Saturday, April 04, 2015

John Boehner goes to Israel. And then joins Ted Cruz in announcing that "the world is on fire."

So after Beohner invited Netanyahu to speak before Congress, without notifying the White House, Netanyahu returned the favor by inviting the giant Oompa Loompa to travel to Israel.

While there Bohner made the following histrionic statement: 

“I wouldn’t have believed that I would be involved in as much foreign policy as I am today,” Boehner said in his hotel near Jerusalem’s Old City. “And it certainly isn’t by choice. It’s just that the world is on fire. And I don’t think enough Americans or enough people in the administration understand how serious the problems that we’re facing in the world are.” 

Yeah you know who else cannot believe that Boehner  has injected himself into foreign policy? The American people.

And Boehner's constant undermining of the President places our country, and in fact the entire world in danger.

Yes indeed we are facing some very serious problems today, and a truckload of those problems can be traced right back to the Republican led Congress.

How interesting that Boehner now adopts the same language used by the most melodramatic attention seeker in his party, Ted Cruz, who famously used that "world on fire" line to frighten a small child.

Apparently the line between the irrational rabid Right Wing and the so-called GOP establishment is becoming less and less defined.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    We need another, from the exclusive source, update on sarah and the gang....when can we expect the next installment?

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Read this and weep, boner! (and this isn't even the latest news!)

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Twittered it to Boner. But I highly doubt he will read it.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Well written commentary, Gryph. Boner and the GOP scare the bejebus out of me.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
    I agree that these are dangerous times, but as long as mankind as existed, we have faced danger in various forms-plagues, famine, diseases, wars, Republicans, etc. If we choose to live in constant stress and fear, what is the point of our existence? I will leave that mentality to the tea party/c4p crowd. I have never understood how "Christian" leaders and voters can claim that God seats all kings and that our existence is preordained and yet, show no faith in their God's choice or plan? I would think they should assume it is all going according to plan!

  5. fromthediagonal12:27 PM

    Gryphen, as to your last sentence: Rabid Irrationality has become the accepted norm. Insanity is contagious and the common vectors are Preachers and Politicians, united by Willful Ignorance.

  6. FrostyAK12:35 PM

    Can we say treason? But then treason doesn't seems to hold any consequences anymore.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      My thoughts exactly FrostyAK!

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      What the hell is wrong with these people?! I just cannot believe the behavior of the likes of Boehner, McCain, Cotton, etc. They're undermining our President and our entire system and Country. For what? Koch money? I just don't get it.

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Nope, no consequences for treason, and it all started with "You lie" from Joe Wilson. It will continue as long as there's a black man in the White House, and then will continue if a white woman is in the WH.

    4. Anonymous5:36 PM

      What happens if a white Republican man is in the WH? Let's (all Democrats) undermine his power and make all kinds of trouble for him as payback. Or better yet not let that happen by voting the Democratic candidate in but you know those bastard Republican are going to steal the election because after all, they control the Diebold machines.

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Gryphen, just tell us what we want to hear:

    that he's visiting Israel and planning to stay there.

    Let that be this year's Passover miracle.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Maybe he'll get a German pilot on his plane ride back to the USA.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      I was rooting for John Crash McCain to fly their plane.

  8. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Elect a bunch of neocon oil tools and religious nutter pyromaniacs and watch them do their thing!

  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    The world is on fire and the republiCONs are busy with their flamethrowers. Just like Farenheit 451. The endtimes have been prophesied by the religiCONS, so even starting WWIII would prove they are sitting with Jeebus and doing Gawdz will.

    Glad I'm old.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Props for Farenheit 451 mention! My high school English teacher sophomore year HS showed it every semester in every class he taught. 1972. He was 34 at the time.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Ditto on being old. But I feel for my grandkids and do not believe they will live to old age.

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM


      I read the book. Low budget high school.

  10. Anonymous1:18 PM

    The world's on fire all right, John,
    and you helped light the match, asshole.

  11. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Isn't it odd that Boehner can't interest himself in something useful like global warming? I guess he's too lazy to tackle a genuine problem.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Profits from alternative fuels are not as great as those from war (and cannot be hidden and manipulated as easily). And the Koch brothers are not heavily invested in green technology but ARE no doubt invested in industries that profit very handsomely from waging wars around the world.

  12. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "The world is on fire" is clearly a Fox-approved sound bite that we'll hear again and again.
    It was funny when Cruz used it as a small-town preacher and scared the little girl into asking, "The world is on fire!"
    And that's how we all must react to these neocons, drumming up war when they haven't been able to get one any other way.
    Scare the low-infomration tea baggers into thinking the threat is greater, not less, than it was. And to do it on foreign soil is treason.

  13. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Gee, in 2006, Boehner was certainly singing a different tune about the president and our diplomats.

    “The North Korean government’s missile tests have rightfully been condemned by the United States and the international community as a dangerous provocation that threatens peaceful, multilateral diplomatic discussions.

    “This is a serious international security concern, and it is critical that we support the efforts of President Bush and our diplomats as they work with other members of the international community to agree upon a collective response to the North Korean regime’s pattern of dangerous defiance.”

  14. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Now if only would meet the traitorous orange bastard at the airport and bundle him off to Bagram or a similar location.... (sigh) a girl can dream, can't she?

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      A quick addition to the 'No Fly List' perhaps?

  15. Anonymous1:53 PM

    The world is on fire because of A: historical religious conflict and B: because America keeps spending us into debt stirring up these conflicts in the name of oil.

  16. London Bridges2:19 PM

    Actually Boner Boy."it's liar, liar your pants are on fire!"

  17. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Boehner and Cruz just want to distract everyone from the fact that their pants are on fire.

  18. Anonymous3:16 PM

    People say all the time that if President Obama were to cure cancer, the Republicans would accuse him of killing jobs. This is even worse. To convince people that peace is a thing to be feared is just unconscionable.

  19. Our Lad3:37 PM

    Boehner is at his best when he is hung over and weeping. Just think about this for a second, there is a woman somewhere who actually fucks this guy. A sobering thought, yes?

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      A frightening thought, to be sure, but still slightly less painful to contemplate than Yertle the Turtle McConnell.

    2. Anonymous8:35 PM

      From what I hear, that woman would not be his wife. Seems he has a "lady" friend. He needs all the cash he can get his hands on, he is building a plush home in Florida. He will likely die from cirrhosis long before he can live in it.

  20. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I read somewhere that "the world is on fire" is an evangelical dog whistle. I found it in the book "The Great Evangelical Disaster" by Francis Schaeffer, written in 1984.

    Page 90: "Finally, we must not forget that the world is on fire. We are not only losing the church, but our entire culture as well. We live in the post-Christian world which is under the judgment of God." Among evangelicals, he is given credit for virtually creating the anti-abortion movement.

  21. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Ia wish POTUS would take away his citizenship papers before he gets a chance to crawl like a snake back into a plane and our soil. "The world is on fire"????? Shouldn't Chickenshit little say "The sky is falling"???? I'm sure Mrs. Pelosi would have no problem keeping her emotions in check when she gets handed the "compact, ladies version" of The Gavel.

  22. Anonymous7:45 PM

    So these so called "Christian republicans support Israel. Israel that collects 3.5 billion plus from the u.s. tax payers and YET they provide free abortions on demand in Israel. Please where is the outrage? They close Planned Parent Hood offices on a daily basis. I guess because Jews cannot go to heaven it does not matter to these so called Christians that Jewish babie are aborted....IM SO SICK OF ISRAEL AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

  23. Anonymous4:51 AM

    John Boehner is this century's "chicken little."


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