Tuesday, February 03, 2015

This is how they kick off Black History month in South Carolina.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A South Carolina high school was vandalized with racist graffiti on the first day of Black History Month. 

Officials at South Pointe High School in Rock Hill confirmed to Raw Story on Monday that vandals had struck the school on Sunday, Feb. 1. 

Photos were posted to social media showing graffiti on a large rock that sits outside the front of the high school. The words “Happy N*gger Month” were scrawled on the rock in spray paint, and it was signed, “KKK.”

But remember folks according to the conservatives and the Supreme Court, now that we have a black President racism is over. 

I guess the memo just hasn't made it to South Carolina yet.


  1. Leland6:30 AM

    "I guess the memo just hasn't made it to South Carolina yet."

    As a resident of SC, I am ashamed to say it probably never will. These damned fools are even stupid enough to fly the rebel flag OVER the US flag on their personal flag poles!

    It's going to be really hard to change this state from red to blue! Maybe even impossible.

    1. Yeah, after the civil war the southern children should have all been sent off to New England boarding schools. A few generations of that and old dead confederates not being able to talk their bullshit to the young might have done.

      As you say----impossible.

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      And Lindsey Graham response? ....Crickets

    3. Anonymous9:03 AM

      That is a funny misconception angela. Some of the most racist people in the US are New Englanders, especially around the Boston area.

      Spread your racist bullshit elsewhere.

      You are the racist.

    4. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Anon at 8:17 am. I wonder what Lindsay Graham would say if he were asked about the incident. He'd have to waffle a lot but it would be interesting just to see him react.

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    There will probably be repercussions when White History Month comes around.

    orlin sellers

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Orlin, Orlin, Orlin...
      It is folks like you that embarrass decent white people everywhere. Evolve a little, would you?

  3. Ah for a post racial society--huh?

    John Roberts is an asshole, but Unca Clarence is worse----he sits there like a wheezing asshole saying nothing.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      "Unca Clarence" Angela...??

      Whats the matter, black man not acting like you think he should? So you Uncle Tom him?!

      Talk about being racist, look in the mirror.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      No you are wrong prove it

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Typical. Racist hit and run pussies! These crackers always go nuts on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, and Black History Month. Instead of running and hiding, why won't these assholes stick around to fight that race-war they've been craving for so long? Because they're, wait for it...pussies!

    The KKK, etc., better be careful what they wish for, because there are a lot white people who are fucking sick of them too, and would be more than willing to fight along side non-whites to get rid of them!

    Silly knuckle-draggers. Vandalizing property with racial slurs, won't make Black History Month go away. Black History Month only comes once a year, and it barely cuts into Honky History YEAR!

    "Happy Honky History YEAR!"

    Fuck the KKK!

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      "Honky History Year." lmao

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    orgy sellers White History month is every month. Aren't you out burning a cross? You are a little weasel.

  6. Anonymous7:03 AM

    The same people who think Jesus was blonde-haired and blue-eyed.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      7:03 That always cracks me up. The American willful ignoramasourous' too numerous for comfort.

  7. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I don't think we combat racism by pointing a finger at South Carolina and proclaiming, "See, at least I'm not THAT racist." If you really want to do something concrete about racism, then start at home. Or confront ignorant family members and neighbors. Heck, read a book about the history of slavery in America and how it's the backbone of modern-day capitalism. Read about Jim Crow. Read about how federal policy ensured that blacks were denied housing. (The belief nowadays is that blacks LOVE the federal government and are dependent on it. Not true.) Learn where the wealth gap originated. (Hint: slavery). Often the beneficiaries and perpetrators of racism feign ignorance about the effects of racism on others. There really is no excuse, and we're all culpable even if your ancestors didn't own slaves.

    1. Leland10:00 AM

      "There really is no excuse, and we're all culpable even if your ancestors didn't own slaves."


      8:07, I have always found the idea of "sins of the fathers" to be absolutely, disgustingly stupid and irrelevant. Not to mention wrong.

      I treat all races the same. It's the INDIVIDUALS I look at, not their race. And I work to remove the racial discrepancies as much as I can.

      More and more of us are living that way and it is that which will reduce the problem to minimal levels, not "activism", which many times have a tendency to create the animosity.

      And what makes you think many of us DON'T do the things you listed?

      I'm sorry, but that "sins of the father" crap really gets on my nerves.

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Well call me skeptical. Is there one bit of evidence or proof that this was the KKK or even a cracker. None that has been presented.
    Remember the church that burned during the Ferguson riots? Supposedly KKK according to the black residents. Turns out it wasn't true.
    How about this story about a black woman set afire by KKK for wearing an Obama T shirt. Here was the Headline:
    Black Woman Burned Alive by KKK for Wearing Obama T-Shirt
    Here is the narrative collapse:

    I'll leave it to Rev'm Al to blame the white people for all their self-inflicted woes. I'm a decent white person that wants actual evidence and proof before condemning someone.
    Besides, sticks and stones...

    orlin sellers

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      It is most likely some high school kids pulling a prank. An ugly prank, but a prank. KKK doesn't go around spray painting graffiti.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Why don't you focus on that paragon of white virtue, Sarah Palin. She clearly needs decent white folks to straighten her out.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Don't kid yourself, Orlin. You're not that decent.

    4. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Yes, Orlin, those two examples you gave carry much more weight than the thousands of racist slurs and violence against minorities that happen every year.

      It is interesting that when you see racist graffiti spray painted on a rock, the first thing you think is, "I bet a black person did this." False flag!!!!!1111!!!!1

    5. Anonymous10:54 AM

      The facts are, according to statistics:
      93% of blacks are killed by blacks.
      83% of crimes committed against whites are by blacks.
      If you wanna argue this, contact the FBI & DOJ.

      As far as racial slurs go, "sticks and stones..."

      orlin sellers

    6. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Orlin, Before you descend back into your slimy cave, you could benefit from learning some facts about racism and ethnic hatred in the US from the Southern Poverty Law Center. And, yes, Orlin, the KKK is alive and well (unfortunately) in the US.

    7. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Morris Dees is known as the "King of Hate" along with his $250 million bank account. And isn't it telling that the FBI does not endorse or their web content.
      I couldn't care less about the KKK, NAACP, ADL, or any of the rest of these racist assholes. Unlike so many dumb ass white citizens who are caked in white guilt, I don't buy into that bullshit.

      orlin sellers

    8. Anonymous1:50 PM

      No fool

    9. Anonymous1:55 PM

      No again

    10. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Orlin, you are either not understanding the statistics or being purposefully misleading. Break down those statistics and tell us how many crimes LIKE THE ONE PERPETRATED IN THIS CASE are committed by African Americans against African American.

      In murder cases, victims are usually killed by someone of their same race and/or ethnicity, because the victim and perpetrator are usually known to each other. But we aren't talking about murder here, as you well know.

      By the way, your statistics for that are a little off on murder by race, but perhaps you aren't using the most up-to-date FBI statistics.

      Second, it is not true that 83% of crimes against Whites are committed by African Americans. Since you mention the FBI and the DOJ (although, more specifically, you mean the BJS), please show me where in the NCVS or the NIBRS you found that particular percentage.

      Finally, why would you even bring up the percentage of crimes against Whites perpetrated by African Americans? That is in no way relevant to this case unless you have an ulterior motive.

  9. ibwilliamsi8:13 AM

    It seems like only six days ago SC set aside the felony convictions of the "Friendship Nine" for sitting at a whites only lunch counter in Rock Hill in 1961 for which they spent 30 days on a chain gang. It seems that way because it REALLY DID take SC 54 years to set those convictions aside.

    It sure didn't take them long to turn that idea of acceptance around. Let me assure you that this story is being told NOWHERE in the news in the Rock Hill area.

  10. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Well hello kkk,
    Thanks for the sentiment and taking time away from your chores.It must be hard to spend all of your time on finding white hood material,hating ,being spineless and all.
    We will take it. It was very thoughtful.A bit misplaced , but nonetheless thoughtful.

  11. Anonymous8:43 AM

    OT, but once you have spoken up against racism here, consider going to:
    C4p posted the link today and it would be fun to drown their praise of sarah with some "praise" of our own.

  12. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah needs to take the can of spray paint away from Bristol!!!

  13. I doubt this was the KKK unless the students at the school are members. This was high school students. Yep, racism starts early. Perhaps they were looking to be accepted as full fledged adult members in the local KKK chapter. Sorta like pledging your local gang.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Do you really think the KKK avoids harassing children? It most likely was to intimidate the students and their parents. They have always attacked children, people alone, because they are nothing but cowards.

  14. Smirnonn10:18 AM

    "I have never said, and would never say, because it’s not true, that Republicans, all Republicans are racist. That would be silly and wrong. But nowadays if you are racist, you are probably a Republican." - Bill Maher

  15. Anonymous12:10 PM

    This was the month that quitter gov, Sarah Palin, ignored and didn't recognize until she was forced to. Typical racist that she was and is!


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