Friday, October 29, 2010

Kentucky Democrats turn up the heat on Rand Paul.

Yes, I think it is past time that we used the Teabagger's use of violent imagery and threats of violence against them.

In fact somebody needs to make a similar commercial pointing out the violence used by Joe Miller. Don't you think?


  1. Anonymous4:59 AM

    That was actually hard to watch and a view of what is to come if the likes of Rand, Miller and Angle. You can hear one of his supporters saying, "No, No, No, No, No, Come On!"

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I would really really like a real, honest, respected, wide-reaching journalist (yeah no names appear in my mind either) who is willing to sit down with Pres Obama and really discuss what his motives, foundations, and own fears are. beginning with his role models, his education , and really delving into where he TRULY wants to see America go.

    I can dream but Lib networks will never allow this to happen and Obama would NEVER agree to this without prepared statements as usual. HACK

    This is why the future of politics is daunting

  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    What's most poetic justice about this is: those Paul supporters gave MoveOn the biggest payout in their preventing her from getting her lame award photo-op with Ron.

    Plus, they also helped illustrate what their movement is all about. Stomping on our Freedom Loving asses.

  4. Anonymous6:16 AM

    That supporter that was saying NO NO NO NO, Come on?

    He should have been pushing that guy off her.

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Anon @ 5:53

    This America today really scares you? You really are unhappy with your life and the State of the Union that much?

    I'd hate to see what your ideal America looks like. You are a frightening, terrifying human being. And an Ugly American.

    p.s. When Ron, Sharon and Sarah do what you want Obama to do, it will be a cold day in Hell. Is that the nirvana you seek?

  6. laprofesora6:53 AM


    Obama would NEVER agree to this without prepared statements as usual.

    Apparently the future of politics is daunting to you because you choose not to see reality. Obama has done what you request countless times, but when you have your head stuck in the sand (or in front of Faux "news") it's difficult to see the real world. Go back and find the video of him addressing the Republican caucus, which was completely off the cuff, no prepared statements, and then let's see who you call a "hack". Or is that too much reality for you?

  7. Anonymous8:36 AM

    That video made me sick. I am a republican and find that these tea party candidates seem to be mentally unhinged (look at our great selection) . I am here to say that if that was my daughter that got her head stomped on by a hillbilly red-neck teabagger I would hunt him down and kill him. YOU BETCHA!

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Hey, you have to be 18 or older to view this on you-tube

  9. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Would someone please explain to me why no ASSAULT CHARGES were filed?
    I don't get it.


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