Saturday, June 06, 2015

Last night on "Real Time" Bill Maher mocked the Christian persecution complex in this country.

My favorite line:

"Bill O'Reilly says 'If you're a Christian or a white man in the USA, it's open season on you.' Yes that explains all pf those recent videos of police shooting unarmed white clergymen."

American Christians, a group of people who believe that simply asking them critical questions about their faith, of suggesting that their holy book is not factual, is on par with the Holocaust.


  1. When I was growing up, conservatives used to attack what they called "persecution complex," where people saw themselves as victims.

    Now they seem to excel in it.

    They really, really want to see thsmelves as being persecuted.

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Check this out.

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    It's the Christian Fundamentalists, the crowd that has conned you all into calling them evangelical so that nobody remembers what a dangerous and disgusting thing ANY religious fundamentalism is.

    The Mormons and the Seventh Day Adventists and the Salvation Army are evangelical. The Wingnuts are Fundamentalists.

    ps: stop saying "pro-life" when you mean "anti-abortion", too. Stop letting them put THEIR words in YOUR mouth!

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Plenty of evangelicals are also fundies.

    2. SallyinMI3:46 AM

      And don't forget the Seven Mountains dominionists...Cruz and his ilk are even more dangerous to this republic.

    3. Anonymous5:18 AM

      I call them extremists - and crazy - that better?

  4. Hear hear. It's a war of words and the pen--well, you know. Fun point of terminology: USA's first avowed "evangelical" president was the 39th, James Earl Carter and the second was his wingnut successor. Could the contrast be any more stark?

    1. SallyinMI3:45 AM

      I know. Carter is a true Christian; he lives the nets of the New Testament. And the RW HATES him, but loves a guy who cheated his way into office, was forced to raise taxes to cover the debts he piled up, and who grew government fourfold or more. If they had a brain, they would be progressives.

    2. Anonymous5:19 AM

      Can you point to where Reagan claims to be evangelical?

  5. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Love Bill Maher! His show last night was outstanding. Can count on him to always state things as they truly are and he doesn't pull any punches.

  6. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Coming just in time for Christmas, the sequel to "The War on Christmas", " The War on White Conservatives ", to be followed by, " The War on White Conservative Christians" . Authored by...Rush, Levin, Palin, Hannity, O'Reilly, any of 'em, all of 'em. More titles from these authors include....

    1. Anonymous4:18 AM

      The war on the war on Christmas!

  7. Caroll Thompson6:32 PM

    It's the so called Christians who attack anyone who does not adhere to their beliefs. When the State and the Church were one, they killed people who did not adhere to their exact beliefs, otherwise known as the Inquisition.

    And when they are caught doing what they themselves preach should not be done and are called out for their hypocrisy, they cry that they are being attacked.

    Well cry me a river you assholes. Do as you will, but leave the rest of us alone. We are free to believe or not believe in whatever we like here in the United States of America.

  8. When they appear adorned with yellow fabric crosses sewn onto all of their garments, we'll talk.

    1. Leland2:11 AM

      When they are FORCED to appear adorned....

      There. Much better.

  9. Anonymous7:11 PM

    The fact of the matter is Christianity is under attack, but not for the reasons Bible thumpers claim. People are tired of being gospel fucked and just want to live out their days on this planet as best they can. Most religions offer a unhealthy dose of shame and guilt to abide. Suck it up o believers of the book of sins. You may not like evolution, but you live it each day!

    1. Leland2:22 AM

      They are under attack from the inside, as you intimate, but it would be more accurate to say flat out that they are under attack because of the HATE and such they are spewing. Even their own children are turning away and THAT is their OWN fault.

      They can't recognize that, just as they couldn't understand why people turned away from the "hellfire and brimstone" so-called "teachings" of a century ago.

      As they have been repeatedly reminded in places like here in the IM, they simply cannot see that their Jesus was a liberal who taught things that are in direct contrast of their greed and intolerance.

      Then, as you also point out, they have that stupid wish to completely ignore the science that gives them most of the comforts they take for granted, even going so far as to slap their religious leaders for speak out against their anti-science positions.

  10. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Deep breaths least here in America the old religious folks are dying off, younger people are leaving the church in droves and the newer generations aren't allowing themselves to be brainwashed period. A new day is coming soon and thankfully America will be pulled out of her long dark age of religiosity.

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      IMO, that's a VERY optimistic prediction. If that day ever comes, it won't be soon. Check out the Quiverful movement. Those people are serious about multiplying and taking over the government and instituting laws based on the old testament.

    2. Leland2:28 AM

      "IMO, that's a VERY optimistic prediction. If that day ever comes, it won't be soon."

      I agree, 8:38. While one group of nut jobs dies out, the next one to pop up is even more whacked! And more willing to be violent to espouse their beliefs.

      And then there is the problem that 8:22 forgot to mention: the religiously homeschooled and those sent to fundie religious schools - on OUR dime! The brainwashing done in a lot of those places is disgusting.

    3. Anonymous3:43 AM

      You are correct. Josh Duggar was planning on a political career until his past caught up with him. Barely literate MOH plans the same, guns in hand. That's why he hooked up with Sarah, to get some name recognition and ride on her coattails to events. We'll see how the secret marriage helps him with the evangelicals, who seem willing to forgive everything except being a Democrat. But yes, there is a movement to start with school boards and town halls, and move into the state level and beyond. I see it here in MI. Dave Camp retired from Congress, but his local buddy Moolenaar, who had had his MI seat after he moved to DC, now has Camp's seat in Congress. And our AG, Schuette, is another childhood buddy of Camp's, and has his eye on the Governor's mansion after we took Snyder. Meanwhile, the ALEC laws are here and multiplying. I'm just waiting for the first state to try to take the vote away from women.

  11. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Now, lets face it: NO ONE has felt the pain of the bootheel of "The Man" crushing their necks, more than rich, white Protestant males, for many decades.

    We must make amends! We should make it so they don't have to pay taxes.

    Oh, wait: we've already done that.

  12. Anonymous3:57 AM

    On The Blaze they're going on about the bruce jenner thing being a liberal agenda. Do they not know he's one of them?? Do they claim sicko duggers are theirs? Do they not admit 70% of the USA is Christian and a good many of them are liberal??? What's WRONG with these people???!!?

    1. The so-called "liberal" Christians are invisible.

      That 70% of the U.S. supports the inhuman agenda of pastors, priests and popes, degrades our education and healthcare and denies our civil rights makes me ashamed of my country.

  13. Anonymous5:27 AM

    QUestion? WHa tis the difference between the attitude of teh Taliban re: wmen and education, and Malala and 25 year old Jana Duggar not being "allowed" (now there's an interesting one, since children in TV shows and film are supposed to have trust funds of their earning set up for them until adulthood.) by her father to go to college?

    Or, what's teh difference between Jana beign forced to be an unpaid nanny to the Duggar kids and be denied the education she so clearly desires - almost as if her parents are keeping her a prisoner. The purpose may be different, but isn't that what the guys who kidnapped and held those three girls for sex did?

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Face down, ass up. Yep!


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