Saturday, April 04, 2015

California mother laughs at motorist who starts following her. She flags down cop, who tries to help her, dies in hail of gunfire anyway.

Courtesy of New York Daily News:  

A California mother innocently laughed at a stranger on the road moments before the man shot her and her 12-year-old son, killing the woman, police said. 

"It appears to be random or misguided," Lt. Dave Coleman told the Daily Breezea bout the cold-blooded killing. 

Denise Chiffon Berry, 44, was driving in Hawthorne Wednesday afternoon with her son when the boy made eye contact with three men driving by in a Cadillac, police said. 

The boy told police Berry noticed one of the Cadillac passengers had his feet hanging out the window, laughed and remarked: "Look at that, isn't that funny?" 

Then she drove on — and the men followed. 

Berry drove up to police officer and told him they were being pursued, so the cop told her to park in front of him. 

But that did not save her. 

After Berry pulled her Mercedes-Benz over around 12:30 p.m., the men caught up with her. One jumped out of the car and opened fire with two handguns. 

The officer fired back and killed the shooter, identified as Robert Washington, 38, of Rialto. Berry was killed on the scene. 

Her son, who hasn’t been named, was injured, but still managed to run away and speak to investigators before undergoing surgery,KTLA reported.

The driver and the other passenger were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy, and their bail is set at one million dollars each. 

The conservatives will simply write this off as a "black on black" crime, but it's actually a murder by handgun brazenly perpetrated right in front of a police officer.

Once again that is not the sort of crime that happens in places without a so-called "gun culture."


  1. angela2:44 PM

    This country should be redlined because of the available weaponry in this country. Maybe if tourists stopped coming
    to this insane place . . . . Cause in the end--its all about money.

  2. ibwilliamsi3:13 PM

    Oh, FFS.

  3. We have stopped going to the U.S. for this very reason.
    We now go to Europe for our holidays.

  4. Anonymous4:11 PM

    What is this world coming to? Seriously? Shot and killed for the shooter's own stupidity? Race shouldn't enter this at all, but we all know it will be "the excuse". I hope they get hauled before a judge and get some of that old fashioned multiple penalties to be served concurrently with no chance at parole.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      The shooter is dead.

    2. The accomplices will also be charge with murder even though they didn't pull the trigger.

      Hope they get life without parole.

  5. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Problem is, this terrible tragedy also happened in the state with strictest gun control laws in the country. And even if thugs obeyed the laws, then the only people with guns would be cops, and we all how that works out for minorities. It's a no-win situation.

    1. No, there is win-win situation, and that is not our current gun laws, which are a joke, but to severely limit guns in this country. For all. Yes, cops, too.

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      I agree current gun laws are a joke. But how exactly do you propose to "severely limit guns in this country", except by the rule of law?

    3. Don't forget to severely limit ammunition as well.

  6. krbmjb055:16 PM

    My husband was on this call. Makes NO sense!

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'd settle for sanely limit. Liek real background checks. And no concealed or unconcealed carry without some renewable pyschological testing.

  8. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Hot headed and packing. What could possibly go wrong??


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