Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Seriously, has Sarah Palin been drinking?

I believe this was overheard from a semi-conscious half term governor wrapped around the bottom of a barstool in a honky-tonk located somewhere on Twitter:

Extreme Greenies:see now why we push"drill,baby,drill"of known reserves&promising finds in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?

You know I was going to take a break from Sarah posts for at least the rest of the day, but what the hell?

Is Palin really attempting to blame the horrible oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on environmentalists?  So she actually believes it is the fault of those who advocate for wind, solar, and hydro power?  Those bastards!

That is just insane!  But hey, at least we KNOW she wrote it!

Update:  By the way does anybody remember this Palin quote from the Vice Presidential debate?

Barack Obama and Senator Biden, you've said no to everything in trying to find a domestic solution to the energy crisis that we're in. You even called drilling -- safe, environmentally-friendly drilling offshore as raping the outer continental shelf.

"Uh Ms. Palin? I have Hyposcrisy holding for you on line two.  Should I just take a message?"


  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Now? Now do you get it?

    What happened? What did I miss? Oil still spewing and hitting Alabama & Mississipi now (!) also, too.

    She's whack.

  2. I need a translator for that strange language she tweets in.

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Once again, I will advocate thinking instead of knee jerking.

    The reason BP is having so much trouble plugging the leak is because it is in 5,000 feet of water. Environmentalists opposed drilling at ANWR where stopping a similar leak would be accomplished in hours.

    So why was the Deep Horizon well in 5,000 feet? Because environmentalists didn't want wells in shallower depths because they were worried about oil spills fouling their beaches.

  4. Is she admitting that offshore isn't safe? Didn't she recently slam Obama with Stall, Baby, Stall because she said we didn't need any more studies and should just start drilling offshore?

    It's all so confusing but I'm glad she continues to speak out because she is an expert on eVerYThing. And, hell, yeah...let's fuck up ANWR, too. Also, too, John McCain will enjoy being called an 'Extreme Greenie".

  5. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Yes, we need more alternative energy so we can have electric cars, they'll work great in Alaska. For a preview, take a flashlight and throw it in a freezer.

  6. What more can she say about BP's worst disaster of modern times. Earth shattering, we will never be the same to lose an important coastal area like that for years. Many things will not return. A fishing industry is gravely damaged. See how she cares? She is going off to film her own fishing show. Where from a distance she will appear sympathetic towards Louisiana fish pickers and spin memories of the Exxon-Valdez spill, she and Todd were so special. She can't mention BP too much, all of Todd's years with BP are a fog. The oil spill is due to BP's careless and reckless disregard for humanity and the ocean. Their toxic work environment spreads more killer chemicals, greedy corporate types.

    Joe McGinniss hit a nerve and she can always use a distraction.

    The "friends" on Mercede's facebook talk about Bristol like they are on her public relation team. They want to suppress Mercede and control her spontaneity.

  7. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Holy word salad!! She's a piece of work... or, more accurately, a piece of s***!!

  8. Anonymous2:41 AM

    I don't recall her being against offshore drilling. She acts like she was some prescient Cassandra who knew disaster lay ahead. In reality, she wanted ANWR and offshore drilling. But let's direct blame away from righties and BP, hey?

  9. Anonymous3:34 AM

    She's such a copy-cat. Rush put the blame on the Sierra Club last week.

  10. Anonymous4:00 AM

    What about the one just before that?

    "C'mon., Extreme Greenies-who-lock-up-our-lands"

    What the hell, Sarah? You MUST be wasted.
    YO -- TODDERS!! Ya, I'm talkin' to you, studmuffin'; hubbys don't let wivies TWI!!!

  11. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I recall "drill baby, drill" was a chant for offshore drilling and declarations dismissing doing so will not harm the environment.

    History is rewritten or tweeted to the opposite again.

  12. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Insane? Your questioning that? Of course she's insane. Totally loco, out of touch, nutz!

  13. mocha4:24 AM

    That is an obvious "drunk tweet". So was the "Jindal, build that berm" tweet that was taken down. Either that or she has so little restraint, she releases her frustration about McGinniss and NBC and Obama won't engage with her by twittering, thinking she can take it back. Doesn't this tell us that she probably explodes into little tirades like this at home every time she's met with any frustration? Not fit to lead in any capacity, elected or otherwise. I hope these tweets and her juvenile " NBC won't do what I tell them" FB are evidence she is coming unglued. It can't happen any too soon.

  14. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Is that what she was attempting to say? I don't understand her at all, so congratulations if you can even get her intent out of that! I'm sure that would be her intent, if she were able to tweet in a known language.

  15. Anonymous4:43 AM

    You want coal? We own the mines. You want oil and gas? We own the wells. You want nuclear energy? We own the uranium. You want solar or wind power? We own the... er... ah... solar and wind isn't feasible.

  16. Anonymous5:02 AM

    There is a point to be made that moving undesirable people to the figurative equivalent of the moon rather than let them live on the same block as you is not exactly prudent either. Do you really think this would still be going on a month later if it the well weren't a mile deep?

  17. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Palin's rant of Drill Baby Drill did NOT advocate drilling in shallow water only. Her chant was Drill Baby Drill. Her team of paid consultants is trying to back track her statements and separate her from this disaster. Even after the spill, she was chanting Drill here...drill now.

    Let's go back and listen to her statements. Palin was NOT anti-deep water drilling. She was all for drilling anywhere......Drill Baby Drill....Drill here Drill NOW.

  18. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Wow, sure are letting a lot of trolls in. Kill 'em gryphen -no gun required, just the delete button. Let them blather their BS over at crazy packers.

  19. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I am awfully sorry, Gryphen, but you just can't take a break from this mission until the full truth is exposed. I can imagine how badly you want to clear your head of all things Palin. but if you let up, she'll get away with her garbage. Keep the pressure up! You're doing great!

  20. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Yet, Palin doesn't want an "undesirable" journalist on her block.

    The point is, Palin never suggested that her Drill Baby Drill rant was for shallow water drilling only. She was never against deep water drilling until a month after this disaster.

    Even after this crisis started, Palin was still chanting Drill Here Drill Now with zero distinction between shallow and deep water drilling.

  21. Another mindless meme from Limbaugh. Yeah, BP's record in Alaska sure makes drilling in ANWR look like a smart move, doesn't it? For surely they wouldn't be the same environmentally reckless bottom-feeders in a wildlife refuge that they have been in other pristine places, like say, Prince William Sound.
    Anon @ 11:21 -- That's what you've got to oppose electric cars - they won't work in Alaska? Since you apparently don't get out much, I'll point out that the word we use in the L48 to describe towns with populations equal to the entire population of Alaska is Quaint.

  22. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Oh, now I get it, God created this massive oil soilin of the Gulf so that he could open the door for Sarah to plow through to promote on land ANWR drilling.

  23. mocha5:58 AM

    Who are you trying to kid? The reason companies are attempting to drill in deeper and deeper water is because much of the oil in shallower water, which is easier and cheaper to drill, has already been "harvested". There are hundreds of shallow water drilling rigs operating right now in the Gulf of Mexico. BP and others are looking for richer veins further out.

  24. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I agree with 5:10, Gryphen. Lots of trolls giving lip service to Her Stupidity.

    I am so proud of what President Obama is doing this morning. I think he finally got that BP was nothing but BS. I am listening to a press conference listing all the things the government is doing in conjunction with universities, independent scientists and environmentalists.

    When people say he took too long to get involved, that's not true. However, he was deferring to BP as it was supposed to be the expert, employing a variety of experts. President Obama cannot win for losing with some people. First, he's a socialist, then he's relying too much on private industry, and now - well, now, I think he has found his own direction and is going to go after BP on the legal front while allowing our own citizens and the government to busy solving this problem. I am finally hopeful.

  25. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I just read her Twitter feed for the first time and as poorly as I think of her, it shocked me. The flippancy, the manipulation and the utter disrespect for the president went beyond what even I thought she was capable of. Truly an ugly human being. The only comfort is that she has no boundaries and will ultimately go too far for even those who tolerate her. Hopefully that will happen before too much more damage is done.

  26. I ate an Extreme Greenie once. It made me sick.

  27. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Bet she didn't even know before this that there different kinds of ocean drilling and that we have exhausted the shallow water areas or no one would try to drill so deep.

  28. Anonymous6:09 AM

    The Ixtoc oil gusher lasted 8+months. It was in only 160 feet of water. So shallow water drilling does not mean a gusher can be contained quickly.

    The current gusher is in about 1 mile of water. The "plumes" of crude oil are being denied by BP. But scientists are saying the "plumes" are there. It seems that the current spill cleanup technology is not addressing the added problems caused by the gusher being a mile under water.


    Ixtoc I was an exploratory oil well being drilled by the semi-submersible platform Sedco 135F in the Bay of Campeche of the Gulf of Mexico, about 100 km (62 mi) northwest of Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche in waters 50 m (160 ft) deep.[1] On 3 June 1979, the well suffered a blowout resulting in the third largest oil spill and the second largest accidental spill in history.[

  29. Ratfish6:19 AM

    Palin advocated offshore drilling before it became unfashionable. In a debate with Biden, she said, ""You even called drilling – safe, environmentally-friendly drilling offshore – as raping the outer continental shelf. There.... it is safe to drill and we need to do more of that."

    She did not say to stop deep drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Just like the Bridge to Nowhere, she was for it before she was against it.

  30. Anonymous6:24 AM

    The more I read about governmental secrets and conspiracies and ties to horrible regimes, the more I believe Sarah Palin should stay in the political spotlight. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! My head just exploded at that thought even though she wouls be considered sane and balanced in comparison. We have an effed up history and government

  31. laprofesora6:39 AM

    Does she have any clue that the majority of Americans who are even aware of her are laughing in her face? Not to mention the rest of the world...

  32. mommom7:16 AM

    PAYlin trolls stupidly think the drilling in deep water is so they can go a mile down,drill a well,then use sideways drilling technology to reach the oil miles away in shallow water? Do they have any reasoning skills at all?Or do they just type drunk?

    The deep water wells are to reach the rich oil deposits where they are,stoopids!!
    Just wait until a spill happens with the latest huge find off the coast of Brazil, it will make this one look like a quart of oil poured overboard. Electric cars dont work in Alaska you say? What exactly do you think your grandchildren will ride around in one day? You do know that oil is a non-renewable resource? It will run out,in your grandchildrens or their childrens lifetime.Before it runs out,the world will suffer the effects of only the rich having oil,if we dont find a way to make it work.Clueless reactionaries with no foresight like Mrs PAYlin and her followers dont care,as long as they get theirs now.A lot of the rest of us do care.We see that now is the time to find the means to replace oil,not after the world has gone dark.Imagine a world without oil and its products,use some intelligence and research what effects that will have on your childrens children.Then look at selfish little Mrs PAYlin and how she could care less about the future of our country and its people.Right now we here in Louisiana can see her selfish hypocrisy for what it is.

  33. Anonymous7:36 AM

    She's going from dumb to dumber, perfect puppet material. It took a month to come up with this lame, half-baked twist on off-shore drilling? Yeah, those environmentalists are real bad people, only looking out for the common good. It's no surprise that she's found her niche with FOX.

  34. Anonymous7:48 AM

    What a mean tone she conveys.... what's with the "now you get it?"? Nice way to encourage dialog on an important topic. Just the kind of person we DON'T need in leadership roles. True colors are hard to cover and hers are bleeding right through. And they are also reflected in the people she "pals around with".

  35. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I think she just repeated what Rush Limbaugh has said. Blame the "environmental extremists".

  36. emrysa9:02 AM

    well now she can't advocate for offshore drilling anymore.

    way to paint yourself into a corner, sarah! lol

  37. emrysa9:11 AM

    wow, that tweet is so presidential! lmao couldn't you just see obama talking to his detractors that way?

    grow the fuck up, sarah!

  38. Anonymous9:26 AM

    The flaw in this President is that he doesn't Grandstand. We kill Bin Laden's director of Afghan ops, he does not call in the press. He is WORKING, Mrs. Todd Palin, no time for Bridezilla on TV, no time to tweet, he is doing his job with NO HELP from ANY REPUBLICAN. They don't care about the country, they only care about taking down the black usurper.

  39. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Remember the last scene in the once-banned 1930s classic horror film "Freaks"?


    Check out the clip at 1:40 and see if it doesn't remind you of someone... (think 'tweet' )

  40. Anonymous10:58 PM

    We kill Bin Laden's director of Afghan ops, he does not call in the press. He is WORKING


    He's on vacation. He was so concerned about the Gulf, he took a trip down there to get an in-depth view and was on site for a whopping 3 hours

  41. Anonymous8:38 PM

    The whole Palin white trash hill billy clan are retards. Yes I said it "F-N" RETARDS


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.