Wednesday, March 11, 2015

There is a new twist in the Arkansas adoption/sex abuse case. Demons!

So as all of you probably remember I reported yesterday on that incredibly troubling case in Arkansas having to do with Rep. Justin Harris and an adopted daughter that was sexually abused after he simply rehomed her without notifying the proper authorities.

Well as it turns out Harris has a perfectly reasonable excuse for getting those children out of their home.

Demonic possession.

Here is more from the Arkansas Times:

Chelsey Goldsborough, who regularly babysat for the Harrises, said Mary was kept isolated from Annie and from the rest of the family. She was often confined for hours to her room, where she was monitored by a video camera. The reason: The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically, Goldsborough said. Harris and his wife once hired specialists to perform an "exorcism" on the two sisters while she waited outside the house with the boys, she said. 

Multiple sources who interacted with the family confirmed Goldsborough's account that the Harrises believed the children were possessed, and another source close to the family said that Marsha Harris spoke openly about the supposed demonic possession.

Of course through their attorney the Harrises deny these charges but let's face it right now they are denying any culpability whatsoever. 

Now I know that the rational part of you wants to dismiss this as an exaggeration or hogwash, but let me tell you that it is not as uncommon as you might wish it to be.

You see many years ago I worked with a family that had a very challenging adopted child as well.

They were VERY dedicated Christians, and came to believe that the boy was possessed by demons, and brought him to their church where a visiting minister administered an honest to goodness exorcism.

As you might imagine that exacerbated the child's problem a hundredfold, and he was soon deemed out of control and was removed from the home.

Though he had a rather complicated diagnosis he was responsive to therapeutic interventions combined with some psychotropic medications, and he eventually went on to lead a relatively normal life.

Now you might assume that the boy's parents were some backwater hillbillies, but in fact they were both college educated professionals, who simply allowed their ignorance of mental illness and their superstitious belief system to push them toward horrendously bad decision making.

So yes among certain fundamentalists this kind of lunacy still happens even today.

And from what I have read about the Harrises, they are prime candidates to believe that there is a primitive religious solution to a psychiatric problem.


  1. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon12:24 PM

    I think he's possessed by about 200 extra pounds.
    Is there a way to exorcise him?

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Is there a way to exorcise him?

      Maybe … exercise him?

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Yeah, he does look like he shops at the same fine menswear store as the Good Reverend Hagee.

    3. Anonymous4:39 PM

      His head looks way too small. Photoshop or just freakiness in the body-part category?

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    They had the little girls for almost a year before they were adopted- plenty of time to give them back.... but they didn't give them back, they went through with the adoptions and THEN when the State was no longer looking over their shoulder they gave the two little girls to a pedophile who raped the 6-year-old.

    Justin Harris is Sarah Palin's good friend. She said so. Like Sarah would, the State of Arkansas suspects Harris is still collecting the free weekly taxpayer money for his "adopted" daughters.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Did Sarah decide her son with Menard was demon possessed? He disappeared. She may have finally rehomed him, to get rid of the demons, ya know?

  3. If you can believe it---the exorcism was not the worse part of this horror story. Harris threatening DHS that he might-- as a state legislator---defund them if they didn't sign off on the adoption, was pretty ugly . . . . .Especially since he rehomed the kids within fourteen months.

    Ugly, ugly story.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      He "rehomed" the children TWICE!

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Ugly, ugly look behind the curtain of the life of a Christian.

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I have been impressed with the level of investigative work and comprehensive coverage of this story done by the Arkansas Times. Nice to see that regional journalism is still viable out there.

    Horrific story though; and so sad that for many it is 'no surprise'.

  5. Caroll Thompson12:53 PM

    They treated those children terribly. It was nothing short of abuse. And when the children did not respond to the abuse, they gave them to a pedophile. How Christian of them. They should be in jail for endangering the welfare of a child at a minimum. But of course, they won't be charged.

    The Arkansas papers are hammering them. Everyone that had anything to do with those precious girls (except the State) is speaking up and disputing the lies that this Charlatan is telling people.

    Hopefully, this evil man's child care business will dry up and he won't be able to hurt anymore children. But in Arkansas, who knows what will happen.

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I wonder just how much locking those girls constantly in a room exaggerated any issues they had.

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Why haven't these people been arrested yet?

  8. Anonymous1:08 PM

    This guy better be charged with some sort of crime. He needs to be removed from public office and from everyone else.

  9. FrostyAK1:13 PM

    Extremist Religion is the antithesis of education and enlightenment. If you tell me someone is well educated but believes all that claptrap, then that person is NOT well educated. Someone like that should NEVER serve as a political representative of any kind. But there are currently hundreds if not thousands like him in local, state, and federal office

  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I guess once a person puts his or her critical thinking skills on the back burner enough to believe in god then really, any imaginary thing, such as demons, becomes believable. So sad. There has to be a mental defect in those that are able to believe in such things as gods and demons. Religion should be a red flag reason to NOT allow people to adopt children instead of a green light.

  11. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I'm going to post this link again for those of you who want to read more about the disgusting (and underground) practice "re-homing" of children. So many of them are international adoptions by Christians.

  12. Anonymous1:42 PM

    "...could communicate telepathically..."

    but locking the middle girl in her room somehow prevented the telepathic communication, I guess.

    What worries me is that these are not the only children being placed for adoption and then "re-homed". I wish the focus of the investigation would shift to how all that state's children are doing in their adopted or foster homes.

  13. Anonymous1:59 PM

    He also kept taking payments from DHS after he "rehomed" the girls. That's the real reason he didn't report it. He's a republican and he loves free money. Imagine the outrage if this had been a black family.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Or a democrat.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Anonymous 2:27 PM
      He's connected with Sarah Palin, so he is not a Democrat.

    3. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Please see Gryph's Tuesday, March 10, 2015 entries for pics re: Harris & Palin.

  14. Anonymous2:27 PM

    This man was elected to lead? Terrifying.

  15. Anonymous3:00 PM

    As a teenager, I had some pretty serious problems with depression. After a particularly rough period with multiple medications and doctors, my father suggested that I might be possessed by demons.

    Even my teenaged self knew that it was utterly ridiculous, but I was more mortified that a full-grown ADULT would believe such nonsense about his own daughter. The senseless of his belief made me feel even MORE volatile and depressed than I already was. Go figure, huh? ;)

  16. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Didn't Sarah Palin have someone "lay hands" on her to get rid of demons and protect her? There is a video of her in some fundamentalist church having the ceremony done???

  17. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The witch doctor....

  18. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Sarah is in this:

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      That link has been removed. Knowledge is power and Sarah can be found in many places, with many powerful people that would shock the shit out of what she has been doing unabated for way to long.

    3. Anonymous8:18 AM

      October 15, 2014 Right Wing Christians Build Ties To Vladimir Putin's Inner Circle

      Call For "Military Takeover

      Republican Hypocrites Busted Yearning For Big Government

      How US Evangelicals Helped Create Russia's Anti-Gay Movement
      Meet the Fox News producer, the nightclub impresario, and the oligarchs who teamed up to write inequality into law.

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Bristol's best friend for years can always teach her Russian.
      Photo from approximately 2010. They are still learning.

      Родилась 12 января. Город проживания – anchorage, США. 13 школа 1989—2000; 7 школа 1989—1995; СПбГУП (ВФ), Факультет искусств 1992—2005

  19. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Another obese white guy that I suspect is Republican! Why do they all look so much alike? Only difference is this guy is younger, but still an idiot!

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      This 'guy' looks transgender. HIs fucked up parents probably had him 'assigned' and he/she has been involved in this lifestyle and child abuse way of life for many generations. Everything is about SEX and Money$

  20. detroitsam7:26 PM

    I really do try not to comment of people's appearance but I just can't help it with Rep. Justin Harris. Weird looking dude with that little head sitting on a body that is two sizes too big.

  21. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Okay, I want to see charges filed against this moron and his wife for child neglect at the very least! Neither of them are fit parents and both should end up in court.
    M from MD

  22. detroitsam7:43 PM

    I really do try not to comment of people's appearance but I just can't help it with Rep. Justin Harris. Weird looking dude with that little head sitting on a body that is two sizes too big.


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