Thursday, June 26, 2014

The NRA is now fighting on the side of convicted stalkers and domestic abusers for their right to own guns. Sure, what could possibly go wrong?

Courtesy of  HuffPo:  

The National Rifle Association is fighting proposed federal legislation that would prohibit those convicted of stalking and of domestic violence against dating partners from buying guns, according to a letter obtained by The Huffington Post. 

Federal law already bars persons convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from purchasing firearms. S. 1290, introduced by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), would add convicted stalkers to that group of offenders and would expand the current definition of those convicted of domestic violence against "intimate partners" to include those who harmed dating partners. 

Aides from two different senators' offices confirm that the NRA sent a letter to lawmakers describing Klobuchar's legislation as "a bill to turn disputes between family members and social acquaintances into lifetime firearm prohibitions." The nation's largest gun lobby wrote that it "strongly opposes" the bill because the measure "manipulates emotionally compelling issues such as 'domestic violence' and 'stalking' simply to cast as wide a net as possible for federal firearm prohibitions."

Yes this is clearly just a case of the liberal wanting to take as many guns away from American patriots as possible, and has NOTHING to do with the fact that the majority of gun deaths in the country are from accidental shootings and incidences of domestic violence.

The NRA letter goes on to suggest that this legislation could be used in a situation where two gay men got into a "shoving match" and that resulted in one, or both of them, having their 2nd Amendment rights suspended.

Which of course is funny in that I seriously doubt the NRA gives a shit about protecting the rights of the LGBT community who do not fit very comfortably inside their targeted demographic, and is of course a ridiculous argument as this legislation is focused on those CONVICTED of domestic violence and a shoving match hardly qualifies.

The letter also suggests that taking the rights away from convicted stalkers is unfair because "'Stalking' offenses do not necessarily include violent or even threatening behavior."

Once again it must be remembered that this is somebody who was CONVICTED of stalking somebody, and one must assume that if somebody continues such an activity after being convicted for it that they are undoubtedly in an unstable mental state, which should preclude them from owning a firearm in the first place.

This whole thing drives me crazy. It is as if the right to own a gun supersedes EVERY other single right, and must be given priority over the rights of every person who may be placed in danger by another person's right to own that weapon.

People with mental health issues, violent tendencies, and obsessive personalities should be the LAST people to be allowed access to guns, and yet in their single minded focus on saturating the country with deadly weapons the NRA is completely unwilling to see the insanity of their point of view.


  1. Leland9:09 AM

    And this surprises you why?

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Open Carry Texas conducted Firearms Training in Target Parking Lot (Video)

    When Open Carry Texas invaded the parking lot of an Irving, Texas Target the group apparently thought it might be a good idea to teach its members how to “properly” carry.

    Alex “Gunrunner” Clark and fearless leader CJ Grisham stood on the back of a truck and told the supposedly well-trained crowd how to properly carry their boomsticks.

    ​“We all have deadly weapons strapped onto us right now…..well, most of us,” Clark said. “A lot of people may or may not be as familiar with firearms as some of us,” he added, explaining that the reason for the “training” is that “We’ve had some instances in the past of people maybe not carrying the way they should or being as responsible as they should be.””

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Decent gun owners are no longer members of the NRA. The membership is made up of militia types, convicted stalkers, and domestic abusers.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      My father let his membership lapse when, as he said, they became 'less about responsible gun ownership and more propoganda.' He's not even sixty yet!

  4. Lapierre sure is one ugly old white guy too, ain't he? I pity the woman that wakes up to that face on the next pillow. Shit.

  5. Anonymous11:23 AM

    When will NRA push to allow Aaron Hernandez to have a gun while in jail?

  6. Anonymous11:47 AM

    OT but America's Last Stand looks to be in the shitter! Looks more like a church potluck than a notable national event.

    Only a few likes and very few comments, mostly from the few folks who actually bought full priced tickets complaining now about the "buy one get one free".

    Ha, ha, ha, ha!

    Queen of quit can't fill the house. Too bad, so sad. Perhaps this truly is her "Last Stand for Relevance"?

  7. Anonymous2:38 PM

    This is why I voted for Amy Klobuchar twice. She has common sense.

  8. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Here's a little good news in the gun arena:

    Colorado Gun Restrictions Upheld By Federal Judge

    ...U.S. District Judge Marcia Krieger upheld restrictions that limit the size of ammunition magazines and expand background checks on firearms sold online and between private parties, according to the AP.

    ...In a ruling Thursday, U.S. District Judge Marcia Krieger said both laws are constitutional and that they don't infringe on individuals' right to bear arms.

    The judge further said that limiting magazine sizes doesn't obstruct individuals' ability to protect themselves and that the expansion of background checks "is no more severe" than the requirements already in place before the new law.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:04 PM

    I can assure you that Wayne La Pierre was never stalked by a crazy woman with a gun. If he is married, I feel badly for his spouse.
    So what's the NRA ditty now? "The only thing that can stop a bad stalker/ domestic abuser with a gun is give guns to good stalkers/ domestic abusers? I'm not a psychologist, but this guy has some serious mental issues to deal with.
    And since the majority of victims of Stalkers and Domestic Violence are women and children, the NRA has further destroyed their credibility and hurt responsible gun owners' credibility at the same time. Violence is never the answer, no matter what the question happens to be.


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