Friday, October 01, 2010

Now we know how Joe Miller earned Sarah Palin's endorsement. He tried to block the "Troopergate" investigation!

From the Alaska Dispatch:

Miller's jump into the Troopergate fray came on Sept. 16, 2008, when he filed suit in Fairbanks to stop an investigation already set in motion by the state's Legislative Council. Miller sued on behalf of five Alaskans from the Fairbanks and North Pole communities who wished to "secure their rights as taxpayers and citizens of the State of Alaska to be free from unauthorized, wasteful, and unlawful government spending," according to the opening sentence of Miller's complaint.

Miller argued that another government entity -- the state Personnel Board -- was the appropriate jurisdiction to pursue claims about ethics problems within the executive branch. Allowing the Legislative Council to investigate opened the process to unfair political influences, he said. With a Democratic senator leading the charge and hinting the outcome wouldn't be good for Palin, the process lacked integrity and fairness, Miller argued.

Two years later, Miller's loyalty to Palin and his emergence as a constitutional purist vying for office would be rewarded with her high-profile endorsement of his effort to dislodge Sen. Lisa Murkowski from the U.S. Senate. Miller's race reverberates with Palin's efforts nationwide to change the face of Washington, but it is also deeply personal, happening on home turf and adding the latest chapter to a public feud years in the making. Murkowski's father, former Sen. Frank Murkowski, appointed his daughter to the seat over Palin and other candidates when he vacated the position to become Alaska's governor. Palin would go on to defeat the elder Murkowski in 2006, but her near miss on the Senate appointment stuck with her enough that she wrote about the lost opportunity in her memoir, "Going Rogue."

And THAT ladies and gentlemen is how Joe Miller became Sarah Palin's "butt-boy."

And now he is trying to become her voice in Washington by winning the seat that she felt was stolen from her when Frank Murkowski appointed his daughter instead of Sarah.

In the end EVERYTHING gets boiled down to Sarah Palin's middle school mean girl attitude toward those she feels have wronged her in the past, and her desire to use her influence and power to punish them for daring to deny her what she believed was the destiny that God had laid out for her.

Pay back is a bitch, and now she is attempting to get control of Alaska once again.

Please click the link at the top to read the entire article as written by Alaska Dispatch journalist Jill Burke. And when you are finished perhaps you would like to throw a wrench in Sarah Palin's master plan by making a donation to Scott McAdams.


  1. Anonymous7:31 AM


  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Miller and Palin- so busy doing God's work that you just can't help wanting to give them some of your money!

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Back to Twittergate...

    McAdams (or whoever writes the tweets at @McAdamsforAK) posted this on Twitter: “While you’re in DC picking out office furniture, I’m in Anchorage introducing my plan to get Alaskans back to work.”

  4. I guess what gets me with this guy and some others, they don't see any wrong doing in their actions.

    As much shit that is coming up on Joe Blow you'd think he would feel ashamed, but hell I think it is making him more arrogant.

    Here in Ga. one of the crooks we have that is running for Gov. has these same types of information coming out almost daily. About the same story as Alaska, blogger digging find dirt then the media jumps on the worm to take it away.
    It is a shame but at least he is being exposed before elections.

    I am afraid for both states that no matter how much is exposed it will not make a difference.

  5. MissHarleyQuinn7:54 AM

    Every time I see this photograph of those 3 smiling, I think the blond (who I know is Mr. Miller's spouse) is a pciture vulture. It's as if she's not even there to Mr.Miller and his cumad.

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    The other woman in the picture is probably the only other woman that I have ever seen whose hair is looks worse the Paylins! Waht is with those ringlets????

    My nane is not Carly ...

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Another reason to write-in Lisa Murkowski for US Senate (and don't forget to fill in the oval)!

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Peter Rouse - Obama's new Chief of Staff - seems to me that this guy is more then just some guy that lived in Juneau for a time:

    No wonder Paylin is freaking out.

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    OK Fellow Bloggers!
    I know you've prob heard about this - but it's time WE let Rick Sanchez KNOW EXACTLY HOW WE FEEL!
    Let's bombard him with complaints. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY puts down Jon Stewart and gets away with it!!
    (and to think I used to like this guy. NO MORE!)

    Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart A 'Bigot,' Jews Run CNN & All Media


  10. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Just imagine if this bitch Sarah became POTUS or VPOTUS? There would be a lot of people in the 99654 Wasilla area code and 99687 Wasilla area code runnin' to the junkyards buying wheels for their wheelless homes and headin' to Washington DC for their new positions. Their thoughts are if Sarah wins, everybody who got their GED's from Wasilla High Wins!

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    You have to wonder how inept Lisa's campaign people were for not digging this crap out BEFORE the election. Same with Castle's people. DO these big name politicians not hire competent "ferrets" to dig thoroughly through the dirt in everyone's past? I do this stuff all the time and if I can find out the crap wth is wrong with those PAID to do it????

  12. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Not only "Troopergate"; include another "Babygate"! Track looks more like Joe Miller then his so-called-dad -- Taaaawdy-boy...
    Just saying

  13. Anonymous10:08 AM
    is the english synopsis of a play "The Visit" originally Durrenmatt's "Der Besuch der Alten Dame"

    It is so Sarah, a fictional female grizzly. That being a very apt term for what the lead character in the play has become and what Sarah now aptly calls herself since that is what she is becoming real life Durrenmatt "Alten Dame."

  14. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Gryphen, did you see this?
    Apparently, the "Go away, media," line doesn't work as well for papa grizzlies. Or maybe the media are finally starting to fight back.

  15. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I so hope, that should Palin run for national office again, that they go after her record (cover ups/lies/lawsuits)just like they have O'Donnell. Palin is a fraud and liar and the majority of us in Alaska know it.

  16. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Vote for Miller and if he's elected he'll do the same for Alaska as Palin did which is exactly nothing.

    Actually he'll be worse because while Sarah was scamming earmarks behind the scenes Miller will do his best to stop them totally.

    Alaska without earmarks, Ted Stevens will be spinning in his grave if that happens.

  17. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I'm an Alaskan who used to be a SP supporter... I initially thought what a breath of fresh air infused into the government. I'm embarrased to even admit it now. Now, I can hardly stand to even read anything that has to do with her anymore and if I hear her phony voice on TV I leave the room or turn it off. This bit of news regarding "troopergate" makes me physically ill. They think we are all stupid morons and no one will connect the dots and figure it out. Well, they have underestimated us, "the general public."

  18. Anonymous3:55 PM

    McAdams is great and he reminds me of Alan Grayson with his spunk, wit and sarcasim! I sure hope people wise up to the double-talking tea bagger Miller who wants to abolish Social Security & Medicare, and I think he's also the candidate who thinks unemployment pay is unconstitutional. WTF are people thinking backing this idiot and throwing away their rightful governmental insurance and support that they've earned?

  19. Anonymous6:55 PM

    G, I didn't like the Butt-Boy reference when you first used it, but, now, with this new bit of info, it is clear that Miller is indeed Palin's Butt-Boy.

  20. Anonymous6:57 PM

    7:42, I like that McAdams is a fighter, a kinder and gentler Alan Grayson. Too many Dems are way too nice.

  21. Yes, she IS trying to get control, but once she has her minions, THEY can do what she wants them to do, and SHE can continue to spew her poison, unchallenged, as she has been.

    She is right- she doesn't need the title and why would she want it? It's nothing but a choke collar. Who was it that said she was unleashing her hounds of hell?


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