Tuesday, February 03, 2015

In article ostensibly about how few people in England have ever heard of Chris Christie, we learn that at least one Londoner would like just one thing from him. To tell that lady in Alaska to shut up.

So this New York Times article was supposed to demonstrate how few people overseas had ever heard of Chris Christie. It does that, but then it also reveals just who IS well know over there, and what the prevailing opinion is of that person.

Courtesy of the New York Times: 

“I’ve vaguely heard of him,” said Michael Rabbett, 67, as he sipped red wine from a plastic cup (“wine beer,” he noted). He paused to let the name roll around in his head. “He’s in the background of my head. But not really,” he concluded. 

Alerted to Mr. Christie’s reputation for voluble candor as well as his party affiliation, Mr. Rabbett asked his own question. “Has he told that lady from Alaska to shut up?” 

No, he was informed. Mr. Christie had not tried to silence the former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. “Well why not?” he inquired.

Well I think we have stumbled across the key to increasing Chris Cristie's visibility and improving his overall reputation.

All he has to do is to tell Sarah Palin to "Shut the hell up!"

After all it's not like telling people to shut up is not in Christie's wheelhouse, he does it all of the time.

And it's not like Palin has not criticized him in the past, giving him every reason to tell her off.

I think he should go for it.

I mean he will still NEVER be President of the United States, but it COULD increase his popularity within his own party and force other potential nominees to follow suit.

Could you just imagine if 2016 were the year that Republican candidates for the GOP nomination all told Sarah Palin to shut up?

I think that might be my version of heaven.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    also a heavy dose of Gay bashing aimed at our own Steve Flesher........
    TheresaAK to:
    Yes, the troll who briefly ingratiated itself on C4P has been very active with his PDS on all blogs with a Palin thread. we will have you know, we love the gays...in fact, just last night,Steve showed up for a night of fun bum blasting with VG1 and Pete Petretich,
    stlouisix (gary) was waiting his turn at the glory hole....

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Who is Steve Flesher? I saw some comments about him on c4p earlier, but couldn't follow the thread.

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Gay really is their go-to insult, isn't it?

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Steve Flesher is one of C4P's "star" admin/mod' palin ass kisser, who the rubes love...
      he also happens to be a married gay man, that advocates for gay rights, which 99.9% of the peeponders had no clue about, now they are in a bad way, the bible thumpers need to hate him for being gay, so now that they know..the poor fuckers are spinning in the wind,
      i just keep poking the fame...
      burn baby burn..

    4. Anonymous4:43 PM

      But, DrLager was booted. I enjoyed his work.

  2. Leland12:16 PM

    To quote a wonderful song from MY FAIR LADY:

    "Ow, wouldn't it be loverly!"

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    It would elevate my opinion and respect for him!

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Mr. Christie could use his powers of thuggery and blow hardery for the fight of good vs evil!

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Maybe sista sara and old johnny mcboy can redeem themselves and follow icey to the gates of hell. Both could benefit from the mission.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    There is a god. He is a British fellow of great sense.

  7. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Such a gentleman, this Michael Rabbett, 67.

    What a fine forthright example of British courtesy. "That lady" is such polite way of referring to "that idiot woman from Alaska".

    I'm interested to know how many people abroad realize Sarah Palin did not birth a baby in April 2008 but claims to have leaked amniotic fluid, flew transcontinental, and all the rest of the wild ride. The interviewers might get an eye opener with that question.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      "Lady" ?????????

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:39 PM

      I wonder what would be an equivalent distance to provide the Europeans with perspective about Sarah's wild ride.

      Distance from:

      Dallas to Anchorage 3050 miles
      London to New York 3450 miles

      Do you think the Europeans will understand the utter impossibility of Sarah having made that plane ride while in labor?

  8. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Mr. Rabbett seems more in touch with the American people than any of the GOP candidates. I especially note that the gentleman refrains from referring to Palin with the undeserved "Governor" title.

    It's also good to see that Sarah 'Half-term' Palin's international PR work is paying dividends for her...................LMAO

    Here's to Scarah just Shutting TFU!!!!

  9. Anonymous12:33 PM

    You guys might appreciate this!
    I am currently visiting family and enjoying a bit of warmth. I am also reconnecting with an old friend. We were trying to set up a lunch date & I suggested next Wed., but my friends has plans- Sarah's bday & she needs to be online at...c4p! Turns out she is a long time poster/troll. She is one of the accepted inner circle members and even knows some real names/phone numbers/emails, etc. Seems they have side conversations that we (or I) didn't know about, even while posting on the site. Many of the posters are real and some are what some of us thought all along. She is quite good at what she does and I have never loved her more! She said she intended to out herself, but enjoys playing with them too much!

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Too funny!

    2. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Hysterical!! Wish you could provide more details.

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      There's more than one "deep underground" troll over there. Good times!

    4. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Anon 2:19
      Funny, she suspects a couple of others, but can't brooch the subject and risk being wrong. She joined almost at inception, back when they were a more trusting lot. It has made reading there so much more fun!

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Oh, 3:47, that's awesome! Now you'll have us sleuthing and/or guessing even more! hahahaha

      Go, old friend go!

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    The Republican party owns Sarah (aka Annie Assclown) Palin. Time for them to turn her in for the new model.

    Chris Christie should go for it and say what he really thinks about Sarah. Otherwise he's just another republican pussy instead of a tough guy!

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      How about that other big mouth.,,,,ann or ? maybe a cat fight and fatso saying shut up scarah.

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Chris Christie Is Having a Bad Week at Exactly the Wrong Time

    This was supposed to be a big week for the governor's presidential ambitions.

    It's only Tuesday, but Chris Christie has found a way to fill up this week's few hours with a month's worth of bad headlines.

    It wasn't supposed to be like this. Christie was primed for a big week. When Mitt Romney announced last Friday that he won't pursue a third run for president, he unleashed his donor base, setting off a race largely between Christie and Jeb Bush for donors' cash and support. The New Jersey governor got an immediate victory on that front by bagging the support Friday of Bobbie Kilberg, an influential Northern Virginia executive who had helped raise millions for Romney's campaigns. Christie then left for the United Kingdom last weekend, working to burnish his international credentials ahead of a probable presidential campaign. He even squeezed in an Arsenal match on Sunday.

    Then, of course, came a question from a reporter in England that managed to completely shift the news cycle. When the governor was asked whether he would urge Americans to vaccinate their children, Christie responded by suggesting that there should be a "balance" between parental choice and vaccination laws. "Parents need to have some measure of choice in things," he said. The remarks set off an immediate, prolonged outcry, putting Christie on the defensive and resulting in an eventual clarification from his office. Perhaps most uncomfortable for Christie, the aftermath included vetting of comments he made in 2009 while running for governor on his "real concern" about vaccine mandates in his state.

    And that's not all. Tuesday wasn't much friendlier to Christie, when The New York Times reported on his expensive tastes and questionable ethics. The report included details about a 2012 trade mission to Israel for the Christie family on mega-donor Sheldon Adelson's private plane (at the time, Adelson was pushing Christie to kill legislation the governor ultimately signed), followed by a weekend vacation paid for by the king of Jordan, which wound up including a Champagne reception in the desert. Christie, characteristically blunt in his defense of the expenses, said that he wants to "squeeze all the juice out of the orange."

    Predictably, this has all led Christie to not feel particularly warm toward the media at the moment:...


    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      go eat some crispy creams fatty Cristie

  12. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I know Palin thinks she's just as smart as any smart-ass elites who go to college, but I hope, for her own sake, that she declines the Cambridge invitation. Maybe she should watch "Question Time" at the House of Commons (on C-Span) to get just a flavor of what it might be like. Those students will eat her alive, and will have no compunctions about laughing at her out loud. She'll be booed and heckled.
    As much as she deserves every boo and heckle, I don't want to see her fall on her face overseas. It would be the story that will never end, over here, and will be the final nail in her political coffin.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I lived in Britain at the time of her unveiling and every person I came across thought she was an idiot. She probably thinks that she can charm the people at Cambridge and she may have done if she just went to a cocktail party, smiled and flirted. On stage, representing herself as someone of world prominence, she will be proven as the fraud that she is. Sadly, opinions of the US, because or her elevated stature, will suffer in her wake.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      I don't think there will be questions. Will there be?

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I don't know why you wouldn't want to see that happen, overseas or not, 1:07 PM! Certainly they know that an overwhelming majority of American consider her a buffoon!

    4. Anonymous1:49 PM

      ...After his visit to Whitehall, Chapman offered two of the kinder reviews of Mitt Romney, “Serious dismay in Whitehall at Romney debut. ‘Worse than Sarah Palin.’ ‘Total car crash’. Two of the kinder verdicts.” Chapman also reported another verdict from British meet and greet with Mitt, “Another verdict from one Romney meeting: ‘Apparently devoid of charm, warmth, humour or sincerity'”

      Getting compared to Sarah Palin is one thing, but being called worse than Palin is an indication of the epic display of fail that Romney is putting on in London.


    5. Anonymous2:14 PM


    6. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Sarah Palin was a laughing stock in London in 2008 after her interview with Katie Couric aired. They get that stuff overseas, and the don't put up with fools like Palin. The tabloids will treat Sarah royally.

    7. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Our media, the GOP and the TeaParty have all been unable to shut Sarah up. It's particularly frustrating that there are private citizens who could do the job but who won't speak out because of fear or whatever, then I I for one would appreciate our British cousins "putting the final nail in Sarah's public coffin". I look forward to her appearance at Cambridge but I'm afraid she'll be a no-show. Sarah is a coward.

    8. Anonymous4:03 PM

      I agree,100% my fear is when and if $arah goes to the UK, they will see her stupidity up close. Can you imagine what they'll think of some Americans? Why would they want a buffoon that will spit out unhinged rhetoric, why did they invite her? For the UK to make a mockery out of who? I want her to stay in AK sit down and shut the fuc_ up!


    9. Anonymous4:48 PM

      4:03 PM, let her do it! Make an absolute fool out of herself, which she will! They already know she's a dunce, and they also know that we would never elect her in a million years. She's not making our country look bad, she's making HERSELF look bad. So let her!

      Remember the "Australian Sarah Palin?"

    10. Anonymous9:05 AM

      I want to know what she's going to wear, whether she will use the Belmonts and what her wig will look like. Will she fly commercial in economy class, in first class or by private plane? All of these important questions. Which of her daughters will she take along to protect her or will Todd go to carry her purse? We need answers.

  13. Anonymous1:14 PM

    So, he's a bully, and a coward. Helluva a presidential candidate.

    Christie Cancels Scheduled Pressers Amid Vaccine Controversy

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is wrapping up a three-day trade mission to the United Kingdom, reportedly canceled scheduled media events at the tail end of his trip. This comes as Christie has been under fire regarding his controversial comments about vaccinations — a topic that has recently come into the spotlight following a reported measles outbreak in the U.S.


  14. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I heard the same thing when abroad. The general statement went something like this: “We knew that woman was nuts the first time we heard her.” We have this populist idea in the states that everyone has a valid opinion. Elsewhere people do not believe this. They believe some opinions are much more plausible and require proof before being generally adopted. After several world wars fought on the continent and in the UK people do not suffer idiots as easily as we do. And when they do, they are not proud of it.

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Poll: Hillary Clinton Way Ahead Of GOP Opponents In Key Swing States

    A Quinnipiac University poll has great news for Hillary Clinton, and bad news for Republican presidential hopefuls, in three critical battleground states. The poll, released on Tuesday, shows Hillary Clinton ahead of every major Republican presidential candidate in the three pivotal swing states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

    In most of the match-ups, the race isn’t even close. For example, Clinton holds double-digit leads over Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, and Rand Paul in each of the three states surveyed. She also leads Jeb Bush by 15 points (50-35) in Pennsylvania, and by 11 points in Ohio (47-36). Only in Florida, where Jeb Bush served as Governor, is that match-up competitive.

    Two other Republicans candidates did not fare well in their home states. In Florida, Hillary Clinton leads Marco Rubio 49-39. Rick Santorum would get blown out in his home state of Pennsylvania. The poll found Clinton up 54-34 over Santorum in the Keystone State.

    Part of what makes Hillary Clinton so dangerous for Republicans is that voters in the swing states have a favorable opinion of her. She is especially popular in Pennsylvania, where her favorable to unfavorable spread is 17 points, with 55 percent of voters viewing her favorably, and only 38 percent having an unfavorable opinion towards her. She is slightly less popular in Florida (53-39) and Ohio (51-40).


    Why Rand Ain't Happening

    ...So yeah, yeah, yeah Paul 2016. He'll be a factor in the primaries. He'll probably win some in a divided field. But elected president? Not happening.


    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Young people will hit the polls in 2016, and they want Hillary


  16. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Before Sarah's trip to the UK, remember to send a letter to Customs saying she may be carrying illegal drugs.

    Border Force Team
    Lunar House, 11th floor Long Corridor
    40 Wellesley Road
    Croydon CR9 2 BY

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      LOL - I heart u!

  17. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Chris ... please sit on Sarah's face for one hour.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Chris has to take a number?

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      won't take that long for ephixiation...fat ass and all!

  18. Anonymous1:50 PM

    did you happen to see the clip of David Letterman making a joke about the bad call by the Seahawks on Sunday? He said it was the worst call to come out of Arizona since John McCain announced his running mate! It just played on Inside Edition. Too funny!

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Sequin-clad Sarah Palin refuses to back Chris Christie as GOP presidential candidate during Today show appearance

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2500042/Sarah-Palin-refuses-Chris-Christie.html#ixzz3Qj51aqHy

  20. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Ha, Ha, Ha, this just in from the "Pond" a bunch of them stayed up all night to vote repeatedly in the Drudge Poll so that Sarah could at least have a somewhat decent showing.


    with a few palinistas and some palin people from some other palin web sites we went on the grudge site late last night and voted sarah into 5th place ahead of bush working thru the night and early this morning..the dems aim was to make sarah look bad in the poll...well they didn't do it because they ran into sarah palin pride something we are going to need to get her to the White House ....once again thanks to the few who rose to the occasion....


    It always amuses me that they have to go to such extraordinary lengths to try to make Mrs. Palin a legitimate contender. These are the same people that stayed up all night to vote for Bristol the "mysteriously chubby" dancing with the stars contender and kept her on the show way past her performance ability. They are so precious.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      They are going to one disappointed bunch when she announces she's not running. AGAIN. As if a Drudge poll means anything. Ostriches in denial that their savior has been rendered irrelevant (FINALLY) in the political landscape. Talk about a delusional, and some of them seriously need remedial classes in grammar and spelling.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      They do know that in a rill election, they can't vote but one time each, right? Poor, simple minded people.

    3. Anonymous3:36 PM

      What they fail to realize is that 10 people voting 100 times each does not a Presidential winner make.

    4. Anonymous3:53 PM

      All the while quoting their queen, "polls are for strippers".... Yuk yuk yuk.

    5. Anonymous4:10 PM

      3:02 here, realizing my post said "a delusional" and then commented on grammar. Sheesh!

      NOW Brancy has a poll up, "should Mom run?" You can vote yes, no, or don't know, BUT you have to provide your e-mail in order to vote. Boy, I should do it and send it to my junk account just to see what they're up to. I'll bet it's nauseating!

    6. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I read stories at my local newspaper by signing off after my free 8 stories and then signing up with a "new" fictitious email address. Go ahead and say your email address is sarahsucks@aol.com :) it will work.

    7. Anonymous6:06 PM

      They have Sarah's back but what they really want is her front. and their wives must be real dogs and they haven't been able to get their dicks up in years but being so called religeous they cant look at a playboy magazine so Sarah in her skank clothing is all they have and their spouses are fine with it.

      All she is is a tease for old broken down hicks who wish they could sit on their ass like Todd and ride snowmachines. We in Michigan call the snowmobiles but i guess that does not sound macho enough. And let me tell how sick i am of her Alaska frontier bullshit [ as Trig would say] go to the UP of Mi. trust me they would give old Todd a run for his money, you don't impress us Sarah your a wimp.

    8. Anonymous6:55 PM

      5:26 PM
      Mine was nocando@not.com :)

  21. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I think that Sarah should emphasize American Exceptionalism, and that we are the greatest country on the face of the Earth. That ought to go over very well in a country that has more than a couple of thousand years of civilization.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      She will probable add insult to injury by going on about a certain teaparty in Boston. How we really showed them.

  22. Anonymous2:47 PM

    OT, but interesting: http://aattp.org/what-now-teabaggers-president-obama-descended-from-14-revolutionary-war-veterans-which-makes-him-more-american-than-pretty-much-anyone/

    M from MD

  23. Anonymous3:03 PM

    All he has to do is to tell Sarah Palin to "Shut the hell up!"

    Gryphen you are a good man, America would have said

    All he has to do is to tell Sarah Palin to "Shut the F_ck Up!"

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Actually, the latter sounds like the real Christie.

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Or "FUC_ up" if Palin's brain could process that better.

  24. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Her stupidity has no borders.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Close the borders!

  25. Anonymous4:12 PM

    O/T but OMG, did you see this Gryphen? What a fraud he is!

    And he did JUST THAT!

    MSNBC Guest: Jindal ‘Trying to Scrub Some of the Brown off His Skin’


    Louisiana taxpayers should probably ask for a refund on Bobby Jindal's official portrait


  26. Anonymous4:23 PM

    How Sarah does research... She has Bristol post a poll on her blog "Should my mom run"

    I voted :)

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      @4:23 Yes or No? Yes=instant laughter, No=too sensible. We know that Sarah isn't going to run, period.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Does it show you the current results?

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Is there a place for a write-in answer?

      "I think YOU should run, Bristol!"

    4. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Remember when Bristol years ago said she might run for office one day? Welcome to the Grift Part Deux! Can't wait to see this, she will be laughed off the planet!

    5. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Remember a few years ago when Bristol said she might run for office one day? Welcome to Grift Part Deux! Will this nut job family ever understand they are the butt of jokes worldwide and go away?

      Run, Bristol, run! You could take out Murkowski in a landslide!

  27. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Sarah's the gift that keeps giving. I cant wait til her visit to Cambridge. love English comedians. they'll shred her to bits. not to mention our own media. o and fucks news will have some choice words as well. also and too.

  28. Anonymous4:51 PM

    OK, on the Bristol's blog, there is a should mom run survey. You can vote by entering any fake email information!

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Sarah's FB page, Sarah's TV channel, Brancy's Blog, it's all a big circle jerk.

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Mom run what?

      How abou teaching Trig how to eat solid food?

      How about mom teaching her daughters to keep their panties up?

      How about mom taking care of her husband so he doesn't run off to Anchorage?

      How about mom releasing her grip on some of her money so that her kids can get a decent education?

      How about mom getting an education?

  29. Anonymous6:37 PM

    That is some stupid junior high shit Bristol.

    Should Johnny ask Debbie to go out?
    Check YES if you agree?

    Should Debbie go out with Johnny?
    Check I DON'T KNOW if you don't know

    Should I go camping with Levi in my canvas tent?
    Check YES if I won't get pregnant

    Should my mom run?
    Check YES if you agree
    Check F_CK NO if she is unqualified

    Should I run for president before or after I find my lumbersexual?
    Check WHO GIVES A SHIT if you don't give a shit

    Do you think I'm immature to ask this childish question should my mom run?
    Don't answer that!

    Do you think my mom put me up to asking if she should run so that she will feel loved, wanted and important?
    Check OF COURSE if you think the retard put me up to this survey

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      OF COURSE!

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      I DON'T KNOW
      F_CK NO

  30. Anonymous6:44 PM

    If there were such a thing as heaven, there surely wouldn't be any TeaTHUGlicans allowed in it.

  31. Anonymous9:18 PM

    . palin has been out of office since 2009 when she up and quit midway into her term, (and for all of her claims, she has never offered any proof she has had to spent one penny of her own money)
    since 2009, palin has sat in the stands...yelling at all the real players
    telling everyone sitting next to her, how she could do way better then the player in the game, yet like most blowhards, all she will do is run her mouth...
    palin has faked her way in life with a wink and a shake of her boobs, it may have worked up in alaska in her one horse town where there are lots of churches but not many morels
    what will you goobers do, when she has her latest epiphany, and tells you she got a message from god in the foam of her coffee, not to run in 2016?

  32. Anonymous9:59 PM

    hey sarah - your enablers are messing with peoples rigs now...
    someone dies or 'get sideswiped' will get that resignation of yours revisited...and all the drama before during and after...take care now...

    1. Anonymous10:55 PM

      maybe her enablers are messing with her rigs, eh ...

  33. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sarah and mini me never evolved since ninth grade .what do you expect when one still uses the same tactics as the 15yr.old bully down the street. palin kids never had much of a role model. no excuse for barstool now that shes an adult.

  34. Anonymous7:21 AM

    someone shoulda taught Sarah to keep her pantries up Long ago.

  35. Anonymous7:33 AM

    correction-sarah needs to keep her Panties up.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      they are, they're crusted into place ..

  36. Anonymous3:13 PM

    these girls keep losing their panties says Sarah's dad?? funny thing..with 5 girls in our family we never had that problem.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.