Monday, December 13, 2010

Fareed Zakaria calls BS on Glenn Beck's Islamophobic attempt to smear Muslims.

I don't often watch CNN, but I DO like Zakaria.  I like his very calm a cool way of talking about the issues, and the fact that, like Rachel Maddow on MSNBC,  he always demonstrates a complete understanding of the actual facts he is talking about.

I also have to agree with Zakaria that it is far MORE likely that Glenn Beck is a danger to this country, than the actual "terrorists" in the world who might one day attack us.  Beck is damaging the intelligence and rational thinking of Americans EVERY SINGLE DAY! 

In my opinion that should identify him, and that ridiculous cable station he works for, as the REAL terrorists.


  1. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Fareed Zakaria is a rare gem on CNN. I love that he always recommends books for follow-up study.

    He is the antithesis of Glenn Beck. No small wonder he has little respect for Beck; only imbeciles listen to Beck or those who want extreme comedy in the form of a paranoid schizophrenic.

    I wish there were like Zakaria and less like Beck.

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reaches us, it must spring up amongst us. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher." – Abraham Lincoln

  3. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Beck has already damaged the national psyche. He has ginned-up fear, anger, and doubt to dangerous levels just like his soul twin, Sarah Palin. They share a love of money, fame, and power.

    Neither Beck nor Palin have any intellectual depth nor do they understand their limitations. Their egos dominate their common sense. They lack humility, sincerity, and compassion.

    Beck and Palin have never had the best interests of the country as their guiding principle. Their own self-promotion comes first and foremost, and everything, including their families take what's left of their energies.

    Neither of them have any desire to speak the truth. They want the spotlight, the highest ratings, the most attention and will do or say whatever it takes to get them.

    In contrast, we have several first-class journalists such as Fareed Zakaria and Christiane Amanpour. Why is it that America cannot produce such fine and inquisitive minds?

    We seem to be saddled with the cult of personality that produces dregs such as Beck and Palin who are intent upon destroying the very culture they praise.

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Zakaria should add Bill O'Reilly to the list of Fox News' fertile planting of American terrorists. Bill'O had a huge role as provocateur in hastening Dr. Tiller's murder.

  5. Anonymous6:33 AM

    America, you provide us (those beyond your borders) with a few laughs but mostly consternation.

    What happened to you?

  6. johnie2xs6:40 AM

    Glenn Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, and the whole lot of Commentators/News Readers should be charged with acts of sedition, toward the United States. They propose no solutions, nor do they do anything to bring comity to the situation. All they do is stir the pot of hate, and make enemies amongst the people of their own country.

  7. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I love Fareed. Would that we had more sane, well-educated individuals like himself on our airwaves.

    It's exactly what we are so sorely lacking, and paying a price for.

  8. Anonymous6:49 AM

    That was intelligent and rational. I need to watch this guy more often...well, I would if I had a television...maybe follow him online.

  9. Anonymous6:49 AM

    That loser at HuffPo sure did make a fucking fool of himself over "hair gate" and "hand washing gate".

    Someone needs to write an article at HuffPo so those dumbasses will know that washing our hands is a good thing.

    Are liberal born stoopid or is it something they learn from each other?

  10. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Zakaria can possibly take comfort that the xenophobic pendulum will most likely swing toward North Koreans soon.

  11. Eunice7:01 AM

    That was beautiful.

  12. Anonymous7:03 AM

    If you want to know what happened to the United States, just read "Republican Gomorrah" by Max Blumenthal. These folks are mostly overreacting to having an African American president. It's just racism cloaked in a ridiculous ideology. America has reached a new low.

  13. beck has made millions spreading terror and propaganda in this country. he has no right to throw the word terrorist around.
    i love to listen to zakaria. his voice is soothing as his rationality is, well, completely rational. i wish he had an even bigger platform - this country could use less (actually, NO) beck and more zakaria. i love his daily show visits as well. he seems like a genuinely nice man, as well as an extremely intelligent one - the anti-beck, if you will.

  14. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Fareed Zakaria is a sane and intelligent voice in the midst of all that 24 hr babble.

    O/T $carah didn't make the top 6 list of Time's Person of the Year.
    Early Christmas present for me.

  15. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Murdoch and Roger Ailes should be the ones upon which we focus our ire because they are instrumental in creating and maintaining the pox that is Fox News. Both men will do whatever it takes to generate ratings regardless of the consequences.

    Neither care about the welfare of the country or the world - just the state of their bank accounts.

    Australia said good riddance to Murdoch and we had the misfortune to have him settle here.

    I hope that when we regain our senses and get moderates and progressives in charge of Congress we can pass laws to minimize the impact of huge media corporations such as NewsCorps and its little terror Fox News.

  16. Anonymous7:33 AM

    OT, but Barbara Walters just stated on The View that Sarah Palin's people were not happy for Barbara's recent interview of Palin. Barbara seemed shocked at the attacks and stated that everyone else was very pleased with their interviews.

    LMAO. Note to journalists: Even when you treat her with kid gloves and avoid challenging questions, she won't like it. If that is the case, why not ask the tough questions and keep your journalistic integrity???

  17. I do believe his claim about 1.2 million Americans wanting to violently overthrow their government... but from what I've seen, they're all fat, white, ignorant Tea Partying "militia" members.

  18. Anonymous7:48 AM

    @ Anonymous 7:33 AM

    If Sarah had any kind of self awareness she'd realize the common denominator is HER.
    amazing how she manages to blame other people for her own words and actions LOL

  19. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Terrorist- A radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.

    What part of glenn beck does this not cover? Fox/tea party as his organization, Christianity as his religion and fear and terror is his weapon.

  20. Anonymous8:13 AM

    @6:49 - we're not all liberals here. So please, if you must malign IM's readers, try to find a slur that fits all of us--a "one slur fits all" liberal smear doesn't work. Millions and millions of conservatives don't like her, and will be backing Mitt, Huck, or Jeb in 2011 for the primary run.

  21. Glenn Beck is an idiot and it always amazes me that anyone could watch him and take him seriously.

    Fareed Zakaria is a breath of fresh air and I do wish there were more like him on the air.

    As for what has happened to America, I would say that we are the same, but the small percentage of loud, obnoxious crazies get all the air time.

  22. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Good to clarify that not everyone who dislikes Sarah Palin is motivated by a Liberal perspective. If I were a Conservative I would be mortified by her and her temporary takeover of the GOP. They always had some solid people, even if I didn't agree with them.

    I love it if Sarah's people were upset by the Babwa interview! Probably her questions, no doubt - though Sarah's answers were as shallow and rote as ever, not that they'd either recognize it or admit to her poor performance. Totally agree that if they think Walters' approach was tough (as if), they will all fall apart come election season! There are other MSM'ers who, believe it or not, will be after her in a milisecond the next time she grants them an interview. IF she grants them an interview, that is.

    These Palin people have been given a ton of money and they are already in over their heads. What perfect poetic justice. Nothing a Conservative hates more than wasted money, I would imagine. That seems to be a priority topic, anyway, and I respect their right to have that priority.

  23. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I'll take Zakaria's reasoned and methodical way of thinking over Reihan Salam's gutteral snark.

    Watched him on Maher's Real Time.

    He's defensive, offensive and comes off as unsympathetic when defending his conservative views. What a douche. At least Huckabee comes off as harmless with his unforgivable conservative spiel. But be mindful of Huckabee, he's as dangerous as Sarah Palin, but more likable.

  24. "If I were a Conservative I would be mortified by her and her temporary takeover of the GOP. They always had some solid people, even if I didn't agree with them."

    All that went out the window when Nixon promoted his Southern strategy. We once had some very good Republican politicians here in Oregon but they would no longer be welcome in our Republican party. In fact, the few remnants of that ilk have been kicked out of that party here.

  25. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I've always liked Fareed Zakaria and enjoyed when he was on 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos'. He was always able to intelligently discuss issues and calmly present evidence of his views and opinions. He had a deep understanding of world and national issues and could discuss nearly any topic with extensive knowledge of the subject.

    Beck, on the other hand, is a greedy, self-absorbed, narcissistic, uneducated and unintelligent nutjob whose sole purpose in life is to see how much chaos he can create and how much money he can accumulate while doing it!

  26. Anonymous2:24 PM

    As much as I admire the likes of Zakaria, I wish he (and many of his ilk in the media) would ask-as the the late Chalmers Johnson-did, not "Why do they hate us?", but, "What were their motives?" I think we would all have a very different picture regarding the ambitions of terrorists of whatever stripe upon pursuing that particular line of inquiry.


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