Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Professor John Oliver educates us about U.S. Territories.

I don't know about all of you but I think I would like Jon Oliver to be the one to teach me everything about U.S. history, policies, and of course racism, from now on.


  1. Cracklin Charlie6:32 AM

    John's my choice to replace Jon at The Daily Show. I really like him.

    But, Tina would be great, too.

    1. Oliver is under contract to HBO. Don't think he'd be able to get out of it so Comedy Central missed the boat on that one.

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM


  3. Mass Patriot7:27 AM

    When he was still working for The Daily Show, he was also touring with a stand-up routine. I learned about his appearance in our rather small city just the day after he was here. He's on to bigger and better things now -- he's brilliant. He's got the brains, and he has the outsider's view of our system.

    Although he's become an American citizen and married a woman who served as a soldier in Iraq. A fascinating man.

    1. fromthediagonal10:44 AM

      Mass Patriot @ 7:27 am:
      Your thoughts of Mr. Oliver mirror mine. He is, indeed, brilliant, and not just in the British way of using that term.
      I think that this nation needs views which do not mirror the accepted, xenophobic "we are exceptional", way of looking at world politics.

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Big fact that I learned was that American Samoans do not automatically get US citizenship--that ain't right! It's got to be humiliating having to go to the immigration department of your own government and have to ask to be a citizen.

  5. Anonymous8:35 AM

    That is very power humor!

  6. I can't wait until mid April so I can get HBO Now on my Apple TV.

  7. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Just a quick reminder that Jon Oliver does a very funny weekly podcast with British comedian Andy Zaltzman.


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