Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Texas bill that would have banned same sex marriage dies a well deserved death.

Courtesy of Washington Post: 

A bill that was seen as a preemptive strike during Supreme Court deliberations over same-sex marriage died in the Texas legislature early Friday. 

The bill would have barred local officials from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples and would have withheld state and local funds for such a purpose. While experts say it may not have withstood a legal challenge, its supporters say it would have sent a message to the Supreme Court and potentially delayed same-sex marriage in the courts. 

The bill would have had to pass the House by the end of the day Thursday to remain in play for the legislative session, which ends June 1. The majority of the chamber’s members had signed on as co-authors, assuring its passage had it reached the floor. But it failed to come up for a vote after opponents of the measure mounted delay tactics that ran out the clock.

Man I cannot get over how desperately some of these states are fighting against the inevitable.

Gay marriage is coming folks.

So either rent that tux and join the most fabulous wedding parties you have ever imagined, or lock yourselves in your house, unplug your television and computers, and hide under your beds in the fetal position til Jesus comes to get ya.


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Good, so tired of xtians pushing their religion into our civil laws.
    Keep your bigotry and ancient fairie tales in your churches.

  2. Boscoe3:41 PM

    The best part is that when Gay marriage happens, NOTHING in the lives of the haters will change. There'll be no "destruction of family values", there'll be no epidemic of straight kids turning gay, the "institution of marriage" will be undamaged and nobody will be passing laws banning people from believing in Jesus.

    There will be a week where the media is flooded with images of happy gay couples getting hitched, and then it'll be over, and everyone will just get on with their lives like nothing's different.

    But what WILL be different is that all the words and photos of the haters will live forever on the internets. And 20 years from now, when a future generation looks back, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with us, all those bigots will be there, waiting to be publicly ridiculed, forever memes of stupidity and hatred for all generations to come.

    Well done, morans, well done.

    I hope I'm still around to see it, I can't wait for documentarians to start seeking out the imbeciles behind those words and images when they're senior citizens and thought they'd been forgotten...

    Same with the Obama haters, now that I think about it. There are going to be A LOT of people who deeply regret presenting their stoopid in full public view when they see their idiot faces and misspelled signs in montages in documentaries about assholes FOREVER...

    Enjoy your Karma, bigots.

  3. Anita Winecooler3:57 PM

    We did our annual pilgrimage to Gay Pride, this year in New Hope, PA. and there's definitely a new vibe that we've never experienced before. Yeah, the haters and thumpers were there with their usual bible verse misinterpretation, and other fools, but there were a LOT more same sex couples with wedding bands and kids. The flesh flashing has been severely cut back, and there were a hell of a lot more supporters than detractors.
    I like the visual of under the bed in the fetal position.
    I got to meet our local weather man who married his lover and adopted the cutest child I ever laid eyes on, and two of the speakers were ex Catholic nuns who kicked the habit and are living the life God intended for them (Their words, not mine).

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Hey folks, while the bill may be dead, it's not really dead.

    While no new bills can be filed, the language could still be added as an amendment to an existing bill. We are still watching carefully until the June 1st session's end. Then there is always a chance the governor could call a special session.

    Please keep hoping for us, my marriage license rides on this. My partner and I are getting married here in Austin on August 8.


    1. Leland12:22 AM

      Good Luck! And I wish for you and yours all the good things that come with love and commitment.

  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Gay marriage = Perversion

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      5:45 You're not doing it right.

  6. As a fellow atheist, I generally had no issue with organized religion. UNTIL they legislated THEIR interpretation of their mythical creature into my life and my vagina, to be specific. Screw them and their fear. I have gay family, gay friends, bi family and bi friends. We are sexual beings... and if they really want to get pissy about 'teh gey', they need to search beyond us stupid apes. The stupid... it makes my brain.twitch!

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Screw fags like yourself.

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Poor 12:26 is looking for a partner, but doesn't know the polite way to do it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.