Friday, September 07, 2012

Clint Eastwood gives first speech after lecturing his chair onstage at the RNC.

Courtesy of The Hill:

Clint Eastwood granted his first interview after his much-discussed appearance at the Republican National Convention and said he believed his speech helped Mitt Romney despite the mocking response of Democrats. 

“President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” Eastwood told the Carmel, Calif., Pine Cone in an interview. “Romney and Ryan would do a much better job running the country, and that’s what everybody needs to know. I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.” 

Eastwood told the newspaper in Carmel, where he used to serve as mayor, that he came up with his now infamous "empty chair" routine just minutes before going on stage. 

“There was a stool there, and some fella kept asking me if I wanted to sit down,” Eastwood said. “When I saw the stool sitting there, it gave me the idea. I’ll just put the stool out there and I’ll talk to Mr. Obama and ask him why he didn’t keep all of the promises he made to everybody.” (Here's a hint Clint, the Republicans would not let him!)

The movie icon said that while Romney's campaign had asked for details about his speech, he told aides he would be improvising. 

“They vet most of the people, but I told them, ‘You can’t do that with me, because I don’t know what I’m going to say,’” Eastwood said. (Yeah I think THAT part was pretty clear.)

“It was supposed to be a contrast with all the scripted speeches, because I’m Joe Citizen,” the actor continued. “I’m a movie maker, but I have the same feelings as the average guy out there.” (WTF?)

Eastwood acknowledged that the speech was "very unorthodox," but noted it was warmly received by the convention audience. 

“They’ve got this crazy actor who’s 82 years old up there in a suit,” he said. “I was a mayor, and they’re probably thinking I know how to give a speech, but even when I was mayor I never gave speeches. I gave talks.”

So wait, CLINT EASTWOOD is also "Joe Citizen?" Isn't THAT the same claim made by Sarah Palin?

Is that who the Republican party believes represents the average American, famous millionaires?

Look if Clint Eastwood and Sarah Palin want to make the case that THEY represent the average GOP voter, then I support that 100%. So from this day forward we have to realize that the average  Republican voter is either an aged old man who talks to his furniture, or a batshit crazy female narcissist with an eating disorder and impossible to predict mood swings.

Works for me.


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    And like Alaska's Worst Governor EVER, continuing to talk about your actions doesn't help

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    FUUUUCCCKKK YOUUUU Clint Eastwood and FUUUUUCCCKK your new movie you rat bastard!

  3. fromthediagonal11:29 AM

    Not that you have asked me... but I think that ole' Clint Eastwood, like so many others of his ilk, has bought into his own perceived movie star mythology... a mythology of self-aggrandisement.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Clint Eastwood has never been "Roasted" by his peers. His opinion of himself needs to be turned down a notch.

    2. Someone should interview Frances Farmer or Sondra Locke, ask THEM if he's "Joe Citizen".

      I'll bet their responses would blister paint.

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Clint is officially batshit crazy or needs to be in a Alzheimer home.
    Alzheimer people are very susceptible to people telling them what to say and do and they are very paranoid.

    If someone is whispering this shit into his ear...?
    I know b/c my Uncle told my dad I was "the enemy" and and he believed it, as my uncle was busy ripping him off.

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Batshit crazy, but in lots of "good" company.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      You're linking to a 9/11 truther who calls the current administration "the Obama Regime"?

      Nice try, "Ames".

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      12:33 "Regime" is the speech that Limbaugh has been using about President Obama forever.

    3. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Hi, 2:04 --

      Yeah, I know the term belongs to the fat one. Can you imagine anyone getting away with saying "Bush Regime" on a major media outlet? When two people wearing anti-"W" shirts were arrested?

  6. Anonymous11:42 AM

    If you haven't seen it, I thought you might find this interesting.
    The differences are telling.
    M from MD

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    you are the batshit crazy one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Sally in MI11:55 AM

    All I know is unemployment is down to 8.1%, and Obama's approval numbers are up 10 points today. Somehow talking to real, hard-working taxpayers seems to resonate more than lecturing those same people about how hard-working and deserving the multi-millionaires are. And Clint, thanks for pointing out that some in Hollywood are as greedy and insane as R&R and Palin. The GOP will never again be able to use Hollywood against the left.

  9. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "You had to be there" is what we say when a incident that seemed funny at the time falls flat when re-told.

    The audience directly in front of Clint Eastwood may possibly have enjoyed it. But "you had to be there" is not the kind of comedy routine to WASTE prime-time national coverage right before a presidential candidate acceptance speech.

    Clint Eastwood, Mitt Romney, the campaign, the media advisers all know they screwed up and are a laughingstock. It's insulting to hear them try to spin their blunder.

    Mitt Romney is not smart enough to run a campaign for dog catcher. He's not smart enough to run a country.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Hey Clint,your lack of education is showing. Being unprepared (and we can ALWAYS tell) yields an F in my class.

      Clint you get an "F" for your speech. And you deserve deportation for the lack of respect you showed the the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

      But we Democrats are kind. Even if you lost all your millions tomorrow, say in some scam, we would still take care of you, via Medicare and Medicaid, in the nursing home you belong in.

      You are pathetic, Clint.

  10. Anonymous12:14 PM


    Have you seen the clip where Mitt Romney consigns "thanking the troops" to a laundry list item that was NOT important enough to include in his acceptance speech. The info is on dailykos.

    Imagine the outrage if President Obama said that.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      But our wonderful President would NEVER forget our troops because instead of paying lip service, he actually CARES about them and is grateful for their sacrifice. He works every day to make sure they are cared for and respected when they come home, and that they have all the help they need to get back into civilian life. So sick of this bullshit narrative cooked up by the right that he hates our military men and women.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      I have heard, and don't know if it's true, that the military bases only have Faux News and Rush on 24/7. I hope they heard that one! The truth always leaks out of "I like to fire people Romney".

    3. Rush is on the Armed Forces Radio Network. It stinks but it is what it is. The President didn't pull rank and kick his show off, and I think Obama did the right thing by taking the high road in the Sandra Fluke ordeal.

      The U.S. Army did pull paid ads that were sponsoring his show in July under the guise of budget tweaking, just as they did by discontinuing as a major sponsor of NASCAR.

      To me, it's not worth censoring Rush to make him a martyr. It's better to ignore him when you can and ridicule him whenever he gives us an opening.

      I don't know if he's manic-depressive or something, but it seems like he just doesn't seem to have the wind in his sails like he did even a few months ago. I don't know if it's his disdain for Romney, or his desire to have Obama win because it'll be good for his business with ratings, etc., or what the deal is, but it seems like he's just going through the motions with his script.

      Lately, it seems like Rushbo is struggling to get a good rant going. Oh, he says some repulsive shit that pushes the lines of racism and sexism, but he just doesn't do it with the conviction he once had, IMO.

      If I'm losing it here, please tell me, but I find that I can listen to him 20 or 30 minutes in the car in the afternoon and I'll laugh at him or roll my eyes, but he seems very non-threatening and doesn't get under my skin the way Hannity does about as quickly as the retarded bald woman from Wasilla.

      I'm not saying that I've come to appreciate Rush's shitty indecent sense of humor.

      It's more like he's let me peek behind the curtain and I saw the big fat-headed fucker wink because he knows he's acting, but Toto and Dorothy now know he's not the Wizard of Oz.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

      She's Toast, you're not losing, your assessment of Dork from Ork is exactly what I've thought all along. To censor him would be wrong, as crazy as he is, he has the right to speak.
      During the Fluke attack, I forced myself to listen to his show, and it became clear to me his outrage and bloviating served him well, those who listen to him will support him no matter what, they're addicted and need validation for their willful ignorance, bigotry and hatred of blacks, women and hispanics.
      Rush's words are deliberate, but it was nice to see so many of his advertisers pull out of his show.

      Rush has the perfect face for radio, just like Dr Laura.

  11. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Clint is Joe Citizen the way Sarah Palin is not a big wig elite.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Hahaha! Palin is not a big wig elite! She only wears big wigs!

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      And as far as his political experience goes, he was the mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea in California. You have to be in the 1% to afford to live there.

    3. Big heads require big wigs. She's so stupid.

  12. Boscoe12:18 PM

    So just out of curiosity... if any of you TRULY felt that you knew for a FACT that something many, many people out there were embracing was a total and "complete hoax", wouldn't you be out there telling everyone? Exposing the FACTS so they could verify 'em and see for themselves the truth?

    ...Or would you think that merely invoking the words "complete hoax" oughtta just about settle it. And maybe some aimless, pointless rambling at an empty chair that makes you look like an idiot would seal the deal and save the country. Does that make ANY sense at all?

    This is just like when the P-botz get on here talking about "Obama's lies" and then the line goes dead when you ask for an example.

    And just like the way Clinton's speech was dripping with facts and numbers to show the good Obama has done, and the entire Republican convention consisted of nothing but empty bumpersticker slogans and the candidates reassuring you that they can fix everything, while not giving one molecule of information about HOW. I guess we're just supposed to take their word for it.

    You know, because they've been so painfully honest and forthright so far...

    1. I've asked several trolls HOW exactly, the President is "destroying" the country, and not 1 has ever replied. There was 1 troll who (one the subject of who was being divisive) say that it was Obama's fault. He should have known that the Country wasn't ready for a black President. I kid you not. The man wins decisively in 2008, and this idiot blames him for her bigotry. Ignorance, and hate is ALL that drives the GOP these days.

    2. Patti -- I want to comment on your story but I'm speechless. I thought I'd seen all rationalizations for bigotry out there, but I guess I was wrong.


    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      @Patti, sounds like the country will never be ready for a black President to that racist.

  13. Anonymous12:21 PM

    This only proves that Eastwood hasn't been paying attention to what has been going on since Obama got elected: the relentless campaign on the right to keep him from getting anything done. I thought Eastwood was smarter than that or at least more aware. Obviously not. A shame.
    M from MD

  14. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I actually know one of Clint's sons. (Kyle.)
    Nice guy, but not very close to his dad.
    I don't blame him.
    Clint has 10 children from various relationships.
    Seems he can't even get his own house in order, but like a director is fond of telling others what to do.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Word has it he used to beat Sondra Locke. No wonder he doesn't like Obama/Biden VAWA put a damper on his violent tantrums - too bad it didn't put him behind bars.

  15. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Dear Clint, I will never watch any of your movies ever again. Signed, A Leftie

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM


    2. PalinsHoax/EastwoodsHoax3:11 PM

      Yep. That's what I am giving Eastwood for his most recent movie - an empty movie theatre seat.

  16. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Well, there's a new movie I won't be going to.

  17. Nikogriego12:41 PM

    The interesting thing for me is that Mr. Eastwood is pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage, and apparently anti-war. How he can justify his support of the Republican ticket is a mystery.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      $ nuf said.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Also possible pro euthanasia...remember the ending of million dollar baby? Which he directed and starred in?

  18. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Have you seen this epic smackdown letter by Minnesota Viking, Chris Kluwe, to a Maryland delegate opposed to gay marriage?
    It is AWESOME!!

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      All I can say, is KUDOS to Chris Kluwe for speaking out.

    2. Outstanding letter.

  19. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Man, I really admired Clint. I loved his choice of vigilante characters that took care of the little guy. Now in real life, he's a protector of the big whigs who have no concern for anyone but their own pockets.

    He thinks President Obama is the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people? Which birther is Clint dating? Orly?

    I've lost all admiration for the man. What evidence does he have that President Obama has perpetuated a hoax? I hate it when people make these statements, then don't back them up with facts or sources. If he wants to read about a hoax, he only has to check here about Sarah's reckless Trig birth account in her own words.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      ITA. He makes anti-bigotry movies to earn $ but then speaks for the KKK Lite (GOP). Eastwood = hypocrite

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Anon @12:59, I was about to post something similar and then I saw your post. You summed up my feelings perfectly. Either he has changed or he never was who I thought he was... probably the latter.

  20. Anonymous1:02 PM

    No, Clint, you didn't "irritate the lefties", but we did have a good laugh at you humiliating yourself and your party. Thanks for helping President Obama :)

  21. fromthediagonal1:25 PM

    @anon 12:45... that is one fine rant!
    Thanks for sharing...

  22. Anonymous1:50 PM

    My 80 year old right wing Obama hating mother thought Clint's little monologue was crazy and pathetic. If she thought it was, it must have been bad!

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Good to know. Thanks.

  23. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Surely didn't come across well, Mr. (great) movie star and director! Not impressed! But, then I'm not impressed w/the Republican party at all either!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  24. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Fox is unlikely to place much value in a pundit who believes that her own notoriety is not only miniscule, but reflects poorly on those who have heard of her. If that’s what they are looking for they could get Orly Taitz for a lot less money.

    1. Sounds like Sarah was still enjoying that pity party she's been having for 2 weeks now since she was snubbed in an unapologetic manner.

      She wants so badly to be able to say "I told you so" to the GOP for blowing the opportunity to suck-up to her and give her a prime-time spot to soak up some love from her fans and feel important again.

  25. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Eastwood should have kept his mouth shut and let people think that his stint at the RNC was subtle and subject to a variety of interpretations. When we thought it was of the subtle and somehow punked the GOP variety we could assume he still has his faculties. But with this interview we now know to what depths he has sunken in his old age. I pity him. I don't think he was always like this shows him to be.
    I'm not far behind him in age but worlds away from his perceptions.

  26. hedgewytch5:05 PM

    Why is it that successful action film actors at some point start to believe their own BS? And why is it that the people who pay to see their Hollywoodized action adventure starring this multi-million dollar ACTOR start to think that this actor actually KNOWS something? And lives the life of a the average person - when their whole life is a fantasy??!! I just don't get it!

  27. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Was Eastwood catching up on Seinfeld reruns right before his interview? "The carpet sweeper is the biggest scam perpetrated on the American public since one-hour martinizing." - Kramer

  28. Anonymous2:18 AM

    I for one wish some prankster had put a hidden microphone under the chair without Clint's knowledge and had the chair answer the senile old wife-beater,just to fuck with his already-foggy brain.

  29. Anonymous5:11 AM

    'Hey, you kids, get off my chair!' didn't irritate this lefty. You made me smile from ear to ear, chuckle, laugh out loud, etc. It was wonderful strategic move on the part of the Obama campaign! Ha Ha

  30. Anonymous6:22 AM

    You're wrong in so many ways Clint - even your RNC audience didn't receive your ultra nutz dialogue warmly, they, along with the rest of America couldn't believe what was coming out of your mouth. Only Romney reportedly thought you were hilarious & was laughing his head off. But then, we know what kind of humor he loves and it ain't pretty.

    I've enjoyed some of Clint's movies, for the action, but have never cared for him personally. No humanity shines from his cold eyes - never did.
    He also can't act his way out of a paper bag - same wooden dialogue no matter what he's saying. I'll never watch another one of his movies. IMHO he's a royal a-hole & I'm so happy this event will overshadow his "legacy" for the rest of his miserable life.

  31. Clint may be good at making movies(although his stilted acting pretty well sucks),but in real life? That man is a greedy,power hungry,egotistical dick who is all about money,money,money. He is the son of a bitch that has ruined much of the beauty of the Monterey Peninsula-and would love nothing more then to turn it into the playground for the 1%.I loathe him,and all he has done to destroy the hometown area I so loved. He supports Romney/Ryan,because he is one of them-and he can kiss my lower middle class white ass and take his crap back to L.A. where he belongs.Libertarian is what he calls himself? Yeah,right-except when it might affect his pocketbook-then he tows the Republican line.

  32. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

    He didn't irritate many lefties I know, most were THRILLED that Romney thought he had an ace to show he has support from someone "big" in Hollywood. He thought this was the best weapon against all the genuine support President Obama has in hollywood.
    And President Obama (aka "Cool Hand Luke") turned Romney's hubris into an advantage with his simple "This chair is taken" tweet, and how he said that he respected Clint's talent. Taking the high road, with a smile, was the perfect response.

    What's sad is the DNC couldn't replicate this skit if they wanted to, there wasn't an empty seat to be seen.

    Clint revealed his true self. He's an opportunist and in it for money. He suspended his dislike for President Obama enough to do the Super Bowl Ad FOR General Motors (Obama's accomplishment), a gig I'm sure he made big bucks from, those ads aren't cheap.

    He didn't do his career any favors, the rnc felt embarrassed enough to cut his skit from their official dvd, and the world now knows an Icon lost his mind and talks to chairs.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.