Monday, July 22, 2013

Having cashed the check, Bristol Palin decides to bite all over the hand that fed her. (Well at least helped her get a new pontoon boat.)

You know you would have thought that Bristol would have watched the "Celebrity Wife Swap" episode  she appeared in with Joan and Melissa Rivers a long time ago, but apparently she is just now getting around to it.

At least that's what I assume considering that THIS just showed up on Brancy's blog: 

I appreciate all the love and comments I’ve been getting about my time on Wife Swap – it seemed like many of you really enjoyed seeing Melissa Rivers and me switching lives! Through Twitter and Facebook, I’ve gotten some questions about the show. 

But by far, I was asked most of all about the moment Joan Rivers said this in an off camera interview: 

“Don’t play the victim… In my generation, Tripp would be called illegitimate. Bristol would be called the little whore down the block.” 

When I first saw this, I have to be honest… it was pretty shocking. Joan has criticized me and my family before. She has called my mom a “Nazi,” “crazy,” “stupid,” and “a threat.” 

She has called me an “old horse,” “stupid,” and said things about my weight. I guess we can add “whore” to the list. But isn’t it funny how Joan suddenly goes all 1950s when it suits her? In her comedy routines, she mentions any sort of sexual thing to shock the audience. But when she wants to insult me, she suddenly has the sexual standards of a “Leave it to Beaver” episode. Anyway, I have addressed my pregnancy many times in public. I’m thankful for a God who forgives and loves. 

On Wife Swap, however, she went a step too far by attacking my son Tripp. 

It’s just wrong to call a child something like “illegitimate” on national television. Life is tough, and not everyone is born into the perfect family home life. But my son is not “illegitimate.” He’s legitimately amazing. I like to say, “just because a kid is born into a broken family doesn’t mean the child is broken.” 

All life is precious… And Tripp is a definitely a blessing from God.

Okay I read Joan's comment a few times to see if I had missed something, but I don't think I did.

All Joan did was to demonstrate frustration that somebody who has led SUCH a privileged life goes around playing the victim. And she is right, Bristol got to be the Queen of Abstinence, after the birth of Tripp, due to her mother's name and influence, whereas MOST teen mothers (ALL of them in Joan's day), would have been shamed and made to feel dirty for getting knocked up at her age. (Not to mention the first time she got knocked up, but let's not go there.)

And by the way if somebody does NOT want to be called a whore on national television it might be a good idea to stay OFF of national television.

Because as all of US well know what Joan said pales in comparison to the kinds of things that are said about Bristol on social media sites all over the internet.

Personally I applaud Joan for telling an obvious truth, and screw Bristol for acting all hurt about it almost an entire month after it was broadcast on television just to drum up sympathy and once again play the Palin victim card.

P.S. For those who want to know where Joan actually said those words it is on the very end of this segment.


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Sorry, but Tripp IS illegitimate Brisket, that's what you call any child born out of wedlock. Now your brother Trak IS legitimate because while pregnant your Mom bought Tawd to marry her BEFORE the baby was born.
    If you need anyone else to explain the big words for you go to your local library.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      I can relate......My husbands ex wife once complained that I wasn't his daughter's step mom unless I adopted her, even though we were married for 2 years. WRONG!

      These nasty people need to do some learnin' before they "open mouth and insert foot".

    2. she is a fraud5:56 PM

      Holy cow.


      She has essentially zero education and is pathetic. Her family has no concept what a dictionary is and how to use one.

      Bristol is fortunate that Joan didn't call Tripp a bastard - because that is exactly what he is.

      Learn how to use a dictionary and look that up, Bristol. Dumbass.

    3. For hundreds of years the church used the term "illegitimate" to ruin young children who were born "without the blessing of the church on their parents". It is a horrible term and it is a blessing that it has passed from use. Joan was correct in saying "In my youth".

      Bristol should be very glad that society has advanced past the time of calling the mother sinful & the child illegitimate. She should give thanks to then Sen Barack Obama for telling the media and his supporters to stay well away from criticizing the young pregnant teenager. She should attack the religious right for still thinking as in the 19th century.

      But instead - she attacks those who tell the truth - denies that teenage pregnancy is the result of lack of valid sex education & makes anything - including her grifting money making schemes as "poor me, poor me"

    4. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Yep, that is the case. They are also called bastards. That was commonplace not that long ago. Brisket just never reads so she can only react in her usual ignorant way.

      Women or girls who became pregnant without being married were hidden away, shunned, made to go away and have their babies and give them up for adoption. There was no 'keeping' the baby with the kind of attitude there is today. I think that the entertainment industry started to legitimize the idea of an unwed mother when actresses started having babies without having a husband and slowly it became more mainstream.

    5. Anonymous6:33 PM

      At least Bristol admits her family is broken. Baby steps!

    6. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Why did Bristol name Tripp after Todd palin's prostitute shailey Tripp? Weird.

    7. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Yo Bristol did gang leader willow sink your new boat yet?

    8. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Bristol (we know youre reading here) the Bible calls an illegitimae child a 'bastard'.

    9. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Deuteronomy 23:2 - A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

      I prefer the word BASTARD. I would think Christians would like that term. Illegitimate makes Bristol think of the border and illegitimate border crossings.

    10. DetroitSam8:50 PM

      45 years ago my sister had a child out of wedlock. The family advised her not to marry the father because he was not very reliable.

      After my sister's son was born she had to stand in from of the church congregation and confess her sin and ask to be forgiven.

      I was against this but it was her choice to do it so I supported her. Her son turned out to be a responsible man who has always worked multiple jobs and help take care of my elderly parents.

      Take that Bristol.

    11. Anonymous10:23 PM

      We employ a fair amount of vulgarity, profanity, and obscenity in our language around my house, but the one word I will not tolerate is "bastard." That's because I supposedly am one. My birth mother (age 43) and my birth father (age 60) decided to give me up for adoption (my father being the chief Decider). I was adopted by my childless uncle and aunt (ages 45 and 47 respectively) and received a loving if not always elegant upbringing. Yes, I was an illegitimate birth. No, I am not, nor have I ever been a bastard. I hate that word beyond anything.

    12. Sandra3:05 AM

      My sister always says "There are no bastard babies, but there's a lot of bastard fathers".

    13. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Joan took pity on this ignorant rube and tried to help her and expose her to some culture.
      After her asshole whining...about Joan...Barstool doesn't have to worry about working in Hollywood anymore...that's for sure.
      She will be blacklisted.
      Not publicly of course, but blacklisted all the same. Good going baby grifter!
      Just like mommy dearest!
      Barstool is a ungrateful little snot.
      And is the Alaskan ho!
      And has a bastard child.
      or two. And will never work again in Hollywood.

    14. Anonymous6:51 AM

      If Barack had a baby before marriage,

      The GOP would DEFINITELY call the child an illegitimate BASTARD.


    15. Anonymous9:23 AM

      What do you expect from Bacon Belly Bristol(BBB), she is a Pig and a certified liar. The turd does not fall far from the Ass.

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    BTW Brisket there was never any family, just you screwing around until you got knocked up.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I wonder how many cowboys have taken rides on that stupid old horse?

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      hey, hey, hey there - stop insulting horses. We all know Bristol is more bovine and porcine than equine. Though" rode had and put away wet" is an apt description of her looks.

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Ewww put away wet? How about Todd giving her one of his condom faceclothes to wipe her down?

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Todd is a pro at eliminating evidence. How else did he get away with crashing a plane and burning down a church and home? Palin mafia at its finest.

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Here let me translate "Poor me, poor me, Wah wah wah" in other words the same old same old crap she always spews.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Perhaps Gryphen left something out, but I didn't see her deny being a whore! LOL And given that some believe that she and Levi were married at one point, perhaps Tripp really isn't an illegitimate? The lies are getting so difficult to keep track of, aren't they, Briz?

    2. Anonymous2:56 AM

      Yep 6:56
      I think they were married - i think Sarah even performed the ceremony. Levi and Bristle played house together. That is why she bucks the word illegitimate.

    3. Anonymous5:36 AM

      In that episode, I noticed, for example when Bristle was talking about Sweet little Cooper "He's very disciplined and grounded BUT needs more family time" WTF? She makes everything positive into a neg! Just like Mommy!
      Also whining about gay bars...ummm wasn't she the one who rode a mechanical bull in a gay bar and went up and got in a guys face b/c he yelled "your mother is a whore" at her?
      Ummm Bristle maybe THAT's why they were asking you dumb bunny!
      White trash skank!

    4. Anonymous6:49 AM

      It wasn't a gay bar! !!

      It's a regular bar!

      It just shows that the very worst INSULT bristol could think of was calling the guy gay.

      She's pathetic.

  5. "She has called my mom a “Nazi,” “crazy,” “stupid,” and “a threat.”

    Yes, and your point is, Bristol?

    You knew this. Why in hell did you go on the show? Oh, that's right, $$$$$$$.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Bristol has a problem with Joan pointing out the obvious but has no problem with hoeing for dollars.

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    My sister ensured that our family had a few little bastards too. And, we love them. But, we do not love her selfish act of getting knocked up and being unable to responsibly care for a child. Nor did we like it when she used the children to get money from us for the children that ultimately went to cigs and beer. She did not want to give up the kids because they opened a lot of doors. Often, we never saw the kids out of pure petulance, which affected the kids more than us. Sorry Bristol, your story is not new. You are just playing for bigger $$$.

    1. When people take windfall money and buy toys, it tells me the kind of people they are.

      Maybe people will think twice before tossing Bristol another crumb (and Willow, also too).

    2. NO-ONE makes money out of having children - I hate that people speak of women/mothers in this fashion.

      I have used "windfall money" to buy a toy for my child in the past - for just a few short hours it made us both feel like human beings rather than peasants who didn't have enough money for food - let alone toys.

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM


      If I'm not mistaken Darlene was talking about toys in respect to cars and boats and such, not so much toys for a child. Specifically I'm pretty certain she was referencing Bristol using her wife swap money to purchase a pontoon party boat, rather that place it in an account for Tripp's future.

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      You didn't have enough money for food, and when you got some you bought toys? Right, because it's more important to feel good about yourself than feed your child.

    5. Anonymous7:00 PM

      TS--- I think perhaps the poster was referring to a situation where their sister would ask for Xmas money and instead of buying gifts bought cigarettes and alcohol instead. Women who genuinely care for their children and want to give them the best life DON'T have it easy because they're NOT making money out of having children. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and in this case, the mothers who set the worst example are unfortunately the ones who set the preconceived stereotype. The ones whose kids need braces and clean clothes and something to eat besides cheet-ohs and coca cola but Mommy Dearest is NEVER low on her ciggies and vodka. god forbid.

    6. I may have misread - so apologize if that is the case BUT 6:40 may never understand the joy a small child can get from a cheap toy - the joy a mother can get from seeing a smile on the face of her child.

      Sometimes living as the GOP would have the working poor to live becomes just too much and if buying a toy for a child is something you think is terrible - then go live in the land of the right wing nut cases who want to take the food from their mouths and the health care from their families.

      As for those who have various addictions - think about why - about what their lives have become and think well about "there but for the grace of God" ...

      Hating on the poor and downtrodden is what is so wrong in the world today

  7. Joan Rivers, David Letterman, Don Rickles and others who say things about people consider their comments to just be part of their business/job.

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      There is always some truth in a comedian's words, no matter how they are delivered...clean, insulting, raunchy or x-rated. It's social commentary, whether we like it or not.

      I watched the segment that Gryphen included. What fun and interesting opportunities Bristol passed up or didn't enjoy because she's so lazy and dim-witted! She's such a hypocrite and terrible parent. I found myself nodding in agreement with all of Joan's and Melissa's comments regarding Bristol, Willow and Tripp. I thought Joan and Melissa were very honest and straightforward. Bristol is a such a boring waste of TV time.

      Become a public figure and you are fair goes with the territory If you honestly don't like it or can't take it, get out of the spotlight. Stop the whining--it's sooo unbecoming and juvenile.

      I agree with the others who have posted that Bristol and Willow need to grow up. However, I think it's too late. Sarah and Todd's lack of parenting ruined their children long ago. Bristol is in turn destroying any chance that Tripp has for a normal, satisfying life. (Though if he were with Levi and Sunny full-time, perhaps that might change.)


  8. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Hey, stupid Bitchtol, read it - Joan never called you a whore (though you are) She described what you WOULD have been called a generation or two earlier. And, at one point, your child would have suffered legal and financial ramifications because you 'forgot your cramp pills" and had a family that could afford you to have a kid (or boxed themselves into a political corner that prevented the abortion you really wanted.)In some counties, this is still the case- no legal daddy, no public education even.
    And still you whine, whine, whine, whine. Living up to your name, aren't you, Bitchtol?

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Preach it Anom 4:29

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I (heart) you!

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Bristol obviously has some difficulty understanding the context of the comment Joan Rivers made regarding teen pregnancy in the 1940s and 1950s. I think she ought to get over playing the victim. It is so obviously disingenuous and it is clear she spends too much time in front of the television. She is absolutely myopic and boring. If you are reading this blog Bristol: Get a life. Get out of Wasilla and get an education. Your tape is playing over and over.

    4. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Actually I beg to differ. According to the letter of the grammatical law, yes, anon@429p is right. But I read the comment as very cleverly biting, and obviously by design. She could have said, "Don't play the victim... Women aren't stigmatized for having a baby out of wedlock like they were in my generation." Instead she effectively called Bristol a little whore while giving herself plausible deniability ("I never said that!") One smart cookie, Joan Rivers.

    5. Anonymous5:07 AM

      "Don't play the victim... Women aren't stigmatized for having a baby out of wedlock like they were in my generation." Instead she effectively called Bristol a little whore while giving herself plausible deniability ("I never said that!") One smart cookie, Joan Rivers.
      And she called Bullshit on barstools whining. Remember when Melissa went in Barstools home?
      "this is not a humble house' or something? They called it.
      Tripp is brat. Barstool a lying ho bag.
      Lazyass whiner.
      She will never work in Hollywood again.

    6. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Joan is smart. Bristol, Nancy, Sarah not at all.

  9. Again, Bristol, boohoodleyhoo.

    *You* recited a laundry list of negative things Joan has said about you.

    And yet you chose to appear on a show with her.

    You *chose* to appear on a show and included your minor son.

    *You*, Bristol, *you*.

    *You* chose to display, on national TV, the son *you* bore out of wedlock. Like it or not, many people will react negatively to the circumstances of your son's birth. *You* didn't care.

    *You*, *you* Bristol, nobody but *you* decided to make the circumstances of his birth a national conversation.

    For money. You did it for money, money, money.

    And you dare to take a swipe at Joan? None of this would have happened except that *you* chose to appear on a national TV show with someone who had previously made negative remarks about you, and *you* chose to include your son in this show.

    What a typical Palin, refuse to take any personal responsibility for the consequences of your selfish actions. You are revolting and a terrible mother.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM


      *You*, Bristol, *you*.


    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      It's thanks to the women of Joan's (and my) generation, that Bitchtol wasn't socially ostracized, or forced to give up her son at birth. But still Bitchtol, too stupid to understand that the world wasn't always the way it is for her (no sense of history,just like her MamaStoopid $carah) whines, whines, whine, whines, whines.

  10. Anonymous4:35 PM

    What was Joan's big mistake? She said that in her day, Tripp would be called illegitimate and Bristol would be the whore down the block.

    Joan's 80 years old. Back in her day, that's exactly what would have happened. She was simply reporting facts.

    Bristol purposely twists the word "illegitimate" to make it seem as though Joan Rivers was attacking the child himself. No, absolutely not. She was remarking on the fact that Bristol was a teenager who forgot her cramp pills and ended up with a child when she was -- 17?

    Two generations ago, Bristol would have moved out of town, had the baby, then given it up for adoption or pretended that it was her aunt's. There was no basic cultural acceptance of marriage as optional, as opposed to necessary and desirable, before a child is born. Birth control methods were used precisely to prevent children before marriage, or before the mother was an adult.

    So much to say about that silly show, but I'll leave it at this: Tawd proclaims on camera that Bristol has a thick skin and is "open-minded." We then see scene after scene where she's completely out of her depth, and, rather than learn from the experience (being open-minded), she whines and complains about being the guest of honor at a formal dinner, being given (light) duties as a tv producer, etc.

    Not at all thick-skinned or open-minded. Just a very, very immature rube, who should never have signed up to do something she clearly didn't want to do.

    Second, and I've asked this before, why oh why did she leave her parka on indoors? Joan even says that she's dressed for Alaska. Is she so ashamed of her body that she can't wear a plain top and pants? Doesn't she know that she looks bigger the more she tries to hide whatever defects she has? Since she knows that Joan Rivers' show is called "Fashion Police," wouldn't she have watched some segments and gotten up to speed on some sorts of fashion and celebrities? The celebrities don't care what is said about them, as long as they make the show. Rather like her mother.

    Instead of having fun with the show, these girls learned nothing, and added nothing. What a waste. Bristol said her mother would have advised her to "kill them with kindness," (a typically aggressive Sarah P. thing to say), but Bristol never even tried to do so.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Apparently, Bristol, Willow and anyone who watched the program, are dumber for having done so.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Hmmm tha tparka thing - it is just the opposite of whatmost people experience - Floridians find it cold at 65-70 - they're putting on parkas, while me, the midwesterner, is shrugging off the sweater. OTOH, the Candians I know are running around in sweaters when it is 30-40 out.

      As usual - Palins live in opposite land.

  11. Anonymous4:36 PM

    " many of you really enjoyed seeing Melissa Rivers and me switching lives! "

    Gryph can you explain this lie from Bristol? That's okay you have better things to do. I'll try.

    Bristol you did not switch lives with Melissa Rivers. You signed a contract to switch lives with her but then you failed to uphold your end of the bargain. You refused to do her job on Fashion Police.

    But you had no problems running home with your Celebrity Wife Swap paycheck and buying a boat. What does Trig need a boat for when he has a struggling teen mom sending Trig on to reality show jobs? How about sending that kid to school before the state Children's Protective Services takes him away because you are treating him like a pack mule making money for you?

    1. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Barstool is a "social retard". I did enjoy seeing her squirmish at the party.
      She could of relaxed and engaged with people, but since they were "Dems" and dared to ask questions she whines of being attacked! Fool!
      The chance of a lifetime, she blew it. But next we will hear Tripp is learning how to play a instrument or something like the sweet Boy Cooper.
      The grifter family makes me sick. At least Bristol made sure we will never see them again on tv.
      You don't fuck around with Joan Rivers!

  12. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Bristol is too thin skinned like mommy. If ya can't take criticism then keep your ass in Wasilla with your new boat.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Just take the Ho money, you Bacon Belly Pig, and STFU. You entered into this arrangement willingly, and you got paid. Grandma is a Ho, Mother is a Ho, Father is a Pimp, and you are a Slut. What are you complaining about?

  13. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Bristol, if people calling children illigetimate, and women getting pregnant our of wedlock whores troubles you-- tell it to the GOP.

  14. sewnup4:45 PM

    The thickheaded dunce completely missed that Joan saying the child was illegitimate was a comment on the circumstances under which he was born: no aspersion on the child itself--rather, on her OWN behavior.

    Any kid deserves a parent with a brain and a sense of responsibility. Those poor Palin kids are handicapped by a lot more than an extra chromosome here and there; that's least of their worries.

  15. Beldar Reel World Conehead4:45 PM

    C'mon, Gryphen, can't you see this is just a social media stunt laying the public relations/marketing groundwork for the production of the latest awesome* reality series called Wife Swap: Alaskan Unwed Mothers Celebrity Grudge Match All-Star Championship Dance-Off scheduled to premier on local Sitka-area CCTV in late September only to be canceled in early October?

    Think "Queenie For A Day" meets "Marty Stoffler's Baked Alaska" meets "Sole Train" meets "The Rookie and Bullwankle Show" meets "The Benny Hann Bible-Thumpin' Mutha-Humpin' Tear-Pumpin' Prayer Hour" meets "C-Span"

    *awesome = awful

    1. DetroitSam8:58 PM

      "Wife Swap: Alaskan Unwed Mothers Celebrity Grudge Match All-Star Championship Dance-Off".

      This is a great title fitting for a Palin.

    2. Anonymous4:35 AM

      I love that Rookie and Bullwankle reference! +1

  16. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Wasn't it Bristol who publicly called her own son "a mistake?"

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Yes. Tripp was called a mistake by his own Mother. She was an ultimate bytch with Levi and the tent and tried to walk all that back. It was cool to shoot up hLevi's book in front of Tripp. Levi's face looking terrified was her target.

  17. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Lyrics to For The Love Of Money by The O'Jays

    "I know money is the root of all evil 
    Do funny things to some people 
    Give me a nickel, brother can you spare a dime 
    Money can drive some people out of their minds "


    All Bristol has is a high school education, a story how the Alaska state's governor's daughter claims she got raped drinking wine coolers in her tent, a kid she got after repeatedly having high school sex and now she's complaining about making more money in a few years getting paid for dancing, playing wife and using her son on a reality show that shows that Tripp is out of control and Bristol is a terrible mom? The nerve of some people.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      At MOST, she has a high school education. I'm betting she doesn't. All we saw were pictures of her wearing a cap and gown. Easily faked. It's not like she was noted for her intelligence. I know Sarah referred to her as a "straught A student" but that's the kind of lie Sarah tells. There was no reason to discuss Bristol's grades; bringing them up means that she wants to get out in front of the truth with her lie.


    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      If the Bristle we've seen and heard has a high school diploma and a straight A record, it's way past time to reevaluate the curriculum and the grading curve at the high school she occasionally attended.

      Now that the many Palin schemes have been brought to light I imagine Bristle will have a tougher time faking it up the ladder like mummy dearest was able to do in small town Wasilla and low population AK.

    3. DetroitSam9:01 PM

      High school education? Earned?
      Or awarded under the table because of the great brain mother?

      Maybe a GED? I don't believe that she obtained a GED because you have to study for that.

    4. Anonymous3:55 AM

      $carah probably meant that Bristles was a straight A student learning to GRIFT, as is the family business? After all, even though she is not at all bright, she has made several TV shows and been paid big $$$ for being dumb as a stump. Also, too, I think there are many young guys in Alaska who would agree with the "whore down the street" comment Rivers made about her.

    5. Anonymous5:19 AM

      The only thing Bristol has is what Mommy's fame bought her. I doubt she took the GED when someone else could do it for her. Didn't she claim a ridiculously high GPA? I think it was in an article Mommy bought for her.

      Just because Nancy writes for her now there are those that think she is semi intelligent.

      Another give, you know "Leave it to Beaver" is not a Bristol metaphor.

  18. janice4:54 PM

    You notice Bristol and Willow have no intentions of ever working. They are both lazy girls with nothing to do. Tripp is out of control. You can bet he does not act like that at Levi's house.

  19. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Bristol if it wasn't for Joan you would be in Wasilla doing the same thing you've done since Tripp was born and Levi found the love of his life. Bitch bitch bitch how Levi married a pretty girl and you are stuck trying out husbands.

  20. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Well, I guess that means no sequel. As if. Those Palins sure are good at burning bridges, to nowhere.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Maybe that's why Sarah tried to build one! !


  21. Anonymous4:57 PM

    In Joan's generation, what she said was true, but not so much anymore. I don't condone irresponsible reproduction and I condemn those young single moms who make money off that fact.

    While I agree with Joan, in Bristol's case, I wish she had not said that. It does make Bristol look like she was insulted, and as you know, that's all Bristol needs to cry "poor me."

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Joan qualified her comments by saying in her day (she is 80!) trip would be called illegitimate and Bristol a whore. Joan's point was/is that times are different-children born without the benefit of a married mother and father have no negative stigma attached to them and Bristol needs to quit crying victim. Then the spawn of the skank went ahead and played the victim again. It is no different than skank making references to "all those who would have aborted trig or wih he wasn't born"-no ne said that but skank knows it gives her an opportunity to get some attention which translates into$.
      The skank and the spawn are both losers-at least they are from my vibrantly lived life and the ocean view from my living room:)

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      No, it makes Bristol look as if she will twist peoples words, pretend not ot understand English, and look for any excuse at all to FEEL insulted and whine, whine, whine and bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch about it - Right Bitchtol?

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      If it took a month for Brisket to be insulted she is slower than I ever imagined.

    4. Anonymous4:35 AM

      In this case (see my earlier comment) I think Bristol was insulted. It's a very clever, back-handed insult that gives the insulter the ability to say, "but I never said that" when the insultee protests.

  22. Well, Bristol, don't worry about the whore thing on national teevee. I don't think very many people saw the show. Second, Tripp is illegitimate.
    No, it's not the shameful situation it was back in the '50s. If you want people to stop being critical of you, quite making yourself a target. Go to school, better yourself, and raise your son with good values. You are not a victim...well, maybe being brought up by $arah does make you a victim. It's really up to you, isn't it?

  23. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Saying 'illegitimate' is still better than calling the kid a bastard.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      1. bastard child. A child born to unmarried parents.

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      I would rather be called a bastard than illegitimate. The latter is like saying that you are a non-person. At least when someone says that you are a bastard, that can be one of two things. And, its a funny word. Anyway, Tripper has a Dad on the birth certificate.

      BTW, Joan Rivers is one of the hardest working women on the planet.

  24. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Can't we all be friends? Leave the untalented ass wipe alone.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      as soon s the untalented asswipe quits thrusting her in front of our faces on the TV screens, and lecture circuit, sure thing. And takes her skanky mama, $carah with her.

  25. Anonymous5:06 PM

    OT---Speaking of the smell of rotting flesh,,the giant corpse flower is set to bloom next door to the US Capitol. Coincidence??? I think not... This Congress is slated to be worse than the Do Nothing Congress during the Truman Administration.

    Maybe it should be renamed in Palin's honor.

  26. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Joan is presently grieving the loss of her beloved and accomplished sister , Barbara Waxler who passed this past June 5.
    I doubt she will stoop to responding to ignorant and ungrateful Palin trash.
    Whether it be Sarah or Bristol.
    Joan and her sister Barbara were raised in the
    tony suburbs of Larchmont , NY .
    Her father was a physician .
    Joan graduated from Barnard College in NYC with a BS degree in English Literature and Anthropology.
    While Joan's act may be blue, her private life is elegant and classy.
    She is well known in the society world of NYC and is an active supporter of many charities.
    The Palins are to a rusty , sewage filled trailer as
    Joan Rivers is to a Five Star luxury hotel.

  27. angela5:10 PM

    Bristol whining like a mewling cat is usually a prelude to her stupid mother
    washing her face, taking some cheap speed, picking the lint out of her wig
    to begin the Palin victimization facebook and twitter crawl. You can only sit around in front of your ghostwriter pretending you are actually doing work for a few weeks. Gotta get the underpaid ghost to push that piece of crap christmas book out to pimp to the stupid Fox shut-ins.

  28. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Did Bristol and Willow get an annulment after Celebrity Wife Swap or are they still shacking up together?

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Friends with benefits?

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Sisters with benefits?

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Don't they call it a 'trial marriage,' and whatnot anyway also too?

    4. Anonymous3:19 AM

      Sister wives?

  29. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Nice rebuttal weeks later Brisket. Did it take you that long to come up with a response? Or were you too busy at the dermatalogist's office working and stuff (aka pontoon boatin).

    More faux outrage. Joan actually said "in her day" she would have been called a whore and Tripp would have been called illegitimate. She didn't call Bristol a whore or say Tripp was illegitimate (even though by definition he is). She clearly doesn't understand the term illegitimate.

    PS - That headboard is tacky and hideous. How long before one of those "jewels" gets imbedded into Bristol's forehead?

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Brisdull was waiting on Sarah's full list of grievances for the second quarter 2013. She thought she was done with Wife Swap...but Sarah wasn't.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      The phone hasn't been ringing, the last of the Hollywood stardust has worn off -- it's PAY ATTENTION TO ME time. She might be dumb as a post but she's learned some lessons at Mama's knee.

  30. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'm looking at the picture, which one is Joan, which one is Bristol?

  31. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Let me translate Bristol's Blog POst:


  32. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Only a stupid rube like Brisdull would claim an attack on Tripp...she's just too much of a clod to grasp Joan's meanings. And Joan is being just plain silly to think that Brisdull could be anything else in life but a victim and has every intention of teaching her son to be a victim, too (just like Sarah taught B).

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Anonymous5:21 PM
      No I don't agree. I think Joan genuinely wanted to help Bristol. Take her under her wing. From the gate Bristle was hostile and not open to learning.
      What a fuckin' PILL she is!
      And Melissa got Wallow the hair job which she refused? WTF wrong with these two cretins? Chances of the a lifetime? You don't get chances from The River Family! Heck anyone of us would jump at the chance! These bitches whine.
      They blew it. All the paylin family will be blackballed unless stupid mark burnet can open something for them but pretty doubtful.
      Yep, burned that bridge to nowhere Bristle!
      Wasilly white trash!

  33. Anonymous5:22 PM

    All this crying and complaining about being called a whore? Bristol let it go, you've been called worse.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      And answered to it! (As long as it meant another whine cooler filling her maw.)

  34. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Is Bristol trying to act like Levi was the only guy that porked her? Why, yes, she is! Dirty little LYing tent ho...

    In Joan's teen days (65 years ago) they would have taken Tripp away from girls like Bristol and she would never have seen him again.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Isn't that what Sarah did with Trig.

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Bristol Palin has no idea what women have endured historically. Nor does she seem to care. (Shame on you Sarah Palin for not educating your daughter or at the very least, thanking the women who stood up for her) No way in the past would a candidate for office even be considered viable with a pregnant daughter. It wasn’t the religious right that made this a possibility. It is women like me who in the 1960s and 1970s marched to break free of such insane and derogatory opinion toward women who became pregnant out of wedlock. And, after all, isn't it men who cause pregnancy? Bristol and her mother have the gall to malign the very people who spoke up for women struggling with out of wedlock pregnancy, who marched for birth control and the right to choose. I despise the Palin-type ignorance.

    3. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Anon 6:34 PM

      If Bristol birthed Trig then he was co-opted by his grandmother rather than taken by the authorities to be raised by a legally married couple.

    4. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Bristol Palin has no idea what women have endured historically. Nor does she seem to care.
      That dumb bitch needs to be bitchslapped and STFU and quite whining all the time.
      She totally fucked up any more chances at Hollywood. You just don't fuck with Joan Rivers. Ever watch Joan on the red carpet? Stars are afraid of her! And here is this little guttersnip sniping shit at JOAN? JOAN RIVERS!
      The paylins are dead in Hollywood.
      Joan tried to give the guttersnipe a chance, but she flung it back in her face. She won't get another.
      Melissa tried to help Wallows...she refused. That kind of "Help" is once in a lifetime...kind of like a "Fairy god mother". Those two dumb bitches turned their nose up.
      Their fucked now. :)

    5. Anonymous7:28 AM

      We can only hope, and whatnot.

  35. Anonymous5:30 PM

    O/T - did Murdoch buy up old AgHag just to put her on ice? She hasn't been spitting and hissing recently.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      LOL is summer over already? I knew Ailes wasn't seriously taking her back. He hates the idiot.

  36. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I understand what joan was so tactlessly trying to say. Bristol plays the "single mom" part to the hilt when, truth be told, she has no clue what it is like to struggle as a single mom. She is a very privileged bitch of a young women who feels the entire world owes her something. Screw you, Bitchtol! Oh yeah, that's already been done and done and done and.......

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Now I get it. Thanks, 5:32, because I was looking at Joan's remark differently. What Joan was saying was that in her day, back in the 1950's, an unwed teen aged girl having a baby would be called all kinds of names, and the child would be called names too. Now, look how times have changed. Not only is Bristol was a single teen mother, but she kept the child, and was able to use him as part of her identity in getting roles in TV shows-- something that wouldn't have happened back in Joan's early days. It's a fact of life. Times have changed, and that was Joan was acknowledging, in her particular style.

  37. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Bristol is lucky that so few people read her blog. She writes, "I’m thankful for a God who forgives and loves." Bristol, maybe you should practice what you preach. This is the time for you to forgive and love, too. That's a Christian website that is hosting your blog. Forgive, and if you can't, then just grow up and forget it. You are the one who chose to put your private life on TV, and with it comes criticism and jokes, along with the money that they paid you.

    "It’s just wrong to call a child something like “illegitimate” on national television. Life is tough, and not everyone is born into the perfect family home life. But my son is not “illegitimate.” He’s legitimately amazing. I like to say, “just because a kid is born into a broken family doesn’t mean the child is broken.”

    Tripp was born outside of marriage. He is called a nonmaritial child, or an illegitimate child. That's what children born outside of marriage are called. They are also called other names, some of which are not as polite. You also say that Tripp was not born into a perfect family home life. That would be the fault of your own parents and siblings. Yes, the Palin Family really is broken, and from what we see of your relationship with Tripp, as shown on TV, you haven't done very much to make up for it.

    If Bristol is so offended by jokes or having people comment about Tripp being born out of wedlock, maybe she should consider living her life more privately. That would include ending her blog, and stop trying to make herself into a mini-celebrity. It appears to be affecting Tripp. And, in the process, Bristol hasn't matured. She has just gotten a year older but not wiser. Stay off of TV, Bristol, it's not for you. You didn't want to play the game of job-swap.

    When you first appeared on TV, you asked your blog readers to offer you some parenting tips regarding Tripp. There are parenting classes, books, information on line and in the library. Grow up, and learn how to take some responsibility for taking care of Tripp. He is your most important job, not that fake thing in a doctor's office. You don't need the money, and Tripp needs a mother, not a spoiled girl who acts like a teen aged kid, answering facebook comments. Advice to Bristol: Grow up!

  38. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Joan Rivers disparaged Bristol's mother. Bristol put her kid in a TV show with Joan Rivers. Surprise, surprise, Bristol's kid was disparaged.

    Some people make a point of protecting their kid from probable abuse. Not Bristol.

    Here's hoping the kid's father gets control soon.

  39. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I can't believe I'm sort of siding with Bristol - I'm suprised at my reaction.

    I thought Bristol looked better than she has - did she have corrective plastic surgery?

    I thought the dinner guests were needling Bristol, and I don't think that was kind or polite. They did it in a way that allows for plausible deniability (barely), but I don't think their intent was to get to know Bristol. Maybe the questions would have been okay if if they had been friends, but they weren't, and Bristol was the guest of honor.

    I think Joan was opportunistic (doesn't make what she said wrong, but I don't think it was fair to say it).

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      It's not real life. It was a TV show. It was staged. It was a fake, from beginning to end. The cameras are on. Nothing is natural. You were not a guest at a dinner party; it was staged. Bristol took it personally, as opposed to "the guests will ask Bristol questions about Alaska." Sarah Palin did the same thing when Katie Couric asked what she read to inform her political opinion. Sarah took it to mean, "What do you read, all the way up there in Alaska, do you get newspapers or what?" No, the Palins are thin skinned.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Joan was not opportunistic. That's not the correct word, and it makes me suspicious of the author. Joan Rivers has been a comedian for years and years. She has so many show business connections that she doesn't need to take advantage of any opportunity. It is her nature to make jokes about anything at hand.

      Being "insulting" and being "opportunistic" are two completely different things. Joan has made worse jokes about herself, her family, her plastic surgery and anybody else.

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      It's a TV show - what do you think is going to happen? But please be specific about a question asked that was problematic for you?

    4. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Joan wasn't opportunistic. She may have been direct, insulting, has a biting sense of humor, or was commenting honestly. But, she wasn't taking advantage of any situation. Joan makes jokes about everything and everybody.

      Bristol is the one who has been opportunistic, taking advantage of Tripp and her status as a single teen mother to launch a career based on nothing but being the single teen mother of Tripp. All that Joan did was point out how times have changed. Bristol wouldn't have been able to cash in that way back in Joan's day. Yesterday, single teen moms (and their kids) would have been called names. Today, they star on MTV's teen mom type of shows and appear on Wife Swap.

    5. Anonymous7:12 PM

      What do you mean fair? Are these shows about being fair? No. They are scripted to within an inch of their lives to achieve the desired effect, like making Brisdull feel bullied or making the guests seem rude or asking Tripp to be a brat. Brisdull has already appeared in two reality shows, right? Girl must have no ability to learn.

    6. DetroitSam9:07 PM

      Of course she had plastic surgery. You have to know this.

    7. Anonymous9:14 PM

      I love the ignoramus calling crayfish 'CLAYfish'... Can't make this up...

  40. Anita Winecooler5:48 PM

    Yeah, Bristol, in Joan's day, when a young woman went "heels to Jesus" over and over and over again because she "lost her moral compass", the girl wouldn't be seen for months they called it "Mono" or "She's visiting Auntie Hea..." oh wait... you already knew that - have you read your own book?

  41. elliegrl5:49 PM

    Gryphen,have you changed your mind finally abt Bristol being Trig's mother???!!!!!!!!
    "whereas MOST teen mothers (ALL of them in Joan's day), would have been shamed and made to feel dirty for getting knocked up at her age. (Not to mention the first time she got knocked up, but let's not go there.)"

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      elliegirl makes the point! Back in Joan's day, the daughter would "get mono," "visit an aunt," or go out of town for the summer. The mother would have a "change of life baby." Couldn't happen? Bobby Darin, the famous singer, found out as an adult that his sister, who was 16 years older than him, wasn't his sister at all, but his mother. The woman who he thought was his mother was really his grandmother. It happened.

    2. Anonymous4:16 AM

      Same thing happened to Jack Nicholson also, too!!

    3. Anonymous4:20 AM

      Jack Nicholson, too.

  42. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Nancy continually overplays her hand in revealing her writing style that simply cannot come to grips with Bris-dull's brain power.

    Bristol is too slow witted and obtuse to make a Leave it too Beaver reference.

    Jesus Heath Christ, if the entertainment medium keeps failing you Bristol (and your mom). . .and you keep having to 'set the record straight,' then you should stay the fuck out of it.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      And too young to use the "Leave it to Beaver" reference. Clearly that was Nancy or Sarah's addition.

  43. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Is this Bristol's idea of marketing herself for the next reality show? Maybe they'll hire her because, like her mother, she generates controversy and lots of attention. Wrong! Nobody likes a spoiled sport who doesn't swap jobs or follow the rules of the show. Nobody wants to hear whining and crying after the show about the mean things that they said about me.

    What Joan said was true. During the 1950's, a girl who got pregnant and wasn't married was called names. The child was considered illegitimate. That what he was called if he wasn't called a bastard. Like others wrote in above comments, the girl usually dropped out of school, stayed with an aunt out of town, gave up the child for adoption and returned to whispers.

    Today, unwed teen moms are glamorized on MTV shows. Celebrities have a partner that they don't marry, but with whom they have children-- and they pose for photos with the partner and the kids. For some it works, and for some it may not. When Bristol airs what should be her private life, we saw Tripp hungry and demanding for attention, acting out and acting like a brat in Bristol's first reality show. Since then, she learned nothing about being a good parent. She is still a girl, herself. Children having children. Maybe it's time for Bristol to stop chasing celebrity and start growing up, acting like the adult in the family and being a good parent to Tripp. Reading her sensitive reaction to a show that took place a month ago, (and was filmed longer ago than that), Bristol is too thin skinned to be a public figure. She needs to grow up and start acting like the adult in her family. If it's broken, then she should start trying to fix it.

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Brancy is marketing Tripp.

      Without the bastard Bristol would not be getting any teevee work and would be living a life without pontoons and such.

  44. Hey Bristol, why the long face? Joan didn't insult you, she stated a fact.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Bristol always had a long face since.... you know....

  45. Anonymous6:24 PM

    What? Isn't this the second time she's whined about being insulted by Joan Rivers? I guess she considers herself forgiven for her mistakes, but can't forgive or forget others against her. Remember, Bristol? In the Lord's prayer, it says, "Forgive us our trespasses, AS we forgive those who've trespassed against us." So, the Lord spoke this prayer as our example on how to pray, and it's pretty standard for a christian to forgive others, if they want God's forgiveness.

    Please, Palin family, get this girl some help. No one can hold on to grudges like this and be emotionally healthy. She is obsessed with what others say about her and Tripp. Try this, Bristol. DON'T promote Tripp and place him in front of reality TV cameras. If any one of us wanted our privacy, we'd make sure our kids were protected from this exploitation. There are consequences to celebrity. If you want the celebrity, you'll have to pay the price and if the price involves your 5 year-old, take this advice. Don't do it. Thousands upon thousands of other young girls have had to struggle without a strong supportive family like you have, and they've also had to hear kids at school call their child, "bastard".

    Before complaining again? Try acting like the christian you say you are, and care for those who have much less, like support Samaritan's Purse and volunteer, or work for the Peace Corps or some humanitarian effort, instead of plopping your selfish family in front of cameras

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Great comment, 6:24. Bristol is inviting more questions about her appearance on Wife Swap for a future post. (There are two up there today. A Feud with Joan Rivers and My Headboard and My Lumpy Bed, with cute purple pillows).

      I have some questions (but I don't want Bristol to know who I am or where to find me). How is that chore chart working out for Tripp? Or, has he gone back to being the bad boy, acting out to get attention? How often does Tripp get to visit with his father, step mother and step sister? Bristol complains about Tripp being part of a broken family. I don't see anything broken about Levi, Sonny and their daughter-- except that Tripp is not often part of that picture. What do you do in your free time, Bristol, besides commenting on blogs, reading blogs and complaining about stuff. Why not enroll in a college class this fall, or better, a parenting class? What are you going to sign up to study, Bristol? Is anyone enjoying that lovely satin covered lumpy bed with you? (Please tell me that Tripp sleeps in his own bed by now, please!)

      I'm sure that everyone can think of better questions for Bristol.

    2. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Levi's daughter is Tripp's half-sister, not a step-sister but otherwise agree with your comments.

    3. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Isn't this the second time she's whined about being insulted by Joan Rivers?

      You know seeing that show must be eating Sarah away. Twice since the show aired? That is just in public.

      Has it been a month since Bristol made a fool of herself again on another show? She is using Trippy again, as if saying her mistake is illegal is her most upsetting part of her last failure.

  46. Anonymous6:56 PM

    So far, E!, Insider, TMZ, OK!, People--all of 'em, any of 'em-- don't seem to give a hoot about Bristol's attempt to start a feud with Joan Rivers. Whatever does a girl have to do to get some paid media attention?

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      I guess that Bristol has to reopen that old feud with David Letterman if she wants to get some attention.

    2. Anonymous4:24 AM

      Wasn't she talking about running for political office some day? Too much like hard work for Bristles, though. How many guys in Wasilla has she already tried out as "trial husbands"?? Are there any eligible guys left who have not already visited her lumpy bed? What happened to Ben, Gino, Dylan??

  47. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "Having cashed the check, Bristol Palin decides to bite all over the hand that fed her. (Well at least helped her get a new pontoon boat.)"

    Have you ever had sex in the middle of a lake late at night on a pontoon boat?

    Weeeee dogggieeeee

    Bristol is in for the time of her life!
    Enjoy it.

  48. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Isn't that Crawford guy trying to solicit money for Sarah? They need money from old people, like Joan's age. They are reminded of Bristol the whore and her illegitimate child conceived in a tent.

    They put two and two together and know the donations are slowing down. It is not about the terms illegitimate or whore. It is because it has created problems when folks are reminded of the facts. That causes donations to shrink.

  49. Anonymous7:43 PM

    >>to start a feud with Joan Rivers.

    Joan would chew her up and spit her out before breakfast. Bristol has NO WHERE the innate intelligence, wit, life experience and pure, unadulterated savvy that Joan has and she would crash and burn into a pool of tears and whining before she'd ever begin to go toe to toe with ol' Joan. A feud? Laughable. Joan would finish her in a sentence or two. Bristol is thicker than a brick and can't even understand nuance and context. Joan would annihilate her.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Anom 7:43 don't underestimate Bristol Palin. Bristol has barracuda and pitbull DNA running through her blood.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      All things considered, I thought that Joan tried to be nice and motherly to Bristol. Joan couldn't get over the fact that Bristol had never seen a Broadway show. You know, you do not have to go to Broadway to see a Broadway show. They also have shows in Los Angels. Bristol was there a couple of times. High schools and colleges regularly perform Broadway shows. Don't they do that in Alaska, or is the only form of entertainment killing things, shooting pucks at a net or riding a snow machine around? Oh, I forgot about boating on a dead lake.

      Broadway shows have been made into movies, and you don't have to go to a movie theater to see a movie any more. That's what Netflix is for. There are plenty of Broadway shows that are great to watch with kids, who would enjoy seeing something different, too.

      The premise of the Wife Swap is the Fish out of Water. Bristol showed up in Los Angeles dressed for a day in Wasilla. Even Joan commented about it. Bristol didn't try or make an effort. Anything would make her uncomfortable, even people who were curious about Alaska and asked questions. A gay guy in a bar upset Bristol. She is not mature and she is not ready for prime time. The problem is that she has a child to raise, and she acts like a child herself.

    3. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Yeah, but untreated rabies is terminal.

    4. DetroitSam9:11 PM

      Maybe. But she is not smart enough to use this barracuda and pit-bull DNA that is running through her blood.

      The average 6th grader is smarter that Bristol.

    5. Anonymous4:26 AM

      THAT is why $carah turned down the opportunity to be on that show!! $carah could NEVER compete with Rivers.

    6. Anonymous5:54 AM

      8:17 PM You believe the hype.

      Brissy can only hide behind Nancy French blogging. She was too cowardly to fulfill the show's premise and trade places with Melissa on Fashion Police. Feigning that fake, I'm so sweet I can't give an opinion. Sarah isn't even barracuda and pitbull DNA any longer. Both are nothing but cowardly wimps in current times.

    7. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Yep I agree. Joan would rip her to shreds.
      But I think she will do it privately, like blackball them. Just think her dinner party prob had some very influential people there. And Barstool acted like a white trash little "Pill" that she is.

      She is done. Hope the "medical a$$istant job is still open for you barstool. b/c now more Brissy Hollywood for you!

  50. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "But by far, I was asked most of all about the moment Joan Rivers said this in an off camera interview"
    -Bristol Palin

    But by far? Okay Bristol who wrote this and your entire post for you? Who pays this person for you? A SarahPac employee writes this for you?

    If the word "AWESOME" was used in every sentence then I would believe Bristol wrote it.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:03 PM

      "But by far, I was asked most of all about the moment Joan Rivers said this in an off camera interview"
      -Bristol "She attacked me and my family" Palin

      How can it be off camera if they have it on film?

    2. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Anita Winecooler

      Nancy is on the winecoolers now.

  51. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Bristol don't take any shit from anybody, especially Joan Rivers. You can take on that old woman.

    You are a Palin!

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Palin: thin skin, can't forgive and forget, always the victims. Way to go, Palins.

    2. DetroitSam9:12 PM

      And not very smart.

    3. Anonymous6:19 AM

      What a fucking laugh! "That old woman" You just fucked yourself Barstool. You will never see another reality show again. Period.

      White Trash. Whiner. Grifter. Joan tried to help her and she bite the hand. Typical idiot palyin bullshit.

  52. Anonymous8:05 PM

    todd palin paid for sexual services with shailey trip. bristol palin named her son trip.
    not a coincidence

  53. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Bar$tool must be a complete masochist - why else would $he bring up this topic after it had been thankfully gone from the collective minds?! $he is admitting that $he is a $lut and a whore, and $he is admitting that - in the 'olden days' her son would have been called an illegitimate child... or a BASTARD. (Maybe $he would like that word better...)

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      It annoys Sarah Palin. Nancy French works for the brand and writes about what she is ordered to take up.

      Bristol decides to put her prop and illegitimate bastard in her lust for fame television career. Bristol's reality is a want to be rich and famous like Kim Khardashian. She thinks nothing of using Tripp and the Palins think they can control all media by whining about what anyone says.

  54. Anonymous8:12 PM

    What does a young single struggling mother of a child who is too young for school doing with a pontoon party boat?

    I guess if you want to drink alcohol on a boat, why not buy a pontoon boat?

  55. Anonymous8:13 PM

    todd palin paid shailey trip for sexual services and bristol named her son trip.
    not a coincidence.

  56. Anonymous8:14 PM

    todd palin paid for sex with shailey tripp.
    bristol named her son tripp. same spelling, same name.
    not a coincidence.

  57. Anonymous8:15 PM

    todd palin repeatedly paid shailey tripp to have sex with him. bristol named her son tripp. not a coincidence.

  58. Anonymous8:17 PM

    todd palin paid shailey tripp for sex and sold her services to other men. bristol named her son tripp.
    same name/same spelling.
    not a coincidence.

  59. Anonymous8:24 PM

    shailey tripp was sold to men for sex by todd palin as well as providing sexual services to todd palin for money. bristol named her son tripp. not a coincidence. shailey tripp wrote and got her book published "boys will be boys" about her life as a prostitue and todd palin as her pimp. no palins have ever even tried to sue ms. tripp nor have they denied what she has said in interviews or in her book.

  60. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Ever asked yourself why all the shotgun weddings in your own family, Bristol?

    Your grandmother, your mother and father, your aunt Molly, your uncle Chuckie....

    Why did they all get married before the baby was born, Bristol?

    You're a stupid cow and you'll never be anything better.

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM

      What do you mean shotgun wedding?

      They all just had premature babies born 8 months after they got married.

  61. Anonymous8:35 PM

    shailey tripp was a prostitute for todd palin and was paid for sexual services by todd palin and other men todd palin introduced to ms. tripp.

    bristol palin named her son tripp.
    not a coincidence.

    lots of information here.

  62. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      But Mama told me if I lie down with Bristol I would get up with fleas?

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      No, if you lie down with Bristol, you will get up smelling like bacon.

  63. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Had a Dodge muscle car, bought a pontoon boat, owns a big house on a lake, I wish I was struggling too.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Think about it. Bristol owes all that to Levi.

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Or not.
      What if Levi is not the father?

  64. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Joan says "In my generation..." She did not call Bristol a whore or Tripp illegitimate. She said in my generation... Why is Bristol trying to start a feud with Joan Rivers?

    1. Anonymous4:10 AM

      It's that English thing that the Palins aren't very good at doing that makes them so cringe-worthy. Most people understand that using a supposition is not stating a fact, but when your goal is to position yourself as a perpetual victim, listening, thinking and analyzing the words used by another about her are completely unneccessary. Poor poor me. I'm so filled with woe because Joan called me a Ho. Unlike your mother, Bristol, you don't have to wear the shoes if they don't fit. However, if they're a perfect fit, put em on and shut up. Your entire existence has been reduced to one constant whine, just like your Mum.

  65. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Yes, illegitimate Trippy is a ble$$ing from Gawd. Hallelujah!! I need another pontoon....

  66. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Maybe there's a reason that this particular rant shows up now- like a zombie arising from an unquiet grave. Recent events include Kate Middleton giving birth to a prince...after having a glorious royal wedding! Oh, the gnashing of teeth and the denting of refrigerators!

    Seems like ages ago that there was some speculation of a possible White House wedding featuring Bristol and Levi (although if the election had gone so wrong, hopefully he would have found a country that had not signed an extradition treaty with the United States).

    How unfair! No storytale wedding, and no baby prince! Just a neglected one and a brat. After all, what does Kate have that Brisdull does not???

    No wonder the fangs are coming out.

    Wild Tortoise (NOT a wedding planner)

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      White House wedding for Bristol?

      Alaska winter wedding for Track?

      Willow goes to college?

      What happened to all those dreams?

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Also, too, they had picked out which camouflage items of clothing to wear for the big wedding!! Even the Beverly hillbillies had more class than the Palin brood.They probably planned to pitch a tent on the WH lawn for the honeymoon. and lots of wine coolers in the cooler.

  67. Anonymous10:21 PM

    What happened to the trailer park code of ethics?

    If your unmarried daughter gets pregnant and the daddy of the baby won't marry her then the daughter's first cousin steps in and marries the daughter.

    1. Anonymous3:57 AM

      You omitted the provision re older brother having right of first refusal. In trailer park-speak, Can't Get Right had dibs, especially since he's a half-sibling.

    2. Anonymous5:18 AM

      You're right Anom 3:57. My apologies.

      Gotta respect the code.

    3. Anonymous7:50 AM

      I have known some very nice, educated people who lived in trailer parks. Much classier than any Palin.The honey Boo Boo family has more "family values", plus LOVE in their lives also, too.

  68. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Now I know where Tripp learned to act out to get attention. Look what Bristol is doing, throwing her own personal tantrum, calling names and calling attention to herself. She is doing it the way that her mother taught her, to play the victim. No one was a victim, here. Bristol was paid plenty of money to appear on TV. She signed a contract and maybe she should have read it first. She put her child on TV, even writing that he was spoiled and ruled the roost, that she couldn't discipline him. What a baby! Tripp is learning from his mother, the way that Bristol learned from hers. They are calling out to be noticed, and probably for some other things, too.

  69. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Sarah you can still have Bristol's White House wedding if you run for president in 2014.

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Are Beige dresses appropriate for wedding dresses in the White House for non-virgins?

  70. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Why is everybody surprised that Bristol throws public tantrums?

    Sarah Palin threw a public tantrum against David Letterman.

    Sarah Palin threw a public tantrum agsinst Joe McGuinniss.

    Sarah Palin threw a public tantrum against Presidential Candidate Obama.

    Sarah Palin threw a public tantrum against the lame stresm media.

    Sarah and Bristol threw a public tantrum against the senior citizen at Homer, Alaska.

    Todd threw public tantrums against anybody in Alaska that wanted to videotape or take a picture of Sarah.

    Bristol threw several public tantrums against Levi.

    Bristol is throwing a public tantrum against Joan Rivers.


  71. What a fucking idiot...of course..Tripp IS legally "illegitimate"...and ALWAYS will getting around that least it's not on birth certificates anymore.

    Tripp is and will BE legally, formally, illegitimate until the day he dies.

    Whatever credence his mother gives to that is up to her, so far complaining about it seems to be $working$ for her.

    I have never heard so much whining and complaining in my life as these Palins...if you can't deal with Joan Rivers then why work with her, and why subject your "poor innocent child" to big bad Joan Rivers...oh YEAH for the $$$$$$$'s always the $$$$$...ANYTHING for a BUCK....pretend to be pregnant, pretend not to be a whorehouse and call it a "massage parlor".

    Joan RIvers is correct...Bristol Palin is a WHORE from a family of WHORES, schooled at the knee of one America's most abhorrent WHORES , and she is teaching her "poor innocent son" to be a WHORE....almost forgot ..Todd. her father is not a WHORE, however he IS a PIMP.

  72. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Poor Bristle.
    She has bad timing - just like her mother.
    We are the only people who know about her latest whiny blog. The rest of the world is focused on the royal vaginal birth. Of a future king.
    Sucks to be you Bristle. You can only birth via your vajayjay another stoopid thing with Heath Palin DNA lol!

  73. Anonymous5:15 AM

    How come Bristol has problems with guys? I was watching DWTS ALL STARS and noticed when other couples danced and they showed the balcony where the all thedancers watched, you can see the dance partners standing next to each other except for Mark and Bristol. Mark kept his distance from Bristol. Bristol seems to always have that problem.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Mark didn't know when Bristol was going to throw her tantrum or start crying because she knew Mark wanted Shawn as his partner but instead got stuck with Jay Leno's twin sister. So maybe that's why he kept his distance from Bristol?

  74. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Anonymous3:57 AM You omitted the provision re older brother having right of first refusal. In trailer park-speak, Can't Get Right had dibs, especially since he's a half-sibling.

    I agree with you Anonymous 3:57, except Amendment One of the revised Trailer Park Code of Ethics clearly states that if the the daddy of the baby is the brother and if he refuses to marry his sister then its the 1st cousin's right and honor to be the first suitor.

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Where I come from the daddy of the pregnant girl has the obligation to marry his pregnant daughter if the first cousin is the baby's daddy and the first cousin is already married or Gay.

    2. Anonymous6:15 AM

      It all depends upon the region you come from. In Wasilla if the baby's daddy refuses to marry the pregnant girl and the pregnant girl's father is already married, then the younger sister is obligated to marry her older sibling sister and that's how sisters qualify to get on Celebrity Wife Swap.

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      You all are AWFUL and I love it.

  75. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Comment over at the pond by xthred...

    "Did you guys see Bristol opened a can of whoop-ass on Joan Rivers?"

    I have no words for this level of stupidity.

  76. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Notice how mama grizzly Sarah isn't saying shit about this or Joan?

    Sarah doesn't want Joan to open a can Stomp Ass on Sarah.

  77. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Sarah Palin's new Facebook post:

    Sarah Palin shared a link  · Odd. Pelosi sees women as less than equal and thus needing government intervention. Glad girls today know the truth re: women's strength and equal opportunity. I'm glad my girls know the truth.


    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Odd. Pelosi sees women as less than equal and thus needing government intervention

      Yes Sarah Palin, women need government intervention. Have you heard about sex trafficking in Wasilla and Alaska? If not ask Todd about it.


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