Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sarah Palin is pissed off and dammit EVERYBODY is going to hear about it! And by "everybody" of course I mean only those who read her Tweets or Facebook posts.

Look I don't know if it was something she read, or something she heard, or something she ate, but something or someone sure took a piss in the Grizzled Mama's cornflakes early this morning.

She started off by tweeting this about four o'clock in the morning Alaska time:

My, how the world of journalism changed w/this obsession to destroy subjects via exploiting out-of-context sound bites 11 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

The link is to a Howard Kurtz article for the Daily Beast that condemns the use of short sound bites to discredit public figures.  The article does not mention Palin by name, and really mostly spanks the right wing while only tapping the wrist of the left to give it balance, but that does not stop Snowdrift Snooki from assuming that  it is all about her. ("Everything is about me, me, me! Even if they don't know it!)

Later, at about nine o'clock our time, Palin actually finds something that DOES pertain to her, and fires up the RAM to pound out a Facebook response on her behalf, and a tweet to alert the flying monkeys.

Setting the Record Straight on State’s Film Production Tax Credit
8 hours ago via Facebook

This was in response to the the conservative website, the Daily Caller, suggesting that Palin's reality show benefited directly from tax breaks that SHE implemented while she was Governor. Here is the beginning of RAM's Facebook response:

Goodness, cleaning up the sloppiness of reporters could be a full time job. In response to The Daily Caller's online inquiry, I gave them a statement that the writer buried on his story’s second page (which most people won’t even notice – I didn’t even notice it) after he spent the first page completely spinning a situation to give the impression that Alaska’s film production tax credit legislation was somehow solely my idea hatched up to benefit the Palins years before I was ever involved in a documentary series on TLC/Discovery Channel. Here’s setting the record straight: As Governor, I signed into law a popular bipartisan bill that was crafted and passed by others and has resulted in numerous Alaska-based productions that are airing today. The only alternative to signing the legislature’s work product would have been for me to veto their legislation, which would have been useless. Besides all that, their legislation worked.

It is hard to tell if Palin is more pissed at the suggestion that she created a tax break in 2008 so that she could benefit from it in 2010, or if she is more pissed that they dared to put her denial of that can think that far ahead on the second page of the article. (I vote for the second one.)

However Palin was too fired up to spend all day bitching about a flippin' tax break that she certainly did not flippin' sign onto a bill to get more flippin' money,  and plus she suddenly realized that she had not criticized the President for hours, perhaps even days.  So just one hour later she took to Twitter again:

FLASHBACK: What We Were Saying One Year Ago About Obama’s Failed Energy Policy
7 hours ago via Facebook

Palin was so excited to be on the attack again that she tweeted about it twice:

POTUS Manipulating U.S. Energy Supply...
7 hours ago via web

Yep BOTH of those links lead to the RAM written Facebook post, which starts off as follows:

It’s unbelievable (literally) the rhetoric coming from President Obama today. This is coming from he who is manipulating the U.S. energy supply.

You can almost see the smile that must have been on Palin's face, and smell the venom dripping from her lips, as RAM read to her what "Palin" just wrote on Facebook.

So finally Sister Sarah undoubtedly felt she could sit back on her rocking chair made out of polar bear skin and the bones of baby seals and relax, knowing that asses had been kicked and names had been taken. (Oh yes, names had DEFINITELY been taken!)

Except something was still bothering the fabled "Star of  the North."  Was she forgetting something, she asked herself?  Maybe something coming up in the near future, that had gotten out of hand, and started more silly rumors that she needed to "squirmish" under one of her red Naughty Monkey Pump heels perhaps?

Aha!  She finally shook off the Red Bull and diet pill haze and remembered what it was!

But now RAM her trusty sidekick was completely used up and lying on her undersized bed in her tiny apartment pounding down Mallomars in an attempt to recharge her batteries.

What was Palin to do?  The event was only two days away and she had to do something to avoid looking stupid (again)!  She already decided to have Todd make a call, but she needed somebody competent to clean up whatever mess he might make!

There was really only one option left. She had to RELEASE THE STAPLETONGUE!!!

So Palin picked up her trusty hockey stick, that one she uses to keep Todd away from her when he has no pocket money for prostitutes, and swung it at the box with the words "BREAK GLASS FOR EMERGENCY SPOKESPERSON" printed on it.

Afterward, smelling of moth balls and pulling dust bunnies from her hair, "Meg the Mouth" reached out to Fox News:

Fox News also spoke with Meg Stapleton, Palin’s former spokeswoman, who says that there would be no major announcement of any kind on Friday. Stapleton has remained in contact with the Palin family and also spoke with Tim Crawford, Palin’s chief fundraiser, about the rumor.

The big news was supposedly going to be broken on KWHL’s “Bob and Mark In the Morning” show. The two hosts did nothing to shoot down the speculation.

Bob Lester, one of the hosts, responded to inquiries in an email saying he did not know what Palin would be talking about Friday. “We can only hope she announces something ‘Big,’” he wrote.

Stapleton says the hosts are more like "shock jocks" than newsmen, although Bob is described as a conservative who has been very good to Palin.

(Scoot over a smidge everybody, we have to make room for Bob and Mark under the Palin bus. Well there goes the neighborhood!)

I would assume at this point the Grizzled Mama is lying on her queen sized bed, just big enough for her and her Ginormous ego, rolling Tawd's testicles around in her palm like those Chinese Boading Balls, and thinking to herself, "What is that Latin phrase for tweeting the crap out of the day? Carped Damn...wait...Carpet that's not it...Corpse Dump....oh fudge...what is that flippin' phrase again?  Well I seized the damn day by the cojones is what I did, so take that Mr. Obama!"

Good night America, and you make sure you get some good sleep, because there is just no telling what this crazy bitch will do next!


  1. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I swear Uncle G. as I read this, all I could think of was Stupid Sarah as the Grinch.

    My mind literally could not stop replaying 'You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch ...' as I imagined her doing exactly what you wrote!

  2. It seems pretty obvious to me that Sarah's biggest problem is that President Obama is completely ignoring her...the one thing she absolutely can't handle. That could explain why she is getting more and more irrational, shrill and desperate for attention. The most important person in her life considers her of no consequence...not even as significant as a mosquito.

  3. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Man, you're outdoing yourself lately with the great posts and the snark. Gotta love it !!

  4. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Very funny post!!

  5. majii7:30 PM

    She has run what is left of her little brain totally off the rails! President Obama has as much control over the price of a barrel of oil and the price of a gallon of gas at the pump as she did when she was governor of AK. She is looking really stupid in accusing President Obama of "manipulating" oil prices. Oil is traded on the global market! For an "energy expert," she should know this. I wish some on the right would make up their minds. President Obama is either the most powerful man in the U.S., or he's the most weakest, ineffective president we've ever had, but he can't be both. He must be doing something right because some on the right are having a total meltdown.

    BTW, I thought it was only the other day that Palin said she'd stop whining about the media.

    I knew she wouldn't keep that vow.

  6. That was great. You should write a book. The Palin Diaries.

  7. Anonymous7:34 PM

    It probably is true that many of her Facebook "friends" and Twitter "followers" are the curiousity seekers, journalists, and "liberals"-- If so, the rants are being passed around to people who are not her sheeple. Her third grade tantrums, whines, and disrespect for our President is known around the world through social media. She is making herself into a bigger joke (if that's possible). She is doing herself in. Doesn't she know that not people on FB and Twitter are not all her "followers"?

  8. Wasn't it like 3 or 4 days ago that she said she wasn't responding to the LSM or some such shit?

  9. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I think Sarah has a crash on our president. Whatelse can I say.
    Hey Sarah. He is taken. Keep you snifer pant Todd.

    Just kidding. Anyyway I understand your anger. The only way to get rid of your anger towards your Loose pant husband, is to go after another man, lashing out your frustration to even your disapointment. Unfortunately, you picked the president who has nothing to do with Todd's loose pants.

    Sorry Sarah, just deal with Todd. its is not president Obama's fault that Todd Cheated. Our president is classy. Although I am almost telling you this.. I told you to shut up. Why did you have to cover up Todd. He has a mouth to defend himself against aldultery accusations. Stop ranting against the president. Sort out you marital problems in your house hold.

  10. Anonymous7:41 PM

    As I continued to read all of the insignificant crap that Palin fixiates on during an ordinary day, all I could think was "so this is what she quit the governor's office to accomplish?"

    While she gave her quitter's speech upon leaving office early, she made it sound as though she had noble goals to fulfill in the coming days and years - important work to be done.

    And yet this is how she spends her time.

    What a legend in her own mind she is. And already becoming forgotten in the minds of others...esp. now that Bachman is the new focus. I think she is breaking down just because her replacement as tea party queen and savior has been appointed in the form of Michelle Bachman.

  11. The upside of her being President: she'll be too busy fighting everyone around her to bomb random countries.

  12. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Oh, but Majii, she said she was done whining about the LIBERAL media. So, in SP speak, whining about the CONSERVATIVE media is fair game. What a dolt, whining about not getting coverage in exactly the spot she would have preferred, as though the world must read her mind and do exactly what it . . . uh . . . says.

  13. 4am? What the hell, tweeting at that hour.

  14. Anonymous7:47 PM

    to lynne,

    i know. since gibbs left his position, the white house seems to no longer pay attention. But Gibbs was obsessed with her

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I wonder if Palin has the manager of her local Taco Bell on speed dial to open up the store at the snap of her finger and produce Crunch Wrap Supremes shen she is home alone at night wondering how she got talking to the Trig lie and the world turning agaist her. Hell, with her money she could buy the Wasilla Taco Bell and have her Baileys dispense next to the Mountain Dew.

  16. Anonymous7:48 PM

    why do you always think Sarah is pissed off? Shes a very mellow person except when people choose to lie and embellish just to be assholes

  17. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Thanks for the fun Sarah tweet ride!

    Fox News getting Todd and Meg S. to make a statement? This just sounds so unprofessional. Seems like Sarah's in a very bad mood today, like the little girl with the little curl. When she was good she was very good, but when she was bad, she was awful.

  18. Anonymous7:50 PM

    peezoo already throwing Bob & Mark radio hosts under the bus - along with the entire GOP, late night comedians, bloggers, and all the media (even FOX, except for Greta).
    Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin seem to be the only ones spared.
    She will HAVE to run third Party (HAS to run to keep $$$$ coming) - and that means she ruins the GOP for 2012 and maybe beyond.
    She has pissed on and pissed off almost everyone on the planet.

  19. Enjay in E MT7:52 PM

    Agree with Anon @ 7:13
    -between the Mr Grinch tune or "you know it's going to be a bad day when...."

    .. you finally open the mail to find a National Enq reqest for comment to "tell all" article - release date tomorrow

    .. your personal mgr calls 8am DC time with updated poll numbers - that are swirling the drain - and you live in AK time

    .. your private email is not proprietary property when cc'd and CAN be used against you in a book
    (as long as cited & quoted)

    .. also you realize there are no more delays in releasing the government emails, are IN the drain in 30 days

  20. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Had to take a peek at the Sea O'Pee to see what they're saying. Still laughing. They're saying that America doesn't deserve a President like Palin. They're queuing themselves up for disappointment, while clinging to their belief in Saint Sarah.

  21. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Bob of the Bob and Mark Show's biography. This is who Sarah chooses to associate with. VERY Presidential:

    My name is Bob Lester and I am the “Bob” in “The Bob & Mark Show.”I have been asked to write down a little biography about myself, so that you can get to know me a little bit better.So here I go. I was born in Tacoma Washington on March 27th 1966. I refused to breast feed, so I was raised on the bottle. Then on my 9th birthday I finally started breastfeeding, my mom was not happy, and people on the bus used to give us dirty looks, so we stopped that a few years later. I lived in Bremerton, Washington for the first few years of my life, after bouncing around from military base to military base as my father was a Master Sergeant in the Air Force and his job took us to Florida, Texas and California. Since I was a baby, I have no memory of these places. So let’s move on.I moved to Yakima Washington in 1977 and was raised on a farm. We raised all kinds of things; pigs, chickens, sheep, goats, cattle, poppy seed plants, and pot. Sometimes the cows would get into the pot plants and start laughing so hard milk came out their nose.But I digress.After farm life grew tiresome I went to a small community college in Lynwood Washington, which is about 20 miles North of Seattle. It was pretty cool, especially the liberal arts classes I took with all these hippie chicks. I learned to appreciate the smell of musk, and armpit hair. Plus hippie chicks put out if you have tie dyed condoms.After College life, I drove the Al/Can highway to Anchorage. I arrived here April 1st 1990. Yep, April Fools day. How appropriate.For the last 17 years I have been a nightclub dj, bartender, restaurant manager and a radio dude. So basically, I haven’t had a real job in 17 years. Today I find myself working the morning shift on 106.5 K-Whale. It has been the best radio job I have ever had, unless you count that one gig where I was the intern for an all-lesbian station in Switzerland I worked at as a lotion applicator. No, wait a minute…that’s my favorite masturbation fantasy….never mind.So all in all, that’s me in a few paragraphs.I hope it helps.Some of my favorites are:Food: Anything raw or cooked,
    Drink: Milk. (Honestly…especially breast milk…I miss mom.)
    TV show: Deadliest Catch.
    Movie: Asian prison sluts in heat part 4. (Although part 3 is a close second.)Some of my favorite web
    If you want to know anything else about me, just stop me sometime and ask. And remember what my grandpa used to say…“Grandma, pop out them teeth…I’m lookin’ for love!” (He was kind of a romantic.)Have a great day. Don’t drink and drive, and if you’re going to say something stupid, say it on the Bob & Mark show!Fish On!

  22. To Gryphen:

    "You light up my life
    You give me hope
    To carry on
    You light up my days
    and fill my nights with song."

  23. WakeUpAmerica8:10 PM

    Hahahahaha! You have outdone yourself.

  24. Anonymous8:13 PM

    "Release the Stapletongue!" Some of your best work yet Gryph!

  25. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I feel ashamed. I hurt from laughing at Sarah. She can not stand to be ignored. I am getting the hiccups!!!
    Laughing at a sick person has got to be a low for me. She sure is a mess.

  26. Anonymous8:20 PM

    i agree gryph...

    you are getting better and better!!!

    poor sarah. poor tired, old, run down sarah.

    nobody cares anymore darlin' about you.

    those that do, are enjoying watching you go to hell in a handbasket. since 'unmasking' all makes total sense now to me. you, darlin' are nothing but a puppet to a angry lesbo with a crush.



  27. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Yeah sure. Mellow, my arse. Sarah couldn't possibly be any more tightly wound.
    It's not that people are telling lies about her that has her so worked up. It's that people are calling her out on her bullshit.
    You're the only asshole here. But sit tight. I'm sure some flying monkey bots will be along soon to keep you company.

  28. Anonymous8:22 PM

    She is just going to get more and more mad. It has been some time that her name was mentioned at HufPo.. Romney and Michelle Bachmann seem to be the GOP front-runners at this time.

    The powers that are behind the Republican party have given Mrs. Quitty-pants the thumbs down.

    They lavished her with with every advantage money could buy during the 2008 campaign, and she burned them good. Nice job, Scara.

  29. Anonymous8:29 PM

    7:48..meg, instead of appearing on this blog, why don't you go slither back under your rock, and if capable, fuk off....and take that $tinkin' $kank $karah with ya, OK ?

  30. Anonymous8:32 PM

    7:47 PM:

    "to lynne,

    i know. since gibbs left his position, the white house seems to no longer pay attention. But Gibbs was obsessed with her"

    The White House never paid $arah Palin any special attention, whatsoever. No one in the White House, especially not President Obama, was ever obsessed with $arah Palin. A few comments here and there by Robert Gibbs, does not mean "obsessed." Palin is the one who is obsessed.

  31. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Hee hee! The angrier she becomes, the more her narrow thinking becomes clouded. She loses her head, then rants, whines, yaps, and throws foot-stomping tantrums much like a petulant child.

    This behavior only further highlights what we already know--how obtuse she is, and how totally unfit she is to hold any office! She's a joke that is becoming more amusing by the day! Incidentally, she makes the Grinch look good.

  32. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I really think one of her personalities is having a breakdown. Salon had a funny article also too.

  33. Anonymous8:35 PM

    She must be heard and obeyed, for she is the Queen of Everything.

  34. Anonymous8:37 PM

    $carah's become the reich wings ex psycho bitch girlfriend

  35. Anonymous8:37 PM

    @7:48 PM,

    "why do you always think Sarah is pissed off? Shes a very mellow person except when people choose to lie and embellish just to be assholes"

    $arah Palin, always the "victim."

    $arah Palin, mellow? That woman is not fucking "mellow." She's fucking crazy! President Obama is fucking mellow even when assholes like $arah Palin lie and embellish just to be fucking assholes!

  36. Anonymous8:41 PM


  37. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Hey dumbass Sarah

    Take a look at Strong, Confident, Intelligent, Powerful women you will never ever ever compete with.

  38. Anonymous8:50 PM

    You light up my life, you give me hope to carrrry onnnn...I can't get that song out of my head...

  39. Anonymous8:53 PM

    She's getting pissier which means something about her is going to be let out of the bag any day soon.

  40. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Good heavens! The illiterate half-wit behaves like a damn toddler throwing a tantrum at the grocery store. Will she hold her breath till she passes out for an encore?

  41. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Ummm Is this the stupid broad that was gonna ignore the "Lamestream Media"? There goes that plan down the toilet like every other plan this Bimbo has.

    Let's see, what set her off today? She read on Gryphen's blog that Friday was April Fool's day and didn't want to look like the fool she is?

    She found out that a story was coming out in National Enquirer that Todd might have a "love child".

    I'm thinking what it really was is, She read the e-mail from Todd to Shailey Tripp. And it pissed her off that Todd wore that damn tie to her inauguration. Plus he told her she lights up his life.

    Maybe he would have told you that too Sarah if he hadn't been so busy ducking cans and fry pans and dishes. You might know who your husband was sleeping with if you'd have shared your bed with him.


  42. Anonymous9:01 PM

    What this tells me is that Sarah KNOWS something is coming down the pike and she has to work overtime to discredit the media so that when it hits, she thinks that no one will believe it. Yup, something's about to blow!

  43. Anonymous9:05 PM

    "Stapleton says the hosts are more like "shock jocks" than newsmen,..."

    NO FUCKING KIDDING! Jesus, how stupid does she think the general public is when it comes to obtuse morning zoo guys like these two clowns?!? Yes, whenever I hear a moniker like "Bob and Mark in the Morning" my thoughts immediately turn to the likes of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite.

    Thanks for the insight Meg! Don't quit your day job (whatever THAT is!). Lazy-eyed psycho.

  44. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I wonder what the two radio guys will have to say about her after all of this?

  45. angela9:12 PM

    Did she find out Shailey bought the tie Todd wore to her 2006 Gubernatorial Inauguration?

    Ooooooooooh no . . . .

  46. SusieQ9:12 PM

    Squirmish. Ha ha ha ha ha,rolling on the ground, ha ha ha.

  47. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    why do you always think Sarah is pissed off? Shes a very mellow person except when people choose to lie and embellish just to be assholes

    7:48 PM

    Oy vey!

  48. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Wow, her meds are totally whacked, she must be on an adderral bender! I mean METH................

  49. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Sarah Palin would be NOTHING if not for the media. They MADE her and they will eventually destroy her, as it should be.

    When one is made only of 'media', rather than 'personal' substance, it is inevitable that disintegration will eventually occur. Sarah has no personal substance. She has been making up myths and stories, lies and spin for so long that she believes her own pathological life story, which is pathological in and of itself.

    This woman is deeply disturbed and most likely has been sexually abused in her early childhood years. Her rage, victimization, bullying of males, especially, her projection of predatory behavior on men she disagrees or feels threatened by...all of these point to a classic case of early childhood sexual trauma.

    Wonder if any of the upcoming books will explore this.

  50. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Can anyone say menopause meltdown??? Let's all chat at once, Sarah is having a major menopause meltdown!!! Mrs. Birhter, ain't birthing no more babies!!!!LOL

  51. Anonymous9:38 PM

    They r shock jocks but remember this still is where quitter said she was going to announce if she runs in 2012.

  52. angela9:56 PM

    I have to say this is funny as hell Gryphen. I'm thinking about now though--Sarah just might hate Tawd even more than your hysterical post.

    What a day.

  53. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Now she's dictating how RAM's articles are positioned? What a control freak! John McCain may you rot in your own proverbial hell for the horror you brought on this country. You are a deeply desperate and dishonorable man and the country is paying the price for it. Unleashing a toxic plague for all of us to cope with and clean up is the legacy you will take to the grave. You destroyed lives in Viet Nam and you've put a stench on the political discourse in this country.

  54. honeybabe11:14 PM

    golly, with all the hate she spews an ulcer is probably in her future. she must be exhausted from all the anger and fear she projects. it's lovely that most rational people are finally seeing her clearly thanks to her attacks on anyone and's all a plot against her!!!

  55. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I was curious and looked at the dumbshit's facebook page. When you search for "Sarah" her profile picture comes up and it says politician! Is Palin in another world because the last time I checked she is not a politician, she is only a citizen of Alaska. What Da F are they smoking in the Palin house or what pills is she popping? I would not be surprised if tomorrow she changes her description from "politician" to "POTUS".

  56. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Palin must of gotten her ass chewed up by FOX and they must of told her she better think twice before announcing anything on the Dumb and Dumber Show instead of FOX. If she does, she better be looking for another job.

  57. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Is it wrong to say that I despise Meg Stapletongue. I think that she is morally and personally corrupt. Ugh. The sight of her makes me sick.

  58. dizipoo12:41 AM

    Wow Gryphen, that's the most accurate photo of Mrs P yet. It serves as an x-ray of her true inner self....angry, artificial and full of rat chomping hatred.

    If this photo gets around she may lose some of her milf ratings with the boner boys. She looks more like some of the scolding mothers-in-law these guys like to laugh and complain about.

  59. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Imagine an actual president, oh, say, President Obama, behaving the way Sarah is allowed to behave. He wouldn't, couldn't last a minute. I spent an hour laughing about "squirmish" last night. I'd recover for a few minutes, and then would start laughing all over again. What an imbecile. She doesn't even recognize that only in America can an inarticulate, unintelligent white person be elevated to pundit and be allowed to comment on weighty international policy issues. That is the advantage (and the power) of white supremacy, which is what this is all about. The birthers, the tea party, the crazy talk from the right. These folks are just reminding us that, yes, I can be as publicly ignorant, stupid, foolish, and ill-informed as I want, but all of that is negated by my whiteness. Long live America.

  60. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:55 AM

    Gryph you are FIRED UP! Your posts are a riot lately, and the message isn't lost in the snark. Keep up the great work!

  61. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Loved this post Gryphen. You are getting funnier and funnier and Palin is getting crazier and crazier.

    I can't wait for her next ridiculous antic. It has been a FUN week.

  62. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Who is taking care of the younger Palin children ... playing with them, reading to them, getting them to school, giving them any parental time at all? I feel so sorry for the children in that household, to have a mother (really? well, maybe, maybe not) who not only hasn't a speck of earnest time for them but is simply totally worked up all the time. Maybe Todd is a good dad, despite ... I sure hope so.

  63. Anonymous2:33 AM

    She's such a sqwat!

  64. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Hee-hee, what fun. Excellent post Gryph! You do not disappoint. Thanks for getting my day off to a great start and a good chuckle.

  65. Anonymous2:55 AM

    I used to wish she would go home, fade from sight and raise her kids. Too late for the older ones, but the more she screeches, tweets, facebooks and generally spouts off I am now thinking her kids are better off without her. Where is Piper these days, is she attending school or deciding to follow in Bristol's "career paths"? Both of them love nothing more than to be "on camera"

  66. Anonymous2:56 AM

    My money is on RAM to be Palin's undoing. RAM seems like the scary, angry, sinister aide secretly plotting to get revenge.

    OT: Bristol and Willow have done a good job lately staying out of the spotlight..... is Willow still staying with friends in Idaho or whereever? Is she preggo?

  67. Virginia Voter2:59 AM

    Gryphen, dude, you have outdone yourself with this is epic.

    No doubt Sarah is desperately trying to control her narrative, and as usual, just winds up coming off manic.

    Y'all take a look at Shaileys latest blog post if you haven't already, and that could be some of the reason for her highness' latest meltdown. The National Enquirer cover story just adds more fuel to the fire. Sad thing is, unless you watch Faux News, Sarah gets little to no coverage anymore on the major networks and newspapers.

    And yes, " You light up my life" is now playing in my head over and over.

  68. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Brilliant post Gryphen. I had to keep the coffee away from my lips while I read your synopsis of the quitter queens manic meltdown! LOL Paylin posted something last week about how it was a waste of time to respond to lame "attacks" by the media, so from now on she wouldn't and then, bingo bango, there she blows!!!

  69. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    why do you always think Sarah is pissed off? Shes a very mellow person except when people choose to lie and embellish just to be assholes

    7:48 PM

    Mellow= drugged up

  70. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Gyphen .. Sarah needs a new tee shirt to wear. One that accurately sums her up.

    Sarah's tee shirt should read


  71. AKRNC3:16 AM

    One of the main problems is Palin believes the nonsense she reads on C4P about herself. They recently stated that the reason President Obama "attacked Libya" was because he was so upset about Palin stealing the spotlight while in India and Israel. That's the kind of crazy they spin and she probably believes. When asked to read material pertinent to the campaign in 2008, they found her reading her messages from prayer warriors and talking about how great they were. She needs to be the center of attention at all times and yet she is getting nothing but people laughing at her now. Even a few months ago, they would have been talking about her FB posts on the morning shows, now there is no mention of her except in talking about how she's slipped so far in the polls. With two books coming out and one of them is going to do some serious damage because it is quoting sources who are being named, along with the emails which may or may not be big news depending on how redacted they are, Palin is running scared. She should be, she's yesterday's news.

  72. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Tweeting at 4 am Alaska time? Wow that HAD to be someone else, or else the Queen is tweaking on something that keeps her awake, brooding and plotting revenge!

  73. Anonymous3:30 AM

    It took 3 people to deny that she was going to be on a show and make an announcement, why didn't she just twit it? It took Stapleton, Toad, and Crawford to deny it? She is really having a bad week. Remember O'Reilly slammed her this week also, too.

  74. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Another Great Post!!! Thanks for starting my day. Why is she so late with responding to news that is old. Isn't that tax story at least one month old now? You know she sits around all day on her computer checking all the sites to see what is going to be said next about HER. I hope she is also checking into mental facilities for a long-term visit, as she will be needing to book her stay soon. Interesting she says nothing about the recently released emails and the work that Malia is doing--Scara, you are a coward.

  75. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Funniest damn article that I have read in a while, you just get better and better as you type the words. You really have a way with words, love it.

    This is making my day.

  76. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Palin misses the point, as usual, regarding the federal subsidy for "Palin's Alaska."

    It's not that she set it up and then benefited from it. But that she benefited from it at all, regardless of who set it up.

    The bottom line is that federal tax dollars paid, in large part, for the show to be produced. Federal tax dollars paid Sarah Palin's fee.

    One presumes the show would not have been filmed were it not for the federal tax dollars. Perhaps
    it would have been "O'Donnell's Delware" instead. . .


  77. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Oh Sarah, you be looking super stupid again. By the way Sarah, how is the "stud boy" Toad doing with his little tool?

    Also, how you like being a grandma again?

  78. Anonymous4:18 AM

    In other news, the economy is getting much better. In my little corner, a thousand jobs are coming starting in a couple of weeks.

    Things are really looking up, thank you President Obama for your leadership.

    Also, thank you Mrs Todd Palin for continuing to be a laughing stock in this country and elsewhere. You win the prize for most ignorant hateful lying un-american traitor un-informed stupid asshat ever.

  79. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Sarah likes to prove her critics wrong. She probably spends more time reading comments on this blog than on C4P. She saves that for when she needs to boost her ego. I bet that one of us correctly guessed what she was going to announce tomorrow and she just has to prove it wrong, even though the cover-up is bogus. Her critics have more control over her than her advisers (who have none). She comes here to find out what we say she is doing and then does the opposite. She added (sometimes inappropriately) smiles (smug looks) to her demeanor, calmed her breathing, tried to reign in the hyperactivity (although she still can't go a whole interview without working up to a good climax), changed the hair a million times, modified her outfits, addressed what takes up all her time (no one was asking except here). The problem is, now that we know what she's up to, how's she going to prove that wrong? By going back to her old ways? What to do, what to do?

    She also sees that her predicted collapse is just around the corner and there is nothing she can do about it except go down swinging and isolating herself more and more. She doesn't like that she has not been able to control the media through her little temper tantrums and she certainly doesn't like them covering stories that are working to set her records straight. I smell panic and the funny thing about panic is, the more you try to cover it up, the stronger it becomes, especially for someone who can't sit down and shut up because it's not the way they're wired. She may want to have that wiring checked, for her own good.

  80. Olivia4:23 AM

    Wow! I am a bit slow on this but it just occurred to me why all the flip flopping on Libya is going on.
    (HEAD SLAP!)
    The right is totally nauseated at the possibility that Qaddafi will be removed while Obama is the president. I keep forgetting that the right isn't interested in anything positive happening in the world until that black man is out of the White House.

  81. Anonymous4:33 AM

    "Shock jocks." The only people she trusts to let her precious daughters be interviewed by, without adult supervision.

  82. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Hey, all you dumb fucks that hang on to Sarah's nightgown. She is mentally ill and needs help, you need to get her some help instead of trying to push her to make an even bigger ass of herself.

    She needs help desperately as she appears to be suffering from childhood sexual games. It has made her worse as she has gotten older and has rubbed off on Bristol and the other girls. The whole damn family needs an intervention because things are going to get worse.

    Bristol is best friends with Jeremy's sister and had a relation with Jeremy. This whole family situation is about to explode as more info is released to the public concerning the Palins.

    Stay tuned, Sarah and family will be front page news. They need to learn to sit down, shut up and stay away from having their names in the news constantly.

  83. Anonymous4:46 AM

    I've discovered that it's impossible to underestimate Sarah Palin's stupidity.

  84. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Can anyone say menopause meltdown??? Let's all chat at once, Sarah is having a major menopause meltdown!!! Mrs. Birhter, ain't birthing no more babies!!!!LOL


    she should be used to it by now - it's been 10 years since the tubal.

  85. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I've read blogs in the past few days, both left and right, that have been discussing Palin's payday from SPA, and how the state of AK had to foot a lot of that paycheck. Google it.

  86. Molly4:59 AM

    Thanks a bunch for this post, Gryphen, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope it makes Sarah even more Squirmish.

  87. I think she suddenly realized her morning guys were setting her up. They sent out the rumor that she would be announcing something when she came on their show friday, and she just noticed that it is April Fools day on friday. She had to simultaneously try to look presidential (that's what she thinks those screeds do for her) and quash the rumor. I'm interested in the phone call or email that released the Stapletongue. What did those two say to each other. What did Sarah promise Megamouth to make a quick foray back into the swamp?
    As for Bob and Mark, because I'm working on a new doll photo essay involving the Friday show, I went back and listened to the 3 part interview with Sarah and Bristle. I think it may be in part two (or near the end of part one) when they ask Sarah something about her using their show to "announce." You should go listen to her response, which is almost a non-response. She sounds uncomfortable, like she's really sorry she told them she would announce on their show if she ran for something. My take is that if she is planning to announce, no way she's doing it on Bob and Mark in the Morning. They have, like, 5 listeners. And they are on in the morning, Alaska time. If she announces, she will do it on Fox or at some event, not on the shock jock show.
    So the question becomes what is she going to talk about on Friday. My guess is that she is going to whine about the media, maybe get in some last shots about the ethics complaints and records requests that are finally leading to the release of those emails. My guess is some sort of Alaskan damage control, because that is the audience.
    There is also the possibility that she will attempt an April Fools joke. The problem with that is that she doesn't have a sense of humor. People without a sense of humor should not take on April Fools day. Because it will be a fail. The only laugh I've ever heard from Sarah is her mean girl laugh.

  88. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Great, Great Post!! Awesome imagery...Thanks :) -E

  89. According the the fox news article, Sarah is not even going to be a guest on the show Friday. I think that is hilarious. So either Bob and Mark cooked up the whole rumor to get listeners on Friday, or they heard the rumor that she was going to announce on their show Friday and just ran with it. They DID NOT tell people that she will not be a guest. I'm guessing from Stapletongue's "shock jock" comment that the boys are currently out of favor with the queen.
    ~And the wheels of the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round....~

  90. The take-away from this non-news is that Sarah is the only "famous" person in the country who has to spend the week before April Fools doing damage control. That's our girl! The shock jocks just reminded everybody of Sarah's trashy side just when she's trying to sound presidential about Libya.
    Oh, and as an aside, to the troll who says Sarah is mellow, you have apparently never watched any of her Fox interviews. The words that come to mind when I watch those interviews are "snide," "bitchy," "whiny," "annoyed," "humorless,", "hyper," "manic," "totally pissed off." That's just her outward presence, not based on the garbage that comes out of her mouth, which also sounds pissed off, bullying, bitchy, mean, nasty, and stupid.

  91. Anonymous5:28 AM

    @12:23, of course the sight of Stapletongue makes you sick. She looks like a red-headed baboon.

  92. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Palin has watched way too many daytime soap operas for her good.

    She seems to want to create a dilemma every 10 minutes (before the station break).

  93. Anonymous said...

    to lynne,
    i know. since gibbs left his position, the white house seems to no longer pay attention. But Gibbs was obsessed with her
    7:47 PM
    What?! The White House "no longer" pays attention to her'? The White House never paid attention to her. If by "obsessed", you mean Gibbs enjoyed the opportunity to laugh at her infantile shenanigans when asked by reporters, well then...

    Nice try, bot. The President has plenty of knowledgeable, intelligent people around him to consult with. He doesn't need an incompetent, ignorant, just plain stupid, twit like Palin. He is married to a gorgeous, brilliant, sexy, loving woman, so he doesn't need a withered up nasty hag like Palin either.

  94. Anonymous5:39 AM

    her decision to no longer whine about reporting on her didn't last long, but who's surprised by that?

    does anyone else think her use of the word "via" feels odd? as if she thinks it makes her seem intelligent?

    sarah is always good for an easy laugh.

  95. Anonymous5:44 AM

    @ 4:21, second paragraph - you nailed things, 100%.

    She'll just go down swinging.

  96. Since Sarah reads this blog, maybe she would like to comment on her experiences at this event. Oh wait, she wasn't there:

  97. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Gryph- Your posts are so freaking funny lately. Please keep me laughing and informed at the same time!


  98. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Ugly on the inside, ugly on the outside.

  99. Anonymous6:19 AM

    She actually posted a tweet at 4 a.m.? Wow.

  100. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Bitter and resentful come to mind. What I'd like most is for her and Todd to be accountable for any abuses of power. Those are the news stories I'm looking forward to following. Sooner or later, we all have to live with the choices and priorities we make and their resulting consequences.

  101. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Sarah, sometimes it's okay to retreat with your dignity still in tact, instead of reloading like an asshole.

  102. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Palin is a carp: The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it.

  103. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Hmmmm. methinks RAM is being punished for the squirmish stupidity. See RAM - you get thrown under the bus too, for using a word $carah can't pronounce.

  104. Anonymous7:25 AM

    "That was great. You should write a book. The Palin Diaries.

    7:33 PM "

    But to brign it down to Palin's level, wouldn't it have to be titled "The Palin Diarrhea (of the Mouth)?"

  105. Anonymous7:49 AM

    But Gibbs was obsessed with her

    If "obsessed" means "responded once to a question about her."

  106. She's pissed off huh?

    Well, better to be pissed off than pissed on as we say here in the deep south.

    It sure seems like she and her peebots enjoy swimming in it, so maybe pissed on is more to their liking.

    If only they could find something more constructive to do with their time other than whine about the President who is busy, you know, getting shit done.

  107. Anonymous8:04 AM

    This is funny. The flying monkeys are pissed at HuffPo for not reporting on Bill Maher calling Sarah a "twat". I keep picturing Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" screaming "I'm not gonna be ignored!"

  108. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Just the funniest post to date! How do you top yourself? No wonder you are in the upper left hand corner of my screen -- you are always the first blog I check each day!

  109. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Oh, my dear Gryphen, that was just hysterical! Great job on the hapless Snow Snooki!

  110. TruthSeeker9:13 AM

    Anon @ 11:19 PM "I would not be surprised if tomorrow she changes her description from "politician" to "POTUS"."

    Hmmm, I wonder. Would that be "President of the Unelectable Skanks"?

  111. Anonymous9:18 AM

    With a few small changes this old ditty could be old "HASBEEN SARA'S" new theme song..... or is that SWAN SONG???


    Too old too old he's too old to cut the mustard anymore

    Well when I was young I had a lotta pep I could get around I didn't need no help

    But since I'm old and a gettin' gray the people all look at me and say

    Too old too old he's too old to cut the mustard anymore

    he's gettin too old, too old He's too old to cut the mustard anymore

    I used to could jump just like a deer now I need a new landing gear

    I used to could jump a picket fence but now I'm lucky if I jump an inch

    Too old too old...
    Well when I was young I had an automobile scoot myself right under the wheel

    I had to fight the gals off with a stick but now they say "he makes me sick".

    Too old, too old...
    too old to cut the mustard anymore

  112. Anonymous10:19 AM

    That's some funny writing there Gryphen! Thanks for the laughs:)

  113. honeybabe10:49 AM

    she's melting......hopefully to leave only the crazy slippers.

  114. Anonymous11:16 AM

    4:09 You are correct...that tax story and her 'Alaska' special is a month or more old. Idiot Palin was way behind the eightball on responding to that issue!

  115. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Isn't she going to have Piper or Tri-g stand in for her?

  116. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Geoffrey Dunn's book is coming out next month and so are the emails. And there is nothing she can do about it.

  117. Anonymous12:31 PM

    after studying that photo I have to ask, is she really ONLY 47???

  118. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Hey Sarah if you ever show up at a conservative convention leave the leather motorcycle jacket at home. Time for you to wear the t-shirt that says "I'M THE BITCH THAT FELL OFF THE BACK!"

  119. KatieAnnieOakley12:55 PM

    Something else to consider: looks like the FBI has been rounding-up militia members all over the place in Alaska... DropZone Bill is a snitch... and he was hired by Joe Miller. What was shared with DropZone Bill by Joe Miller?

    Along with everything else, might explain his pissiness...

  120. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Funny article at Media-ite. Great comment: “…… neither Carlson nor the Daily Caller could ever hope to do as much damage to the right as Palin has in her nearly-three-year career as a professional Angry Person™.” See

    Somehow, images of a parody on an Angry Birds’ game come to mind, with a Palin-bird lobbing herself at all the people-pigs on her incredibly long enemies list. I bet you and your creative friends up there in Alaska could come up with something like this!!!! Don't have to come up with anything other than her screechiness for sounds!

  121. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Pretty obvious she is menopausal (or as a male friend told me - "mental pause".

    It is also obvious that she is in meltdown, kinda like the reactors in Japan. Because of that I worry about Trig. Who is actually caring for him?

    There was a seriously mentally ill woman in the valley about 20 years ago that ended up being responsible for the deaths of her 2 youngest children. A 7 year old, and then a month old infant.

    I hope someone will keep both Piper and Trig out of harm's way.

  122. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Goodness gracious....Sarah Palin can take horrid photos....I hope some that you have, go national. She has become as evil looking physically, as she is inside. She's aged considerably just in a two-year span!

  123. Anonymous5:03 PM

    "Star of the North."

    You know I have no problem with Sarah wanting to attach her persona to the image of a huge flaming mass of gasses.

  124. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Just up on Politicus USA. State Scrubs Web page for Alaska Film Incentives.

  125. meena6:35 PM

    check this out:
    Fox News have now edited Palin’s video to change the word “squirmish” to “skirmish”



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