Thursday, March 12, 2015

Michele Bachmann to portray Michele Bachmann in "Sharknado 3." Okay what in the hell is happening?

"Okay just so ya know, I'm not playing a shark. I'm playing a people."
Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) on Tuesday starred in a cameo for "Sharknado 3," the cult-classic fantasy movie series featuring vicious, airborne sharks riding deadly tornadoes from the sea. The 2012 Republican presidential candidate was spotted with a film crew outside the White House, presumably before the disaster hits Washington, D.C. 

"I believe they are growing in size. Congress has to take this seriously because sharknado is a real phenomenon," Bachmann said in a scene, before excusing herself for a vote on the Hill a couple of miles away. 

After several takes, which were filmed among a gathering of tourists on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Bachmann's first -- though we certainly hope not last -- movie role came to an end.

Okay you know I think that Michele Bachmann may have just out Palin'd Sarah Palin.

It must have been hard for the creators of Sharknado 3 to create a parody of a person, who was already a parody of herself.

Okay if somebody will promise me that Bachmann is messily devoured by a flying shark at some point in the film I might actually waste 90 minutes watching this crap.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I think the people in charge of producing this film will find that Bachmann will not draw crowds to the theatre.

    1. I don't think that was their intent.

      I think they are lampooning Republicans and are probably delighted they scored Bachmann for this.

      Unfortunately it will not make her look more ridiculous than she already is. Nothing could do that. She is already a buffoon.

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Big head , little body.No brain cells. Certainly no evidence of intelligence.
    We dodged another bullet.

    1. Albert Einstein6:33 AM

      But -- she was on the House Intelligence Committee!
      Surely that indicates an IQ of at least 95!

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      6:33 I'm surprised. I thought it was a mandatory 60 or below

  3. According to one article I read, a couple of witnesses to this comedic display, one to the other asked;"Who is that, anyway", to wit, the other commented; I don't know, I think it's someone playing the part of a Congress person".
    Kind of says it all, doesn't it?

  4. Someone needs to tell her it's not real, just a movie...Nah, that's ok, let her stew awhile

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    She isn't listed in the cast, but this skank is:

    Ann Coulter ... Vice President

    1. Rumor has it she was dating Jimmie JJ Walker.
      Didn't he ever get the short end of that stick.
      I'm guessing she got the longer end. LOL ;-)

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    "I am NOT a shark"....

  7. Olivia7:12 AM

    Oh come on, you know she thinks she is filming a documentary. Finally, at long last, she can show Washington and the Federal Government as only she knows it.

  8. LOL.

    And I'll bet she is just as convincing talking about flying sharks as she is when talking government policy.

    No, not a good actress. Just an air head that can't differentiate a bad movie from her version of reality.

    And Ann Coulter? Seriously? Man, Palin is going to be so jealous. Bet she calls them up and begs to be in Sharknado 4.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      She already did and they turned her down.

    2. "Man, Palin is going to be so jealous. Bet she calls them up and begs to be in Sharknado 4."
      Sadly, I think they have already cast all the sharks that they need.

  9. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Deal breaker must have been Sarah insisting that there be a role also too for Bristol the Pistol. She's as good an actress as "Somewhere Amazing" Mama Grizzly.

  10. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Oooooooh. You know Sarah Palin is home throwing shit at the refrigerator when she found this out.

    "They asked Bachmann and not ME??? I'm a bigger show business celebrity than her! TODD!!!! Bring me some of the kids meth and go lock Trig in the cellar, I need to unwind!!"

  11. Boscoe9:27 AM

    Pff. Wasted opportunity. CLEARLY she should've been denying the existence of sharknadoes claiming "the science isn't in yet".

    ...seconds before a sahrk flies in and bites her head off.

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:27 AM

    You mean, no one contacted "Ready For My Close Up" Palin to play the part of the film's one and only flying barracuda?

  13. SallyinMI11:08 AM

    Wait. She is no longer in Congress. What 'vote' was she hurrying off to?

  14. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Naturally, Bachman will have to pimp herself out for roles like this if she wants to stay "visible" or something like it. She was a joke, is a joke and will always be a joke. The worst part is that she was elected and re-elected and now has a lovely pension to enjoy.

  15. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Once again, Gryphen, you've buried the lede.

    The real story is that ALL members of the 2012 and 2016 GOP clown car cavalcade of risible presidential candidate wannabes have been invited to star in Sharknado 4: A New Hope and the advance word is that most of them have signed on to play "comedic versions of themselves".

    Apparently the characters will all be killed when a sharknado blows down the tent they've gathered at a rural conservative BBQ-fundraiser featuring a gun giveaway, an obama effigy hanging, a cow pie eating contest, a group bible thumping, a mass animal slaughter by grade school children, a right wing blood shower(??), an authentic cross burning, a mock lynching (to demonstrate the evils of racism and to entertain the crowd) and a ho down (with real ho's bused in from Vegas)

    And what's a sharknado?

  16. Anonymous8:00 PM

    What is with these Rethugs and TV /movies?

    Do they all want to follow their leader Ronnie that made the Oscar winning movie Bedtime for Bonzo or is it because they have been acting the whole time they were in Congress?


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