Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bill Maher is NOT buying the moosepoop in Bristol Palin's new book.

This is VERY funny, and most of you will love it.

However for those of you unfamiliar with Bill Maher, or HBO for that matter, I should warn you that this clip contains adult content, so make sure the kids are not anywhere near your computer when you click "play."

Oh, and you probably should make sure your don't have a mouthful of coffee either.

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous3:21 AM

    That's interesting because the book's flow is good and she poignantly captures her childhood and emotions really well.

    Since when is Bill Maher a good judge of anything though? Even respectable democrats think he's distasteful- the same way they think Olbermann is. I live in NY. Both men are fringe characters meant for laughs, not serious introspection.

  2. Dragonfly3:23 AM

    Gryphen, have you read the book? If so, you would have found most of the stories very believeable (because they are true)

    If not, should you really still be judging anything and touting others' opinions? Aren't you concerning with credibility? Oops, forgot what blog I was commenting on.

  3. Anonymous3:25 AM

    It takes a lot to admit in print that your father once (recently) told you he's done talking to you because you royally messed up again by dating a society-deemed loser.

    Just that alone is a reason teens/young adults need to read it.

  4. angela3:30 AM

    He hit Palin where she lives---and breeds and lies. . . .
    Love the Dugger hoarding piece.

  5. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Thanks Gryphen for posting this. I don't get HBO and LOVE Bill. Love the hording cat joke--perfect. BTW, can't put Dunn's book down and so upset he is not getting more publicity for his effort. It makes me just want to fly up there and bitch slap that moron, scara, for using up precious air and taking up space. I feel better reading the book that there is NO chance in HELL she would even get close to the white house because of all the documented carnage she leaves in her wake--no way. Ailes is using her for every last drop of vampire blood she has in her veins and she deserves it. I find it hard to believe that she has anyone (with any sense of intelligence and decency, who is still willing to support her. Dunn is a good man and so are you for keeping us informed.

  6. imnofred3:43 AM

    I saw this last night and it was GREAT. He really took Bristle to task about her lies and bullshit.

    Expect a tweet, Facebook response, or a response on Fox News from Sarah on this. My guess is the words "limp" and "impotent" will used.

  7. "The shit doesn't fall far from the bat." LMAO.

  8. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Tell me, why is there now no campaign finance law? Why would Obama approve this? It's certainly a viable question considering he himself depends on corporations. I thought the people wanted to change the way campaigns are financed. Wasn't that a topic earlier in this admin?

    Why can't we elect one freaking person NOT in corporations pockets? Where is that person?

  9. Anonymous4:14 AM

    New Sarah Palin Documentary Emerges (Video)

  10. Anonymous4:19 AM

    An actual documentary about Sarah Palin is screening for buyers next week

  11. Anonymous4:22 AM

    John Bitney was a key aide in Sarah Palin's 2006 gubernatorial campaign. She had known him since high school. When she took office, she gave Mr. Bitney a job as her legislative director, and a few months later stood beside him at a news conference and praised his work. Seven weeks later she fired Bitney for what her spokeswoman described as "poor job performance." What really happened? Governor Palin got a call from another old friend, Scott Richter, informing her that his wife, Debbie Richter, and John Bitney were having an affair. Scott and Sarah's husband Todd are great friends. In her book "Going Rogue," Sarah Palin gave this description of Bitney: "He turned out to be a BlackBerry games addict who couldn't seem to keep his lunch off his tie."

    What goes round comes round and John Bitney will win this BlackBerry game. It looks like Sarah Palin doesn't seem able to keep her lunch off her clothes either!

  12. wakeUpAmerica4:31 AM

    Next time, please put the spew warning ABOVE the video, you doofus! Best line ever is, "The shit didn't fall far from the bat.

  13. Anonymous4:31 AM

    OMG that was awesome. I loved the comment about calling back Schwarzenegger and Edwards. And I adore anyone willing to all out the Duggars for their negative environmental impact.

  14. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Oh, I loved hearing him talk about the Duggars...I've felt those people were crazy for years!

  15. Anonymous4:44 AM

    How's Sarah Palin's gift from God doing?

    ...It surprises me that an opportunist like Sarah Palin doesn't use her prop baby in a more effective way. She could have put her enthusiasm for Facebook and Twitter to good use and kept everybody posted on Trig's progress, making him a real person. She could have highlighted the everyday challenges of raising a child with Down syndrome and how she meets them. She could have promoted various organizations and pointed out what good work they do and how they help the children and their families. She could have raised their profiles and a lot of money for them, as a true advocate.

    Sarah Palin missed the opportunity to look good and to do some good for a change, but she has done none of the above.

    OK, let's be fair. She gave $1,000 of other people's money to one Down syndrome organization once...

  16. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Breeders and Hoarders, the tag-line for the GOP.

  17. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Bill Maher To Bristol Palin: “Just Admit It, You Were Horny”

    “Bristol Palin has to admit that the reason she fucked Levi over and over until a baby fell out is because she liked it.”

  18. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Is Bristol Palin’s new memoir the story of a rape survivor speaking out?

  19. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Anonymous 3:21

    I hope you are not implying that The Chin is offering serious introspection. She is an uneducated, skanky, low class, idiot.


  20. angela5:04 AM

    Wow Gryphen,
    Do trolls sit on your blog all night waiting for posts?
    The fairy tale trolls at Anon 3:21 and Dragonfly 3:23 must take meth waiting for you to post. If they weren't so pitiful they would be laughable. I love the "I live in NY and both men are fringe characters" hahahahahaha

  21. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I heard that the book was trash and full of four-letter words.

    Reading Dunn's book. Palin was considered the Town Liar. Also, she could not work with women unless they were sycophants.

    I dont think any other candidate in the right mind would have picked Palin except for McCain. And, McCain was noted for his poor judgment. His wife pays off his huge gambling debts and he calls her a cunt.

  22. Anonymous said...
    That's interesting because the book's flow is good and she poignantly captures her childhood and emotions really well.
    3:21 AM
    I'll believe the little trollop's book is actually good when I hear or read actual verified* teens talking about how wonderful it was and how it really made them think about important life decisions.

    * verified means, bots, please don't turn off your Loretta Young movies to write "teenage" comments. Your lumbering phraseology will be painfully obvious.

  23. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Good morning, well-paid Palinista trolls. Gee, I hope she pays you extra for working nights and weekends. Ride that gravy train as long as you can because when she goes to jail you won't have any further income from her or her mysterious sources of ill-gotten funds.

    Unfortunately, you'll also be called to testify at her trial and provide evidence of all that she told you to do - so you'd better be keeping lots of notes!

  24. Anonymous said...
    It takes a lot to admit in print that your father once (recently) told you he's done talking to you because you royally messed up again by dating a society-deemed loser.

    Just that alone is a reason teens/young adults need to read it.
    3:25 AM
    "Just that alone is a reason teens/young adults need to read it."

    But they won't because no teen wrote that her daddy said "you royally messed up again by dating a society-deemed loser."

  25. Anonymous5:20 AM

    WOW, the bots got up early this morning to try and get the jump on the comments. Seems they are really stirred up these days, huh?

  26. Anonymous said...
    Tell me, why is there now no campaign finance law? Why would Obama approve this? It's certainly a viable question considering he himself depends on corporations. I thought the people wanted to change the way campaigns are financed. Wasn't that a topic earlier in this admin?

    Why can't we elect one freaking person NOT in corporations pockets? Where is that person?
    3:55 AM
    Idiot. Find a relevant thread/post. Saying "Look over there, look over there!" doesn't change the fact that Bristol, her mother, and the ghost "writer" produced a turgid, bloated, horribly written pile of moosecrap.

  27. Anonymous5:24 AM

    First off,
    O HAI, Bristie! Instead of taking up the first THREE comments, just put all your "me book gooood. me book critickz baaaaad" stuff in ONE comment. Mmmmnnkaaay?

    And I'm sure it's been pointed out five times already but...

    Oh I'm dying.

    Although I do wish he wouldn't hate on the Duggars so badly. Personally I find their brand of "be sweet" to be unwatchable. BUT...I know they have a smaller carbon footprint than the average family of four as far as their home goes. They use solar panels, recycle, buy damn near everything used, and donate a ton to charity. Plus they've never used any kind of welfare or Medicaid to care for their brood.

    I may not personally be on board with the whole Clown Car Vagina concept, but I really feel like I can't bitch at the Duggars when I'm too lazy to recycle sometimes, when my hot west Texas home sucks up AC/energy like it's going out of style, and when I never think to buy anything used.

    But back to, you can tell Bill M took the gloves off now that she's 20! Good. She wants to write a "big girl" book, she can damn skippy get treated like a BIG GIRL.

    I never "get" how Bill Maher & Ariana are a couple. How can he live with her knowing she's the biggest Palin Asskisser since Greta??

  28. Anonymous5:25 AM

    1, 2, 3...the same, sorry Fairytale bot who must set her alarm to catch your first Bristol post of the day. The book flows well? I'm beginning to suspect the bot is Nancy French, herself. Nah, it's most likely a pathetic Bristol friend wannabe. Any teen who would NEED to read about Bristol and Todd must be living locked in her room without teevee, Internet, phone, or any other book.

    I really think our neighborhood fairtytale bot is a Bristol stalker. It's downright creepy the way she defends her beloved. "Biggest fans" are always the most terrifying.

  29. Balzafiar5:25 AM

    Bill needs to make sure his comments are accurate, such as this one:

    "Oops, there's a dick in me." That should have read:

    "Oops, there's a dick in me, again."

    Accuracy is important!

  30. Anonymous5:26 AM

    LOL- 3:21, 3:23, 3:25

    Bristol's not even trying to hide anymore.

    Girl, the only think you ever "poignantly captured" was hidden by PlayGirl under a hockey stick.

  31. jadez5:27 AM

    white trash ho.

    just because you lie to make yourself look better doesnt change what you are.

    and does "not afraid of life " mean??

    she is an unmarried mother who has multiple sex partners while drinking and doing drugs.

    THAT makes her worthy of praise??

  32. Anonymous5:29 AM

    I love Sarah Palin et al. Thank you Fox and RNC for bringing this beauty of a commedian to our attention. Its like, using the Church's words, a demon doing stand-up political comedy.

    She is aging rather quickly. She is evidently Chuck's child. Her features are getting grossly exaggerated and coarse with each new botox treatment.

  33. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Anonymous said...
    That's interesting because the book's flow is good and she poignantly captures her childhood and emotions really well.
    3:21 AM

    Green Eggs and Ham has a good flow also!

  34. Sorry I'm feeding the trolls this morning, Gryphen. But doggone it, their comments about Brissie's "book" are just so darn comical I can't resist tossing them some bread cubes.

  35. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Regarding the trolls, maybe that's RAM fulfilling her penance for trashing Bristol :-)

  36. Anonymous5:48 AM

    What else is there for the bots to do - they're a cult in search of a new fetish object.

  37. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Yes, our morning troll is definitely RAM--writes too coherently to be a Palin and tries to hide her venom by appearing reasonable..

  38. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I see the bots arrived first thing. I don't know of anybody that is willing to pay for the book of lies by Bristol.

    Besides, anyone that lived in the area KNOW Bristol very well and know for a fact that she loves her some liquor and drugs and I'm not talking wine coolers.

  39. Anonymous5:56 AM

    And then there are amazing children who grow to be more amazing, humble adults like this:

    tears are streaming down my face as I write...what an angel.

  40. Interesting tidbit about Bristol and a possible new man in her life on

    Bristol Palin Has A Secret Boyfriend

  41. Anonymous5:58 AM

    It's funny cause it's true! You gotta love Bill Maher for always being honest!

  42. Anonymous6:01 AM

    To totally rip off Flip Wilson:

    Here come da 'bots
    Here come da 'bots
    Look out now cuz
    Here come da 'bots

    Care for a "Hertz Donut" with your AM coffee?

  43. Virginia Voter6:06 AM

    OMG, Bill Maher nails it...that's right trolls, Bristle, by her own admission fucked until a baby came out...over, and over, and over, with the dude she describes as gnat. The same dude paraded on stage on national tv, and claimed she was engaged to TWICE.

    And I have read dozend and dozend of pages of Bristol's book on Amazon and is nothing but a POORLY WRITTEN, BAD IMITATION hybrid of "Are You There God It's Me Margaret" and a Harelequin novel, and THAT is being kind.

  44. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Bill Maher is pompous ass, like most of the professional left these days. Sorry, Gryph, but I can't stand the guy. I can only stand to listen to him for a few minutes.

    The bit about Bristol was funny & true.

  45. from Anonymous 3:25:"It takes a lot to admit in print that your father once (recently) told you he's done talking to you...."
    Sorry, these are not my family values. Ostracizing a child for totally predictable behavior is not admirable; it's passive aggressive bs, kind of like offering her a car to change her behavior or threatening unsuitable suitors with a gun.

  46. I do think the choice of this tiny town will ensure that Sarah gets a frenzied welcome. What else exciting ever happens there? (She just put them on the map.) They will roll out in force with their big ol' trucks and their little motorized...whatever those things are called.

  47. Anonymous6:21 AM

    "I never "get" how Bill Maher & Ariana are a couple. How can he live with her knowing she's the biggest Palin Asskisser since Greta??""

    Bill and Arianna????? I did not know this!

  48. Think I'm getting my comments in the wrong post this morning....

  49. Anonymous6:33 AM

    there is NO Bill and Arianna - he EVEN joked about it last night that by saying he likes the HuffPo, people are going to say he loves Her...

  50. emrysa7:36 AM

    hahaa that was good. so true about the duggers, I would have went further and said that if someone has 19 cats, animal control comes out and takes them away. so why doesn't the same thing happen with stupid people who don't believe in birth control? there are laws about how many animals can be kept in the home, why not laws for the number of kids?

    can you imagine the amount of garbage that this house puts out on the curb every week? jeezus.

  51. emrysa7:37 AM

    anon @ 3:25 am sez:

    "It takes a lot to admit in print that your father once (recently) told you he's done talking to you because you royally messed up again by dating a society-deemed loser."

    no it doesn't.

  52. Anonymous7:48 AM

    The bottom line about Bristol's book ought to be that it hurts her child, Tripp. For Bristol, an immature 20 year old to be giving voice to her mother's petty vendettas through a ghost written book is one thing. They can scream in a wind tunnel if they want.

    But, when Bristol described being raped by the guy she claims is Tripp's father, she leaves the kid a legacy that he will have a hard time dealing with later in life.
    Tripp may not be able to read now, but he will be able to read in a few years. If he doesn't know what's in the book, then his classmates will know, and kids can be very cruel in teasing each other.

    Bristol's allegation of rape is made public years after it happened, instead of filing charges right then and there. Sarah is no stranger to accusing people of peeking in her kids' bedroom windows, threatening them with rape and having to protect the young 'uns from terrible people. If Bristol had really come home and told her mother the story that she now is trying to sell, Levi still be serving time.

  53. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I HATE THE DUGGARS! They're freaks who should NOT be celebrated with their own tv show. I agree with Bill Maher 110 percent.

  54. Why is this "book" getting any attention at all? I'm getting tired of Palins being shoved in my face.

  55. Anonymous8:32 AM

    "That's interesting because the book's flow is good and she poignantly captures her childhood and emotions really well."

    @3:21 AM

    I agree. Bri$tol poignantly captures her underage drinking, slutty, lying, childhood and emotions really well. Plus, she got pregnant. Obviously, Bri$tol has lousy judgment, also too.

  56. Anonymous8:37 AM


    Bri$tol's book is pure fiction. Just like her mother's piece of shit books, t.v. show, ghostwriiten Facebook crap, propaganda film, and everytime she open's her mouth. The Palins have ZERO credibility. $arah Palin is a known liar, and a joke. People can't stand the woman, or her family. If you don't like what is on this blog, then get the fuck out of here, and go back to the Sea of Pee with the rest of the paint chip eaters.

  57. Anonymous8:45 AM

    "It takes a lot to admit in print that your father once (recently) told you he's done talking to you because you royally messed up again by dating a society-deemed loser.

    Just that alone is a reason teens/young adults need to read it."

    @3:25 AM

    Ooooh! That's so earth shattering! It's not everyday someone's father tells them they are done talking to them, because they are dating a "loser!" That shit happens everyday. It just shows how out of touch, and sheltered Bri$tol (and her family) is, if she thinks's admitting something like that "in print" is a big deal. There is nothing shocking about it, either. People go on talk shows and admit a lot worse. There are plenty more credible things teenagers can read, other than this trash.

  58. Anonymous8:47 AM

    One important point that other sites keep leaving out about the claimed "rape" while blacked out from drinking diluted wine, is that the Palins lie, frequently, and they do not hesitate to create harm to others with their lies.

    They don't lie to cover their embarrassing mistakes,or cover their asses, they lie to cause harm to others.

  59. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "Tell me, why is there now no campaign finance law? Why would Obama approve this? It's certainly a viable question considering he himself depends on corporations. I thought the people wanted to change the way campaigns are financed. Wasn't that a topic earlier in this admin?

    Why can't we elect one freaking person NOT in corporations pockets? Where is that person?"

    @3:55 AM

    I don't know why you are asking question here. Maybe a troll trying to change the subject? But the answer to your question:

    "Why can't we elect one freaking person NOT in corporations pockets? Where is that person?"


  60. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I just read some of the pages of Bristol's book on Amazon - she seems very immature and without any guidance from her parents about relationships. She expresses the belief that if a guy breaks up with their previous girlfriend (Levi, Ben, Gino) to date her then they must really love her, then she gets her heart broken when they go back to their previous girlfriends. Did it ever occur to her that SHE was the other woman in their relationships?

    Too bad she was never taught that dating is not a contract, and the goal for dating is to get to know others and to determine what you are looking for in a partner. She seems to demand a commitment from each person and condemns them for not sticking with her.

  61. Anonymous9:13 AM

    3:21 Why does he have such a huge following on his TV show and for the shows he puts on nationally - they end up SOLD OUT! Obviously, you don't know what you are talking about!

  62. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "It takes a lot to admit in print that your father once (recently) told you he's done talking to you because you royally messed up again by dating a society-deemed loser."

    And then that same father lets said loser live in his home and share your bed? Is that part in the book, also too?

  63. Anonymous9:16 AM

    3:23 Her book IS NOT true - Levy did not rape her for Christ's sake. They talk about her having been very 'loose' w/her morals as a teenager....and it's continuing in her adult/young years. She is a huge farce just like her mom and dad!

  64. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Hey, God, It's Me, Margaret was written for twelve year old. Is Bristol's "book" in the children's section then?

  65. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Bristol was giving out free sex everywhere and she can't seem to figure out why no guy loves her.

  66. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Funny as it is, he makes some very important points. Most important - humans must STOP breeding like rabbits.

    Is anyone else eternally tired of the fairy tale trolls?

  67. Bristol could have written a very good book - if she had been honest. She could have written about the lack of parental boundaries and attention that caused her to act out. She could have admitted that lying to her parents and going away on a co-ed camping trip where booze was available was a foolhardy thing to do and how she now regrets that she made such a foolish choice. She could admit that she was so love-starved that a teenaged boy's attention made her believe that sex=love. She can admit that she wished she had a mother who sat her down and told her about abstinence and/or protection and that she should wait until she's more mature to enter into a physical relationship with anyone. She could tell how disappointed her parents were when she told them she was pregnant and how she realized that her dreams would have to be put on hold or canceled completely because she now has a responsibility to a child she was not prepared to raise. She could have mentioned that her parents were too lax in allowing Levi to live with them or "go upstairs" at all in their home. She could have told how she was mortified to be paraded in front of the entire country as a pregnant, un-wed teen. She could have told of the anger she felt that she had to pretend and lie while her negligent mother pursued her dream. And a lot of other things could have been included in the book. Then it would have been a great book for teenagers and for parents. But it was not.

    Writers are told: write what you know. I guess that means Bristol only knows lies.

  68. Anonymous10:40 AM

    The Fairy Tale Trolls were waiting for this one. The first three posts are theirs.

  69. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said..
    Bristol's allegation of rape is made public years after it happened, instead of filing charges right then and there. Sarah is no stranger to accusing people of peeking in her kids' bedroom windows, threatening them with rape and having to protect the young 'uns from terrible people.
    7:48 AM

    But she never calls the cops about these supposedly heinous acts.

    And of course you are correct. Bristol is sowing a whirlwind in her son's young life that will cause him enormous pain.
    She is forcing him to eventually have to either believe his dad is a rapist or that his mother is a sociopathic liar whose only reason for the lie is to hurt him and his dad. And than by doing so she willing hurt him, her son.

    Bristol you are such a goooooood Mommie Dearest.

  70. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Is anyone else eternally tired of the fairy tale trolls?
    10:04 AM

    Hey it ups the site's hits and comments count, helps sell more ads and gives us a good laugh or two or twenty.

  71. Anonymous11:14 AM

    If Bristol wants to make enough money to become independent from Mommie Dearest she needs to write a book about Mommie Dearest's last non-pregnancy. And what went on during the Governorship and the run for VP.

    That would make her a millionaire, just like Mommie.

    I mean this kindly Bristol, dump Mommie and Daddie. They are seriously dysfunctional and they have caused you great harm, as they have with all their children.

    The odds of them recognizing their dysfunction and trying to make up for the neglect are slim to none.

    You have two younger sisters you could save, if you walk away from the crazy house and get the counseling you need, they can come to you when they hit 16 or 18 and you all can make a new and healthy family.

  72. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I doubt if either Bristol or her mother are very good in bed.


  73. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Bristol's book is terrible and almost everything in it is a bunch of lies. It is written like a seventh grader and there is more lies than truth in it. I would be so ashamed to have my name on this pile of crap; Bristol, you should be ashamed.

  74. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Bristol said "Puke" as her response to Levi's posing for Playgirl magazine.

    When her mother cautions her about being prescribed birth control pills for cramps, that it wasn't permission to have sex - she responded "Puke"

    I don't think most people understand what Bristol's meaning of Puke is.

  75. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Bristol Palin makes me so thankful for my daughter! She has had her ups and downs, but she just graduated high school, is enrolled in college, has a job and NO babies!!! I guess I should be mother of the year huh Sarah?

  76. Anonymous1:25 PM

    OMG! Two thumps up! Bill is always right on target when calling out Repubs on their bullshit. Loved the Duggar remark. Big families are ok but to breed for a teevee show makes me want to puke. I feel sorry for those kids. Instead of a mom and dad they have a buddy brother or sister. sick sick sick


  77. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Seems like an act of desperation. Free food and admission plus going when someone media-worthy (particularly her projected "rival", President Obama) is close enough by that she may be able to lure in some of the media coverage that she bashes but really needs to keep her name talked about. Most likely, she wouldn't be able to garner enough interest to make it worth sending much coverage otherwise. She is riding on the president's coat-tails to help her cause.

  78. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Think of the contrast of Bristol writing her memmoir to attack her son's father, and how Barack Obama's mother helped him to edit his book Dreams of My Father to ensure that he wasn't judging his father too harshly.

  79. Anonymous7:47 PM

    This guy's a national treasure! Sure, he sometimes goes too far, but for the most part, he's spot on!

  80. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Where are the kids in Wasilla who can back Bristol up or say she is not telling the truth? Are they all afraid of them? I am surprised no kids came forward.

    And where is Willow, hiding out too?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.