Thursday, December 08, 2011

"Family Guy" writer tells details of his arrest yesterday at Occupy LA. You are NOT going to be a fan of the LAPD after reading this!

I actually started reading this because I thought, since it was written by a Family Guy writer, it might be funny. Holy crap, was I wrong!

In fact this is a horrible story of police brutality.

Courtesy of My Occupy LA Arrest:

As we sat there, encircled, a separate team of LAPD officers used knives to slice open every personal tent in the park. They forcibly removed anyone sleeping inside, and then yanked out and destroyed any personal property inside those tents, scattering the contents across the park. They then did the same with the communal property of the Occupy LA movement. For example, I watched as the LAPD destroyed a pop-up canopy tent that, until that moment, had been serving as Occupy LA’s First Aid and Wellness tent, in which volunteer health professionals gave free medical care to absolutely anyone who requested it. As it happens, my family had personally contributed that exact canopy tent to Occupy LA, at a cost of several hundred of my family’s dollars. As I watched, the LAPD sliced that canopy tent to shreds, broke the telescoping poles into pieces and scattered the detritus across the park. Note that these were the objects described in subsequent mainstream press reports as “30 tons of garbage” that was “abandoned” by Occupy LA: personal property forcibly stolen from us, destroyed in front of our eyes and then left for maintenance workers to dispose of while we were sent to prison. 

When the LAPD finally began arresting those of us interlocked around the symbolic tent, we were all ordered by the LAPD to unlink from each other (in order to facilitate the arrests). Each seated, nonviolent protester beside me who refused to cooperate by unlinking his arms had the following done to him: an LAPD officer would forcibly extend the protestor’s legs, grab his left foot, twist it all the way around and then stomp his boot on the insole, pinning the protestor’s left foot to the pavement, twisted backwards. Then the LAPD officer would grab the protestor’s right foot and twist it all the way the other direction until the non-violent protestor, in incredible agony, would shriek in pain and unlink from his neighbor. 

It was horrible to watch, and apparently designed to terrorize the rest of us. At least I was sufficiently terrorized. I unlinked my arms voluntarily and informed the LAPD officers that I would go peacefully and cooperatively. I stood as instructed, and then I had my arms wrenched behind my back, and an officer hyperextended my wrists into my inner arms. It was super violent, it hurt really really bad, and he was doing it on purpose. When I involuntarily recoiled from the pain, the LAPD officer threw me face-first to the pavement. He had my hands behind my back, so I landed right on my face. The officer dropped with his knee on my back and ground my face into the pavement. It really, really hurt and my face started bleeding and I was very scared. I begged for mercy and I promised that I was honestly not resisting and would not resist. 

My hands were then zipcuffed very tightly behind my back, where they turned blue. I am now suffering nerve damage in my right thumb and palm. 

I was put on a paddywagon with other nonviolent protestors and taken to a parking garage in Parker Center. They forced us to kneel on the hard pavement of that parking garage for seven straight hours with our hands still tightly zipcuffed behind our backs. Some began to pass out. One man rolled to the ground and vomited for a long, long time before falling unconscious. The LAPD officers watched and did nothing. 

At 9 a.m. we were finally taken from the pavement into the station to be processed. The charge was sitting in the park after the police said not to. It’s a misdemeanor. Almost always, for a misdemeanor, the police just give you a ticket and let you go. It costs you a couple hundred dollars. Apparently, that’s what happened with most every other misdemeanor arrest in LA that day. 

With us Occupy LA protestors, however, they set bail at $5,000 and booked us into jail. Almost none of the protesters could afford to bail themselves out. I’m lucky and I could afford it, except the LAPD spent all day refusing to actually *accept* the bail they set. If you were an accused murderer or a rapist in LAPD custody that day, you could bail yourself right out and be back on the street, no problem. But if you were a nonviolent Occupy LA protestor with bail money in hand, you were held long into the following morning, with absolutely no access to a lawyer. 

I spent most of my day and night crammed into an eight-man jail cell, along with sixteen other Occupy LA protesters. My sleeping spot was on the floor next to the toilet. 

Finally, at 2:30 the next morning, after twenty-five hours in custody, I was released on bail. But there were at least 200 Occupy LA protestors who couldn’t afford the bail. The LAPD chose to keep those peaceful, non-violent protesters in prison for two full days… the absolute legal maximum that the LAPD is allowed to detain someone on misdemeanor charges. 

As a reminder, Antonio Villaraigosa has referred to all of this as “the LAPD’s finest hour.”

For the sake of brevity I did not cut and paste the entire  post even though the author, Patrick Meighan, has expressed that he very much wants this to be spread far and wide. So if you want to read the rest please click the link at the top. And if you want to post it on YOUR blog, or Facebook page, feel free.

I have read some very horrendous stories about police brutality in this country, but I have to admit that this is one of the most descriptive accounts I have ever read, and it is BRUTAL!

These are Americans being treated this way, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY!

This has to stop!


  1. Anonymous5:17 AM

    What the hell is going on???? Is this 1960 Communist China? I don't understand.

  2. Never. Ever. Piss-off a writer! Especially a writer from a famous / notorious show! Expect to to see this as an episode on Family Guy "soon"...

  3. onething5:21 AM

    I guess I am confused. I thought that Americans had the right to peaceably assemble for a redress of wrongs. It seems this kind of brutality is a clear break of the law and it ought to be a simple matter of bringing a suit against said police departments, an open and shut case.

  4. Anonymous5:22 AM

    This is APPALLING. What can we do? Would writing the LAPD be effective, or would contacting (a) legislator(s), the mayor, etc. be better?

  5. angela5:23 AM

    Never was a fan of the LAPD.

    They abused a person with a barrel full of ink—which is always a better weapon than brutality.

  6. wow this is nuts and shit will hit the fan soon for them

  7. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Where is president Obama while US police abuse protestors? Why is he allowing this abuse to continue? We need a new system the two party system is owned by the corps and so is Obama!

  8. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Dear God, what is happening to this country of ours? Once upon a time, I was able to be proud to say I am an American...

  9. I guess this is the Amurika that people like Sarah Palin and Eric Cantor want. It bears no resemblance to the America in our Constitution.

  10. This sort of police abuse is going on all over the country, and is being coordinated by Homeland Security. Obviously, our corporate overlords are getting jittery, and they are trying to intimidate protesters.

    The income disparity isn't going away, it's a recipe for social unrest. So expect more of this. Expect dissenters to be disappeared to FEMA camps as it escalates.

    America, unfortunately, isn't a democracy anymore. It's a fascist state run by corporations that own the military, the legislators, government regulatory agencies, the judiciary, and the media.

  11. onething6:05 AM

    So this new legislation that passed by a whopping majority - that allows American citizens to be arrested without charges or trial, or even assassinated, and allows the military to do this - this new legislation that Obama supposedly "threatened" to veto. He better veto it. If he does not, I certainly won't consider voting for him.
    What has Obama done about the violence toward peaceful protesters?

    I find Obama extremely likable. It's time for people to wake up and stop imagining that there is a significant difference between Democrats and Republicans. They all depend upon the same corporate backing to get re elected. When the really serious stuff comes down, most of them vote the same.

    We've got perhaps four or five politicians who tell it straight and fight for justice. Elizabeth Warren, Kucinich, Sanders, Grayson, Ron Paul. Why you make fun of Ron Paul here I can't fathom. He's utterly consistent and votes what he believes in. He's extremely intelligent and answers questions brilliantly. He voted against the war, he voted against this new fascist tyranny bill. He's the only one I ever hear speak like a humanitarian.

    He would never stoop to making a silly, emotional, content-free video called "Yes, we can" that is indistinguishable in style from those old "Coke, it's the real thing" commercials.

  12. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Jackbooted thugs.

  13. I believe a few years ago (under Bush) I stated in this blog that America was spiraling into Fascism.

    Do I really need to restate that?

    Our local police have become the Brownshirts of Nazi Germany.

    And ALL citizens who protest against the way our country is operating are the Jews, the Homosexuals, the Gypsies, the Political Disidents....

    Our jails are becoming internment camps.

    I hope that every person who had their property destroyed and who was treated this way files a class action suit against LAPD for restitution. And hope the Family Guy writer files his own, personal lawsuit since I'm guessing he can afford a lawyer and has a receipt for that pop-up tent and medical insurance.

  14. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Holy shit. I know this is the most naive admission, and others are probably way ahead of me here...but

    "...this new legislation that passed by a whopping majority - that allows American citizens to be arrested without charges or trial, or even assassinated, and allows the military to do this - this new legislation that Obama supposedly "threatened" to veto."

    Does anyone else think that OWS (not Muslim terrorists) was the catalyst for this?? At least, the implications for OWS become even more horrifying.

  15. Anonymous6:54 AM

    @onething, re: Ron Paul

    I don't know why some make fun of him--maybe because he flails his arms around at a debate and says, "I gotta do heroin!" -- but the reason he would NEVER get my vote, regardless of how I might agree or not with his policy positions, is because he has very close ties to the John Birch society, and ergo, in my opinion, (and that of many others) is a RACIST.

    Give me a non-loony, non-racist Ron Paul, and we can have a discussion. But he's racist on top of appearing batshit crazy (even tho I don't believe he is, he sure as hell appears that way sometimes)--and that ain't gonna fly.

  16. Anonymous7:03 AM

    LAPD get kickback by the 1%

  17. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I read in another article that the LAPD took a Starbuck's break. The other day I was at Fred Meyer and wanted a latte, then thought about that. I know Starbucks was just doing business and it's stupid to tell the police, "No, we won't serve you because you just destroyed the propery and brutalized innocent protestors," but I couldn't order from Starbucks. Probably better for the locals, I drove to the nearest drive up kiosk and bought a coffee card so I feel less inclined to go to Starbucks.

  18. Anonymous7:13 AM

    LAPD has forevr been a corrupt system, in cahoots with powerful leaders. So I was not shocked to read that. I am saddened though.

    You'd think Crash the movie wouldve made people protest LA. We have to wonder who is calling shots here, locally and nationally.

    Determine THAT is the only way to permanently better things. Though cops will be cops. Anytime a person is givrn power over another, problems will ensue.

  19. Sickening...but many thanks for the post, G!

  20. Anonymous8:20 AM

    LAPD, WTF? Sig Hiel! These low-life thugs are disgusting and need to be held responsible for their wanton brutality and destruction of personal property. Yeah, like that's going to happen. Their actions are reprehensible. They were not upholding the law. They were breaking the law. But I guess LAPD is above the law.

    Let's see now...
    peaceful protesters...violent cops.

  21. dmoreno56 said...

    What the hell is going on???? Is this 1960 Communist China? I don't understand.

    It's pretty simple - these people are enemies of the state - not enemies of the people, but enemies of the Owners' system for controlling the people - and so the inner brutality of the cops has been unleashed. I don't know if ALL cops like to do this, but since it happens so often it seems most cops do.

    Colored people, and war protestors, and people who wanted unions so workers can have rights, and queers marching in the streets, have experienced this, and far worse, throughout our history.

  22. "...this new legislation that passed by a whopping majority - that allows American citizens to be arrested without charges or trial, or even assassinated, and allows the military to do this - this new legislation that Obama supposedly "threatened" to veto."

    Does anyone else think that OWS (not Muslim terrorists) was the catalyst for this?? At least, the implications for OWS become even more horrifying.

    Not OWS per se, but what OWS is the most vivid manifestation of, so far - Americans refusing to shut up and do what they're told.

    Why you think they ritually humiliate everyone who rides airplane? Keep you safe? No way. Get you used to being sheep.

  23. Anonymous9:42 AM

    This is absolutely sickening. But it's also a signal that the powers-that-be are getting seriously scared, and we can't let up. If we are not actually protesting ourselves, we should be supporting the protesters.

  24. Anonymous9:59 AM


    Our daughter has studied in Communist China for several years. She was there when the American embassy was surrounded by protestors, but she said that the police there (never known for being warm and cuddly) never treated people like this - at least not in public.

    This is outrageous.

    Go to You can write an email to President Obama right on the site. Make sure you tell him he has to come out against this kind of treatment. ASAP.

  25. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Gryphen, I just referenced your blog and this post on the site because this was a powerful post that the President should see.

    I explained that you are a progressive supportive of the President but, like me and thousands of others, you are justifiably outraged by police brutality against peaceful protestors.

    I asked the President to condemn this brutality ASAP.

    If peaceful protestors are treated this way, I am fearful that the protests may turn violent. We should honor Constitutional rights, not destroy them.

    We should not treat other Americans in this manner. Hell, we don't treat violent criminals this badly.

    Thank you for speaking out.

    I can only hope that your blog our posts to will move this President to speak out. He needs to do so now!

    - ks sunflower

  26. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Write on to ask the President to veto the new law about detaining Americans immediately - because it is conceivable that they can enforce this against peaceful protestors by labeling them as domestic terrorists.

    Do this now! Please.

  27. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I fear for the United States. We are becoming a military country and are no better than some of the other countries worldwide that treat their people horribly.

    Who would have any respect for the police forces in our cities?

    Carry cameras and get proof of these uncalled for treatments and then publish them. We are going to have uprising on our streets throughout the USA with many killings - I see it coming.

    And, be sure and vote out Republicans during the next election!

  28. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Thank you for posting this. I'd sent it to my twitter friends when I saw it on your blog roll. THIS is why I want us to hold Pres Obama accountable. There are many things he can say and do that show leadership instead of saying his hands are tied by the Rs in Congress. Yes, the Rs are assholes. Yes, they are obstructing. Yes, the R prez candidates are clowns. But HE NEEDS to speak up.


  29. Randall12:13 PM

    If the jack-booted thugs in riot gear shown on television attacking civilians were in the middle east - - the conservative right-wing in this country would be screaming for us to invade them and instill Democracy.

  30. What A Maroon!12:37 PM

    Politico had an article that stated that the Democratic convention site next year may be worse than the 68 riots in Chicago. I remember those and it was very frightening. I have this horrible sinking feeling that both the Dem's and GOP convention could be the site of mass violent protests when you have police that are being instructed to behave in this manner. I do not believe that all police officers react or behave this way unless they are prodded and provoked by their superiors, and those that control the superiors ($$$). I fear this may be the nastiest political contest that we will have ever seen in this country. May have to pack my kids up and move to Canada!!

  31. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Randall - best post of the day. Sad but true.

  32. Anonymous3:38 PM

    This sounds like really shitty treatment from the cops but look who youre dealing with. Be glad they didnt treat you like a minority! I mean come on what kind of revolutionary doesnt expect and welcome the chance to be physically put into place. Does this treatment not steal your resolve. name one righteous revolutionary who underwent such minor inconvenience? Some of you sound like a bunch of fuckin yuppies from the suburbs who havent had their soy lattes lately. Viva la revolucion!!

  33. Anonymous3:39 PM

    This sounds like really shitty treatment from the cops but look who youre dealing with. Be glad they didnt treat you like a minority! I mean come on what kind of revolutionary doesnt expect and welcome the chance to be physically put into place. Does this treatment not steel your resolve. name one righteous revolutionary who underwent such minor inconvenience? Some of you sound like a bunch of fuckin yuppies from the suburbs who havent had their soy lattes lately. Viva la revolucion!!

  34. Anonymous3:57 PM

    And yet people still don't want to think about the possibility of FEMA camps being used on protesters, even though they are being ramped up and anonymous and wiki both are reporting things like catering, laundry services, garbage services etc, are being set up.

  35. Anonymous5:21 PM

    It won't be FEMA camps. The Koch brothers and their ilk will be financing them through their control of our govt....wait, no, we'll be funding them at the Koch brothers' (et al) discretion since we pay all the taxes and they get to control what happens.
    Contact the White House.

  36. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I wrote to and contancted my senator. Unfortunately this is just the beginning, it's happening in other cities as well, the LAPD has a long history of inciting violence.

    Thank You, Randal, for your eloquently put comment, and thanks Gryphen, for bringing this to light.

    If they think this will stop OWS, they're wrong. The pen is mightier than the sword, and this writer is in a position to get this story out.


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