Monday, June 08, 2015

Sarah Palin has moved from attacking celebrities and defending Christian pedophiles to welcoming critters into her home.

Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page:

Family grows with a new critter! Meet Piper's newest - a micro mini pig she's named Penelope. Yup.

Interestingly enough Palin fails to mention that the pig was a gift from her almost son-in-law Dakota Meyer. Gee I wonder how that slipped her mind?

Of course like most decisions by this family, this is potentially a poor one:

Careful thought should be put into purchasing one of these micro-pigs. They are hard work as pets and require the same time and care as a dog. Their environment needs to be enriched and with moveable content – these animals originate from a forest where there would be ample space to rummage around and investigate with their snouts. They need lots of toys and really should have the company of a fellow pig. This all adds up in costs!

The article goes onto stress that these pigs are known to have deformities and that living inside of a home is a foreign environment and not suitable for their needs.

So if the Palins treat this animal with the same lack of care that they have treated their other animals..

...I do not hold out much hope.

However it should be pointed out that Palin does have some experience dealing with pigs.

Oh and by the way it looks as if Palin will be appearing on Hannity tonight so you know she is about to say something horrible and indefensible again.

I'll be joining Sean Hannity tonight on FOX News - if you want to tune in at 10 PM ET.

Of course that picture is misleading because we also KNOW she is not going to be in studio. 


  1. FrostyAK2:15 PM

    I don't believe farm animals are allowed within the city limits of Wasilla. As a former mayor, she should know that. But then she'll do whatever she pleases until the courts tell her she can't...

    1. Depends on if a mini-micro pig would be considered a farm animal or a pet.

      If it's a farm animal, they'll be having pork chops very soon.

      Of course, the same could be said if it is a pet. As was pointed out, they don't have a very good track record with caring for pets of any kind. If you can't maintain the health and well-being of a dog, you sure won't be able to with a pig.

      Mostly I don't think the family gives a F(&$^k one way or the other. The animals are pretty much on their own to live or die.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Palin only wants to use the cute pig until this shit storm passes.

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      I haven't seen anything to make me think that pig is anywhere but Arizona. The way Piper is dressed suggests a warmer clime than Wasilla.

    4. Anonymous2:59 PM

      2:26 PM
      "The animals are pretty much on their own to live or die".
      So are the kids. Come to think of it, Sarah can't maintain her own health and well-being.

    5. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Sorry, "micro" or not pigs are considered livestock.

    6. In some communities pot bellied pigs are recognized as pets.

      It all depends on local zoning and ordinances.

      Our city recently allowed chickens (but no roosters), up to a maximum of three bee hives and a minimum of two pygmy goats within the city.

    7. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Zoning? In Wasilla? LMAO. Zoning is government overreach, and communism also, too.

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM


    YOU PEDOPHILE, YOU" Sarah Palin

    I know Sarah will want to give Lena Dunham another shout out. Next she will lead her fans to Bristol, who is more into straightening out liberals like Dunham. Maybe Bristol will make a surprise guest appearance so she can further expound on the Palin thoughts and teaching on all these matters.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Is "haughtily" her latest word-of-the-week?

  3. Randall2:20 PM

    Any bets on how long it is before Hannity refuses to continue to let her come on his show because it's hurting his image?

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Bad as his reputation is, there's very little that could hurt his 'image'. He and $P were cut from the same bolt of cloth and are equals in stupidity, incivility and avarice. Hannity was a bit more clever staying close to his studio teleprompter remembering to 'mind' the bosses scripts rather than Palin who took her brassy, no-nothing do-nothing rogue joyride across the country giving the big boys an occasional headache.

      Hannity isn't very important to Fox, little more than another time-filler. Their moneymakers are O'Really and the up and coming android Kelly who are keen enough to not further spoil their sewer with the stink of the stank.

  4. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Gryph, it gets worse.. Here is another article from Modern Farmer saying that they usually grow into a full size pig! Pictures accompany this article. The Palins are losers and idiot's, the thought of Sarah in a house stuck with a mean 140 pound pig [ Not talking about Bristol either] is amusing me greatly!

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Here's the article.

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Thank you but that picture made me so sad.

    3. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Maybe they want a moneymaker for Piper.

      Follow Pipers pig Penelope on Pipers new "Penelope The Pig" website. As you know Palins love themselves some critters, so follow the antics of Penelope!

      Honestly that pig should have been named Publicity Pig. as it grows to full size it will be renamed Chris P. Bacon. Palins are capable of anything.

    4. Sorry, but Chris P. Bacon is already taken. He has a Facebook page and I believe at least one book on amazon.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Wonder why Dakota sent a pig to the Wasilla gang??

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM


    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Subliminal message that more than likely, the Palins don't get.

    3. Janice A Soderquist3:11 PM

      His parents probably told him to get rid of it, they didn't want it.....

    4. Anonymous4:43 PM

      And where is Tripp's calf?

    5. Anonymous5:19 PM

      2:52 PM:
      I am really wondering that now as well.
      We do know for sure the Palins are pigs in real life. lol

  6. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I might watch just to see her hair but I don't get the Fox Channel.

    1. Bristol isn't a teenager any more.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Are ya sure?

  7. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Your turn Sarah!

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Yes, that would get Sarah the attention she craves...

  8. Anonymous2:38 PM

    C4P is all aflutter at the news that Sarah will be on Fox. Will he ask her if she's running? strangely enough they really don't want to hear anymore about the Dugger's and one of them pointed out her Fox contract is up this Friday, they actually hope she does not renew because you can't run for President and be under contract to Fox.Ever since her last appearance on Fox they now do not like Fox anymore because they feel Fox just isn't good enough for their hero anymore. Suckers, every last one of them.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Ooh, big let down at c4p, everyone get ready with screen shots after she appears and the decision is not done by sarry.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      proudly ignorant rubes.

    3. Hm.So if Fox cuts Sarah loose will the pee'ers take it as a sign she's running?

      Has anyone checked her timing? Does she come out with some sort of high profile rant that ignites a media feeding frenzy just before every contract renewal? Just to prove she is still "relevant"?

  9. Anonymous2:41 PM

    100 to 1 she continues to defend the disgusting Duggars.

    She doesn't care if it's negative publicity, $arah NEEDS people to talk about her.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      I doubt Sarah will be in the studio with Hannity. She will film from her very special, personal, sanctuary studio at the compound on the lake.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Did Sarah say about 14 year old Josh


      or is that only for 7 year olds?

    3. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Josh and Track are 2 peas in a pod.

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Gee Sarah Palin you know what Todd did in celebrated when you heard Danny was raping a child then rewarded him with lots and lots a coke? How's Cardenas doing? Burned his house is your Auntie? That pit bull attorney is GREAT! The 12 lawsuits of first case said to racketeering...

  10. Anonymous2:46 PM

    So, did Sarah bring Penelope home to Alaska in her big old RV she drove to Kentucky? Or put did Bristol bring it to Piper? Just kinda curious. Does Sarah spend much time in Scottsdale anymore? I always thought the mansion in Arizona was Sarah's way of getting close to 'Hollywood' without actually being in Hollywood.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      One piggy pic looked like it was in Az. Is school out? Pipe could be in Az with her new baby.

      This appearance may be just for Sarah to look all critter friendly and for Piper to learn strong independent taking care of responsibilities. What a wonderful mother, oh yeah, vibrant and all that.

      It may just be a 98% feely good piece. I know it has already been scripted. If they are allowing anything else to come up it will be brushed off. They may have a tease for C4P.

  11. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Oh, "exceptional" "vibrant" ..... oh geez we already know what she will blow out her arse. "Obama bad"
    Come on Hannity no softball, ask about ring, runaway bride, sponge bob, pimping by Toad when she reveals she is running for president (of jr high). Hahahahaha...

  12. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Yes ask her why she's defending a molester. In detail, don't let her be general. I really want an explanation to defend a young man molesting his sisters and the babysitter.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      He reminds her of her son when he was young.

  13. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Wonder what she'll say about Dakota?

    Wonder if Dakota "sent" the pig to Piper via Bristol and the cousins? Not that it matters, just wondering.

    Wonder who Sarah will attack?

    I want to hear more from Sarah about the Duggars. Come on, Sarah, the Duggars need your help seein' as how you're such a good Christian and they are too.

    1. I wonder if Bristol just took the pig because she could and then gave it to Piper. After all, if Dakota gave Piper the pig, how come we only saw it AFTER the breakup?

  14. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I assume Hannity will ask the obligatorily "will you run" question. AIP Palin will either continue the tease, finally admit that she has no intentions of running or she will announce that she is running. Obviously, she won't announce on FOX, so that is out. Although my money is on the tease, I wish she would just admit that she isn't running, so that the mass hysteria and meltdowns of her fans can commence.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      She needs to tease to go on until June 30, so her Sarah Pac -- her personal slush fund -- can take in $$ without pledging them to a campaign. Once she announces, all the money goes to an electoral PAC, which she doesn't want.

    2. Janice A Soderquist3:24 PM

      If she says she is definitely running, she will have to leave fox. Can't run for office and be a commentator.

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Or she will tell Hannity the same horsecrap she told Greta (I think) that she can do more for conservatives by being able to endorse and xampaign for like-minded candidates. Jon Stewart had the best take on her no announcement. It's probably on YouTube but basically Jon was stunned that Sarah downplayed the job of a president, saying 'what could I do as president?' His answer was great "what could you do? You would be the effing president, it's the most powerful position on the planet!" He ripped her non answer as usual!

  15. Janice A Soderquist3:07 PM

    This is a set up for all of us. Sarah ahead of time made the rules... she will not answer any questions and what ones she does, Hannity will let her go on and on. He does not have balls, he will let her get away and not challenge her at all....

  16. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Her post sounds like she's complaining about having to care for such a pet. If it's all hard work and the piglet needs to be in it's own environment, why did they accept it?

    Is Piper, with her basketball practices and school and friends and travel back and forth to AZ, going to be able to care for it? Sounds like they'll neglect it, or keep it until it doesn't give the Palins "what's in it for them", and they'll move on, giving it away.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      They'll probably eat it eventually.

  17. Anonymous3:16 PM

    My elderly parents are born again Christians, believe that God wrote the Bible (I know...don't get me started), believe that Christianity is under attack, think muslims are a threat to American freedom as well as President Obama, and they have both said that they would like it if Sarah Palin would, and I quote "just shut up" They're very polite people, and I had never heard either of them use that term before. I was shocked!

    1. Dear 3:16 -- hearing your parents' opinion of SP must have made you believe pigs COULD fly! Pity that little thing can't fly to get away from that toxic family.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Hi Barbara 4:08, yes I almost fell over. And I can't believe a family who obviously eats meat adopted a pig...just feel so bad for the poor little guy.

    3. I have a feeling at some point not so little Penelope will meet with an accident and not to let good meat go to waste.....

  18. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I have a hard time with animal stories when it looks like they are just being used. This one makes me feel deeply sad.

    I can't see Sarah facing any of the matters people would like her to face. She may say a little something to Hannity to cover the Duggars and the attacks she has recently made. I think it is all about Sarah and she will be playing the part of the good mother and P.I.G. with her new baby. Sarah is doing a clean up on aisle 9 and kiss the Pee Pond.

    Will she, won't she, send money.

  19. charlotte3:21 PM

    Some pig."


  20. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Why would Fox even have this dim bulb on?

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Robert Jeffress and Keith Ablow have been discussing Duggars. Fox figures Sarah will be able to contribute to what they are saying.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:54 PM

      Ohhh Duggar / Palin grudge match... ding ding ding in this corner...... Since Sarah's fertility has gone two bull, might as well build an ark. She's got nothing to do anyway.

    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Nothing like molestation entertainment for the masses. Hannity must be seeing ratings.
      Who will Sarah Palin support?

      Jeffress pushed back, defended the Duggars, and called them a “wonderful family” who’s being victimized. Ablow shot back:

      “This is a great family? This is a family that turned their family into a sideshow and invited cameras into their lives in a way that exploited their children and made money from them. Where’s wonderful family that the pastor is describing?”

  21. Otto Katz3:28 PM

    just this

  22. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Nice of them to give the pig a home but why not address the fact that they have a daughter who must be homeless now? This is the last I know of Bristol.

    She doesn't do the blog posts. Anyone could be doing the old pictures and religious quotes on her Webster.

    Bristol is missing and no sign she has found a place to live. 24 year old Bristol has had several houses for many years now. Suddenly she has only her ecoDiesel. Cool that she can live in it for a little while but the girl needs a place to call home.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      I had forgotten about Bristol's Anchorage dwelling. Not sure how long she lived there. It was very nice as you can see in the photos. She may do well to find a house in Anchorage again.

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Better than the place she just sold.

  23. Won't they eat it after all it is meat

  24. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Accordly to a post by a c4p Palin fan:
    Melissa Kelly
    34 minutes ago
    Andrea Tantaros and Tammy Bruce were on Hannity Friday and Andrea approvingly mentioned Sarah speaking out about the media's hypocrisy regarding Lena Dunham and the Duggars.
    Robert Jeffress and Keith Ablow were also on Friday arguing about the Duggars and since both Jeffress and Ablow will be on again tonight, maybe Sarah will be blasting the media's double standard.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

      Sharp as a bowling ball!

  25. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Here are Hannity's guests for tonight. Notice who is listed last -- Sarah probably won't be given much time to spew her usual word salad.

    Pastor Robert Jeffress

    Dr. Keith Ablow

    Bo Dietl

    Geraldo Rivera

    Shannon Bream

    Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Hannidy may be on a roll with this.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      She'll be on just long enough to call Lena Dunham a pedophile again. She's got nothing else.

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Wouldn't it be great to see a "panel" discussion between Pastor Jeffress, Dr. Ablow and also too Sarah Palin. What would she do? How would she handle it?

      Okay, I know she won't actually be on the show but will be in some remote location but I can dream. It would be funny!

    4. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Is Sarah in Arizona with Piper and Penelope?
      Bristol and Marina in Anchorage looking for a house?

    5. Anonymous8:41 PM

      If that is not a fake scene, Sarah is in Wasilla and Piper and Penelope in Arizona. Sarah will never have to see Pen if she doesn't want to. She won't be feeding or caring in anyway. Piper will only be there part of the year. Someone else will be dealing with Pen.

    6. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Are Bristol and Marina getting married?

  26. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Why doesn't she say it was a gift from Dakota? It seems like she's making an issue out of the new pig just so she gets a chance to snub Dakota and not acknowledge him in the least regarding this new "family addition."

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Maybe she had to sign a confidentiality agreement and she can't say his name. LOL

    2. More like it was Dakota's pig and she took it when she retrieved all her other stuff. They're making a big deal out of it so that he'll look like a putz if he dares to demand it's return.

  27. Anonymous3:46 PM


    #bff forever

    1. Anita Winecooler5:04 PM

      Tweedle dee and Tweedle dee, also, too! I have a daughter Bristol's age, I doubt she'd pose like that with her bff, it's usually a group of people and the photo has something to do with an activity or event. Wonder how many "friends" Brissy rilly has?

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Not a day goes by without me missing you so much #wishing you were here #missing you so much @bsmp2

    3. Anonymous9:44 PM

      I'm glad for Bristol. Maybe her head will clear some and she can make better decisions.

  28. Anonymous3:51 PM

    piper.p I miss tripp

    piper.p must be in Arizona/June 2.

  29. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Hey, Joni Ernst made pig news with her roast and ride this weekend. Palin probably figured she'd get her own pig news out there since she feels like she catapulted Ersnt to office.

  30. Terrible news. Those pigs need a lot of care from someone who realizes that they aren't just a puppy with a different-looking face.

    Poor pig will be dead or given away in 12 weeks.

  31. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Another problem with micro-mini pigs is that the gene pool has been so corrupted that you really don't know what you're going to get. Even principled breeders can't truly know the genetic heritage of the animals, so pigs that are supposed to stay tiny usually don't.

    We have a friend who bought one of these for about $1200, a real cutie. He was told it would get no larger than 50 pounds. Well, today it's 300 pounds. thank goodness he's got enough room to keep it in a pen in the yard.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      There is no breed of "micro" pigs, they just tell the people they sell them to to feed the pig at starvation levels so they never fully develop.
      And tell your friend the next spring piglet he wants can get a stock sale for a few bucks ( under 20, most likely under $10)

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      The Palins fell for a hoax.

  32. Anonymous4:05 PM

    That poor innocent little piggy.
    Maybe Piper will do the research and be able to care for it.
    Fingers crossed?
    M from MD

  33. Anita Winecooler4:30 PM

    Welcome to the insane asylum, Penelope Yup. Named, of course, after the Yuptuk tribe just west of where Jill Haddasah lives. I'll be donating extra to PETA in honor of these two critters, Perhaps the PAC can have guest posts from the absolute smartest living creature in her household.

    Remember, The strict Jewish tradition of not eating or sleeping with pigs or any animal with a cloven hoof. Now you'll have to add a kitchen and a cleaning station. Is Penelope Yup going to dress in clothes and wear the Star of David?

    Well she's cleaner than the other pigs she pals around with.

    Exploiting your kids, how gauche'!

    1. Don't deer, elk and moose have cloven hoofs too?

  34. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Nancy Grace just had a spot on et!!!. I hope old $arah keeps up her sickening defense of child molestors. She will be eaten alive...just like that poor pig. Quit hiding behind your supposed children.

  35. Anonymous4:45 PM

    With Palin appearing on Fox tonight it's clear that Palin has told Ailes she is not running in 2016 or they wouldn't let her on the air.

  36. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Palin has experience killing pigs too, or so she would have us think. Remember her posing with the pig she killed on Nugent's ranch. Piper better be careful and hide the pig when her mother's been drinking and drugging.

    1. Jury is still out as to whether she killed or or just posed with it.

      I'll bet money she sure as hell didn't dress it.

  37. A Responsible Pet Owner5:07 PM

    Unfortunately PETA is NOT the choirboy organization they try to present themselves as being. The only dog PETA cares about is a dead dog....likewise with cats, pigs, whatever animal. Support the SPCA, not PETA.

    1. Pamela6:42 PM

      Sooo true!!! Peta euthanizes more animals than they rescue. That organization is seriously corrupt.

  38. Anonymous5:17 PM

    So Sarah will be on Hannity tonight. Will she take another swipe at Lena Dunham? Will she be defending the Duggars? Will Hannity have enough nerve to ask what happened to the wedding?

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Of course he doesn't have the balls to ask her. His job is to stroke money boo boo.

  39. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Aww, one of the poor Palin fans on her Facescreech page doesn't realize that the election is NEXT Year:

    "What a delight !! First time I will tune in to Fox in over 4 months..With you and God at our backs, America will proudly rise (smile emoticon)"

  40. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Just announced that she will be talking about the duggars. God that woman never learns.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Talk about the Duggars or deflect and YELL a name to someone else?

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      The Duggars or the Dunhams?

  41. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Sarah Palin facebook

    Family grows with a new critter! Meet Piper's newest - a micro mini pig she's named Penelope.

    - Sarah & Piper Palin

    This proves Sarah Palin doesn't think about the decisions Sarah or her family makes.

    The Palins basically ignored Trig during his upbringing. For example taking him off the tour bus with basically nothing on while Sarah is dressed nice and warm, rarely see him with his prescription glasses and hearing aid, Sarah herself joked that Trig doesn’t eat solid foods, Sarah used to take Trig with her for her photo ops but now that he's older his photo op days are over, there's more but why beat a dead horse.

    So if Sarah and the Palins treated a baby human being like that, God help that little baby pig.

    Sarah should have been the adult in this situation and told Piper,

    "Since you are going to high school and with your classes, homework and athletic games in basketball, volleyball and maybe track and cross country, you have to be out of your damn mind if you think I'm going to take care of your pig while you are at school doing whatever it is you do there."

    or "Piper you know I entrusted Levi to come over to feed you guys, do you think Levi will come over to feed and take care of your pig especially after the way we treated him? For damn sure I won't be taking care of your pig."

    or "Piper who takes of Trig? Do you think I'm taking care of your pig? I have to pay people to watch after Toad's son."

    or "Piper I worked my year and a half as governor, I'm tired and I'm retired now. What makes you think I want to work taking care of your pig? "

    or "Piper, I'm a grandmother without a job. Have you seen me babysit or take care of Track's daughter "What's Her Name"? So why would I want to take care of your pig? "

    or "Piper you know that I'm preparing for my presidential campaign. I'm sorry I need organize my campaign."

    or "Piper you know I've been busy all these years calling in favors to keep your siblings and father out of jail. I'm too busy right now."

    or "Piper if I take care of your pig, I won't have time to go to barbecues and pancake breakfasts in the lower 48."

    or "Piper do you see Ivana Trump or Michelle Obama taking care of a pig? What makes you think I want to take care of a pig?"

  42. Anonymous6:43 PM

    So has the sow showed up on hannity's hatefest yet?

  43. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Of course the Pbots and $arah worshipers are all a-twitter because their Savior Queen Ruler Idol is going to be on the teevee.

    Last time she announced "golly gee, after a lot of prayer I'm not running" , TheresaAK nearly had a stroke or aneurysm or both.

    Several of the PalinDroids were so upset they couldn't even appear on C4pee to express their tears, and sadness, and even anger.

    How could god DO this? How is $arah not running AGAIN!

    Just watch and wait, the screaming in pain will begin again.

    Maybe by 2020 they will realize that She, who hangs around with pedophile Nugent, and has a pimp husband won't ever be President.

    poor little palinbots

  44. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Sexual Predation, Palin???? WTF!

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      predation is a biological interaction where a predator (an organism that is hunting) feeds on its prey (the organism that is attacked).[1] Predators may or may not kill their prey prior to feeding on them, but the act of predation often results in the death of its prey and the eventual absorption of the prey's tissue through consumption

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      This is where she learned about sexual 'predation'.

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      7:37 PM

      Is Sarah using that term? She must have a very dark and deathly reaction to what happened in her childhood.

      She is slowly killing herself with the chemical abuse problems and eating disorder. I guess that is not unusual for a victim of a predator.

    4. Anonymous10:37 PM

      She clearly said preditation when she meant to say predation. No such word.

  45. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Hahaha the skank is old manly!! On hannity panty sniffer.

    Whoa she forgot to clean her mouth, still has grease on her dirty mouth.
    "Innocent" doofus, they were innocent and their own brother made them no longer innocent.

  46. Anonymous6:53 PM

    That bitch isn't running!

  47. Anonymous6:54 PM

    It will be Hillary. Oh brother.

  48. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Old college try?? You mean 6 colleges for a fucking BS degree.

  49. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Omg her chest is dried up!! Spotty.

  50. Anonymous6:59 PM

    The Fartknocker Report: Sarah Palin Is All Het Up About The Spanishes

    The Sarah Palin Channel has released three videos in the last week and a half, and none of them is interesting enough to warrant its own blog post. There’s one on a Social Security Disability “snafu,” one that is Just Asking Questions about foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation, and one about the Supreme Court throatcramming some California students who couldn’t wear the shirts they wanted in school. It’s a seriously boring week, even by Palin’s standards.

  51. Pamela7:00 PM

    Hey Sarah! Regarding Lena Dunham and your appearance on Fox, can you tell us what the word "preditation" means??? My vocabulary isn't as wide ranging as yours seems to be. Oh, and you looked positively LOVELY on Hannity BTW (not!!!!).

  52. Anonymous7:24 PM

    They are fighting at the pond about "predidation" but stinky lonely man that has a blog nobody reads proudly announced you can find that word in the urban dictionary. Most likely located right next to queef.

  53. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Here she is in all her pedophile defending glory. And what the hell is on her mouth and did she throwback to the 50's with that bouffant hairstyle? She still looks dirty, dirty, dirty.

    Palin repeated the same criticism when she appeared with Sean Hannity tonight to defend the privacy rights of Jessa and Jill Duggar, two of Josh Duggar’s sisters and victims.

    Palin again went after the mainstream media for “re-victimizing” the Duggar sisters by foisting all this attention on them in the first place, but also criticized the act of interviewing them in the first place. And it’s worth pointing out here that interview was conducted by Fox News’ own Megyn Kelly.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Were those Duggar girls forced to go before the camera on Fox? They are trying to defend their brother by making the media the bad guy , this is one sick brainwashed family girls are not deemed as worth as much as boys.

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      She takes after her dad. She blames her mother. We know what her brother was about. He did it at school with a young co-worker.

    3. Anonymous8:39 PM

      To get the Josh Duggar story, InTouch utilized solid investigative journalism

    4. Anonymous8:55 PM


      The Duggar Parents exploited the Duggar children. The Duggar son molested the Duggard daughters and the Duggar babysitters, and TLC exploited them all.

      But you, Megyn Kelly, exploited the Duggar daughters, and the Duggar parents used Fox "News'" as their personal soapbox.

  54. Anonymous7:31 PM



    Sarah Palin spotted at Anchorage Alaska Staples store purchasing four legal pads, two boxes so black Sharpie pens and three poster boards.

    This is a clear sign she is running for the 2016 Republican nomination since she buying office supplies for her political headquarters and hundreds of satellite political offices.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      LOL Sarah and Piper are making Sarah's campaign posters.

      Sarah: Piper I know how to spell vice president but I'm not sure how to spell president. Can you help mommy?

    2. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Piper: Mommy, Those words wasn't on my flash cards, can you ask Bristol when she closes her legs?

    3. Anonymous4:18 AM

      These supplies are to make :cue cards" for someone to hold while she spouts her bile on Faux.

  55. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Did she attack anyone? She commented how any parent would be appalled at Lena's actions. That isnt normal to ACT like that

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:23 PM

      "She commented"

      No, she went ape-shit over it. That's not normal.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Sarah is wrongly using Lena. It is not the right analogy. Instead of clarity and explaining what is going on, Sarah is doing more harm than good to the entire matter. Previously she was yelling at Lena on Facebook, "YOU HAUGHTILY ENJOY REWARDS FOR YOUR OWN PERVERSION? YOU PEDOPHILE, YOU".

      A sane adult would be able to defend the 14 year old Josh and his parents without having to intentionally diagnoses and condemn another's act just because Sarah says Lena is a liberal and the media gave her a break. That really has nothing to do with the original discussion and subject.

    3. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Sarah must have been there with the Dunhams, Lena, sister and the mother. She screamed like she knew the facts of what was the 7 year old Lena's intent. Sarah must have a degree she never told anyone about. She has diagnosed Lena Dunham's condition. Boy, she is amazing!

    4. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Totally normal for a young child. You are ignorant. Sarah didn't comment; she went completely into a drug induced, hysterical fit with all caps. Wake the fuck up, jackass. What the hell universe do you live in?

    5. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Did she attack anyone? Yep, she sure did. She totally, all caps, screamingly attacked Lena. Were you busy tying the tourniquet on your arm for your next heroin blast?

    6. Anonymous10:36 PM

      @7:35 PM What you do here isn't normal. Was it normal for Sarah Palin to STEAL her daughter's baby and fake giving birth after a documented 'tubal ligation' post Piper's birth? Is it normal for Bristol Palin to sleep with Trial Daddies to satisfy her lust for her long lost Levi? Is it normal for Bristol Palin to proclaim to be a born again virgin, then move in with a fake fiance? Is it normal for Bristol Palin to cancel an 'Advertised Wedding of the Century' then run off with an exotic BFF model? Shouldn't the Duggars be appalled at the actions of their Pedophile, perverted son? Get real, Alicia, you are blowing hot air up the Palins' asses.

    7. Anonymous6:39 AM

      7:35 PM

      That is not how a decent adult or parent would handle a matter about another adult writing about a childhood incident. Plus Sarah sends up red flags when all she can do is blame.

      Sarah Palin was having REACTIONARY out of control negative emotions. She was reacting to something in her past experiences. She is not ready to move forward. She is stuck in her own unresolved problems.

      Whatever a mature loving parent felt or thought, they would deal with this as a teachable moment. Human beings are capable of expressing feelings without going off the deep end. Name calling is not how an intelligent capable person relays what they have to say.

      Who is Sarah talking to when she writes like that? She is talking to people she thinks are ignorant and immature. Idiots that she must yell at because she does not think they are smart enough to hear anything else. Sarah Palin is a bully.

  56. Anonymous7:36 PM

    They're a loving family.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Now that Alaska is warming someone can send Chuckie a T-shirt that says The Hot State with the Cold Cray Cray.


      Sexual Predator Warning Signs

      "Refusal to take responsibility for actions and blames others or circumstances for failures"

      Dr. Phil

    2. Anonymous10:25 PM

      7:36 They are a Money Loving Dysfunctional Family. You don't know any of them, Stalker.

    3. Anonymous12:02 AM

      They're a loving family? Oh, well in that case, let 'em molest and rape each other until Piper's pig gets its pilot's license.

      A loving family? So fucking what?

    4. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Narcissistic love relationships.

  57. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Why is Sarah diddling with her finger?

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Subliminal message from her Facebook.

  58. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Pigs are a fad nowadays. They met a girl who has a pet pig at the BBQ. The pig Sarah kissed and Trig went apeshit happy over.

    If you follow that girl's public instagram, she takes her pig everywhere, from state to state. Beach, car rides, hotels, restaurants.

    They are the new dog.

    The Palins love animals. The only possible problem might be with the size grows to be and where itll be kept them, given weather in AK

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:21 PM

      Maybe they'll let you adopt Penelope, when she gets too big and such. You can take her with you everywhere you go, just like that whoever girl you are stalking on instagram.

    2. Anonymous10:22 PM

      @7:38 Are you an expert on animals as well as unwed mothers, pimps, exotic models, colony girls gangsters, and PTSD drug addicted Palins? Why do you STALK their Facebook accounts? You are a crazy, lonely, unwanted Bitch with no life of your own. Go away, you bring nothing of value here. You don't know any of the Palins or their associates.

    3. Anonymous3:00 AM

      Especially the pregnant moose, yep they really love animals. The heads are hanging from the walls. Poor pig will be subject to abuse and possible dinner.

  59. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Is her head growing? It looks huge tonight. It is as big as her shoulders. She looks like a freak! And what the tell is on her mouth? How can anyone see her and think "there is a sane person"?

  60. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Lena Dunham Threatens To Sue Truth Revolt For Quoting Her

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      That will be interesting.

  61. Anonymous7:44 PM

    What was that Alaska story about eels? As adults, they become parasites, attaching themselves to other species of fish or mammals by "using their sucking mouthparts" -- a jawless mouth full of teeth. I thought the eels were spotted in Fairbanks not Wasilla... Here is Sarah on Hannity tonight.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Is that hair on her chest? Why so much baby oil on her diseased lips? What happened to the 'planned wedding'? Where is mini-me Bristol living now? Has Toad moved out? Bring it on, Alicia the Palin ass-kissing troll.

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Yep, Dr. Phil tells the warning signs of sexual predators.

      Not taking responsibility and blaming circumstance or others is right on top.

      Lena is a scapegoat for Sarah.

    3. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Sarah Palin is so wrong here. The police report that was released was not sealed, because it never went to court and because police reports alone are not automatically sealed for minors in that state.

      She is also wrong for defending the Duggars parents who clearly did wrong, and for playing down what Josh Duggar did, and for treating the two married Duggar daughters like children being forced to go on TV.

    4. Anonymous9:05 PM

      I think Sarah is greecing the skids. She's trying the Bush Doctrine: Kill them before they can shoot back. Hmmmm, a message to "those in the know" to keep their traps shut or else?

    5. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Yes, Sarah is doing for the Duggars what she wants done for her when her family gets nailed for their shit.

  62. Janice A Soderquist8:11 PM

    She, to me, was higher than a kite on the interview. Once she started talking, she couldn't stop. She made no sense of course and she said absolutely nothing. Meghan Kelly is the one, Fox News, who interviewed the daughters, so Sarah cannot blame other media. The daughters were coached by their parents. And of everything, why is Sarah going after the police for releasing the information, they did not touch the daughters inappropriately. Meghan released everything too.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      I had to watch with no sound. She was flying high.

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Me too. She looked very crazed and unhinged.

  63. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The Palins has a piglet. What happened to the dogs they had several years ago? Did a bear eat them? Will another bear eat Porky Pig?

  64. Anonymous8:38 PM

    "“These girls are being re-victimized, for shame on the media for, under the guise of ‘Hey, gotta let them have their say anyway,’ let’s interview them and put them there, back into the fire, and let them explain. They’re innocent!”

    This is her statement about the Duggars. What she fails to admit is that these women are grown ups. No one coerced them into those interviews. They chose to do those interviews to DEFEND their brother, to pretend that is wasn't any big deal. Blaming the media is so ridiculous.

    Those women aren't minors, they're adults that chose to air their grievances and defenses on national television. No one put a gun to their head. They chose. For Sarah to try to turn them into victims in this instance is bullshit. They were victims by their brother's hand, not the media's.

    Sarah is reacting to her own sexual abuse. She's carried that dark secret for so long, and it has informed every single thing she has done or said in life. She is a victim, she will forever be a victim, so she feels the need to first create a victim (even if there isn't one) and then come to it's defense. So she can feel good about herself being this big champion for victims. She does the same thing with the PTSD issue.

    If there isn't a bandwagon for her to jump on, she makes up her own and then jumps on it. Isn't it something that it took her defending a child molester to get on Fox again.

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      The Duggars have appeared on FOX FOX FOX. Sarah is condemning her own station, the one where she doesn't appear very often. Not a good idea.

    2. Rick Perry11:36 PM

      The Duggars have appeared on FOX FOX FOX. Sarah is condemning her own station,


      That's what I said last time

    3. Anonymous12:43 AM

      8:38 PM:
      "If there isn't a bandwagon for her to jump on, she makes up her own and then jumps on it. Isn't it something that it took her defending a child molester to get on Fox again."

      And that is exactly what this is about. It is the ONLY thing this is about. Sarah doesn't give a damn about this situation, she never speaks out on anyone's behalf without an ulterior motive-- i.e. to get attention for herself. Attention = $$$.

      Of all the horrors and injustices plaguing the world right now, it's this bullshit that sends Sarah squawking to Sean Flintstone Hannity. Why? Because unless she can be rewarded for it, unless she can somehow benefit or profit off of it, Palin will never stand up for anything. She won't even acknowledge Trig unless there's a goddamn photographer standing by. Earthquake victims, homelessness, global food shortages, human rights violations--- unless she can weasel in a trite attack on the president or liberals, these issues do not even exist to Ms. Servant's Heart.

    4. Anonymous6:11 AM

      They appeared, willing let me add, on faux. So there she goes again biting the hand that feeds her, what an imbecile.

  65. Anonymous9:32 PM

    What is with her lip? Two herpes sores? Why didn't she have Marina and Bristol help her prepare for the TV?

    Are they not speaking to her at all?

  66. Anonymous9:50 PM

    She is just gross...the link to the interview with Hannity:

  67. Felicia9:51 PM

    Sarah looked as though she hasn't bathed or washed her hair in weeks.

  68. Anonymous10:06 PM

    What did I just see on Fox? Does anyone know what language Sarah Palin was speaking? Wow. That ought to kill the dill as far as Roger Ailes is concerned when it comes to renewin' that that spewkin' contract for the old gal.

  69. Hmm... As I recall, Palin went apeshit when Obama made that remark about putting lipstick on a pig! Remember how McCain accused Obama of taking a swipe at Ms Piggy? Lol connected to that perceived insult maybe? I think if it came from the Dakota camp, it most certainly was a nod to that very remark. If Ms Piggy had any sense, she wouldv'e kept this one quiet. That was my first thought - lipstick on a pig! And how right our future president was that night! Hahaha

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      dakotameyer0317 Wanted to invite everyone to check out the newest issue of Recoil Magazine (@recoilmagazine). I am in full page add for @warsport repping my #LVOA.

  70. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Oh too bad. I missed it. I am thankful that I do not receive THAT channel. Even if I did? I would not waste my time watching such negative toxic zero nonsense. Cute pig Dakota. Hope it survives. Penelope? how sweet.

  71. Janice A Soderquist3:23 AM

    Sarah was having an orgasim talking so fast about Hillary, like she was positive Hillary would win the Democratic side, duh?
    So when Hillary wins, she can say she predicted it on Fox.

  72. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I can't stop staring at her upper lip.

    1. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Whose upper lip?

  73. Anonymous4:22 AM

    So this guy with a trained pet pig gets into an argument with a dog lover over who has the smartest animal. The dog owner puts his dog through a few standard tricks and tosses it back to the pig owner who proceeds to have his hog do every trick the dog did, only much better and faster...and then has the hog do another half dozen amazing tricks on top of that. The dog owner admits defeat, says the pig is the most talented animal he as ever seen, and then asks the pig owner why he never mentioned that the hog only has three legs. Pig owner replies, "Hell, man....with a pig this smart I just couldn't bring myself to eat it all at once."

    (and...rim shot:

  74. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Does Sarah Palin still work for FOX and they just give her some bread crumbs here and there or is she just a guest?

  75. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Sarah I don't understand you? Sometimes you wear your small titties, sometimes you wear your medium titties, sometimes your big titties and then there are times when you don't wear any titties. I would have thought you would have at least worn your medium sized titties on FOX. It's okay for women to have small breasts as well as women with big breasts, but Sarah why aren't you happy with what God gave you? The same goes for Bristol, why can't she be happy with the chin God gave her instead of making her face longer? I'm sorry Sarah, I got sidetracked, why didn't you wear something instead of looking boyish?

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Sarah is too lazy to go into her titty closet and pick one.

    2. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Sarah looked like a big bobble head doll. A medium size breast would have given the illusion that her melon (head) is smaller.

  76. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Sarah there has been stories that you were molested when you were young, by whom is still a mystery. If you want to help young girls, speak out about your experiences and how you coped with it. Share how a father, brother, uncle, cousin or even a sister or mother can take ones innocence away. If you were molested you can show these young ladies and boys that life goes on. Who knows, with the right counseling they too can run for vice president some day, start a SarahPac and not work for the rest of their lifes.

  77. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I think Sarah Palin has what we doctors would call a Napoleon Mammary Complex problem.

  78. Anonymous6:22 AM

    It was around 1990. Our next door neighbor "won" a potbelly piglet at a poker game. He said if it didn't work out they would eat it. The tasty little morsel lasted about a month on the hoof. Or, well, we never saw it. We never saw them eat it.

    All bets are off on what will happen to Penny Lope.

  79. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I would think Sarah would admire Lena Dunham. She is inked, bad ass, and went rogue with a TV show that really illustrates doing the nasty. Life's competitive battles, The hurt. One doesn't need a liberal or conservative label in this eF'ed up world whether you are just trying to go with the flow or swimming up stream to reproduce and DIE.

    Sarah must be jealous or Lena's success.

  80. Anonymous7:05 AM

    When Penelope gets big they can bring her into Todd's airplane hangar for the Annual Sarah Look At Me Palin Christmas shindig and after they finish playing Eskimo Bingo (racist game) they can all dig into their Wasilla Hilbilly roots and play their Pig Tipping game. To end the festivities, Sarah can make her new recipe Pig Chilli, pig pie and freeze the rest. But before that they all need to have a photo op with Penelope.

  81. Anonymous10:17 AM

    A pig for the PIG family. No offence to the real animal pigs.

  82. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Whatever happened to Dakota. Did they all kiss-and-make-up? Something tells me the wedding WILL happen once the DAK finalizes his divorce.

  83. I have never seen people who had to every single thing in their lives photographed. Look, Sarah is picking a zit on her face. We need a photo of that. Bristol has a cold sore on her lip and it's bleeding...quick get the camera!!

  84. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I feel sorry for any animal that gets sentenced to the Palin family compound.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.