Saturday, May 16, 2015

I call this the "Don't pay attention to all of that talk on the internet about my secret first marriage, everythings still cool" picture. Update!

This is from Dakota's Instagram account.  Where the caption read:

dakotameyer0317 My world @bsmp2

Yeah nothing to see here, let's move along.

Except of course there is plenty to see, if you dig down far enough. 

As we have reported there is still the issue of Dakota's first marriage which is now receiving quite a bit of attention.

Including a post just today from the Inquisitr which reminds us of a story from back in March when Dakota first made the scene and a source had this to say:

“Levi has never met this man!” says the source. “He was shocked at the engagement. He’ll hear rumors and then finds out on social media. He’s hurt.” 

Palin and Levi broke up back in 2010. Since then, it is known that she has had relationships with at least two more men — pipeline worker Gino Paoletti and professional snowmobiler Joey Junker. But the source who spoke with Radar Online implies that there have been more than just two men in Palin’s life — and, subsequently, in Tripp’s life — since the final breakup with Levi. And the number of men who have come in and out has taken a toll on young Tripp, the source elaborated. 

“Bristol has brought so many different boyfriends around Tripp. And going guy to guy — it’s not healthy for a young boy. He’s six years old now so he’s able to speak about his feelings. He doesn’t like it. Sometimes he’ll say there’s a bad guy at the house or he hates this person. But no one knows who at the time she’s seeing.” 

Makes you wonder if Dakota is also one of those "bad guys?"

By the way I don't yet know the official outcome of Levi's custody case yet, though I know that he was caught by surprise concerning this quicky marriage.

I will have a whole lot more to say on that in the days to come hopefully, but right now I am bound by confidentiality.

Update: It looks like the Daily Mail finally got that response from Meyer's attorney:  

A representative for Meyer said confirmed his client had been married and said that was no longer the case. 

'I can confirm Dakota Meyer and Cassandra Wain were legally divorced on March 3, 2010,' said, Craig L. McCloud, Attorney at Law to Daily Mail Online. 

Well okay then he was divorced before shacking up with Bristol. Good to know. 

However I still kind of think this came as a surprise to Bristol and Sarah, and it still makes me wonder why he did not mention this marriage in his book, and allowed the tabloids to report that this one with Bristol will be "the first marriage for both of them?"

Hmm, so they were married from May 17, 2008 until March 3, 2010.

That's not even two years. And it appears that he has had several relationships since then.

Doesn't exactly portend smooth sailing for this marriage to Bristol now does it?

Update 2: And now there's even more from the Daily Mail:  

A friend of Bristol Palin’s husband-to-be’s 'secret wife' has attacked the former Marine, telling him to ‘tell the truth’ because the woman from his past ‘doesn’t deserve’ to be part of his ‘mess’. 

Her friend has come forward to say that the couple ‘realized it was a mistake’ to get married and they ‘remained civil’ after the breakup and were in contact as recently as October. 

‘We never discredit you as a Marine, you were a great soldier. We took you in after you came back from the hospital in Ohio and wanted to be there for you,’ she wrote in a Facebook comment on Meyer’s profile. 

She continued: ‘What I'm not understanding is why this marriage to my best fiend is something you are trying to hide. ‘You guys were young and infatuated with one another. You got married, then realized it was a mistake. No scandal, no abuse, no nothing. It was short lived and we thought you all remained civil. 

‘To read the bulls*** of people putting their two cents into this issue they know nothing about is hard to read. 

‘Cassie is a small town girl who is beautiful and intelligent and just wants the past in the past. Now she's suffering from other people’s opinions of her based off your lies Dakota. 

Okay then, this just got much more interesting. 

(Please click that Daily Mail link for more.)


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Too funny! One would think that Bristol would have gotten to know Dakota better before she allowed him to put a ring on it. Bwhahahahahaha vetting process 2.0 continues...

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      How come MOH didn't show at "Heros and Horses" the other night?
      That's just rude and "Immature" (as the troll would say)

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      she let him " get to know her private parts"first, like she did all the others. the mugshot bar,the hockey team....hooohah!

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      preggers brizzles is hiding out.

    4. Anonymous10:50 AM

      You mean before she let her Mom put a ring on it?

    5. Anonymous10:56 AM

      OMG.... Brisdull's CHIN IMPLANT is so obvious in that photo!! It's really ugly -- she looks like a ventriloquist dummy.

    6. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Sara Sells if pretty.

    7. Anonymous11:09 AM

      She looks alot like that ex...

    8. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Yes, funny alright. Seriously, that post doesn't read like it was written by your average small town gal. It was written by someone well educated.

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    “Bristol has brought so many different boyfriends around Tripp. And going guy to guy — it’s not healthy for a young boy. He’s six years old now so he’s able to speak about his feelings. He doesn’t like it. Sometimes he’ll say there’s a bad guy at the house or he hates this person. But no one knows who at the time she’s seeing.”

    That sounds exactly like the way Dakota was raised by his mother, who went from place to place and man to man. Bristol repeated the behavior of Dakota's mother. Wow, do those two love birds have a lot in common.

    What else do they have in common? Both have ghost written books while they have limited education. Then, they have to promote a book that they can barely read. They delivered spechs that put them in the public eye but behind it, they both knew that their public life was a sham. They deserve each other, but Tripp deserves to be with his father.

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Well said. I also noted the similarities in Dakota's Mom and Bristol. History does have a way of repeating itself and it seems to be in spades in this relationship. Damaged people are strongly attracted to each other and this relationship probably won't last long. Poor Tripp.

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    That kid is six? He sure looks older.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Yep, he looks at least eight or nine years old.

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The Daily Mail just posted a story with quotes from one of Cassandra's friends.

    The article says Meyer's attorney says the couple legally divorced on March 3, 2010.

    The one thing every article is missing is that Meyer wrote a book And Didn't Mention The Marriage To Cassandra!!!!

    They are all in hiding, as they should be. This is a big scandal for a MOH recipient and the daughter of the 2008 VP Republican Candidate. They are doomed.

    Also, too, Bristol is probably pregnant AND she sold her house in Alaska!!!! She is up shit's creek with no paddle.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      When it was Gino and Joey, those choices were Bristol's choices. I suspect that Sarah was the one pushing Bristol into Dakota's arms.Dakota wanted to be part of Sarah Palin's life too. She is part of his plan to run for Congress, and he needs someone who is good at getting media attention in spite of being as dumb as a rock.

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      The rocks in my yard seem Nobel candidates by comparison.

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      The divorce info from Meyer's attorney, Craig L. McCloud, was inserted into yesterday's Daily Mail story as an update.

      Balls in Bristol's court.

    4. "he needs someone who is good at getting media attention"
      Well then, why did he hook up with Sarah Palin? Her ability to get attention (other than on Palin-centric blogs) has plummeted. The mainstream media never pays any attention to her facebook bellyachings any more and why would they?

      When she does get attention it is certainly not in a flattering or respectful way. Rather, it is likely to be because once again she made a damn drunken fool of herself and everyone is pointing and laughing at her.

      Dakota thinks hitching his wagon to this "star" (burned out bulb) is his ticket to Congress?

      He would appear to have all the cognitive power of a potato, and not one of those potato clocks that can tell time, either.

    5. Anonymous10:25 AM

      This is the tip of Dakota's iceberg.

      'The one thing every article is missing is that Meyer wrote a book And Didn't Mention The Marriage To Cassandra!!!!'

      Missing because it is a highly important part. It opens up more questions and brings in the hero military part.

      What won't Dakota Meyer lie about?

      He is not to be trusted, that is certain.

    6. Anonymous10:29 AM

      9:51 AM

      You actually believe Gino and Joey were Bristol's choices. Todd makes the arrangements in that family.

    7. Anonymous10:37 AM

      10:25 you seem to be missing the point that there is no iceberg. Sure yesterday Gryph insinuated there was an iceberg, as he always does.... but today, no iceberg.

    8. Anonymous11:08 AM

      10:37 AM

      I wasn't talking about a romance iceberg. Deeper than his personal lies.

    9. Anonymous11:56 AM

      STILL missing also, too Duhkota's family members defending him and telling what a great future wife Bristles will be. There are no family photos of them welcoming Bristles or their soon to be stepgrandson Tripp into the family. Something is wrong here, very wrong.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    It looks like they are in a closet, with hangars and closet hanging bars over Bristol's shoulder.

    She probably locked herself and Tripp in the closet and won't come out. Can't say I blame her, the guy could be raging mad. And armed.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      When was the picture taken? No one knows. It was possibly pre-Cassandra Meyer.

      They use Instagram for their lies and propaganda. They are too cowardly to post a current face or full body and be clear about a photo. It is all shady games with Meyer and the Palins.

  6. I don't care about how many marriages or divorces or affairs any one has.

    But I do care deeply when a public figure hides a marriage. To me, that is "erasing" a spouse and I think it's despicable, even if this spouse consented. (And, in our society marriages are public record and I think there are good reasons for that policy.)

    My contempt for someone who would do this goes to infinity when the person hiding a marriage holds himself out as someone of "honor" and wants to be the poster boy for American "exceptionalism."

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM


    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      He couldn't be much more disrespectful. Yet he claims he respects wives of the military.

      He is a creep and he is obviously hiding much more than a marriage or divorce.

      It could involve money being stolen from taxpayers to pay off for something. The taxpayers do have a right to learn and know the whole story.

      No one hides something like a brief marriage at 19.

      There is so much more.

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      How old are you? You're damn immature.

    4. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Immature 11:09??

      Now there is a laugh, try all the very adult commenters and Gryph himself blossiping about 2 young nobodies getting married, for no good reason first of all, and going full tilt with missinformation (facts be damned). Not that any of this is anyone business anyways. What a joke you losers and Gryph are.

    5. Anonymous12:02 PM

      `0:31 People do not hide the fact that they have been married before, unless there is something awful to hide. The ghostwriter for the book could have simply stated that there was a brief marriage at 19, that did not work out. Then nobody would be curious. HIDING it is what is curious.Seems as though her girlfiriend is upset about her being completely disregarded also, too. WE here are immature and ugly? Take a DAMN good look at every one of the Palins and Heaths. There is the epitome of immature and ugly, too. Face it, Bristles is a whore and has been since her early teens. Duhkota is a fool to marry this used up tramp. You can not make a whore into a housewife.

    6. Anonymous12:14 PM

      12:02 have you ever stepped back and wondered why you are so infatuated and brimming with hatred and wild speculations over essentially failed reality star nobodies? Maybe you should put down the gossip blogs and go outside for a walk. Seriously, think about these people you are so envoloped by. You don't know them, and they certainly don't know you or owe you anything....

      So why you go get yourself a real life buddy?

    7. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Well when people make their life public we will be talking about them...hmmm

    8. Anonymous12:20 PM

      10:31 Quit calling people here idiots.

      The real idiot in my book and the total a**hole is Dakota Meyer who chose to make no mention in his book about the wife he had at the time of the MOH incident.

      No mention of the military wife who cried for him while he was at war. Cried for him when he was hurt. And who took him in and cared for his injuries after the big event that earned him the MOH.

      This in a book about how he won (and deserved) his MOH!

      This is seriously wrong.

      He could have said something to the effect.

      "My wonderful wife at the time helped me through a very difficult period. Unfortunately, we were married young and the marriage didn't last long. However, I'd like to salute her and all other military wives for the tough job of being there for our troops. Please, do as I am and respect her privacy."

      Makes him look like a gentleman. doesn't dig up dirt, honors her privacy and supports military wives.

      Imagine the difference that would have made!

      But, nooooo, he chose the "dishonorable" way and erased from his official historical record the wife who cared for him while he healed and omitted her from his book about how he "earned" the MOH.

    9. Anonymous12:52 PM

      ex has not been discussed because she asked him to not mention her so she could remain private.

      She sounds like a battered woman. Abuse can be mental, emotional or physical. Any combination, one or all.

      A healthy woman Cassie's age in regular circumstance would have moved on.

      It would be no big deal to make a statement about a former marriage and divorce. Not a statement someone writes for her to fit into what Dakota mentors want to make people believe.

      According to Cassie's friend she has not been able to move on. She has not handled this well so far if all her people can come up with is the old tired excuse about being private. It has been used too much and no one believes it.

      I live around several celebrities and their family and friends. You can see how things are handled. When things are hidden it is usually for unsavory reasons. When things are done right, it is clear to see how it is handled.

      Life is not about the wants to be 'private' excuse.
      It is the left over curse of having been with someone who ended up with 'honors'. Cassie needs to hire her own assistant and get out her own true story.

      Of course if she is part of any shady or criminal cover ups, that won't happen.

      She needs to get serious about moving on and doing it right so more doesn't come back to bite her.

      If her life is threatened, due to what she knows effecting what Dakota claims about the battle where he was alleged to have been so honorable... well threats are like what terrorists do and Cassie is going to not move on until threats of any kind are exposed and removed.

      The threats the military or those like Dakota can make are the worst.

    10. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Lol...oh 1031 says since you know control freaks who cannot control themselves...

    11. Anonymous2:16 PM

      His MOH was already in question.

      He only has it b/c the military won't admit their mistakes and lies, 99.9% of the world knows he does not deserve what he got due to his lies and cover ups.

      Now he has another incident where he disregards and disrespects women. He even shit on Sarah Palin since it was such a big deal for her to replace her son, Track Palin, by fixing Bristol's problems with the biggest loser yet, Dakota Meyer.

      This just shows Bristol as a more pathetic puppet and a fool that will do anything for those wicked peeps that condition and program her to be their puppet.

      Bristol is uber trapped now. Even if she plays like she is doing something independent and goes somewhere on her own. It will just be another ruse. The girl is totally helpless and will not grow up and mature.

      It doesn't matter whether they marry or not now.

      The damage has been done. There will be more to come but this is enough for now.

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    And this:

    'You guys were young and infatuated now she's suffering based off your lies': Friend of Bristol Palin's fiance's 'secret wife' attacks him for 'hiding' marriage and claims he was still contacting his ex in the fall

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Bristles was still with Joey Junker in January maybe even February. This "engagement" was a shock to everyone, even Bristles I think.

    2. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Cover up crimes by faking a marriage...isn't that what Craig advised?

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Hows hap doing?

  8. What cracks me up the most about all these hillbilly cretins is how they've all "written" a "book". LMFAO! I sincerely doubt any of them have ever so much as "read" a book.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Dakota left his marriage out to included in his next book: "To all the girls I've loved before."

    2. "I sincerely doubt any of them have ever so much as "read" a book."
      Not right side up anyway.

    3. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Dakota not only writes books, he is a film maker. Do you think either would have happened if he was not the recipient of a Medal of Honor? He better not get caught doing behaviors unbecoming a soldier and/or Medal of Honor recipient.

    4. Anonymous12:08 PM

      10:10 If Bristles wrote a book about ALL the guys she has slept with, it would be two volumes!! Then she could write about all the guys she had babies with.

  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Does that photo make it look as if Dakota is telling Bristol that all of that Cassandra stuff is in the past and now you and Tripp are "My World." I am betting that this was one big shock to Bristol, When were you going to tell me about this?"

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Cue, "Heard it through the Grapevine."

  10. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I want Bristol outed and silenced for good so she can no longer lie and spread venom through her mouthpiece Brancy, but honestly, Dakota Meyer having been divorced and then dating other women is really not a big deal nor is it scandalous. And, we don't know that Bristol didn't know he was married. So, while this is juicy and we wish it would lead to bigger things, the fact that he was divorced isn't a biggie, at least to most people.

    1. Semper Lie10:44 AM

      Not a biggie to me at all. Just fucking funny as hell! Sarah and Bristol and Dakota had stars in their beady eyes dreaming of some sort of "wedding of the century" shit. The money and adoration and cameras were supposed to avalanche in for "the most famous newlyweds in the galaxy." It was going to be bigger than the fucking moonlanding by God!

      lol. So much for being skyrocketed to movie stardom. Alvin York and Audie Murphy Dakota ain't.

      Also, too, lmao @ Sarah!

    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Don't forget her mean girl antics...telling a rape victim the rapist is stalking her at work...or taking of trust accounts...or vehicular tampering...what a gal!

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM

      It is a "biggie" because Dakota, Medal of Honor recipient chose to "erase" his wife who worried for him and cared for him after he got hurt.

      To me it is an indication of how poorly the military culture treats spouses. They mean nothing. Only the troop counts.

      A huge slap in the face to the men and women who are spouses and family members our the troops in the various military of the United States of America.

      It is an indication of the military culture.

      As for Bristol and Dakota. That's their problem and that's what a person gets when they rush into a marriage.

      Sad this is all unfolding just before the wedding. But Bristol and Dakota better get ready for all they will learn about each other after the wedding. Both have a seriously long trail of lies and bad decisions and emotional issues.

      Bristol, honey, if he treated his first wife this badly there really is no reason to expect he'll treat you any better.

    4. Anonymous1:21 PM

      9:50 & 10:44
      Reasonable and logical comments from both of you.

  11. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Appears that Tripp has been treated to the Dakota Bowl Haircut.

  12. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I wonder how is Dakota going to take to that short leash Bristol is going to put on him once they are married? This is going to last longer than "All My Children".

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Dakota is use to lying. He was dating Regan Judd and still contacting his first wife, Cassandra Meyer.

      Did Regan even know he had been married?

      It makes no sense that Cassandra would keep the Meyer name id divorce in March 2010. Her friend currently stated Cassie couldn't move on, due to Dakota. What is with that?

      Something is very wrong with Dakota. I would not be surprised if another wife shows up. Of course, an attorney will say they are also divorced.

  13. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Looking at Dakota and Bristol's track record it's going to look more like "General Hospital."

  14. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Trip is missing his childhood. He should have stable relationships with kids his own age. Bristols attachment to that kid is pathological. Beyond mother/son. She keeps Trip locked in her own emotional cellar. She is another control freak like her crazy ass mother.

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Yea that's a given with this group...

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      More like a closet by the looks of that picture.

    3. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Where's the fish?

    4. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Disfuction is a RACKET to these leeches...isn't that right Sarah?

  15. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Is Bristol hiding in her closet? That looks like her shoe shelf up there. After she read all of the tabloid accounts of Dakota's first (secret) marriage, Bristol must have locked herself in her closet and said, "Don't talk to me! How could you? You never told me!"

  16. Anonymous10:15 AM

    A wedding to celebrate....

    Bristol found the perfect husband .. hard drinking, brawling, PTSD, lying and with gun fetish. They deserve each other.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Is he more lumbersexual or ammosexual?

    2. FrostyAK11:17 AM

      He's more Pillsbury doughboy.

    3. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Hey frost saw Cindy in willow...whats up with that?

    4. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Dont forget suicidal. Which, by the way, I dont believe. What weapons expert doesnt check if there is one in the chamber before he, allegedly, pulls the trigger. Speaking of trigger, I'll bet he really misses his buddy, Twipp. Very sad, some sick, sick evil people.

  17. Anonymous10:20 AM

    He would be an idiot not to have his handlers say something, it may be true he was divorced in 2010, is there any documentation? Where did he get the divorce? What about the sealed or not? At least Bristol can go on with her wedding scheme and not look like as big of a fool. Meyer is still an unstable, lying nutcase. He doesn't show respect for women. He is more like a con. Bristol is deserving of another con, but it only says that whole relationship is built on quicksand.

    There are still a million questions!

    Author Bing West wrote 'Into the Fire', the full story of the chaotic battle of Ganjigal for the first time. West, president of the GAMA Corporation, which designs wargames and combat decision-making simulations.

    Any mention of Dakota having a military wife. He says he respects them. Hard to have resprect with any lies or cover up. Bing West had to know Dakota was married during the battle of Ganjigal. What were his reasons for leaving out such a vital part of the story. Not that he would need to give it paragraphs or chapters, facts and a brief statement was imperative for a legit book by a quality author.

    West designs wargames and combat decision-making simulations. He may have just used the book to create and glorify another false story. His background with Reagan is also interesting.

    How many lies did Bing West tell to help Dakota Meyers false history? Including lies of omission.

  18. Looks like your previous marriage scandal is falling apart. But never fear, Gryphon has another big story, only he can't tell anyone about it. Sounds like some other big stories he promised but never heard about again. The Palin's are past news, move on folks there are a lot bigger problems than who a Palin is going to marry. Gryphon is as big an egomaniac as Silly Sarah. He just has all of you kissing his ass, and he loves it.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      "Looks like your previous marriage scandal is falling apart."

      The only thing falling apart is Bristol and Dakota's dream of movie stardom. That pie in the sky got shot down by this here blog.

      This chit is funnier than Sarah's dream of making The Sarah Palin Channel bigger than FOX.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      "Gryphen" is spelled with an "e," not an "o,"
      Pailin's is not the plural; Palins is.
      We aren't interested in Gryphen except as an especially clued-in Alaska source for news. News, not rumors or the spin spun by the "Palin's."

    3. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Or c4p's hope of her in the Oval Office.
      I still would like to know who her advisers are.
      Holy crap.

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Every Christian single mother wants a fiancee with lies that show he was lying and had a wedding anniversary almost to the exact date he planned his wedding with her.

      And the news comes out the week before what was to be single mother's BIG DAY. LOL

      Some idiots love for women to be embarrassed and humiliated like that. They think nothing of it.

      Fans of Bristol and Dakota get birth dates and all mixed up.

      They can send congratulations and happy anniversary to Bristol each year on May 18. lol

    5. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Ok then let's talk about WHY Palin quit! Why the state just sold 4 billion stocks? Why the domestic terrorism is happenin That's just the starter questions....

    6. Anonymous12:31 PM

      1143 hey lets see if the Gryphen can put up a POST A QUESTION...then everyone can ask and lets see who knows what...the puzzle of the palins!

  19. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I find it interesting sp has said nothing.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      She has handlers. Might be flying to LA.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      LA don't want her!

  20. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Still pushing this 'nothing burger' huh Gryph?

    Seems most the dumbass comments and theories from yesterdays post have unsurprisingly been debunked.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM


      Bristol and Dakota are so busted. Both got caught lying in their "couple" world debut.

      Tee hee.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Is that a fact, 10:28 AM
      "Oh what a tangled web we weave..."

    3. Anonymous11:01 AM

      I've not been able to keep up. My PI friend goes thru all kinds of dumbass comments and theories before more facts emerge.

    4. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Got your panties in a wad, troll? LOL
      You are the icing on the cookie.

    5. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Busted how exactly 10:48?

      By not informing the IM community about a previous marriage? Or what?

      What exactly have they 'been busted' on? Please inform.

    6. Anonymous11:37 AM

      10:28....There is a lot here! Stop trying to get Gryphen to lay off this story! Let me fill you in:

      First, Bristol sold her house in Alaska and MOVED to Kentucky! That is huge for a young woman with a 6 year old child. Schools, friends, family, Levi, Sunny, Trig, and his house all gone for poor Tripp.

      Second, she barely knew Dakota. Maybe one month before getting engaged?

      Third, Bristol was PAID by Candies Foundation to be an abstinence spokesperson, then moved in with Dakota before she is married. And she is likely pregnant again. Candies should sue her ass but they should have known she was a lousy investment.

      Fourth, Dakota MADE MONEY selling a tell all book about himself where he did not mention HE WAS MARRIED! That is called "A LIE of OMISSION" and if I were the publisher, I would sue him.

      Fifth, Dakota is not just a regular soldier who fought in Afghanistan. He is a MEDAL OF HONOR recipient, and with that comes responsibility to be honest and honorable. He is showing he has neither one of those character traits. Take the medal away.

      Sixth, Bristol has hidden her pregnancies before. And now she is marrying someone who hides HIS marriage and maybe even a child. It's time for Britta to come clean and say what she knows....children are involved and getting hurt.

      Seventh, neither one of these dimwits are employed, nor do they have any skills. What the hell are they going to do in Kentucky to make money and pay the bills?
      As Taxpayers, we are not funding them!!!

      Eighth, they pose with GUNS around a 6 year old, and Dakota posed with a gun on a table next to an infant. His mental stability is a big issue, with guns around. He attempted suicide and hasn't had any treatment. Time for the US military to pay him a visit.

      Ninth, Tripp does not appear to go to school in Kentucky. He should be in first grade. That 's against the law. DCFS needs to pay them a visit.

      AND FINALLY, #10....these idiots need to be stopped NOW, before the lies get bigger and they get more bold. They will try to run for office, and we can't have these low life liars in our government. STOP them in their tracks.

      This entire episode is a huge scandal and just imagine if this was the Obama girls? What would the right wing say about it???
      NO, this is really big. The end of the Palins is very near.

    7. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Don't forget that stalking and vehicular tampering incident before they left AK!

    8. Anonymous11:51 AM

      11:37 All points taken, but I for one really don't wish to learn more about this sad situation- one of thousands across the US, I'm sure- EXCEPT if it exposes Sarah Palin in some way as a fraud. Her kids are one and all pathetic, but she's the one who put the whole country at risk.

    9. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Wow 11:37, you spent a lot of time and dedication putting together a bunch of NOTHING. You got that? It is all in your dumb little head! You are owed nothing, they owe nobody anything, and all you are doing is speculating... and why is that... probably because you are extremely impressionable and dumb, and believe everything you read in ficticious blogs like Gryphen's here.

      Get yourself a reality checkup bub- you need it before you blow a gasket concerning yourself over people you know nothing about.

    10. Anonymous12:27 PM

      As Taxpayers, we are not funding them!!!

      Who pays for his Medal of Honor pension, meds, all the benefits? Did he get that based on lies? Should taxpayers be complicit and pay for the benefits he gets from lying?

      No one knows about his marriage or marriages. Only that he was married. There may be other women and even children.

      Who would be paying for that if they are using any military status or the Medal of Honor?

      Why would someone who needs to move on with a current boyfriend still cling to Meyer name after 5 years? Sometimes they also use the maiden name Wain.

    11. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Tell it to the judge baby!

    12. Anonymous12:34 PM

      1203 what email made Sarah resign SO scared??? Smile! Hello bitches! Bring it!

    13. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Well them that Palins owe HUGE to ??? How's that going to work out for you? Repo man is on the!

    14. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Wow...someone touched a nerve!

  21. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Now Dakota has come clean about his prior marriage, will Bristol tell him about her "hidden" children?

  22. Anonymous10:30 AM

    For the sake of goodness. Where are the wedding/honeymoon photos of cass and Dakota? Is the wrecking crew on it ? Waiting? counting down? boom boom boom? fireworks. The dirt squad must be busy. Marine?

  23. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Bristol is looking more and more like a puppet with that chin. Kind of appropriate, I think. Her mother is living vicariously through her. Narcissistic mothers do that.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      LOL, you can see her chin implant quite clearly in that pic.

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      She's on drugs or she would notice how bad the chin is looking.

      She probably took that about the time she was lining up the 4 or 5 shoes in her closet.

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Bristol's chin implant is lumpy and you can really see the outline of it. So strange. . It looks like a puppet chin.

  24. Janice A Soderquist10:46 AM

    Does he have a baby or two? How many women? Did he cheat on all of them to get to a new one?

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      He could be a serial marriage type, or serial knock up the ladies and let the military pay for stuff.

      Why just hide one little marriage from when he was 19?

  25. Anonymous10:49 AM

    So now that Gomer Dumbfuck's attorney has admitted Gomer is a (gasp) divorcee, who in his own mind thought it was unimportant to reveal said precious marriage, doesn't change a fucking thing in your minds. Listen, he is free to marry skank Barstool and all her issues. Let it go now. There is no there, there! Any more digging and harassing of people like Gomer's ex is wrong and is a serious mob mentality of destroy everything including the innocent.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      As Bristol would say, "Oh, hell fucking no."

      Sure, Dakota is divorced from his first marriage. I'm hanging around full expecting to read about Dakota not being divorced from his second marriage.

      Tee hee.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Panties still in a wad?

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Why didn't Dakota mention his marriage in his book? What was the big secret?

    4. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Yes, they are both free to marry and make mistakes.

      I want them to get married even if there is no proof of an authentic marriage. There may or may not be believable wedding photos. That is fine, it is how they roll.

      They both have a history. You don't need to know it all to see the odds are in favor of them both failing.

      I think this marriage might just be the beginning of finally taking out the entire Palin cult and criminal enterprise. Not that all their evil deeds will surface and be told, but there is enough that will come out and put the final nail in Dakota's questionable life and the Palins.

      I think it is just a beginning.

    5. Anonymous11:39 AM

      So he didn't include it! So fucking what! I hate Sarah Palin and her family for the con artists they are, but this story was a step on your dick one from the beginning this week. This blog and the other who is still in a feeding frenzy need to let go. You've caused many innocent people pain in your quest to destroy Palin, and rightly own Ms Wain / Meyer a formal apology!

    6. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Destroy?! Own?! Not even.
      I firmly believe in truth.
      That they don't is their problem.

    7. Anonymous12:02 PM

      11:15, you are a bigger idiot than Gomer. Now step away from the computer and change your Depends, you're stinking up the place?

    8. Anonymous12:18 PM

      11:39 You have no comprehension. You are too far off to get into it all.

      Best to just stay away from what you don't want to know about. Good luck.

      If you have something to say, try to be specific and with links.

    9. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Duhkota is the one who should apologise to his wife. He treated her as though she was a shameful secret, not worth mentioning. Anyone who tells their life story, includes ALL marriages or former love affairs. If there are children involved, that makes it doubly insulting to completely eliminate it from your biography. Who treats people this way?

    10. Anonymous12:35 PM are funny!!!

    11. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Aw they try to forget quickly the life of domestic terrorism they inflict on those they hate and who happen to be worth Huge money...isn't that right Sarah honey? Whatcha gonna do when that Birthright owner walks into court???

    12. Anonymous1:55 PM

      12:24 PM

      You are so right. The dummy says things about how he respects wives of military men. What a creep.

  26. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Wow! He got divorced! And then he dated other women after the divorce and before his engagement to Palin. SHOCKER! Some scoop you got there man.
    So much for the idea of the ex wanting to keep her privacy and remain out of the public eye. Another opportunist looking for her 15 mins it appears.
    Pathetic. Griffy, how do you sleep at night?
    Keep trying...

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      O'tay. That's why his ex's best friend called him out on FB.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      The ex-wife doesn't want anything to do with all of this publicity. The person who deserves the venom around here is Dakota who never mentioned that he was married in 2008 when he was 19 years old. The ex-wife has not said anything! She just wants her privacy.

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      11:17, how can she remain private if Dakota brings her up? You can't have it both ways.

    4. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Well..may be if they stopped pushing this Christian image that has Jesus flipping tables in heaven! Humanity must TALK about it! How do you feel about their falsehoods?

    5. Anonymous12:13 PM

      11:17 AM

      Don't forget West Bing.

    6. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Can we burn them at the stake while we decide? Lol...

    7. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Wifey Cass was innocent. Too bad she palled around with a miscreant like Dakota. If her choice is to not move on, she pals with a bad guy. Her life will never be private and it will be consumed with her mistake she can't let go of.

    8. Anonymous2:05 PM

      How disrespectful of him not to mention his wife who would have been at his side when he came home with PTSD. Military wife that loves and supports her husband in his time of need is swept under the rug, shameful, nothing else but shameful.

  27. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Three veterans honored at Churchill Downs

    LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WHAS11) -- Three Medal of Honor recipients were honored on May 14 at the Heroes and Horses event at Churchill Downs.

    Sergeant Dakota Meyer,who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, Private First Class Ernie West, who served in the Korean War, and Corporal Hershel "Woody" Williams, who served in WWII and is the last living Iwo Jima recipient, attended the event.

    Ernie West and Dakota Meyer are both Kentucky natives.

    Williams said at first he didn't realize the magnitude of what it meant to get the Medal of Honor.

    The event was a fundraiser for the Veterans Memorial Park in Crestwood, Ky. where guests were able to enjoy a night of horse racing and silent auctions. The mission of the park is to recognize those who served in the military, especially those that paid the ultimate price.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      There is no proof that Dakota attended even though he was being honored. There are no pictures of Dakota at the banquet. Several people posted comments they had bought tickets hoping to see Dakota and they were very disappointed that he wasn't there.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Where is the photo?

      If it has anything to do with the Louisville Courier they also say Dakota Meyer 2015 Kentucky Derby. The last time he was there was 2012.

      Courier wipes and covers Meyer ass.

    3. Anonymous12:45 PM

      I posted on this yesterday. There is one photo of the oldest MOH winner, a fine-looking gentleman from WWII at a table with a few empty seats. (May be each MOH winner had their own table so can't say those empty seats were the ones not filled by Meyer and Bristol.)

      My guess is that the photographer from the paper blew in, took a few photos, and someone wrote up a quick story based on the pre-event press release and the assumption that all three MOH winners would be there.

      I wouldn't give the "news" story much credence, but I wouldn't say he wasn't there either.

      But, someone posted on Dakota's FB page that he was disappointed that he paid for tickets to sit at Dakota's table and Dakota wasn't there.

    4. Anonymous1:51 PM

      12:45 PM

      It doesn't matter what you say or think.

      If you know the Courier, you know there is no doubt that DAKOTA MEYER WAS NOT THERE.

    5. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Here's the link. If you click on the photo it gets bigger.

  28. Anonymous10:52 AM

    So much for the Wedding Of The Century. We'll find out soon enough what they're up to.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Wrench in their"image" gears!

  29. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Today's the Day ... fittingly on Armed Forces Day! Our second annual Los Angeles dinner gala and fundraiser kicks off today at 5:00 p.m. on the Battleship USS Iowa. We have confirmed that former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin will be attending with her husband Todd, and will be one of our guest speakers tonight.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Honor the dead, like is pretty much the theme of Bristol's wedding. Honor of a dead wedding.

      Prostitute Tripp, Bristol gets vehicle tags and names a child Tripp.

      May 18 Meyer wedding anniversary. Bristol decided on a Meyer May 23 wedding for her Sarah's wedding because it was as close as she could get.

      Right between first wife and honoring the dead. How memorial.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Oh TMZ will be there...asking those "pesky" questions...inquiring minds want to know...give them a wrench set too...grin!

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Yeah honor the ones you killed Sarah!

  30. Janice A Soderquist10:54 AM

    The wedding is so close. I am surprised no one in his hometown is talking about it. Did they send out invitations? Will Sarah and family be there? Did they already get married in Las Vegas?
    Did she buy him a ring? Did they order flowers and a cake?
    Someone in that town must know something.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM


      It must be one heck of a surprise coming up.

      I get the feeling in reality it will be a flop, but in Palin press it will be the wedding of the century and plus.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Or that deadline for filing of what? Missed opportunities or obstruction of justice? Hard choices!

  31. Crystal Sage10:55 AM

    I was more interested in Bristol's chin. It's as dented as Sarah's refrigerator. As to Dukota's marriage: the fact that there was a previous marriage upsets the narrative created to make Duhkota look like the All-American boy wonder who is marrying "for the first time" the born-again virgin Bristol Palin.

    Of course it's all a sham, just like those Hollywood marriages created to mask someone's homosexuality. The public will be given a complete, sanitized version of the history of two dumb, morally corrupt young people. Pity the children.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      It's not "dented", what you are seeing around the outside is the outline of the chin implant.

  32. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Bristol's rep told that it was the first he had heard of the relationship and had not discussed the issue with his client.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  33. FrostyAK11:01 AM

    Everything to do with the palin KKKlan is a clusterfuck.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Well then turn their ass in...dumfuk!

  34. Anonymous11:03 AM lists the requirements for obtaining a marriage license in Taylor County Kentucky for Campbellsville. When you do a docu search on the same website for the Palin - Meyer marriage license, nothing is found. They must be waiting until the last minute. Isn't the wedding next weekend?

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Have you seen the divorce papers or do you just trust a Dakota flacky? You know how strict Wiki is. Last I checked there was no divorce and no back up to prove there is a divorce.

      The Palins may not be using a marriage certificate.

      They could do whatev they are going to do anywhere. Send out pictures when and as they please, or no pictures. There may be no happy bride and they just want Uncle Chuck to write his fantasy flowery nonsense.

      This wedding is like seeing Bristol in another gorilla suit.

      It is going to be staged like that crap but in a prettier dress or thong.

      Can Dakota dance? The first dance will be fun. They will love doing a huge cake stuffing fight like scene.

    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      I, too, doubt the flaky. I'd prefer to see the document.

      Helloooooo. There is this thing called the internet with legal and official public documents online.

      Where's the link? And why didn't the lawyer or spokesperson off a link as proof?

      I'm not saying they didn't get divorced, I'm just saying someone could have offered definitive proof, especially since there are questions about not finding any online.

  35. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Would you like fries with your NothingBurger?

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Yeah those 4 billion fries are to die for...or not...amateur soldier boy!

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Can't kill what's not suppose to die! Lol!

  36. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Here's a pic of Dakota "pining" for Bristol...

  37. Anonymous11:31 AM

    This is almost too funny! Bristol, girl, get your act and story together! is this really the man of your dreams, or is this your mother's dream for you???? you are getting taken to the cleaners girl, by a person who lied about the so-called incident he got the Medal of Honor...Damn, Sarah you didn't 'vet' this vet better than this????

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      They all live in each other's "wet dreams"...

  38. Christ's Warrior11:35 AM

    So Bristol finally managed to put on a fake happy face after another national stage humiliation. The Palin brawl seems like only yesterday.

    I don't know what ticked Him off, but the Good Lord sure is extracting pound after pound of flesh from the Palins.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      About time...hope Jesus is flipping tables about their greed...with money that was never Sarah? Payback with interest dear!

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Yeah cuz its God's will

  39. Janice A Soderquist11:39 AM

    Maybe they are getting married in Arizona...

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Cult headquarters would work.

  40. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Check out Bristol's nwe instagram - message?

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      I think she just called off the wedding.

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Sounds like wedding is postponed to me

    3. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Interesting! To me it sounds like she wants to postpone the wedding?

      This is a comment on instagram from (I believe) Dakota's step mother....

      rhondameyerhawks5 about 1 hour ago
      So very true!! 💕

    4. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Was there ever a wedding to call off?

      I never heard of a Brisal shower in Kentucky. Wedding plans were zip. Just a weird old pic of Bristol chowing down a cinnamon something.

    5. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Maybe just long enough for Dakota to get a legal divorce from his first wife. (Even though his attorney said he was divorced, it would be easy to prove it.)

    6. Anonymous1:58 PM

      That's what happens when you give it away for free, why would he bother marrying her when he snapped his fingers and she dragged her young child and herself across the country to warm his bed with no vows exchanged.

    7. Anonymous2:04 PM

      She can call no name...leave them now! Bristol can learn what BEAR really means! Tell Sarah to "get off my lawn"! Better hurry and decide...or go down with em all baby or never!

    8. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Link, please?

      And just for the record, and I think I speak for most of us here.

      No shame, Bristol for doing the right thing by your son, and yourself.

      I support you if that is your decision. And my heart hurts for you.

      If you choose to continue on with all these Red Flags, then I can only hope for the best for you and Tripp. You'll need all the luck you can get to make this marriage work.

    9. If the wedding is off, that's good news for C4P since, according to them Palin can't announce she's running for President because she's working 24/7 on The Wedding!

      Now what will be their next excuse if she doesn't announce?

  41. Anonymous12:04 PM

    O/T but I saw this at Daily Mail:

    Hillary and Bil Clinton made $30 million in speaking fees in 2014. Wonder if they come any where close to what Sarah made last year?

    (I admit I'm feeling a bit evil this morning. I know Sarah reads here and wanted her to see that figure. How much did you make last year in speaking fees, Sarah? What, for some reason no one seems to want to hear you speak?)

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Sarah Palin isn't near making that type of money anymore on a monthly or annual basis!

      And, she and Toad will never, ever measure up to the Clintons - financially, politically or in education and experience!

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      yeah, I saw that...they palin KKKlan ALWAYS bring something up about others when it suits

  42. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Why was he contacted his ex-wife in 2014 while both of them were involved with other people?

    Maybe Dakota is still infatuated with his ex, just like Bristol is still infatuated with hers (Levi).

  43. Anonymous12:10 PM

    This blog has turned into an embarrassment.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Yes. Poor $arah ~ so embarrassed.

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      I second that! There is no credibility left after this week!

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Then you should just stay away.

  44. Anonymous12:11 PM

    GRRRR. This guy just really chaps my butt.

    He was married to Cassandra during the time the incident that lead to his MOH took place. He went home to her and she nursed him back to health.

    And he has the gall to leave her out of the book about how he got his MOH!!!!

    Something is seriously wrong here. What is that guy's problem!!!

    From wiki
    He is best known for being awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of Ganjgal on September 8, 2009.

    From above, based on Daily Mail info about divorce
    Hmm, so they were married from May 17, 2008 until March 3, 2010.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      He is a total ass. Pulling a gun on his friend from school was bad. I hope it wasn't worse for Cassandra Meyer. Some men think they own their wives.

      No wonder C can't move on and her friend blames D.
      Bullies can do the worst intimidation and fear tactics.

      When a woman moves on she tells her story. She wants to help other women. Cassandra may be too terrified. I am sure Dakota has a great deal of back up with his mentors and all the brothers that have his back.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      It sounds like Cassandra asked that she not be mentioned publically - as an agreement to their divorce.

      Perhaps that is why Bristol's fiancé didn't mention his marriage and prior wife publically? Out of respect to her and following her specific request? Sounds possible to me!

      And, if so, good on him!

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Not very respectful of his own military wife is he?
      I would think their relationship/marriage would have been a very important part of his story.

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      1:49 PM you err.

      That is not even close to a possibility.

    5. Anonymous2:45 PM

      If there was drinking and guns involved, I'd be scared, too.

  45. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Looks like Bristol put her foot on the brakes.

    Posted to Instagram 30 min. ago:

    "Trust in God's timing. It's better to wait a while and have things fall into place than to rush and have them fall apart."

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Sounds like the her first marriage is on hold.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      lol Does she have a matching frig magnet?

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      In her latest photo (with Piper, Tripp, and Trig "#allmybabes"), she's not wearing the engagement ring.

  46. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Bristol has a new Instagram post about God's timing.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Instagod's timing.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      And another new photo of her with the two boys and Piper. Sweet photo.

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      with the hashtag #allmybabes

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM

      I must see her insides, it looks like a dumb photo to me. I am sick of the Palins that use kids for props. Even when the kids are cute, when a Palin uses them as a prop they get real ugly.

      She is a coward. Needs to grow up and face the day it is. Not that she ever will be alright, it would be nice.

      Sarah will find another monkey suit and find another sucker for her daughter and give her the wedding of her dreams. Joey is kind of a speed freak, he may be rested up and ready to play again. She is only 23 or 24.

      She even has time to go back to school and find her own life instead of going back to Wasilla and the compound.

  47. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Who know what this means to who is managing Bristol's instagram, or their motive in this post?

    We do know what a rush Bristol was in to marry.

  48. Anonymous1:46 PM

    That isn't Bristol in the above bottom photo w/her new fiancé! Who is it?

  49. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Uh oh, latest pic on Bristol's engagement ring.

  50. Anonymous2:29 PM

    This guy is a nobody, how does he manage to get public records sealed?

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      People can have their divorce records sealed for personal reasons, such as not wanting their kids to see how abusive one parent was-- or if he was into lewd behavior-- or if they just needed to keep it private.

  51. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Bristol must be catatonic and passed out. Whoever is doing her Instgram is making her look like and idiot.

    We already know Bristol is a coward and can't face anything. Right now some goofy pic is the last thing she needs to have someone post. Will they ever make her look like a real person who can deal with real time events.

    They totally are ignoring what an authentic person would be doing in her present situation.

    Alright, already we know she is pathetic and you don't need to use anymore bad pics that show her in a bad light.

    Sarah must be happy she doesn't have to do what she had planned for May 23.

    Is Dakota going to pull another suicide attempt? After he posts a gazillion more guns and Never Outgunned ads to sell his garbage.

  52. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Oh, damn! There goes Dakota's political career. He was all set to campaign for Congress with his mother-in-law.

    Oh, damn! There goes Sarah Palin's political comeback. She was going to make the rounds of events for veterans with Dakota. Now her PAC will have to raffle off another hockey stick. Maybe this time, they should throw in the puck.

  53. Anonymous2:45 PM

    So, 'just because his lawyer says so', we are supposed to believe this?
    A) Just WHO is his lawyer?
    B) Just WHO told his lawyer about this divorce? ($arah? HER lawyer?)
    D) WHY did it take this long to come out with this? Why not mention this in his book?

  54. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Oh, and he LIED in his book, when he said there was just ONE married guy somewhere with his company in Afghanistan - there were TWO - HE was the second one!


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