Thursday, June 26, 2014

Russell Brand goes after Judge Jeannine Pirro over her recent rant on Iran, and calls Fox News "more dangerous than ISIS."

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Comedian Russell Brand on Tuesday blasted Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro for taking a position on bombing Iraq that he said was even “worse” than the militant group ISIS which has taken over a large portion of the country. 

In what BuzzFeed called “the craziest rant a Fox News host has ever done,” Pirro over the weekend lashed out at the president for not ordering sustained air strikes on Iraq. 

Brand took to his YouTube channel on Tuesday to dissect Pirro’s commentary, starting with the claim that ISIS was “coming for us.” 

“Hold on, they’re not,” Brand noted. “They not coming. Also, it’s interesting when she says, to them, we are the infidels. Meaning that she regards them as the infidels. Which means unclean, disconnected from God. Don’t try to counter religious extremism with religious extremism.” 

Pirro said that her solution to the recent violence Iraq was to “bomb them. Bomb them, keep bombing them, bomb them again, and again.” 

“F*cking hell!” Brand exclaimed. “When they do these bombings it creates more insurgents, that’s what creates them. Don’t think of a bomb as going down there and destroying stuff, think of it as like a seed that goes into the ground, and grows insurgents out of it. It creates more terrorism, doing it.” 

During her rant, Pirro had also labeled ISIS a “fanatical religious terrorist organization.” 

“So is Fox News — is a fanatical terrorist propagandist organization,” Brand observed. “This isn’t reasonable, is it? Like the way she’s talking? ‘Bomb them! Bomb them!’ She’s worse… She’s the savage, she’s totally espousing savage values.” 

“I don’t’ recommend it, but there are porn site available where you can let a woman abuse you,” he continued. “There on the camera, she’ll go like, ‘Look at you, look at your little d*ck. Think that I fulfill you? Oh yeah, what are you going to do with that thing? Wanna smell my ass? Wanna sniff my bum bum?’ They say stuff like that… This woman is like those people.”

You know my opinion of Russel Brand grows by the day.

I don't always agree with him, but I would absolutely love to sit down and discuss, or debate, any topic of his choice. I think that would be a blast, and quite entertaining.


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Wanna sniff my bum bum?

    I'll have to take him at his word with that one, but everything else he's right on. Go Russel!

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    IRAQ, not Iran, in the headline of this post, Jesse...

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Great write up on huffington post explaining what free speech really means-especially informative for the trolls and the c4peers and skank who we know reads here.

    Maybe there will soon be an article with examples of slander and libel they can read also and too.

  4. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Gryph, I think you meant to use a double L in Russell in the headline, yes?

  5. Beldar J Conehead7:57 AM

    Anti-choice zealots are cheering today's Supreme Court decision to overrule Massachusetts' 35' protest-free buffer zone around medical facilities providing women's health care and abortion services.

    "Praise Jeebus! Thanks to our reliably severe conservative Supreme Court, we can now piously intimidate these god-hating slutterns, strumpets and trollops, also too, whose insatiable nymphomania and satanic genitalia force them to routinely visit Planned Parenthood chambers of horror each month - and often more frequently - to have their full term babies sucked from their wombs! I read on the internets that they dance around naked and drink the blood of the baby in there!", one anonymous source said.

  6. Guess what- Madame Judge has a pile of poop in her own corner that she doesn't want anyone to know about or remember-- just do a little search on her -- actually a bigger search would be better.

    Another SP in the making??? Nahh.. no one can be as crazy as our gal SP, but Mrs. Judge is trying!!

    Oh, how I LOVE that sweet Russell and his sharp mind!

  7. Anonymous8:46 AM


    This morning on Morning Joe
    Joe to McDaniel: You lost, deal with it. To Palin quit whining.

  8. Leland9:06 AM


    I would like to know, from those who have used it, where you get this "also, too" crap?

    So many people here complain about the ignorance of "the other side" butI have yet to see or hear of anyone complaining about the gross English usage that is.

    Merriam Webster defines "too" as : in addition; also.

    It defines the word "too" as: in addition; to.

    It's the same meaning people!

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Leland, also too is used to poke fun at Sarah who used both at one time I believe.

    2. Leland, your point is well made.

      And valid, also too.

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Oh Leland, you must watch palin's screeches with the sound off! Check out a few of her earlier videos. She rarely does it anymore, I'm sure because we mock it so much.

    4. Anonymous9:57 AM

      I became acquainted with "also, too" when I began reading Bree Palin, the website where I learned all about the Sarah Palin bullshit wild ride, etc. Sarah used to say that in every word salad she spewed back in the old days. And Leland, you are correct, it is ignorant but that is Sarah Palin.

    5. Leland10:53 AM

      A follow-up, if you will.

      No, I did NOT know that the bitch uses that. I'm too damned busy trying to stay as far from her spewing as is humanly possible. I haven't heard that screech since she accepted the nomination! And I have no intention of doing so again!

      I would make a point, however: She is too stupid to understand being mocked and it only makes her feel better when someone "copies" her!

      But, thanks for the info. I was beginning to fear far too many people didn't understand good grammar.

    6. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Sarah Palin used to say it all the time in her speeches. It became one of the trademarks of her ignorance.

    7. Anonymous8:54 PM

      I have pointed out that this "also too" crap is redundant and been ignored by the person who says it here and other places all the time. Please change your speech patterns. It is incorrect. I noticed who was doing it, but the individual changes the names they use quite a bit. Sorry, but it is wrong and irritating.

    8. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Okay, I didn't realize the witch from Wasilla used it all the time and that it was used to mock her either. I can hardly stand to listen to her without losing my mind.

  9. "Don’t think of a bomb as going down there and destroying stuff, think of it as like a seed that goes into the ground, and grows insurgents out of it. It creates more terrorism, doing it.”

    One of the best statements about terrorism I've read.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      During the beginnings of the Iraq war, the right wingers had a cow every time someone said or even implied that the United States held some responsibility for inspiring Islamic terrorism. Unfortunately, our actions in other parts of the world all too often have the unintended consequences of encouraging people to hate us and, in worst cases, attack us.

      The Bush administration did more to provoke violence towards Americans than any administration before or since. I believe the Obama administration has helped to a great extent, but there is enormous damage to repair.

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Pirro does not seem like the most informed (or even "fairly balanced") person that I've heard speak on the issue.

    Her, Paylump, Coulter and Malkin should get together for a "spew-vitriol-apalooza" tour. It could be sponsored by Chick-Fil-A and the NRA.

  11. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Isn't PPP a right-leaning pollster? If so, Yertl's numbers could be even worse.

    That makes me happy.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

    He broke it down to it's core and exposed this crazy woman. So when is Justice Jenine Pirro going to apologize to the american people, to the President of the United States, eat a huge serving of darby's dose, then resign from Fox News. you know, the classy way Martin Bashir did for much much less and closest to the truth?
    Mr Brand's image, in my estimation, has grown considerably after watching this.

  13. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I just love Russell Brand!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.