Sunday, October 31, 2010

Just a quick update.

I am on the last leg of my flight home.

I have been away from my computer since early this morning which is why there have only been relatively few posts. However when I get home I will get right back to it and address the crazy Palin name-calling of CBS and also post a link to my BBC interview for those who are interested.

Until then have a Happy Halloween!


  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Happy trails.

  2. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Gryphen, Safe travels and we look forward to you catching up. A lot is going on in your backyard.

  3. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Can't wait to see the BBC interview!

  4. Anonymous8:36 PM

    safe journey, Gryphen

  5. Imagine doing that last leg in labor. :)

  6. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Welcome Home Gryph!!

  7. You'll probably won't see this message until you get home - so Welcome Back! :)

  8. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Thanks for posting, safe home!

  9. Ma Olsen9:46 PM

    Have a safe journey. We are eager to read your next posts.

    OT/ Is this the mountain that Sarah Palin, AIP, is climbing in the current TLC promo?

    What was it?

    This might actually be serious and what is behind much of the insanity and problems in Alaska's celebrity family.

  10. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Can't wait to hear what you have to report! Sleep well and welcome back home.

  11. I hope your flight isn't diverted because of a pregnant passenger leaking amniotic fluid. Oh, wait. That would make a great post!

    Seriously, I hope you loved your time in DC but there's 'no place like home'.

  12. Welcome home - Get some sleep and rest too, we can wait. Looking forward to your updates.

  13. dancingthroughlife2:03 AM

    Hope you're home safe and sound!

    Just wanted to share the irony of my Daily Bible Verse this morning (yes, I'm one of those non-Republican Christians, the kind the right claims doesn't exist- I try to follow Jesus instead of Glenn, Rush or Sarah):

    Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
    1 John 4:1 (NIV)

    Hmmm... nice verse for the day before the midterm elections, huh?

  14. 10catsinMD2:25 AM

    Hope you had a great visit and enjoyed the warmth - in many different ways.

  15. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Gryphen, I just got back from the rally myself. Would have loved to have seen you and thanked you in person for all that you do. But as you know (and is SO underreported), the crowd was wall to wall packed on the mall.

    It was a fabulous experience, and I met really nice people from all over. Have a safe trip back and I too will look forward to your next post. Things are getting CRAZY up there. Palin sounds like she's about to be committed to the nut house soon.

    I always think, "she's really done it THIS time," but she somehow manages to get away with it again, and even top it. When I got back last night and saw her latest bat-shit crazy comment about CBS, I said she's REALLY done it this time; I think even Chris Wallace was surprised, and that's saying a lot. It's time for her to go. I am so sick of her.

    and what was with her wearing a hoodie for a political rally? She is so f'd up!

  16. Heard you on the BBC this morning!

  17. GrainneKathleen4:17 AM

    a safe return, and boo!

  18. sewnup4:43 AM

    Welcome back. Better take a good nap first; there's lots to cover!

    And despite the fact that you weren't around to hassle her, poor Scarah had yet another bad day, so she can quit blaming you....CBS had a statement about her yap in which they announced to the world that it wasn't a CBS station at all and that they had no culpability which of course Queen Scarah never likes to hear. And also yesterday, Reagan's financial advisor was interviewed (also on CBS) and he was quite firm that he thinks the Republicans are on the wrong path re the tax/no tax stand they've taken. He even admitted he's ashamed of the Republicans and the mess they are making. And on top of that, her little Joey Baby is on the losing end of the stick....poor Scarah.

    So be ready, everybody; she'll be out for blood all week. Poor thing; what a hard life she lives, all these people against her.

  19. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Welcome've been missed.

  20. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Hey can you ask your friend Mercede when she's gonna put up her next post? I'm not a patient person!!

  21. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Nice surprise to hear you on BBC radio this morning! Driving in Chicago thinking "this story is way too shallow and uncritical for the Beeb," and next thinking, "I know who that is"!

  22. I was at the rally to Gryphen and it was amazing. I was interviewed by a Norwegian Journalist and cameraman and as I was heading into the crowd. And OMG what a crowd it was!!! Absolutely beautiful representation of the country- all ages, colors, and faiths. Even when we were packed liked sardines, everyone behaved kindly and I didn't meet an angry grouch the entire time.
    I'm proud to have been there and my pride in our country has been uplifted in a way that I believe has changed me for the better.


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