Saturday, May 16, 2015

Well Bristol Palin's newest Instagram pictures raise a few questions.

This is dated today, with the hastag #allmybabes.

And I did hear that Tripp was definitely going to be back in Alaska this weekend. So this photo could be from today.

Anybody notice what's missing?

Here's a hint.

Now before the trolls start accusing us of jumping to conclusions, let me say that I am just making an observation.

However there was this post from earlier as well.

Yeah it's just a coincidence. Probably doesn't mean a thing.

Let me just say that if the digging into Dakota's first marriage made Bristol either cancel her upcoming wedding, or put it off for awhile, I am not going to feel badly.

In my humble opinion this was moving much too fast, and it had trainwreck written all over it.

And let's face facts it would be far better for Bristol to find out NOW that there may be problems with trust, then to find out after she has already been married for a couple of months. Or years.

I'm just saying.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Someday Bristol is going to be thanking all the anti-Palin blogs for exposing Dakota's first marriage.

    1. abbafan4:41 PM

      I doubt that very much SPHASH. She is too simple to deduce logic on her own. Then again, being in a dysfunctional household with an egocentric, narcissistic fuck-up of a mother certainly did not help. The turd didn't fall far from the bowl! P.S. - kiss my ass troll!

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      I'll bet you are very proud you were first to reply. .

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      As much as IM-er's dislike Bristol for her hypocrisy, I feel that we care more about her long-term well-being than her own "get-out-there-and-shake-that-money-maker" parents.

    4. Anonymous7:34 PM

      6:28 you be nailin that palin! I truly believe Sarah is to blame for rushing Bristol into this. And, if there's yet another baby on the way, well, maybe old Sarah WILL have herself another MURIKEL baby and run for 'pressy.'

      NONE of Sarah's kids mean a thing to her except when they're useful as props. And to make matters worse, it's not that she just has no emotional connection, she has no concern at all for their well-being. The kids know this too.

      The fame and money has been a decent distraction for the family. But that ride is coming to an end.

    5. Anonymous1:04 AM

      Hell no. Bristol ain't a gonna be thanking anyone for anything. She belongs to the generation who believe they are entitled to everything without ever having worked for it. She has ZERO clue about struggling in life to make a living.

      Bristol is pissed that's for sure but she sure isn't thinking about bloggers in their basements exposing the truth. She's all about herself and the next move her stage mommy, mommy's lawyers, her so-called rep advises her to do. As long as the money is coming in, what the _uck does Bristol care? Getting her & Tripps's nails done is WAY more important!

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Trig is still in a stroller?

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      A double stroller to boot!

    2. Anonymous4:57 PM

      It struck me as odd that it is a double stroller. Is Trig's nanny taking care of another Palin baby?

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      A dual stroller at that.. Tripp is way too big to ride in one..

    4. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Look at his bowed legs and lack of proper knee development; he exhibits symptoms of Rickets and it would probably be painful for him to stand of walk for long periods. Poor little kid, he'll probably be in a stroller for quite a while and then need leg and arm braces.

    5. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Don't be an idiot. It's a double stroller and they are using it as a seat.

    6. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Bristol tweeted a picture of herself carrying Trig at the Iron Dog start in February and said he's the only 6-year-old she'd carry. Tripp was 6 years old at the time.

      Obviously Trig's legs get tired or weak.

    7. Anonymous6:15 PM

      THANK you, 5:07 PM.

    8. The little retardo's leg didn't appear too weak while he was standing with all his weight on his "therapy dog"!

    9. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Hey 9:27 aka Lou Indy. Us rill libruls don't call people names. You're the only one who ever referred to the child you stole as the 'retarded one.'

    10. Anonymous2:50 AM

      Is Bristles covering up a baby in one part of that stroller? She is sitting down near the bottom, and there could be a child behind her, being covered up. Did she give birth to Junker's second child, and THAT is why there have been no photos lately from Kin Fucky??

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Let it wait a long while, Bristol. You'll find someone that loves you for YOU and not what Mommie dictates. Focus on Trig and Tripp. They didn't ask for this, but are paying more than all of you combined for your selfish ambition.

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM


    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      better to be alone, than wish you were.

  4. krbmjb054:48 PM

    Too bad she sold her house! LOL Will have to live with Momma.....or move in with one of her many AK hookups!

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      I hear there's a big assed houseboat for sale! Well you have to add the house part. It's probably going to be on Anch CL soon and for real cheap! Also too only one of the motors can be started. But the current owners just want it gone...

      Read more:

  5. krbmjb054:49 PM

    Am I bad for wishing this would have come out on the day of the wedding instead!?

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Nope! I was thinking the same thing.

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      I personally wouldn't wish that on any bride.

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Could be worse timing- on the morning after the wedding - "Honey there's a secret I was going to tell you. Didn't want you to get mad but uhh"

    4. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Sorry. I agree that NO bride deserves to go through something like this. Not even a PayMe one!

    5. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Why is there a double stroller?
      Trig needs one. Who's the other baby?

    6. Anonymous1:08 AM

      Who is the other baby 9:41?

    7. Anonymous1:41 AM

      I honestly doubt that any wedding has been planned. Why no photos, no preparations, no showers? This was all a publicity stunt. Now come the pleas, Bristles sold her house, now she has nowhere to stay with Tripp. Send $$$$. There does not seem to be much distress over the "failed wedding" shown by Bristles and Piper, does there?

  6. Anonymous4:54 PM

    It's sweet how Trig lovingly looks at his MOTHER

    1. More like he's protecting her from all of lifes hurts which really shouldn't be the responsibility of a 6 yr old child. But in this effed up family? Seems right!

    2. Anonymous1:42 AM

      Maybe he is wondering WHO this person is?

  7. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I think on some level Bristol could be actually be relieved. I never saw any real affection between chemistry, IMO. And did she really want to live Kentucky? I bet not. Yes, I think she's probably upset to be humiliated publicly but at the same time happy to be back to her life? Just speculating.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      My thoughts too. Bristol Palin is used to being humiliated. It is a sad reality. If Sarah Palin had been my mom and drug me in front of the Repub Convention as a pregnant teen I would have died a little inside.

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      I think the whole thing was a cover up for why Bristol's home had to be sold off.

    3. Anonymous7:35 PM

      5:16 Sarah drugged bristol at the convention? That's awful, maybe she didn't want her to say something inconvenient for Sarah's image. What a horrible mother.

    4. Anonymous8:24 PM

      At least I hope you meant that tongue in cheek. Otherwise, you are a rare form of idiot.

  8. Trig never seems to want to hit Bristol.

    I think Tripp is the older child.

    Even if Bristol isn't the mother of Trig (who knows), she is more maternal than that cold fish, Sarah.

  9. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Holy shit, could Trig look any more like Levi? (well, also too he looks like Eddie Munster with his pointy sideburns...)

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      I agree, overtime I look at that little boy I think Levi.

  10. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Another trial husband down the drain. well that didn't take long.

  11. Anonymous5:02 PM

    There are not photos of Bristol and Dakota meeting when he appeared on Sarah Palin's Amazing America. We don't know when they taped his visit to match to a time when Bristol was around.

    They probably met seriously at the Shot Show in Las Vegas at the end of January. It was a match made in heaven. Dakota and Sarah held the FUC- Micheal Moore sign. Yes, they agreed politically. Dakota was all set to introduce Sarah at CPAC in February, and Sarah spoke well about veterans' issues.

    SarahPAC's professional photographer captured the love match of Bristol and Dakota, gazing at each other and holding hands. It was a real quickie romance, followed by Bristol visiting Dakota in Kentucky. Then Dakota came up to Alaska to visit Bristol. All of this captured by more photos. Even the proposal in romantic Las Vegas was a Shealah Craighead original.

    End of January to middle of March is six weeks, a few weekends of two people instantly falling in love, and in a moment, Bristol sold her house and moved to Kentucky. That's fine if we are just taking about Bristol and Dakota. But there was a six year old kid involved, and he had already seen some trial daddy's come, go and be kicked to the side of the road. In some of the photos from Kentucky, Tripp forces a smile. Bristol should think more about what this is doing to Tripp instead of her Instagram account.

    Surprise, a whirlwind courtship and marriage. What could go wrong. The first hint was a mysterious comment that Dakota had been married before. It wasn't hard to find his marriage license on line. There is a lot of stuff out there on the internet. But judging from events of the past few days, Bristol doesn't look as if she knew about Cassandra, Dakota's first wife. What other secrets has Dakota failed to reveal?

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Obviously many when he didn't show up to his own dinner.

    2. Anonymous1:51 AM

      Not as many as Bristles!! She has a closet full of "surprises" Duhkota's family must be broken hearted, losing Bristles and Tripp. Wait - maybe not since there are no photos of them welcoming them into the family. Maybe THEY are the ones who leaked the hidden marriage to the press? Comparing the daughter in law and Bristles, Cassie seems like a really nice girl. Bristles on the other hand is well worn, used up and her BFF is into internet porn. Not exactly the type parents would wish their son to marry, now is she? So, now business should pick up at all the bars in Alaska, Bristles is BACK and ready to PARTAY.

  12. Hopefully this means she told $arah to pound sand, and that she's going to live vibrantly on HER OWN terms.

    1. Anonymous1:52 AM

      In $carah;s house!!

  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Dear Miss Manners: My mother bought my engagement ring. I'm breaking off the engagement. Do I give the ring to my ex-fiance or to my mother?
    Confused in Alaska

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Dear Confused,

      It's fake so it really doesn't matter Bristol.

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Dear Ms. Confused,

      Sell the ring and throw the gargoyle who birthed you into the lake.

      With best wishes,

      Miss Approriate

  14. Janice A Soderquist5:26 PM

    Is this a new stroller? Maybe she is having twins and got a stroller early. Why would they have ever needed one before. I bet she moves to Arizona and hires a bodyguard.

  15. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I think before everyone thinks this Dakota/Bristol relationship is over we need to remember that things are not always what they appear to be when it comes to the Palins. I remember when we were all telling Dakota to run...
    O/T the movie boys have exceeded their $350K and still
    collecting! That is disturbing.

  16. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Love it that the witch is in LA as this unfolds supposedly giving a speech at a function on the USS Iowa. I wonder if she mentioned her supposed future son-in-law, the Medal of Honor winner.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Holy crap!!! She's looking more and more like Michael Jackson. Kids, just say no to drugs and surgery.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Sarah's wig seems to be falling backwards.

    4. Anonymous8:16 PM

      When I saw $carry's pictures from LA, my first thought was that $he looks more and more like that Bruce Jenner who is turning into a woman - except $HE is turning iNto a MAN.

    5. Anonymous10:38 PM

      Thanks for the photo, 6:40pm. Enlarge it, and see the bizarre shafts of real hair vs. the heavy wig

  17. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Tummy look a little swollen?

  18. Old picture, its been pouring rain in Kentucky today. Do you really believe Trigg is in Kentucky?

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      People are saying that Bristol went back to Alaska and the photo was taken there. Would anyone in Alaska be able to check on this?

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      It's an old picture, we know this.
      A mom with her TWO babies.

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Nice pic of mom with her TWO babies.

    4. Anonymous6:13 PM

      C'mon, DGM, we know better and you do, too.

    5. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Brissy is back in Alaska, in her old home.

    6. Anonymous9:34 PM

      It was a beautiful day in southcentral Alaska!

    7. Anonymous1:13 AM

      No trigg is not in KY. You are right about that. Even if it WAS an old picture why would it matter? Bristol posted it herself yesterday to stab Dakota in the heart.showing off no engagement ring and posing Tripp protecting her against him. That's my opinion.

  19. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Does anyone still believe that Tripp is younger than Trig?

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      born in the same yr. or so the story goes. my sister and i are 11 months apart. downs kids tend to be short in stature. different dads? Dylan? who knows.

    2. Anonymous4:20 AM

      in * steelers fans pictures of the two babies you can tell trig was the bigger of the 2, at that time... and you can definitely tell its them,too and also.

  20. Anonymous5:39 PM

    So she admits that Trigg is hers?

  21. Anonymous5:42 PM

    is she still posting half dressed pictures of trip? sure hope not..but wouldn't surprise me. ugh. poor child. and she whines about stalkers.

  22. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Well good for Bristol and for Tripp, if she's slowing down.

    Her post looks like some coded message and they look creepy.
    First, her hashtag is "Allmybabes"; is she suggesting that Trig is her 'babe' too? Second, that picture of Tripp in a wife-beater shirt and his arm around his mom at his age, just looks weird. She isn't smiling, but making some silly grin, and Trig is the only one not seeming to pose. Could Bristol maybe shorten those shorts any shorter?

    Piper is, as usual, in selfie juvenile mode, but she's allowed. Who is the adult in that picture?

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I thought that was creepy too..Tripp with is arms around Mommy's boobs (or former boobs.) He has had to grow up so fast that I suspect he still sleeps with her.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      "his arm around his mom at his age"
      WTF is wrong with you? There is NOTHING wrong with a little boy hugging his mom. Sicko.

    3. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Agree, 7:06 PM!
      The person that's sick is 6:42 PM.

  23. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Mama Grifter will demand the engagement ring back.

  24. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Maybe the engagement ring is already in Lake Lucille? After all Bristol is Sarah's mini-me.

  25. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I'm wondering with the wedding postponed/canceled if Barstool will be having an abortion of Dakota's child(ren), if she hasn't already, just like the ones Mama had.

  26. Janice A Soderquist5:57 PM


    Is Dakota going to flip out over this? We already know he cancelled his event and Bristol bought 3 tickets and no one went.
    Maybe Bristol is playing games posting that stuff, no ring, etc. just to make us look like fools.
    Maybe the wedding will go on, who knows.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Why would she think that would make US look like fools?

    2. Anonymous1:15 AM

      Let's hope that for once Dakota had the sense to unload all his guns as he suffers through Sarah Paliln's daughter dumping him for lying about his past.

  27. Janice A Soderquist6:02 PM

    If Bristol is in Alaska now, did she move everything out of the Kentucky house, shoes, etc. I cannot imagine Dakota just standing there and watch her move out. Maybe she is just visiting Alaska, taking Tripp to see his dad. Maybe she will have someone go collect her things. I think with her big smile and joking about her babies and taking off her rings, she might be playing with us so we give her more attention.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      You never know with these Palin's, but it's always entertaining!

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Well, there was the picture of Bristol and Tripp in the closet. A coded message?

  28. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Anybody notice what's missing?
    Here's a hint.

    Did Sarah take her engagement ring back?

    1. Anonymous1:19 AM

      I think Piper may be eying it. After all they passed around Bristol's sparkly white bag dress plenty of times so why not Sarah's engagement ring?

  29. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Now that we've finally gotten a few answers to the many questions regarding Dakota's wife(wives?), there are still unanswered questions about his possible kids. And I'm not just talking about with Cassie. There are also others, including (possibly) all the women overseas that the Medal of Honor winner raped rescued from swarthy Muslim men.

  30. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Dakota is in the hospital. Earlier today, someone shot his balls off. Police say they have no suspects.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      No suspects, but Dakota was found bleeding and screaming and clutching a Magnum in each hand.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Duhkota claimed some black man shot off his balls, but the truth is some young woman couldn't find his because he doesn't have any.

  31. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Here's a pic of Sarah at the CA event...

    1. Janice A Soderquist6:25 PM

      That is Gene Simmons, are there any pics of the Palins?

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM


    3. Anonymous6:53 PM

      6:25 Scroll down a bit. One of the posts says Sarah was going to speak. And another says they hope they post the videos of all the speakers.

      LOL. So do I. I'd love to see Sarah's speech.

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Oh sorry, Janice @ 6:25!

      My mistake, I thought that was Sarah!!!

    5. Anonymous11:09 PM

      I thought that's a man baby! And it is!

  32. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I am still trying to figure out what the motive was in disclosing the info about the hidden marriage.

    Who wanted the info known and for what purpose?

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Sleuthing, nothing more nothing less. Nothing is ever as it seems in Palin Land and some good people investigated to find an "oops" of omission.

    2. Anonymous11:13 PM

      It's another of those patented Palin chit happenz moments. Just like the beatdown at the hoedown!

      Palins do not control what we know, or what we reveal. Sometimes they don't even know what we know.

      The real worry for the whackjobs from Wasilla is that a blog (and even worse this blog) was used to reveal real dirt and embarrass the Palins).

    3. Anonymous11:53 PM

      The motive? well obviously Bristol didn't know. She should be thanking bloggers her mother hates for tipping her off!

    4. Anonymous1:59 AM

      Duhkota's family members?

    5. Anonymous4:00 AM

      What was the motive for hiding the marriage in the first place?

  33. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Okay, I have a totally different take on this whole "engagement". I don't think there was ever being a marriage planned at all and all involved knew it. Except maybe simpleton Bristol, but she still got laid for a few weeks and that always makes her happy.
    So don't cry Bristol, it's summer, get out your tent and wine coolers and fuck away and you won't be lonely anymore.

    1. Anonymous2:01 AM

      In Alaska, hasn't she slept with ALL available guys there already? Maybe Joey Junker wants to be there for the birth of their second baby together?

  34. Does Willow (or whatever her name is) have pink hair now?!

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      That's Piper..probably got it from Willow though.

  35. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Tripp wore his Marine uniform to "show and tell" at his KY school ... wonder if he brought it back to AK?

  36. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Maybe the wedding is in Alaska, in Pimp Daddy's hangar and that is why Bristol is in Wasilla.

    The look on Tripp's face as he hugs mother is another story. He looks like he is protecting her. That is a terrible role for a young son to take on.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I bet the wedding is in Wasilla too and she's back for it. Those boons have all events in the airplane hangar.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      He's going to grow up to be one effed up young man.

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      IMO, Tripp looks pleased that he has his mother all to himself, again. At least until the next Trial Daddy comes along. I agree with the above posters who think this is a creepy picture.

      Is Bristol finally acknowledging Trig as hers? Dakota tries to keep his first marriage and perhaps children a secret, while Bristol has at least three hidden babies. I think it's a draw between user Dakota and loser Bristol as to which one is the biggest phoney.

    4. Anonymous11:57 PM

      Nope. Tripp is doing what he's been taught to do all his little life as a Palin prop. POSE.

  37. B's left hand and arm are so unnatural in ths photo. Clearly, the hand is posed so that no one will miss it. Dictionary says," 'pose' - assume a particular attitude or position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn." Now, why would she do that do you suppose???

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      = no wedding

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      I don't like lazy, self-centered, dim-witted Bristol one bit and I think she is a horrible mother. Bristol's life might have been "happier" had she not been born to Sarah Heath Palin and it remains to be seen if she ever makes the effort to overcome this poor start in life.

      After pathetic Bristol's make-believe, whirl-wind romance, with engagement ring supplied by Mommie Dearest, a crappy bridal shower with a whole four guests (all but one a relative) and her AK house sold so that she can escape with Tripp to KY, it all falls apart. Wow, are we NOT surprised.

      In this obvious pose, I think that "victim" Bristol is trying to say that at least Tripp and Trig still love her. Also, in a snap decision (due to her humiliation) her relationship is now over with Dakota. Not that their brief relationship had any positive depth anyway.

      Piper sure has winners for siblings (and parents) doesn't she!

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      To stick it to Duhkota for lying to her! What else? It's the Palin way. Fury has no wrath like a Palin woman with powers of abuse. Or something like that.

  38. Anonymous7:07 PM

    The look in Tripp's eyes is very sad and disturbing.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      i saw that too and it made me very sad. He is momma's little protector, a horrible role for a young child to assume. I know - that was my role as a child.

    2. Anonymous9:03 PM

      It's freaking POSED. Designed to hurt Dakota the "bad guy" who he is protecting his mama from. I swear Bristol should take him back to Hollywood and start off his career as a child actor. That's all he's ever known and he's good at it.

    3. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Just think how much this must hurt Levi to see Tripp used in this way. Levi as a 19 yr. old fell for the Palin Hollywood trap and the lawyers she hired to trick him, but has since learned better, kept his life & family private & out of the limelight. Thank goodness he got away.

      Just think of the decisions he's had to make concerning his own son...not having enough money as the Palins and heartbreakingly watch them use Tripp for photo ops.

      I really feel for Levi & Sunny as they start out to make honest livings as most of us do and to raise Tripp's siblings in the right way. But yet Sarah's flying monkeys take every chance to blame him for something beyond his control that happened in his naive teen years unknowingly caught up in the Todd/Sarah revenge scheme of things.

      My heart goes out to Levi & Sunny who would never partake in the Palin way in using children. It's natural for the Palins but not for the Johnstons who are good people.

    4. Anonymous2:05 AM

      I agree. Maybe the day will come when Levi will decide "Enough is enough" and blow the whistle on all he knows?

  39. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The instagod shit and all the comments on that site really irk me. God tells me to do this. God tells me to do that. It's a culture of unaccountability and victimhood. Do what YOU CHOOSE to do and be accountable for making that choice. Don't give me this crap about how some imaginary fuck-head in the sky made the decision and now you will live it. B-fuckin-S!!!

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      I like your post...thanks. Accepting responsibility for one's actions, no matter the out come, is so empowering.

  40. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Remember my words people: there won't be a wedding.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      There never was going to be a wedding.

    2. Anonymous10:31 PM

      And Bristol should be thanking all the bloggers in their parent's basements wearing pajamas for that.

    3. Anonymous12:34 AM

      10:31 PM That would be Alicia the troll.

  41. Anonymous7:40 PM

    There is another possibility: all the speculation about Dakota's previous marriage drew his attention to the various Babygate blogs, and he was disgusted when he found out his future bride had already had 3+ babies. BRISTOL is the one who's hiding a lot of secrets, and you can bet she hadn't told her future hubby yet.

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      While conspiracy theories are fun to play detective over, I don't give any of it a second thought. I just sit back and watch it coming.......

      That's the thing about public figures/politicians. How dare you intrude into our personal business? They put themselves there and we have every right to as a voting citizenry.

    2. Anonymous10:37 PM

      Oh hell, Dakota didn't give a shit about Bristol's secrets or how many babies she birthed or how many guys she learned how to give expert blowjobs to. Look at how many women he hooked up with himself. He was hooking up with the main Grifter In Chief...Sarah to further his "career" as politician. You betcha!

    3. Anonymous2:08 AM

      No real MAN wants to marry the town doorknob. Maybe Duhkota leaked the info, to save himself from this disaster? I am sure some of his friends know more about her than he does, and clued him in.

  42. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I'm not buying Bristol's latest instagram postings. Too obvious, too contrived. If Tripp is back in Alaska it's most likely to drop him off with his father so the soon-to-be-wed couple can enjoy their upcoming honeymoon.

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      They have to have the wedding first and I would think Tripp would be ring bearer.

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      That photo op was taken in Alaska. It was sunny there while in Dakota's home town it was rainy & overcast. ALL. Freaking. Day. Yes the weather was checked.

    3. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Well, maybe Brissy is back home, because that is where the wedding will be held after all.

  43. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Wow! Trig looks more like Levi than Trip does.

  44. Anonymous7:52 PM

    What isn't missing is her chin. It's getting more distorted as time goes on, looks like it's slipping a bit and getting bigger. Better do some maintenance Brisdul.

    1. Anonymous10:23 PM

      So true about Brisdull's chin -- it is so obviously an implant and it is so unattractive. Like a ventriloquist dummy. How can she stand to look at such disfigurement and think she looks natural and pretty. ugh

  45. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Actually a pretty touching photo (except for Piper-Diaper photobombing...) :
    Brissy quite likely crying behind those huge $300 sunglasses, Trig looking concerend into her face, because he knows she is sad, and Tripp putting a protective arm around her, trying to protect her from more pain - a job that no six/seven/eight year old should be called upon to do...

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:48 PM

      Looks like Piper is the photographer.

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      What's so touching about a photo op designed to stick it to Dakota for lying?

    3. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Maybe it is not posed for that purpose, but to see what we will come up with, and how we will react when the wedding actually takes place somewhere up in Alaska - which is where all her friends are that would attend the wedding.

    4. Anonymous12:05 AM

      Yeah totally touching in a photo op scamming type of way designed to hurt Dakota when he sees it which he so richly deserves. Is he at home alone tonight with loaded guns or is he out at a barn dance with loaded guns? He's stupid, is a loud mouth, gave away secrets and hitched his wagon on Sarah Palin's star. Now it's all coming down crashing on him. Let's hope he isn't considering suicide again since the possibility of his plans as a "politician" hooking up with the Palins may be dashed now.

    5. Anonymous2:10 AM

      Where were "all her firends" at the pathetic bridal shower, with only one person there who was not a family member?

  46. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Bristol has trained and bribed Tripp with candy & toys since birth to pose for the camera. Remember the pic of him sticking out his tongue a paparazzi when Bristol told him to do it? It looks like she told him this time, "Now pose like you are protecting mommy from a bad guy". Tripp may actually have a future as an actor! Betcha Bristol did this photo op to stick it to Dakota who is probably crying in his beer by now. How is he gonna get his little family back now? Stay tuned.

  47. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Is that a bulging baby bump in her mid riff?

    1. It looks like her mother's pillow.

  48. Anonymous8:55 PM

    How many days has BrisD'Oh been in Kentucky times how many days D'Oh-kota has hit that hoohah equals he's tired of BrisD'Oh.

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Nah, if Duhkota has any sense he will surround himself with supportive friends who will keep him from committing suicide because he & Sarah's plans all just went to shit big time.

  49. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Bristol told a fib in Tennessee Court during the hacker trial; she said she had no phone access and was isolated. She wrote some awful things about Wendy Davis. She punched a guy in the face in a drunken brawl, didn't care about her child witnessing the out-of-control family yelling and screaming at police.

    She now knows what it's like to be lied to. She knows how others feel when her mother has lied about them, or withheld secrets from them. She is living in her own self-made bed of lies, reaping the fruit of those lies. Her mother now has to deal with that smug photo of her and Dakota giving the FU to Michael Moore. How is that working out for Sarah now?

    No one wins when the live a lie.

  50. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Dakota may have now have met his match. If Bristol is angry at Dakota, Todd Palin might send his goons to KY and send him a message. Or, the Palins might have to fend off a PTSD angry Dakota and his Marine buddies. They all worship guns, and love to boast about their macho-ism; this relationship started out as a very sick twisted kind of union. Love, guns and booze, anger and controlling issues. Not a good combination.

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Anything is possible. Stay tuned to "As The Worm Turns" and buy more popcorn!

  51. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Dakota honored with other MOH recipients at Churchill Downs, on Thursday; no mention of Bristol?

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      And peeps were pissed because he didn't show up...especially the guy who posted to Dakota that he bought tickets to sit at his table and with his little son included to meet Dakota who was never there!

    2. Anonymous10:05 PM

      There was one who came from somewhere out of state in order to meet DuhkotAh, and was really pissed, since the tickets were not exactly cheap, and DM was a no-show.

  52. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Bristol Palin Trial Daddy List:

    Drum roll please

    Add another Bristol Palin trial daddy gone into the night

    "Dakota Meyer "

    1. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Sniff sniff

    2. Anonymous2:14 AM

      9:12 You forgot Dylan, plus all the one night stands. Karma is ready to fall onto the PayMe clan, finally.

    3. Janice A Soderquist5:08 AM

      Didn't she also live with the black guy along with Tripp while she was doing his show?

  53. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Looking at the top picture of Tripp reminded me of a previous post I read. Tripp looks so sad.

    The potential trouble brewing with Bristol Palin’s fiance is certainly not going to make for an easy wedding. It is also claimed that young Tripp has been suffering from all the dating relationships.

    “Bristol has brought so many different boyfriends around Tripp. And going guy to guy — it’s not healthy for a young boy. He’s six years old now so he’s able to speak about his feelings. He doesn’t like it. Sometimes he’ll say there’s a bad guy at the house or he hates this person. But no one knows who at the time she’s seeing.”


  54. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Read Raelyn Marie's comment posted on Dakota Meyer’s facebook

    Dakota Meyer
    Yesterday at 6:03am ·
    ‪#‎MorningMotivation‬ Our intention creates our reality. - Wayne Dyer

    Raelyn Marie:
    Dakota.....who we use to call "Mater" from the movie cars because if his southern accent.... Remember that? We never discredit you as a marine, you were a great soldier. We took you in after you came back from the hospital in Ohio and wanted to be there for you. What I'm not understanding is why this marriage to my best fiend is something you are trying to hide. 
    You guys were young and infatuated with one another. You got married, then realized it was a mistake. No scandal, no abuse, no nothing. It was short lived and we thought you all remained civil. 
    To read the bullshit of people putting their two cents into this issue they know nothing about is hard to read. Cassie is a small town girl who is beautiful and intelligent and just wants the past in the past. Now she's suffering from other peoples opinions of her based off your lies Dakota. She doesn't want the spotlight like you do....she wants to move on and you aren't letting her. The last time you contacted her was in October of 2014.....leave her alone and let it go. We wish you all the best with your future Dakota. Just be honest.

     · Today at 5:59am

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Dakota you are getting married to Bristol. Leave Cassie alone.

    2. Anonymous9:49 PM

      I think they should go back to giving MOH's to dead recipients. This is what happens when now days everyone and their brother on social media is trying to make money off their 15 minutes.

    3. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Hurry Sarah Palin!
      Get this comment whitewashed from your MOH's facebook page.

    4. Anonymous11:05 PM

      The Boosh Cheeeney never ending GWOT was kind of fucked up and they needed to hand out some medals for good press and

    5. Anonymous5:11 AM

      It is sad the MOH has become a tool for the military to create their own people to use for propaganda.

      It appears they wanted to find someone young and stupid so they could mold them into the fantasy of their own making.

  55. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Sad how Tripp is totally coached by famous Bristol using him to make $$. Stick your tongue out when I tell you to at the paparazzi and I'll buy you any candy you want!

  56. FrostyAK9:52 PM

    Has anyone else noticed that Tripp can't even pretend to smile anymore? He looks like one sad and suspicious little guy.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Bristol told him how to pose and what expressions to make for the camera. He's good at it!

  57. I noticed the ring gone earlier. In the one with mom. Figured you would be all over it.

    1. Anonymous2:10 AM

      The one with mom was taken before she even met the fat loser from KY.

    2. Anonymous5:15 AM

      That picture with mom was taken last year

  58. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Dakota leave your ex wife alone.

  59. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Marina has a plane ticket to Kentucky for May 21:

    You know this Marina chick is totally NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). She seems to believe she has some kind of modeling "business" but all she does is work on half naked photo shoots of her rapidly aging and overweight self for some "Exotic Russian" 2015 calendar (uh, 2015 is almost half over babe), and constantly posting suggestive selfies.

    BTW has anyone seen her criminal history in the Alaskan court records? Check it out. Apparently she and some African-American woman had continual restraining orders against each other a few years back. Domestic violence and lots of weirdness.

    Such a strange thing that she would be "one of" B's BFFs.

    1. Anonymous2:10 AM

      Bristol doesn't have a lot of friends. She thinks she's all that and a bag of chips is why.

    2. Anonymous2:19 AM

      One of Toad's "girls" in his business when Shailey was involved, was African American. Did Marina work there also, too??? Maybe she was training Bristles for the business.

    3. Anonymous3:27 AM

      gotta love the $100 bill over her mouth in her video.

    4. Anonymous5:05 AM

      She is not 'one of', she is the main BFF. How many friends did you see at the 'bridal shower"? Cusack's girls didn't even show. They are all even older, but B's other bffs.

  60. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Look at the above picture. Zoom in on Bristol's eyes, something is weird about them. Something is under and above her glasses. It's not her eyebrows.

    1. Anonymous11:11 PM

      You're right -- how strange!
      What's up with that?!?

    2. Anonymous12:40 AM

      Speeking of eyebrows, compare Bristol's natural eyebrows as a teen to the ones she has today. HUGE difference. Pretty sure she had them tattooed on.That along with the chin implant changed her entire looks to look more like a Kartrashian she aspires to be.

    3. Anonymous2:07 AM

      They probably just chose the wrong the filter of the moment. None of those Palin girls would risk a natural pic, they always have to be filtered to make them look better.

      Bristol makes a big fuss of her eyebrows, which used to be a flat line until she had them pulled up during the long months of the chin implant procedures that she lied about having. She probably thinks we didn't notice her new uneskimoed eyelids either.. She's a shallow idiot.

    4. Anonymous4:34 AM

      You brought up the same bs at the other blog and was shot down. No, she doesn't have a black eye. Go take your spoon and stir another pot!

    5. Janice A Soderquist5:06 AM

      I think the lens are tinted green

  61. Anonymous11:00 PM

    It is hard to look at Bristol's bare legs and thighs. It leaves a nasty impression / imagination thinking about how many guys has been between them.

    1. Anonymous2:40 AM

      do you ever wonder how many places Dakota stuck his dip stick? Seriously, all of this slut shaming on the women and no judgement on the men is WRONG, no matter who the woman is.

  62. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Riana - Bitch Better Have my Money. On SNL fellow home girl drive home the point! Tell your Momma

  63. Anonymous11:23 PM

    It is so sad that Tripp already knows how many guys has been in his mother's hoohah.

    1. Anonymous2:20 AM

      I am sure EVERYONE, including Bristles lost count a few years back..

  64. An European Viewpoint12:00 AM

    Has nobody else noticed that there are TWO different engagement rings ? A round one on the engagement picture and the square one on this post ?

  65. Anonymous12:15 AM

    No good reason for anyone to wish unhappiness for this kid, who is not yet a young adult. Considering the parenting she experienced, Bristol is doing a good job.

  66. One thing for sure her chin is pregnant.

  67. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Sarah defended Carrie PreJean until she was outed posing nude & her masturbating video. Then there was silence from Sarah pronto about that.Just as there was silence after she tried to blame Obama from moving "In God We Trust" to the edge of the coin until she found out Bush approved that. Same thing with her jealousy of the dog Bo being on the presidential xmas card..her complaints about the prayer cards on airplanes. It's the same old MO even though Willow said on one post that her mother actually had a crush on Obama.I predict more silence on this issue about Dakota's lies. When Sarah is called out & she knows she is wrong she doesn't ever say anything. She can't admit it. EVER. And now she's wrong about Dakota and her plans with him to take over congress lol. He is a sad sack using the Palins as Sarah hoped to use him back. You heard it here first on IM!

  68. Anonymous12:26 AM

    So every time Dakota _ucks Bristol has he been thinking of her mother?

  69. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Is Bristol wearing eye patches under her sunglasses?

  70. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Bristol might just be having a little fun at everyone else's expense. It's a Palin thing to do to take of your engagement ring for a stupid picture after being in the news for suddenly being wife #2 and getting preowned goods. Her trip to AK was probably planned.... Tripp still has to see his father regularly, Levi hasn't given Bristol a free pass by any means.

  71. Martha again3:03 AM

    I'm a major IMM fan, check it out several times a day, am totally against all that Sarah represents. That said, 1) I saw a LOT of chemistry between Bristol and whats-his-name -- they both looked happy together, and 2) this picture is very moving to me -- it's full of emotion and makes me both sad for all that's gone wrong in Bristol's life, and happy about young people. Piper is GREAT in this.

  72. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Does anyone know how this marriage license was found? Did a relative of Dakota's decide they did not like Bristol and couldn't keep silent any longer and turned on Dakota? They looked for blogs about the Palin's? I still don't understand how this all started?

  73. Anonymous4:16 AM

    It is all because of gays being able to marry -- it is ruining Bristol's chances of having a God sanctioned marriage to the man that God personally selected especially for her and her child from a previous relationship which God gave her to teach a lesson and be a role model to others. God's plan for Bristol is a special one, and nobody knows what the plan is until it is finally revealed in God's perfect timing. Then you will all know how perfect in all things God is.


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