Saturday, May 16, 2015

WARNING! This video features a Fox News talking head well known for making hateful. misogynistic comments about women. Oh and Sean Hannity has a jerk for a guest on as well.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

While debating the gender wage gap, McInnes asserted that women earn less “because they choose to” and are “less ambitious.” Tamara Holder was pretty taken aback, flatly telling her counterpart: “Your comments are absolutely deplorable.” 

As you might expect, the conversation became increasingly heated, with McInnes eventually telling Holder, “Most women are happier at home, they are pretending that they like working.” 

To which Holder replied: “Why am I here?” 

“You would be much happier at home with a husband and children,” McInnes responded, provoking what can only be described as a WTF face from Holder. 

She then declared that McInnes is “doing a disservice” to Fox’s viewers with his “absolutely disgusting” comments.

Actually Tamara Holder is wrong there. McInnes is doing exactly what he was brought onto the show to do, and what Fox viewers secretly want to see.

The schtick is for the host to bring on a guest who says terribly racist, sexist, or simply insulting comments, and then they chuckle at them and feign disapproval, when the entire point is to voice actual beliefs shared by Fox News viewers in a manner where Fox can "officially" create some distance from them.

You see this same thing play out on almost all of the shows which allows them to stoke the flames of sexism, racism, and elitism, while keeping their hands relatively clean. (One of their favorite gimmicks is to hire some black Uncle Tom to come on the program and trash the President or condemn virtually all actions taken by African American community. Yes Fox News, we DID notice that!) 

Make no mistakes, if Hannity thought he could get away with it he would have taken off his shirt, popped open a cold beer, and bumped chests with this Glenn McInnes guy all the way through this segment.

P.S. By the way that claim that Hillary paid female staffers less than male staffers does not hold up to scrutiny either


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    "You would be much happier at home with a husband and children,”

    or in other words

    My penis is small so I need to hate, hate, hate.

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Well, Lorena Bobbit emasculated her husband when he was sleeping. How's that make you feel about "happier at home with a husband"? Eh, penis feeling a little insecure? Well, try thinking before you burble stupidities.

  3. Anonymous1:21 PM

    O/T But YES!

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    She should have said, "That's a fair point. God made men to work and toil. Maybe you would be much happier in a coal mine or steel mill with sweaty men and noxious fumes."

    1. "Maybe you would be much happier ... with sweaty men"
      After all, he certainly doesn't like women.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    My grandmother was fired from her job because she got married.

    My grandmother's husband, in 1920, tried to tell her which candidates to vote for.

    That's the background that shapes my opinion of men with skewed world views.

  6. Anonymous4:15 PM

    IF he worked for our company, he'd join the castrati and learn his rightful place. Same for Sean. I'd love to do the honors, it's my job (human resources, not castration).

  7. physicsmom4:32 PM

    OMG! This guy is unbelievable. I had not heard of him, but now i can keep an eye out for him and try to debunk his lies to the people around me who might hear them. Hannity is a tool for not reprimanding the guest as he went too far; instead he started laughing. Grrr. , . I detest Republicans.

  8. "if Hannity thought he could get away with it he would have taken off his shirt, popped open a cold beer, and bumped chests with this Glenn McInnes guy"
    Please do not ever ever ever present such a visual image again.

    Thank you.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.