Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sarah humiliates Kate Gosselin on today's episode of "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time."

Today's show starts off with a bunch of misinformation.

No, Alaskans do NOT go to the gun store as often as they get a haircut. Even in Wasilla.

No it is NOT as common to see an Alaskan camping with a gun strapped to their hip as to see a Blackberry in New York.

Bristol is MUCH skinnier during the filming of this than she was on DWTS. (Sister Sarah's joke about he National Enquirer and the need to hide Bristol was lame. And much of the  "brutality" that she claims to see in politics, is what is reflected back from the mirror when she looks into it.))

Here come the Gosselins!

That voice!  I wonder how the Gosselinis resist the urge to flee?

Is she really going to slam Joe McGinniss again?  Yep she is!

Now the Grizzled Mama is frightening the children about the possibility of being eaten by bears, before they go camping.  How nurturing.

That joke about outrunning your friend in case of a bear is an old Alaskan joke.  Sounds mean coming from her, but I have said that myself.

Now they are trying to scare Kate.  Not a hard task.

And Willow looks like she would rather be ANYWHERE other than spending time with her mom on camera.

Once again it is painfully obvious that Palin knows NOTHING about guns! NOTHING!

Watching Sarah dealing with the kickback from the shotgun tells anybody who has experience with firearms that she has none.

OMG! Even city girl Kate Gosselin did a better job of shooting than Palin!  She hardly even registered any kickback.

However they are showing Palin hitting the target over and over again. I am thinking she had help during the editing.  Doesn't she have final say in that area?

Now the kids are at the "House of Heath" and Papa Heath is showing them his collection of animal skulls. Why is the theme music from "Psycho" playing in my head? ("Norman? Is that you?")

Hey Heath's dog fetches antlers just like Joe Miller does!

Chelatna Lake for the camping trip.  And it is NOT exactly the middle of nowhere.  Not by Alaskan standards. (By the way, NO bear with an ounce of common sense would go anywhere near a camp full of laughing and screaming children.  The best bear deterrent is NOT a gun, it is a passel of loud energetic children.  Sarah's gun purchase and false bravado is ALL for show.)

Is Palin using a machete to chop off small branches from a log TOWARD her leg?  ALL outdoors people know to cut out, away from the body, NOT towards your body!  What an idiot!

Kate is starting to complain. Her role is to apparently be the only one less comfortable camping than Caribou Barbie.

Damn, I have to run an errand.  I will come back afterward and try to fill in the rest.

I'm back.

Somebody asked if Alaskans go camping in the rain. Yes, we do.  We often don't have much choice if we want to go camping at all.

Chuck telling the kids to make noise and that it will keep the bears away, is exactly right.  At least he knows what the hell he is talking about.

Though to be honest Sister Sarah's high pitched caterwauling would keep every bear from a ten mile radius on the run away from their camp.

I had an ex-wife much like Kate Gosselinn.  Pity me.

Jesus, ANOTHER we can see Russia from Alaska reference?  Can't she let ANYTHING go?

You know the Gosselinn kids are kind of cute.  I hope they did not get too stupid by hanging out with Sarah.

Wow, Palin is pooping all over Gosselinn!

This whole episode was obviously designed to pump up Palin's Alaska woman credibility, by comparing her to the carefully edited together segments of Kate bitching.

I think it would be only fair, for Kate to give HER take of the episode on her own reality show.  Don'tcha think?


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    It is simply unbelievable that they have highlighted and styled Piper's hair like her mother's.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I watched the first 15 minutes of the first episode,
    and have never been intrigued enough to watch
    this show again.

  3. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Sarah's speech to Kate's kids was horrifying. How dare she frighten those children! She is taking pleasure in scaring the children, Kate and anyone else who is around (Willow, perhaps?).

    I don't know enough about it - is she overplaying this bear danger thing?

  4. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I think Sarah and that "Learn to Return" instructor needed to get a room!

    The obvious sexualization of guns, etc is unreal here. Sarah is absolutely pandering to the NRA base, and I would bet that adds up to a bunch of votes.

    From what Gryphen and others have said, perhaps she has sabotaged her credibility in this area with her poor show of skills, however?

    Love the comedic aspect of Kate the City Mouse...

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Before I forget, did you notice how Piper was doing her math and wasn't supposed to use a calculator, yet she did anyway and Sarah didn't put her foot down?

    Sounds like Piper either has a tutor or perhaps is being homeschooled w/one teacher.

  6. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I am not watching it but thanks for taking one for the team.

  7. Anonymous5:53 PM

    With every episode that passes, her motives become more and more blatant. It's like she made a list of all the worst things that were true about her family and then decided to counteract them with an episode of the show. Bristol works hard and we have a great relationship - Check! Track is responsible and hard working - Check! No boys have every spent time in her daughter's bedrooms - Check! We all love to shoot guns like any good NRA family - Check! And now, people from the lower 48 can't possibly be as tough as those of us rill Americans who live in Alaska are. Humiliate Kate G. - Check!

    I've backpacked through the Boundary Waters carrying a canoe and a pack across mile-long portages, fishing for our meals, bathing in a cold lake, and stumbling across a number of bears on the trail, while wearing the same clothes for an entire week. I think Sarah would probably be whining worse that Kate if she actually did some "RILL" camping.

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    OK, Kate is being a whiny thing here, but honestly do Alaskans get out and camp in the rain whenever they get a chance, as Sarah claims? And Kate's right that they didn't even have some sort of table or approximate set up for the kids. In the rain, there were few places they could even sit down.

    Sarah is just loving coming off as a tough rugged Alaskan, making fun of Kate. And notice how she has mentioned the Russia thing numerous times?

    PS That's the first time I've ever seen her brother.

  9. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Chuck Heath's house is just creepy. He is just creepy.

  10. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I almost watched "Bridalplasty" because SPA & football were the only other things I could find. That's a reality show where the winning brides get plastic surgery. I shit you not. Luckily I found "Hot in Cleveland" bloopers.

  11. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I believe it was established that sarah bought her caribou hunting license/tag on September 2; that was the date on the newspaper in the rack at the store, the one visible in her videotape of buying her permits.

    But, when was this episode shot ? August ? July ?

    When were the caribou episodes shot ? Same time ?

    If the caribou episodes were shot before Sept 2, which should be easy to find out/prove, then the whole charade played out for the cameras of the license-buying incident was just that, a charade !

    Where is Alaska Fish & Game on this "poaching" committed by sarah palin ?

  12. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I watched the last part of this show and found Kate's disdain for camping entertaining but that's about it. It also seems like the Palin kids do a whole lot of gum chewing. They don't go anywhere without their gum, even when they pack up and venture into the wilds of Alaska "in the middle of nowhere."

  13. Anonymous6:06 PM

    So Sarah gets to look macho (even over Todd, 'cause SHE'LL "have the firearm" in "her" tent. Todd just kicks off his boots and goes to bed...

    She's going way overboard on the family closeness theme, also. Over and over and over, when we all know this family is about as fractured as they come. Even Chuck said it was good to get to know his daughter again on the hunting episode, whatever that meant.

    Was that food really bear-proof? And do people leave open fires going like that, unattended?

    PS Did ya notice that Sarah was winded when they hiked up that mountain, after she dismissed Todd saying, "You take the shortcut". Todd's out of shape, is he, Sarah?

  14. Anonymous6:11 PM

    That's the Sarah we know: obnoxious to the core. Scaring little kids is not a class act.

    Even I, a city girl, know not to slam a machete towards me (and yes, we have them in the city do do garden work).

    All in all, typical Sarah. She is her own worse enemy. The more she shows herself, the more people are convinced she is indeed an idiot, snake oil salesman and faux Christian.

  15. Anonymous6:15 PM

    More photos from Haiti:

  16. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Gee, I can't wait to see the next dolt that will sign up so Sarah can sucker bait them on the tv. Kate is always lonely or desperate now. She is kind of sad without John to verbally batter. She looked strong when she had a man to turn into an impotent, weak and limp tool. If Todd were in better health he would be all over her.

    Thank you G for the updates. What is wrong with me, I don't want to spend quantity or quality Sunday family time watching either ho?

  17. Snowing in Alaska6:38 PM

    It's not Caribou Barbie anymore. It's Caribou Missy.

  18. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Somebody needs to tell Sarah that her preaching about "learning to do things on your own, not waiting for somebody else to do it, being productive, being responsible" is really getting on my last nerve. Yes, Sarah I know all of that. That's why I worked hard and went to college. IN FOUR YEARS. And been working hard for about 25 years, NEVER ONCE QUITTING A JOB. and NEVER ONCE SHIRKING MY TAX BILL. Do I need to go on? Yes, we get it. You hate the imaginary welfare queens and spreading the wealth. But if hear her talk about us Americans needing to take care of ourselves ONE MORE TIME, I might have to throw something at the TV.

  19. Anonymous6:43 PM

    5:13. She's mini me.

  20. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I almost watched "Bridalplasty" because SPA & football were the only other things I could find. That's a reality show where the winning brides get plastic surgery. I shit you not. Luckily I found "Hot in Cleveland" bloopers.

    5:59 PM

    There are these things called "books" you could try for entertainment at leisure. Not to mention Netflix movies on the computer you so obviously have.

  21. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Sarah Palin and Kate Gosselin were very highly paid to perform this little parody of city slickers go camping.

    They suck. Big middle finger to the pair of them. (In the idiom of the Palin bard, Bristol)

  22. Anonymous6:50 PM

    anon @ 5:59. Bad night for TV. I just turned it off and read blogs.

  23. Supposedly they went to an area that has a lot of bears in it. Very stupid to take a novice camper and a bunch of small children. Why did she have to buy a gun ? Didn't she already have one ? For all those other times she's camped ? Also, does she fly everywhere ?

  24. Anonymous6:55 PM

    If she has such a problem with city dwellers, I am sure none of us would mind if she stayed in, and never left, Wasilla.

  25. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Hearing about how Granny P had no regard for Kate's children goes a long way to show her self centeredness. I betcha Granny was told that Kate+ had a big following and Granny got her nose out of joint and took it out on the kids. She is showing us all just how low she can go. This woman is really messed up.

  26. Anonymous6:55 PM

    5:22pm - I can't stand to even watch clips of that awful Palin woman. Nevermind an entire episode or an entire FOX appearance. It makes me ill to hear that screetchy voice telling all her self-serving stupid lies.

    I can't remember anyone else in politics being more phony or selfish than Palin. That includes both the Anita Hill hearings and the Terri Schiavo overnight Senate vote.

  27. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The Russia references are hilarious. Sarah Palin is trying to refute every criticism, but only making it more and more obvious that her lie about the Trig pregnancy is her BIG problem.

    No wonder she went to Haiti, this TLC is the worst yet.

  28. Anonymous7:02 PM

    If they filmed during the summer, why was Piper studying for a spelling test last week? Why was she doing math problems this week? Is it because the program is being aired during the school year, or maybe Piper had to make up all the work she missed, what with joining Sarah on book tours and all.

    Sarah never quit anything, ever. Except for that one important job, let me try to remember......

  29. Anonymous7:13 PM

    When she discusses self-sufficiency, it just makes me wonder what her son, Track, or her daughter, Bristol, do for "jobs". Certainly Willow could be employed in a part-time position now. At 16, she should learn work ethic. Wait a minte...LMAO! Sometimes I just LOL at how stupid it is to apply normal standards to the Palins or apply the standards they apply to others to them.

  30. Anonymous7:21 PM

    OT. Andy Borowitz has a hilarious twitter account and makes fun of Sarah all the time.

  31. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Surely the TLC folks were punking her. Why else would they allow her to come off appearing so stupid, provincial, obnoxious, self deluded and smug? They just let her roll on, showing her real "true" fake self in all its hideous cringe-worthy glory! This woman and this family are just a trashy, uneducated mess! What a joke she's showing herself to be, just wallowing in her self-important reality show with not a shred of understanding about how ridiculous and repellant she is to viewers, who watch it like a slow mo train wreck. I feel so blessed not to have any of these people in my family or among my friends or co-workers!

  32. Anonymous7:34 PM

    The purpose of Sarah, Kate and Willow going to the bear training was for WHY????

    The fact Todd, Chuck Sr. & Chuck Jr. were camping too!!!

    The other issue I found and wonder if MSM will pick up on it -- Palin said they went up to 'prep' the campsite the day before. What - pitch a few fucking tents as there wasn't another damm thing there!! Of all the land in AK - they pick a sandbar??? Why I hope MSM picks up on it is the point of the cost of flying in a day early - did they fly back home and go up again the next day????? Hmmmm??? Doesn't everyone do that!!

    Friggin' Idiots.

    Also found it strange that Kate & kids could just leave and there was a boat down the path?? You could be guaranteed when cameras turned off, Sarah & Willow were friggin' out of there too!!

    Add the securing of food in small coolers with a regular plastic type flip clip. They would really confuse a bear!!!

    Probably the only reason she's spending so much time with Chuck and Sally is so they get paid. May be the contract for Sarah included the kids & Todd, but you never know - it may be they get paid separately. Chuck has been heard to say in the past that he hadn't talked or seen them much so now it's all cozy and leaving many needing a barf basket!!

  33. Anonymous7:52 PM

    "When she discusses self-sufficiency, it just makes me wonder what her son, Track, or her daughter, Bristol, do for "jobs"."

    If you got over all your liberal fueled hatred for Sarah and paid attention to the show, you would realize that Track is trying to take over the family's salmon fishing. Just google Bristol and I am sure you will see what she is doing for jobs.

  34. Anonymous7:53 PM

    $arah should have taken machete lessons from Willow...she has a lot of experience after she broke and entered a home and did $30,000 worth of damage......

  35. Anonymous8:02 PM

    $arah Palin's tough act, and talk about hard work, and bashing "city" people is so dumb. Both of my "east coast elitist" parents grew up poor, especially my mother. My mother may be an 'east coast elitist," but I bet my mother knows more about roughing it than any of the Palins. Not only was my mother's family dirt poor, but they often went hungry, or my grandfather would have to go shoot a deer, or something so that they wouldn't starve. When he hunted, he HAD to do it so his family wouldn't starve. Sometimes my grandparents would be gone for days looking for work. My grandparents never finished school, either. My mother has seven brothers and sisters. They had to heat water on some old-fashioned stove, if they wanted to take a bath, and had to share the same dirty bath water. They didn't even have a toilet in their house. They lived in a one room house. They had to use a freaking out-house. My mother had to work when she was a little girl, picking corn, or whatever. My mother put herself through college, did not bounce around to five colleges, and got her college degree in 4 years. And, she's a teacher. $arah Palin hates teachers! Also, too, my mother has never quit ANY job. Palin is wimp!

  36. Anonymous8:02 PM

    @7:52 - why do you assume that it's only liberals who dislike $P? There are millions and millions of conservatives who dislike her--more every day, as a matter of fact.

  37. Anonymous8:08 PM

    @7:34, haha. Agree w/everything you said.

    @7:52, the salmon business isn't a year round job. Track will have to come up with a lot more than that. He probably got paid to be on that episode, so that may last him a while.

    Bristol is with her mother in Haiti right now, she just made over $300,000 to dance (!) and so I think she's set for a time, by most people's standards.

    These kids can live at home, also. They don't need jobs, especially if they follow their celebrity mother around and learn how to be celebrities themselves.

  38. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "I think it would be only fair, for Kate to give HER take of the episode on her own reality show. Don'tcha think?"

    fuck yes.

  39. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Sarah goes from ¨caring¨ about children in Haiti to ¨scaring¨ children in Alaska.

    Kate is a better shooter than sarah.


  40. Anonymous8:16 PM

    So Sarah was going to protect everyone from the bears with her gun. After her problems shooting the caribou last week, I'm not sure I'd trust her with a charging bear, especially when the bear would have so many tasty little Gosselin targets running in all directions. No one could convince me she could get off a shot. Even experienced hunters get mauled by bears before they can get off a killing shot.

  41. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Anon 6:50 PM perhaps YOU should take your own advice.

  42. Aussie Blue Sky8:17 PM

    "Track is trying to take over the family fishing business"???

    And what does he do for the other 11 months of the year? Come on back, BOT, and explain.


    Fishing, my ass.

  43. Anonymous8:18 PM

    7:52 p.m. said:

    "If you got over all your liberal fueled hatred for Sarah and paid attention to the show, you would realize that Track is trying to take over the family's salmon fishing. Just google Bristol and I am sure you will see what she is doing for jobs"

    I'm so tired of being told by Palinbots to pay attention this pathetic show, that most people don't even want to watch. "If only you would pay attention to the show, and see the "truth," then you libs would love $arah Palin, too!" Fuck that! Do you honestly think we care about whether on not Track is trying to take over the "family business?" When is $arah Palin, (and her flying monkies) going to get over her right-wing hatred for anyone who isn't a hick like her? Fuck you, if you think us paying attention to her dumb show is going to get us to stop criticizing her, and start liking her. You are delusional, and a narcissist, like that half-term governor!

  44. Anonymous8:22 PM

    In total 'Victim Mode'. First tweet having left Haiti is about the hair picture -- not about the Haitian people. She wears her 'shallowness' on her sleeve:

    "This takes the cake. Really? MT @amandacarpenter: AP flubs Palin got "her hair done" in Haiti. Bristol helping mom out."

    The blog they link to has 'embellished' the story for her to play the 'victim mode' by accusing media as saying she took a hair stylist. I recall no statement in any of the articles or picture captions mentioning a 'stylist' - just getting hair done. In fact, the caption is below the pictue on the site article -- Bots - Stunned & Stupid - but we all know that!!

    Being media was locked out, every article was a repeated release from AP.

  45. Anonymous8:23 PM

    @7:52 p.m.,


  46. aj weishar8:50 PM

    Machete to trim a log? Does she cut carrots with a chain saw? Most campers would use a more manageable tool, like a short handle axe or hatchet. Apparently Sarah has never hit a frozen hardwood branch with her machete. It must not get cold where she camps in Alaska.

  47. Enjay in E MT9:11 PM

    We camp in all kinds of weather here in Montana too. A few of our best trips is playing games under the awning. Like how many words can you make out of the word "elephant" in 3 minutes. Around these parts - catch lots of fish in the rain too.

  48. Punkinbugg9:12 PM

    The title of this episode was "Alaskan Hospitality". HOS-PI-TA-LI-TY i.e making your VISITORS feel welcome and COMFORTABLE, you moron, not you and your gum-smacking juvenile delinquents mugging for the camera at how miserable your honored GUEST is. She's cold? Get her something hot to drink! She doesn't like the rain? Get her an umbrella so she can sit by the fire! MORON!

    Chuck just had to add (in front of the kids) that Kate was "B***ching from the minute she got off the plane, too" Niiiiiice. Next stop? White House state dinner, Pops!

    That said, this has been Kate's schtick for a long time. She'd park her hiney in a white plastic chair and whine, or scream about something that's "dirty". Check out Gosselins Without Pity - fun blog.

    Ahhh My two favorite women-I-love-to-hate in ONE reality show!


  49. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Did Sarah ask her kids around the camp fire what was the most eastern state in the United States? They answered Alaska???? Did I hear it wrong. If anyone has it it recorded let me know. It was near the end of the show.

  50. Punkinbugg9:17 PM

    p.s. Totally agree with Anon at 5:53 pm. Check, Check, Check.

    I could add a dozen more, but it's too nauseating.

  51. Anonymous9:50 PM

    9:14 Anon
    You heard right
    Most Eastern U.S. State is Alaska.
    It's like a trick question

    Pochnoi Point, Semisopochnoi Island, Alaska 51°57′42″N 179°46′23″E / 51.96167°N 179.77306°E / 51.96167; 179.77306 (Pochnoi Point, Semisopochnoi Island) — easternmost point in all of U.S. territory, by longitude

  52. It's amazing... and not in a good way...
    New definition of Palin's behavior

    Cyclothymia symptoms include an alternating pattern of emotional highs and lows. The highs of cyclothymia are characterized hypomanic symptoms, which resemble those of mania, but are less severe. The lows consist of mild or moderate depressive symptoms.

    Cyclothymia symptoms are generally similar to those of bipolar disorder, but they're less severe. When you have cyclothymia, you can typically function in your daily life, though not always well. The unpredictable nature of your mood shifts may significantly disrupt your life because you never know how you're going to feel — and you can't just will yourself to live life on an even keel.

    Hypomanic phase of cyclothymic disorder
    Signs and symptoms of hypomanic episodes of cyclothymia may include:

    Unusually good mood or cheerfulness (euphoria)
    Extreme optimism
    Inflated self-esteem
    Poor judgment
    Rapid speech
    Racing thoughts
    Aggressive or hostile behavior
    Being inconsiderate of others
    Increased physical activity
    Risky behavior
    Extreme narcissism
    Spending sprees
    Increased drive to perform or achieve goals
    Increased sexual drive
    Decreased need for sleep
    Tendency to be easily distracted
    Inability to concentrate

  53. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Kate is so much prettier than Sarah.

  54. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Why would any family that hunts regularily have to go purchase a new rifle? By Sarah and Tawd's ages they should really have all the ones they want ( but then again Sarah can't load a bolt action rifle)

    And to ANON at 5:53 I was a guide in the BWCA at age 15, I doubt Sarh could last one day paddling and portaging

  55. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Yummy, cat fight between Kate the Hair HO and Sarah the Hair Ho. How desperate Sarah must be to start a fight with another TV Ho?

  56. In case no one has asked/
    what is tonight's viewership?

    I don't really care - just bored at the moment.

  57. Oh, also, too, I've been wanting to ask:

    What is the point of inviting the Goosslings on this trip?

    I don't understand why $arah might have any interest in Kate?

    Kate doesn't do any politics and she's not interesting except for pooping out a litter.

  58. @9:14,

    Yes, Shemya Island is on the other side of the time meridian - in tomorrow - way out at the end of the Aleutians.

    So it is possible to visit the most Western point and the most Eastern point in the USA and still be in Alaska.

  59. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I see the Chilean miners are going to be in England the same time as Sarah. Is she going to meet them too? Remember, according to Sarah, there are no coincidences.


  60. Anonymous11:40 PM

    OMG, "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time"! You hit the nail on the head, Gryphen. Could this woman be more delusional? If she actually thinks this reality show will endear her to others rather than make her look like an idiot, then she is a hella lot dumber than I thought she was.

  61. Gryphen: "I think it would be only fair, for Kate to give HER take of the episode on her own reality show. Don'tcha think?"

    Apparently, she did.

    Kate Plus 8 Episode 8: "Alaska, Here We Come!"
    The Gosselins set off on an Alaskan adventure. Kate and the kids check out glaciers, pan for gold and go whale watching. Original Air Date: Nov 7, 2010

  62. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Best part? when Snooki Sr. said to Tawd: you're not as stupid as you look. Nice.

  63. Anonymous1:38 AM

    "Just google Bristol and I am sure you will see what she is doing for jobs."

    Why would anyone bother to "google" Bristol? All I need to do is turn on TMZ to see the next famewhore thing she is doing. And then change the channel.

  64. Anonymous1:42 AM

    I didn't watch this show of course, but are you telling me that there were grown men on this trip, and they weren't allowed to carry guns or watch for bears, only Sarah? LOL!!

  65. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Piper looks like my grandmother.

  66. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Wow. So unflattering, to say the least. On so many levels. Really does tell her story, no place to hide. Just, wow. This provides very convincing evidence that she really is off mentally, because who would knowingly allow this stuff to air if you could stop it? Unless you were so far gone, so lost in your own distorted reality that you didn't - couldn't - understand how others view you and your bizarre behavior? Or, you are incapable of caring how others view you, or how your actions affect them. I think there's a name for that.

  67. Thank God you can watch this show all the way through and report on it Gryphen. After just listening to her for a few minutes, I want to shot my TV!

  68. Anonymous3:19 AM

    I'm amused by the city/country talk re this episode.
    It seems to me that Mrs.Palin and Mrs.Gosselin are both suburban ladies.
    They each may live in greater or lesser proximity to wildlife than the other, but they both frequent Starbuck's and Walmart in their minivans.

    Neither of them could function or would be comfortable in a truly urban or truly rustic setting.

  69. Anonymous3:22 AM

    The whole thing was so contrived. I especially loved the "Waltons" ending.
    One other part, that no one commented on, was the car ride to the class they took. Sarah never made eye contact with Kate, as she was talking to her, and during most of the conversation she was texting. How rude can you be, and this is while she is being filmed for TV, imagine how she is when the cameras are off!

  70. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Kate used to be a nurse and she birthed 8 kids. Why didn't she ask Mrs. Palin about the WILD RIDE??

  71. I was on the SP Alaska FB page last night and some of comments were just unbelievable. Examples include: Sarah should slap Kate and drown her in the river, Sarah should shoot Kate in face like Cheney, if a bear attacks, Sarah should knock Kate down and pour honey on her etc. This blog is obviously for people who don't like SP, but I can't remember a single instance when anyone wanted her dead.

  72. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Anon 7:52 you should really try to get your information from places other than Fox and TLC and ANYTHING Mrs. Palin says.
    If you have any common sense, if you have a job or ever had a job, thinj if your employer would let you bail for months at a time to go on DWTS or to make speeches?? Bristle does not have a job. She is grifting as much money as she can while the getting is good. And it isn't gonna be good for much longer. Whatever $$ Track makes fishing is well spent on pharmaceuticals it seems.

  73. Anonymous3:44 AM


    I must have hit a nerve. I asked legitimate questions. There was no liberal fueled hatred in my questions. Sarah discusses the importance of work ethic constantly so I am just asking her to reveal her family's work ethic. My family actually has real work ethic. I started working full time summers in high school and full time while in college through a PhD. I have been employed full time my entire life and never quit a job. My husband is the same. He grew up on a farm so did chores from the time he was 5 years old. Our children had to find part-time employment at 14 and have worked full-time thus far in college. We have real work ethic. Before you try to say that the Palin kids are too active in sports, etc. to have jobs. My kids were also very involved. They were also able to contribute a great deal to society by volunteering. What volunteer activities have Sarah's children done?

    Other than a month of fishing, what does Track do for employment? While I could google Bristol all day long, I don't think any real jobs would be revealed other than the celebrity bits and a short stint as a receptionist. If Sarah wants to talk work ethic, she is going to have show us how her family is doing. By the way, other than follow his wife around, what does Todd now do for a living? Do any of them display work ethic by having to report to a job day in and day out like Sarah always tell others to do??? They seem to travel a lot, attend a number of fund raisers and celebrity events, etc. but the discipline of showing up for a real job seems lost on the entire family.

  74. Anonymous3:55 AM

    "If I paid attention to the show...". Why in the world would I want to pay attention to this show? I have a hard time watching a short video clip of this woman. The minute she opened her mouth at the Republican Convention, I thought she was a hateful, nasty woman. Her behavior since then has done nothing but reinforce my initial impression.

  75. Anonymous3:58 AM

    OT. Sarah tells the people of Haiti in a new conference that they simply need jobs, yet her entire family seems to be doing very well without any real jobs for any of them! Yes, Sarah is a Fox News pundit, author (LOL) and gives speeches, but can't pinpoint what the rest of them do as far as real jobs other than living off of mom's pontificating.

  76. Anonymous4:40 AM

    I wonder how scara would fair if she was plopped into a real media event where she took questions that were not prescreened?? At least Kate was up for being plopped into her zone of discomfort. Would be nice to flip the tables and see what kind of smart ass remarks Kate and her kids would make of the paylin clan behind their back. Tacky---scara accusing Toad of hiding from, OH Yeah, the cry baby, kate, and that he was smarter than she thought. Class. Can some one please write some dialog for that pathetic women....blah, blah, family togetherness, blah blah, family values, blah, blah, good for the family, family this family that. Hit that point hard, scara! Make the painfully obvious, more obvious by trying to convince us otherwise. I don't watch TLC anymore, haven't for years and this show along with Alabama babes or whatever it is called is a huge contribution to what is wrong with this country. Thanks TLC for taking us in the wrong direction. Chelsea Handler asked the other night, "Why do people even watch paylin's show, just for the laughs?" Her entire panel and the audience screamed in unison YES! The "I can see Russia" crap is not funny when you bring it up scara, it is just very, very sad. We don't laugh, we cringe for you in embarrassment.

  77. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Watching this waste of electrons might make one "like" Sarah more, but it would never, never, never make them respect her or think she has an ounce of intelligence, leadership, or humanity.

  78. Anonymous4:42 AM

    For everyone obsessing about why they did what and what things meant, remember what Aaron Sorkin said. It's all theater folks. They weren't 2 families out camping by themselves. Imagine the cameras turned around and what you would see is the lights, trailers, craft food service tent and 50 production people. Kate Gosselin complained about being hungry but there was a ton of food and a warm dry trailer for her within 50 feet of the tents. All staged. All pretend.

  79. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Has it occurred to anyone else that Sarah's learning curve is waaaaay behind her progress into modern media land?

    Books live on forever. Your words, so not misquoted.

    Interviews come back to haunt you.

    But an 8 part series? OMG it will never end!

    Ammo for all future enemies. The biggest issue will be how to decide.

    She is so screwed.

  80. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Yesterday I met a Republican here in TX that can't stand the quitter. He was funny as heck. That's a first clue -- good sense of humor = high chance they don't like the quitter. So, that's 3 Republicans here in TX that don't like her: me, my husband, my new friend. There must be more of them, hope to find others, am on the lookout........


  81. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Assclowns of the Year #85: The Top 50 Assclowns of 2010 edition

    1) Sarah Palin

    It pains me to give a certifiable airhead like Sarah Palin top billing on even a list such as this. Generally, the top spots go to people who are in positions of power and influence and who make or enforce policy. Sarah Palin is none of those things. In the words of Pravda:
    By attacking the democratically elected President of the United States of America at a sensitive time in her country's history, she shows the tact of a boorish drunkard bawling obscenities at a funeral.

    Indeed, Palin has proven time and again to be a greasy, gnarled finger on the back tongue of America to the delight of 5 million intellectual bulimics in the Tea Party that think everything she does is in some way marvelous. She’s like a herpes sore that simply will not go away for even a week in spite of the few strong antibiotics we have. Now it’s up to Pravda, the former propaganda organ of the USSR, to represent the voice of truth and reason.

    While making up words on Twitter that become “the Word of the Year”, insulting the president while he was abroad, having the gall to take $7 million upfront for a book she didn’t even write, and claiming on her “reality” TV show that anyone can be independent and hunt for their caribou meat (provided you have about $43,000 to spare), this ultimate Fame Monster, if she were chosen by a superior extraterrestrial species as a representative sample of humanity, would help bring about an immediate invasion that perhaps may not be such a bad thing, considering Mankind’s current progress and propensity for rewarding the stupid and ignorant.

  82. Anonymous5:34 AM

    I can't watch much of either. I am curious if Kate's kids wear make-up and weird styles like Piper? Do they often get that spaced out lost, drugged and abandoned look, too? From the pictures I've seen they seem to dress more appropriate and as kids. I've heard the older two speak, it was brief, are they more psychologically well rounded? Kate is a case but her kids may have a chance to develop with intelligence.

    Do any of them have weight problems? Kate might be able to help Sarah with the diet issues. It would certainly be good if Todd stays in contact with Kate. If Sarah is not receptive Todd might be teachable if it comes from the right person.

  83. Anonymous5:44 AM

    "Alaskan Hospitality"? Terrifying your guests, making them uncomfortable, and being nasty to them is "Alaskan Hospitality"? Then no thanks, I'll stay here in fake America where making your guests comfortable and treating them kindly is hospitality.

  84. Anonymous5:48 AM

    5:59 PM
    I was channel surfing and found a MTV Pregnant Kid Show. Bristol is such an inspiration I decided to check it out. A young couple was at the doctors office and it was all about him being instructed to put his finger up her vagina and push something. I couldn't stay with it so didn't get all the details. I suppose the younger kids watch this along with the teens that are at the pregnant age? The doctor or nurse was clinical and cute with the procedure but do kids really need all that?

  85. Anonymous5:51 AM

    OT. Heard Palin say this in Haiti, covered for some reason by CNN, talking about herself, I presume, causing me to become angry, sick, and curious as to what difference she felt she made:

    "More importantly, for Americans and people across the world to know what an individual can do to make a difference, to contribute, to kind of get out of your comfort zone and volunteer to help."

    Comfort zone. One of Bristol's DWTS phrases. Same scriptwriter. I wish the Palins would get out of mine. -B

  86. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Chuck is creepy and I have no respect for any mother that would allow her children anywhere near that beer guzzling perverted butt grabber. Especially since I learned about this chick he may have had on the side. Still checking that out but it looks like he was a swinger or cad in his younger day. Now I hear he can't get out of the old recliner so well and Servant Sally just caters to the irascible old fart when he isn't playing at reality star.

  87. JenniferinVA6:11 AM

    Two observations: Why was Piper dolled up with her mommy's hairstyle, complete with highlights and teased to death? She looked inappropriate to say the very least!
    I never thought anyone else could cast Sarah in a good light, but Kate, by acting like a spoiled pain-in-the-ass diva, allowed her hostess to appear almost likable. Kate came off as a real jerk in this episode. I can't believe she acted like that in front of cameras. She did not improve upon her image as an entitled shrew!

  88. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Sarah's purpose was to prove to the world that SHE is the ONLY woman on TV worth watching. Jealousy of Kate Gosslin? I think so but then I can. Not. Stand. The. Silly. Fool.

  89. Anonymous6:17 AM

    The machete scene shows that not only does she not camp, she doesn't cook.

    I am the ultimate city girl, and I learned to cut away from myself when I was a little girl, cooking with my mother.

  90. Anonymous6:18 AM

    "@7:52, the salmon business isn't a year round job. Track will have to come up with a lot more than that. He probably got paid to be on that episode, so that may last him a while."

    For drinking money, anyway. I believe that he went into the army to avoid prosecution. Must be a blow to the ego to spend time in the army, in a war zone, and not even get a, what is it, CIB- a badge that he was in combat. How do you get one of those "safe" jobs anyhow? Does your mommy have to talk to a general?

    "This blog is obviously for people who don't like SP, but I can't remember a single instance when anyone wanted her dead."

    I can't either, but I suspect that were her sudden death announced, many of us could control our shock and grief without difficulty.

    "While I could google Bristol all day long, I don't think any real jobs would be revealed other than the celebrity bits and a short stint as a receptionist."

    I tend to think of her as "office manager" in quotations, and reading her referred to as a receptionist- which of course she was- just made me think of what a receptionist does. The receptionist at our doctor's office greets us with a smile, efficiently confirms our identity, makes us feel welcome while collecting our copay and fielding phone calls. Once I showed up- a few hours before they rushed me into surgery- and I was feeling so horrible, I was in tears- and she guided me to a seat, got me tissues, alerted the nurse and comforted me.

    I can see Bristol, "Hey! Just give the middle finger to feelin like f***ing sh**! Suck it up! Any idea how my feet hurt when I was dancin'?

    I mean, does she exude friendly warmth? If she wasn't fired, I bet the doctor let her quit for DWTS with a huge sigh of relief.


  91. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Why must Sarah Palin constantly tear others down in an attempt to make herself look good? We get it, Sarah. You and your family are down to earth, All American good people. EXCEPT THAT IF YOU REALLY WERE, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO PUT KATE GOSSELIN ON YOUR SHOW TO LOOK THAT WAY IN COMPARISON.

    And at least Kate Gosselin, for all whining, didn't make personal attacks and insults and try to tear Sarah Palin down.

  92. Anonymous6:24 AM

    If "Alaskan Hospitality" means speaking smugly and making faces about your guests on national TV, Alaskans sure don't sound very hospitable!

    Although I will say Sarah's father appeared to be genuinely kind to the children.

  93. Anonymous6:25 AM

    What was the purpose of Willow and Palin walking the dog at the beginning? They've never had a live animal as a pet. No one is home long enough to feed it - it would die of starvation, neglect and abuse.

    Was it an attempt at swaying doglovers to the dark side?

  94. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Everyone that thought we were picking on Bristol's weight just to be contrary didn't realize we were all operating off the skinniness of her post-pardem days.

    Bristol was thin! She was thin in her Candie's red carpet walk, appearance on the morning shows with her dad and in her cameo on The Secret Life of the American Teenager.

    Then we get her photo spread with Levi and Tripp when they re-engaged and she was all of a sudden chunking up? And she still agreed to go on national primetime television and subject herself to speculation on her weight.

    No, she never was a size zero, but that's not how you spin your story Bristol - we don't want you to be a size zero - we want you to be open and transparent, not subscribe to the patented Sarah Palin false narrative that your weight is an issue just cause we don't like your mom's politics.

    We don't like you and your mother's hypocrisy. No one asked you to call Greta. No one asked you to call celebrity tabeloids for photo spreads. No one asked you to use your monosyllylabic prowess to give $18,000 speeches on how not to have sex before you are married. No one asked you to pledge to Oprah that you wouldn't have sex again until you met a good Christian man and got married first.

    You could have been a normal young mom, going to school or even, working hard as a medical office receptionist. But noooooo, you had to just pump up your legend and be just like your mom and make yourself above reproach when you took the road that most normal parents wouldn't want for their kids.

  95. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Canadians can't stand them either...

    The most irritating people of 2010 | Globe and Mail

    1. The Palins
    Are they Alaskan hillbillies or down-to-earth folks with values grounded in old-fashioned virtues and experiences? Who cares what they are. Enough already. Sarah Palin traipsed through this nightmare of a TV year, squawking about this and that, like a fame-seeking reality-TV contestant afraid of being forgotten. And then daughter Bristol on Dancing With the Stars, awkwardly hoisting herself toward the saddest sort of entertainment fame. Do you get the feeling it will all end in tears? The sooner, the better.

  96. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Isn't this particular episode like a part of a show from wife swap? They put the woman in an uncomfortable environment and watch her squirm. I believe that if Sarah actually had to parent Kate's children for a weekend, she would be in hysterics without the comforts of her blackberry and sycophants. Where is the other half of this story? Shouldn't Sarah come to Kate's show and actually take care of her 8 children for a few days????

    No, I do not like Kate, nor have I ever watched the show. I do believe that a fair representation would be to have Palin change roles with Kate.

  97. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Still the best question posed by pundits in relation to this series...How do you ever run for President after having a sleepover with Kate Gosselin?

    Some things are meant to make one smile!

  98. Silla alert6:53 AM

    The strip mall called Wasilla is hardly NOT the city. It is a flipping SUBURB. Strip mall suburbia. Part of Anchorage in the tiny little state of Alaska. She gets by with all this crap because of the huge land mass. As far as humanity and people go, Alaska is tiny. Anchorage and it's burbs are huge when it comes to the cities of Alaska and populations. Actually, Sarah is a city dweller from one of the largest metro complexes in the state. She is all smoke and mirrors as is well known. Kate's farmette is more rural than anything Sarah has known. Sarah lives a hop, skip and a jump from the Best Western and she was in walking distance to score dope at Shooters. Sarah Palin is the biggest joke of this television season. I can't wait for the actual true documentary on her life and Wasilla. Don't leave out the snowbillies of the Silla because it gets more interesting than the sick of Sarah that we've seen too much of by now.

  99. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Guess the caption on that pic:

    Gosselin kid-Nice to meet you Ms. Fey

  100. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I kind of wonder how many milestones in Tripp's life Bristol is missing. I mean I was there for my daughter's first words, walk, run, trip, etc. Every single one. I loved being with her, even when she was driving me nuts. I think Bristol is following her mother's example of shitty parenting. Never being there for any big event, never wiping the tears or sharing the smiles that come with each new thing. What a shame, mostly for Tripp. It's almost as if he really is a grudge child.

  101. The whole Track "job" act is pathetic nepotism. I'm not against families passing on a business, families working in family businesses. There are times it can be used in the worst of ways. Track has problems and they are understandably trying to spin him into something his family can be proud of. It wasn't that long ago that Bristol said she didn't know what he was up to. This 'close family' and taking over Dad's number one fishing spot business was made up for a show. No one else in the area is deserving or would want that lucrative place to fish?

    The family is failing with this show because they are showing the world they are in denial and they do not give a damn about other people. First when it comes to Track there are many unanswered and unaddressed issues. He is a teevee star now and he needs more than ever to have his "come to Jeses" moment. Out with his sins and transgressions and plead for mercy and forgiveness. Track needs to get real and stand on his own and not allow himself to be another prop. It is really ugly on him because he is not cute like Trig and Piper. He is older, angry and troubled. Comes off like a derelict in the making. Having a bunch of adults and a TLC show set up this gig for him as if he can handle taking over a family business only makes him more pathetic. Too bad the best fishing hole will be wasted, that is sad for the whole community. The ugliest side of nepotism. Why is a young man his age allowing them to make a clown idiot of him for the public to watch? Track is the one person who should see this show, over and over again until he gets what is happening to him and how he is used to benefit another. He needs to stay off any substances that can alter his thinking. He doesn't convince me when he talks about Todd either. I don't think he'd want to be in a marriage like he sees with the parents that raised him.

  102. Anonymous7:39 AM

    anon @ 6:31, thanks for your post. Couldn't say it better. melly

  103. Anonymous7:42 AM

    In some people's world the only way they can feel "self confident" is when there is someone to put down. Kate gives Sarah confidence and self worth she can't alone.

    Isn't Sarah one of the producers of this mess? Doesn't she have control over the editing?

    How does Kate feel about doing more appearances or shows with Sarah? When is the mutual favor to be returned (when Sarah does Kate's show)?

  104. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Kate did have a good plastic surgeon and she has better stylists. She looks about 20 years younger than Sarah. What are their real ages?

  105. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Off topic a bit, but was just watching "The View." Barbara Walters was discussing how all of her 10 most fascinating folk had been pleased with the program....Oprah, General Petraeus, etc. All gracious, but one, guess who? Sarah Palin (or one of her minions) had apparently let Barbara know that "she" wasn't pleased. No one on The View could figure out what her complaint was, particularly since they let her tell ALL the books she was reading! LOL!

  106. Ferry Fey7:51 AM

    Look, many of us were surprised to see Piper's new hair style. But let's be fair.

    She could also be said to have her hair exactly like that of the girl who might at one time have become her Aunt Mercede, who many readers here respect.

    Piper's entering her tween years, and she's got big sisters. Hardly surprising she'd start to wear a hairstyle which is popular in her community and culture. Criticising her for that is shallow and parochial.

  107. I watched for about fifteen minutes and was struck by Sarah's manic behaviour. She's just trying way too hard to appear natural and she fails. We sure don't get to see much of Alaska though, just as a backdrop over the shoulders of the major players in this fluffy puff piece. They should have called it Alaska's Sarah Palin instead.

  108. Anonymous7:51 AM

    In Kate Gosselin's defense, she probably lasted longer at the campsite than Palin did at the Haitian cholera clinic...

  109. Anonymous7:53 AM

    6:25 AM

    I thought they did get a little fluffy dog? It may belong to one of the baby sitters or whoever cleans the television set they call home. I do think Sarah has grown to allow dogs to be around for the kids. It is cute and looks good and family like.

  110. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Gosselin lasted longer than a Palinbot likely would have! If the typical scooter-riding Tea Partyer is indicative of a palin sycophant...

  111. Just another note on the Russia thing... I have stood on the deck of an icebreaker as we headed into the Arctic through the Bering Strait and have seen the USA to starboard and Russia far off to Port.

  112. Anonymous8:48 AM

    7:51 AM

    I don't think the criticism is toward Piper. Piper is on a television show and nothing is done that isn't scripted or gets by the editors. If Piper wears long colored eye lashes and glitter nails to go to church on a show the criticism is actually towards the adults that are in charge of how she is staged like that. The Palins have gone Hollywood and they are still pretending it is just the far out back woods of Alaska. No cell phone service for a pregnant Bristol, remember?

    It is legit to discuss Willow Smith, Kate's kids and Piper Palin as the show biz kids that they are. Each is from a different region and family situation and those factors are also part of the publicity, styles and exposures.

  113. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Track is old enough to get his own agent like Bristol and Tripp, he doesn't need parental approval. His fishy fishing is not a year round job. He can be the best fisherman in the area and further his television career at the same time. He now has on his resume that he is a featured cast member and star of a show. That is good on a resume and good experience and people have used that to launch big money careers. Elizabeth Hasselblock. Track may want to do more about his love of fishing, what fishermen in Alaska do off season. He also has many of the same friends as Levi in the hockey scene in the Valley. He could enhance Sarah's hockey mom cred. I notice Sarah seems to be backing off the Mama Grizzly. I heard her say she wasn't a grizzly but a brown or black bear. Is she going back to the I'm a hockey mom image? There is so much more that Track can do to contribute and not make his parents look like such failures. I hope he stops being a slacker Mama's boy that they have to prop up. Come on Track and MAN UP!

    It is time we hear more about Track and more from Track Palin. His brief experience in the service is of interest.

  114. wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!9:12 AM

    There are burbs in Houston that are bigger than the state of Alaska. It is if not the smallest state in the nation, one of the smallest.
    If every citizen voted for Sarah it means next to nothing. That is a very small place with land.

  115. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Walters made the enemies list after that soft ball boring show she did to placate Palinville? She does work for ABC and she will probably sacrifice her reputation as a journalist to be a team player and kiss the Palin Butt. She doesn't deserve an ounce of respect for her horrible end of career performance. She should put together all the film they took and ask the idiots how they would have put the show together. I'd like to see how Mansour would edit Todd and Sarah. Both that and the full taping from Barbara would make a great DVD.

  116. Anonymous9:21 AM

    "Chuck just had to add (in front of the kids) that Kate was "B***ching from the minute she got off the plane, too" Niiiiiice. Next stop? White House state dinner, Pops!"

    He really said that? Klassy.

  117. Help Track get work9:41 AM

    Who is in charge of Track's publicity? He needs to be "hunktified."

    Todd is an old frail man now and they are wasting space to make him the hunk in the family. That is just dumb. Before Todd, I would buy Track as the family hunk. If they do it right I'd join his fan club. I might even start his fan club and elect myself as president! I did watch part of the show with Track and I was in shock that they made him look so bad. His voice is better than Todd's any day and that is a big thing in the business they are in. It is obvious the parents know that Track is an mess and they have nothing much to work with. Let's play that he could actually take over a family business. Are Sarah and Todd convinced that he could make it on his own? No. He has to have a friend to hold him up and it is only because of the crew at TLC that it looks as if he could go into that business. The few assets that he has is what they must accentuate. He is young and his voice is better than Todd.

  118. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Yeah, I'm not sure I'd say Bristol was that much smaller when this was filmed. that jacket looks like it's hiding her usweekly engagement belly. And I'm confident in saying the hiking scene was filmed around the same time as the skeet scene since BRistol was pretty busy working and deciding how to seek revenge on Levi during early summer. Her early dwts rehearsal pics don't show smallness. They actually show the same size has Cissie's latest pic, when B's standing between Todd and Sarah.

  119. Anonymous11:01 AM

    My only reasoning against Sarah trying to refute rumors is, she approved very real moments of her family. Moments that a perfectionist wouldn't air on tv. Her kids are at the age of moodiness and budding independence. I still don't find them any more fascinating than the average neighbor. There's nothing unreal really and there's a lot less drama than some of my friends have in their lives. Shoot, I've known people who let their 2 yr old sip beer because a buzzed toddler is "hilarious". The real difference in the Palins lives and ours? Teenage peers who seek money and temp fame are willing to bullshit some stories out of jealousy. It happens with every politicians and famous family. People use people to move up in life. Happens everywhere. Get over yourself. You have no class if you "earn" money from writing about someone else's life in any fashion and the average person will ignore shit like that.

  120. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I do agree that kids are available for public discussion, like Willow Smith, when they make statements like "Maths is hard" and "I have no time for school" Really Will and Jada? You two busy to make sure your daughter is learning while touring the country without you? It's one thing to put your kid in show business if they prove to be incredibly talented. It's another to do it just because you're in it and it makes things easier for the family. Or something. ugh, even though I work in entertainment and feel it has the potential to do more good than harm, I am still heavily comflicted about it.

  121. Anonymous11:08 AM

    THe family has always had dogs and loves them. Trig loves his pets. It is common knowledge that Sarah is scared of cats but a lot of people jokingly call cats evil.

  122. Anonymous12:04 PM

    11:06 AM

    While I do cringe and have conflict about the kids, it might be a good thing after all to discuss exploited or the young ones that parents allow in these shows or performances. Will and Jada, the Palins might be better parents one day if the attention is not just controlled by the positive PR. If not Will, Jada, Kate, Sarah and Todd seeing the light, there will be parents in the future. They might decide it is not so good to have young kids in reality shows or out to be the next Miley Cyress.

  123. Anonymous2:49 PM

    If the Palin's go camping in the wilderness of Alaska all the time, and you need a bear gun to do so, why would she be just now buying one?

    Once again, reality TV proves to be anything but.

  124. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Now that Sarah has spent a few hours with half-Asian children she can claim she has international affiars experience. I'm not sure of John's actual heritage and don't want to offend anyone, just wondering how she's going to use these fake experiences to pad her resume.

  125. Anonymous4:19 PM

    ..."OT. Sarah tells the people of Haiti in a new conference that they simply need jobs, yet her entire family seems to be doing very well without any real jobs for any of them!"

    That's true. Maybe the Haitians can learn to wink and wear push-up bras.

  126. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Sarah got to finally play with someone on her own level... Kates kids, and the she proceeds to terrorize them.

  127. Fun to watch people who never shoot a gun, nor get off the couch, make fun of the Palins. Sarah is a small person, and a 12 gauge shotgun would rock her. The point of shooting a shotgun is to hit the desired target, not to fully absorb the kick (which would limit the number of times you shoot it).

    No bears here, but met a bunch in the Rockies and the Smokies. Better respect their ability to tear you up.

  128. Anonymous3:31 AM

    You should see the comments on Kate Plus 8's Facebook page. They must all be Palin supporters.

  129. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Great commentary:


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