Wednesday, March 11, 2015

More fallout from that traitorous Republican letter to the Iranian government.

Boy Senator Bernie Sanders certainly did not mince words:  

Speaking with a group of reporters following his speech at the International Association of Fire Fighters presidential forum in Washington, the Vermont senator said the 47 Republican senators warning Iran of a deal on its nuclear program are trying to “sabotage” a agreement. Story Continued Below 

“[M]y Republican friends seem to be itching for that war,” said Sanders, an independent who is openly considering a presidential bid as a Democrat. “When you sabotage the effort to reach a peace agreement by the leader of the United States of America — the man who is charged with dealing with foreign policy — that, to me, is really unspeakable.” 

My sentiments exactly!

And there are a whole lot of people who feel the same. Which explains why a petition urging the federal government to file charges against the 47 senators for violating the Logan Act has already received almost 150,000 signatures.

As for the traitors themselves, well some of them have started to rethink their decision to sign that letter in the first place: 

A day after releasing a letter that potentially threatened the administration’s negotiations with Iran, some Republicans who signed on are realizing it was a bad call. 

Behind the scenes, Republicans are wondering if sending an open letter to Iran’s leaders was the best strategy to keep a bad nuclear deal from being negotiated.

Yeah well too fucking late. This is adulthood, there are to "take backs."

No these assholes made this choice and let's hope that it causes them all kinds of problem with their constituents and in their bids for reelection.

I mean at some point, enough has to be enough.


  1. Jim in Texas9:05 AM

    Nope. Their constituents either [1] like it, or [2] won't understand the implications of it. Or both.

    1. Leland9:51 AM

      Or 3.) their constituents don't care what it is as long as 14 as a way of slapping POTUS.

    2. Leland2:09 AM

      Hhhmmm. Let me adjust that a little. Drop the stuff between "as" and "it". (Where did THAT come from?)

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Well, allI have to say is forget their bid for re-election, they need to be prosecuted for treason and go to prison! If that doesn't happen, they need resign! They are bent on bringing down the government and set up their fascist government. Most of them are these far-right Christians who think they are forcing Armageddon and they will be raptured up to heaven! Won't they be surprised when they found out they believed a lie and they're lost in the they forced to start! Such idiots! And they are taking down the world with them! We won't have to worry about global warming because we will all be extinct.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:01 AM

      9:11am--This. It'll be hard to vote them out, I'm afraid, because their Koch/Adelson/Dominonist masters will continue to play their money and election games. As Gryphen said, they're adults (uh, I think...) and should be made to suffer some sort of consequence. If not, the Teabaggin' Congress will continue to see what other off-the-wall shenanigans they can get away with. Hopefully, none of this will lead to WWIII, like their end times asshole constituents slather over--but I agree, wouldn't it be a surprise if those sanctimonious dicks discover there's no heaven--imagine that...

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Republicans are pushing for an uprising within the USA against their own government. I hope they realize there are many Americans across the nation prepared for them!

      They are a disgrace to our nation and should be done away with - put on trial for treason and serve the rest of their lives in jail.

      Let them meet the majority that are now serving sentences in prisons - Republicans are racists and members of the KKK - they would get their due!

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      I think an even better outcome would be if God DOES exist . . . they think He's not moving fast enough to please their narcissistic little human selves, so they will force Him to bend to their will! Stupid, stupid people.

    4. Anonymous10:29 AM

      I fail to understand WHY letting Iran have a nuclear weapon is so terrible. EVERYONE else has theirs. If Israel was as close to us as it is to Iran, I would want to be ready for anything too. Who the HELL dies and made Israel KING of the middle east? It is a small country, destroying Palestine, and wanting to dominate Iran, too. Who is the REAL threat here? Obviously, the leaders in Iran are superior in intelligence to any of the 47 treasonous bastards who signed that letter. Are there ANY actual ADULTS in the other party, or are they all sulky little kids like widdle lumpy Johnny Mac, who will never forgive our President for being superior to him in every way?

    5. Anonymous11:00 AM

      They use 'their' supposed god! There is none! Less and less Christians in the USA and then what are they going to do?

      Many of the Republican are elderly and will be dying off - replaced by younger folks! Most of the young folks I know do not begin to think as they do!

      Our world is changing fast!

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Why are some of the names on there twice?

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    As reported on Wonkette, some GOP "staffers," (read traitorous Senators) are pretending that it was all a light-hearted joke. No one's laughing.

    The GOP stopped being a political party some time ago, and now is nothing but a corporate shill. In this case, they want wars for their defense contractor contributors.

    Thomas Friedman's column in today's NYTimes is a blistering indictment of Sheldon Adelson, and the many ways in which he's spending his billions, in the U.S. and Israel, to foment war.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      I hope these jerks know that if all of this comes to war with nuclear weapons that the USA will be involved and death, in our country will come to many! It will not be fighting on the ground as in previous wars.

      They are promoting war and are nothing more than fucking idiots!

      Americans better be paying attention and vote every Republican out of office in 2016 that they can!

      And, they need to vote for Hillary Clinton as POTUS!

    2. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Yeah. Sort of like when someone bullies you and demeans you and when you protest they say "Can't you take a joke?"

    3. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Take a good look at Sheldon Adelson. He looks like someone already dropped a bomb on him. Looks like he fell out of the "ugy tree" and hit EVERY branch on the way down.

  5. A.J. Billings9:24 AM

    Just wrote a polite, but assertive letter to my Senator from NH, Kelly Ayotte, protesting her signature on this travesty.

    This makes the Clinton email "scandal" pale in comparison, and should be front and center when these 47 Senators come up for election.

    Of course for Tom Cotton in S Carolina, not much will threaten him, because the Teabot medicine is strong in his state, and he could join an Aryan nation group, and still win re-election

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      If he joins the Aryan nation, he'll no doubt have a lifetime Senate seat.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Here is the site for the 13 Benghazis during GW Bush's terms:

    3. He's from Arkansas, same same.

    4. Anonymous11:38 AM


      instead of coming up coming up for re-election they should be awaiting their trial for treason/sedition !!

    5. An indictment, prosecution and incarceration would put a stop to his re-election plans.

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    They are republican. There is no " enough" nor "too much".

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    They won't be held accountable. They never are. That is why they behave this way.

    1. According to Politicususa, some 22 large newspapers from coast to coast have written scathing editorials about the Repub Senators, their letter and their behaviour. This isn't going away anytime soon.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      That party is going to lose big time in 2016! Can hardly wait to watch them drag their white, fat asses back to where they came from!

    3. Anonymous2:09 PM

      I wish you were right, 12:53 but sad to say that nothing will change because of a little thing called gerrymandering. If we want change we all need to elect Democratic governors so that when the next census rolls around in 2020 Democrats draw the legislative lines for representatives and senators.

    4. If they had been held accountable for Neytanyahu we may never have seen this letter written.

      As long as they are allowed to get away with this crap unscathed, they will continue to push the envelope.

    5. Anonymous6:50 PM

      12:53 : Don't hold your breath! By 2016, the voters will have forgotten all of this and vote for these a$$es again. Remember the uproar about the 'war on women' last year? The voters totally forgot all about it, and voted the same sh*t in again - and they immediately went on to re-inforce their war on women.

  8. A friend of mine calls the GOP the Get Obama Party. These idiot Gang of 47 seem to forget that we are not the only country that is trying to seek a solution with Iran. This letter is a slap in the face of all the other P5+1 We have to be the laughingstock

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      I'm stealing that. Get Obama Party.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Perfect! They assuredly are and one racist, nasty bunch!

    3. Anonymous12:26 PM

      That needs to be a Twitter hashtag.

  9. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I think Tom Cotton is trying to steal Ted Cruze's Thunder.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Great. The Teabaggers can spend all their energy and money attacking each other to get in front of the cameras.

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Next up on the senate agenda: repeal of the Logan Act.

    1. Won't help them after the fact. They still violated it while it was the law.

  11. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I'm so grateful that MY Senators, Stabenow and Peters, are Democrats. And sane.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Ditto for Murphy and Blumenthal.

    2. Yes indeed. I am stuck with Benishek as rep, but at least he is not in the Senate.

    3. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Fortunately, I can say once again, "Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts." (ref: Nixon's election win in 1973.)

    4. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Nefer, I was thinking the same thing about "Dr. Dan."

    5. MiShell2:40 PM

      Nefer, Beaglemom, oh my, yes. Dr. "I'm a scientist, and I say climate change isn't real" Dan. Our mutual rep is an asshole.

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Ok IM Fam, any suggestions on how to put Pat Toomey PA on blast?

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      I'm from PA as well and will post to facebook. I just want to know if Senators are considered unauthorized citizens as stated in the Logan Act. I know what they did is ridiculous dangerous treasonous bullshit, but can they say as Senators they are authorized?

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      There seems to be a question about whether or not they are.
      The Senate historian says he can find no precedent in the history of the U.S. Senate for Senators to approach a foreign nation in this manner.

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      10:16 Hey my fellow Pennsylvanian, I just called his office and voiced my opinion, I know it won't change anything but Damn! I felt good getting it off my chest.

    4. "want to know if Senators are considered unauthorized citizens as stated in the Logan Act"
      This is an interesting question. One could make a case that as elected US officials, they are authorized citizens.

      On the other hand, generally the executive branch is tasked with foreign policy matters, with the senate playing only an advise and consent role.

      As the republican buffoons are always shrieking about "executive overreach", I think a case could be made that the senators, as members of the legislative branch, are not authorized to negotiate or interfere with executive agreements.

    5. These 47 senators are NOT authorized to negotiate with leaders of other countries. That is the job of our PRESIDENT.

      This senate has been trying to usurp the executive branch for 6 years. Time and again they state the president doesn't have the power to do this or that, while they obstruct everything he tries to do.

      I so want them all slapped upside the face. This is the last straw.

      I want the Justice Department to serve warrants on the 47 and indict them under the Logan Act. Let it play out in court. Even if they get off, the stink of the mud on their faces will last until the next election.

  13. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The 1st thing our new AG. Ms. Loretta Lynch once confirmed should do, is appoint Eric Holder as a special prosecutor to pursue these treasonous acts and turn over the Cheney (aka bush) administration to the international court. Period!

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Wouldn't that be a hoot to watch (and so warranted!). Eric Holder would be perfect for the job!

  14. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The asshole carpetbagger, Dan Sullivan, the Ohio guy from Alaska signed this. Alaskans once again elected someone who does nothing but harm their state and nation! What idiots!

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Senator Lisa Murkowski R-AK did not sign this circle jerk men with heads up the assholes bully buddy gang bang threat to the world and long term peace. Fuck U Sarah Palin, traitors ALL. Are we a country with integrity or just a cesspool of Narcissistic Thugs.

    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      10:24 AM It's the first time that Lisa Murkowski did something smart! She knows she is in big trouble in Alaska in 2016. Check her record as she usually doesn't operate brilliantly!

    3. Hopefully this will serve to bite Dan a big one in the ass when he comes up for re-election.

      If he's not in prison with the 47 other seditionists.

  15. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I signed the petition, but need to clarify: Are Senators considered "unauthorized citizens" in this case? I'm certainly not a troll..but before I post this to facebook I want my talking points in order. Thanks to anyone who responds.

    1. hedgewytch10:32 AM

      If they had wanted to speak as "private citizens" they shouldn't have put their names on a letter on Congressional Letterhead.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      They spoke as Congressmen against our sitting POTUS, President Obama! They all committed treason and should be put on trial and then death!

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      The 47 were certainly not authorized to conduct foreign policy. That is something done by the President; it's very clearly specified in the Constitution, the document that George W. Bush called "just a piece of paper.". The Senate's job with regard to foreign policy is to ratify treaties and approve nominations by the president for sec'y of state, etc.

      The proposed multinational agreement with Iran is not a treaty, so the Senate would not have to ratify it. Given the warmongering-but-at-the-same-time- isolationist GOP stance in recent years, the Senate hasn't yet ratified the treaty concerning the protection of the oceans. With regard to Iran, the GOP-controlled Senate could get into a purple snit about sanctions and cause problems there.

  16. Yeah, that's going to look good when these ass hats bare up for re-election, a picture of them side by side with the Ayatollah.
    Cotton should be taken into custody for flaunting the Logan Act.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      It is so apparent that the 'upstart' Cotton knows nothing about the law. He is going to be an inept trouble maker and needs to be watched closely. Can hardly wait for 2016!

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      All of 'em should be doing the 'perp march.

  17. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Yep, Cory Gardner (R-Co)

    Thanks once again to my fellow Colorado democrats for staying home on election day because they were all pissy about Pres. Obama and Mark Udall. Way to go!

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Hey, I feel your pain in spades. I voted, though--so did my 7 Democrat kids.

      Denver and Boulder did their best, but thanks to all the surrounding red counties, it just wasn't enough.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Thanks, 10:46! My husband and I both voted for Udall as well.

      Unfortunately, there were plenty of dems in Denver and Boulder who sat this one out because Udall wasn't perfect. I guess they showed him, huh?

      (arghhh, it makes me mad)

    3. Anonymous11:57 AM

      7 kids... wow, good to see raised them properly

  18. Anonymous10:09 AM

    My senators are not on the list because I am proudly from a blue state. I will not even purposefully visit a red state and only enter one to change planes as I have to do this week when I fly into and out of Atlanta.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      You are so lucky to be from a blue state, 10:09 AM!

      Republicans need to be voted out of office across America. They are doing nothing but harm our country.

      Those that signed that awful letter should be hanged as someone else already noted. I would recommend it being done in front of their D.C. building - for all to observe! And, the traitors John McCain and Mitch McConnell should be the first two put to death!

    2. Anonymous1:01 PM

      I live in a red suburb of a blue city in a blue state.

      It gets a little dizzying sometimes, although I'm glad to say that even my red suburb isn't right wing red, thank goodness.

    3. Yep. No California senators would touch that piece of excrement.

      I imagine the Republicans knew better than to even approach any Democratic senators for signature. Otherwise they would have lost their "surprise".

  19. hedgewytch10:13 AM

    Very disappointed in Jon Stewart's coverage of this last night. His staff dropped the ball by trying to create a false equivalency "They Both Did It" by equating the visit by Nancy Pelosi as a private citizen to Syria in order to stimulate discussion and stop a war, as the same as Republicans writing a joint letter on Congressional letterhead to derail talks that might cause a nuclear war. NOT THE SAME THING AT ALL!

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      I noticed that, as well. I'm really wondering if he already knows his next gig and needs to start placating. "both sides." Very disappointed if that's going to be his approach for his last shows....

    2. Yes, I was disappointed also. I like Stewart and the Daily Show, but he does miss the mark on occasion.

    3. Anonymous12:28 PM

      The GOP-47 and those supporting their 'Open Letter' are despicable. In their effort to sabotage Pres. Obama and the current, critically important negotiations with Iran, the idiots said the U.S. can't be trusted in its international dealings and agreements.

      But it's not treason.

      I don't understand how calling it that helps hold the idiots accountable or helps replace them with Democrats.

    4. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Oops. Comment at 12:28 was meant as a general comment not as a reply to hedgewytch.

    5. Boscoe3:18 PM

      Yeah, it was surprising. Trying to open communications with a leader the President is trying to ostracize is very different than openly trying to undermine a peace process and start a war.

  20. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I read IM regularly, but I feel as though I'm living in a foreign country here in Massachusetts.
    Let's see -- Elizabeth Warren or Lisa Murkowski?

    Most of New England is blue. Remember, we're some of the first colonies. The Tea Party was held in Boston, Massachusetts, thank you very much. These numbskulls -- Cotton, Cruz, Romney -- had a great time getting a Harvard education, in Massachusetts. It seemed to do them no good.

    Sarah, please don't stop by again to lecture us about Paul Revere. Read Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem instead.

    We have a state holiday, Patriot's Day, on the Monday closest to April 18th. Ask Sarah why.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Lisa Murkowski? Give me a break! Check her out in Alaska! She's bringing in the big dogs (same ones that carpetbagger, Dan Sullivan used for his election in Alaska) because she knows she is in trouble in the state!

      Many of us are planning on campaigning against her as she speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Watch what she says and then how she votes - normally totally the opposite! She damned near lost her last election!

  21. H.W. Longfellow10:26 AM

    He said to his friend, "If the British march
    By land or sea from the town to-night,
    Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
    Of the North Church tower as a signal light,—
    One, if by land, and two, if by sea;
    And I on the opposite shore will be,
    Ready to ride and spread the alarm
    Through every Middlesex village and farm,
    For the country folk to be up and to arm."
    Then he said, "Good night!" and with muffled oar
    Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Gee, that's different from Sarah Palin's version. I guess she never learned any Longfellow poems in elementary school.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      $arah's concept of poetry amounts to cat in the hat, full stop

      Palin's "longfellow" was Glenn Rice

  22. FrostyAK10:51 AM

    Bernie Sanders is a national treasure. If only he had the name recognition of the dynasties (Clinton and bush). His age is against his running for president as well.

    Those 47 should be charged with treason, tried, convicted and hanged in the public square - along with their puppet masters the kochs. But then the Tundra Turd (tm) should have had all that done as well for disparaging the president while she was on her whirlwind world tour in India and Isreal.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Sarah Palin should be hung with them due to all the evil, racist, lies and hate she has spread for years. Hell awaits all of them IF they are all Christians, as they profess!

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      11:24. They're not Christians. Only Salad-bar ones

    3. Anonymous12:08 PM

      11:24 They;'re not Christians, only salad-bar ones

  23. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Dan Sullivan R-AK, WTF!!!!!!!

    I'd say let's vote him out of office, but a lot of Alaskans just voted him in.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Alaskans as whole appear to be idiots when it comes to casting their votes! Look who they have put in office: both Murkowskis (Lisa and her Dad, Frank), Don Young, Sarah Palin, Sean Parnell, both Dan Sullivans (Mayor of Anchorage and Senator in the U.S. Congress) and various Alaska Legislators!

      Big oil and money changed things! Now that oil prices have dropped and there is alternative energy, Alaska needs to alter its economic and political course!

      Alaska is a majority Republican state! Alaskan voters need to cast their votes very differently in 2016!

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Ted Stevens, also, too.

  24. illinois voter10:53 AM

    Mark Kirk R IL- what were you thinkin'???

  25. Anonymous11:11 AM


    MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

    NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

    MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

    1. Where's the quote about their first priority being to obstruct everything the President puts forth and make sure that nothing gets done?

  26. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Put another way, there are 7 Republican Senators who are not seditious a$$h@les?

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Or at least not willing to admit it in this particular situation.

      I wouldn't assume that they're more loyal to this country than they are to the Koch brothers just because they decided not to put their names on this traitorous letter.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Why didn't they put pressure on their 47 buddies then?

  27. Chenagrrl11:13 AM

    Start with Dan Sullivan. Wonder if he could pass the where is Iran test? Not sure he could pass the find your ass with both hands test.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      From what I've read he IS an ass, so that second one should be pretty easy for him.

  28. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Those fuckers wanted President Obama out on day one and has given him problems his entire presidency.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Their seditious behavior began following the inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2009. It has now morphed into outright treason.

  29. Anonymous11:16 AM

    T R A I T O R S every single one of them

  30. Anonymous11:17 AM

    President Obama is one classy man for not saying things that the rest of America would say

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      President Obama knows he can keep his mouth shut as he knows many, many Americans will speak for him! He is one smart dude and I'm so glad I voted for him both times! He is one class act and smart which drives Republicans friggin' nutty!

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      I think he also enjoys the fact that his being so calm and dignified just pisses them off even more.

      Since the day he won in 2008, they've thrown everything they could think of at him, waiting and hoping for the chance to accuse him of being an 'angry black man', but just he won't give them the satisfaction.

  31. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Thanks for this post IM. I did not realize one of my Senators, Rob Portman, had signed this act of treason. I just sent him an email telling him I was ashamed of him and think he is a traitor. I told him that even if they run Ronald McDonald against him next time around, he would get my vote instead of Portman.
    Thank God my other Senator is the great Sherrod Brown.

  32. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Yes, our beloved John McCain signed it - showing his usual reckless lack of judgement.

    O/T: Also, too, I just received an email from McCain re: Net Neutrality and letting the FCC ruling stand as is. Here's a glimpse into the Repub lunacy on that:

    Over the last two decades, the Internet has flourished under limited government oversight. I have long opposed efforts to increase the government's control over our nation's broadband, and believe the FCC's action will undermine the innovation that has allowed the Internet to become what it is today. Allowing businesses to thrive without burdensome regulations is the best stimulus for our economy. This is a matter for Congress to carefully consider and correct.

    It's long forgotten now, but a few years ago McCain introduced a bill he called The Internet Freedom Act, which as you would expect from him, meant freedom for the big telecoms to do whatever they damn well pleased.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      And, he was the idiot that picked Sarah Palin to ride along on his ticket, which they promptly lost by a huge margin! Thank god!

      Both of them are some of the worst Americans we have on this planet!

  33. I don't think it's surprising that they are all Republicans and most from the south.

    I'll bet Darrell Issa is disappointed he didn't have the opportunity to sign it.

  34. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Sen. Cotton wrote the letter. He is a new senator. He is not intelligent. He is not an authority on constitutional law. He is also a grandstanding idiot.

    But Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, signed that letter knowing full well it is not a factual representation of how the United States conducts foreign policy negotiation.

    EVERY senator must realize that telling Iran that any President's negotiations must be re-negotiated with Congress means that EVERY president supposedly not worth talking to. That means some future GOP president could get the same letter sent out undermining his/her authority.

    Well, duh, Mitch McConnell just tried to strip future GOP presidents of authority. What a f***ing idiot.

    1. Exactly.

      In their zeal to undermine and usurp this president, they are setting precedent to do the same for every future president.

      There is a reason the founding fathers built our government like a three legged stool. The Congress wants to cut off the Executive leg and nail it on to their own.

    2. A Superfan In Atlanta7:05 PM

      Ding! Ding! Ding! Finally someone sees the bigger picture. If you look at the platform of David Koch when he was running for Vice President back in 1980 (I believe), his goal was to have corporations (him and his family) run the US like a ruling family from Europe which means diminishing the value and authority of the Presidential role of the US.

      It's amazing that the media is not picking up on this when Bernie Sanders pointed it out on his website very clearly. They have shown their hand for a very long time but people continue to be surprised by everything the Republicans do.

      Simply amazing!

  35. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What idiots! Has this ever been done before? By U.S. Senators?

    Why exactly are they itching for a war with Iran? Why are Netanyahu and Republicans desperately trying to start a conflict with Iran? There is no need for this. It defies logic. If Iran's clerics and leaders
    decide to break all diplomatic ties with the U.S., and not only the U.S., but the other national players who are part of the negotiation deal with Iran, it opens up a Pandora's Box.

    Why are these people adamant in causing unecessary conflicts? Is it for oil? Are the oil barons and war machine contractors pushing this?

    1. WA Skeptic1:47 PM

      These are the people who are waiting for the Rapture which will result from war in the Middle East. One reason why religion is such a big thing in the South.

    2. Because they all own stock in the Military Industrial Complex and the lobbyists of said Complex are donating money for their re-elections hand over fist.

      You always pay the master that's pulling your strings.

      War is a money-maker for these people.

      It doesn't hurt that there is a lot of oil involved either.

    3. Anonymous5:05 PM

      This is one reason:

      "In an open letter organized by freshman Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., 47 Senate Republicans today warned the leaders of Iran that any nuclear deal reached with President Barack Obama could expire as soon as he leaves office.

      Tomorrow, 24 hours later, Cotton will appear at an “Off the Record and strictly Non-Attribution” event with the National Defense Industrial Association, a lobbying and professional group for defense contractors."

  36. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Do any of these Senators have an interest with military arms suppliers? Is that why they want a war?

    1. Cotton hustled straight from signing and sending the letter to a special off the record meeting with defense contractors. Yes, they want a war. There is lots of money to be had, and their sons, daughters and spouses won't be the ones dying.

  37. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Do McCain, McConnell, et al realize that the nuclear bombs could be dropped on them as well as other Americans across the nation?

    Do they so dislike President Obama that they think war with Iran is the answer? Do they think their concrete shelters will protect them and their family members from nuclear fallout?

    Those that signed that letter need to be put on trial and handled accordingly as they will be found guilty. No doubt about it!

    They are nothing more than war mongers and racist pigs! Vote them out of office next chance you get - if we all live that long!

  38. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Fortunately, we have the Patriot Act. Thanks to W and Cheney! Declare all 47 as anti-American terrorists. round them up and send them to Gitmo. No charges are necessary. Let them rot down there.

    1. WA Skeptic1:49 PM

      Under the Patriot Act they could all be "disappeared" and nobody could even tell their families where they are! Thank you, Bush and Cheney!

  39. Anonymous1:18 PM

    A Warren/Sanders ticket for POTUS would get my vote!

    1. But it wouldn't win.

      Now more than ever we need a Democrat in the White House, not just for 2016 but for decades after that.

  40. Anonymous1:27 PM

    At the very least, the Senate Majority Leader should impose severe sanctions on every person who signed this letter.

    Oh, wait.

    Never mind...he signed it too, the traitor.

  41. Anonymous2:30 PM

    The repukkklans have made a complete global asshole out of themselves. The terrorist, icey and the rest of the world hate repukkklans because of their lack of brains, guts, or decency. Sending a letter? Inviting bb? and on and on. Those morons are a disgrace to this national and blight to this world. What a terrible group of elected. WHO VOTED FOR THIS?

  42. Anonymous2:51 PM

    But but we weren't serious

  43. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark how does it feel to be thrown under the Senate bus? Is it lonely under the Senate traitor bus you traitor?

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Cotton is going to have to move with a LOT of security around him that is for sure! He is already one very much disliked whipper snapper!

  44. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Wouldn't be surprised if the 47 traitors chant,

    "There will never be a n----r in the White House"

  45. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Thank goodness others can see what damage has been done to this country by the idiot wacko nut job Republicans
    /Christian Right.

  46. Anonymous3:43 PM

    National Outrage Grows As 22 Newspaper Editorials Blast Senate Republican Letter To Iran

    Newspapers all across the country are ripping the 47 Senate Republicans who attempted to sabotage President Obama by writing a letter to Iran. Here is a sampling of the criticism from no less than 22 newspaper editorial boards.

  47. Anonymous3:59 PM

    We 47 Senators are not against President Barack Hussain Obama. Who are trying to fool, yes we are.

  48. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Senate Historian Can’t Find Anything In History That Matches GOP Iran Sabotage Letter

    Republicans who are already reeling from the letter that 47 of their senators sent to Iran were dealt another blow as the U.S. Senate Historian’s Office can’t find another example of this type of behavior anywhere in Senate history.

    In wake of GOP letter to Iran, battle erupts over blame for dysfunction

    The reaction from Washington’s foreign policy establishment was that President Obama’s authority as commander in chief had been challenged in a new and unprecedented way.

    Forty-seven Republican senators, openly seeking to undercut the president, signed a letter to Iran’s leaders threatening to undo any agreement reached with the United States regarding their country’s nuclear program.

    A battle quickly erupted over who was to blame for the dysfunction and how to defuse a situation that many foreign policy experts believe has become so poisonous that it has begun to damage the United States’ standing in the world.

  49. Anonymous4:24 PM

    McCain's breathtaking defense of signing the Iran letter: "I sign lots of letters"

  50. Anonymous4:56 PM

    They've all lost their ever-loving minds!

    According to Vox, Lindsey Graham said the first thing he would do as President would be to use the military to force Congress to vote his way.

    "I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to,” Graham said at an event in New Hampshire over the weekend. “We’re not leaving town until we restore these defense cuts. We are not leaving town until we restore the intel cuts.”

    Apparently, it's okay for a Republican President to use the U.S. armed forces to threaten Congress if he doesn't like the way they vote.


    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Anyone who would vote for this girly girl would absolutely be out of their friggin' mind! He is a war monger, plus look how else he thinks! Bring the military out to make sure the United States Congress voted the way he would want it too? What utter bullshit!

      I could see rioting on the streets throughout America! Shit, we could see it against all these deplorable Republicans anyway!

  51. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This stain won't wash. And it shouldn't. They own it. And boy, does it stink.

  52. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Anonymous4:24 PM

    McCain's breathtaking defense of signing the Iran letter: "I sign lots of letters"

    Yes Johnny McCain, you sign a lot of letters, said the man who wanted to be president.

    Johnny McCain you picked Wasilla's village to be your running mate, what's your excuse for that dumbass choice? Is it because you wanted a naughty looking vice-president? Does your wife know that?

  53. Anonymous6:03 PM

    BREAKING: Someone leaked a copy of the letter the #47Traitors GOP Senators sent to Iran

  54. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Senate Historian Can’t Find Anything In History That Matches GOP Iran Sabotage Letter

    Republicans who are already reeling from the letter that 47 of their senators sent to Iran were dealt another blow as the U.S. Senate Historian’s Office can’t find another example of this type of behavior anywhere in Senate history.

    The U.S. Senate Historian’s Office has so far been unable to find another example in the chamber’s history where one political party openly tried to deal with a foreign power against a presidential policy, as Republicans have attempted in their open letter to Iran this week.....
    ....Republicans were hoping that the Hillary Clinton email “scandal” would dominate the headlines, and for the desperate Beltway media types who are addicted to Clinton speculation like kittens to catnip, it has. However, the rest of the country has been outraged by the behavior of the 47 Republican senators.
    The fact that the Senate can’t find a comparable example to the Iran letter demonstrates that the level of hatred that Republicans have for President Obama is also unprecedented. The level of partisan contempt for the man who occupies the White House is so extreme that Republicans are willing to sabotage global security and world peace in an attempt to politically wound the president......

    If they can't be tried for treason, they should at least be sanctioned.
    The big mistake was made when whats his named called Pres. Obama a liar during the state of the union and nothing was done.

  55. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Senate letter on Iran derided coast to coast as a "political abomination."

    Dear GOP Senators, I'm writing you to ask the question that I think is on the mind of most Americans. What the heck were you thinking?

    Republican Idiocy on Iran

  56. Anonymous6:25 PM

    The letter the Traitors 47 sent to Iran, could it be retaliation for the video below?

    Or because of racial hate?

  57. Anonymous6:36 PM

    If they can't be tried for treason, they should at least be sanctioned. 
    The big mistake was made when whats his named called Pres. Obama a liar during the state of the union and nothing was done. 

    Can't count on these Republicans to police themselves.

  58. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Ex-Mossad chief: Netanyahu speech 'one big mistake'

    A former chief of Israeli intelligence on Wednesday attacked his nation’s prime minister for addressing Congress earlier this month.

    The Jerusalem Post reported that Shabtai Shavit called Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech “one big mistake” during a press conference in Tel Aviv. Shavit was speaking with Commanders for Israel’s Security, a nonpartisan organization promoting diplomatic peace between Israel and the Arab world.
    “No one else is responsible for the failures in facing Hamas, the Iranian nuclear program,” Shavit said of Netanyahu’s policies. “No one else is responsible for turning the United States from an ally into an enemy. We are asking you, where is your sense of responsibility?”

    Shavit directed the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, from 1989 to 1996. He called Netanyahu’s recent visit to Washington, D.C., “one big mistake, which has caused damage to the state of Israel” and one that will “cause damage in the future as well.”

  59. Anonymous5:55 AM

    McCain admits open letter to Iran that he signed 'maybe' wasn't the greatest idea ever

    John McCain was one of the 47 Republican senators who signed onto the open letter to Iran. But he doesn't seem so sure anymore that it was an effective strategy. The letter, McCain said on Fox News, was just intended to "tell the Iranians that whatever deal they make, the Congress of the United States will play a role," but "Maybe that wasn’t the best way."

    Gosh, maybe not. But why would almost all of the Republicans in the Senate do such a thing?

    “It’s also symptomatic between the total lack of trust that exists now between we Republicans and the president,” he said.

    “This has established a poisoned environment here which sometimes causes us to react maybe in not the most effective fashion.”

    Isn't it a shame that there's such a lack of trust just mysteriously existing, when all Republicans ever did was say that they were going to block everything President Obama tried to gain partisan points and make it easier to defeat him in 2012. Republicans are so very sad that after years of them refusing to work with the president, he stopped bending over backward to try to do so. Now, Republicans are left with no choice but to retaliate by breaking all precedent in writing to Iran to try to scuttle a diplomatic solution to nuclear concerns.

    On the other hand, at least McCain didn't try to claim the letter was some kind of "cheeky" joke

  60. Anonymous6:03 AM

    WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO:File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act in attempting to undermine a nuclear agreement.

    On March 9th, 2015, forty-seven United States Senators committed a treasonous offense when they decided to violate the Logan Act, a 1799 law which forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years.

    At a time when the United States government is attempting to reach a potential nuclear agreement with the Iranian government, 47 Senators saw fit to instead issue a condescending letter to the Iranian government stating that any agreement brokered by our President would not be upheld once the president leaves office.

    This is a clear violation of federal law. In attempting to undermine our own nation, these 47 senators have committed treason.

    Petition at website below

  61. Anonymous11:01 AM


  62. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Keep this in mind:

  63. Anonymous11:35 AM



    Sure they could make excuses and explanations. But if the White House pressed the Justice Department and didn't care about the fall out, these 47 most certainly could be prosecuted.

    Man, I want to see all 47 indicted so badly I could drool.

    C-Span or Public Access or whatever streams the government stuff would break all ratings records for that trial.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.