Friday, October 01, 2010

Rick Sanchez calls Jon Stewart a bigot. WTF?

Rick Sanchez is clearly a tool.

Okay I was alerted to this story by a visitor who suggested that we contact Rick Sanchez and tell him off on behalf of Jon,  However I am going to request that we NOT do that.

That kind of a response is exactly the kind of overreaction that the followers of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck engage in.  And we are better than that.

Jon Stewart's rally is named the "Rally to Restore Sanity" and I just cannot imagine that he would want, or condone, an e-mail attack on Rick Sanchez.

Besides don't we KNOW that Jon will have some fun with this on Monday, and will perhaps even have Sanchez on his show for a televised mea culpa?  Let's honor our favorite faux journalist's example and take the high road.  What do you say?

P.S. By the way that does NOT mean you have to treat Sanchez with kid gloves on THIS blog.  Hell no! The guy is an asshole, and I have no problem with all of you making that point in the comments section as well.

And if he does not like it, he can choose not to come here.


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    O/T but hot-off-the-press:

    Now this is what I call clever. Love it!

  2. Jon can't relate because in Rick's mind, his father didn't work for a living? What? I guarantee Jon's dad worked.
    He's just upset coz they make fun of him at every turn even though he well deserves it (even more so now). I'm surprised he didn't come after Colbert more, but it's possible he's so stupid he didn't get the real message. Last week Colbert showed an incredibly embarrassing Sanchez clip...where Rick read out a line that was so obviously a prompt from producers to ad lib...he read it out ver batim like an idiot

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    FOX and CNN seem to be in quite the tizzy that Jon is getting so much attention these days. And he's not even a 'real' journalist...LOL...they've got him and Colbert in their crosshairs, because they are mortified with the mockery and pure comical intelligence that is so appealing to Stewart/Colbert audiences.

    Watch, it's gonna get worse as the time goes on in the lead up to the rally. They will do everything they can to de-legitimize them, assassinate their characters, dish dirt, all in an effort to stop the momentum. But they won't be successful, they'll just end up looking like the pathetic fools that they are.

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Agreed. Say no to hysteria, and pretend not to notice that CNN is somehow still on the air.

  5. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I don't really know or care who Rick Sanchez is.

    Sad that someone who obviously has no understanding of the dictionary definition of "bigoted" is allowed airtime to spout off some illogical, un-thought out argument that one of the most open-mined political comedians of the day is in fact, what Sanchez obviously is, a bigot.

    It's amazing how people can refuse to look honestly into the mirror of themselves.

  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Haven't liked Sanchez since the first time I saw him. Then saw him again yesterday and realized I REALLY can't stand that guy. Same thing happened when I saw David the Wiesel on KO's show the first time. Geez, these's guys are awful.

  7. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Rickey, Rickey, Rickey. Wow. You truly don't get it. I mean Jon Stewart is a bigot because he picks on you on The Daily Show by showing clips of you flubbing lines on CNN or mocking the situations you put yourself in on your own show. This makes Jon a bigot? Jon is an East Coast elitist that hates Hispanics that don't know their place in the television broadcasting hierarchy? Jon and Stephen are out of touch with hard working immigrants because they grew up in a middle class (white) environment? What these guys do day-in and day-out has completely escaped you, hasn't it?

    S-A-T-I-R-E ! Got it. Not investigative journalism. Not hard-edged reporting. Not thoughtful commentary on the state of our country or it's elected officials. S-A-T-I-R-E. Comedy. Dick jokes. Potty humor. 10th grade-level basketball locker-room ball-busting. But what's insidious about Jon and Stephen is that layered throughout the sophomoric dirges that come across our cable connections nightly is the sad and completely pathetic truth about today's media. Your industry. You are all a sideshow. A distraction.,-RE:-Jon-Stewart-is-a-bigot!

  8. SME13111:35 AM

    Sanchez is a whiny little girl. He's been watching Nancy Grace too much and has decided to become the next drama queen.

    I can't wait till Stewart gets ahold of this.

  9. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Corporations own the media, GE, Viacom, Murdock...I wish it were Jewish, might not be so into teabagger news!!

  10. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Jon Stewart can take care of himself. Doesn't need any help from anyonte.

  11. KidShalleen12:13 PM

    What a mother fuckin'horse's ass!!
    Can I say that here???
    You do NOT have to have lived the exact same life of someone else, to have EMPATHY for them.
    Because Jon Stewart is not a Puerto Rican asshole, like this guy, does not mean he can't feel empathy for what it is like to be a Puerto Rican asshole!!!!
    Please hold your disdain for me, for what I have said. My good friend Juan Verdejo (or any of his brothers, too numerous to name), will be the first to tell you how un-biased I am.
    I have non animus for anyone, except the profoundly ignorant.
    Rick Sanchez, I hold animus toward you. But I forgive, readily.
    Do the right thing, and apologize.

  12. Anonymous12:15 PM

    CJR's guide to what the major media companies own. Select a media company below to begin.

    These handy charts let you browse individual company holdings. To make it easy, we've divided them up by media sector:

    Media Owners - See who owns the American media

    See who controls print and electronic media in the United States. Media Owners is your guide to the leading U.S. media companies... what they own, and who owns them.

    Media Owners provides essential information about the largest American media companies -- background, contacts, subsidiaries and media properties, including newspapers, magazines, TV stations, news radio stations and radio and TV networks.

  13. KidShalleen12:22 PM

    Somebody months ago explained to me why so many people on this blog comment as anonymous, and I still don't understand why that is.
    I, a computer dullard,have found myself capable of not only using one name, but three (johnie2xs, J, and KidShalleen. That having been said, I would like to pass my thanks on to Anonymous 10:53 for the Scott McAdams ad.
    I'm unemployed in Florida, and if I hadn't already contributed to Scott's campaign, I'd do it again.
    Please, Alaska, do your best for this kid.
    There is NO tomorrow.

  14. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Rick has NO idea the pile of shit he just stepped in. Jon will comically crucify him until he is begging for mercy. DO NOT ever mess with a comedian, and especially one as fucking off-the-charts intelligent as Jon Stewart. You will meet your doom...and be the laughingstock of the century. Rick has cooked his goose. I cannot wait until Monday, it's gonna be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

  15. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Hey there, KidShalleen!

    Anonymous 10:53 here. You are most welcome. Scott is the kind of person that Washington DC (and Alaska) needs. Someone who is LOOKING OUT FOR ALASKA and not their own egos and pockets. I am not an Alaskan resident either, but I'm rootin' for the big guy.

    PS. Good luck with finding work.

  16. WakeUpAmerica12:54 PM

    Sooooooo, let me see if I follow Rick Sanchez's thinking. Everybody on earth is a bigot because we all have unique lives. Yeah, that about sums up his 7th grade logic. Hey, Rick!! Here's your sign!

  17. wakeUpAmerica12:55 PM

    And Jon's rebuttal in 3...2...1...

  18. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ha! Ha! Jon and Stephen are going to make mincemeat out of this worthless piece of forgettable puke. He will rue the day that he opened his mouth and let that bile spew forth on national television. Oh, it's gonna be something to behold. Rick should be shaking in his Puerto Rican boots, but he's too fucking small-minded and arrogant to have any idea the trainwreck he just wrought on himself. LOL, I get all giggly just thinking about it. The day is coming...Rick Sanchez' Armageddon. And one that is WELL DESERVED. Watch for him to leave CNN and head on over to Fox. The smarmy rats all end up over there, don'tcha know.

  19. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Jon Stewart is a bigot. President Obama is a racist. Glenn Beck is sane. Sarah Palin is truthful.

  20. Roger1:38 PM

    I like how the schmuck backs down from his original premise, but still tries to save face by taking a new tack.

    Reminds me of every other dimwit who parrots some talking point they thought sounded good, but have nothing to back up that stance, once questioned about it.

    Like, "Obamacare is no good."

    "Have you READ the Healthcare Reform Act, or are you going by what you heard on Fox?"

    "I just know my healthcare is fine as it is, I've never been sick a day in my life."

    "Oh...okay, then, try not to bump into the doorframe on your way out, there, Mister Wizard."

  21. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Is Jon Stewart on TV? I usually watch him on the net-- what channel is he on? This is going to be funny!

    Thank you SENIOR SANCHEZ for the publicty for what is going to be a funnier than usual show!

  22. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Hey! Sanchez's parents came to our fair shores from Cuba (not Puerto Rico) and although they (and maybe Ricardo, too) are probably reflexively right-wing, we shouldn't expect the neocons over at the Pox Temple of Doom to be very welcoming.

  23. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Rick Sanchez doesn't know where Hawaii is!!!!

  24. honestyinGov2:16 PM

    Looks like you won't have to worry about bashing Little Ricky. Coming across the Tweets. CNN just fired Him.

    CNN released this statement today:

    “Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.“

    They will broadcast CNN Newsroom from 3-5pm for the foreseeable future.

  25. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Might he be doing this to improve his ratings? CNN is supposedly down considerably.

  26. Anonymous2:29 PM


    Smart decision, CNN! They must have been rocked awake from their coma when they saw one of their own female correspondents nearly fall victim to the rightwing freaks.

    Good luck at Fox, Rick. #TokenMexican

    - kellygrrrl

  27. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Rick Sanchez just got FIRED from CNN. "We wish him well", says a CNN spokesperson.

  28. Anonymous2:32 PM

    must suck for the msm to see Jon Stewart as
    the REALLY Most Trusted
    REALLY Fair and Balanced

    - kellygrrrl

  29. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Just read that CNN fired him this afternoon!

  30. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Jon Stewart doesn't need to bother with a rebuttal...CNN took care of that...Sanchez, the pompous ass has been fired...muy pronto

  31. Anonymous2:54 PM

    It's a shame that whoever runs CNN couldn't also fire the moronic Blitzer at the same time as Sanchez, as a twofer, if you will.

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Now, all we need is Sarah Palin insulting Jon Stewart. The magic will take over and poof Palin vanishes from the politicat scene.

    Or maybe Jon Stewart is keeping Palin around for the audience boost.

  33. Anonymous6:50 PM

    1:24 is crazy.

  34. Anonymous2:14 PM

    And, no, Mr. Sanchez, nobody will call you, as you say "That Little Puerto Rican guy" because, if you have forgotten, you are not Puerto Rican, you are a Cuban refugee. If you were implying by your remark that Puerto Ricans are "second tier" citizens you missed the mark again. If you were Puerto Rican you would have learned not to blame everybody else for your troubles. And you called Jon Stewwart a bigot? Good bye, Mr. Sanchez!


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