Tuesday, February 03, 2015

I think every day should start with watching Sarah Palin (Well in this case Julianne Moore playing Sarah Palin) getting told off.

You know this is exactly how this went down.


  1. That scene just never gets old. And just think, that was BEFORE she went off the deep end.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Yeah, I remember her telling the press after that loss that she wasn't going to reply on any rumors because she wasn't one for pettiness, and it was about getting behind President-elect Obama in moving the country forward. Snort!

      What a pile of steaming moose nuggets that was!

  2. Hedda Hopper4:23 AM

    I think her nastiness this month about Hollywood people handing each other "plastic statues" is based partly on the fact that Julianne Moore has been nominated, yet again, for an Academy Award.

    Remember when Sarah thought that Moore and Tina Fey should be paying her royalties? She probably thinks that anything they do from now on is based partly on their roles as "Sarah Palin." She wants a plastic statue, too. Or a statute, whatever.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      She is getting slammed from all sides....FINALLY!
      "*After a bizarre and rambling speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit, it seems Republicans are finally realizing Sarah Palin is toxic. They are waking up to a fact that Democrats and most Americans have known for a long time — Sarah Palin is not ready for prime time."
      "The 2008 presidential election showed Palin’s scandal-prone family would only generate tabloid headlines and they haven’t failed to disappoint. Their latest stunt was a drunken brawl at a party, which involved Bristol Palin flashing her thong."

    2. Anonymous6:01 AM

      "Always a bridesmaid, never the bride," eh $arah?

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      I think one of those 'plastic statues'/Oscars should literally be shoved up Palin's ass or deep into her pie hole so we never hear from her again.

    4. Martha again10:33 AM

      Wasn't there more to this clip? Didn't Steve Schmidt figure out what she was going to do and order the lights turned off on stage, or something like that?

    5. I wonder if one of the "gifts" the Palin entourage grabbed from the pre-Oscar gift suite they were surreptitiously invited to (by a fan who was partner in one of the sponsoring companies) back in 2010 was a plastic replica Oscar...?


  3. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Hilarious!! Almost as good as the one where they show her where Germany is!

  4. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Palin's only remaining speech is to discuss how she faked her birth of Trig and why. Until that happens, she should just STFU!

    1. Anonymous5:18 AM

      She'll make it into a huge personal sacrifice, to adopt a special needs child, trying to get points for being so selfless, while ignoring all her pregnancy scams and the written proof, published by her, that he was actually born to her.
      Adopting a special needs child is admirable.
      Lying about giving birth to a special needs child takes away all the selfless-ness and makes it into a cynical charade. She's going to have to choose which it is, very soon.

    2. Anonymous6:00 AM

      I still think Bristol is the real mother. If she goes public, Palin will claim that because she is the ultimate "Mama Grizzly" who loved her daughter so, so much, she risked everything in order to save her daughter from the challenges of being a teen mom raising a special needs child.

    3. Anonymous7:25 AM

      6:00 a.m., even if Bristol isn't the real mother, Sarah might go that route. We know she has no regard for truth and no compunction for throwing her kids under the bus, and according to some of the books, there were pregnancy rumors about Bristol around the time Sarah was allegedly pregnant with Trig. Even if Trig isn't Bristol's, there is nothing to stop Sarah from claiming he is if she thinks that's the story that will get her the most positive PR.

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      7:25 AM Writing from Alaska - Sarah Palin claims Trig as her child - sounds as though you are not aware of her 'unbelievable story' about his pending birth - flying from TX to AK.

      Trig is the child of DS.

    5. Anonymous9:10 AM

      It would be interesting to have Sarah's sisters come out and tell their stories - they have kept their mouths shut all these years which is amazing! Sarah must be paying them well!

    6. Martha again10:13 AM

      Who's DS?

    7. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Agreed 200% about the lack of compunction for throwing anyone, her kids included, under the bus. She might have a problem "outing" Bristol as the mother, though: she'd have to explain the full extent of the fraud, including the detailed circumstances of Trig's birth, i.e., the total fabrication of the Wild Ride saga and the 4/18 birthdate, etc.

    8. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Based on the assumptions that Palin accepts that her political career is over and that she is incapable of feeling shame or embarrassment, she could cash in on writing a tell-all baby gate book and then do a rehabilitation tour as a born-again Christian who sees the error of her earlier ways. She say she lost her way, but ultimately did it all for her love of Bristol. Then she and Bristol can get a lucrative contract for some kind of Christian televangelist-type program.

  5. Maybe one day before I die I'll actually meet a woman who was in 26 hours labor with her fifth live birth, at least seven of those on an airplane, where nobody notices her condition, nor does she seem to moan, bitch or bellow when her contractions are hitting.

    You think?

    I love "Game Change," but the more time that goes by, the more we realize how gently it actually went on Palin.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      In the lead up to its premiere, the Palin camp was poo-pooing it, "we aren't even going to watch it," etc.....and then it aired....BOOM! Out they came, "lies, I'm telling you, lies!" I laughed and laughed. Hit a nerve, did you, HBO???

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      yeah that 26 hours of labor is what you go thru your FIRST child not the last one...women say after the first one clears the road...the others pass right thru!
      I had to cover my mouth...old school girls are blunt!

    3. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Sarah Palin always lies with her eyes crossed - the wonky battle-ax!

  6. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I have the DVD of this movie and I watch it at least once every two or three months specifically for this scene and to remind myself how close we came to absolute disaster. Love it!!!

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I bought the DVD too as well as the book! Plus, the movie has been shown numerous times on TV!

      There are other well-written books out there regarding Palin et al and I've read them too.

      Strongly recommend everyone read them via libraries, purchasing or borrowing from others.

      They are:

      'Game Change" - John Heilemann and Mark Halperin

      "The Rogue - Searching for the REAL Sarah Palin" - Joe McGinniss

      "The Lies of Sarah Palin" - The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power - Geoffrey Dunn

      "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" - A Memoir of our Tumultuous Years - Frank Bailey (served in her Administration as quitter governor) with Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon

      "Deer in the Headlights" - My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs - Levi Johnston

      "Boys Will Be Boys" - Shailey M. Tripp with Vickie Bottoms (prostitution connection to Todd Palin as the pimp and user of Shailey)
      Plus, Bristol Palin's son with Levi Johnston bears the name "Tripp" spelled exactly as the self-admitted prostitute and author, Shailey M. TRIPP!

      The Palin bunch cannot hide the FACTS proven in these books. Remember too, the Palins threatened to sue and harm Joe McGinniss who interviewed many in Wasilla and the State of Alaska to write his book! He was the one they really went after, but I think he wrote the FIRST 'fact-filled' book about her/them!

    2. Anonymous11:43 AM

      8:51 AM:
      Got 'em all when they came out. I review them every so often. Good reads and movie.

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Thank you Anonymous 8:51 for listing and recommending these excellent books. I have them all, except for Levi's, which I'll soon buy on Amazon.

      One other book I obtained (free, as I would never pay a penny for it) is "Going Rouge" by Sarah Palin.

      At my senior center we have a lending library where you can donate and take what books you like, with no official check in/out. There were two copies available of this book of Sarah's...so I took one.

      Slightly OT, but I love books, learning new information and discovering the truth. Back in the late 1960's I worked in my college library during the last two years before I graduated. Prior to the advent of the internet I was a "clipper" of newspaper articles and magazines...which I am sure many IM readers can identify with. My current project is to read and collect, for my own enrichment, several books about every U.S. President.

      However, since I despise Sarah and won't give her free publicity, I have turned her book's spine to the back of the bookcase. Might be silly on my part, but it sure feels great to turn Palin's book to the wall! The other five books mentioned above I proudly display all grouped together with Palin's white pages.

      The main reason I took a copy of Sarah's book was to be able to quote the pages her many lies are on, as various truths come out. Her book is so phony, especially viewed after the passage of time since her book was published in 2009.

  7. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Isvit wrong that it's fun to watch this and then the actual footage of Sarah crying onstage while John speaks?

    1. Anonymous5:16 AM

      Do you have a link for video of Caribou Barbie crying?

      I can't imagine Barbie actually feeling sad, because that would show weakiness.

    2. Anonymous5:18 AM

      Nope! Add in the stairwell phone conversation with Nicholle and that's my trifecta!

    3. Anonymous5:47 AM

      It's not weakness. She did not want to retune to a job and existsnce she hated.

    4. Anonymous5:50 AM

      This hits all the high notes.

      Sarah Palin's WTF Moments


    5. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Todd's glared at John McCain during McCain's concession speech. "If looks could kill".....

  8. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Sarah Palin we are still waiting for your lawsuit against HBO for defecating on your character.

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Yea, like she was going to sue David Letter, Bill Maher, etc. All nasty mouth and nothing else! She's a fraud and thank god the nation (led by Republicans) is finally admitting it! Alaskans have always known it and no one would listen to them or vet her properly.

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Yes Sarah! Where are the lawsuits?

  9. Anonymous4:56 AM

    F_ck you Sarah Palin

  10. A. J. Billings4:58 AM

    There is NO DOUBT, that Steve Schmidt rose right to the top of $arah's huge enemy list after delivering that smack down, and will remain there.

    No one says no to Baby $arah, and gets away with it. It may take years, but Baby will get her revenge, no matter how long it takes.

    See, now $arah is unshackled from any one telling her what to do, and is living soooooo Vibrantly, and that's exactly why she will NEVER run for political office again.

    Imagine having to observe the protocols of elections, or obey campaign finance laws, or to do the hard work of campaigning!

    Not for Granny $arah, no way is she going to be shackled to anyone or anything, and have to give up the $arahPac grift

    Even many of her Palinbot worshipers are now saying that if she doesn't run a 2nd time, she's toast, and loses credibility.

    Yes $arah, go read the comments on C4Palin and see what your pathetic tiny band of Pac victims are saying about you now!. They are arguing about it every day!

    Also to, and O/T, another great smack down of that sanctimonious, overfed gravy boat Mike Huckabee getting whacked upside the head with incisive commentary by none other than John Stewart


    And for dessert Huck, here's no less than Megyn Kelly delivering a wake up call via smokin', drinkin, premarital sex, takin' the Pill, and bossin' men around!


  11. Anonymous5:09 AM

    You're right G. That felt gooooooooooood!

  12. Anonymous5:18 AM

    I know this is scripted dialogue, but "Sarah's" line "Yeah, well there's a lot of things that haven't been done before" sounds exactly like a veiled threat she would make. Especially if, say, a group of right-wing Republicans conspired to get an unqualified governor nominated for Vice-President of the US by convincing her to fake a pregnancy of a special needs child to construct a narrative that this governor is unquestionably as pro-life as it gets, in order to attract a wide swath of ultra-religious, conservative voters. And then after the election was lost, they placated her with mostly positive news coverage, paid her well to appear on a conservative news network and "write" "best-selling" books, helped get her public appearances that paid $100K, and defended every gaffe she made. Until the gaffes got so bad that the stupidity was readily apparent to all but the most brain-dead, and the money and support dried up, and the puppet masters (finally!) realized that she was making their party look very stupid and racist, and decided to push her (kicking and screaming) off her platform once and for all. So now Sarah, the PAC money is drying up, the speaking engagements are few and low-paying, and you're relegated to reality TV on a 3rd rate cable channel hardly anyone watches. So tell the truth, Sarah, for once in your life. Tell them how they convinced you to fake a pregnancy for the "good of the country". Tell them how you were just a hired attack dog and told to say the most vile things about President Obama. Tell everything you know about how the Republicans and Fox "news" manipulate the voters. If you tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the book will sell in the millions. You'll get paid to appear on network TV to talk about your book. You'll dominate headlines for weeks. People will talk about how "brave" you are for being a whistle blower. Do it, Sarah. Pull no punches. You're just a dumb backwoods hick who was manipulated and paid well to lie and lie, and lie for the right-wing. The promise of fame and fortune was too great and you did exactly as you were told. (Wink)

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      Excellent, 5:18 AM! ^5!

    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Well said

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      5:18 Please write in paragraphs - your format is difficult to read!

    4. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Great idea!!!

      You would think Palin would have already thought of this (as nasty & vindictive as she is!), but I'll wager the National Republican party would put out a contract on her and Todd and she knows it!

    5. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Next up comes the slow leak of damaging stories from the GOP to finish off Sarah once and for all. Sarah, beat them to the punch! Once the true story of Trig is out there, you will be unable to control the narrative. You'll be a dead fish going with the flow. Get ahead of this, admit you faked a pregnancy and birth of a Down's baby to appeal to the pro-life crowd.

    6. Anonymous10:04 AM

      I say this is the moment Palin ought to come out and tell the truth. From now on she will simply be a washed-up piece of flotsam in Wasilla, Alaska, checking her bank account and investment accounts hourly as they become smaller and smaller. This is the time to write the real book beginning with the the 2006 Alaska governor’s race and the weird conversation with Frank Bailey about having a baby in the governor’s office. This is the moment the true Sarah Palin exposed her narcissistic self. Poor Frank sensed something was off, but he didn’t get the whole Palin treatment until his daily call from Todd letting the staff know her “mood” that day.

    7. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Well said. I'll just add some encouragement for her to realize that while she will never be president, she does have a window of opportunity to make sure those who dun her wrong don't become president either. It's her chance to take some of them down with her.

    8. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Upon finishing Frank's book, I came away with the feeling that he still had a thing for her.

    9. Anonymous10:04 AM, I think we'll all end up waiting until hell freezes over before Sarah Palin tells the truth about anything in her life.

  13. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I am sure she was not really crying. It was all a show to her. Or if she was crying, it was from rage at being told no. I have read the supposed speech she was going to give. I do not believe for a minute that is the speech she would have given.

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      She was crying because she lost and had to go back to Alaska. I believe it. It was all about her.

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      There's a clip on youtube, where mccain is giving the concession speech, standing on stage with him, the close-up shows the tears welling up in $arah's eyes

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      It WAS all about her and her 'hopeful' political future. She was pissed John McCain and she lost to our wonderful President Obama. Nothing more and nothing less.

      Plus, she was told 'no' as to a speech from her, which was never done and isn't to this day!

      Can you imagine that they had to turn off the lights to assure themselves she could not do or say anything after McCain gave his loser speech. Friggin' amazing!

  14. Anonymous5:46 AM

    The "dumbrance" is over

    The love affair between Palin and her right-wing media protectors appears to be over. Those that sheltered her in the media (Hannity, van Susteran, Levin, etc.) had to have known she was an intellectual lightweight, incapable of stringing together any cohesive, coherent ideas or thoughts, but it didn’t matter. She looked good, was easy on the eyes. She could rile up the base by continual attacks on the president – constant, personal, vicious remarks she would spew on the Fox News Channel. All made for good TV, didn’t it? Did these people ever really listen to her?

    Her appearances on Hannity were especially pathetic. Sean would spoon feed her lines, set the whole dastardly Obama-induced outrage/scenario up, and then let her spew out an answer, which really just entailed repeating what he had just fed her. She’d add just enough of her own incoherent bile to turn into her own particular brand of moldy word salad.

    Palin’s undoing started when she wasn’t invited to the 2012 RNC convention in Miami. Really? Why wouldn’t the powers that be within the Republican Party not invite their ‘media darling star’ 2008 vice-presidential candidate anywhere near the Romney-fest?

    She has become the annoying, useless knat buzzing around the hopes and dreams of the Republican establishment’s desperate bid to find someone who can win in 2016. She’s also become increasingly bitter and vitriolic the last several years. Her vindictiveness and snarkiness know no boundaries. Her ardent fans probably love her for that but it doesn’t go over well with mainstream voters.

    Low points are too numerous to mention but one especially sticks out. Her ‘blood libel’ video posted on her Facebook page after Gabrielle Giffords was shot point blank in the head while attending a political rally in Phoenix. After her video, which she posted reportedly against the advice of her own boss at Fox, Roger Ailes, was panned by most media outlets and many Jewish Americans, Palin took to wearing the Star of David on her appearances on Fox News. Quite transparent. Right next to her lapel American flag pin.

    Well, the gig is up. We get it, Sarah. You really, really really, super really hate President Barack Obama, his wife, his children, everyone who voted for him, etc., etc. Her ‘schtick’ has gotten very old. How many times can she repeat the same old tired rhetoric/hatred before her own fans grow weary of it?

  15. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Julianne Moore really is amazing in this scene. I haven't seen this movie, just a few clips here and there, but damn, Moore deserved the Emmy just based on this alone. And I am not saying that because I loathe Palin, either. Moore IS Palin -- it's downright eerie.

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Maybe you can find it on Amazon for cheap, 5:47 AM. It really is a must-see.

    2. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, authors of "Game Change," the chronicle of the 2008 presidential campaign, sit down with The Texas Tribune editor-in-chief Evan Smith in March, 2010.


  16. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Watch "Sara Palin's WTF Moments" on YouTube
    Sara Palin's WTF Moments:


    WTF Scenes from Game Change

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      I could watch that over and over.

  17. Anonymous5:54 AM

    The 5 Moments In 'Game Change' That Make Sarah Palin Look Like An Absolute Moron

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-5-moments-in-game-change-that-make-sarah-palin-look-like-an-absolute-moron-2012-3?op=1#ixzz3Qh5WHWs5

  18. Dinty5:57 AM

    I'd love to read the speech she wanted to deliver, though I'm sure it would be the same bitter tripe we've been hearing from her for the past 9 years

    1. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Google it...there are several sites that have what they say are copies. I call BS on these supposed copies. I do not believe that they are really what she planned to say. We all know Sarah now and know she would not have been capable of writing, much less delivering, a coherent speech.

    2. Anonymous7:09 AM



    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      "The climactic scene in the movie, where the campaign does not allow Sarah Palin to give a concession speech that was written for her, was the major news out of our book," Conroy said. "When we did publicity after our book came out, it was the thing everyone wanted to talk to us about most. Before 'Sarah From Alaska' was published, it had not been made public that a concession and victory speech had actually been written for Palin and that there had been a major dispute between the pro-Palin and anti-Palin sides about whether she would be allowed to deliver a concession speech on Election Night."



      Internal Battles Divided McCain and Palin Camps

      As a top adviser in Senator John McCain’s now-imploded campaign tells the story, it was bad enough that Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska unwittingly scheduled, and then took, a prank telephone call from a Canadian comedian posing as the president of France. Far worse, the adviser said, she failed to inform her ticketmate about her rogue diplomacy.

      ...Whatever the truth, one thing is certain. Ms. Palin, who laughingly told the prankster that she could be president “maybe in eight years,” was the catalyst for a civil war between her campaign and Mr. McCain’s that raged from mid-September up until moments before Mr. McCain’s concession speech on Tuesday night. By then, Ms. Palin was in only infrequent contact with Mr. McCain, top advisers said.


      Why Palin didn't get a concession speech


    4. Anonymous10:53 AM

      A comment from 7:21's politico link: "All the dredging up stories on Palin is part of the talking points to distract people from Obama's big mistakes on the economy, the war, carbon taxes, bowing to the king, buddying up with Chavez and Castro, 2d amendment attacks, takeovers of American companies in the name of POTUS the Great, plans to prosecute and guillotine President Bush etc.

      Posted By: Cajun | April 26, 2009 at 11:35 AM

      Faux Fraud Newz has pushed these sort of attacks 24/7/365 ever since.

    5. Quote by Scott Conroy in the comment above by Anonymous 7:21 AM: "...a major dispute between the pro-Palin and anti-Palin sides..."

      That's a strange way for a supposedly objective political reporter to refer to the politicians he's covering. He's not talking about OUTSIDE the McCain campaign, he's talking about internal McCain campaign politics.

      THAT'S how polarizing that feral twit Sarah is.

  19. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Sarah Palin's political action committee is out with a new web video fighting back against Game Change, the upcoming HBO movie about the 2008 Republican presidential campaign.

    The video, "Game Change We Can Believe In," is a fawning 2-minute montage of Palin's White House bid, including generous clips of her rousing convention speech and packed campaign rallies. Bill Clinton even makes a cameo, praising Palin as "gutsy" in a 2008 interview.

    Notably, the video features several clips of John McCain's 2008 campaign strategist Steve Schmidt heaping praise on Palin. Schmidt, played by Woody Harrelson in the movie, has been a favorite target of Palin supporters since he said he regretted tapping the former Alaska Governor for the VP job.

    The ad is part of an ongoing effort by Palin's supporters and advisors to discredit Game Change. In a email unveiling the new video, SarahPAC called on HBO to add a disclaimer that the movie is a work of fiction.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/sarah-palin-game-change-ad-reminds-us-why-we-love-her2012-3#ixzz3Qh6GIRGK

    Yeah, but according to her she never watched 'Game Change'...yeah, sure you pathological liar.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      I always find it interesting that they reference Sarah Palin's bid for the White House. John McCain was bidding for the White House - she ran with him in the second position (Vice President!) and would not have made it into the White House had they won.

      Thank god they lost to President Obama and VP Biden. We were truly saved by the bell!

  20. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Bwaahaaaa! "Conservative Page says Palin is 10x smarter than Obama."

  21. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Maybe 10x smarter than a picture of President Obama, but even that is a stretch.

  22. Anonymous6:51 AM

    4:37am. maybe shes one of them their tough frontier women! dumb old twotone didn't even offer her a stick to chew on? its a story Chickie. not believable . my water broke. we went to hospital and were checked in Immediately due to high risk of infection.

  23. Anonymous6:58 AM

    That or her rambling, inaccurate reciting of the story of Paul Revere's famous ride. Anyone who can listen to that ridiculous bullshit and think she has any place on the national stage is not playing with a full deck. But then we knew that about her drooling idiot fan club.

  24. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Narcissism in full display

  25. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I'll bet (in real life!) it took everything he had not to knock her block off!

    It's been proven time and time again that she is very, very difficult to work with and that is why she has never been successful and won't ever be!

    She is nothing more than a white-trash bitch from small town Wasilla, Alaska!

  26. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Can’t help but laugh at this:


    Sarah Palin Mouthfarts


    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      In that first video, Sarah is showing her wide ranging acting talents: she goes from being a snarling, vicious pit bull to being a sexy ingenue auditioning for a porn movie.

      I don't think we'll see the likes of Sarah Palin ever again running for political office.

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Holy crap, I just can't abide that voice.

    3. I went over to that site at


      It just occurred to me -- Sarah is morphing into Bruce Jenner. Have those two ever been in the same room at the same time?

  27. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Wonder if he'll get Skank to campaign with him?

    A Big Fight For John McCain's Senate Seat Is Brewing


  28. Anonymous8:39 AM

    That scene spells out a woman who has never had anyone say "no" to her. That scene portrays a woman with severe narcissistic personality disorder.

    No one in their right minds would have that much stubborness to their superiors, and not have a mental problem. How did she ever work with others? Was it always a one-woman show, run by Sarah, barking orders at staff and consistently getting her way, up in Alaska?

    She hit a brick wall with the lower 48 and learned quickly she can't get her way. The conservatives, America, Tea Party, GOP, the right-wing christian conservative base, ALL have said NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah.

    And there's nothing she can do or say anymore to make them change their minds.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Sarah Palin has NEVER been a team player - to include being Mayor in small town, Wasilla, Alaska and when quitter gov of Alaska! It's always been 'all about Sarah' and if it doesn't go her way, she quits or hires others to do her work!

  29. Anonymous8:43 AM

    What a C__T!

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Sarah and Bristol

  30. Anonymous9:07 AM

    That clip is pure Sarah, sneaky and self serving. I also laugh when i think about those suckers in her "Earthquake" movement renting the billboard that says Sarah Palin 2061 Proven Leader.

    It was rented in Iowa for her now infamous appearance at the Freedom Summit, Gryphen ran the photos would love to see those photos of the billboard again..fools and their money are soon parted! renting a billboard for what was to be one of her greatest speeches ever and maybe even announcing she was running! BWHAA HAA

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Sarah Palin 2061 Proven Leader
      I know that 2061 is a typo, but I have the feeling that someone in the Palin family will still be grifting in 2061 with the line "I would be interested in running for office"

  31. Anonymous9:15 AM

    8:11 AM

    Thank you for posting that first link. Sarah at about 1:40 is ... well, it's unbelievable. I've watched it 9 or 10 times and can't believe her vicious expressions, then at 1:55 she launches into sex kitten twisting. The woman was high. And batshit crazy.

  32. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Sorry meant 2016, but no matter what year it won't happen.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      I know you did but it made me giggle. Like the arm coming out of the grave at the end of "Carrie," 'Murika! Fuc_ Obama! LOL

  33. Chenagrrl9:44 AM

    If anything, it is more frightening to watch it now.

  34. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Is it true Bristol is enrolled in college and taking classes to get a degree in political science? Good for her.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM


    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      First she has to learn the English language. There's a lot of reading, writing and critical thinking involved in a PS degree.

    3. Yes 9:44 AM...Univ of Idaho, also too.

    4. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I thought that Bristol was a dermatologist.

    5. hauksdottir11:27 AM

      @Anonymous10:54 AM
      "I thought that Bristol was a dermatologist."

      She probably thinks that sheepskins are only a degree away from human skins.

      ::grin, duck, & run::

    6. Anonymous6:42 PM

      You are correct, Bristol told the media that lie when she first moved to AZ, she was enrolled in one of the party schools.
      Alas, in the grand family tradition, she quit before she even started.

  35. Anonymous10:40 AM

    An oldie but goodie from back then:


    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Thanks for posting the link, you are right, that was great and worth the watch.

      "Even at McDonald's, you have to have 3 interviews to get the job." LOL.

  36. physicsmom2:47 PM

    I agree with Anon 7:25 am in that Sarah could name Bristol as Trigg's mother, whether she is or not if that suits her agenda at the time. Gryph has claimed for a long time that Bristol is NOT Trig's mother, but he has been unwilling or unable to name the woman. I don't really care who the real birth mother is, as long as she finally admits that she's been lying all along.

  37. Anonymous6:06 AM

    You could see those sam facial expressions on display during her Hannity interview following her famous word salad address in Iowa last week. Julianne Moore was spot on!


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