Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Just something for the anti-vaxxers to keep in mind.

At least one doctor has had enough.

And yet there are still some who simply do not get it.


  1. Anonymous3:00 AM

    I disagree with a mandated schedule. If you breastfeed your kids and are a stay at home mom, you do not need to be jabbing babies who are literally hours old with hep b vaccine (as both my kids were) They did not need dpt at 2 months. We stayed at home or went and sat outside or for walks in a stroller. But I stuck to the schedule . In retrospect, their immune systems didn't need to be so stressed so early. Now if you need to put your babies in daycare at 12 weeks that is a different story and they should vaccinate earlier as benefits outweigh the risks. That is all I personally want out of the vaccination issue - a choice to delay. Did my newborns really need hep b vac literally in the first hour of life outside me?????. Let's use some common sense.

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      I'm curious when you say, "jabbing babies who are literally hours hold," did you have boys? And did you get them circumcised?

    2. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Their immune system is stressed the moment they are born (and by "stressed" I mean put to use, since babies are born with a healthy immune system).

      I have no idea what you think the risks are of a single Hep B shot, by they are beyond miniscule.

      I breastfed my kids until they were 2 and 3 years old respectfully and stayed home for months when they were born. I still had them fully immunized on schedule.

    3. Anonymous5:42 AM

      I have four children, and many nieces and nephews and friends children, and none of them were vaccination hours old. No baby gets vaccinated with hep b that young. That does not happen. You are making up sh*t.
      Vaccinations start when they are about two months old.

    4. Anonymous6:03 AM

      WeI did not. Their dad is not so we did not.. And what does that have to do with anything? Removing foreskin with a local anesthetic after a numbing cream is still a big stressor to a newborn.

    5. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Uh no I am not making shit up. Back in 1998 they were given hep B and vit k in the FIRST HOUR OF LIFE. Northwest Hospital Seattle WA.
      And 5:36 my kids were vaccinated on schedule. Did you read entire comment or just react?

      If a baby is born with congenital neutropenia or severe combined immune deficiency or cancer (and babies R born with cancer) early vaccinations can be deadly. Lets let the kids immune system declare itself.

      Breastfeeding imparts passive immunity. There is no rush if you and your baby are home.
      I am NOT anti vaccine. Just chill. . AND I work in pediatrics at a big hospital and now we have a policy on mercury which explicitly states that some vaccines contain mercury STILLand we should move away from them asap. Not for an autism link - but because mercury is a known neurotoxin. Stated right in the policy. Why would we put that in a kid? Some vaccines still contain trace amounts, but for low birth weight babies the mercury load is borderline high.

      Whatever.. Not sure what the correlation is between
      circumcision and vaccines - but I'll indulge you. NO we did not circ them at birth (two boys).

    6. Anonymous at 3:00 am.

      You never put your babies in a car? You never went anywhere? Not even to the grocery store? Because if you did, you ran the risk of a car accident and your special little snowflake could have needed a transfusion. Did you bother to put the child in an infant seat? Because if you drive carefully there's no way an accident can happen, is there? /sarcasm

      Babies are vaccinated early in life so they can develop immunities to contagious and potentially fatal diseases. Moms are very good about taking babies to well-child checks; not so good later on when their baby is older and they can see for themselves that s/he's doing fine. The CDC recommends vaccination when the doctor actually has access to the baby, which is well-child checks in infancy and early childhood. Because those babies could be exposed to these diseases and even if they're not, they grow up and can be exposed at a later point in time.

      Nobody in your church went there with a slight sniffle that could have been measles? Or even the flu? Or a dry cough that was pertussis? How do you know? Even if you stayed home, how about your partner? Was your entire family incarcerated for the first year or so, or did anybody actually leave the house to, say, earn a living?

      You don't know. You have no way of knowing what your child was exposed to. (How about guests? Did Grandma or Grandpa come visit? No sniffles? At all?)

      And, Anonymous @ 5:42: babies get their first Hepatitis B shot at birth. Again: the goal is to vaccinate that kid, and give him some protection against diseases that could kill him.

      Just so you know: babies are also given eyedrops at birth to prevent their eyes from becoming infected with gonorrhea or chlamydia through passing out the mother's vagina. Yes, moms who get prenatal care are tested for it. You still give the eyedrops because the mother could be contagious without having had symptoms- and could have been infected AFTER she was tested.

      These things are done because the risks are real. Because people can't see microorganisms with the naked eye, because they can't spot contagion in people before symptoms develop- but they can still be contagious.

    7. Anonymous7:39 AM

      I am curious. Where did you study immunology? You also homeschool your children. Is there any field where you are not expertly qualified to render an opinion simply by virtue of giving birth? Why did I bother going to graduate school when all I had to do to know everything there is to know about everything was to just have a baby. Sheesh.

      We are living at a sad time in our country's history when facts no longer exist. Even the word has lost its meaning. Everything is now opinion and no one's opinion is any more correct than any other person's.
      My only hope is that natural selection (Yes, THAT Darwin) will eventually triumph over those who profess to know everything and blithely ignore and dismiss any facts that they intuitively don't like. We have medicines and treatments for just about everything but stupid. That's where thinning the herd comes in. Can't happen soon enough.

    8. Anonymous9:09 AM

      MY My Ivyfree. That's some potent judging ya got going on.
      1) Of course i used a car seat
      2) My children aren't snowflakes.
      3) I would make the choice to get my kids to their appointments for vaccines when they were a few months older.Follow up not a problem.
      4) All family had been vaccinated so no fear of babies catching diptheria, pertussis, measles, mumps or rubella from them
      5) I'm atheist and am raising kids as such so no church, sorry to disappoint your fantasy.rendering of me
      6) The eye drops should also be a choice. Of the parents. Welcome to the world, let me blur your eyes. Neither my husband nor I have ever had a STI and if I was worried I would have of course allowed the drops. To have them forced on us when the kid was in no way shape or form in danger of chlamydia or any other STI is absurd.
      .7) The hep B is a series of three shots. Not necessary to do on day 1 of life.
      8) I actually was in an accident in my early 20s and got 4 units of blood, did not get HIv or hepatitis and the blood is even safer now than it was in 1984. So if "snowflake" needed a transfusion, hep B is the last thing I'd be concerned about today.

      7"30 I studied immunology in both undergrad and grad school. Thanks.

      I really am disappointed in you who do not see that RESPONSIBLE parents CAN Delay for a few months if they chose and not be derided as you have done here. Especially if they are breastfeeding and really nesting for the first 4 months.. I walked to local markets for exercise or to the coast, kept the babies in a baby carrier and covered with a light blanket. Please review disease transmission (droplets, close contact, ) before you continue about the risks.

      AGAIN my kids WERE vaccinated on time. If I had to do again, I'd want to chose a different schedule.

    9. Anonymous9:18 AM

      I'd like to see a copy of your hospital's policy on mercury in vaccines.

      Doctors should know that there is a difference between ethyl mercury (which is in thimerosol) and methy lmercury. The trace amounts of ethylmercury found in the preservative used for vaccines in tiny and leave the body within hours. It is nowhere near the amount that could cause any kind of harm and it is not the same as methylmercury (which is a potent neurotoxin and stays in the body for weeks or even months).

      Please, no more misinformation and scare tactics. There is absolutely no evidence that the trace amounts of ethyl mercury found in thimerosol has any negative impact on newborns, children, or anyone else.

      The only reason thimerosol was taken out of some vaccines (the MMR in particular) was because people were freaking out and the vaccine companies and the CDC found it easier to give in. At least people would get their kids vaccinated.

    10. Anonymous9:21 AM

      If you really studied immunology in grad school, you would know that the trace amounts of ethyl mercury (NOT methyl mercury) in thimerosol doesn't have any negative effects on babies or anyone else.

    11. Were they birthed at home or did they spend their first hour of life in a hospital?

      If they were in a hospital I'd say any vaccines were a wise precaution.

      Me? I like to trust professionals as I pay for their judgement, knowledge and expertise, be they doctors or plumbers. I certainly keep informed and I do ask questions, but I allow professionals in their field to use their discretion unless I have a good reason to question it.

      If you don't trust your doctor, then get one you do trust.

    12. She doesn't know the difference between ethylmercury and methylmercury, confusing vaccines with eating tuna.

      Working in pediatrics does not make one an expert since custodians and receptionists work in hospitals and they are no more qualified than anyone else to make medical judgement calls.

      She doesn't say she's a doctor or immunologist so it's just another mother's opinion, just like Jenny McCarthy. And no more qualified.

    13. Anonymous1:55 PM

      no evidence that the trace amounts of ethyl mercury found in thimerosol has any negative impact on newborns, children, or anyone else.

      Bingo 9:18 It has never been studied. I'd be more than happy to show you the policy.

    14. Anonymous2:07 PM

      mialuppa yes "SHE" does know the difference between ethyl and methyl mercury. Please show me the studies you have seen which prove ethyl is harmless.

      Thimerosal is 49.6% mercury by weight.*
      Metabolized by body into ethyl mercury and thiosalicylate.Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry asserted that ethyl mercury must be at least as toxic as methyl mercury, so methyl mercury exposure guidelines followed.
      Exposure guidelines:
      EPA: 0.1 mcg/kg/day
      FDA: 0.4 mcg/kg/day
      Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: 0.4 mcg/kg/day
      WHO: 0.47 mcg/kg/day

      A 4 kg newborn getting a hep B vaccine at birth with 12.5 mcg mercury, exceeds all guidelines.
      A 6 kg 2 month old receiving hep B, DTap and Hib receives 12.5+25+25=72.5 mcg mercury bolus dose, exceeding EPA guidelines.

      In 1999 AAP asked CDC to delay starting hep B vaccine series, (started at birth), until thimerosal free version available.

      Some inventories of thimerosal containing childhood vaccines did not expire until 2008.
      Thimerosal still being used in production of childhood vaccines, but removed leaving “trace” amounts. The dose of ethyl mercury is now only 3 mcg in first 6 months of life. (Was 187.5 mcg. [not including possibility of additional 25 mcg. from influenza vaccine])*

      This is old news but my kids are part of that old news. If it was fine to put a neurotoxin in our kids, why did they change? Why is there now a policy about it ?

  2. Yes, it's the new American way, that says my willful stupidity deserves the same respect as your intelligence. And the current GOP field proves how well it's caught on.

  3. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Any doctor who doesn't 1,000% agree with this obviously caring and competent physician should lose his/her license to practice medicine.

    While not a doctor, I am also fed up with this idiotic nonsense.

    How many people have to die before this stupidity stops?

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      That the deniers die is ok with me. That is their choice. Unfortunately, they take non-deniers with them.

  4. Anonymous3:37 AM

    THANK YOU. My new name for Jenny McCarthy is Jenny McMeasles. That ignorant credulous cretin has almost single-handedly brought measles back. She's caused more damage than the most heavily armed mass murderer.

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      More like Jenny McPolio since she publicly said she wouldn't feel too bad if polio came back.

    2. FDR.
      Joni Mitchell.
      Neil Young.
      My father.

      If I ever encounter Jenny McMeasles-McPolio, I'll grind her into dust.

      I'm only sorry that our family's superb pediatrician did not see the need to immunize boys against human papilloma virus (HPV) until my third son was able to benefit.

      Anti-vaxxers are as dangerous as gun nuts. And you can't pass unimmunized folks through a detector to see what they're carrying...

    3. Diseases like polio and smallpox are wiped out...until they're not.

      It just takes a few cases in some underdeveloped country and a plane ticket and you have another epidemic among people that never got vaccinated because they thought the disease was wiped out.

      We never had Ebola in this country...until we did.

      Yeah, Jenny McCarthy is a tool. While I don't wish anything upon her children I wouldn't mind if she got herself a good dose of shingles. The kind that never goes away.

  5. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Vaccines can be good if they are tested, not bundled together, and if drug companies can be sued for negligence, and if they are not a source of greedy profits by drug companies and investors.
    However, read this: http://www.blacklistednews.com/ZERO_U.S._Measles_Deaths_in_10_Years%2C_but_Over_100_Measles_Vaccine_Deaths_Reported/41365/0/38/38/Y/M.html

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      You really don't know what you are talking about.

      Vaccines have been rigorously tested for years and years and years, including vaccines that are "bundled." Drug companies can be sued for negligence.

      Furthermore, those "greedy" drug companies would get a lot more money if people got measles, pertussis, tetanus, polio, etc., then the tiny profit the companies may get from vaccines.

    2. Anonymous6:16 AM

      I kno a kid who was perfectly fine one day and then got mmr and was turned into a very very very sick child. Only with great care and a long follow up therapy is he functioning now. In addition to brain issues his gi tract got fucked up from the mmr.

    3. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Anecdotes are not data and certainly do not prove causation. If the child's health issues were actually due to the MMR (an extremely rare occurrence, and frankly I don't even know if what you are describing are reactions to the vaccine), I hope the parents reported it through the right channels.

    4. Anonymous9:12 AM

      8:16 of curse they did. And this child was not the only one. Thee is a link with MR and an inflammatory bowel problem.

    5. "Anonymous6:16 AM
      I kno a kid who was perfectly fine one day and then got mmr and was turned into a very very very sick child. "
      Correlation is not causation, period.

    6. Anonymous9:56 AM

      There is no scientific link between the MMR and inflammatory bowel disease.

    7. I'm sure the Republicans would like nothing better than to remove all regulations and oversight by the FDA and any other government agency that would cut into corporate profits.

      We should be very worried. Unless we are going to follow the stupid path of non-immunization.

      Just heard today Walmart's herbal supplements don't contain anything but fillers. That's who we'll be putting our trust in if the Republicans dismantle government regulations and oversight.

      I got the flu after eating a tuna sandwich. Doesn't mean tuna sandwiches cause the flu.

    8. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Correlation vs. causation thought problem:

      Probably over half of the people killed in pickup trucks with Republican bumperstickers voted Republican last time. Proving that...

      1.It's those f*cking trucks?

      2.It's those f*cking bumperstickers?

      3. Needed moar church and less Hooters and hoedowns?

      4. Keep tithing and wait for a revelation?

      5. Nothing?

  6. Anonymous3:46 AM

    I believe all children need to be vaccinated; I believe in science. OT, there is a video of a down syndrome girl singing "all of me" by John Legend. It breaks my heart to know Trig will never be able to achieve something so spectacular because of his fucked up fake family. The child in the video is truly loved. She beat the odds. I dont know how to post videos.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Toronto teen with Down syndrome defies expectations with cover of ‘All of Me’


  7. Anonymous3:50 AM

    It is very irresponsible and dangerous parenting to not get your children vaccinated against these awful, crippling, contagious, and sometimes deadly diseases.

  8. Anonymous4:02 AM

    That graphic tells the whole story. It should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. So many of the anti-vaccine people do not think of the repercussions of their selfish decisions.

  9. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Hey I'm really sorry that people have gotten the measles but I'm glad in a way because this is exactly the type of outbreak that brings home the point. Get your kid vaccinated. Now Doctors and others are finally speaking out with a firmer voice, that this is not an individual choice but a matter of public health.

    1. Anonymous5:42 AM

      I kind of agree, but unfortunately some of the kids getting the measles will be babies too young to get vaccinated and kids and adults who can't get vaccinated because they have weak immune systems (from cancer, etc.). If it were only kids whose parents refused to get their special snowflake vaccinated out of ignorance, this whole thing would be less terrible.

    2. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Use to be that children could not enroll in school unless they were up to date on with their vaccinations.

    3. Anonymous5:48 AM

      I wish the mainstream media would post this graph on their front pages. And TV broadcast news, as well.

    4. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Kaiser Permanente has sent out robocalls to their members asking them to make sure their children are up to day on their vaccinations. Because of this measles breakout.

    5. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Someone jerk in Britain started this lie that vaccinations cause autism, then Jenny McCarthy took up the banner, and ran with it. She said her son got autism from vaccine, NOW she says her son does not autism anymore. WHAT A FLAKE.

    6. Any death or permanent disability related to this measles outbreak should be laid directly at Jenny McCarthy's feet and she should be forced to make a public comment.

      Autism is not the fault of vaccines. But failure to immunize is the fault of Jenny McCarthy. May she get shingles forever.

  10. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Varicella is just another name for the herpes virus.

    Some vaccines are helpful, some not so much. I had the measles and the mumps as did my siblings. Sure we were sick, but it was a childhood rite of passage. We survived and we're stronger for it. Having measles makes one immune for LIFE. The measles vaccine is good for 10 years only.

    Measles Mary (NYC outbreak) was fully vaccinated, but had traveled out of the country and carried the virus back with her.

    Should all travel to places with measles outbreaks be banned? That's another option.

    There are still various studies that connect ingredients in vaccines to autism despite the media's claim to the contrary.

    I'm disgusted at the attitudes of people today towards measles....shame on me??? possibly...but I don't think so

    please check out: www.ageofautism.com/vaccines/

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      You are an idiot. There is NO scientific study that shows autism is connected to vaccination. And chicken pox has nothing to do with measles.


    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Age of autism is a shit organization. The MMR does not cause autism. The measles vaccine is not only good for 10 years. And this so-calked "rite of passage" can cause life-long issues.

      Get your kids vaccinated for chicken pox so they can avoid the risk of shingles later on in life.

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM

      No scientific study. OK then. Look outside the USA.

    4. Anonymous9:52 AM

      No scientific study ANYWHERE on the planet.

  11. Anonymous6:35 AM

    did you even know there was a wild measles virus (overseas mostly) and a vaccine-strain measles. IOW's the vaccinated are spreading the disease!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Citation desperately needed

    2. pray for us all11:35 AM

      Heard this same thing on teabangelical talk radio.

      Pastor included these facts in his sermon.

      Saw links in comments on Barstool's blog before they were all shut off.

      Donated to SarahPAC.

      Shook Joe Miller's hand the last time he was running for something.

      Prayed for more biblical judges to return us to the days of Paul Revere's constitution. (Did you know I heard Paul Revere sniped him some Barbary Pirates with his muzzle loader!)

      What more do you want?


  12. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Charted: One unvaccinated person undermines the efforts of everyone else

    The measles outbreak traced back to Disneyland has spread to eight states, with as many as 95 cases reported by Jan. 28. Media outlets are highlighting the rise of anti-vaccination sentiments. Scientists are expressing their dismay at people who reject sound medical advice and put their families and communities in harm’s way.

    Measles was considered eliminated in the US in 2000. But if the first month of 2015 is any indication, this year will easily beat the record number of measles cases recorded in 2014.


    1. Anonymous8:23 AM


    2. Ditto for any other disease we consider to be wiped out.

      We are not isolated from the world any longer.

      A smallpox or polio epidemic somewhere could end up here.

      Witness Ebola.

      I have all of my immunizations and I keep them up to date. Just got a tetanus last September. Not that I walk around junkyards in my bare feet, but you never know when you'll get a cut.

      Of course, I grew up in the 60s and still remember the entire family going to the local rec center for a polio vaccine booster.

  13. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Even if this doctor is in the right, he sounds like a pompous ass. I would never go to him.

    1. I would.

      He sounds to me like a very caring doctor that doesn't put up with bullshit.

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      He just won't suffer fools. Since I'm not a fool, I'd have no problem with him.

    3. AKinPA6:38 PM

      That doctor who you consider to be a pompous ass is protecting his patients who are really sick and who can be greatly harmed by by an unvaccinated child who has been exposed to measles or chicken pox or whatever sitting in his waiting room. He cares about his patients, puts them first and doesn't care if he loses the freedumb fighter parents who value freedumb more than their child's health.

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM


    don't be fooled by the media which is controlled by the drug pushing companies.

    Thimerosol has been PROVEN to cause damage and the reports were hidden and the research discontinued in 2004 because of it.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Stop spreading dangerous lies.

    2. No, it hasn't. So says EIGHT safety panels since 2001.


    3. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Check the congressional record . I 'll find you the citation - it said the FDA was asleep at the switch in regulating the mercury load per body weights of babies.

    4. Anonymous3:49 PM

      That's not what it said.

    5. Anonymous2:22 AM

      3:49 yes it was said.

  15. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Let ‘em die.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      I agree with that sentiment, however some vaccines are not 100% effective so there could be some innocent children who WERE vaccinated as collateral damage and that would be sad.

  16. Caroll Thompson6:54 AM

    Aside from medical issues that prevent some children from getting vaccinated, someone's right not to vaccinate their child ends when it impedes on me and my family's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    I remember in the 1960's when measles would kill people. It killed our grammar school principal one year.

    No one has the right to subject me and mine to a very preventable disease, period. Lawyers are talking about suing parents who did not get their child vaccinated and who have spread this preventable disease to others. Perhaps that will motivate some folks because common sense doesn't seem to be working.

  17. Like the best Daily Kos comment I have ever see said about this: "Time for some measles problems in Ft. Lee."


    "Liberals, conservatives, and almost everybody in between are hammering New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) after he defended parents' "choice" to not vaccinate their kids against the measles.

    "It's more important what you think as a parent than what you think as a public official," Christie said Monday when asked about recent measles outbreaks in the US, according to The New York Times. "I also understand that parents need to have some measure of choice in things as well. So that's the balance that the government has to decide.""

    1. Our elected public servants are supposed to put the good of the public before individual opinions. That is the entire point of being a public servant. Parents only think of themselves and their kids. While I'd like to think parents would also consider others and the public good, too often they don't. They put themselves first.

      All in all, just shows Christie is NOT presidential material.

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Pharmacokinetic studies show methyl and ethyl mercury behave differently in humans. Pick toxicity levels and standardize them with all agencies.
      Burbacher study showed more mercury gets trapped in human brain from ethyl than methyl.*
      Stajich research shows preterm and low birth weight infants at higher risk, don’t metabolize well.

  18. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Chris Christie Among Group Including Jenny McCarthy In Support Of DANGEROUS Anti-Vax Movement


    Autistic Woman’s Heart-Wrenching Facebook Post Wins The ‘Anti-Vaxxing’ Argument


  19. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Is there any way we can give the bill for all the medical care this measles outbreak has cost to Jenny McCarthy and Chris Christie? No, Chris, you can't pass it along to the taxpayers. You have to pay out of yourpocket.

  20. Anonymous8:02 AM


  21. Anonymous8:50 AM

    13 Numbers That Explain The Resurgence Of Measles In The U.S.


  22. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Here's Where 2016 Candidates Stand On Vaccinations


  23. Kudos to Dr. Ginsberg.

    You can call it tough love or discipline but it's about time someone put their foot down to these spoiled elitists and said NO.

  24. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Remind me again of the number of complications and deaths caused by using FDA approved Big Pharma drugs.

    orlin sellers

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Remind me again of the number of complications and deaths caused by NOT using "Big Pharma" drugs?

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      That's easy. ZERO.
      (OMNS, January 19, 2010) There was not even one death caused by a dietary supplement in 2008, according to the most recent information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System. The new 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

      orlin sellers

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      No, Orlin, read again. That's not what I asked.

      I asked you how many deaths happened when people DON'T use "big pharma" drugs. For example, people who die because they don't have access to (or refuse to use) drugs for their diabetes or high blood pressure or any number of life threatening disorders.

      Vitamins and diet supplements are great. I use them myself. What I don't do is NOT use "big pharma" drugs when they are needed.

    4. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Those drugs will eventually kill you, meaning, generally, they will be your cause of death, not the disease.
      btw, thank you for the reply without resorting to name-calling.

      orlin sellers

    5. Anonymous12:54 PM

      I'd like to see the empirical research on that, Orlin.

    6. Anonymous3:52 PM

      I agree a bit with you Orlin in that I come from a family who has never had any cancer for the last 3 generations and the only person for the last 3 generations to die from anything other than old age was my grandmother who died last year at age 99 from congestive heart failure.

      We don't do too much doctoring and my great grandfather on my mother's side was a doctor and believed that if you stay strong in body and mind you shouldn't ever need a doctor, except in a few extreme circumstances.

      I can count on one hand the number in my extended family who have been on any sort of prescribed drug other than antibiotics for an acute infection. For many years we've all just lived, lived without "preventive" medical visits, lived without being prescribed drugs, just living until it's time to live no more because your body is old and done.

  25. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I Didn’t Vaccinate My Child—And I Regret It

    How I finally discovered that vaccinating your kids is the right thing to do.


  26. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Did over 4 million people per year die from varicella (isn't this chicken pox/shingles?) and now it's down to only 450,000 per year? This seem like astounding numbers. Why would people have "chicken pox parties" if this were the case? Could that be a mistake on this chart?

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      No, it isn't a mistake. The effectiveness of vaccines against all of these horrible diseases is truly astonishing. That's why the are considered miraculous and that's why it is so important to get vaccinated.

      People just don't seem to understand how fortunate we are to be able to protect ourselves and our families from these diseases.

      The stupidity, it hurts.

  27. Smirnonn the Vaccinator10:26 AM

    Shame, G! How dare you present hard data, facts, etc. that prove vaccinations work? Don't you know that 'rill 'mericuns damn well know that: Obama is a Kenyan, the Constitution is based on the bible, the ACA doesn't work, trickle down economics is sound policy, Sharia law is just around the corner, etc?!? I'm not a scientist, so I'll just trust my preconceived notions. "Don't confuse me with the facts, I've already made up my mind." /s

  28. Anonymous11:21 AM

    From the right:







  29. Anonymous1:54 PM


    Interesting also that Scandinavian countries give mothers a year maternity leave with their jobs secured. They do not start immunizing their kids til 3 months.
    he US is not the b all and end all of medical practices.

  30. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Mercury in Medicine report


    read it

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      I did read it. So what? There is no link between vaccines and autism.

    2. Anonymous2:18 AM

      3:31 We shouldnot be putting unnecessary poisins in our nodies. No one was doing the math. And if there WAS a fucking link do you think we'd know about it?


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