Wednesday, June 02, 2010

According to Bill "O'Reilly renting a house next door to Sarah Palin, while writing a book about her, is "immoral". Just let THAT one roll around in your brain for a minute.

Well fortunately the supposed voice of reason, Bernie Golberg, explains to Billo that it is not "immoral", it is just "wrong".  Yeah because THAT makes so much more sense.

I would not be so presumptuous as to suggest how Mr. McGinniss feels about his new neighbor but, based on what he has written and said, I do not get the feeling that he "adamantly dislikes" Sarah Palin.  And if Sarah Palin feels uncomfortable being "fifteen feet away" from somebody who "adamantly dislikes" her than my advice to her is not to leave her house. From what I have gleaned there are many, many people in Wasilla, and other places in the country even, who "adamantly dislike" this woman. 

And just to address O'Reilly's claim that Palin should call the police, believe me the police, and the FBI, have been notified. And trust me it is not Sarah Palin that the local Wasilla police are beefing up patrols to protect.


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Even O'Reilly is not this stupid. Palin's power at Fox is still bigger than O'Reilly's so he's toeing the line. Bet it thrashes his guts.

  2. So it never, ever, ever occurred to Sarah that someone who didn't want to kiss her butt might move into the vacant house next door?

  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Joe is on a mission to find ruffles. How can this be wrong?

    He needs to post fliers in the neighborhood with ruffles picture.

  4. billo the pervo? billo who sends his staff to stalk folks on his hit list? fuck it. we'll do it live!

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    It is too bad that the Journalism Major forgot that a good reporter goes to the location in order to describe the background of the subject.
    In Literature it is called local color or regionalism, and the setting can be as important as any character in the story. Sarah: Did you already forget Journalism 101: Who What Where When Why? The second word is WHERE.

    Truman Capote and Harper Lee traveled to Kansas to write "In Cold Blood." (Note to Sarah: Since you took Journalism instead of Literature: Truman Capote: "Breakfast at Tiffany's" Harper Lee: "To Kill a Mockingbird.")

    Many famous American authors are known for their use of local color: Mark Twain, Jack London, John Steinbeck, Wallace Stegner, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Sinclair Lewis, Steven King, Robert Frost. This is just the beginning; there are so many more.

    In fact, may I recommend that Sarah read some of these American authors who impart a sense of place in their writing. Reading some of the greats of American Literature may actually improve Sarah's literary skills, with another book coming out. (Note to Sarah: If you are going to write about meaningful American lives, it might be nice to know where the person lives and how it affects them. For example, a fisherman in Louisiana can no longer support his family because of an oil spill in the Gulf.)

    Last note to Sarah: Sit down, shut up and start reading.

  6. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I switched to faux last night just to see what they would say about this. For a second I though for once Billo was actually going to make sense. Ah I am such a dreamer.

  7. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Did the Today show do any sort of follow up today?

  8. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Joe's book could be called "The Audacity of being a Neighbor"

  9. I have read almost all of McGuiness's books... He always does this.

    When he wrote "Fatal Vision" he literally moved in with Jeffery McDonald and started off thinking the man was innocent. By the time he had lived with him and followed him for a while he changed his mind. He then moved out and stayed somewhere else. It was obvious from the book when he started having doubts about McDonald's innocence.. and when it was finished Joe was convinced he was guilty as sin.

    That's how good author's operate. This would never have even been a story if it wasn't for Palin... and some members of the media are allowing her to spew her nonsense to everyone.

    I just wish the media would start ignoring her... She would soon fade away... Others have said this and I agree 150%, without the media she would be history... She is a media creation and that's it.

    Gryphen you do good work.... and I appreciate your reporting.. but if it was only you and the others in AK who blog about her only... she would go away.

  10. If Sarah doesn't feel comfortable living next door to someone who adamently dislikes her, then maybe she shouldn't ever run for President of the United States. She'd be living close to quite a few people who do not like her. People who may not like her, taking tours through "her" White House. All those journalists writing uncomplimentary things about her. Yup, I think she better stay in her compound behind that fence.

  11. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Ask Andrea Makris just how "moral" O'Leilly is.

    So tired of the hypocrites...including, but not limited to, $P herself.

  12. Anonymous9:26 AM

    This weeks activities on Lake Lucille ought to be good for one chapter of this future best seller. Thanks Sarah!

  13. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I've had many many neighbors over the years that made me uncomfortable. I didn't have the ability to choose who could live next door or across the street. One time my husband called the sheriff's department because a teen-aged punk was shooting a shotgun in his yard in city limits with children outside. Fortunately nobody knew he had reported it because the sheriff's car came with no sirens, and caught him red-handed. He lived across the street until he moved from his parent's home.

    In this case -- If the Palin's had nothing to hide, there would be no problem -- would there????? What could Joe say that hasn't been said already?

  14. What about a blackout on Palin? Maybe for a week or two? What if all progressive blogs and news sites just bit their collective tongues for a short while?

    I think Mrs. Palin would explode. Might be worth an experiment.

  15. WakeUpAmerica10:20 AM

    OT, Gryphen, what's up with Levi these days? Why is there no news? Is everything ok with him?

  16. Forever Anonymous10:49 AM

    "...based on what he has written and said, I do not get the feeling that he "adamantly dislikes" Sarah Palin."

    That's my worry. He may get into a trap by not adamantly disliking her.

    Hopefully, if enough people respond to Joe's call and talk to him, he'll be aware to run the opposite direction if she approaches with Piper in tow.

    I think it was great that he got to say on air:
    " I'm here to talk to people".

  17. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Perhaps she'd like to move to some remote spot in Antarctica? I doubt she'd have many neighbors then. Put me down as a resident of Wasilla that finds her behavior disgusting. She demonstrates the truth of the axiom "Familiarity breeds contempt."

  18. Enjay in E MT12:01 PM

    Why are "they" projecting the book is going to be disparaging? Most of the McGinnis books I've read were well researched, informative and FAIR! My understanding, it's about her phenomenal rise as a political star in 2008.
    (And political meltdown in 2009 and personal breakdown in 2010)

    Suppose it's that lying thing? The former half term gov. lies about everything - so therefore everyone else must too.

    Bet SP is glad she has that tanning bed, don't want to think about her cowering in the basement (OMG like a pj clad basement dwelling blogger) never leaving her house, like an AGORAPHOBIA, wasting away ..... far far away.....

  19. Moon, tours of the White House would probably come to an abrupt halt -- or there would be a pricey fee for the tour (it's free now) plus a surcharge for an autographic 8x10 glossy of Queen Sarah.

  20. Anonymous12:29 PM

    So, when O'Reilly interviews Palin, face to face, that must be oral sex?

  21. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Glad I can always turn to Fox and O'Reilly when I need to fine-tune my morals.

  22. Anonymous4:40 AM

    A gated community would be appropriate for someone of her celebrity but I'm not sure if Wasilla has that type of neighborhood. It looks like anyone could rent a row boat and watch a former veep candidate mow her own lawn!

  23. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Does Wasilla have gated communities?

  24. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Sorry for the double. We're retarded in Holland.

  25. Randall8:01 AM

    One of $arah's favorite memes is "get in there and ruffle some feathers..."

    And now her feathers are being ruffled.
    Oh, the irony.

    As far as O'Reilly goes; Andrea Mackris.
    Every time O'Reilly starts spouting off about morals the first response should be:
    Andrea Mackris.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.