Tuesday, February 03, 2015

If only Iowans were allowed to vote in Presidential elections Chris Christie and Jeb Bush would not stand a chance.

A new poll shows that Iowa Republicans do not want ANYTHING to do with what they see as establishment candidates.

Here is more courtesy of the Washington Post: 

While Romney's favorable/unfavorable split is 57/40 (This poll was taken before Romney took his name out of contention.), Bush's is even worse: 46/43. And New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's image is downright bad: 36 percent favorable vs. 54 percent unfavorable. Again, this is among Republicans. 

Other, less establishment-oriented Republicans don't have this problem. Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) is at 64/25. Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is at 66/28. Walker is an unparalleled 60/12. None of the Democrats have this problem, either; Hillary Rodham Clinton is at 84/15, Vice President Biden is at 78/20, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) is at 58/11. 

The reason voters are picking on Romney, Bush and Christie? It's because they are perceived as too moderate. Thirty-seven percent each say Romney and Bush are too moderate, while 46 percent say that about Christie. Nobody else comes close.

Personally I don't think the Iowa caucus means anything for Republican candidates these days. After all Huckabee won in 2008 and Rick Santorum won in 2012. Did anybody see their name on the ballot for those years?

However it does indicate that if Jeb Bush has any hope of attracting the Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin crowd he is going to have to do some serious pandering.

Oh and he needs to awkwardly eat a corn dog as well.

For some reason these conservative folks in the Midwest just love seeing a politician cram a piping hot tube of meat in their mouths.  I'm not sure why.


  1. there are reasons why a big meat in their mouths, keeps them from talking..

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The GOP's New War on Obama: Meet the Men Doing the Dirty Work

    Now in control of Congress, Republicans are bent on destroying Obama's legacy


    and here's why:

    The Obama Hope and Change Index: 6 Years of Progress, By the Numbers

    55 figures that prove President Obama has accomplished more than you may realize


  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Yo G, do you really think it's the conservatives in the Midwest that love the pics of the corn dog jam? Who do you suppose took those pics and released them to the world to enjoy?

    Small tip to all candidates: careful of what you shove in your mouth.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      And then be extra careful what come OUT of your mouth.

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Why is Iowa even relevant? None of the attendees of the Freedom Summit stand a chance. As been stated else where, they all are political grifters ala grandma Palin. The media attention for all these losers is astounding. Like Bilo said, its just one big fucking reality show.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Iowa did an end run around New Hampshire to bag the spotlight first for the start of presidential campaign. New Hampshire enacted a law saying their primary would always be first even if they have to move back a ridiculous number of days. So Iowa doesn't do a primary, instead it's a caucus. So NH doesn't come before Iowa.

      The caucus results are open to wide interpretation because its pretty haphazard who votes and why. Not a secret ballot.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    The Republican Cult of the Penis Has Replaced Christianity


    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      That is funny! Can you imagine doing that with a John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, etc. Makes me laugh and want to puke!

  6. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Southern way to eat corn dog ...

    Mix mayo and mustard ... dip dog in it ...then eat it. Wash down with R.C. Cola

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      And do it in your backyard, not in front of cameramen.

    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Yea, totally gross in front of cameras! You'd never catch this Pacific northwestern resident eating one like that! It would make most folks gag unless they have learned to properly 'swallow'!

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Well they seem to be adept at whatever they are doing and enjoying it.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    A new YouGov survey has found that the two titans of the Democratic Party, President Obama and former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, have been named the most admired man and woman in the United States.

    The list was compiled by asking respondents two questions. Who do you most admire, and who do you truly admire? From a political point of view, this poll demonstrates the power of Clinton name. Bill and Hillary Clinton have a strong brand and powerful legacy to run on. Their years of supporting President Obama have smoothed over what remains of the divide from the 2008 primary and have established former Sec. Clinton as the dominant frontrunner in the Democratic Party.


    The two towering figures of Democratic Party politics are also the most admired man and woman in the United States. In a massive study conducted by YouGov in the United States and around the world, the American public have said that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the most admired public figures alive today. Though Hillary has not officially declared her candidacy for the 2016 presidential elections, she is widely considered a favorite to follow Barack Obama into the White House. As this year's Most Admired survey shows, she enjoys widespread public esteem, both here and abroad.


  9. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Jeb Bush is already toast in Iowa: Poll


  10. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The GOP: Still the Party of Stupid

    That Scott Walker speech was great? It was shallow, tedious, and wrong. In other words, it struck the perfect chord for today’s GOP voters.


  11. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The Next Palin Is in Your Pigsty

    The Embarracuda is finished. Where will her peeps go? To one obvious successor. She may not field dress a moose, but she castrates pigs.

    Before the 2016 campaign for president could even begin in earnest, the greatest political romance of our times has already died. And it could make all the difference next November.

    In a turn that was perhaps inevitable but nonetheless remarkable, Sarah Palin delivered a hyped-up speech (at Iowa's high-profile Freedom Summit) that drew disappointing reviews from within her own base of support.

    To the surprise of no one, Palin's critics blew a gasket straining to capture the extent of their contempt for the warmed-over address. An apparent TelePrompTer malfunction -- the nightmare of pols ten times more polished and canny than Palin -- only added to their sense of gleeful horror.

    But with her rambling rehash of familiar tropes and postures, Palin finally outlasted the patience and goodwill of her own core constituency -- the red-meat grassroots and the movement conservative media. Without any infrastructure, without any institutional platform, Palin could always count on her brand of performance art to put going rogue back in vogue. No longer.


    1. laurensd110:14 AM

      That is ONE precious article.
      Hot damn!

      The reason the Iowans like hot dog phallic pictures is because most conservative religious freaks exhibit repressed sexuality in one form or another. That is why incest and deviant sexual behavior is glaringly higher especially in the Appalachian regions.
      Iowa, too, is very much "churchy."
      I grew up 7 miles from the Iowa border in southern Minnesota. The Reformed Church kids could not watch, tv, movies, dance or play cards. All they could do was attend church twice on Sundays, Wednesday nights and play softball in the summer.
      Lots of back seat in the car surprise babies.

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Sarah Palin and her family have created a now famous 'pigsty' in Wasilla!

      Sad, sad that they have marked Wasilla and Alaska in such a manner and so horribly! Will the state ever recover?

    3. Anonymous11:29 AM

      We recovered from Palin a long time ago. Alaska's been done with her ever since she quit her job and many of us never supported her to begin with. She was elected Governor only because she was in the midst of a perfect political storm, she beat a hated incumbent in the primary and then rallied the "churchy people" to get out and vote for her, while many moderates and Democrats stayed home because they didn't like their candidate. Then everyone woke up, even most of the church people.

    4. Anonymous12:21 PM

      11:29 AM Except for the Baptist Temple and their leader, Prevo, in Anchorage. They are preached Republican ways from his pulpit and he gets them all out in force when needed!

      And, his church pays no real estate taxes - has numerous properties - that include homes for his teachers that are employed at the school (religious) also on the property by the Temple!

      Anchorage and Alaska are the losers when it comes to Prevo and his flock! The current government in Alaska is majority Republican and so are Prevo and his flock!

    5. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Who was the governor in Alaska's storm? Name please?

    6. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Totally disagree 11:29 AM

      Alaska has NOT recovered from the sewage of Palin which is still continuing and reflecting upon them as a whole.

      They voted for her as governor, which in hindsight, reflects horribly upon Alaska's voters!

      Plus, she is referred to either as 'quitter' gov of Alaska OR Governor Palin of Alaska OR Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and is talked about in the national news and on many blogs STILL!

      Be it positive or negative commentary, it still reflects upon Alaskans and Alaska.

      Alaskan indicate that when they leave their state and visit with others across the country that the first thing they are asked about is Sarah Palin - and, do they like her or not!

      Alaskans are going to have a long time washing their hands of her! Much as will John McCain whose entire life will have her glued to him, due to having selected her for his campaign without vetting her in Alaska!

      Sarah Palin has left a huge stain on many to include her family members and Alaskans!

  12. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The GOP’s Long Love Affair With Schmucks

    Why Republicans fall in love with inexperienced, no-hope candidates every four years.

    Conservative Republicans have finally called it quits with short-term former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (she lasted just two-and-a-half years in that position before quitting). The final straw, it seems, is the 2008 vice-presidential candidate’s recent speech at the “Iowa Freedom Summit” that has charitably been called “an interminable ramble,” “an extended stream-of-consciousness complaint,” and simply “bizarro.”

    So America’s most-famous snowbilly is out of the running for the 2016 Republican nomination. But what about all the other manifestly unqualified novices, jackasses, and publicity hounds that surface every four years when the GOP starts fishing for someone/anyone that can beat whatever sad sack of chum the Democrats toss in the water?

    Unlike the Democrats, who never stray far from career politicians when selecting a presidential candidate, Republicans always seem to be looking for some sort of otherworldly savior to waltz in and take the country by storm. Someone unsullied by, you know, much (if any) actual experience in holding office, winning elections, and governing on a daily basis. Though GOP voters typically end up selecting major-state governors (Reagan, Bush II) or long-serving, partly mummified senators (Dole, McCain), they spend a hell of a lot time in primary season dancing with some pretty strange suitors.


  13. Smirnonn10:10 AM

    While this is good news I don't think it'll phase the puppetmasters of the gotp. They are waging their war and implementing their regressive policies at the state level, i.e. the kochs and alec.

    Please vote in ALL elections, peeps! :)

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Is the Republican plan to kill off as many young ones as possible with the measles across the nation? Decrease the population the country that they feel is growing too quickly?

      No vaccinations, more deaths!!! They are one sick assed party and I don't trust any of them as far as I could throw them - especially the fat, bully Chris Christie!

  14. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Christie lost any chance he had after not coming out strongly for vaccines. This measles outbreak is not over and will continue to get worse. I fear at least one child will die of it before the next election. And I fear that child will end up being a child with issues who can't be vaccinated and relies on herd immunity.

  15. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Picture signification above?: trying to teach us all how to eat each other's dicks?

    Typical Republican/Tea Party masquerade'!

  16. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Per the long meat in the mouth pictures...where is our beloved Orlin sellers when there is a subject that he is knowledgeable enough to weigh in on?

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Orlin is a fat white old man that will always envy anyone with a normal sized penis. It's okay Orlin,a micropenis is a horrid thing to live with.

  17. hauksdottir11:06 AM

    Note to Fair-going politicians:

    You realize that the reporting scrum is lying in wait for you to stuff your mouth with something embarrassing, yet you must eat during a long day. Why give them a chance?

    Therefore, start the day with solid protein (steak or ham and eggs), orange juice or mixed fruit, and go easy on the carbs (no pancakes). This gives energy to start and the protein digests slowly to impede the sugar roller-coaster of fair-food.

    THEN during the day at the Fair, you can nibble on small stuff which still allows you to chat with supporters and answer questions. Neatly.

    A lick of ice cream or bite of pastry or sample of chocolate can allow several stops at various vendors, showing support and keeping things moving. Even if the Fair Special is a pretzel covered with blueberries and chocolate, or other abominations, the solid breakfast will help defend you.

    After a couple of bites, fair food nibblies can be discretely handed off to an aide (and disposed of) while signing autographs or shaking hands. Not so with a foot-long penis substitute.

    And, keep hydrated.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      And wash hands, wash hands, wash hands.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      You seem to be assuming they don't want to have their picture taken doing a deep throat impersonation. Could be they relish the opportunity. ....just sayin'

  18. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I'm taking a very strong look at this guy as an alternative to Hillary:

    The progressive executive: How Martin O’Malley plans to run for president







    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      You made me look. He is interesting.

  19. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I was born, grew up, and was educated in Iowa - I got a very good education from a public school and a state university. I don't know what happened to my home state - poor leadership (thank you for THAT, Terry Bransted). I used to be proud to say I was to be from Iowa. Now the best thing I can say about Iowa is that at least it's not Illinois.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.