Saturday, July 18, 2015

Some see that doctored Planned Parenthood video as an attack on women's rights, and some see it as justification for doing away with the organization, but Sarah Palin sees it as a chance to raise some damn money!

"Oh yeah you just send me your dollars and I'll make Planned Parenthood wish THEY'D never been born. Don'tcha know?"
From a recent SarahPAC e-mail: 

Dear ......, 

Planned Parenthood got caught doing something that you won’t believe. I’m angry and I know you will be too. 

A Planned Parenthood executive was recorded selling aborted baby body parts to undercover citizen activists from The Center for Medical Progress. Planned Parenthood is supported directly by the Federal Government and by many liberal organizations. 

How is our God so merciful that He seems to grant us unmerited chances time and time again to get it right, whilst this hell on earth continues. In fact, it's becoming more accepted and celebrated by voters choosing to elect our nation's "leaders" who would condone, uplift, and revel in the destruction of all He's so gloriously blessed us with? 

Demand an end to Planned Parenthood! It’s clear this organization is using federal grants to murder babies and sell the body parts to the highest bidder. We must put an end to this! 

Donate $20 to make sure those who vote for Planned Parenthood funding meet the stiffest challenge. Congress must stop giving money to an organization with such little regard for human life. 

Planned Parenthood is a disgrace! Donate now so we can put an end to Planned Parenthood spending your tax dollars for murder! 



Yep she's going full religious zealot again.

Here's my question, why does it only take a $15 dollar donation to stop the nuclear deal with Iran, but a whole $20 to "put an end to Planned Parenthood?"

You would kind of think it would be the opposite. Right?

You know there was a terrible fire in California yesterday. I wonder how much SarahPAC wants in donations before they will unleash Palin and her magical powers on it and make it wish it had never even sparked into life?


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Ghostwriter thinks it makes her look intelligent.
      Epic fail.

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I had to giggle yesterday at Mike D's "Cletus" trolling in the pond. The over 200 IQ stuff was their first clue. Well played.

    3. Anonymous9:53 AM

      She got a Brit to write for her now. A religious freak also, too...

    4. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Seems to me that Bristol has met her fair share of stiff challenges. And we all know how that has turned out!

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Boy, I cannot wait for that FEC filing. It must be bad.

    She needs to look no further than herself for "condone, uplift, and revel in the destruction of all He's so gloriously blessed us with."

    Drill, baby, drill.
    Frack, baby, frack.
    Guns, baby, guns.

    Her own pee puddle isn't even donating to her anymore.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      FEC ?

      hell, i am waiting for when the IRS starts to take a close look at sarahpac - and wonder why they have not already.

    2. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Well she has the "uplift" part figured out...sometimes.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM


      Unfortunately PAC's are tax exempt under the current US Tax Code (section 527).

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Every day for the last 5 years or so I've been waiting for the scandal that will take this despicable idiot $arah down for good, and shame her permanently.

    I hope that happens before the 2016 election, because Palin is no doubt going on her idiotic road trip pimping her scam to make money.

    The Quitter Queen needs to have a reckoning with a jail cell

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      We've been going on about this issue for years and nothing happens detrimentally to any of the Palins.

      I've come to the realization that nothing ever will. People find it a waste of time, energy and money due to them (Sarah and Todd) being irrelevant in our world today!

      Plus, if they'd done something absolutely horrible - they'd have been sought a long time ago! What folks must have against them are nothing more than unethical issues which are not bad enough to arrest Sarah and Todd, put them on trial where they could win or lose!

    2. hedgewytch7:25 AM

      6:55- why no prosecutions? Because Sarah and Todd have the dirt on a whole lotta "respectable" people in this State, businessmen, police, politicians.... And until one of them gets busted and its "start talking and maybe we'll lessen the sentence"...then you are right, nothing will happen to them. But you know, Alaska is a small state considering the people in it and their connections together, memories are long, grudges are held close, and even if the statute of limitations runs out on some of their crimes, shit tends to float to the top of the toilet. Eventually. I'm still holding on hope that someone is going to crack and spill the beans - and it will probably be a Palin who does it.

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      "...nothing happens detrimentally to the Palins."

      Sarah's husband, son, and daughter got their asses kicked in front of her eyes. On her husband's birthday, too. Bristol got a historic thong wedgie on the national stage, also.

      IM turned Sarah's "Wedding of the Century" into a worldwide laughing fest. IM is one big chihuahua nipping away at Sarah's ass. Can you say, "a cat playing with a mouse?"

      All of Sarah's offspring are dropouts. Piper returned to school but not for long. The "My Mom is the governor" diva shit doesn't fly anymore. Ask Track, Bristol, and Willow.

      Sarah is so disliked she will never hold another elected office again, not even in Wasilla. Sarah has died a thousand deaths, and she will die a thousand more before they bury her.

      Todd and Track are afraid to venture out in public because Alaskans kick their asses for sport. They already are in prison. It is only a matter of time before ticking-time-bomb Track is arrested. He should have been arrested at the brawl. They'll haul him in next time.

      No one wants to marry Bristol or Willow. Everyone knows both will turn into fat, stupid, and lazy sofa slugs. Heck, they are already halfway there.

      I can list detrimental factoids about the Palins for pages and you know it. The Palins and her supporters go to bed at night curled up like fetuses.

    4. Crystal Sage8:43 AM

      Exactly. Well stated.

    5. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Some good points made as to the 'detrimental' doings of the Palins throughout the years.

      But, there's nothing major that will put them on trial and in the slammer!

      Will keep my fingers crossed, but the longer we go in time, the more to their benefit.

    6. Anonymous10:22 AM

      It's not who you know its what you know! When she realizes no one cares she will be all right!

    7. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Too early to put the Palins in the slammer. There's a lot more settling of accounts and justice to be meted out.

      Sarah has been successfully sued. Info not reported on because non disclosure is always a part of the settlement. You won't hear a peep about Piper's lemonade stand and the NJ copyright cases. Those are just two high profile jabs to Sarah's nose. You better believe they are not the only lawsuits against the Palins.

      There is a line, a never ending line that did not stop when Sarah resigned. They thought it would solve their problems. Bigger dumbasses never walked the planet. Sarah and Todd abused authority like Banana Republic mobsters.

      They have been paying the price ever since. And they will continue to pay the price until everyone gets their pound of flesh back.

      Jail will be a welcomed respite.

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    O/T -- Today on

    Why Is the NY Times Basically Doing a Blackout on Bernie Sanders? The New York Times' Sanders coverage is intellectually dishonest.

    "...The front page story is about such issues as “work force anxieties,” “shrinking middle class,” “stagnant wages,” and a growing income gap at pre-Depression levels. The candidate who has been raising these issues longer and louder than any others is Bernie Sanders. Yet the New York Times story about these issues does not even mention Bernie Sanders, although it mentions others with less credibility.

    "Bernie Sanders has railed against such economic injustice for almost as long, but Scheiber and/or his editors lack the integrity to mention that, even when they quote a supporter of Hillary Clinton saying: “People know things are changing. They don’t feel like anyone has a handle on it. There’s a yearning for a political vision that addresses that.”

    "Well, yes, that seems to be true. That also seems to explain why Bernie Sanders continues to surge in the polls since declaring for president in May. Though Clinton still holds a formidable lead, it has been shrinking, and her total support has been shrinking for several months."


    I've said it before, that Sanders is a dangerous man: if the Wall Street/Establishment 1% can't outright kill him, they will bury his message.

    That 90% of us on IM feel the need to post this Anonymously should make us pause. Big Brother is watching us...

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM


      90% on IM post anonymously because it's easiest. Big Brother is watching you and knows your real identity "6:33AM."

      Also, too, don't go outside. There's a giant Republican mosquito on your rooftop waiting to suck all the blood out of you.

    2. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Paranoid much?

    3. Anonymous8:11 AM


      selecting anonymous when choosing a profile on IM

      1. Easier and quicker than using a nym.

      2. Saves the embarrassment of having that comment on missing underwear, or toad's washcloth reposted on your facebook pag.e

      Besides, we know the goobermint already has it all, google clinton clipper chip.

      bonus tinfoil: Jade Helm update!!!

    4. Anonymous8:41 AM

      6:57, LOL.

    5. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Whatcha smoking? Might wanna nap!

  5. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Never had an abortion, never will. Yes, people can choose what they want to do in this great country, it won't bother me. Sorry sp, pos you are.

  6. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Gryphen, you sound like Fr. Guido Sarducci on SNL talking about the bill for the last brunch. Why, indeed, does Planned Parenthood cost more than a nuclear Iran?

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Because stopping Planned Parenthood appeals more to the rabid low info supporters that still follow along with her scams er, plans.


  7. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS, Donors

    The IRS thought it was some kind of biomedicine charity.

    The anti-abortion group that released an undercover "sting" video of a Planned Parenthood doctor this week appears to be a dummy nonprofit that may have deceived the Internal Revenue Service and the public about its mission.

    The two-year-old Center for Medical Progress, which claims to be in the business of reporting on biomedical research, released undercover footage Tuesday of a Planned Parenthood doctor allegedly discussing the sale of fetal body parts after abortions. The video, which Planned Parenthood has denounced as misleading and heavily edited, was circulated widely and prompted House Republicans to launch an investigation into the family planning provider.

    But as Slate reports, the Center for Medical Progress appears to be nothing more than a front organization for the anti-abortion group Live Action. That is not how the IRS understood it when considering the group's application for tax-exempt status, and not how the group originally presented itself to the public in soliciting donations.

    ...The Center for Medical Progress carried out the Planned Parenthood sting by creating a shell company, Biomax, which then sought a lunch meeting with Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the family planning provider's senior director of medical services.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      What the Planned Parenthood hoax really proves: Right-wing extremists have no qualms about destroying peoples’ lives

      ...As we’ve seen with similar “gotcha!” videos, this one completely misrepresents what Nucatola was discussing, and numerous sites have almost too-easily debunked just about every claim. (Full debunkery here, here, here and here.) It turns out, Nucatola wasn’t discussing the illegal black market sale of fetal organs, but instead the perfectly legal donation of the organs to biomedical research laboratories that use the organs to help save lives.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Oh fun, that is tax fraud - yippee - Hey, Daleaden, is Orange your color?

    3. Anonymous7:32 AM

      But if the IRS launches an investigation over possible violations, the right wing media and politicians will start screaming about a witch hunt.

    4. All those hoaxers know it's enough just to accuse, as in a witch hunt -- and the damage is done. Rational people will & want to learn the truth, but irrational people -- not so much. They have been told The Planned Parenthood is bad and this latest "fact" is proof. Any fight back is just considered liberal lies.

      It's all part of the right-wing ethos and it is evil, just as witch hunts were, also based on religious nonsense & meanness.

      The bible condemned witches...and so it began.

      Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

      Leviticus 20:27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

      The Enlightenment, beginning in the late 1680s, contributed to the end of witch-hunts throughout Europe. The Enlightenment brought empirical reason, skepticism, and humanitarianism, each of which helped defeat the superstitions of the earlier age. The Enlightenment suggested that there was no empirical evidence that alleged witches caused real harm, and taught that the use of torture to force confessions was inhumane.

      But 500 years later and still...religion dies hard.
      But we must hope -- so much progress, on so many fronts, have happened just in the last few weeks... and with Obama's presidency which is still in force...

    5. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Investigations ?You mean like they have already launched one to further spread the false charges against PP? Sometimes I think we need to fight fire with fire with these assholes. I am sick of playing nice with hateful dummies.

    6. Anonymous10:01 AM

      This is exactly how they got ACORN dismantled but it looks like it won't work this time. Fool me once...

  8. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Hell on earth is your constant grifting, faux xtian $arah.

  9. Janice A Soderquist7:02 AM

    The video was a farce and lie. The IRS and other agencies are aware of this fraud. Planned Parenthood is not selling baby parts, but donating free stem cells for research. Sarah is going to get in big trouble especially trying to make money off the lies.

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    THAT woman must be put out menopausal pasture. She is off. Out of all folks to need planned parenthood classes. it is her and her entire family. I have never witnessed such a vagrant pan handling hooer as her. She is a piece of work alright and she is that terrible ugly wart on America's axxhole that will not go away. The woman is a moronic idiot and does not help women, men or her fantasy political party of zero

  11. Sarah Palin is nothing more than a low life political whore.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      And an (badly) aging one with fewer and fewer johns,

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      When i first saw badly it looked like baldy. Ha!

  12. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Beg, Sarah, Beg!

    No mention of running? What happened to the prick tease? I bet you wish you hadn't shit all over the bots in 2012, eh?

    And before the biggest political prick tease in history what did you do? Remember stabbing Team Sarah in the back? Team Sarah remembers. That's why it has faded away into obscurity.

    You're going to have to show the bots your tits if you want them to send you money again.

    (If only you had succeeded in stealing that MOH!)

  13. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Opportunistic huckster. Jesus would be repulsed by her actions.

  14. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Sarahs hell is getting hotter and hotter. burn baby burn !!!!!rapture baby. your hell on earth is your mission in life. Very very bad witch.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Witchy woman...she's got the moon in her eyes!

  15. Anonymous7:08 AM

    This is Bristol Palin's planned parenthood, have a baby but pass it off to a relative.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Jeebus, she is clearly pregnant in those pictures.

    2. hauksdottir8:04 AM

      Especially THIS one in the green top, locking her car.

      Once she realizes that there are photographers, she holds her jacket closed, but it is too late.

    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      But Bristol Palin claimed that the rehearsals for DWTS was easier than High School basketball practice was for her. She has never admitted that she was pregnant in 2010, nor in 2007. Pictures don't lie, but the Palins do.

    4. Anonymous8:24 AM

      This is Bristol Palin in 2007.,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNHV73HKR5XNkRHD1YmND9LkCJ6UKg&ust=1437322649510484

    5. Anonymous1:07 PM

      If Brissie's "those tuff hs practices" story was true, that coach would now be in pro's pulling 6-7 figures as a conditioning/strength coach.

  16. Anonymous7:09 AM

    It's the wigs......they're magical.....she puts one on and all sorts of shit happens...just like one of those female action heroes.

    The wig that stops Planned Parenthood must be more expensive than the one that disarms worldwide nuclear (or, in Sarah's words..."nucular") armament.


    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      oh.....and for the Palin family and C4P lurkers....let me explain something to your limited intellect....that was meant as dry, satirical humor....please don't assume I actually believe that....

      although, "she puts on one and all sorts of shit happens" was meant to be true in a metaphorical sense

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Not to mention the Belmonts!

    3. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Well, I'll be damned. I was wondering why the bots see only rainbows and lollipops when they gaze upon their queen. It's the wigs. They are magical.

      Don't laugh. Does anyone out there have a better explanation?

      I think not.

    4. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Dropping drugs in free refreshments helps!

  17. Anonymous7:10 AM

    ...Today’s pro-life activists have figured out how to use revulsion more subtly than their ideological opposites. The Nucatola video is not only more efficacious than the crude signs protesters on both sides show outside clinics, it has an entirely different purpose. It’s not intended to just turn formerly pro-choice individuals into pro-lifers—it’s intended to dilute what “pro-choice” even means.

  18. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Rand Paul Canceling Government Again, Because Planned Parenthood (And Because He’s A Dick)

  19. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The 1 Reason Women Regret Getting An Abortion

    ...To my surprise, the study’s findings do show one particularly vivid result. The women who experienced emotional distress were the ones who felt scorned by their communities – after their abortions.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Like they say...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Had one done years ago and have never regretted it. Have known others that went through one too - we're seniors today and glad we made that choice.

    3. As opposed to being scorned by the community because:

      You are unwed and pregnant.

      You child has no father.

      You are a high school dropout.

      You live in section 8 housing.

      You live on Welfare.

      I could go on.

      Republicans are all about punishing other people. If they can punish them for having sex, all the better.

  20. Anonymous7:21 AM

    This is ultimate hypocrisy and for a christian believer, blasphemy. She is using God in her beg-a-thon.

    This is what I hear in her letter: "Planned Parenthod got caught sinning and I'm so offended and you should be too; selling baby parts and this being directly supported by Obama and hell-bound liberals? My God is so merciful that he'll surely grant MEMEME unmerited chances time and time again to get it right, whilst the hell on earth continues for all you little people. Demand an end to this organization, murdering babies and selling body parts to the highest bidder, like I'm doing here to make a load of $$$ off this. DONATE $20 to ME, who will personally put a stop to it, and all disregard for human life. PP is a disgrace and they are disrupting MY vibrant lifestyle because I can't enjoy your money if they keep sinning, or can I?" Your vibrant little goddess, Sarah

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      In a nutshell, thank you! Her last "on our knees" crapola? Bitch, please. I still maintain that Muthee didn't hands-on pray demons out of her but into her.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      She needs to partner-up with a real pro.

  21. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Fundies’ Own Footage Proves Abortion Services Provider Does Not Sell Fetal Parts

    ...The raw footage and the transcript leave no doubt that CMP knew what Nucatola was really saying about Planned Parenthood’s services. That makes CMP’s behavior even worse than what Andrew Breitbart did to Sherrod. Unlike Breitbart, CMP went to the trouble of providing the raw video and transcript for everyone to see–and yet, still stands by this hatchet job. If this isn’t libelous, I don’t know what is. From where I’m sitting, this is gross negligence at best and proof of knowledge of falsity at worst. To my non-lawyer’s mind, if Nucatola were to sue CMP for libel, she could really draw blood.

  22. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Dear Grifter,

    If a story has nothing to do with you, stay the fuck out of it!

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Dear Anonymous 7:26 AM,

      EVERYTHING is about MEEEEEE!

      $arah Palin

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Dear Anonymous 7:26 AM,

      Also, too: WHAT'S IN IT FOR US?

      $arah Palin

  23. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Can you say , "lotsa Fucking Money$$$..

  24. PalinsHoax7:28 AM

    "why does it only take a $15 dollar donation to stop the nuclear deal with Iran, but a whole $20 to "put an end to Planned Parenthood?"
    - - - - -

    Oh that's easy. The extra 5 bucks has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood!

    The Ol' $hrew needs those additional 5 smackeroonees because she heard that President Obama is coming to town.

    So she needs to inflate her belmonts to beyond capacity, pull a comb once or twice through her ratty wigs, buy extra baby oil to grease up her lips, freshen up that faux-pregnancy belly just in case, and of course she needs to send Tawdry away to make sure he's not in the way when President Obama comes, you know, for that "private moment".

    All this preparation costs money. It takes moolah to look as cheap as the Ol' $carecrow does.

  25. Anonymous7:33 AM

    She has found a way to fill her purse without going full televangelist. Bristool needs a louie button baby bag after all. And it takes money to maintain the Arizona pool that Willow drinks her beers beside at 10 in the morning.

  26. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Hey $carah, send me $25.00 and I will tell your skanky daughters where to buy birth control!! Cheaper to use that than bribe relatives to raise the unplanned babies. If Bristles keeps on going the way she is she will have a kid in EVERY grade in the Wasilla school district!

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      7:36 AM All of them are the half siblings that Bristol was complaining about.

    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      The quintessential pass-around-pak Bristol. And she wonders why no one will marry her? Duck lip selfies, a fake Christian blog, Louis Vitton accessories, houses, and cars will never assuage what is within.

    3. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Getting kicked to the curb by a very unattractive man must have done wonders for her self esteem, also too.

    4. Anonymous10:14 AM

      7:36: That os the reason she sells her spawn to the highest bidder. She gets at least some money from it, and she also gets them to live somewhere else but Wasilla - so they won't be able to meet their half siblings!

  27. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The only viable effect Palin can make is to donate her traditional 5%, one dollar of $20 donation to a candidate who Is against Planned Parenthood. The other $19 dollars is for her team of lawyers, speech writer LOL, postage and her possible public appearances like another family education vacation.

    Her scam has worked before.

  28. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Another plea for $$$$$? How many does that make in the last month?

    And maybe Bristle should think about visiting a planned parenthood to get educated on different forms of birth control after she drops Cletus the Fetus.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      AK AFTADARK LLC should beware of Breeder Bristol.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      I still say Cletus is going to be bi-racial and that is why there's nothing but silence from Queen Esther. The brand is destroyed; there goes her base.

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Bristol should have had an abortion to my way of thinking. She's a horrid mother - self admitted and on video.

      Those Palins are baby machines and have zero parenting skills. Should not have expected anything different as to the Bristol!

    4. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Ya I was thinking uh ya might want to be quiet about planned parenthood since you told the world this baby wasn't planned....shrug..

  29. Anonymous7:53 AM

    $15 To stop a nuclear holocaust
    $20 To stop selling baby parts

    You stupid ass retarded cross eyed no titty Miss Alaska loser, isn't it more important to stop a nuclear holocaust? Why did you make that one the bargain deal?

  30. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Cheney's Halliburton killing babies. Where are the pro-life rallies?

    Two years ago, she stumbled onto the truth that an alarming number of babies were dying in Vernal — at least 10 in 2013 alone, what seemed to her a shockingly high infant mortality rate for such a small town. That summer, she raised her hand and put the obvious question to Joe Shaffer, director of the TriCounty Health Department: Why are so many of our babies dying?

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Dig deeper for their crimes in the name of business with Halliburton!

  31. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Lady Voldemort is not about to miss a grift, and lying through her teeth straight-faced while invoking jEEEbus? Not a problem. If she had enough brain power to learn some bible babble, she could be flyin' around in a jEEEbus jet with the other high rollin' huckstervangelists.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      That's an insult to Lord Voldemort.

  32. Sarah's desperation becomes more apparent every single day. The fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper comes to mind. Everyone knows the Palin family spent money like drunken sailors. They never once considered that the day would come when no one would pay Sarah a $100,000 speaking fee, when no network would give Sarah or Bristol yet another reality show, and that day has come. They didn't save or invest any of their ill-gotten gains and what was once a mighty river of gold slowed first to a trickle and is now just droplets.

    What's a grifter to do? So Sarah sends out these ridiculous appeals to an ever dwindling number of believers and if she raises $1,000 per appeal she'd be lucky. She has nothing to offer the rubes anymore. Her looks are gone. The Republican Party has turned its

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Well gee where is that Richter investment portfolio? Hmmm?

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      The chickens have come home to roost.

  33. Anonymous8:00 AM

    $10 To buy into a hockey stick raffle couple of weeks ago
    $15 To stop a nuclear holocaust last week
    $20 To stop selling baby parts this week
    $25 next week to spade and neuter the Palin family

    Why didn't Sarah Palin and Tim Crawford just come out and ask for ($10 + $15 + $20 + $25 = $70) $70 to make SarahPac's July payroll and they could have saved a 1/2 million dollars in postage stamps.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      When does the report come out on her finances?

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Mid August.

    3. Anonymous10:38 AM


  34. (continued) The Republican Party has turned their collective backs on her, she wields zero power.

    No one wants her. If I didn't despise her so much for what she's done to the political discourse in this country, and for the deaths she's directly responsible for, I would almost feel sorry for her. She's in free fall and it's a long way to the ground.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Well said, Barbara, but I will never feel sorry for her; I find her pathetic. She had the world handed to her on a platter, and her selfish narcissism destroyed it. She made her bed, she can lie in it.

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Amen to that!

    3. That's why I said 'almost', as far as I'm concerned she has blood on her hands from the Arizona shootings and from the deaths of elderly people in Alaska who died because of Sarah's actions while governor. She can't erase that.

      And I believe that while she was campaigning in 2008 she tried to incite violence against then candidate Barack Obama, I'm thankful she was unsuccessful.
      Yeah, she can reap the whirlwind as far as I'm concerned. I do pity the innocents, like Trig, that might suffer at Sarah's hands when her dreams die, however.

  35. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Where's Todd? Is he Bristol's baby's daddy? Is that why he's missing?

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      He bought that new airplane and got the hell out of dodge! Can't say I blame him!

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Bristol's "situation" reminds Todd too much of when he married Sarah, who pregnant at the time with another man's baby. Dakota escaped the hell that awaited him, Todd didn't.

  36. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Question for Sarah Palin, how much money did you raise so far with your nuclear war scare tactic scam? That scam didn't bring in enough money to offset the loss of your FOX payroll checks and your loss of speaking fees, so is this baby parts scam Fundraiser Plan B?

  37. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Polly want a cracker? Keep pushing the lies, Sarah.

  38. Anonymous8:18 AM

    What's the next SarahPac money maker going to be? The next Sarah Palin scam has to be a doozy. My guess its either going to have to do something with Israel or possibly raising funds to bring charges against President Obama for his war crimes in Baltimore?

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      I think it will be to "name Bristles bastard" contest since they apparently don't like the name Cletus the Fetus, AKA Cletus Lafeti

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Yeah scarecrow tell all about that HUGE secret! Come on scarecrow!

  39. hauksdottir8:24 AM

    Next step will be a $50 donation so that Sarah can put prayer/bibles back in schools. And then, $100 so that Sarah can build the church/pulpit that God told her to build in order to spread the message.

    "God appeared to me as a white shining star, and said 'Build this church to call all the faithful unto me'. If all of you faithful readers send just $100, Star of Salvation Church will be a true beacon in the north for those days to come."

    (I think that has enough dog whistles in it.)

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Will Sarah Palin fuck up this church like she fucked up the Curt Menard-Sarah Palin Wasilla Hockey Rink? Sarah make sure you purchase the land before your Grand Opening.

  40. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Could the headless - fingerless multilated carcass with the 1000 knife wounds in his back and a wedding ring stuck up in his ass that's rotting in the Anchorage Coroner's office be Todd Palin’s body?

    If you need someone to identify Todd's body, I suggest calling in Shailey Tripp, for sure she can identify Todd's baby penis.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM


    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      No but the news got quiet about someone shot to shit in Soldotna? Anyone got an update on that?

  41. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Anybody seen Track?

  42. Anonymous8:37 AM

    What ever happened to the $10. bill contest? Or the hockey stick? Did Sarah quit on those projects?

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Just like she quits everything else.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Those contests were simply a scam to get her followers to provide their email addresses so that her PAC could beg them for money via those ridiculous fundraising letters they've been sending out lately. She finally realized she needed a new batch of idiots because her old batch stopped sending her money. Pathetic grift.

  43. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Hey, wait until Sarah's book comes out. $260. one dollar for each Biblical medication that explains everyday life as written for Sarah by Nancy French.

  44. Anonymous8:41 AM

    8:24 AM Jesus Christ - don't give her any ideas! She's the least Christian person amongst us!

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Is that you God?

      Pretty sad that God says Sarah is the least Christian person amongst us.

  45. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Nursery rhyme Bristol can sing to her new baby. Kind of sounds like Cher's song

    "Half Breed"

    My father impregnated a Wasilla Hilbilly
    My mother's people were ashamed of me 
    The State of Alaska said I was black by law 
    The White Man always called me "Aftadark Squaw"

    Half-breed, that's all I ever heard 
    Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word 
    Half-breed, she's no good they warned 
    Both sides were against me since the day I was born

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Maybe Bri$$y wants an 'obama' baby cuz he's so popular. The 'Chanel' of the fashion world.

      If you can't beat 'em, have 'em.

  46. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Sad people who send her money. They've got to know that money will change hands and she and her endorsed candidate and a campaign will pocket that money for their airfare, travel expenses, lobbyists, etc. etc. Not a cent will go towards dismantling PP. Besides, which, the candidate who promises they'll 'get a man on it', most likely won't get elected, or if he does, the matter will be long forgotten. This is pure money laundering.

    When the bots find they're without a paddle, Sarah will NOT be there to help them.

  47. Anonymous9:02 AM

    "I'm angry and I know you will be too".

    Haha, keep grifting off of hate, Sarah, keep those brainwashed fans hatin' and spittin' mad, and intensely so focused on their hate, they'll send you every last penny.

    I think Sarah owes lots in the NJ lawsuit and she's trying to scam in order to pay it off. I would bet the Courts agreed to keep the matter private until she comes up with the cash she owes. That little twerp needs money NOW NOW NOW!!

    Hahahahahahahahaha......Sarah, just get a job, buck up or stay in the truck, pull yourself up by your boostraps, get off your butt, if you want a buck...........get in that unemployment line, Sarah, and oh, bring a snack or lunch bag as you might be waiting a while.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      No one wants to hire her! Reminds me of that comic who went to a bar and and old woman threatens to flash him! Allright roll em out! Down to the ground they go! Roll em back up now! Flop show is over! That's Sarah! Threatening old dried up hag!

  48. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Engineer IKB • 20 minutes ago

    If you go over to Obama's facebook page right now and check out the comments on the top post about the Iran nuke deal, it will certainly seem that they are only allowing praise-the-president comments to appear. 1984 anyone?
    Pot/kettle from the "your country needs you, Sarah, please run" dude.

    It's just this simple, $arah, and I know you and that tribe you call a family read here. You pretty much have to run or your brand is gone forever. You and your "servant's heart" self sitting on your self-appointed throne ....snort....come on out and see what rill "Murika thinks of you. I double dog dare you.

    You hide behind the God you do not worship nor follow except for your own selfish, monetary agenda. Why do you think your house of cards is falling? It's not rocket science.

    I DARE you. RUN.

  49. Anonymous9:04 AM

    From the internet:
    We, as Native people, must show proof of Native blood for most things regarding Native services, organizations, or (in my case) jobs. To me, it sounds as though Todd must be 1/8 or less at least. Although he is a shareholder of the Bristol Bay Native Corporation, all you need to be a shareholder is to inherit the shares (which he could have gotten from his grandmother or mother.)

    If Todd is 1/8th or less
    That means Bristol is 1/16th or less
    Which means Bristol’s unbaby is 1/32nd or less

    Being 1/32nd or less, can Bristol's unborn child receive Native services or is it lucky for Bristol's unborn child, he or she can thank President Obama for passing Obamacare.

  50. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Wanna bet there are going to be 260 of these letters, each one with a fundie message, that will be recycled into her book.

    Then she will scam her "donors" into getting a free book with $100 contribution, which they already have read in SarahPAC letters.

    In the mean time, Sarah is working on getting that online preacher degree, Toad will built the church and the grift will continue well beyond 2016, cuz she has worn this political thingy into the ground.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      If he builds the church anything like he built the fence it will be like the little pig's straw house.

  51. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Trump has stepped in it and is feeling the backlash:

    ‘Disgraceful': Trump Gets Savaged on Twitter––Especially by Conservatives––over McCain Comment

    To say that Donald Trump has crossed a line would be to assume that he hasn’t done so in the past. But this time, he went too far for a lot of people––conservatives especially––with his comments about John McCain.

    Trump––who didn’t serve in Vietnam and got draft deferments––attacked John McCain today over, of all things, the fact that he is considered a war hero.

    McCain, for those who don’t know, was shot down over Hanoi, captured as a prison of war, and tortured while in captivity. If you want McCain’s full accounting of what he went through, read this. Today Trump, after calling McCain a “loser,” actually said, “He’s a war hero ’cause he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”

    Well, that pretty much crossed the line for a LOT of people, including his own Republican presidential rivals and conservative writers and pundits on Twitter.

    Here’s a lot of what people had to say:

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      That's the kind of mistake you make when you think you are worth TEN BILLION DOLLARS!!!

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    4. Well kiss the Donald's wrinkled old ass goodbye.

      He just wrecked himself. Dumb ass.

  52. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Off topic

    Via Friendly Atheist blog

    Ken Ham "knows" why childbirth hurts.

    Not evolution,

    "So bigger brains and upright walking — that’s why women supposedly have pain and difficulty in childbirth. And that answer is just totally wrong! In fact, anyone who can read the Bible can find out the true answer to that question.

    Because Eve took the fruit (being deceived by the devil), we are told what God did:

    To the woman He said: ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children’ (Genesis 3:16)

    And God reminds us in Romans 8 that because of our sin in Adam,

    For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. (Romans 8:22)

    Evolved bigger brains are not the reason for why there is pain in childbirth — we could say it’s because of fallen brains!"

    Fallen brains? Wonder if this has anything to do with the Palins?

    1. You know the word in question, 'eztev' is translated as 'toil' in the verse about men bringing forth crops from the soil. Then clearly biased Biblical translators translate the exact same word as pain when it's applied to women!

      This crap was exposed years ago. How can a word applied to men be translated as toil or labor but when applied to women magically transform to pain and suffering? It can't.

  53. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Watch Tennessee neo-Nazis boast recruiting is up following Charleston shooting: ‘We’re a white nation’

    “Does it make you angry that a black man is your president?” the two men were asked.

    “Absolutely, ” Culpepper replied. “Absolutely. We’re a white nation founded by and for the white man.”

    Schoeler explained that recruiting for the group has picked up considerably since the Charleston shootings, with members coming “from all walks of life, including “truck drivers, lawyers, retirees, and military” both retired and active.

    These two white supremacist pieces of trash are members of the largest group of its kind in America, the National Socialist Movement. Identified as Mike Schoeler and “Captain” Brian Culpepper, they give an interview from their confederate and Nazi-laced shack in the backwoods of Tennessee that will have you wondering if it’s some kind of scripted parody.

    That’s how ridiculous these two are. They are absolutely delusional. After meeting for the interview with a “sig heil” and a Hitler salute, they make two statements that stand out above and beyond the typical racist idiocy; statements so blind to reality you have to wonder where if they’ve ever ventured outside of that shack.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Where is Sarah condemning the war on non-whites?
      Where is Sarah's God-talk now?

  54. Anonymous10:25 AM

    To Sarah PAC
    Like what do I get, like for $5 or $7.75?
    Please send me a list of the stuff you would say or do for money.If the list is too long, just say anything ok?
    And maybe things you won't do, if applicable.
    Mr horny toad

    1. Mr. Horny Toad, for $5 you can get a picture of Sarah thrusting her tongue out specifically for you. For $7.75 a wink will be included.

      Could we interest you in a photo of Sarah's breasts? Price is negotiable.

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Actually, SarahPAC should continuously and repeatedly send pictures of Sarah's gnarly, wrinkled boobs to each on their email list....then request a 100$ donation to stop.

  55. Anonymous11:09 AM

    If Palin Endorsed Trump The GOP Primary Season Would Be Over

    What would be the power that could propel Trump so far in front that is caused such a radical change in the current candidate placings and numbers? There is only one, and that would be if Sarah Palin endorsed him wholeheartedly and asked her supporters to vote and work for him.

    And to that I say...Oh you poor delusional idiot.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Over at the Pond someone has planted the idea that she and Trump will be having a "pizza summit" soon to discuss their plan for world dominance.

  56. Anonymous11:50 AM

    New Fartknocker Report!

  57. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I am still trying to figure out why any one outside the republican bubble is listening to a guy who works in partnership with James O'keef. This is the guy who was arrested for trying to wire tap a US Senators office.

  58. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

    She's paying someone to "write" this b.s? It's almost like a form letter replace issue of the day, up or down the amount begged for, show outrage that blah blah blah happens, and send your money to help stop it"

    Where's her poutrage money grab against women willy nilly having babies out of wedlock? What does she propose as an alternative? And how, exactly, can she stop anything (except twisting real news to suit her agenda, and falling for fake news stories like this one?

    Where was her outrage that Mittens and his company, own, run and operate "Stericycle", the infectious waste company that medical centers, abortion providers, hospitals, and doctor's offices pay for "disposal" of tumors, tissue, unviable feti, and chins removed from plastic surgery?
    The empress has no clothes nor couth, anything for a buck. And always the first to make something about her and her "influence".


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