Sunday, July 26, 2015

Veterans named as supporters of Donald Trump say they "Don't know anything about it."

"Supporters, just names I found on a list somewhere, what's the difference?"
Courtesy of the Guardian:  

Several people listed as part of the “Veterans for Trump coalition” formed by Donald Trump following his incendiary comments about John McCain’s war record have denied they are part of the group, the Guardian has learned. 

Trump’s campaign announced the formation of the New Hampshire-based group in response to criticism of the business mogul’s labelling of McCain, who spent five and a half years in a North Vietnamese jail, where he was tortured, as “not a war hero”. 

A number of people were named as members of “Veterans for Trump” on Trump’s election website. “These veterans have pledged their support to Mr Trump in the primary, and they will be advocating for him,” a press release said. 

But when the Guardian contacted several claimed Veterans for Trump members on Friday, three said they had never heard of the organisation and had not signed up as members. 

“I don’t know anything about it,” said Ernie Fusi, an 88-year-old second world war veteran from Atkinson, New Hampshire. His name was among 51 “Veterans for Trump” whose details were sent out to the media and listed on Trump’s website. 

“I haven’t told anyone I want to get in on that,” Fusi said. “I’m not going to do any campaigning.”

There are two others quoted in the article as well. The Trump campaign's response to hearing this news was to say these men were liars and to claim they are "extremely proud of their support."

So to be clear the Trump campaign is saying the word of these men is not to be trusted, and yet they are bragging about having their support. Does anybody else find that a little psychotic?

By the way guess who is thrilled that he can now go after Scott Walker

Trump's antics have more than one journalist suggesting that he might be a fascist.

Yeah, I buy that.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I enjoy the fact Trump is kicking Republicans in their asses. Americans are sick to death of the majority of them!

    The media is doing everything they can to discredit Trump and it's not working to the degree they thought it would. It appears he will be a force in the upcoming debate as well as up to the primary.

    Have no clue what will occur afterwards! But, it's going to be fun to watch!

  2. The Lawman12:09 PM

    I heard some investment money went to making that film that got released before the Benghazi incident and that the SPECIFIC intent of the film was to take religion and tweek it to be perverted as they did…cough cough…thus CAUSING an uprising…that did not escalate into war as predicted…so I wonder who lost money on that venture… Palin? lol…head tilt…
    Ever notice when things get to a boiling point in “revelations” about some matters, McCain squawks like a duck and waddles like a goose…
    The world will find out what you allowed to happen in Alaska McCain… and you can’t hide WHO is in Alaska forever…and Palin blackmailed you…and how about the HUGE accounts in Alaska…you know…the one that is invested in BP, Land, Sundance Films, and other richer investments…gosh paybacks will be HUGE hu Sarah…how is England doing these days…this is gonna be a fun summer…lol….since I am a little mouse…G…R…I…N….oh and Captain Zero will be arrested soon!

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM


    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      wow. I was vacationing in az and the McCain commercials are way way out there on local statiions. You would think he was a hero in az or ? Don't know but damage control is on full speed ahead for mkkkain

    3. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Yeah, he is too old. He is tempermental.

    4. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Yawn.......c'mon, lawman, you've been saying this forever.

    5. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Todd may have a free pass to return.

      Is he hiding?

      His daughters think he is flying them in his new plane. The pregnant one, also, too.

    6. Anonymous3:21 PM

      The Lawman:
      You sound like Sarah Palin. Lots of word-salad!

    7. Anonymous4:10 PM

      You got it 3:21pm that crazy person that keeps posting this same shit has nothing, just a bunch of drunken afternoons on the internet. Someone needs to pry the keyboard away from those drunken claws, or not, who really cares, it's just a troll with nothing to offer. Just another drunken bush person.

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    This inherited clown comes from ultra ego opportunistic takers. I cannot even imagine that ass clown occupying our White House even as a guest for an hour. Nope. no thank you.

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Ong, sounds like WMD lie. And he wants to be grand USA prez. See future, more lies to all trumped up lies.

  5. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Trump Lets His Fascist Flag Fly

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      If Trump is flying his fascist flag, what is Sarah flying?

    2. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

      The white empathy belly of surrender, hopefully.

  6. Oh, please let Trump be the nominee.

    The oval office will have a Democratic president for the next two terms.

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Trump is stealing Palin's thunder, by being more outrageous and egotistical than she ever could. He is 100 times crazier than any dictator or despot. He is dangerous.

    If the man is so desperate that he has to call veterans liars and try to sabotage and divide, he will get away with it if Veterans don't speak out. Veterans should get a petition started which stops this crazy man from getting any more support. Who are being surveyed in the polls? Certainly not veterans. Trump will say and do anything to win and has no care for the military or anyone who tries to stand in his way.

  8. Anonymous1:08 PM

    That fucking picture pretty much sums up the GOP: A bunch of smug assholes who relish eating their own shit.

  9. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I am actually enjoying this. The media does not know what to do with him, and he has enough money to not care. That he uses vets without their permission is no surprise. He hired actors for his declaration of candidacy!.

  10. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Music to my ears: “I’m going to be there,” Trump told reporters, “much to the chagrin of many people.”

  11. Caroll Thompson1:34 PM

    I love how Trump took down Walker. The debates are going to be great.

  12. Anonymous1:35 PM

    You just know a shit storm of a Bring It On! twitter counter-attack is about to hit the beach.

    “I don’t know anything about it,” said Ernie Fusi, an 88-year-old second world war veteran.

    Wait for it....incoming the real donald dick's twitter-tilary....

    @Ernie Fusi is an 88-year-old total loser. He's an idiot! Amazing we even won the war w/total losers like him fighting it for us. Fusi is a real life Sad Sack Gomer fubar.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Wait for it....incoming the real donald dick's twitter-tilary....

      @Ernie Fusi is an 88-year-old total loser. He's an idiot! Amazing we even won the war w/total losers like him fighting it for us. Fusi is a real life Sad Sack Gomer fubar.

      @Ernie Fusi will totally vote for me. I have his vote. He loves me. I'm very wealthy. I'm very smart. So I know this.

  13. Anonymous1:41 PM

    The Pee Ponders think that Trump is causing all this trouble so he can hand over to $arah Palin, and she'll seem "sane" and more main stream compared to his nasty vicious and hatefull bull shit.

    According to the them, $arah is going to announce she's running for President on August 3, and that's no coincidence!

    She was presented to the world as a lipstick covered pitbull idiot on August of 2008, so the faithful pee drinkers are convinced that's the day they've dreamed of for 8 years.

    If they think that Trump is going to just bow out of the race for fame, glory, and narcissistic pride if Granny PayMe gets in, they really are even more delusional than ever.

    Tic Tock $arah, you damn well better vibrantly announce soon or they will have a sudden and relentless revolt!

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      After her last SarahPAC FEC filing there is no way in hell she's going to run! She couldn't survive the relentless questions regarding pissing away money as she has! I would be brutal for her.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Yes, and on August 4 Sarah will release her financial statement. Everything you would ever want to know. She is so excited and can barely wait to trump the Trumpster's assets.

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I've been trying to think of words that are worse than 'delusional' and 'pathetic' because they passed that point years ago.

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    It looks like he's having a joyful big fart in that picture - the most sensible thing he's done in years

  15. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Trump is such a snake oil saleman. I watched the speech, i had just read the article about the veterans not knowing anything about being put on a support letter for trump.

    Trump came out late after being introduced, with a fat stack of letters he said he recieved in one day from veterans saying they support him. The media should ask to see those letters.

    Plus he had people with signs in the audience that said vets for trump. I have to wonder if they were paid actors. Trump does underhanded shit like that.

  16. Anonymous4:03 PM

    My husband fought in both Europe and the Pacific theaters in WWII.
    At his Legion post are men who invaded Normandy and were captured at Guadalcanal.
    Not one of them will have anything to do with self-aggrandizing Trump. These are men who risked their lives, and now quietly remember what it was like to spend years defending our country.
    Donald Trump is a draft dodger. Let him spend three years on active duty, then let's hear his opinion about the "losers" and "total idiots" who did what he would not.

  17. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I believe that by Trump making a mockery of our electoral system that it will become even stronger and by virtue of his absolute idiotic behavior he will create an American political structure in which a doofus such as himself could never be taken seriously again.

  18. Anonymous4:09 PM

    According to wikipedia, Donald Trump's grandfather made his first money in a dubious manner:
    "Trump's father Friedrich Drumpf emigrated to New York City in 1885 and worked as a barber for six years, becoming a naturalized US citizen in 1892 under the anglicized name Frederick Trump after moving to Seattle, Washington in 1891 and running a decadent restaurant in the red light district."

  19. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Nothing would guarantee us a Sanders Presidency more than Trump winning the GOP nomination.

  20. Mercedes D.4:27 PM

    Unfortunately in other news from the crazy Republican party, that loon Rick Perry is claiming more guns in movie theaters and the like will prevent another Lafayette. I believe it is all those people know to regurgitate is "more guns and then even more guns". It is so preposterous.

  21. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    I'm joining "Democrats for Trump" and investing in popcorn. I hope he WILL BE THERE on stage, it'll be bigger than the circus, disneyland and Bacon combined! I, for one can't wait!!

    And to lie about getting support from veterans for political points sounds like something Sarah would do. Poor Donald didn't have the forethought of paying actors to portray support while waving flags and handing out samples of Trump cologne.

    Now REAL veterans are speaking up and denouncing the lying liar, so he calls them liars. Sounds like recess came before naptime for poor Donald. This just adds gravitas to someone who's trying to get hired as commander in chief.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.