Friday, May 09, 2014

FBI launches investigation into Cliven Bundy supporters who pointed weapons at Federal officers.

Courtesy of Business Insider:  

Clark County sheriff's officials say they've been interviewed by the FBI as part of an investigation into armed supporters of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. 

Assistant Sheriff Joe Lombardo tells KLAS-TV  that federal agents are looking into the conduct of people who reportedly pointed guns at officers during a standoff at Bundy's ranch April 12. 

Bundy supporters have denied pointing weapons at authorities and say that BLM rangers were the ones pointing guns. 

Yeah that argument kind of goes out the window when you have access to photos like the one at the top of the page.

This is what KLAS-TV found when they interviewed the Metro officers that were there at the scene:  

Last week, the I-Team talked with Metro officers who intervened to protect the lives of federal employees from the 400 or so Bundy supporters and armed militia members. Officers told the I-Team they feared for their lives that day because of the assembled firepower, and because many in the crowd had pointed weapons at officers, taunted them, told them they should be ready to die. 

Assistant Sheriff Joe Lombardo, who was left in charge of the Metro contingent by Sheriff Doug Gillespie, told the I-Team that such alleged behavior would be the subject of a criminal investigation. 

"The federal authorities are conducting an investigation and I am pretty confident it is going to go into the future," Lombardo said. 

He added there would be consequences for someone caught on videotape pointing a gun at a Metro office or federal ranger. 

"Yes, there is definitely going to be consequences, definitely. That is unacceptable behavior. If we let it go, it would continue into the future," Lombardo said. 

Of course it is unacceptable for armed individuals to point their weapons at law enforcement, the only question is whether these sovereign citizens types even recognize the authority of the FBI and what they will do if they come to issue warrants or attempt to arrest any of them?

Or will this turn into another "Gunfight at the Oh Shit" corral.


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    About f'ing time! Chrage them with felonies and convict them at trial. Bastard will lose their 2nd Amendment Rights for that action.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Teanutters with guns got outsmarted. You betcha that old Cliven is giving "history" lessons now on youtube. He must think he's Joseph Smith. And wouldn't you know it the anti-American egotistical POS is riling up the gun nuts for another fight US authorities.

    The Next Cliven Bundy Showdown

    "The protest was meant to be a local affair. But on Thursday, Bundy, the rancher who wouldn't pay the feds grazing fees and sparked a gun-drenched showdown in Nevada, called on his supporters to join the anti-government off-roading event"

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I'm sure Mr. Bundy would agree that all of us have the "right" to drive over his family's burial plots. I'm also sure that Mr. Bundy would agree that we have the right to enter, anytime we want, the "off-limits" areas of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City.

      The long and winding saga of the Recapture Trail

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      His grasp of history is (not surprising) severely lacking. He seems to think, for example, that the pilgrims who came over on sailboats to America thought the earth was flat and fled the government of "Europe."

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    O/T but more about Cliven Bundy. He's called upon his supporters to join Saturday's illegal over-roading in Utah's Recapture Canyon.

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      yes, the BLM does need help: They need more law enforcement resources to protect our public lands from violations of laws already on the books, like Antiquity laws protecting Native American archaeological sites. And the laws closing those few wild areas to motor vehicle or ATV use: Most public lands are far too open to vehicular use. We have only several, mostly small areas where we have to walk the old fashioned way.

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Yes and protect land from Drilling and Fracking! In PA the R Gov Corbin opened up the Allegheny NATIONAL FORREST to drilling/fracking!!! THERE IS NOW METHANE BUBBLING UP IN THE CREEKS RIVERS THERE!!! This R Governor let them drill it!! These public National Forrest are OUR LAND.
      People like Bundy graze their cattle and want to kill the wolves and Horses that live there? Our land people! Methane bubbling up in a National Forrest? Where is the outrage?

  4. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

    If they were smart (you can stop laughing now), they'd peacefully surrender. There are cameras everywhere, I'm sure the FBI has been scouring Facebook and other social media for selfies and snapshots taken by proud as peahens wives and mothers took photos of their husbands/sons all gussied up in their sunday best showing off with their guns pointed at the officers.

  5. I'll never understand how unarmed Occupy Wallstreet protesters are pepper sprayed, thrown to ground beaten and handcuffed, arrested and convicted to face jail time, yet these yahoo's are armed with bullet proof vest, full army gear, scopes and camp out pointing guns at Federal Agents...and they get an investigation?
    Really now, Jesus would be proud Bible thumpers, Jesus is , awww never mind.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      I think the local police forces get all hyped up in going after their locals. They use horrible force - wear armor - you'd think they were going to fight a war!

      Occupy Wallstreet protestors were abused horribly! Even the women were taken down roughly and harmed. It's all on video!

      Boy, have we changed in the U.S.A. I preferred living in the 50's and 60's. We were not an angry nation back then as we are in our world of today! And, I think it is only going to get worse due to the poor getting poorer and the middle class losing their status and falling into the poor category.

      And, some of you might think me nuts, but I think it is being done on purpose by the Republican party and the wealthy. They are taking more and more control of the population. Is the USA becoming a 'Third World Country' by any chance?

    2. The 50's and 60's? Do you not recall how blacks were treated back then? Firehosed? Kicked? Dogs set on them by the police? And women? No contraception. Back alley abortions? No, gee. No one was angry. just the white males who saw their world changing, and got out their guns...gee...what seems familiar about that?

  6. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Some of these yahoos are going to end up like that young fellow with the dapper cap.

  7. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Maybe Schaeffer Cox can give them some legal advice, oh wait...

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Yea, from his jail cell where I'll bet others are going to join him!

  8. Anonymous6:04 PM

    An angry Muslim with a gun is a terrorist.
    An angry Native American with a gun is a savage.
    An angry African-American with a gun is a corpse.
    An angry White with a gun is a "patriot".

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      That's pretty disgusting, isn't it? You have exactly nailed the utter racism and hypocrisy that we live with.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      6:04 PM An angry White Bigot without a gun is a WIMP.

    3. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Feel free to steal and pass along. I found this on the UserFriendly board. This was a distillation of what the person who posted it observed.

  9. Anonymous6:09 PM

    KLAS-TV in Las Vegas is reporting that the FBI is now conducting an investigation into the armed standoff between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s supporters and local and federal law enforcement. The confrontation, which occurred nearly one month ago, centered on Bureau of Land Management officials attempting to confiscate Bundy’s cattle due to his refusal to pay grazing fees for over 20 years. Bundy and his nearly 400 supporters confronted the BLM officials and refused to comply. Bundy’s supporters, most of whom are from extremist groups and militias, were armed and reportedly aimed guns at both the BLM agents and local law enforcement.

    Now, Bundy and his supporters have repeatedly and adamantly stated that they did not point guns at any police officer or BLM official. However, local law officers at the scene tell a different tale. Per Metro Police Sgt. Tom Jenkins:

    “It is not a rumor. When we first got out there and made a left to divide I-15, that is all you saw. You saw kids and women and horses in the backdrop and then men with guns, laying on the ground, in the back of pickup trucks. We’re going, ‘wow, this would never happen in Las Vegas,’ But it was there. That is not a rumor. It is reality and I saw it with my own eyes.”

    Numerous members of the Metro Police force that were at the scene have confirmed that they’ve spoken with the FBI and that an investigation is definitely underway. It is against federal law to point a firearm at a federal officer. The local law enforcement that was at the scene that day state that the main reason they convinced the BLM agents to release Bundy’s cattle back to him that day was to avoid a violent situation, since there were numerous men surrounding them with heavy artillery. Since Bundy’s supporters had guns aimed directly at them, they decided to allow Bundy to have his way at that point rather than have a deadly eruption of gunfire occur.

    Police officers and BLM agents that were there feel pretty confident that the FBI is going to be able to find clear evidence of several members of Bundy’s posse aiming loaded weapons at them. Considering that local news stations ended up filming and covering a good portion of the standoff means that there is probably ample video coverage of the event. Not to mention surveillance cameras or cell phones that might have gathered footage. It seems like a foregone conclusion that Bundy and many of his armed fanatics will be seeing heavy jail time in the near future.

    For many residents of the area, that will be a welcome relief. Bundy and his group of gun toting idiots have pretty much worn out their welcome in Bunkerville, NV, which is 75 miles north of Las Vegas. After the standoff with the BLM, the militia members decided to take up residence at Bundy’s ranch and ‘patrol’ the surrounding area. Playing soldier, they set up checkpoints and asked residents to produce IDs to prove they lived there. This led to complaints from local residents. State Sen. Steven Horsford then appealed to the state of Nevada to have Bundy’s group of supporters removed as they made the citizens in the area feel unsafe.

    Hopefully, the FBI’s investigation will lead to serious charges filed against Bundy and merry band of seditionists. It is one thing to be passionate about your beliefs and protest against what you feel is an unjust system. It is quite another to take up arms against law enforcement, claim that you do not recognize the law and threaten bloodshed simply because you don’t want to pay your bills. That is terrorism, pure and simple.

  10. Anonymous6:24 PM

    These guys will not be able to cry foul, especially when they actually have photos of them doing it! They really seem to think they are untouchable!

    1. Apparently as clueless as Palin about the eternity of video and the internet.

      I enjoy that turkey video every year.

  11. I'm sorry if I sound angry over Bundy and his supporters, but I am and I believe both Bundy and his supporters are way out of line. I'd also bet every one of them became interested in becoming Separatists after Obama got elected and their racist thoughts was kicked into high gear.

    Bundy's supporters are just simply stupid, and I question if they haven't lost hold of reality. They must also be delusional if they sincerely believe they have the support of the majority of American people and are being seen as hero's.

    I hope the FBI arrests a lot of them because being vigilantes and pointing weapons at law enforcement, and interfering with their duties should carry at least 10 years in prison. Maybe prison life will cure their delusions of being "patriots" out to save our country.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Bundy's a mormon, which means that he will believe just about anything.

  12. Anonymous8:26 PM

    And He's Still In Office?

    Rob Ford: One wild night in March

    After smoking crack, getting videoed smoking crack, having the different videos offered for sale, possibly connected to murders, extortion, Elmore Leonard style hunts for video tapes, taped booze binges and so much more, you think you've reached Peak Rob Ford.

    But there's always more.

    Higher or lower, depending on your vantage point.

    Tonight the Toronto Star has a mind-boggling account of a night not long before the latest blow-up that sent Ford to rehab. Booze, racist tirades, DUIs, buying drugs from friends, beating up other friends, smoking weed, getting in a fight with his wife or her allegedly stealing his weed.

    I'm not sure it's the worst or the weirdest part of the story. But this one stands out for me. We're mid-bender, after a lot of drinking and driving and drugs and violence, Ford heads home with some lackeys in tow ...

    The front walkway to the Ford house leads to a modest front door. At about 10 p.m. that night, Ford and his pals arrive. Ford has a bag of McDonald’s food in his hand. Ford jiggles the front door and then kicks the door open. He, Lisi, Bellissimo and another man step in.

    “Don’t worry guys, my kids aren’t here,” Ford says.

    For no apparent reason, Ford turns on Bellissimo and hits him squarely in the face twice — boom, boom — forgetting that he has a bagful of Big Macs in his hand. Burgers and fries scatter. Ford makes Bellissimo pick them up.

    Down the stairs they go. Ford’s wife Renata is on the couch, a tired lounger that has been described to the Star by paramedics and firefighters who have attended calls at the house over the past two years. Renata is smoking a joint.

    “You’re a f---ing idiot,” Renata says.

    Enraged, Ford rummages for his Don Bosco coaching jacket. “It’s where I keep my weed,” he tells people in the room. Ford turns on his wife, screaming that she has taken his drugs. Standing there quietly are Lisi and Bellissimo.

    To a visitor, Ford says, almost offhanded, “You can f--- her if you want, in front of me.”

    Nobody speaks. The comment is ignored by Ford’s wife. Men in the room are shocked.

    “It’s okay,” Ford burbles. “She lets me f--k girls in front of her all the time.”

  13. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Federal Land Worker Threatened on Utah Highway
    SALT LAKE CITY May 8, 2014 (AP)
    By BRADY McCOMBS Associated Press

    The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is warning its workers in Utah to be on alert after two men threatened an agency wrangler on the state's main highway by pulling out a weapon and holding up a sign that read, "'You need to die."

  14. Anonymous9:31 PM

    "This may blow up to be significantly more than they thought," Boyle said. "I think there are those who would like everyone with an AK-47 to be here."

    Beyond San Juan County's borders, there is a lot of nail-biting and guessing over not only what will happen Saturday, but what it will mean in the long-term for the preservation of the canyon that is often referred to as a "mini Mesa Verde."

    Environmental groups, including the Durango-based Great Old Broads for Wilderness and the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, fear any encroachment of motorized users in the canyon. The Navajo Nation isn't happy about ATVs rolling through the artifact-rich area where Navajos currently hunt, hold ceremonies, and gather wild roots, berries and medicinal herbs.

    "I call it our grocery store," said Willie Grayeyes, chairman of the Utah chapter of the Navajo Nation. "We don't want it to be disturbed and invaded."

    Grayeyes is also upset about the coming protest because it caused the BLM to cancel another event in San Juan County for Wounded Warrior veterans that was slated for the same weekend.

  15. FBI delayed reaction for pretty scarey actions.

  16. Anonymous10:42 PM

    About 75 people in Blanding gathering the night before a planned ATV ride protest in Recapture Canyon. @KUTV2News

  17. The dead at Waco could have told these fools you make federal peacekeeping forces look like a bunch of stand-around limp dicks, and you won't get away with it for long.

    Shall we guess how much Hannity will be contributing to their defense fund?

  18. Anonymous6:46 AM

    For all the news about crazy gun pointing supporters of Bundy, the only pictures of anyone pointing a gun at this event are of this particular guy. I've seen pictures of this same guy from several angles, but have never seen him identified. Is it possible he's law enforcement?

    The Feds were the ones who came in and made a show of force with their original raid. I find it more likely this guy is one of theirs than a Bundy supporter.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Grow up. The pictures you are seeing were posted by the militias and their supporters. What do you think they will show? The authorities have the pictures and the video's they need to identify the criminals and drop their fat uneducated asses in a dark hole.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Are you serious? First, of all, that dude has been indentified by the supporters as one of their own. Second, if that was a "fed," do you really think he's let those other people so close?

      You have really lost it.

  19. Caroll Thompson8:05 AM

    When the FBI get involves, it's time to go home. The Bureau doesn't fool around. Good luck to them. This thing is not going to end well, but the FBI will end it.

  20. Anonymous8:16 AM

    For anyone interested in live pictures and live updates as to what is going on at Recapture Canyon today (Saturday May 10) just go to and in the search box type in Recapture Canyon. Randy Bundy has already spoken as of now. There are no police there. Councilman Phil Lyman has decided not to ride the trail on an ATV. There are a few open guns and militia there. They are now split on whether to ride at all now. The Hopi indians are very upset. The Wilderness & Sierra clubs naturally do not support this. Looks like the militia people are going to be disappointed once again that there will be no bloodshed.

  21. Anonymous10:16 AM

    If and when, the decision is made to "round up and arrest that a**hole moron Cliven Bundy and his dumb a*s militia supporters, here's a suggestion on how to do it in an effort to cut down/eliminate collateral damage: Send in professional anti-terrorist teams (i.e., SEALs or other special ops outfits) and get the job done right.


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