Why is it published. The message is hard to figure out.

    It just seems stupid for Bristol to include Tripp. Like why?

    I hope you all use this against her when it comes for the time in court.

    Hugs, big hugs to Ms. Johnston. Keep the chin up Levi. And here CeCe, a tissue. Ya all would be welcome to my little slice of Mat Su Valley anytime, night or day. I know there are lots of us Valley people who feel the same way.

    Take care.

  19. Anonymous6:02 PM

    OMG, Bristol Palin is making an utter fool of herself in these pictures and doesn't even know it. Look at her posing like some smirking redneck Marie Antoinette.

    That poisoned apple sure didn't fall far from the rotten tree. She's obviously trying to one-up Mama Grisly.

  20. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Trig is probably signing because he's not verbal.

  21. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I'm very interested in just who Bristol's boyfriend is. Shouldn't he be accompanying her on he Candie's appearances. What a great message for young's ok to be abstinent with your 19-year-old, single mother with her own condo, girlfriend. That guy must be a saint. Get right on that Dr Drew!

    What a story it would be if it tuns out Bristol isn't really practicing abstinence. She's a celebrity now, preaching her born-again virginity (and getting paid well for it). Her sexual behavior is fair game.

  22. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I think they treated Tripp almost like a joke. It is very sad. I think Levi should have custody--

  23. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Shame on Harper's. There's no way Bristol is a medical assistant. Aren't medical assistants well trained? Don't they require special degrees?

  24. What are the license requirements in Alaska for a Med-tech ???

  25. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Physician assistants are licensed and regulated in Alaska. There are educational requirements. Doubt Bristol is a physician assistant. I think the term "medical assistant" means she is a clerk in a medical office, which is consistent with her barely having graduated from high school.

  26. if Rex Butler is even semi competent, then this is way more than "comedy gold". Arrogance begets stench. bri$tol, you stink.

  27. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Surely we all know children who were in the custody of a mother like Bristol, who were kept from seeing their loving dad, and who in the end go to live with him and want nothing to do with their mother, once they recognize her for the lying bitch she is. One day, Tripp will be old enough that a court will listen to his wishes. I know it's hard to wait, Sherry, but time flies The Palins will be the losers, in the end.

  28. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Why isn't Levi fighting for shared custody in the courts? He's entitled. Until he does then he must be willing to go along with this less-than-fair arrangement.

  29. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Yeah anon @6:44 -- I guess medical assistant sounds so much better than what this skank really is -- a psuedo receptionist. You know in Sarahville it's all about appearances and trying to make she and her half-wit family seem like they are more than what they are.

  30. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Gee, if I was a teen and listened and watched Bristol in her brand new condo, designer clothes, etc. etc, I would want to get pregnant, too. Please someone put an end to this garbage.

  31. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Heck anon @ 7:10, I'm in my 30s and would love to get knocked up, have everyone call it a blessin' while vilifying others in the same position, get $30K speeches, my photos splashed across haute couture mags, (while all the while talking about how haaarrrd my life is!) and a condo. All this while claiming I paid for everything on my $24K a year salary as a medical assistant who gets more time off than most advanced-degreed working professionals.

    But alas, I chose college and a husband, my mother's not a malignant narcissist who's failed her way to the top spouting a bunch of misguided nonsense, and my first job barely afforded me a small studio.

    Luck of the draw I guess? Well, at least I'll be happy and productive in my 40s instead of a 300lb. self-medicating alcoholic with an unruly 20 year old.

  32. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I don't get it: Nikki Haley, running for governor of SC and tapped by $arah Paylin, is being brought down by a conservative blogger who claims he had an affair with Haley. So, where is the whistle blower in Alaska who could put a stop to this nonsense and reveal Palin's lies to the world?

  33. Harper Collins publishes Harper's Baazar Magazine. Harper Collins also publishes Palin's books. Bristol and Willow and Tripp are of course going to get the star treatment from Mom's publishing house. Esquire Magazine is associated with the same publishing house and that's why Todd got to have his say in Esquire.

    Levi went rogue when doing his story in Vanity Fair as it is not a Murdoch enterprise.

    The Palin's are using the Murdoch mouthpiece to try to "detrash" themselves whilst ending up looking trashier than ever. Money can purchase a lot of things but it can't purchase intelligence and it can't purchase class.

    That is what they wake up knowing every single day.

  34. I think the message of the photo shoot is that Bristol got rich off the Palin association with the tea party. After all, she is at a tea party in the pics.

    Also, Sherry, OF COURSE she doesn't want Levi to sell photos of Tripp, but it isn't because she fears he will be exploited. For every photo Levi sells of Tripp, the value of the photos Bristol can sell goes down. It is all about the money, honey.

    Please tell Levi we all support him, but he really needs to step up his fight. Tripp will thank him for it later.

  35. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Sarah is a lying sociopath and she has taught her daughter to be just like her.
    What a great mother!! So classy! The Harpers spread was revolting.

    Sherrie and Levi (and Mercedes) need to accept the kind of psycho trash they are dealing with. I mean enough is enough. It's time to go for the jugular. I don't get Levi and why he's holding on to what he knows. The Palins won't give him brownie points for that.

  36. emrysa8:16 PM

    it just doesn't get any skankier.

    gryphen isn't this the article where bristol sez that her mama never told her about the birds and the bees, that she assumed bristol "wasn't doing anything?" WHAT A SHITTY MOTHER I got that talk when I was 10 years old! and palin wants to prance around talking about what a great mother she is???? never telling her daughter how to NOT get pregnant??? what a fucking joke.

  37. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Bazinga 7:38!! ;)

  38. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I decided to see what's involved in becoming a medical assistant. It involves going to an accredited school, usually 9 months to a year study, passing an exam. It is better to take the two year program which ends up with Associate Medical Assistant Degree. Some of their duties include:
    * Ask patients about their medical histories
    * Record vital signs
    * Prepare patients for exams, x-rays, etc.
    * Prepare rooms for procedures, including the sterilization of equipment
    * Help doctors during exams, x-rays, etc.
    * Help patients understand doctor recommendations and information
    * Give medications
    * Remove stitches
    * Handle medical files
    * Fill out insurance forms
    * Schedule patient appointments and procedures at other medical care facilities
    * Greet patients and handle phone calls and correspondence
    * Keep track of billing and bookkeeping matters

    Another website includes such additional duties as: drawing blood, sterilize medical instruments, take electrocardiograms, instruct patients about medication and diet.

    Let's be honest. Bristol barely got a high school diploma. If you were the patient, would you let her do any of these things to you?

    Two schools in Alaska offer a Medical Assistant program; there are 830 Medical Assistants in Alaska, average pay, a little over $16./hour. There is also an on-line program. If I'm having stitches taken out, I am definitely going to want the on-line student!

    I agree with anon 5:37; Bristol's story is a crock! If she has live in help (Track's girl friend, really), let the kid sleep and Britta can make breakfast for him when he gets up. Bristol gave too much information, and it is too good to be true-- meaning that it's not.

  39. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Thanks for the explanation that Harper's Bazaar is owned by Sarah's publishing house. The fawning piece on 19 year-old Bristol didn't make sense since 19 years olds who have accomplished nothing in their short lives other than getting knocked up are not usually featured in fashion spreads in upscale fashion magazines. But now it all makes sense.

  40. Anonymous8:44 PM

    First of all Bristol will not marry anybody unless she finds a man like her father, a splitting image of ReTawd, a spineless person who she and Sarah can control. Whoever marries Bristol is also marrying Sarah.

    Second, Sherry I do not know what to say to you. If you stay silent, you will not see Tripp. If you say something to anger that "F" up family, you will not see Tripp. All we can do is pray for your family.

  41. Anonymous8:48 PM

    There are a lot of young mothers finsihing school and going to college and working with little help. Bristol is as phony as her mother. Tripp is growing fast and he really needs more bonding time with Levi and his family. I still can't undersstand why he doesn't get more time with Tripp. And, Tripp is going to grow up and hate his mother for keeping his father away. Fight Levi, fight. Oh, and perfect opportunity with McGinnis in town to get advice about a book or at least contribute to his.

  42. Anonymous8:51 PM

    REPLY TO emrysa 8:16
    gryphen isn't this the article where bristol sez that her mama never told her about the birds and the bees, that she assumed bristol "wasn't doing anything?" that talk when I was 10 years old! and palin wants to prance around talking about what a great mother she is???? never telling her daughter how to NOT get pregnant??? what a fucking joke.

    Reply: I thought I read that Bristol wanted to get pregnant and tried several times? Is she confused or are we confused?

  43. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I know a woman who chose to divorce her abusive husband while she was still pregnant. That meant that she would raise her child without the father and without support. Those were the terms of getting rid of him. (He smacked her around while she was pregnant, so she just wanted out).

    Along the way, she had a boy friend and just couldn't say no. Then, she found herself raising two children, without either of their fathers and with no financial help. She worked, and her mother who was on hand to take care of the kids until mom came home from work.

    At a point when each kid reached their teens (one boy, one girl), each one wanted to know about their father (two different guys). The questions were "Why didn't you marry him?" "How could you keep him away from me?" "What was he like?" "Am I like him?" "Where is he now?" "Does he have another family?"

    The kids have internet smarts, and they have each located the father that they didn't know when they were growing up. The other thing that I could compare this to is how an adopted kid feels when he/she wonders what made the birth mother give him/her up. Did the father know? Did he care? Who were his parents.

    Today, as some adoption records are being opened (if the parties agree), it is good to have a medical history. It is good to know where to find a donor (blood, bone marrow, take your pick) if the need ever arises.

    The point of all of this is that some day Tripp will want to know about his father. No matter how high the fence is, no matter how hard the Palins try to keep secrets, some day Tripp will want to know about his father, why he was not part of his life, and what he was like. The Palins are doing Tripp a great injustice by keeping Levi away from his son. I wish that the Johnstons had someone who could argue in court on their behalf--- expressing all of the sentiments that we have been reading here. Keeping Levi away from his son is not in Tripp's best interest. One day, Tripp will want to know his father, and wonder why his mother kept him away.

  44. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I get up every morning at 4:00am, to feed my cats. I own the company where I work, so, on average, I work twelve hour days, six days a week.
    I'm not rich, although others assume so, but there hasn't been a moment in the last 37 years that I wasn't thankful to be working.
    So, stop whining you selfish c**t.

  45. Halfway between an airport and a strip joint, huh? (Dang, I wish I were clever enough to come up with an appropriate punch line.) It seems like everything about the photo shoot and article makes a mockery of Bristol in spite of the Murdoch connection (thanks, akpetmom!). Even looking pretty in the gorgeous designer duds and accessories does't come close to balancing the insufferable lying, exaggeration, stupidity and whining.

    Hang in there, Sherry. September is getting closer. Meanwhile, I hope you get some time with Tripp and I hope Levi gets to be best buds with Joe McGinniss.

  46. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Sherry, Please tell Levi to talk or do what he can, Sarah is never going to get to the White House. She's getting more & more crazy, no intelligence & no class. Fake all the way.

    Don't let her control your life anymore. Someone needs to do the right thing & take her down. Karen

  47. Anonymous11:25 PM

    That article and the photos in Harper's Bizarre are quite a head-banger. What a mish-mash of mixed messages! What the...???

    Almost makes me wonder if the staff sent with the mission of setting this up, had mischief in mind. Maybe they weren't so fond of the PAYlins and so they set up this non-sensical setting, knowing it could subvert their "message".

    I can't think of any side of the political divide where this message (rich, elite young women preparing for a TEA PARTY)could be appealing.

  48. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I know this is going to sound really weird, but beings that the whole shoot was stupid, I'm beginning to think that those HB photo people played Bristol for a sucker and had a good laugh when they were all done.
    -just sayin'

  49. Forever Anonymous11:38 PM

    Gryphen, I had ignore the article until now, there is just so much garbage too get through,I really want to ignore B.

    Sherry weighing in makes it palatable but I thought Sherry would be surprised at B assertion that her pregnancy was a shock.

    I swear to God, there must be a plan, this cannot be it.

    I'm glad Sherry asserted that her beloved grandchild should not have been on that shoot.
    I feel her pain of seeing him from afar.

    Indeed, do not give up.

  50. Sherry, thanks for weighing in on the photo shoot. You have far more people in your corner than you could possibly realize. Like you and the majority of people, I thought the photo shoot was such a contradiction in the face of all Bristol professes in her interviews. I cannot stand that she speaks badly about her son's father. As a mother who was divorced when my sons were 5 and 10 years old, I made sure never to speak badly about their father in front of them. I wish that I could say the same about his family and how they spoke about me but it did backfire especially as they grew older. When my father started to say something about my ex in front of my sons, I pulled him aside and reminded him that he is part of them forever and in criticizing him, his grandsons could possibly misconstrue it as if part of them was not acceptable. He saw the light very quickly. Although I don't think the Palins' would ever even attempt to understand this or care considering their behavior with Molly's husband and now with Levi, it is important for Tripp to know his father, paternal grandparents and the rest of the family. A child can never be shown too much love.

    I sincerely hope that Candies puts a stop to these idiotic photo shoots although it says in the article that Bristol invited them?? I don't think she's capable of thinking of such a thing on her own but we all know $arah is quick to use the press when she can. To see her parading around her new condo in tens of thousands of dollars of clothes and accessories is most definitely the wrong message to send to teens. $arah again displays her inability to understand how she and her family come across to the majority of the country but it's all about the almighty $$$$ with her and it looks as if Bristol, unfortunately, is following in her footsteps.

    I hope that as a result of this article that we'll be hearing very shortly about Levi seeking 50/50 custody of his son so your entire family will be able to spend a lot more time with him.

  51. Anonymous12:21 AM

    The Harper's article on Bristol is only superficially positive. Anyone with intelligence can see that the underlying sly message conveyed by Harper's is the hypocrisy and silliness of this girl: BP's current and past actions and these photos BELIE her words of abstinence and hardship.

    My 16 yo daughter (the presumed target audience for BP's "message") was utterly amused and disdainful of Ms. Palin in this article. She spotted immediately Harper's sly negative ( and cynical) message.

    Sure, Harper's is trying to make a buck off BP, but they also presented her exactly as she really is: a silly, small town girl out of her league, playing pretend sophisticated "dress up" (like her schlep of a mother, I might add). Superficial image juxtaposed with reality. OUCH!

  52. Anonymous4:16 AM

    While I feel the Johnstons are caring people who adore Tripp, I just can't get beyond the fact that they need to hire a tough as nails attorney. It is ridiculous that his son is kept from Levi while a girlfriend is allowed to watch the Tripp.

    I assume that Palin has so many enemies or people who can't stand their politics that there would be many attorneys willing to do this pro bono.

  53. Anonymous4:26 AM

    This is all such bullshit. During the 50 yrs I worked (and I was a young, divorced mother), neither I, nor any young mother I encountered, ever were given enough time off to pose for magazines, give "lectures" on abstinence, or any other kind of BS "work". So, who is the privileged Bristol actually working for? Herself, I'd say.

    BTW, Sherry, if someone can't get Levi visiting rights on a regular schedule, get someone who will get them. His son should not be staying with an airhead "babysitter" so Bristol can go gallivanting around being a money whore.

  54. Anonymous4:26 AM

    All this whining and wringing of hands. Sherry, Mercede: contact someone big in the MSM! Talk to Rachel Maddow. Get your story out through some other vehicle besides Gryphen's blog. Not everyone reads this! Tell what you know! Levi is not stepping up for some reason. This is ridiculous--the Palins are just people. Nasty, lying people. But they're afraid to. If you've got the goods on them and Bristol, you've got nothing to lose. If Sherry gets shuttled back off to jail THAT will be a big story. Tell someone big in the news organizations that THAT's what you expect will happen if you speak against the Palins. If you say that's what you are afraid will happen, you may effectively BLOCK that from happening, since it will be out there in the media and Palin will think twice about it.

  55. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Bristol is medical assistant like Mrs. Palin was a city manager. She "assists" in an office that does medical things, like Mrs. Palin had to hire a city manager, so that must mean SHE was the city manager too before she hired someone.

  56. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I too am wondering what the heck is up with Levi and his lawyer. Are they just letting Bristol have enough rope to hang herself?

    Has Levi found out that Tripp is not really his?
    Are they being threatened?

    He continues to let this bitch say that he is a deadbeat and not involved and I don't understand his silence. I hope he has hired a private detective to find out the truth before the next court date or I will really begin to wonder what his motivation is.

  57. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Correction: Harpers Bazaar is NOT published by Harper Collins or any Murdock enterprise.

    It is under the Hearst Media company. Hearst family is right wing however.

  58. GhostbusterTX5:19 AM

    I thought the magazine article was a hoot. It pretends to faun over Bristol and Sarah - and I can just hear the interviewer praying "just keep talking, girls!" while at the same time sliding into practically every sentence all sorts of revealing details that undermine the Palin version of reality:

    Thirty pairs of jeans in your closet, Bristol? (On your limited income, how? Or maybe more to the point - *why*?) No birds and bees talk for your daughters, Sarah? Didn't even let your mom know what you were wearing to the prom, Willow - a skirt so short it raised the eyebrows of a *fashion magazine* editor? Sure she's a busy woman, but you would think that there would be at least some curiosity and consultation about the prom dress for goodness sake.

    Nope, those east coast librul elitist magazine folks had the last laugh on this one. And, as they took pains to point out, it was Bristol who contacted them. Classic!

  59. Anonymous5:33 AM


    Could you please answer a simple question the next time you do a posting.

    Is Levi, or any other member of the Johnston family, under any type of confidentiality agreement with the Palin family?

  60. Anonymous6:37 AM

    One thing I did not see in this photo shoot was a birthday party for a little boy. A pattern emerges for I recall a similar staged party in the Palin's kitchen with Bristol dressed and hair coiffed sticking out like a sore thumb. Wow, never occurred to me or my friends to cash on on a child' birthday telling what a mistake, hardship, burden the child is who took away my life..led me to be deprived of having a friend or going to even a hockey game.

    Disgust aside at the BS, that Candies Foundation sure picked the wrong spokesperson! Bristol has earned and deserves to be the poster gal for pathalogical liars. Reasonably next time in court by her own words nothing she says is to be believed about herself or anyone else.

    I enjoy fashion mags. I can't recall seeing photos of parent(s) and children with a child dressed so rough and ready in contrast to the parents especially presented as an invite to the child's birthday party.

    Sherry, when you get to see Tripp, give him a do over...he gets attention and is celebrated he was born versus a f'in hardship, imposition who actually and conveniently was an opportunity to cash in. The Palin's won't ever see themselves nor what they do, use offspring either.

  61. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Bristol has thirty pairs of jeans because she needs them. There's the "not pregnant" jeans. Then there's the "three to four months pregnant, still deciding whether or not I'll keep the baby" jeans. (Think: Green sweater photo 2006.) Then there's the "OMIGOD I'm gonna have to tell mom, shit" five months along jeans. Then there's the "Time to make a speech for the Candie's foundation about abstinence" six months along jeans. Etc.

  62. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Gah...It's always someone's birthday in Palin-Land...These people, such fakes...

    Also, I liked how Bristol Palin was the one who contacted the reporter. You guys caught that, right? She's all Greta Garbo and wants to protect her privacy..but she called a reporter at Harper's to set up an interview...

  63. Anonymous9:30 AM

    This post reads like a mash-up of Jerry Springer, Doonsbury, Nat'l Enquirer, Ann Landers, Beverly Hillbillies, Desperate Housewives, and Judge Judy.

  64. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Gryphen, would Sherry agree to send this comment to HB? I am positive that they would publish it.

    Honestly, Bristol is a joke and she is too dumb to realize this. What teenage girl would listen to this bunch of crap?

  65. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Sherry, It's me again & I'm glad that many others have voiced opinions to you. It concerns me with Tripp, as it must you, how good of a mother Bristol really is. Her own example of a mother was poor, plus she is so young for that much responsibility.

    And the magazine article is absolutely revolting! Why Bristol doesn't jump at the chance for your family to provide help with childcare, is a mystery to me. And don't look down upon yourself, for having gotten arrested, no one is perfect & we all make mistakes. So try to keep fighting & encourage Levi, Karen

  66. Anonymous5:11 PM

    mine is a different take on this whole story. anyone familiar with vanity fair magazine will notice that they have not lost their touch at being slyly evil. these photos represent a true composite of most of the character traits of the palins: gluttony, greed, child neglect, desperation, pretense, inappropriateness of apparel, and all for (and here's the ultimate bit of ridicule) a totally unattended TEA PARTY. and the interview just exposes that wrongheaded palin way of thinking.

  67. Lorraine7:31 AM

    Sherry, Thank you for the thoughtful views on this most atrocious magazine article. How devastating to see your grandson displayed like that. I am sickened and feel for you. In the past I did enjoy Harper's at times for their photography and stylistic endeavors. I have no words for what happened to them. I am stunned and hope that more is brought out about what this sham is about.

    It will be a relief to one day get to have both sides of the Bristol and Levi love affair from those close to the former couple.

    "Fox News commentator Dick Morris, formerly a political strategist for President Bill Clinton, commented that McCain's decision to welcome Johnston to the stage was a good move, because it would help McCain show "a nonjudgmental attitude and a tolerant, ecumenical side," while still sending the message that unwed teens who become pregnant should marry." Dick sucks toes and who knows what. Those people do not care about the message they send to unwed teens who become pregnant, they cared about how McCain looked. It is the same today.

    Rebecca Traister of, opined that the interview revealed that "Bristol and Levi's breakup had much less to do with Bristol and Levi than it had to do with the girl-girl dynamics of the ruptured friendship between Bristol and Mercede."
    In a September 2009 Vanity Fair interview, Johnston alleged that Sarah Palin initially wanted the couple to keep Bristol's pregnancy a secret and offered to adopt the baby and raise him as her own. The young couple, however, rejected the plan.
    Johnston is currently "working on a memoir that would air the true story of the Palin household"

    I don't know if a Levi memoir is still in the works. It would be invaluable for all concerned to have their say and give free range to truth. The best to the Johnston family and may you all stay strong and open.

  68. Correction of my post: I misunderstood Bristol invited Harper's for Tripp's birthday. I correct it was for Trigg's birthday. My opinion still stands that celebrity and cashing in on a child's birthday inviting journalists, camera crews for staged cozy family gatherings is not a celebration of the child.

    I can appreciate that instant celebrity and public interest as news that it is fair to be compensated for the publication will profit. What I find disingenious, discrediting, unethical and immoral is to make false claims lying by ommission and misleading people Bristol lives on a pittence and struggles to provide diapers and formula.

    Nor is it appropriate but cruel to discount to negate reality that Levi paid back and current child support. I agree the Palins are of the ilk "do as I say, not as I do". Furthermore if anyone does what they do (give an interview) he will be demonized and villified.

    I have empathy for Bristol and Levi thrust before the public as unwed teens. Sadly, Bristol felt humiliated and that only the press is accountable, not her mother or her father for their agreement to subject her to what she claims was humiliation at the time. There is an apparent disconnect from reality that Sarah's run provided only the jets, new wardrobe, room service i.e all the good and others are guilty of all the bad, negativity and subjugation of humiliation. Her parents chose and encouraged her disregarding her emotionally and neglecting she and Levi needed their education, privacy and prepare for realities of parenting.

    Bristol is denying the long term harm of Tripp going public what a awful mistake he is. Just ask anyone who's parent repeatedly told them they weren't wanted, a mistake and insinuate the child ruined their life..if it weren't for you blah blah. She'll blame the media for damages like her mom no doubt.


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