Wednesday, May 21, 2014

After a brief aberration it looks like Sarah Palin's endorsement losing streak is back on track.

Yesterday's Georgia primary handed Palin yet another, in a long line, of defeats for candidates that she endorsed.

This from Politico:

The third place finisher was Karen Handel, the former secretary of state who tapped into the Sarah Palin wing of the party and had gained momentum in recent weeks after Perdue seemed to knock her educational background. But she failed to raise enough cash to compete with Kingston and Perdue in the expensive Atlanta media markets. 

Of course last week Palin had the opportunity to receive a little reflected glory after two of her safest choices managed to win their primaries, but of course she was unable to gloat after writing this the week before when another of her endorsements went down in flames:

You’re perpetuating an “us versus them” mentality with this gloating. That does our cause of defending our republic and all our freedoms and opportunities no good. Are we not on the same side, standing firm on all platform planks that empower the people instead of growing government? The people you’re mocking comprise the base of your own party, remember? To paraphrase the great Ronald Reagan: Rein it in and humbly learn how much we can accomplish together for America when we don’t care who gets the credit. 

I imagine that Palin is hoping that her detractors remember those words as once again she is on the losing end for endorsing yet another ill advised choice.

A candidate, by the way, for whom she is a repeat offender.

I am sure that Handel will be happy to seek Palin's endorsement when she runs for her next job as a greeter at Wal-Mart.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    The campaign was never going to be successful.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Can you believe the wig? At least Handel can use a hair dresser.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      $creech's 'hair' looks like she just got out of bed. $he is so unaware of her appearance that it is scary.

      Also too: in the top photo/red dress, you can clearly see the outline of a boob implant. Such a natural woman - $quawk!

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      so unaware of her appearance that it is scary.... Unsub is BIG TIME body dysmorphic. Bristol must have been right, they do live in the backwoods away from all civilization. The wonderful family that loves her so much is unaware that there is help for her condition.

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      The Heath/Palins w on't seek help: they don't see the behavior as a problem. It's normal for them.

    5. Anonymous3:03 PM

      10:07 you can see the implant outline. I don't get how sometimes she is flat and then bustier with the implants. As she is so skinny she may need the implants for some shape and then she turns it on extra for certain audiences.

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I wonder how much Handel's role in the Komen/Planned Parenthood scuffle influenced voters. That certainly pegged the Asshole Meter all the way out here in Oregon. A Palin endorsement would seem like thick frosting on a turd cake. Buh bye, douche bag!

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Every time I see these two together, I'm reminded of the old saying, "how can we miss you if you won't go away." Douchebags, indeed!

    2. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Sarah Palin is like a turd in a toilet bowl. Ya keep flushing her and she won't go away.

    3. Anonymous10:52 AM


    4. Used her position in a charity attempting to bring down women's health care - and the result was she brought down herself and the charity. No sane woman should ever support this one who reaps hate and scorn on other women.

    5. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Handel misused the charity. She gave herself and other Employees Huge salaries and gave only 10% of the proceeds for research.She should be in prison for her dishonesty.

  3. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Handel, like Palin, is too divisive to have a ril job for a ril company, they have to make their own PAC's or be perennial candidates and whatnot to grift.

    Was watching The Natural the other day, and the father is playing ball with his son. His father tells him he's got talent, but it isn't enough to have talent, you have to grow and compliment it. Palin, and Handel, are too lazy.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    After a brief aberration it looks like Sarah Palin's endorsement losing streak is back on track.



  5. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I don't think Wal-mart has greeters any longer, but I get your point.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      My Walmart does. It's a retirement "job" around here.

  6. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Poor thing, no wonder she wouldn't comb her hair and look presentable.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Comparing the two photos of her with Handel, I'm more convinced than ever that the Tundra Twat suffers from some type of dysmorphia. It's hard to believe someone so vain would step out of the house looking like that, let alone make a very public appearance. One wonders exactly what she *sees* when she looks in a mirror--if she even does.

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Doubt Palin cares whether her 'candidates' win or lose. All she has to do is show that she's out there blowing political smoke to keep her PAC at even a shoddy level of FEC compliance.

    She cares for no one and proves it every day with that foul, divisive mouth yipping and yapping into the wind. Her only goal is keeping her face and name in the media so she can fake promote other fake candidates with her fake persona.

  8. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hopefully Handel's first task as a Walmart greeter will be to direct skanky $carah to the shampoo aisle - eeeeuuuuuuuuwwww

  9. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I wish you would use this pic, one of the newest of Sarah, for all posts about her.
    She looks like a sick chipmunk losing it's fur because of mange.

  10. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Those two photos show how much Sarah's appearance has degraded over the past few years ..... WOW

    My cat drags home dead critters that look better than Sarah does now.

    Has the Palin family bought a burial plot for Sarah? From her looks, she may be needing it soon.

  11. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day - but it's still broken and wrong 99.9% of the time - just like Palin

  12. Anonymous7:51 AM

    The truth is that Karen Handel would have been an easier candidate for the Democrat to beat. Sarah also endorse the crazies Sharon Angel and Christine O'Donnell. Harry Reid was not doing well until his opponent turned out to be Sharon.

    It's interesting to see what's going on with the Republicans and Sarah. They must see that the Tea Party and the militia nuts are giving their party a bad name. Sarah was not invited to the 2012 convention. She endorses the fringe candidates, and only after the election is over, she posts a FB comment about unity. Her FB page still describes her as "politician" but her only connection with that word is that it is an excuse for people to donate to her personal slush fund, known as a PAC. $5,000 donation, some endorsements and an appearance at a rally is all that she needs to keep it running. When IS the last time that we saw Sarah on Fox? What was behind her attack on Karl Rove? Sarah is not a politician and her very limited celebrity status seems to be doing down the toilet along with those Amazing Americans.

    While we're on the subject of free rides and slush funds, Bristol has had quite a number of posts on her Facebook and her blog. I don't think that she posts any of that stuff. It looks as if Bristol rents the space to Nancy French, using it to post Christian messages to-- who reads Bristol's stuff anyway? Is this supposed to make Bristol look like a good Christian mother when her custody hearing comes up?

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:54 AM

      What's even more interesting was watching last night's hijinx at the Sea on the Open Thread. One of the ringleaders (the 45 commenter who basically $mooth$ things out when the going gets rough) was trying desperately to distance the Queen from the Tea Party...even going so far as to introduce the idea of a fresh, sparkly "New Party". They know the score, and the disciples are even getting the message that the TP is now a losing proposition--only a fringy few are still attracted to their lunacy. If they have to continue the PAC political pole dance, them's in charge may have to haul Wiggy away from the present wackados into a whole new category of Freedumb-Lovin' stupidity. Grab the popcorn, this could be fun! Oh, and here's another tidbit--didja know that Rand Paul's "Army" purposely emptied out the first few rows of seats at Sarah's CPAC speech this year, so the cameras would only record a half-filled room? Snort.

      BTW, the ever lovin' and supposedly very ill VA guy was bragging that he and the wife were indulging in huge bowls of ice cream with lots of whipped cream. Makes ya wonder...

    2. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Palin has been the Teabagger spokesman for a number of years now but was overtaken by Ted Cruz.

      Now the Tea Party is going down, down, down and failing horribly!

      Sarah Palin was the majority of the reason for its failure!!!

      She truly is the kiss of death! Her record is an embarrassment even though she's too ignorant to even admit it to herself.

      Hey Sarah - Americans don't like, respect or enjoy you anymore! The door to Hell is awaiting you! Please hurry up and go through it! You won't be missed at all!

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      She will forever be the Queen of Bags, Tea Bags, of course. There is no escape. Just like Palin/McCain 2008 and beyond is FOREVER!!!!

    4. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Can't wait for Eduardo Cruz to give Sarah the cld shoulder. You know it's coming.

  13. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I've decided that I am sick of Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      X 1,000,000!
      She's an idiot who doesn't deserve ANY attention.
      But, good for Jesse and others who will make sure to chronicle the downfall of Sarah and Todd Palin. They are pariahs and I hope they both end up rotting in hell. They have ripped off their followers, used and threatened people and more.
      Good riddance to trash. When I think of how she has relentlessly and unfairly trashed our president, I could slap her face if ever given the chance.

  14. Anonymous7:57 AM

     "...Given Palin’s limited education, and the fact that neither Todd or any of her five children have college degrees, it was hard to understand why anyone would invite Sarah to speak at such an event. Moreover, you should ask yourself why would Sarah Palin agree to give this speech when the High School clearly couldn’t pay her for the speech.
    I contacted Paula Baker at New Hope to inquire about the expenses associated with the appearance. Paula volunteered that someone else was paying for all expenses associated with the appearance, including Palin’s travel expenses, the cost of the additional security at the event, and the cost of printing tickets...."

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      She is buttless. That flat ass is sexless. No wonder she thinks the chest device is a boost to her appeal with the droolers.

  15. Anonymous7:59 AM

    WOW!!! This must be a new low for her sporting a DIRTY, GREASY wig! Even Handel is looking at her like WTF?!?!

  16. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Sarah Palin Get’s “Off Her Butt” to “Make a Buck”

    It was announced days ago that Sarah Palin would be the Commencement speaker at New Hope High School in Huntsville Alabama. Given Palin’s limited education, and the fact that neither Todd or any of her five children have college degrees, it was hard to understand why anyone would invite Sarah to speak at such an event. Moreover, you should ask yourself why would Sarah Palin agree to give this speech when the High School clearly couldn’t pay her for the speech.

    I contacted Paula Baker at New Hope to inquire about the expenses associated with the appearance. Paula volunteered that someone else was paying for all expenses associated with the appearance, including Palin’s travel expenses, the cost of the additional security at the event, and the cost of printing tickets. Paula didn’t give me the person’s name but it seems likely it is Cathy Maples who will be picking up the tab. Cathy previously bid $63,000.00 to have dinner with Sarah . Cathy’s grandson, Camden Brewer, is one of the 77 kids graduating.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      The good people of New Hope will be providing police protection, traffic control and all of the other special services that get rolled out when a big celebrity hits town. Cathy had better make a generous contribution to the police and firefighters' funds, too.

    2. PalinsHoax9:57 AM

      "when a big celebrity hits town."

      Oh, I wonder who the big celebrity is? I bet they will take all the attention away from the Ol' Junkyard $crap.

      Cause we know that Ol' Pile of Twist Metal is no celebrity. She's an ignominy!

    3. Anonymous11:53 AM

      New Hope thinks Sarah Palin is a celebrity? They should ask more questions of Alaskans about her.

      It's time communications be sent down there from Alaskans indicating what an idiot and grandstander they are going to have on their hands. Feel for those poor high school kids having to listen to her. It's going to be boring!!!

    4. Anonymous2:34 PM

      hmmmm. Cathy Maples. grandson graduating. All expenses paid. Yep, sounds about right.

      Big time donar. Sarah couldn't say no, so let's see what utter idiocy she subjects these 77 graduates to. Such role models her family: shame.

    5. F U McCain5:38 PM

      Don't feel bad, little boy.

      Trig, Tripp and Kayla have a moron for a grandmother too

  17. Anonymous8:05 AM

    You can sure see the work she's had done in that top pic. Yikes.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Sarah Palin is all about appearance and image control.... she must spend hours on her locks to get that just right look. :-)

      Ladies, if you don't birth your baby in a cab or bathroom stall you have the iconic mother and babe photo of your proud moment right after birth, at home or in your hospital room.

      Check out Sarah Palin's image of her proud moment right after birth

      Now, I know some of you ladies are saying "Yes, that is just like me."

      Please, explain yourselves.

  18. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I just noticed in that second, older, picture, that PayMe has very arthritic finger joints. By now, it must be quite painful for her.

    WASH YOUR WIG ONCE IN A WHILE, TWO-TONED-PIMP-WIFE! And when you do that, take yourself through a carwash - because the dirt is simply caking you up! (Remember, you are NOT a pair of Levi Jeans that should never be washed but instead should be put in the freezer once/month per their CEO - but if you think you are, I am quite sure you will fit easily into a freezer, with even some space to spare...)

  19. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Baldy Boney-Maroni with her Belmont Bolt-ons
    See what I did there?

  20. Anonymous9:27 AM

    In response to the comments about the top photo of Sarah, looking like something a cat wouldn't drag in-- what happened to Willow the hair stylist? How hard would it be for Willow to clean and style Sarah's wigs and pack them in travel wig cases for her? Hey, a tank of gas in a big truck is a tank of gas. And,now that Bristol has her advanced degree in skin care, does she do Sarah's makeup? Eyelash extensions like Piper's?

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Willow... this explains why she flaked on Melissa Rivers offer for a job and why she can't work. She is lucky her mom still has some connections around the dead lake that will allow Willow to pose with them and pretend she can work.

  21. Is Karen Handel the former Susan G. Koman exec that politicized that organization so it's fund raising tanked, and then she was ousted?

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Why, yes...yes she is.

      Wild Tortoise

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM


    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Delighted Handel lost so badly. Palin's endorsement added to her demise! Better be careful what you ask for, Karen!

  22. Anonymous10:04 AM

    WTF happened with this? { Tiemessen wants it in Alaska where the judges are bought and paid for }

  23. Caroll Thompson10:16 AM

    Does Sarah ever comb her hair anymore? I seriously think her mental illness has progressed far beyond what it was just a few years ago.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Yes, it is well documented.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

      Technically, it's her hair because she bought it, but that thing hasn't seen water and shampoo in ages. It's well documented she gets Brazillian Waxes and uses the high priced skin creme that makes her skin so subtle. Todd indulges her with a lifetime supply in baggies. He's romantic that way, happy wife, happy life.

  24. Anonymous10:17 AM

    The degradation in Palin's appearance , behavior , personal grooming and voice just 48 months is not a natural part of aging and maturing.
    Palin looks like one of those anti drug PSAs featuring the progressive mugshots of meth addicts as they rapidly deteriorate.
    Handel looks like one would expect an older woman to appear after 4 years.

    I found this last night on a far right tea party website that used to be Breitbartish in the collective
    posters' cult love of Palin.
    The topic was Handel's defeat.
    Apparently, even the tea party is tiring of Palin's schtick.

    "This should put an almost closed door to the idea that Sarah Palin is still any kind of endorsement powerhouse
    on her own anymore.
    As we’ve seen this year with Katrina Pierson, Steve Lonergan, Elizabeth Benacqusito
    and now apparently Karen Handel
    (who also failed with the Palin endorsement the last time she ran for governor),
    Sarah Palin alone no longer
    has that Touch Of Gold backing that turns a loser into a winner
    (and the truth is the legend of such a thing is far more exaggerated than the reality).
    For all of the women listed above,
    they had very little support -
    endorsement or otherwise -
    from the major funding conservative groups like SCF, Club For Growth, etc.
    Their biggest “asset” to run for office was literally that Palin endorsement.
    And it turned up trumps for them.

    It seems we’ve at last reached the point
    where Sarah Palin’s penchant
    for telling other politicians what they must do -
    while she declines to seek office herself
    as a former head of state -
    is wearing thin.
    She’s preaching from the sidelines berating others
    who do go through the rigors
    of facing an electorate every two or six years,
    while she heaps nothing but criticism
    on most of them -
    from the protected sanctity
    of the makeup & wardrobe trailer
    on the set of her latest TV show,
    airing on a channel nobody ever heard of.
    Palin needs to either suit up,
    and get in the game
    after five years of personal cashing in
    on her political career that was a half-decade ago
    and fix the problems she demands others fix.

    Or she should just shut up and go away.

    Her recent string of losing endorsements
    where SHE was the major endorsement power
    attests to the fact that she’s not the political force
    she was in 2010
    (and no, Plain faithful, Sasse was
    NOT a Palin operation since he was backed
    and supported LONG ago by SCF Club For Growth, various TEA Party groups
    well before Palin weighed in).
    Attention Governor Palin:
    get your name on a ballot
    and get your own hands dirty - or bloody -
    to help fix the mess we’re in that you keep complaining about,

    or shut up already.

    We’ll get behind Ted and Mike - and sometimes even Rand and Marco -
    they had the guts to run and work (especially Ted).
    You just sit in your star trailer.
    And complain. Lame, Sarah.
    Very, very lame. "

    Palin can't blame the Establishment, the lamestream media or liberals for this.
    These used to be her people.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Wow, that's quite a slam. Maybe deserving of headline billing, Uncle G?

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Bravo to up thread comment 10:17. Fuck you Sarah.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Maybe there's a reason why Sarah endorses the losers. Now, she doesn't have to campaign with Karen in the run off and the November election. Too much damned work. Sarah just needs to write some endorsements and make a couple of appearances in order to keep her PAC $$$$ rolling in. She gives the minimum donation a filing period. She does the least amount of work. Endorsement by Facebook is really not the same thing as traveling with her BFF from campaign appearance to campaign appearance. The Establishment GOP doesn't want her any more, and this is the only way she can stick it to them. And, if Sarah had to keep showing up,that would mean washing her hair, wearing nicer clothes and acting like a politician instead of a celebrity. Sarah would rather be a celebrity.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      It's about time. Her facade is crumbing among her worshippers! What took so long?
      The natives are out with their torches and pitchforks. I'll bring the graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate!

  25. Anonymous11:46 AM

    10:17 Hasn't figured out that Palin is nothing more than a fraud and liar! She will never run for ANY office because she knows too much would be brought out about her past that wasn't done when McCain put her on the ticket. No REAL vetting was done of her.

    To begin with - she was never pregnant and that youngest child was not hers. I want DNA testing of the kid, her and Todd for comparison and results provided the public.

    She had so many opportunities to 'prove' things, but has never done so....which has added to the negative about her. She's so quick to call others out, but doesn't follow the same guidelines for herself!

    She's full of it and not the smartest on the block either!

  26. Or the short version:
    Hey, Sarah - buck up or stay in the truck!

  27. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Holy Moly



    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      The best though is the picture of her in the group of Republican governors in March juxtaposed with the Gusty photo. She is absofuckinlutly flat in the March picture. To go from flat to Gusty in that time period = dead or in the ICU very very ill.

  28. Anonymous1:28 PM

    It's poetic justice for Sarah's ignorant lies about Handel, and Handel's abject stupidity in taking on board the old harridan who bankrupted her previous campaign. Two sad old rejects without a brain between them; they deserve each other.

  29. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The difference in her face in those two photos is amazing. Doesn't even look like the same woman when you compare the two.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      I assume that's a ratty-a$$ wig, as opposed to being her ratty-a$$ hair? Mentally erasing the rats' nest, what's left is the face of a late-stage cancer patient.

  30. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I haven't read the thread, but I noticed the woman posted some nasty shit about Obama. She's pissed off! LOL....

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      She doesn't need a teleprompter like Obama

      Sarah 'Handjob' Palin

  31. Anonymous3:01 PM

    What is that round protuberance on Sarah's chin? She had "corrective jaw surgery" also too?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

      Double Chin? Pustule? The thing that came out of Sojourney Weever's belly in the original "Alien"?

  32. Randall3:11 PM

    "the GREAT Ronald Reagan"???
    Bitch, please...

    Ronald Reagan caused more damage to this country than any president since Hoover.

  33. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

    To paraphrase the great Paris Hilton, "Look at ME! Look at ME!, I'm soooo hawt!". The poor thing is running out of idiot losers to endorse. She reminds me of one of those washed up haggardly looking older street walkers, at least that's the look she's going for.
    Poor Handel believed (twice) Sarah was her messiah, when all she was, is and ever will be nothing but a mess.


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