Monday, July 22, 2013

Feel good story of the day. Advertisers continue to abandon Rush Limbaugh like rats from a sinking ship.

Courtesy of Liberals Unite: 

Big name companies as well as small locals, continue to dump Rush Limbaugh – about 2700 sponsors have departed so far. Some of the most loyal Rush Limbaugh sponsors, who have ignored protestors for over a year… are now bolting. Why? The boycott heat is on, and these Rush Sponsor-Babes are feeling the *BAIN, I mean the pain. We are thrilled to see them go – do they deserve our praise and glory? Hell, no. They stood by Limbaugh, even after his 3-day attack of Sandra Fluke. They saw him call her a ‘slut’ and ‘prostitute’ for advocating insurance coverage for birth control, and they continued to sponsor and support his hateful bigoted rhetoric by throwing advertising dollars his way. No reputable company should have stayed with him. Maybe someday, the public will forgive these companies Right now, we are glad to see them finally doing the right thing. The latest to flush Rush is AAMCO. Here is part of their statement, sent to protesting groups: 

“AAMCO stores are locally owned and operated, and each, therefore make advertising purchasing decisions at their own discretion. However, after many requests online from groups and individuals who have continuously posted about the controversial content on the Rush Limbaugh program, AAMCO investigated where local centers were advertising on Rush Limbaugh programming. The program was not specifically selected by any local AAMCO center, but was part of a broad program rotation in two local markets. Because of this, AAMCO has since requested to those markets that the Limbaugh program be removed from the ad rotation, therefore making an exception to its local policy.” 

Very good. Pray tell, why didn’t they do this before? For over a year they have been contacted by individual consumers and groups. Many of these national chains often say they do not agree with Limbaugh’s commentary, but they have no control over their franchises. That’s BS, and we all know it. When push comes to shove, it’s their name and logo on the line – and they can call to order. Push also came to shove for Dish Networks, Capstone and Safelite who’ve not been heard on Limbaugh’s show for months. Angie’s Lists has gone back and forth, so we don’t know what they’ll do. (They’re gone for now.) The protests are clearly working. Limbaugh’s parent company, Clear Channel, run by CEO Bob Pittman and President John Sykes, has lost hundreds of millions in revenue. Clear Channel is owned by Bain Capitol (yes, of the Mitt Romney flavor). And Clear Channel owns iHeart Radio.

I know what you're thinking, "Companies still advertise on that bloated, misogynist, racist asshole's radio show?" Sadly the answer is "yes,"

But I am happy to report that the few times I have caught his show while driving in the car that the remaining advertisements seem to ALL be about internet security, funeral parlors, and retirement plans. There is hardly anything from a company name that I recognize and most of the products seem to be aimed at the elderly who are dying out by the dozens in between each broadcast.

The latest reason that every body should despise Rush Limbaugh came after he saw Trayvon Martin friend, Rachel Jeantel, on CNN and decided that based on her interview HE could now use the word "nigga:"

LIMBAUGH: This was between 9 and 10 pm last night on CNN, who is in a quest to become the, again, most respected news organization in the country, perhaps even in the world. So, "nigga," with an "a" on the end, well I think I can now. Isn't that the point? 'Cause it's not racist. That's the point. I could be talking about a male, a Chinese male, a guy at the Laundromat. I could be talking about a man. That's what she said it means. 

Yeah, THAT should cost him at least a handful of advertisers, don't you think?



  1. Beldar Gross Conehead5:21 AM

    C'mon, Gryphen, don't get cocky.

    If The Round Mound of Sound (and inventor of "The Blueberry Pie", a delightfully intoxicating cocktail made of Viagra, Oxycontin, cloves and rubbing alcohol) loses all of his sponsors (except for makers of male enhancement drugs, strip clubs, pawn shops and gold investment schemes) he's going to get desperate. Desperate people do desperate things.

    I even heard a rumor that if it gets too bad he may take over the hosting duties on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross.

    Or possibly a cooking show.

    1. Why does everybody say I'm "cocky?"

      It's because I'm cocky isn't it?

      Pretty sure that's discrimination.

      Yeah, that's "cockism." You cockist!

    2. Beldar Faux Conehead6:50 AM

      Gryphen, it wasn't an accusation, it was an admonition.

      And you call me a cockist? How dare you!! If I weren't a sarcastic faux-troll hiding behind an anonymous nomme d'blog, I'd challenge you to a duel!

      Anyway, I've been called worse.


      And it's still early.....

  2. Anonymous5:32 AM

    My favorite Rush Limbaugh quote:

    "I don't have to be accurate - it's not my job to tell the truth: I'm an entertainer."

    I think that pretty much says it all.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      FAUX fought for that designation for their entire network, including news shows.

  3. I had to laugh when he told a disciple to stop watching Fox news. Here’s this poor little man, all he has in the world is Rush and Fox, and now his world is cut in half.

    Plus, most young people wouldn’t listen to him. He’s their parents’ (grandparents’) radio loudmouth.

  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    AARP still fills the air time for him.

  5. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Who knew that, finally, people are starting to see the light. It's taken so long, but slowly and surely the people aren't going to take it anymore. The incessant anger and hatred Rush and those multi-million profiteers have been spewing has finally become so nauseating to the senses of thinking people. I hope this means that more rational-thinking people are seeing the truth behind all the fringe right-wing tactics. It's not working anymore. Even McCain is coming out of his bubble and squeezing out a tiny bubble of rationale in regards to appreciating President Obama's speech on the need for open dialogue on racism, and the need to reassess 'stand your ground laws'.

  6. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Don't forget to social media it up! Flush Rush:

  7. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Why? AARP. Just signed a petition for them to stop advertising on any station that carries Rush.

    Old grey folks come in all colors, you know?

  8. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Twitter was all over this to Subway & AARP yesterday. Get a "Limbaughtomy" or deal with a widespread boycott.

    Hope to live long enough to watch this balloon of hot nasty air blow up.

  9. Mark Levin is a Rush Limbaugh-wannabe with a little more education, more hyperbole and anger, and lower ratings. He's next in line to have his wings clipped.

    1. Beldar EBS Conehead10:50 AM

      I'm pretty sure the crazy RWNJ radio act is just a hobby for Mark Levin. With his mellifluous voice, I bet he makes a fortune doing commercial voice-overs and meditation tapes.

      Fun fact: It's Mark Levin you hear doing the Emergency Broadcasting System alert recordings. Not the actual voice part but the "EEEEEEHHHHHH!!!! EEEEEEHHHHH!! EEEEEHHHHH!!! part.

  10. honeybabe9:27 AM

    would be so lovely to see limbaugh unemployed. good times, moving in the right direction.

  11. Gryphen,

    You're so cocksure, you got the Blueberry Pie all over your face. Try it on your hair. It makes a great firm gel unless you're camping where ants can be a prob.

  12. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Aw, poor Rushbo. Bless his oxy-damaged little heart. Too much satire can be hard on a fella.

  13. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Related commentary:

    I was just amazed when I scanned Ms Palin's PAC financial reports a couple of years back. She spends money to buy lists of names, to ask for more money, to buy more lists etc etc...and it is all legal, as long as SHE DOES NOT RUN FOR OFFICE! ah, those crafty repubs who set up the PAC plans...was it Rove and Norquist?

  14. Anonymous11:24 AM

    The disgusting thing is that Clear Channel is owned by Bain Capital, which financially speaking is the alter-ego of Mitt Romney: it is almost, or totally, owned by him, and he is the sole director and shareholder. Thus, Rush is actually Mitt's puppet, saying just what Mitt would like him to say. It's a good cop-bad cop routine, with Mitt always wanting to appear to be the choir boy.

    Because of Bain's interest in this kind of poison, perhaps the boycotters should take this to another level, and examine the other businesses that are run by Bain – to see whether they are spreading hate, bigotry, and lies as well.

  15. Anonymous11:32 AM

    If Limbaugh were a lying, bigoted, and insulting leftie, he would have been off the air and out of a job – ANYWHERE – years and years ago. The fact that Limbaugh has caused Clear Channel, a Bain (ie, Romney, because Romney owns Bain)-owned firm to lose literally hundreds of millions of dollars speaks volumes about the degree to which Bain-Romney wishes to poison the soul of America. NO ONE, but NO ONE, in corporate America continues to lose hundreds of millions of dollars and do nothing about it: this proves that "having Rush" on the airwaves, and not corporate profits, IS the agenda, that the poisoning of America, and not the earning of money, is Clear Channel's (Bain-Romney's) one and only goal.

  16. So I guess, if his friends can lovingly refer to him as the fatso asshole then *I* can too.


    You know, it is for this very reason that adults are urging young people not to use derogatory language as any sort of "in" language just amongst themselves. That means Italian friends don't refer to each other as WOPs and Mexican friends don't refer to each other as beaners. Because if they do, then those outside the circle get the impression it is OK to use words such as Wetback or Raghead or N¡gg@.

    And it isn't.

    Of course, everyone is still using b¡tch and slut.

    Given the recent, current and ongoing actions in Texas, perhaps we should be making a push to clean up language in general.

  17. Anonymous12:36 PM

    You people are kooks. Nothing but a bunch of bigotry and rushophobia. It's really sad.

  18. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

    Rush needs a more physically demanding job like picking up litter, breaking rocks or pounding salt. Just looking at him makes your arteries slam shut.

    But he does have the perfect face for radio.

    Flush Rush


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It just goes directly to their thighs.