Friday, March 28, 2014

Alabama Congressional candidate uses his gun collection to literally shoot holes in the Affordable Care Act. Sooo manly.

Courtesy of TPM:

It's a match made in heaven: An Alabama congressional candidate has a new campaign video in which he literally shoots holes in the Affordable Care Act. 

The Daily Caller first reported on the new video from Will Brooke, a business executive who is running in the GOP primary to replace Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL). 

"We're down here to have a little fun and talk about two serious subjects," Brooke says. "The Second Amendment and see how much damage we can do to this copy of Obamacare."

Then the Teabagger shoots his load at the bill and the result in less than impressive.

Probably not for the first time in his life either.

Of course this is the kind of ad that is going to stimulate Tea party nipples all over the country. In fact I am amazed that Sarah Palin has not already endorsed him on her Facebook page.


  1. F U McCain6:40 AM


    Doesn't really compare to shooTing the face of your baby's daddy on his book cover,

    Am I right, Brisdull?

  2. I have so much disgust for these people, it’s hard to articulate. I think I’ll say “old white man” and leave it at that; everyone understands.

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    If you're a Republican running for office, you need to wave guns around and shoot at inanimate objects. I haven't a clue, though, why point and pull is supposed to be some kind of macho-dude thing, seeing's it takes more energy and skill to swat a fly.

    Now bare-handed alligator wrestling, that's something I might pay to see.

    Of course that would depend on the size of the alligator...

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      A fly? You mean like that fly our President captured right out of the air during an interview? Not THAT is skill!

    2. My paternal grandmother could pick flies out of the air with her index finger and thumb. I tried that with a slower object when I was little. It was a bee.

    3. Anonymous11:55 AM

      i like shooting flies out of the air with a rubber band - great sport


  4. Anonymous7:08 AM


  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    OT I've been enjoying watching Todd Palin "host" the Iditarod on the Sportsman Channel. Actually, Todd's short appearances are limited to two short 30-second bits where he tries to read some facts about the race, in between the commercials. Todd gives a deadpan reading about how exciting the Iditarod is, which is not very exciting. Todd, the host, is sandwiched between the commercials.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Perfect. He's the filling between the appeals for money...or the peanut butter between the squishy white bread slices...

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      He will NEVER be peanut butter! !!!!!!!

    3. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

      This is a funny interview with purse carrier and his new partner for skidoo. It's a long video, but braggadocio in mezzo suprano is a hoot and it's got that "Brokeback Mountain" vibe. Adult beverage highly recommended and put ear plugs on any pets.

  6. Anonymous7:15 AM

    It's horrible watching these Republicans across our country that have zero empathy, or pride, that their fellow Americans are FINALLY able to obtain health insurance and take care of their medical needs.

    Vote them out of office, or don't vote for them at all, Americans! We need CHANGE now more than ever!

  7. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Then the Teabagger shoots his load at the bill and the result in less than impressive.

    That about sums up the TParty in one sentence.

  8. Anonymous8:43 AM

    This pompous exhibition is all about them. Look at me. Look at my prolific use of guns. See how manly I am. See how I react. See how I solve problems, and see how the NRA are so proud of me. See me push away those who need affordable healthcare. See how I don't give a damn. See how I shoot all solutions to hell. See how I don't have an alternative. See how I blow things up. Watch me. Put me on your shows. See how I want attention.

  9. Anonymous10:05 AM

    FYI, delivering Guns & Ammo on my mail route today, and on the cover there is a plug for a "Q and A w/Sarah Palin inside".

    My God, will I ever be able to turn around and not see her name in in print somewhere !

  10. Anonymous10:57 AM

    This made me think back to when congress was arguing over the ACA, and so many admitted to not even reading the bill, as it was too long.

    Yeah, taking on a job that pays ridiculous salary and benefits, means you have to do a little freaking WORK now and then, you fools.

    I'd bet big money that this dumb cracker hasn't even read the first few lines of it...he just knows he hates it because other rightwingnuts TOLD him to.

  11. ibwilliamsi3:59 PM

    "We're down here to have a little fun and talk about two serious subjects," Brooke says. "The Second Amendment and see how much damage we can do to this copy of Obamacare."

    Too bad the Bubba's don't understand plain English - "If you elect me I plan to make sure that the only thing I do is spout more rhetoric and back up the 1%."

  12. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

    The Alabamastani has watched "Fargo", I see. It's a shame he hasn't grasped the concept of a paper shredder. The scary thing is that he get's himself worked up, then gets in a vehicle. The ACA,, an arsenal of weapons and road rage ain't a good combination.


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