Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Adding the income that Bristol will earn from her upcoming show with the Massey brothers, the Palin family will have earned almost 3 million dollars from reality programming alone.

From Think Progress:

Sarah Palin’s Alaska, $2 million: TLC paid Palin $250,000 per episode for eight episodes of her nature-adjacent reality show, below the $1-$1.5 million per episode rate Palin was apparently looking for when she started shopping the program. When Sarah Palin’s Alaska premiered strong, the former Governor reportedly pursued a contract renewal that would have brought her up to the $1 million level. But after ratings declined significantly, and the show’s hunting scenes sparked controversy, TLC declined to renew it.

Dancing With the Stars, at least $365,000: Networks are loath to confirm reality show salaries publicly, but in 2009, Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson’s contract with the show was leaked, providing a sense of the DWTS salary structure, which paid participants a base rate of $125,000 no matter how far they make it in the competition, and an escalating per-week rate as they survive elimination. Under the terms of that contract, Bristol Palin earned at least $365,000 for making the finals, and could have made more if the terms of the contract have been renegotiated more favorably since then.

Bristol Palin’s reality salary is hard to calculate.  But a conservative estimate might put Bristol Palin at $50,000 per episode, the same as what Donald Trump made during his first two seasons with The Apprentice, bringing her $500,000 for the whole run of the show.

If our estimate is accurate, that would bring the Palin’s collective income from reality television alone to nearly $3 million since September 2010.

See, now don't you feel silly about working so hard to make a buck? 

Or for spending all of that time getting a good education? 

Or for teaching your children to both work and study hard so that they can have a good life? Silly, silly you.

If only we could have known that all anybody had to do is quit halfway through their job, get knocked up as a teenager, or have your face mutilated by a plastic surgeon, in order to make millions of dollars, we might not have wasted all of that time becoming educated, learning marketable skills, and working hard to advance in our fields. (When I see my high school guidance counselor again, I am going to punch him in the nose.)

Still I can only imagine how devastating it will be for this family once people tire of them, and they can no longer make a living saying provocative things, or pimping out their children on television for a handful of advertising dollars. 

And when that happens what becomes of a family full of tragically undereducated people, with a newly developed taste for the finer things in life?

After all don't they own a television? And haven't they seen what happened to the likes of Dana Plato, Gary Coleman, and Todd Bridges?  And hell, THOSE kids actually had talent!

Well for the Palin children there will still be one more payday.  All one of them will have to do is write a book about what REALLY happened behind closed doors, in that secretive Palin compound, by the poisoned lake, in the little town of Wasilla.  The only question is WHICH one will it be?


  1. Been reading everywhere about Bristol's upcoming reality show, almost all have a poll and the range is around 92% not watching it and that she is boring.

    Hey, and lots of these polls are on conservative places. The show will be a disaster cause people are tired of pimped out Bristol; and the new face and chin just made it worse for a dim bulb like Bristol.

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Even if they paid the Palin women only $1.50 an hour, it would still be $1.50 more than they're worth.

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Hoping Track lets loose with the legends. Willow has been put away, Bristol has been purchased and Piper is too young to know anything.

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    O/T, but I am distressed:

    I bought Dunn's book on Kindle this morning, got five pages in, and decided I needed a hard copy to underline. :) So I trotted over to Borders, expecting to see a huge stack of them on the "new releases" display. Instead, nary a copy in sight. I asked a salesperson, who checked the computer and told me they have four--only FOUR!--copies in transit somewhere, not at the store yet.

    I went across the street to Barnes & Noble. No copies in sight. Asked at the info desk. They had TWO in stock. Not on display on the "new releases" table, but back in the current events section, buried on the shelf--the cover wasn't even facing out to draw attention.

    PLEASE, someone, tell me this is NOT typical and the book is getting more prominent placement in bookstores elsewhere! I live in Colorado Springs, and these stores are both on the north end of town, which is dominated by New Life Church and Focus on the Family. This may explain why the book isn't receiving even the usual "new release" treatment in these stores. I hope this is an anomaly, although I'm furious either way.

    I did buy one of the copies from B&N, doing my very small part to boost Dunn's sales and show that there IS a market for Palin exposes even here in religious right-land.

  5. Anonymous3:15 PM

    i would not use the word 'earned'.

    bill in belize

  6. Anonymous3:15 PM

    My bet's on Willow. Bristol has many years of therapy ahead of her; Track flew the crazy house, Piper's too young to understand the meaning of the chaos around her...

    But time is on our side.

    As these kids get older (and hopefully wiser) they will be able to see for themselves how manipulative and controlling their mother is.

  7. I hope they give them the fuc$$ng dollars and get them all off the stage, they bring nothing to the table, they don't work, marry, or go to college, they are all worthless!

  8. Anonymous3:25 PM

    You forgot all the family members who got paid on SPA, too You think they did it for nothing?

    These are the kind of people who will wind up killing each other when the money runs out.

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Bristol has one talent and one talent only. She does not speak well. She does not seem educated enough to write a book. She does not act or dance well. She is the role model of how to make money by having a child when she was an unwed teen.

    Years ago, my daughter's college roommate had a date every night. She bragged about the number of guys she slept with, trying to get pregnant. Most people in college would be there to study, and an unwanted pregnancy might get in the way of getting an education.

    The room mate was different. In her circle of friends form home, girls got pregnant on purpose, and did not get married. That entitled the girl to apply for aid, sit home, watch TV and collect money that you and I worked hard to pay as taxes. Was the girl successful? The sad answer is Yes she was, and left college after one semester, happy to have welfare pay for her life of luxury. You have to feel sorry for a kid born in that circumstance.

    While we are at it, this is a good time to feel sorry for Tripp, who is being raised by a selfish, immature bratty girl who is more concerned with her shallow looks instead of his welfare. If Bristol is going to be busy living in her Charity House with two guys, that's some nice atmosphere for Tripp. Levi, where the Hell are you?

  10. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I thought they were paid 2 mil per episode? Or was that the price each episode cost?

    What are you talking about, real story of the Palin compound? You mean their average life in Alaska? I think Bristol's book can't come soon enough.

  11. Anonymous3:33 PM

    based on comparisons of photo's of saree and brisket in her blue dancing number I'm inclined to see more of a baby bump on the brisket than the grifter. Can someone please out that fraud? Or has she so locked up those who are in the know it will never come out?

  12. Anonymous3:34 PM

    So the Palins have cashed in on Hollywood like every pretty face in America. Big surprise. The day I don't have to see a cookbook of a desperate housewives actress, a foodie show starring a newly faced Heidi Montag, a reality show showcasing the boring yet sweet Audrina and her drunken mother or another mtv show showcasing slutty youth, I will breathe easier.

  13. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Despicable - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...deserving to be despised : so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation


  14. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I think Track's book would be the most interesting, particularly if he asks Todd to submit to a DNA test.

  15. Anonymous3:40 PM

    They best save their pennies as Plastic Surgery maintenance payments are in their future as long as they live.

    If they ignore the maintenance - they will have some sad droopy faces as we know both Snowdrift and Bristlebutt have both had some extensive work done and it doesn't maintain itself!!!

  16. Anonymous3:41 PM

    That's why I only read here about the Palins: they are TV fodder. She is not running for anything. And if Gryphen profits from writing about them, it's great with me--ironic, even. But they are a tabloid trainwreck; that is their brand & that is the work they are seeking. They entertain the stupids & the racists. They are a vulgar freak show.

  17. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Seriously, who would watch this crap? Just because Sarah is popular does not mean that everyone around her necessarily is.

    BTW, Gryphen, I don't think the public can really see Bristol in all her "glory" when photos of her face on are shown. It's the profile shots that are so grotesque and shocking. That CHIN! No doubt with the side shots that that thing is just not natural but Madamesque.

  18. Beldat "The Chin" Conehead3:45 PM

    I have to admit it does give the rest of us no-talent losers a measure of hope to see these bottom-of-the-barrel traylor trash fame-mongers hit the jackpot. I'm just 4 cosmetic surgical procedures, 2 fake pregnancies and 1 execrable reality TV show away from SUCCESS!!!!

  19. Anonymous3:46 PM

    As Willow has been in hiding, I wouldn't be surprised to see her next appearance with a diaper bag. She wants everything her sister has -- believing she too is entitled to the $$$.

    Willow's trashing that house a while back, she was drinking like her sister so what's stopping her from having a kid too seeing Bristle made $$$, so she will too.

    No adults around to supervise as was the case with the house. So don't be surprised when Willow gets paraded around knocked up too. It's a Palin thing - Grandmother, Mother, Daughter, Daughter!! All preggers before being married.

  20. Beldat "The Chin" Conehead @ 3:45...

    I love your name! Where ever did you get the idea for it?

  21. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Gryphen, this is a great post. I'm so happy to be ordinary.

  22. Anonymous4:11 PM

    All that money, yet not an ounce of "class" or "style". They lack all the things that money can not buy. Respect is another attribute that does not apply in their case, either. Trashy people who look and act trashy. Unfortunately, they will NEVER learn, they just think everyone is jealous. Who would deliberately make themselves a laughingstock?

  23. Anonymous4:13 PM


  24. Anonymous4:17 PM

    ...flea-bitten whoe-bags...crusty-crotch one,two & three...

    Hey Scarah, I can see the end of your gravy-train from my house...

    Easy come, easy go. Tick-Tock, Tick-T...

  25. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Bristol's negotiating skills are abysmal. The pay for the latest "reality" show is laughably tiny. Bristol is a sucker.

    BTW, what is Tripp's take for his sure to be stellar performance. The script writers will load the kid with sass and just-shy-of porn. To have a toddler corrupted by Hollywood should net his single mom a pretty penny.

  26. Anonymous4:22 PM

    3:33 PM Or? Didn't the church burn down, and nurse die?

  27. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Anon at 3:33 thats a great idea.. a pic of brisdull in that blue dress and the one with palin and her scarf from the other post... which ones looks more preggo... ha ha

  28. Anonymous4:25 PM

    But they aren't celebrities, remember.

    No, never celebrities.

    They are people of substance, of gravitas, with important things to say!

    I hang on their every deep word - not.

    Who is looking after Piper and that little guy? Why doesn't Sarah make an appearance with them to prove she even knows where they are...

    Sarah you pretty much act in response to things that are written about you on the internet, so let's get to it. Pretend you are an attentive mother and not merely a publicity hound duping foolish television execs and even more foolish fans out of tons of $$$.

    Mrs. Grifter.

  29. Anonymous4:28 PM

    have to see how Willow and Piper will be used to make $$$

  30. Anonymous4:30 PM

    More power to them. It's all they've got.

  31. Anonymous4:32 PM

    As Bristol's reality show is being shot in L.A. -- are there not laws with regard to the length of time a baby appears on air or is being filmed???

    Also the fact of payment for the child. Doesn't that have to be put in a trust for when they reach 18 years??

    It's different from the Gosselin brats as there are no solid laws in PA where they film but in California, that was a huge issue with all the child stars.

  32. Anonymous4:42 PM

    God she looks like such a vapid, Bambi twat.

  33. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Brisdull will teach other young women that the path to prosperity is to start a charity, and then pay yourself 7 times the amount you actually spend helping others with your charity.

    It's been a well rehearsed conservative scam since the 70's.

    Even sociopaths have to live with themselves.

  34. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Anonymous 3:13
    The same thing happened to me when I went into the Barnes & Noble in Shreveport to buy the book. It was nowhere to be seen. Went to the info desk and they had put the book in the biography section.
    Asked why and the clerk said that they didn't expect it to be big seller in this market. Go figure~


  35. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Trying to get some energy up to write a response to this, but I just worked a 10 hour day. Even with a bachelors degree, a masters degree, and a PhD, I cannot find words to express my disgust over the Palins and their white trash, money-grubbing cheesiness.

  36. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Bring on the Track/Todd DNA test! Now that would be a great segment on the program!

    I still say reality TV is a trashy second to a solid college education.

  37. Anonymous5:15 PM

    It must really tick off Sarah Palin that Piper will be the one to unravel the tale of Trig.

    Piper will outdo them all in raking in the dough. She's a walking little goldmine/landmine. And all of Sarah's manipulative little tricks won't stop Piper.

    Piper's growing up and starting to think about some of the strange things mommy did.

  38. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Gryphen - Lawrence O'Donnell just did an interview with Joshua Green - they were showing clips of Palin and 2x they showed her moving in her office with the same outfit - black suit/scarf she had on during the Parnell photo and as she moves and bends towards her desk you can clearly without a doubt see her very flat abdomen and the console behind her between her abs and her scarf - someone needs to get hold of this clip, date it and get it online - I do not know how to do this

  39. Yeah that figures, the B&N buyer doesnt figure the book will sell well in conservative places.

    By the way, doesn't Levi need to give permission for Tripp to be on a TV show? I don't see how Bristle can do all this stuff without his permission unless he is just agreeing to everything. Levi should have gotten a good lawyer, I wonder if he is still paying child support?

  40. Anonymous5:40 PM

    How much is that per pound?

  41. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Potential sponsors for Bristols new scam..

    Nabisco Oreo Double Stuff cookies (Two black dudes and a chubby white chick)
    Churches Chicken(Appeasing the thumpers)
    Jenny Craig
    Dinty Moore Moose Stew

  42. Anonymous6:01 PM

    They are just about finished, I'm pretty sure of it. Bristol has no future as an actress. She won't have a way to make money in a few years. People are already sick of Sarah. She will have her little following who send her trinkets, bible verses and money, but the day when the media ignores her will be here. She's already a laughing stock to anyone who can think.

  43. Anonymous6:10 PM

    The Palins should write a new book "How To Be A Millionaire Slut".

  44. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Anon 3:32- you are a real hoot!! Bristols book can't come soon enough!? ROFL! Are you joking?? Nothing in that book will be true, just like Sarahs book is full of lies. And they do NOT have an average life. That is nonsense! 99% of Alaskan families are unlike the Palins.
    I guess you are in the group who believes the things Sarah says about her family. Like Bristols Christian faith keeps her centered. Sure we all believe that's true.
    I'll pray for YOU anon 3:32.

  45. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Is it true that Willow was/ is pregnant?

    Has she been seen anywhere? There are sad rumors about her.

  46. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Piper may be cute, and may have been the hit of SP'sAlaska but I bet she will be the one who causes Palin the most trouble.

    It appears uneducated bully-boy Todd thinks he is smarter than everybody, so I guess his kids don't care about education, either. It is very sad, though, for young people working and going to school seeing these boobs make millions without any talent or education.

    Did they ever find out who set that fire at Palin's church--the one that thrust her into the news when the news about her had been waning? Or was that just swept under the rug, too?

  47. Anonymous6:21 PM

    here is the clip of Palin with her black suit, scarf and flat abs...starting around 2.3


    how do we date this?

  48. It makes me angry that our country has got its values so messed up.

  49. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Poor Bristol. Despite plastic surgery, she remains an alcoholic with bloating and constipation; thus subjecting herself to continued pregnancy speculation after her recent multiple pregnancies. Good luck with that, spoiled little rich girl.

  50. The word "earned" doesn't really seem appropriate here, does it? Maybe "take" or "grift" would work better.

  51. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Who Are Bristol Palin's Fans, Anyway?

  52. Anonymous7:40 PM

    You're citing TP as a source? Please.

  53. Anonymous7:49 PM


    palindeceptions site was NOT able to get a date on that scarf/black suit clip. There is a longer segment somewhere. I think it was msnbc.

    The people attending that meeting might have been able to date it but were not identified.

  54. Anonymous8:00 PM


    On first glance, I hardly noticed all the plastic surgery because of the obvious protrusion busting out from inside of that king-size fitted bed sheet BP's wrapped around herself.

    Just look at that gut on the new, slimmed-down version of Bristle Belly Baby Bump!!!

    All the fat from her neck has dropped down to her waist-line. She must be in an aerobics class or something.


  55. emrysa8:08 PM

    hate to say it, but the only reason these people have raked in the dough is because we have an abundance of ignorant people in this country.

    the stupids are keeping the grifting family afloat.

  56. Just saw the piece on the Last Word. This Joshua Green is saying palin was the greatest governor ever. I think it is full of misinformation.
    Gryphen, I hope you have a chance to watch this and give it a full debunking. There is a nice second of tape at the beginning where you can see how flat palin's stomach is.

  57. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Keith Olbermann used to play that clip over and over...perhaps they have the date. There is NO tummy there....flat as a board...when the scarf falls away from her body for half a second......wow...Sarah, you screwed up, babe. We KNOW , Sarah.....we Know.......

  58. Anonymous8:22 PM

    O/T but LOVING Dunn's book so far! One of Palin's minions is probably reading it with a dictionary in hand, as someone else said upthread. I doubt she has the attention span to read it herself, so she probably has some flunky writing the Cliffs Notes version on the palm of her hand.

  59. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Who cares? Money can't buy happiness, and these folks will reap what they sow.

  60. justafarmer9:20 PM

    oh, good grief:
    Bristol Palin says she had corrective jaw surgery
    "Bristol Palin admits her recent change in appearance was due to a procedure – but not plastic surgery.
    The 20-year-old daughter of 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tells Us Weekly that she underwent corrective jaw surgery in December, a month after she finished third on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars." Her face now appears thinner, with higher cheekbones and an angular jaw.
    The new look, complete with Palin losing 5 pounds, was unveiled April 30 at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in Washington, D.C.
    "Yes, it improved the way I look, but this surgery was necessary for medical reasons," she told the magazine for its May 23 issue, which will be on newsstands Friday.
    Palin said she had the procedure so her jaw and teeth could properly realign."


  61. Anonymous9:25 PM

    hollywood must be desperate...I won't be watching!

  62. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Trev 8:14

    I think Green on The Last Word was working it to sell it that she worked with Democrats and pissed off the Republicans because they were corrupt.

    I'd call it reverse psychology to piss the baggers off by seeing her as a traitor.

  63. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Gryphen, that is the perfect picture of Bristol's weight gain during DWTS.
    Perfect rounded, egg shape - what - about 6 mths along... How can anybody possibly not think that is a baby bump and we are supposed to believe she lost weight AFTER DWTS... They really think we are as dumb as her bots...

  64. Gasman9:43 PM

    The Palin's making $3 million for airing their dysfunctional white trash freak show of self indulgent obdurate imbecility?

    That is major league fucked up.

  65. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Let us not forget these 'regular' people were thrust in the national spotlight and Palin went rogue being out for self before the election. Palin did draw crowds and people swallowed her lies thinking she was refreshing. Palin is an opportunist seeking money and to be POTUS via speeches and reality shows including DWTS.

    Reality shows pay far more that a part tome job and tuition. I could not grasp how 'supportive families' dismissed Levi and Bristol dropping out of HS.

    The Palins are vocal and physically demonstrate disdain and mockery of education. They may have a lot of money but they are not rich. Show me $, morality, class, culture, ethics, integrity and honesty. It takes more than $ to be an excellent leader.

  66. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Brisket is now claiming that she had a "corrective" chin implant. Well a friend of a friend of mine had a "corrective" boob implant.

  67. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I just want to know how, after GAINING weight on DWTS, Bristol subsequently managed to lose "5 pounds." I have one theory--that whole baby thing--but if there's another explanation, I'd sure like to hear it.

  68. Anonymous10:20 PM

    It will be fun watching Bristol fetching the Massey brothers their slippers. Just like it is fun watching sarah publicly humiliate Todd by making him carry her purse.

  69. Anonymous10:28 PM

    You ain't fooling no one Brisket, honey. Just by saying "it makes me look older" proves that you been reading the negative comments all over the internet about your chin implant so therefore you needed a good excuse for doing what you did to your face. It took you a few days to come up with it but yes we know you've been googling "medical reasons for a chin implant" too. BUSTED!

  70. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Love Howard Kurtz....

    "There was a sense of celebration in the air when Fox News struck a $3 million deal with Sarah Palin, beating out a slew of networks, syndicators, and even Hollywood studios for the services of the hottest phenomenon on the political landscape. But 16 months after network chief Roger Ailes closed the deal in a meeting with Palin and her husband, Todd, the excitement has cooled. Palin’s regular appearances as a commentator no longer move the ratings needle without a promotional push. Palin was supposed to host prime-time specials dubbed Real American Stories, but Fox insiders tell me the idea was shelved early on. The first one bombed, losing a chunk of its audience as the show progressed."

  71. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Hurry up Bristol. You need to google medical reasons for that eyebrow lift too! And please tell us - however DID you manage to gain 30 lbs. "dancing" on DWTS then lost a whole 5 lbs. in the plastic surgeons office.

    Check out the before/after eyebrow pics. It's obvious.

  72. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Looks like Bristle's navel is sticking out in that purple dress like a pregnant woman or am I seeing things?

  73. Hey Sarah, I was on a field trip today with my daughter and we saw Piper. It made me wonder when was the last time you gave that sad little girl 3 hours of your undivided attention? I guess I'd just be asking myself if it's worth it.

  74. Anonymous12:29 AM

    If you believe the "corrective jaw" surgery line then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you.

    The corrective jaw surgery explains:

    overall plastic/waxy look
    eye lift
    cheek implants
    thinner nose
    botoxed lips
    chin implant
    lipoed neck
    hair extensions

  75. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Oh, I so hope she will get pregnant, and have a half black baby, cause you know Palin ain't gonna get elected with N****a loving daughter. I don't say that in a mean way , but you know it's how her 'faithful' think.
    Oh then let's talk about grifter granny changing to a Pro-Choice stance, also, too

  76. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Brisket is now claiming that she had a "corrective" chin implant. Well a friend of a friend of mine had a "corrective" boob implant.


    nope...she's denying it still. She had her jaw realigned....hohoho.

  77. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Perfect rounded, egg shape - what - about 6 mths along... How can anybody possibly not think that is a baby bump and we are supposed to believe she lost weight AFTER DWTS... They really think we are as dumb as her bots...


    exactly. However, all the Palins believe that when you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes the truth. Hey...it's worked for them so far.

  78. If you're tired of this mindless crap filling the airways and want to read a perfect book for The Moral Minority, check out My Mother Killed Christ: But God Loves Me Anyway. You'll cry, laugh, and then cry again. http://www.amazon.com/My-Mother-Killed-Christ-Anyway/product-reviews/0615438091/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

  79. If Bristol had a "corrective" chin implant, then I had a "corrective" dye job.

  80. Pop culture has a way of mirroring it's makers. The Palin's ongoing antics are completing the arc initiated in antiquity by returning us to the roots of the dramatic arts, the Greek tragic-comedy. The Muses will have sung themselves hoarse before the last Palin quits the stage.

  81. Anonymous10:55 AM

    O/T but share the concern

    No mention of Dunn's book anywhere on the web or blogs except the Christian Science Monitor tearing it apart. Methinks the blogs overblew the importance of the book or their is a concerted effort to stifle its distribution. The long arm of Sara strikes again. Will Joe meet the same fate? Will anyone ever come forward and out this woman? No guts in the MSM!

  82. Anonymous12:59 PM

    "And when that happens what becomes of a family full of tragically undereducated people, with a newly developed taste for the finer things in life?"

    Well, Sarah could turn that lovely new home in Arizina into a luxury spa/massage place and the Toad could go back to pimping out the girls! (after sampling the goods of course) ;O)

    Of course with two more Palin girls to go we could possibly turn Bristol's baren castle into a home for unwed teens who would like to be in a REALITY SHOW, go on bumping and grinding with the over-the-hill unemployed falling stars then get RE-VIRGINED!

  83. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Bristol Palin doesn't need a reality show, she needs a husband.

  84. hauksdottir10:17 PM

    Sarah was paid $250,000 per episode. How much were her family members paid?


    Given the size of the extended brood, I'm sure that the take was over $3 million for just the one program.

  85. Beldar "Hot Mess" Conehead10:53 AM

    It's the new American Dream: making big money not from effort, expertise, talent, skill or education, but just from being 'yourself'.

    The screechy wretch adds nothing to discourse on policy or serious issues facing this country yet she makes millions just being her most horrible, ignorant, divisive and just plain bad self. And now she's apparently training her offspring to succeed in the family business of "celebrity awfulness".

    The scariest aspect of all of this is the deluded minority of Americans who still look at this Hot Mess and fantasize her to be a suitable leader of the free world...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.