Saturday, June 06, 2015

I almost missed this but apparently Bristol Palin (Nancy French) claimed that she was NOT duped by that ESPN award hoax.

First off for all of those who may not remember this, here is the post I wrote about Bristol's ghostwriter falling for the hoax.

However according to a post that came out later that same day there was a denial that Bristol aka Nancy was stupid enough to get duped.

In fact it was titled "Dear Liberal Media, I Didn’t Get Duped by the Noah Galloway/Caitlyn Jenner ESPY Controversy."  

Here’s the thing. I didn’t get “duped.” I know that ESPN did not publish who was considered and rejected for the award. But it is certainly obvious that Noah Galloway and Lauren Hill did not receive the award. 

Neither did any of the other athletes who deserved the award far more than Caitlyn Jenner. 

That’s all I’m saying. 

The so-called “hoax” was that he was perhaps “runner up.” Who cares? I never said he was the runner up. 

I’ll make it easy on you. Here are the two options: 

1. He was either considered and rejected 

2. Or — worse — not considered at all. 

The only hoax is the media’s weird inability to see the truth.

You know I am willing to give Bristol the benefit of the doubt. I think it is very likely that SHE was not duped by the story. 

The reason I say that is because it is more than likely that since Bristol did not write that post that she also may not have even known about the hoax.

After all Bristol had only arrived back in Wasilla two days earlier, and was apparently catching up on her sleep.

However Nancy French is another matter altogether.

You see in the post where she was impersonating Bristol Palin she also linked to HER post, the title of which was "ESPN Gave the “Courage Award” to Caitlyn Jenner Instead of Iraq War Vet and Amputee Noah Galloway."

And that post linked to her husband David French's post entitled " Yes, ESPN Did Pick Caitlyn Jenner Ahead of Iraq War Vet and Amputee Noah Galloway for the ESPY Courage Awar."

In his post Mr. French acknowledges that there was an internet hoax, whereas Nancy does not in hers, and certainly does not mention the hoax in Bristol's blog post.

Now here's the question. If they had not read, and at least briefly believed, the hoax about Noah Galloway having been a runner up to receive the award, why would they have even brought up his name?

I mean there are numerous athletes, ex-servicemen, and amputees who are certainly worthy of recognition. But for some reason all three blog posts centered on the one guy that had been referred to first by a Boston radio personality...

...and then later had become the center of a controversy that evolved into conservative outrage over what they perceived as a slight directed toward the military.

You know what I think?

I think that both Nancy French and her husband fell for the story hook line, and sinker, and wrote about it with righteous indignation.

Then I think they later realized they had been duped and edited their blog posts so it looked like they knew it was a hoax all along. However unfortunately for them Bristol's post had already received national attention so Nancy was forced to leave it intact and then come back later and deny, deny, deny.

Hey all bloggers make the occasional mistake. But some of us, well some of us can admit them.


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    How big of a loser do you need to be to glom onto losers like the palins? If you looked up "opportunists" in the dictionary there would be a picture of fat ass nancy and her highly unattractive spouse, David. Why don't both of those dead beats go get real jobs rather than sucking off an ignorant middle school mean girl?

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Fake Evangelicals thrive on lies and untruths. Nancy and David French are two assholes who deserve each other, because who else wants them?

    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Nancy French can't get anyone to read anything she writes unless she's pretending to be someone else.

      Just like Becky Mansour.

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    It's Nancy French who floods Bristol's facebook and blog with stories about abortion, I almost had an abortion, I cried when I had an abortion, here's what a fetus looks like when its a few weeks old. In the past, if a Christian minister was held in a prison in a Muslim country, his story was plastered all over the place. These are not Bristol's issues. I wonder how much money they pay Bristol to use her facebook and blog. I assume it's because the Palin name attracts attention from the religious conservatives than the Frenchs could.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      I almost had an abortion, I cried when I had an abortion, here's what a fetus looks like
      I really do not know what you are trying to say. Maybe you should read your comments before publishing them. It almost seems as if English is not your 1st language. Maybe I just missed something?

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Bristol's issues are purses, shoes, fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake fingernails .... and pregnancy prevention. Her next unplanned pregnancy will ruin her. I hope it happens soon.

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      You are missing something 3:22 - common sense, common decency and a basic level of reading comprehension. It was very clear what 2:53 was doing.

    4. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Not really very clear 4:14. Quotes may have clarified the statement a bit, but still, I'm amazed at how nasty we can be to someone who asks for explanation.

    5. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I thought it was stream of consciousness and got point across @ 2:53 PM

      Nancy French does flood Bristol's social media, the one that is commercial and selling her as a Christian. I sometimes wonder if French did the Instagram account on occasions?

    6. Anonymous7:02 PM

      "....I'm amazed at how nasty we can be to someone who asks for explanation."

      Or how passive-aggressive and smugly superior someone can be when people fail to live up to that individual's grammatical code of conduct. Leave the amazement to Dakota Meyer and others with a limited vocabulary and mean-spirit.

    7. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Oh looky! We are eating our own just like C4P. Awesome.

    8. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Sniff, sniff....I am leaving and will NEVER be back, HUGS!

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Ok Bitchy, you're too stupid and dull to even know about these people, so you might not have been duped. However, you are also too stupid to write your own blog, so you picked an evangelical fundie moron to do it. Frenchie is as stupid and dull as you. Now, your stunningly stupid comment that Jenner didn't deserve the award again reflects the lack of intelligence of both you and Frenchie. Not only did Jenner win an Olympic gold in the Olympics but he also set a world record. If you aren't too stupid to read, you should google her and read about her accomplishments as an athlete. As I said, you and Frenchie are stunningly stupid. You should both find day jobs and STFU.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      The palins and frenches are mere shit on Kaitlyn's shoes. No more, no less, just shit...

    2. Anonymous3:32 AM

      They are shit on everyone's shoes. Jenner is no sterling example of humanity whose shoes are extra special. Just someone who once was able, thanks in no small measure to wife#1, devote the time and effort necessary to win a prestigious athletic award, a very selfish pursuit. Then, years later, after using the fame from it in the most selfish and family neglecting ways, changes genders and that is supposed to be heroic? Not in my book. Thousands of people without Jenners fame, fortune and privileges already managed to do it without a single pat on the head and without abandoning their families. Jenner did what Jenner WANTED to do and is pleased as punch about it. Doesn't need to worry about earning a living from here on in. How is that heroic.

    3. Anonymous5:28 AM

      3:32 Well said!! He should have gone for the change when he was single, not after 3 marriages and 6 (?) kids. People can gush all they want, I think he is repulsive in every way possible. Those extra large hands and feet can never be altered. He is a freak in my book. Brave? No way, no how. I know a man who did this, without spending $4 MILLION like Jenner has so far. He came to work one day in a skirt, blouse, heels and pantyhose. No headlines for him. THAT took guts, with people snickering behind his back, and to his face. Jenner is set to "earn" over $500 million for this. Stupid Americans are so gullible, easily fooled. Money can never buy CLASS. Kim Kardasian is a porn actress who was urinated all over on tape. Now she is on magazine covers!! Go figure.

    4. Anonymous6:59 AM

      I agree. I skated competitively with a transgender as he was transgendering. He was a very brave person indeed.

    5. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I think we can give Jenner a little break. Anyone who undertakes this transition is brave. Doing so in such a public way, where you know everyone and their mother will be talking about you, makes it more difficult or easier (I'm not sure which). Jenner has not lived a stellar life, as a person or a father. I don't know if she deserves this award so much more than other athletes.

      But, the outrage by people Palin and others like her isn't based on whether Jenner should have been brave enough to make the transition earlier or if she should have been a better partner or parent or person. It's based on their fear and hatred of people who are transgender and their outrage over Jenner daring to transition in such a public way.

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Frankly I'm sick and tired of the way the wingnuts parade and exalt the halt and the lame for entertainment purposes instead of encouraging and helping them to build productive and satisfying new lives.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Or instead of supporting legislation that helps people with disabilities. The only people I know who complain unceasingly of the ACA are Republicans; the only politicians who routinely reject any legislation intended to help disabled veterans are Republicans. God forbid that one of their children ever needs help.

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      I agree with you, and case in point, that new show, The Briefcase, is reprehensible in making tragedy into 'entertainment'. I did not, would not watch it. Even the reviews made me feel dirty.

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Ah, yes, here is Bristles, posing with the "tools of her trade" on the bed. Altoids. Is she advertising her services? If so, she REALLY should not post photos of her crossed eyes, she needs ALL the help she can muster in the looks department. It must really burn her knowing that a man with one arm and one leg HONESTLY made it into the finals of DWTS. No rigged voting like her appearances, with her pregnant belly.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Yep, that red puffy mouth says it all. I just gobbled down a penis popsicle and the Altoids made it extra deeeeelicious.

      Abstinence before marriage only applies to ONE orifice in the palin word.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      She hates herself, just as her mother planned. She hates herself so much she's constantly trying to alter her looks, pathetic loser, just like her twisted mom.

    3. Anonymous3:37 AM

      Puhleeze. He couldn't dance, and he didn't deserve to be in the finals any more than she did. He manipulated the vote in his own way, like proposing to his gf on camera.

    4. Anonymous5:33 AM

      3;37 I agree, but he actually WORKED to try to improve, something Bristles NEVER even tried to do. I was sorry to see Derek and Nastia eliminated so he could advance, but at least he has a story behind him, unlike Bristles who is just "the daughter of ...." What a farce the entire PayMe clan is. Thankfully it is coming to an end, the gravy train seems to be pulling into the station at last.

  6. Anonymous3:32 PM

    You know since this little girl has disabled comments on her blog, she doesn't have to take the heat for anything she says. Like her mother who deletes all opposing comments on her faceplace ranty page. They want to dish out their nonsense and then play victim EVERY STINKING TIME.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Bristol herself is mentally disabled, hell, the little Trigger dude, her first son, probably has a higher IQ than his fucked up mommy. Being cross-eyed is the least of the worries of the Palin women, and they all have crossed eyes, but Sarah and Bristol's are the worst.

  7. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Until barstool and $arah admit their blogs are pass. Sorry grifters. Not to mention the numerous books written by others. Fuck off.

  8. Cracklin Charlie3:33 PM

    It seems like they're still righteously indignant about the whole thing.

  9. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Her right eye looks like it hurts. I wonder if it gives her a headache when she makes that stupid face.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:59 PM

      Please send your best offering to Sarah Pac. Looks like someone needs her eyes aligned to match her chin?

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Someday it will get stuck like that...

  10. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Stupid slutty whore says what?

  11. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Why should I give two shits about a guy who willingly joined the military to kill innocents in countries that we really should have nothing to do with? Sorry dude, don't care that you got "blowed up", there was no reason for you to be over there anyway.

    Geez, this military glorification that the right wing does just makes me sick, as I'm sure it makes absolutely ill all the innocent civilians that have been killed in these senseless and purposeless Middle East wars.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM


    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Many older men were Drafted into the Military, and served with pride. Unlike Track Palin who HAD to join the Military to avoid JAIL and to enhance his selfish mother's political ambitions. Most G.I.s did not receive a comfortable driving job away from combat, like Track because of his mother's influence.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Unfortunately joining the military is the only way out of abject poverty for about 95% of the GI's entering the armed services. So with the end of the draft( which at least put the membership across economic classes) the poor will be pulling the duty.

      So, just because you had a way out or were never in the class of being the poorest of the poor, I will ask you to really think what you would do.

      BTW GI's don't get to pick where they go or what enemy they are cannon fodder for.

    4. Anonymous7:06 PM

      5:11 PM What made me sick about what Track Palin signed up for was how disgusting the propaganda from the Pentagon, or who ever writes the propaganda and spreads it in media and press.

      Why the famous keep quiet about their children’s military service.

      (Not Sarah Palin, she is infamous)

      Army Col. Burt Thompson did PR for Track Palin. He took back his claims about 19 year old Track guarding his commanders. There is no documentation that Track Palin left Indiana. Was he near a war zone? Near combat? Because that was part of the propaganda/myth that Sarah was talking, along with the Pentagon propaganda was that her son was a combat vet. For all we know he may have been hospitalized or in the brink.

      "After fading from the headlines, Iraq is about to become front page news again, now that Track Palin is off to the front."

      Petraeus' son Stephen

  12. Anonymous4:04 PM

    If someone were writing a blog under your name, wouldn't you be upset if they made factual errors - I mean, it would make you look stupid. I don't see why Bristol tolerates this - over and over.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

      Mini Me Leno Chin doesn't care how she's portrayed, She's just a lazy parasite. Her ghostwriter is the parasite's parasite, anything for a buck. She writes something, then crosslinks posts to her own blog for hits, then disables comments. Kind of like living in North Korea or China. Also Too... Also too, two.... Unflippingbelievable are what Bristol was raised with, yet she somehow speaks in normal sentences while pretending to have read anything. Did you see this?.,,,,,, I came across this article in the New York Times..... etc etc etc.

      Yeah, right!

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      It is a thing called money. She does not have the intellectual capacity to care all she sees is a paycheck.

      Palin's are not known for their brain power. This girl has had her life handed to her, if her Mom was not Sarah Palin they would all be working at dead end jobs, they can't hack college and have never lacked for money so what is the motivation?

      Never have any of those kids lived in the real world where most single Moms struggle, not Bristol, not ever. Someone who grew up with pride and was halfway smart would not tolerate it but we are talking about a sub normal family here. They saw what their Mother achieved even though she was average IQ at best.Why would you work if selling a lie brings that kind of money? Bristol has pimped her kid as Sarah has pimped her.

      A monkey can pose for photos so she posts photos of Tripp like a trained monkey, does that kid have a college fund? or do they think the money will never run out, education is the last on the list of priorities for these grifters. How does shooting a moose get you a job? put that on your CV and see how it counts. so much wasted here and i hope that Levi aspires for that kid to go to college, instead of a 4,000 dollar toy Bristol could have put that money into a college fund, but then she could not brag about it and post photos of it. Living large. Living redneck.

    3. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Bristol doesn't have a clue.

    4. Anonymous5:28 PM

      uhm, because she's even stupider?

    5. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Bristol is challenged. I have no idea if she reads what they write under her name. She may know nothing or little about it. She knows only what they want her to know. Bristol is vacuous, all that and a bag of chips.

  13. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Bristol just LOVES her eyelashes. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES them. Spends a lot of time working on any of them and all of them. She spends a lot of time looking in the mirror and then snapping all the selfies. She lives for people telling her how beautiful she is. That is why she will never make her social media accounts private. How could she? Who would affirm her?

    Those close to her know the truth. That is why she has no friends of long standing. None. And her family is a joke. There are the neglectful parents and the jealous siblings. Even her son has a limited shelf life of remaining affection for his overly clingy and self-centered birth mother.

    Bristol has no one except her online followers and a majority of those people are only following her to keep tabs of her latest public hypocrisy. Keep crossing your eyes, pursing your lips, and lengthening those lashes Princess Putrid. All you got are your plasticized looks and by the looks of the genes and lifestyles of those before you, you can really pucker up and kiss the mirror good bye sooner than most.

  14. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Levi, Gino, Joey and Dakota, look at the top picture. Is that Bristol's orgasm face?

    Did I forget anybody?

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Did Toad get any?

    2. Crystal Sage4:52 PM

      Yeah, the entire male population of Wasilla or thereabouts. Seriously, what makes this uneducated slut think that her ghost-written words are believed by anyone but a few low-functioning mouth breathers?

      Meanwhile, Tripp is with his dad and family enjoying a normal life. (Too bad he has to go back some time to that idjit who gave birth to him.)

    3. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Poor little tyke, having to humor that ignoramus at his young age. Set him free so he can be a whole person unlike you, brissy, a broken, needy leech seeking approval from virtually anyone.

    4. Anonymous3:42 AM

      That's sexist, misogynistic, and disgusting. I think Bristol is a jerk, but I am sick of reading vile and tacky comments like this. What are you, 12?

    5. Anonymous5:36 AM

      4;20 You forgot Ben and the entire hockey team.

    6. Anonymous6:07 AM

      3:42:, I am, too.

    7. Anonymous8:17 AM

      3:42 AM, 6:07 AM

      That is how disgusting sexist, misogynistic FLAME when they think others are making points. Tea Bags, Conservatives, some Republicans flame.
      I agree it is disgusting.

    8. Anonymous1:20 AM

      It is also True. Bwahahaha.

  15. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Gotta luv it, the idiot falls for a hoax and it is the media's fault. Always the victim.
    What they could figure out how to blame it on Obama??

  16. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Mother like daughter

    Bristol still believes she wasn’t duped.

    Here’s the thing. I didn’t get “duped.” I know that ESPN did not publish who was considered and rejected for the award. blah blah and more blah
    -Bristol Palin

    Remember this classic? Sarah Palin still believes she didn't screw up Paul Revere's historical ride:

    "You know what? I didn't mess up about Paul Revere. Here is what Paul Revere did blah blah and more blah. 
    -Sarah Palin

    Why can't borderline retard and retard admit it when they're wrong. That's why Bristol always gets fucked and runs back to mama. That's why Sarah looks an ignorant Wasilla Hillbilly.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Because they're small, little-minded people who can never admit making a mistake?

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Sure Bristol, you know all about ESPN's selection process for their ESPY award.

    3. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Shy> Because it is all they know.

    4. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Can you imagine if Bristol and Dakota actually got married and Dakota really ran for any office, including dog catcher.

      Reporter , "Bristol what do you think about your husband giving out free guns to the homeless?" Bristol, "I think it is awesome, i mean if they have no jobs and no money that is kind of like putting them to work ya know like ghetto cops, they should be earning their right to live on the street,it's awesome, since Reagan closed all the facilities for the mentally ill well gee this is a solution since they are out on the street and many of them are veterans hey give them a job! give them a gun! I have learned that even mentally ill folks can be productive look at my Mom she makes a shit load of money.

      I believe in the Constitution and stuff, America is awesome.

    5. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Regardless of what Bristol believes, she has been and is duped by her mother.

      She is mostly clueless about what is done in her name.

  17. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sarah Louise Heath had that same look on her face after her night with Glen Rice.

    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      That's one dead horse you'll never stop beating, why? Does it get you off?

    2. Anonymous6:06 AM


    3. Anonymous1:12 AM

      3:44 AM It sure excites you trolls who kiss Sarah's ass daily. Sarah Palin is the poster girl for you Fake Christians. AMEN! Sarah Palin is still beating the Kenyan Muslim Lie, does that get you off? It seems that it does not take much to 'get Bristol off'. Are Trial Daddies and bastard babies dead horses also too?

  18. Anonymous5:26 PM

    When Bristol or Willow, or Piper cross their eyes in photos, they are making fun of their mother.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      No, I think they all have wonky eyes that have been neglected.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      When Bristol and Willow cross their eyes, they are making fun of their mother and expressing the total lack of respect they have for her. I'm waiting for the day they don dirty wigs, put on Belmonts and cross their eyes.

    3. abbafan8:46 PM

      It's a good thing that dirty $arah wasn't at the Belmont Stakes today, and wearing the fake tits and rubber ass! She would have jinxed American Pharoah in his quest for the Triple Crown! Her curse is real - everything she endorses and touches turns to shit! By the way, a big shout-out to Victor Espinosa for a spectacular horse race!

    4. Anonymous2:56 AM

      Yes. Spectacular performance for both horse and jockey. Broke the record, finally. Beautiful horse.

    5. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Oh please.

    6. Anonymous1:18 AM

      @3:44 AM Why are you begging? Your loneliness has gotten the best of you? Have you ever even talked to any of the Palins? No? Why not, you defend them all over the internet constantly, as if you know them personally. Don't you get tired of your Palin Facade?

  19. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    Duped, then, like a cat in a litterbox, cover cover cover.

    OT This just in, A female viagra pill has been approved by the FDA, Sources who don't want to be mentioned have confirmed Michelle Duggar was in the clinical trials and was given the placebo sugar pill.

  20. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I'm shocking myself here, but I actually come down on Bristol's side here. She never said Galloway was a runner-up. However, she did fall into the right-wing group think that if should absolutely be Galloway. Any time someone gets an award, you can make a case that someone else is more deserving. And the Arthur Ashe award does seem to have a gender/orientation bias. Michael Sam got it last year, and Robin Roberts the year before. And according to wikipedia, people who were at the top of their sport (Mohammed Ali, Billie Jean King) often get it. Galloway is an inspiring, courageous person, and I believe he does marathons and such, but he's not an Olympian. I might have chosen Galloway over Jenner, but you know what? Galloway got a Purple Heart, and that counts more in my book. Congrats to Jenner, and I salute you, Noah Galloway.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:34 PM

      The Arthur Ashe Award is usually, but not always, given to persons associated with the world of sports who have exhibited great courage. It has nothing to do with "gender/orientation". Pat Tillman is a former Ashe Award recipient.

      While Mr. Galloway is, no doubt, a courageous individual, and seems athletic, running marathons and such does not really qualify him for this particular award.

      Caitlyn Jenner, nee Bruce Jenner, gold medal winner in Olympic decathlon, is the deserving recipient this time around. Congratulations, Caitlyn!

    2. Anonymous3:46 AM

      How is winning a decathlon courageous? It's a fucking sporting event.

    3. Anonymous1:04 AM

      3:46 AM Have you ever attempted to train for a decathlon as a man while knowing in your mind that you were a woman? The c4pers consider Sarah Palin courageous for saying stupid things. Fuck Off, Troll.

  21. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Bristol, stick with trying to find someone dumb enough to marry a used kleenex.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      More like a used kotex.

    2. Anonymous3:04 AM

      Seems that every eligible male in Alaska has "had" Bristles. The ONLY way she will get a husband is to BUY one. Is there enough $$$ left for that? Even money would not be enough for most guys, they want someone with a functioning BRAIN. Someone who can have a conversation with that does not include "my f--ing Louboutins, my f-- Louis Vitton purses and f--ing $300 sunglasses" Also, too, a woman who says her son is "all she ever needs" is really not a good prospect for marriage. Bristles might go into the soft porn business along with Marina, but who would be interested in her used up "goods"??

    3. Anonymous3:47 AM

      That sounds like the way the Duggars think.

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

      A Texas sized dick would be too inadequate for her Alaska sized posse.

  22. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Well, technically she's right. ESPN picked Jenner over the Easter Bunny, Audie Murphy, Marilyn Monroe and Callahan.

    It's like the typical wingnut complaint about any news story - "why are you paying attention to XXXX, instead of paying attention to what I want you to pay attention to?"

  23. Caroll Thompson6:41 PM

    When are you going to be your own person Bristol and not let others post a bunch of crap in your name.

    When are you going to have the courage that Caitlyn Jenner has and be true to yourself.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      When there is no money to be made and Mama say's "We need a new con" Unfortunately Bristol was never taught to be her own person. Twenty four and Mama supplied the money, Mama sold herself a long time ago and that's all her kids have ever known. It's too late for a moral lesson.

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      'When are you going to be your own person Bristol and not let others post a bunch of crap in your name.'


  24. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Articulate comments at The Daily Beast, from Ana Marie Cox.

    'Sarah Palin's Bitter Cry For Attention.'

  25. Anonymous7:39 PM

    So, stupid Bristol wants everyone to know she's not stupid? Too late!!!

  26. Anonymous8:24 PM

    That's what happens when you let your mother tell you what to do, especially when Sarah Palin is your mother and you're an adult.

  27. Anonymous9:19 PM

    She really looks like her mom. Mirror image.

  28. Anonymous10:03 PM

    That CHIN is ghastly--bumpy and lumpy and just ugly and out of proportion on a (former) naturally pretty young woman. Bad choice, Brisdull.

  29. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Thanks to my son's young adult perspectrive:

    Altoides and Btristol's cross eyes are a "tell" that she was satisfying Junker. Apparently she liked it.

    1. Anonymous11:35 PM

      Same here. My adult son said the same thing.

  30. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Nancy French has a great job- she does not have to sound like an adult to write Bristol's blog. It's not hard to be uneducated.

  31. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Bristol Palin: spokesperson for the belligerently stupid.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Pity poor Bristol. I think it is a shame she felt she needed suck drastic work done to her face at a young age. She did and she made mistakes. The chin is ghastly and is only looking worse as time goes on. All the while she has been at the mercy of the no mercy maroons that Palin Brand uses for public relations. The worst publicity team in the universe, ever!

      Now think of how much wiser it would be to find out who Caitlyn Jenner's doctors are and let them remedy the mess that was made on a once youthful lovely face.

      MOST OF ALL the Palin Brand and Bristol have a great deal to learn form Caitlyn Jenner. Whatever one thinks of the entire Bruce/Caitlyn transformation.

      Everyone can see and agree Caitlyn has masterful, brilliant and successful PUBLIC RELATIONS. They are champions.

      Meanwhile, whiny losers will continue to lose with the same ol' bad actors, the advice they receive and some more of their straw dog crap.

      The losers will never see Caitlyn Jenner's most vital exponent. Caitlyn can admit and deal with the fact she had been living a lie. That is the most important thing to be gained from Jenner's life and story.

      Bristol Palin is doomed to remain a chicken that goes home to roost. Even if they try to set up another set for her to appear as if she is independent. No matter how lonely she becomes, Bristol cannot leave her comfort zone of living the lies she knows and is bound to. Hell on earth.

  32. Anonymous6:42 AM

    The Daily Beast:

    By now you may have read Sarah Palin’s florid attack on Lena Dunham. She and her daughter Bristol both attempted the same pathetic sleight-of-hand to distract from the ongoing grotesquerie of the Duggar family values.... 

    Sarah’s tirade in particular radiates schoolyard smugness, the smirk of a lunchroom bully who thinks she’s scored a sick burn on the class nerd—she doesn’t just think she’s made a devastating point, she’s already figuratively turning around to accept high-fives from her pals.

    Why can't they leave America's Heroine Sarah Palin alone?
    -Louis Sarah

  33. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The Fartknocker Report: Sarah Palin Is All Het Up About The Spanishes

    The Sarah Palin Channel has released three videos in the last week and a half, and none of them is interesting enough to warrant its own blog post.


    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      -Louise Sarah

  34. Anonymous7:09 AM

    This whole ghostwritten blog confusion is so confusng.
    I'm confused.
    And entertained
    Is Nancy/ bristol's blog like The Onion lolo?

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      The Onion is authentic satire.

      The Palins fails at everything and they have zip authenticity.

  35. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Medal of Honor said no to OnHer Back's chin. I, on the other hand, think thAt chin is hawt!

  36. Sorry. Not buying it.

    Good try, though.

  37. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Guy Fawlk's mask called, they have a patent on that mask, and suing for using the chin as a model for Brissy's chin implant.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.