Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bristol Palin: Nothing to see here, let's move along.

This showed up on Brancy's blog the other day with this caption:

My mom made homemade cinnamon rolls! #weddingprep #onemonth

If this seems very familiar it's probably because we discussed this pic here on IM over a month ago.

One has to wonder why Nancy French would recycle an old photo off of Bristol's Instagram account and attempt to make a new post, when she has spent most of her time attacking Hillary Clinton, or pushing a Christian or military agenda.

I of course have a theory.

After all that post about Bristol's exotic friend garnered almost 500 comments and seems to have changed the narrative quite a bit.

Kind of hard to sell yourself as a former abstinence spokesperson and born again virgin, about to marry a war hero, with connections to a friend like this:

Who has videos available online like this, and this.

And it's not like Bristol can do anything to hide their friendship.

Which once again is no big deal, UNLESS her mother wants to continue marketing Bristol as a proponent of family values, a Christian blogger, and the wife of a future Senator or Congressman.

Because you KNOW that is where this whole thing is heading.

They have even started to transform Tripp into a new version of Track.

(Possibly the most disturbing picture so far.)


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    They have even started to transform Tripp into a new version of Track.
    More likely a new version of Meyer. Why do these Christians always worship war and guns and killing?

    Don't they realize their Jesus more than likely resembled and behaved like a hippie peacenik?


    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      You can see DuhkotAHHH's legs next to Tripp in that picture. That explains why Tripp seems so uptight - trying his best to make sure he gets the military salute absolutely correct (or else he will get screamed at or will have to 'give me ten!' situps or pushups or whatever.

      OTOH, maybe this is what Tripp needs - a firm hand like from a drill sargeant. After all, with Bar$Tool, he is totally wild and will not follow anything she asks him to do - unless he gets bribed.

      As to the first picture: my first reaction was: WTH?! I have seen this picture quite a while ago, this is not a new one. (Besides, does she want to imply that either a) she is in Wasilla w/o letting Levi know about it, or b) $carry is in Kenfucky and is 'baking' for the newly-in-sin-living couple?

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      (Possibly the most disturbing picture so far.)

      I AGREE. Tripp is going from the days of Wife Swipe and before to living 24/7 with an OCD drill sargeant. Oh how cute he is, granny must be so proud. Track and Dakota are such good fathers, too. Forget the PTSD and living with so much fear the house and vehicles must have loaded (or forgotten loaded or not) guns all over,

      Even if the guns were safe, the fear and paranoia has it's own danger.

    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Exactly. Track is old news. Sarah, Bristol, and Tripp are all about Dakota now.

    4. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Tripp better watch it, those military guys are into corporal punishment.

    5. Anonymous10:21 AM

      What a great idea! Get Tripp all jazzed up about being a soldier and playing with guns, then put him in a house with an self-described (and untreated) depressed alcoholic who has shown he can't keep track of whether the guns he has all around the house are loaded or not.

      Mother of the year, Bristol!

    6. Anonymous10:26 AM

      PTSD and Alcohol don't mix, and tragedy is in store for that group.

    7. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Poor Tripp.
      .....never outgrow doing that !

      Hahah Tripp has bigger triceps than I do!

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Bristol Palin is a born again tramp.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Candies Foundation should demand their money back. It looks like abstinence really ISN'T realistic.

    2. Anonymous10:58 AM

      A woman who has sex before marriage isn't a tramp. She's normal.

      There's nothing wrong with an adult woman choosing to have sex, even a lot of sex with a string of boyfriends.

      The problem is that Bristol is doing just that while at the same time denying it and telling others not to do it either.

    3. Anonymous12:02 PM

      10:58 AM That is what makes her a tramp. 'Born Again Virgin'? What a joke.

  3. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Nancy French secretly wants to 'hang out' with Marina Lupas. Those Evangelical power freaks are as phony as Sarah Palin running for President.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      I hear Marina will service both Nancy and her husband David.

  4. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Tripp is an adorable young boy. It's a shame that his mother & grandmother continue to pimp him out to further their sick agendas.


    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Aren't all little boys adorable? Most don't call their aunt Faggot, and kick the dog.What is adorable about that?

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      He's not adorable. He's a brat, thanks to his whole immature family.

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Brat or not, Tripp's family has had problem's with stalkers. Tripp deserves a reasonably private childhood. This constant posting of his image (AND whereabouts) is an invitation to trouble.

    4. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Then you should scold the Wasillabillies because they are the ones pimping out his pictures.

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The internet is forevah bitches!!
    The GOP scrubbed lots of ahit early on, but we still saved enough evidence to prove Sarah didn't birth a Tri-G at MatSu on 4/18/08. The " tight abs" video will live forever.
    And Bristol's work at the 24 hour "dermatology clinic" with wrotic russians will follow her forever.
    KY ain't Aunt Heathers hideaway. The stoopid Palins can run but no longer hide. All the secrets will be revealed. Its gonna be

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Sarah doesn't believe it that The internet is forevah bitches!!

      For some reason Marina has deleted and changed things on her new accounts. The ones that aren't deleted. Was that Marina's idea?

      She makes her money on the interent. Why would she mess with her income source? She talks about working hard. She has put in all that hard work to jeopardise her advertising campaigns?

    2. Cracklin Charlie1:20 PM

      So let t be let it be done!

    3. Cracklin Charlie1:23 PM

      Ps...Do I hear chickens coming home?

  6. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Are there no significant thoughts that take place in those small Palin brains? All they celebrate is eating, making selfies, boast about their shoes and clothes and luggage, photographing themselves in vacation poses, or in bar parking lots, in nightclub clothing, in Las Vegas hotel lobbies, partying, giving shout outs to military, dressing up in camo, showing off their child, hoarding candy, saluting in uniform, wearing his underwear, and egging a little brother with down syndrome to say "bullshit" while they regale in fits of laughter, posting it on the FB and Instagram.

    The amount of fluff that takes over the large percentage of their daily thoughts is staggering. 90% shallow/ME ME Look at ME!/Selfies with friends, making stupid faces in the camera and trivializing and mocking others, is a sight to behold. It's pure insanity that people like this can function day after day and not end up in a gutter somewhere.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Take a look at Dubya's photo lower on this thread. See what years of booze and drugs do to a person. This is what lies ahead for $carah, Bristles and the rest of them. Bristles look like she is on the same diet as $carah. Red Bull, Bailys Irish and METH. Lollypop head, and legs like toothpicks.

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      I think the Palin goal is to be the same as the Kardashians, self-addicted imbeciles who contribute absolutely nothing to the world.

    3. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Laughing Gas worked for Demi Moore and she did not even work at Dr. Michael Cusack/Kelly Cusack Millen's Alaska Dermatology Laser & Skin Cancer Center.

    4. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Sorry Beaglemom! The Palin klan will never match that of the Kardashians.

      Sarah doesn't have the contacts or amount of money needed as does Kris Jenner. Plus, Kris loves her kids and supports them in every way she can. And, they are a much prettier group of women when compared to the Palin racist klan!

    5. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Kris Jenner is the publicity whore to end all publicity whores and has used every one of her children for her own fame and fortune. Are you sure she loves her kids? Is that the right word for what she does?

      If the Palins got the amount of plastic surgery the Kardashians have gotten (Bristol comes close), they can be just as pretty.

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Eating for two.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Exactly!!! 9:00 AM that is why there are no current photos. It seems that Bristol can just think about sex, and become pregnant. She should have been named Breeder.

  8. Anonymous9:08 AM

    That photo of Tripp is beyond disturbing. These are very ignorant people, who should not have kids.

    1. That poor kid. He doesn't stand a chance anymore.

  9. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Well, now they have a little mini GI Joe action figure to market their blossoming 'war games and guns' cottage industry. Has Duhkota also become an official Marine recruiter as a sideline to his MOH PR campaign?

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      A great deal of Pentagon, DoD and military propaganda is for recruiting.

      Both Dakota and Track have the full support of military propaganda. That is why their life stories are about 95% lies and fraud.

      When Dakota posts anything like the picture of TrappTripp there will be gushing and praise about cute kid and great parent. It is pathetic.

      None of them sincerly care about well being of children. Their minds are programed to support war mongering and to brain wash and use children.

      You betcha Dakota is a recruiter. He wouldn't be doing what he is doing and so set up to do if it wasn't for recruiting.

  10. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Apparently 'exotic' is the Russian word for homely.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Where is her right boob in that photo? It looks bizarre.

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      LOL 949!! Her right boob IS missing! Also, what is with the flooring under Tripp? I watch a lot of HGTV and have never seen flooring laid on the diagonal like that.

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      She in intact with both boobs.

    4. Anonymous11:07 AM

      "Where is her right boob in that photo? It looks bizarre."

      If you look carefully at her left arm you can tell that she is pushing it towards her body to make her left breast protrude more than the right one. If she wasn't doing that, her left breast would hang down like her right one. She'd have to have both arms down like that to make them protrude evenly.

      Marina has reached the age where she has to either wear a bra or use subterfuge to make her breasts look more alluring.

    5. Anonymous11:38 AM

      That's so funny, because I spent a little bit of time looking for her other boob too!! Lol; I'm female and hetero, but at first glance something seemed off, and at first it looked like she only had one boob.

      Ha-ha. Not really a glamour shot, but hey, made me look. (More in a train-wreck way.)

      R in NC

    6. Anonymous11:47 AM

      1040 meant to say, "Her right boob IS missing --in that picture above! Must say the picture you attached was an eye-opener! Must say this younger generation really love to put it all out there. Wonder who else was in the bathroom to take the picture?

    7. Anonymous12:32 PM

      11:47 AM

      It looks like Bristol. Ha!

      Bristol's BFF claims she has a modeling agency, porn type. It would be her business to know how to pose and all the tricks to accenuate your best assets.

      Check out her business, she is doing work outs and eating well. I think all that is fairly new as she is building up her interent and other businesses in the Anchorage sex industry.

      She has interviews with some of the people who are filming her and lauching her latest endeavors.

    8. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Do you think this gal works in cahoots with Toadie boy? Wouldn't surprise me at all!

  11. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Dakotah and Bristol are probably well matched given they both have IQs well below 100. Poor Tripp.

    Is Levi fighting for him Gryphen? I don't get it. I have several friends who were simply not allowed to remove their kids from the state where the other parent lived. Maybe the laws in each state are different. It's obvious Bristol doesn't care much about Tripps psychological well being. She isn't smart enough to even consider it and she's far too shallow and self-absorbed.
    This marriage won't last anyhow.
    Yes I'm being negative but come on..

    I hope it does last for all of their sake. But Tripp should not be so far from his dad. How can Bristol do that to him? Pure selfishness and dumbness all in one package.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Levi could have gone back to court to prevent Bristol from taking Tripp out of state and thus making it extremely difficult for father and son to spend time together on a regular basis.

      The Palin's money and influence have once again gotten in between Levi and Tripp.

      Not to worry, though. It won't be long before Bristol comes running back to Alaska with Tripp. Tripp has had so much upheaval in his life, what's one more failed trial daddy and moving van?

  12. Anonymous9:24 AM

    The whole family is a collection of props, including Trig and Tripp. Turn them sideways and you will see they're paper thin, so thin that they need a tripod to lean on. I can't wait to see Barstool get the shit beaten out of her when the ptsd hits, and Iraqis start coming out of the closets. Just thinking about the Palins made me lose my lunch!

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      I doubt that you really mean what you're saying. Many people do not think much of any of the Palins but to wish physical harm to anyone is beyond the pale.

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      You have no right to judge anyone, Beaglemom. I wouldn't give a shit if their entire Palin klan perished in the same minute. IMO the world would be a much better place without every single one of them except for the innocent children (and that's more consideration for the innocent children than they ever get from the Palin family!).

    3. Aunt Ethel11:51 AM

      I'm no fan of the Palins, but Beaglemom is absolutely correct.

      It's one thing to fear that Bristol and Tripp are going to find themselves in a domestic violence situtation, it's another thing to actively wish an assault on another person.

    4. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Take your sanxtimonious concern to the teacher the Palins jerked in Homer, the guy in the aurport hey bullied, and all the hundreds of people the Palins has ruined livelihoods for over the years. I'd be happy to see the palins get some payback .

    5. Anonymous2:05 PM

      I, too, wish the Palins harm! Look what they've done to other people they had a hard on for during the past years?

      They've actually been named as killers of a lady in a fire and a man in an airplane crash.

      They are a bunch that will not gain entrance through the pearly gates as they are total jokes when it comes to practicing their faith!

  13. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Take a look at Dakota's Facebook posts, not the "morning messages." He is one dumb gut. His spelling and writing don't come close to 8th grade. Bristol has finally found the right match, since all she seems to care about is showing off stuff. Yes, the photo of the little solder is disturbing. What will PTSDakita do when Tripp doesn't mind him, I mean, disobeys order?

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Just a bunch of quotations and for what purpose?

      He's an undereducated yutz who wants to appear smart.

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      There's something really weird about that top photo. Her head is twice as wide as her hips. That's what a slim 2nd grader looks like, not an adult woman.

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Her former DWTS partner is saying "why did I get stuck dragging her fat gorilla ass all over the stage when she was pregnant, and now she looks like a walking candy apple " !

    4. Anonymous11:40 AM

      10:33, LOL!!!

  14. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Bristol may or may not have mild mental retardation. Whatever makes her behave the way she does, at her age, raises red flags about her very childish actions. The movie "A Simple Plan" reminds me of how an adult sibling with some form of mental disability, can be used and manipulated and drawn into a life of servitude with the wrong crowd. They don't have the ability to break out of destructive patterns. If they can't decide between right and wrong, they become pawns and slaves to the family dynamic at work, and if the family is corrupt, they have no power to break free from it. It's a downhill spiral into a sort of hell on earth.

    Bristol Palin does not seem to be a woman in charge. Even her BFF Marina, at the very least, works towards a goal and seems to work for a living, not having much family around to primp and puff her up with lavish gifts.

    BP has no ambition to do anything other than to be a pawn of whoever fancies her at the moment. If she's got a 'military' admirer, she goes all military, dressing her kid up in uniform; if an athlete, she'd go all into the game and enroll her kid in that sport. She is like a chameleon, who will do whatever the man of the hour is doing. If she has friends who are into selling sex, she'll probably make her own exotic modeling videos. If someone befriends her and mothers her and is a christian, Bristol will suddenly be that christian girl with morals and show photos of her kid in Sunday school.

    She has no identity. It's a shame, and because she may have some form of mental challenges, she's being used by her parents to keep their brand going; if she truly wanted to break free, she'd have to go to the authorities. Right now, folks, Bristol is acting out and, with this relationship with Marina that she posts on her Instagram, is using this to stick it to her mother and father. She is crying out for help. It's like, "help me become who I truly am"/"help me from my parent's clutches" and "help me to break free from my family and past".

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Barstool IS her mother and father..Combined! GET IT!!
      That is what having SEX breeds! If it is alcohol infused, incest, cocaine, Meth, any pill she could get..Sarah proudly displays her Kkklan of malcontents..While Toad pimps um ALL..

    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      You are spot on in. Your depiction of chameleon behavior. I have a sibling who pretends to be like whomever she is with. She can act as a devout church leader, drunk as a skunk in a bar laughing with rough bikers flashing people, to an educated moral coworker...within 24 hours!

      I admit I was deceived I married my soul mate. I realized he was an imposter pretending to have like morals, goals, principals, interests etc. he was a chameleon with everyone and adept at keeping people apart. He lied about which religion he was and used props to con people as symbolic faux proof.

      The real nightmere is that mentally ill people who morph into characters to fool people also lie changing the identity of other people. They are their own work of fiction. Being around them is pyscho drama. They cast others in roles to support their persona du jour.

      The C4peers need Bristol to be only the goodness she told them she was. The Palin's will lie to preserve their lucrative fictional personas. Ex is Thongazi that she was brutally assaulted and sexually attacked...pure and innocent mom protecting her little boy.

  15. Scruffer9:34 AM

    My guess is to through 'fans' (nobody else) off by pretending to be all slim and slender one month prior to the wedding. She's probably starting to show her pregnancy already right now.
    I doubt there will be any/many pictures of the wedding - she will definitely be showing then!

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Weird to have a secret hidden wedding with no pictures. They can always have Craighead take hand shots and head shots of the mysterious hidden wedding.

      Isn't that just like a politician to be anti-social and so socially inappropriate? This nut cake thinks he is going to run for an office in Kentucky?

      There are no honest journalists in Kentucky?

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      I agree. And in those shots at Sarah's talk at (CPAC?) where Bristol is wearing the pink dress with a black jacket, her bust was quite large, and she was absolutely not as thin as these photos. Hmmmm.

      R in NC

  16. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Sad....pathetic & sad! SMH

  17. FrostyAK9:43 AM

    I wonder which Alaaaskan he-man fell for the Russian Marina's email offering a paid for bride. Looks like he didn't get what he paid for since she is single, in Anchorage, and selling sex on the internet. Hell, I STILL get those emails with all the come-ons in bad English. And last time I checked, I am not a male.

    As always, I fear for Tripp - be he the shooter or the shootee in what seems bound to happen. It's obvious he isn't happy, but at least he's safe... for now.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Marina is of Russian heritage. She was not born in Russia. Her grandfather is a WWll vet.

      She uses "Russian" like Sarah Palin uses "politician".
      It is an advertising gimmick to sell herself. Another send money, give money ploy.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      After an appropriate period of mourning, 48 hours on the outside, Scarah will be all over the place making a hero out of Tripp and using what's left of Duhkota to make her seem a champion of PTSD research to help our wounded warriors. (Not that I oppose more help for veterans, but with Scarah it'll just be her cause du jour.).

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Scarah is from the PTSD of shooting therapy, like Chris Kyle. Also like Anchorage Brawl, drugs and alcohol, with Track PTSD.

  18. Apparently, the picture with the cinnamon rolls is old, if I believe other posters (and I do). I could go into the kitchen and whomp up a batch of cinnamon rolls easily, because I bake, but I have a hard time believing that Sarah did anything but buy frozen cinnamon rolls, thaw them, and rip open a container of frosting. Mainly because we've seen Piper at age 8 reading the directions on the back of a box of cake mix to her mother because her mother couldn't figure out how to add an egg and milk. She definitely couldn't follow a recipe for yeast-raised cinnamon rolls.

    Nobody wants Sarah, and she's running out of money, and somehow, she thinks she still shouldn't have to work for it. Tough luck.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      The cinnamon picture was posted in March. Do not know when it was taken.

      It goes back to at least last month. It is a repeat.

      It is the only way they have been able to say anything (nothing) about wedding plans.

      Just very odd and suspicious behavior.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Bristol probably thinks that putting frozen cinnamon rolls on a tray and putting them in the oven IS making them from scratch!

      Compared to going to CinnaBon or fast food, that is cooking!

  19. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Whatever BRANCY (Nancy/Sarah) is, they are nuts. Lazy, too. The old picture and dull "Bristol" Blog post is nothing but crap.

    It is really a stretch to believe that Bristol Palin is an excited bride to be planning a wedding and all that goes with that. Honeymoon?

    Can't any of these people work? Whether Bristol is planning a wedding or not they are not even trying to make it look authentic.

    I wonder what part Rebecca Mansour is playing in all this? She is so fond of the revirginated one. She must love who she pals around with. Mansour really should be working on a movie script that will sell. Her rerputation is mud for having anything to do with these losers.

    They are frauds and it is as if they are advertising what ridiculous frauds they are now.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      I wouldn't say Becky is fond of Bristol. Becky got herself in some hot water a while ago for criticizing Sarah's number one daughter.

  20. Have you ever considered that Bristol is looking for a career that she would actually be good at? PornStar. She's already a tramp with all of her trial daddies, and let's face it, she's shacking up with her fiance. I know that she neither has the brain, or the ethics to do anything else that would require intelligence, and her mom is losing her appeal to her old, dirty white men supporters. Pimping out Bristol is the next logical step.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      First of all, Bristol can't act, even by pornography standards.

      Second, Bristol doesn't like hard work and being an adult film star is hard work.

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Bristol is an adult and can fuck as many men as she wants.

      The problem is she emotionally involves her son in her relationship at the drop of a hat. Oh, as she claims to be a good Christian girl who supports abstinence before marriage.

      It's all about her hypocrisy and shitty mothering.

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      hell.what do you expect? she was born into "the WORLDS OLDEST PROFESSION". shes a natural.

  21. Anonymous10:04 AM

    In the second photo of the two of them Bristol's teeth are beyond white...must have photoshopped them. Fake, fake, fake.

  22. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Now why couldn't she have looked like this while she was on DWTS? Instead, both times (even though she was a little thinner the second time around) we had to watch her waddle around on stage like a drunk elephant. It was painful to watch!

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      You notice Brissy received zero recognition on the 10 Year Anniversary of "Dancing With the Stars" last night!

      They didn't even ask her to come back and be a part of the dancing at the very end of the show.

      But, then again, we all know she was truly a disaster on the show with no dancing abilities or personality!

      And, in our world of today, she and her mother are known as nothing more than trailer trash from Wasilla, Alaska w/zero talent for anything whatsoever! (politically or entertainment!)

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Bristol was stunt casting even by the standards of a show that is all about the stunt casting.

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      11:01 AM? Huh? "Stunt" casting? More like "C--t"casting, I would say. She was a total disaster and only held on due to her mother's arrangement as to the numbers/votes (first show!) called into the show. It's called 'cheating', but is a term that goes hand in hand with the Palin/Heath klan!

  23. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Brissy and her friend, not hard to tell which one is moose and which one is squirrel.

    What is it her friend does again, heavyweight dwarf mud wrestling?

    They're going to ship that poor kid off to some military school, aren't they? Bet he'll wish he'd stayed in the truck.

  24. Anonymous10:12 AM

    When has any Palin/Heath had a wedding without being forced to by pregnancy?

  25. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Allegedly the two "lovebirds" are getting married on May 23.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Friday the 13th was the proposal. Have you checked horoscope for May 23, 2015? Where in Kentucky?

      Gift registry yet?

  26. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Marina Lupas ExotixLLC link goes to this now:

    Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
    You can search Twitter using the search box below or return to the homepage.

    It worked before. Did someone have her remove a Twitter? She is a working woman and that is her business. It would not be right or fair if she is being convinced or forced in anyway that interferes with her income. Also she has rights to freedom of expression. It would be awful if anyone is violating her. Especially if she looses income.

    This still works:

    She does have a link to this:
    Exotix Specializing in Modern day Exotics; Bugatti, Pagani, Zenvo, Koenisegg, Lamborghini, Mclaren, & Ferrari.

    Maybe she will get it cleared up but it sure is strange.

    1. Looks like she is bearing the brunt of the Palin curse. You get too close and this happens.

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      12:03 PM

      Yes. And the poor thang says those things like women must stand up for one another.

      She is going to lose some business but maybe Palins will make up for it in other ways.

      Here they are doing what they all do in Las Vegas

      Check out messy Todd, did he just get up from what?

      They have fun times when they go on these trips.
      That was when Marina had her faux "assistant" to Dr. salary.

  27. Anonymous10:28 AM

    In this and many other photos of young Tripp, his eyes seem to belie his smile. I suspect he is often forced to "smile for the camera" when he might otherwise not be smiling. It's not a crime NOT to smile. The result of these seemingly force smiles is a sense of insecurity that is sad. Besides that, I really don't like seeing small children dressed up as soldiers or hunters for that matter.

  28. Anonymous10:40 AM

    That poor kid will be sitting in a Therapist chair before he's 14, smh

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      He will need it but it's doubtful anyone will allow it to happen.

    2. I agree with 11:02... Caring parents committed to the well being of their children will take them to a therapist, if necessary, at Tripp's age or even younger. Those who see the need for therapy as weakness or a source of derision won't "waste," as they see it, the time and money.

      Just as Trig never got any 0-3 assistance.

  29. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Nancy "the Hack" French has written before (as herself rather than as Bristol) that men and women shouldn't live together before marriage. Has Nancy changed her views or is she ignoring the fact that Bristol and Dakota are shacking up with Bristol's young son along for the ride?

    Nancy French sells her "values" up the river on a regular basis.

  30. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Maybe Marina is teaching Bristol how to hold onto her new Teletubby Trial Daddy. I wonder what Tripp has to call Dakota, Trial Daddy, Sir, or Faggot?

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Marina has been teaching Bristol for over 5 years. Bristol may be slow but she would know everything Marina has to teach her by now.

      The Palin/Lupas relationship is not new.

      Did you (or a female relative) ever have a close very dear girlfriend when you were young? The bond can be very tight.

      Marina is part of the Palin family. They are all close.

      You can also see pictures of Sarah that look like Marina also taught her a lot.

      Check out Sarah's wardrobe. She can also strike a pose now. Maybe she did that before 2008?

  31. Anonymous10:52 AM

    So, Tripp is now the newest recruit for the Hitler Youth? How special.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Indeed. The whole AIP/Tea Party/Militia thing is rather Hitlerish. Saw a PBS program on Hitler youth not long ago; scary.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      It is a fact. It is happening in plain sight.

  32. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Said it before and I'll say it again, that kid is going to grow up to be hell on wheels. Just you watch.

  33. Anonymous10:57 AM

    It would give me great joy if Duhkota's MOH were found to be based on exaggerated or falsified claims and he was required to return it on live TV and apologize to all of us. USMC, what were you thinking?

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      the army guy that was thee before dakota saw the whole thing and disputed what dakota said. Dakota fought for him to get a MOH as well, I believe , to bring him on board with dakota and not continue with his story....difference is, that guy enrolled again and has not sought any glory since getting his MOH and no, he doesn't have anything to do with dakota. Dakota knows he didn't do all he said he did...he was late to the scene and took off ahead and somewhere out there he claims he rescued 36 men, (these men were wounded and waiting to be picked up) and he fought one taliban hand to hand , killing him, he didn't bring that out as part of his story before the MOH , only after for his book. lol Dakota was a kid and an opportunist...just like he went to hook up with palin with the sign "fuc* you michael moore" and palin tried to play that off as some "guy" came up and handed her the poster...when they already knew each other from reality show in Alaska. all grifters. dakota already fits in.

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Marines Promoted Inflated Story for Medal of Honor Winner

      But a rift between the two war heroes exists, according to a front-page Washington Post story published Sunday. Swenson "remains skeptical of Meyer and the publicity he has sought," and "engaged in a lengthy and bitter dispute with the military over the narrative of one of the Afghan war's most notorious firefights." The Army officer, who left active duty in 2011, pushed the service to produce a website outlining the battle, and told the Post it "is not going to mutually support other stories" — namely, Meyer's.

  34. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Sarah's PTSD and charity work.

    September 6, 2014

    facebook sarah palin photos

  35. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Gryphen if you log into facebook > search > Exotix LLC > scroll down to April 6th 11:07pm post

    That picture is Marina Lupas sitting in a bathtub. Am I wrong, are those bare breasts? My first impression was yes because it looks like she has giant areolas.

    Internet :
    The larger outer ring is your areola. ... For some women the areola becomes darker when they're sexually excited

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Also run her pic(s) on

    2. Anonymous12:00 PM

      There is also a video. You may have to follow her or join something for the complete videos or more explicit photos.

      Get back to us and let us know how it goes.

      The internet is everywhere. I thing she sells in China. Russia and anywhere.

      For a price she may have one of her friends. This work is not new to Marina. Check out her MYSpace. Juanita Morgan is pretty and she was a friend back in that time.

    3. Anonymous1:44 PM

      What is tineye?

  36. Interesting choice of photo.

    So...did Bristol fly back to Alaska for those rolls, is Sarah in Kentucky or did Sarah overnight those rolls?

    Yeah, I know it's an old pic. I just can't fathom the thinking behind posting it with these two women in two states across the continent from each other.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      No one knows when the cinnamon roll pic was taken. I think it is that it was used before in the same manner and that was over a month ago. Neither post had any substance and go figure what it has to do with wedding plans. Especially if the pic was, say taken a year ago and keeps getting recent posts. Whenever Bristol was that skinny or was it Photoshopped? Anyway it is weird. It is weird to repeat a weird thing.

      The cinnamon roll pic is "new" again on recent blah, blah Nancy French Christian post on the patheos blog.

      The two women have an internet history of posing and taking pictures and they share them across states.

      It is like a shared public interent photo album of two women that travel. At least, that is my take on it.

      Bristol/Sarah are doing a wedding, they say, and there is a story to that.

      Sarah is also close to Marina, who posed with Bristol, cousin Lauden, Willow and Piper and the only non-blood relative, Marina, in another weird picture at Sarah's Fox studio.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      The question is, is she knocked up again?

      Why else putting up old recycle visions of Bristol? In Kentucky with the hub2b she is wearing black tents.

      Friday the 13th was engagement announcement.

      She also recycles the picture in white top.

      Real crazy behavior to be at a time when a normal person would be so happy and posting current pictures. Bristol posts guns, old pics and crap.

      Nothing at all like a happy engaged person would do.


      That is knock up #2 that is documented as official, that the Christian abstinance preaching one is a fraud.

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      old picture being recycled because now it looks like Nancy is maintaining Bristol's blog and facebook. Bristol posts photos of her expensive shoes on an empty closer shelf along with her thanks to Daktota. For what?

    4. Well, it will be out if they release her in the wedding dress. Now way she'll fit in a Nina Torne.

      If she's DWTS fat again, we'll know.

      She better be damned skinny at the wedding or we'll all know what buns are in what oven. And they won't be cinnamon rolls.

  37. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Texas Gov. Abbot orders commander of Texas Guard to keep an eye on U.S. troops training in Texas to make sure they're not a ploy by Obama to confiscate their guns and take over Texas.

    No....this is not the Onion. It is real.

  38. Anonymous11:53 AM

    In light of Bristol's close friend, Marina's profession, I recalled Sarah Palin on Oprah going on and on that Levi choose to be a pornography career because he posed ONCE. Later, Sadie chose to pose once and their righteous indignation spinning her as eternal scum is worth remembering given a BFF of Bristol's with a career is okey dokey evidently.

    I hope Oprah does a Where Are They Now segment about Bristol and Sarah's infamous and self serving bull shit pledges to a national audience to abstain until marriage and the vehement disdain of life as a porn star she nailed on Levi in contrast to "trial dandy" , verified exotic model performer career as a bestie, pregnancies and shacking up before wed. The Palin's need to start spinning their webs of lies now! If their tactic is like Thongazi people will let them get away with it again

  39. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Dakota posted his own version of that picture of Tripp in uniform. Tripp looks really uncomfortable in that photo. Poor Tripp. I don't think he's nearly as happy about his mom's marriage as they're trying to pretend he is. Poor kid. :(

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Dakota has man boobs.

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Huge man boobs! Ewwww

    3. Anonymous12:33 PM

      He does. He's kind of pudgy.

      I think Tripp looks really uncomfortable in this second picture with Dakota. This is not the first picture where Tripp has looked uncomfortable with Dakota. You can see it in his eyes. He's scared or uncertain or something.

      I just feel so badly for Tripp. This stuff isn't his fault. His mom is immature and getting married so quickly and taking her young son across the country from everything that's familiar to live with a strange man has to be really scary. No wonder he looks afraid.

    4. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Makes me angry the comments refer to Tripp as his son.

    5. Anonymous1:33 PM

      He is a man boob with moobs.

      Poor Bristol. She likes a fine Lumbersexual like Sunny's husband.

    6. Anonymous1:42 PM

      1:21 PM

      Dishonors and direspects Tripp. But that is how they roll.

      They are promoting and agenda. It is not about Tripp or any child care or parenting.

    7. Anonymous1:50 PM


      That will come back to bite the bitch in the ass. She should be making sure Tripp has a good relationship with his REAL father if she doesn't want a fucked up teenage boy on her hands. When the kid gets older and reads all the horrible things the bitch and her witch mother have said about his father, he'll hate them.

    8. Anonymous2:09 PM

      You can almost guarantee that if the marriage happens and lasts more than a couple week, Bristol will be trying to change Tripp's last name to Meyer. She's probably already telling him she got him a new, better daddy and that his first daddy doesn't care about him any more. That kind of emotional abuse is right up Bristol's alley.

    9. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Couples can be to the moon in love and happy until the baby comes. If that is the situation, there may be a radical change in them both (not in the pics they post and the myths they sell) but their life together

      They have no true friends or family that love them. It is all about this phantasmagorical life they are stuck to.

      No one will be pulling anyone aside and trying to talk sense or reality. It is on with the show.

      Kentucky Derby will be a good preview of how they will perform.

      The style and wardrobe, of course.

  40. Anonymous12:08 PM

    She posted this old skinny pic of herself because she doesn't want people to know sh e's preggers.

    The last few pics have been old or above the waist pics. I still say 6 months before little squibb meyer pops out and even if the kid comes out weighing 10 pounds, the frauds will claim it was premature.

    1. Cracklin Charlie1:04 PM

      She looked bigger in cpac pics. Might want to re-examine the shots from that shindig.

    2. Anonymous2:10 PM

      That photo is manipulated in some way. I've never seen anyone whose head is that much bigger than her hips.

  41. Anonymous12:18 PM

    bitch having puppies, again?!?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Sometimes people have a meet up with an old flame. She was also known to frequent bars and honky tonks. Baby daddy could be anyone.
      Gino Paoletti

      Two cute boys.

      Gino and Bristol

  42. Scruffer12:23 PM

    Well, now we know where Tripp goes to school:

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Presumably. Wow, he got enrolled in a KY school pretty quickly didn't he?

      Here's what the school had to say about career day:

      Adair County Primary Center
      April 27 at 7:04pm ·So excited to begin our Career Days tomorrow.
      Tomorrow our first graders will have speakers and dress up for what they want to be when they grow up.
      Wednesday our kindergartens will have speakers and dress up for what they want to be when they grow up.
      Thursday our second graders will have speakers and dress up for what they want to be when they grow up.
      Can't wait to see all our kiddos dressed to be our FUTURE LEADERS!!

      Of course I noticed "what they want to be when they grow up."

      Why do I find it hard to believe that Tripp actually 'wants' to be a soldier (generically) or a Marine (specifically) when he grows up? Why do I feel his Mom, Grama, and stepdad-to-be were the ones who chose for him what he should dress as for Career Day?

      Could it have anything to do with ...



    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Wonder if they asked Dakota MOH to speak to those kindergarteners! Na...doesn't pay enough!

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Frankly, I find it disgusting that Bristol would take Tripp out of his school this close to the end of the year and drop him into another school. Good parents don't do that kind of thing unless they absolutely have to.

    4. Anonymous2:39 PM

      The last thing Bristol has ever thought of first is Tripp, 2:11 PM. Me! Me! Me!

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Actually, according to a newspaper article, there was indeed a former marine there, but not Dakota for some reason.
      Also apparently a parent working at Walmart. As well as ambulance workers and some other financial something. Almost as if it's sponsored...haha.

      Also, I noticed in Dakota's FB comments that quite a few thought that Tripp was his actual son and he never corrected that!! Strange me thinks.

  43. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "I don't know if we call him Levi, I hear that he goes by the name Ricky Hollywood now," she said. "so if that's the case we don't want to mess up the gig he's got going now. Aspiring porn. It's a bit heartbreaking. I call it porn."
    -Sarah Palin


    Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin has double standards when it comes to Levi Johnston and Bristol's bff Marina Lupas.

    In the media you two talked bad about Levi appearing in Playgirl and you sons-of-bitches called him Ricky Hollywood.

    Then you two vultures looked down on Mercedes Johnston for appearing in Playboy.

    But Marina Lupas is okay in your books. You two haven't said anything bad about Marina Lupas and her semi-porn pictures. Why? Because Marina is Bristol's best friend if not her only friend.

    Exotix LLC Marina Lupas will most like be Bristol's maid of honor or one of her bridesmaids.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Thank you so much. That is an important part of this story.

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Yes, exactly!!

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      The Palins figure that what THEY say gets published in the 'lame stream media', the truth not so much.
      Unfortunately they're correct so far....

  44. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Hey Sarah & Nancy, I DARE you to post a picture of Bristol NOW without hiding her abdomen. Or is she pregnant again and that's why there are no new pics of her?

    1. Cracklin Charlie1:00 PM

      This is lookin' quite suspicious, no?

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Bristol is a breeder, and nothing more.

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Very suspect.

      If they go to the Derby, as they must if serious contenders for Ky politics. It would be Bristol's opportunity to show her belly size.

      If it is like the cinnamon bun pic she can dress and prove she is not preg.

      If not it will be hilarious, if she goes. Of course, she would say she ate too much of Sarah's yummy cooking.

      Wedding is like 3 weeks away.

      Today it is no big deal if a bride is pregnant. In this case it is the fraud of this family and the hypocracy they must dance around.

      Bristol can always wear a gorilla like suit. She is so compliant and has no strength or person of her own qualities.

      Men dress for the Derby as well as Trig and Tripp. I can't wait to see Track,

      Being they are doing the political thing and they are family values the entire family must attend and be proper.

      The South has it's priorities and the being a maverick excuse won't cut it on some of these functions and matters.

      Sarah can whatever, but it won't be good to do any slight Fuc_ You to any of the natives.

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      What will she name the baby, Joey or Josephine?

    5. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Yep, she actually is a breeder. Not unusual around Wasilla but they won't use that name. Like Dillinghan won't say incest.

      Also, I am wondering if she likes to be pregnant because she feels safe.

      Her own father is a pimp. He is from Dillingham and people know what that means.

      Don't forget the source that said she hit or kicked Todd in the nuts. What child would do that to a parent?

      Her childhood must have been hell. Something like that Children of God cult.

      A person with all that trauma may not ever grow up. Being pregnant may be the only time they were not used and abused so bad.

      She may feel good, like she is fixed and okay when she is pregnant. At other times she could have been used, like a slave.

      How did she end up so close to a porn and sex worker? Especially since it looks like the Palins set things up with the Cusack business.

      What parents would have wanted a daughter to be schooled and trained by a porn/sex worker? How long has Bristol been with the Cusacks and Marina schooling her?

      It is understandable that someone like that would want their own child to be trained in the military with all the discipline and order.

      Bristol's life must have been chaotic hell. Except the monetary rewards, trips and money things.

    6. Anonymous3:08 PM

      If it's a girl, maybe she'll name it Dakquiri in honor of the new prop husband.

    7. Anonymous3:17 PM


    8. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Why not keep up the pattern and name the baby after one of Todd's prostitutes?

    9. Anonymous3:25 PM

      It's obviously lucrative for her, 2:48 PM, and indicative that she has no self-esteem whatsoever. I mean, come on....would any female here want our mom to buy the ring?

      She said years ago, she'd consider a life in politics. Of course she would, she learned at the knee of Queen Heifer. Don't think for a moment that Mommie Dearest isn't pulling strings like mad to make "Dakota for Congress" a very viable endeavor.

      MOH and D'OH. For the love of money.

  45. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I looked at the second video of this woman, the one where she is posing with a green sports car, and noticed that her name has been spelled two different ways - Marina and Marian. So just which way is her name spelled? You would think that she would have proofed this video and spelling.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      My brother used two different names because he had something to hide.

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Watch "eXotic Russian (Marian Lupas) Shoot 1" on YouTube

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      I wonder all the other names we don't know about.

      She has been deleting and changing things on her accounts since being noticed as Bristol's BFF.

      It is going to be interesting when Marina goes to the wedding and the other parties. Her attire at the shower at Sarah's was very matronly.

      Will Track wear a uniform or military like?
      Sarah always wants him to show off that he was in the military.

    4. Anonymous2:28 PM

      She'll be lucky if Track wears a shirt.

  46. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Someone commented on Dakota's fb today that they understand the "inlaws" will be attending the Kentucky derby this Saturday! Can't wait to see how inappropriate the "ladies" dress for this one.
    Also, just a thought...the bridal shower picture is probably the wedding party. Can't wait to see who Dakota selects to join
    that group.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      And a stupid 4pee thinks Henry Kissinger will be at the wedding. bwahahaha

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Marina and Bristol have some work to do if they are going to style Dakota. This was only the end of January in Las Vegas.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Will Trig be there? If not why not?

  47. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Check out Mat Best.

  48. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Who's paying for the "in-laws" to fly to Kentucky this Saturday for the derby?

    Mr. Joe Schmuck's donations to SarahPac of course

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Don't forget Mrs. Jane Schmuck sent in her checks too.

      Palin family enjoy yourselves.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      For all we know it's a sibling of Dakota (not even sure whether he has any) and the in-laws are the Palins.
      What a horrible thing to happen to a family.

  49. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Just to remind us all why we got started working against Ms Palin and her ways:

    An Annotated Copy of the Katie Couric Interview...(it never gets old, somehow!)

  50. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Anonymous1:11 PM said
    It looks more and more like that is what the mysterious wedding crap is about. Sarah's trade in of Track for another combat vet also, too.

    Do the math and it is doubtful it could be Dakota's baby.

    No problem for Bristol since Joey and Dakota are both Caucasians. Now if Bristol went out and got drunk with Marina and they got their swirls on without protection and the baby comes out with a natural tan then Bristol ju got sum splainin to do.

  51. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Hey Dakota, take good care of Joey Junker's baby, ya hear?

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      But Bristol told me it's my baby.

  52. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Bristol will be suggesting to Dakota to get hair plugs, he is prematurely balding. You sure struck out with this one, Bristol. Bwahahaha, you will NEVER find a replacement for Levi.

  53. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Anonymous1:55 PM
    I wonder all the other names we don't know about.
    (Bristol's exotic bud)

    Let's see, there's Marina Lupas and Marian Lupas
    Could there be a Lou Marina like Lou Sarah used by that conniving Alaskan politician.

  54. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Toad are you bringing Marian and her girls to Kentucky?

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Can the Belmonts attend the Derby?

  55. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Don't worry Sarah, maybe Duhkota will let Track borrow some of his war medals so Track won't look stupid wearing his National Guard uniform with no medals at the wedding.

  56. Anonymous2:26 PM

    You know, I never thought I could despise a human being more than Sarah Palin. I now stand corrected.

  57. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Dont' want to beat a dead horse, O/T I was on Twitter, came across sarahpalin radio (who knew?) This was dated Jan 25

    LAMESTREAM MEDIA: I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you, The FUC-- Sign is an acronym for Friends United for Chris KYLE you morons #SarahPalin

    There was 1 response:

    right, and this was in no way provocative gambit for attention
    welp, got what you wanted, too bad you look like a child

  58. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon2:34 PM

    I try to search on "Lupas," but Google keeps redirecting me to "lupus".
    Wonder why.

  59. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Is Sarah and Mrs. Todd Palin flying to the Kentucky Derby this weekend and flying back to Alaska when the derby is over?

    Then Sarah and Mrs. Todd Palin, Palin children along with the Heaths, Palins and Marina will fly to Kentucky for the wedding in about a 3 weeks and return to Alaska afterwards.

    Sarah is there anything else you have that you can sign and raffle off through SarahPac?

    Roundtrip airfare to Kentucky for the town of Wasilla, room and board is going to be very expensive.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Do you think she will go to the Derby? Not that Sarah would dress appropriate but if she and the family did that would cost more than 20 trips for the family. Seriously, if you are anybody you are going to be suitably styled and dressed and anyone who is with you.

      Can't wait to see Bristol's hat. It could have a veil that goes to her kneew. That way you won't see her tummy.

  60. Janice A Soderquist2:41 PM

    Where is Sarah these days. She is mum on Bristol's up and coming wedding. Are Sarah and Bristol on the outs? Has Sarah lost her best friend and traveling companion? Is Bristol finally doing what she wants without
    Sarah's permission?

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I personally don't care where the hell she is. The break has been refreshing but, that being said, if past history is indicative, she'll appear and make an even bigger @ss out of herself than she did the last time. Girl can't help it.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Last I knew Sarah was stuck with the Duck guys birthday. Someone claims she will be at the Derby on May 2. Who knows?

      Someone has gotten to Marina and she has been switching her accounts around.

      Reminds me of time when John McCain had his staff steal from Sadie Johnston's computer. That is one of the ways they fix things and rewrite history.

      As much as Sarah loves Marina she may not want her business so close to Bristol, the good Christian daughter who isn't going to have another bastard.

    3. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Sarah is busy just a plannin" and a plottin' the big weddin '

      Since it is the weekend before Memorial weekend they want to keep things patriotic also too, this is why Pabst Blue Ribbon will be served and Tripp will be the ring bearer resplendent in his little military outfit, Tripp will also shoot his kiddie 22 rifle in the air for the amusement of the guests.

      The cake will be a delicious concoction of layered ding dongs, twinkies, and ho ho's. Speaking of which Marina will be the maid of ( dis) honor. Haters gonna hate but just wait until they sell the photos to TMZ or The Daily Mail and make enough money to pay for that fancy Hawaiian honeymoon! Sarah can't follow them there because "brown people" make her nervous just like when she was in college.

  61. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Bristol's friend Marian made a video for Exotic Russians. Is it just me? I thought she looked like a Russian weight lifter

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I''l bet she's connected to Tawd's pimp trade.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      3:06 PM

      Dr. Cusack also. Too bad APD is so corrupt. They allow horrible things to continue.

  62. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I am surprised Bristol and Dakota didn't give Tripp an AR15 or another gun to hold in that camouflage pose.

    It's a sick picture anyway, even without a gun.

  63. Anonymous3:29 PM

    The Cusacks and workers are also removing pictures from their accounts. I guess they have no clue about the internet is forever. They look guilty of something when they do that. I imagine the feds have most everything by now, just in case it ever comes up. Who knows they may all end up in court.

    This is just a picture posted by Janice Sims last October of Dr. Cusack and the staff. Sad about the mysterious death of the young woman. I don't know when the picture of Marina and Bristol was taken.

    If you read the reviews of clients it makes you wonder about the health department and other violations it appears happened in that office. Marina was once listed as an assistant. Bristol was alleged office manager. Someone should take into consideration the disease and all that clients could catch or be exposed to.

    We just had a doctor office shut down because of the high number of patients that were coming down with HIV and other infectuous diseases. It was not due to a sex worker acting as an assistant or anything like that. It was just improperly handling medical things.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Oopsie. Did Marina out the Cusacks for what kind of business it actually is? No wonder Bristol was allowed to come and go as she pleased.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Yelp Review:
      Nivole C. 3/31/2015
      Wish I could give less then one star but that's not an option.... Tried to sell me $25 cream, that he produced himself, its complete crap! He is 73 years old and needs to retire! He is old and creepy! He knows nothing and I have no idea how he is passing is medical board tests every 5 years! He is a complete ass very rude! He got mad when I started asking questions because he didn't know the answer! All his staff clearly are paid in botox and it's clear thats where he makes his money is in Cosmo stuff, he knows nothing about real medical dermatology! DO NOT GO TO THIS GUY!!!!!!

    3. Anonymous3:53 PM


  64. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Anonymous2:18 PM

    Toad are you bringing Marian and her girls to Kentucky?


    Are you talking about bringing Marian's Exotix model friends to Kentucky? Funny thing though, Marian Exotix LLC company comes across as if they provide models but there isn't any models on Exotix's facebook photo pages except for the Russian weight lifter.

    Exotix LLC
    Google Exotix LLC:
    Hello....My name is Marina Lupas and I am the owner of Exotix LLC. I provide models for music video, photo shoots, and ...

    1. In that case, wouldn't that make her a Madam?

  65. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Marina needs to change her name to Melanie.

    Her melons hang down to her knees

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Were they purchased?

  66. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Immoral Minority readers don't blame Bristol Palin for the skin clinic's bad reviews. It all went downhill after high school educated medical office manager Bristol Palin left Alaska.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Yeah, because she was that effing smart to run an office.hahahahaha

  67. Anonymous4:02 PM

    That's a terrible picture of Tripp and a terrible thing they're doing to him. Awful. I

  68. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Does Marina know Shailey Tripp?

  69. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Didn’t the dermatology clinic Bristol worked for give her numerous different days off for DWTS, DWTS Allstars, Disneyland etc? If this clinic was in such bad shape then why give the office manager all those times off and allowed her to come back?

    My job would not allow me to come and go as I please if I held an important position as office manager. They would tell me to make up my mind.

  70. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Ass imilated... such a good Christian family,

  71. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Did Bristol also take time off to follow her mother around in the lower 48?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.