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In his article French quickly lets people know that he is biased:
Let me begin by clearly stating my biases — I like the Palins. They are dear family friends. My wife, Nancy, worked with Sarah on her most recent book, she worked with Bristol on her book, she edits Bristol’s blog on Patheos, and I represented Bristol in a lawsuit — when a man sued her after he profanely accosted her at a bar. (He lost.) In the years since my wife first flew to Wasilla to meet the Palins and work with Bristol, I’ve seen just a fraction of the non-stop hatred and vitriol directed at the family.
Wait, Nancy French "edits" Bristol's blog? Is that what they call it when Nancy invents the whole post without any input from Bristol and then puts Bristol's name to it?
Look I edited Mercede's blog for quite awhile, and EVERY post was original to her, and my input was simply to correct her spelling and grammar. Occasionally I would suggest toning things down when she was very upset, usually with Bristol, but other than that it was all her.
Such is NOT the case with Brancy's blog, as evidenced by the posts that push a super pro-life agenda and the ones written when Bristol was nowhere near a keyboard or even internet access. You know, like the ones that popped up while she was driving back from Kentucky.
In order to defend Bristol French feels the need to fudge some facts that disagree with his attempts to paint her as the victim:
Remember how it’s important to #BelieveAllWomen when they tell stories of date rape or sexual assault? Not when the woman in question is Bristol Palin. When she wrote in her book of her first, drunken encounter with Levi Johnston, noted sex columnist Dan Savage wrote, “It’s just that Bristol’s story — which comes so long after her two broken engagements to Levi — is the kind of self-exonerating bullshit that scared teenagers offer up to parents and other authority figures when it’s just their good-girl reputations and saving-myself-for-marriage self-images that are on the line.”
You know what else it was?
Levi NEVER got Bristol drunk in order to have sex with her.
He didn't need to, as numerous Lotharios before him can attest.
That was a lie she put in her book, with the help of Nancy French, in order to smear him. Which by the way is another reason why people are going after Bristol so aggressively since this second out of wedlock pregnancy became public.
But wait, there's more:
Remember how it’s beyond the pale to joke about violence against women? Yet when taped evidence emerged that Bristol was physically beaten at a party and dragged through the mud by her attacker, CNN’s Carol Costello called the police recording of a hysterically crying Bristol “quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio we’ve ever come across” and urged readers to “sit back and enjoy.”
Yeah, that was ALSO a bullshit lie, as attested to by none other than Todd Palin's buddy Mark McKennam who admitted that it was HE who carried Bristol away from homeowner Korey Kingenmeyer who SHE was assaulting.
This is just another example of Bristol playing the victim while attempting to smear the name of another man who dared to stand up to her or end a relationship with her.
This is what she does, and this is why she deserves all of the internet taunts that have come her way this last week.
French goes on to make a lame attempt at blaming all of this on "undeserved" hatred directed at the Palin family due to Sarah Palin's "strength" as a politician. (HA! Has he checked her political influence recently?)
And after fanning the flames of Christian indignation, he sums it all up thusly:
Despite the Left’s best efforts, Bristol has actually built a large and loyal following, people who mainly appreciate her strong voice for life. So, no, she’s not “going away.” In true Palin fashion, she’ll persevere — and if the Left doesn’t like it, they don’t have to watch.
But here's the thing, David French is not REALLY defending Bristol Palin here.
David French is actually defending Nancy French here. You know the person who is actually responsible for the words she puts into Bristol's mouth on the blog.
And the reason that he is doing so is undoubtedly because, number one she does not want to lose her steady paycheck, and number two because she is probably walking around their house crying and screaming at him that the little Palin bitch is screwing up a good thing with her "slutty" (Her words not mine.) behavior.
Personally I have no idea how Nancy and her husband, who are supposedly such dedicated Christians, can continue to associate themselves with a family that has such incredibly non-Christian like behaviors.
I mean inciting racism, smearing the names of innocent people not in the public eye, attacking celebrities for holding opinions that they disagree with......wait, didn't Nancy French write much of that?
Oh, well never mind then. I guess the ties that bind these two families together are ones forged of money and hypocrisy, not Christianity.
All the lies these two tell for money, you'd think they'd feel like the dirty whores they are. I did notice there is nowhere to comment on Mr. French's lies....
ReplyDeleteMeghan in PA
Yes, there is under his signature. "View Comments." If he has turned them off, it is because he got some backlash and anyone that mentioned that wifey actually writes God-loving Brissy's blog were immediately deleted.
DeleteDon't bother. If you say anything critical of Bristol or the Palins, you comments are deleted in a matter of minutes. It's worse than Sea of Pee.
DeleteLast week French was DEFENDING the confederate flag, you know the FLAG of TREASON, this week whining about Bitchol....
DeleteThese conservatives are the biggest bunch of whiny ass titty babies EVAH!
And I don't see how HE won a case against that guy in the bar. It was filmed. So he yelled at her. WTF was miss high and mighty doing at a gay bar?
I am so damn sick of these bastards, the election can't come soon enough so we can take out the fucking garbage.
Oh and he's probably mewling this shit b/c tomorrow is "Quittah Day" Yee Haw, Ding Dong! Alasska day for freedom!!
David French had to write this article after his wife, Nancy, seriously screwed up the two recent entries she posted on Bristol's blog regarding the pregnancy His pro-Palin article was the writing of a scared little man desperately trying to appease his wife's irate employer, Sarah Palin. Nancy French screwed the pooch big time and her husband is afraid of the repercussions. This article was basically damage control for the Palins but more so for Nancy and David. The last thing they want is to be smeared by their vindictive employer!
DeleteNancy French is on the board of Pathos. If she got kicked off (Barstool got kicked off) they have a lot to lose, that why her stupid whiny ass titty baby husband bleating about it. If you know any blog on Pathos I suggest you ask them to go elsewhere b/c Pathos allows a lying pos like Bristol and Nancy french to cover for her ass.
DeleteNancy French is on the board of Pathos
Pathos as in pathology or pathological as in pathological liar.
7:11 PM
DeleteWell, sorry, David French, you made yourself look even more pathetic. We all know who Brissy is, perhaps the better idea was to tell your wife not live in an effed-up mind of a 25 year old and write what she "should" say. I don't care how much money Palin pays you to do so.
Brancy's blog is a steaming pile of sh*t topped with globs of santorum.
DeleteAnonymous8:00 PM
DeleteNancy French is on the board of Pathos
Pathos as in pathology or pathological as in pathological liar.
Well there is THAT :)
But if you look on Pathos website she is on the board or whatever they call it. I was going to complain to them about Pissy's & Nancy blog. Then I saw she is ON the board there. So I'm just telling all spiritual peeps to leave pathos b/c of Brancy blog of hate & LIEs.
Every time you click on "view comments" a big picture of Bristle pops up. They can't stand to read any other different viewpoints. It hurts their feelings.
DeleteSo I'm just telling all spiritual peeps to leave pathos b/c of Brancy blog of hate & LIEs.
DeleteNot likely. First of all, the site is Patheos. The name appears, spelled correctly, at the top of practically every page there. The name is formed from the English word "path" and the Greek word "theos" (θεος = god). Secondly, have a look at the list of blogs at Patheos, http://www.patheos.com/Blogs.html. "Bristol's Blog" is like a pebble on the beach in the midst of those hundreds of blogs. I don't think the Patheos bloggers are very likely to spend more than a few seconds on what you tell them, let alone pull up stakes and move.
@8:17 AM No duh! It's obvious from my original comment I think David French did not do himself any favors by writing that article. I'm totally confused why you chose to include the time stamp 7:11 AM from my original comment.
DeleteSuch a pile of crap, the police audio tells it all!
ReplyDeleteTake this, David and Nancy French, you frauds!
Nancy French must be really well paid by SARAHPAC for selling her soul the way she has. And her husband too. Pretty pitiful trying to defend a young woman with no morals, no idea how to parent, and no values, Christian or otherwise. She doesn't go to church, Nancy puts nice little Bible quotes on her blog for her, and we saw one photo one time of a VBS that the boys may have attended (actually, I think we saw a photo of Trig alone in a pew with an upside down book.) But we are supposed to love her independent spirit, and her strength through adversity, and ignore her potty mouth, her drinking, and her promiscuousness. Alright then. As long as we know the ground rules.
ReplyDeleteVERY well said, thank you.
DeleteThank you, Sally, always spot on!
DeleteThe funniest post Nancy has ever done is when she quoted GK Chesterton and made it sound like Bristol was a fan of his.
DeleteOh. I Could Not Stop Laughing.
GK Chesterton?
Please, Nancy. Here's a Chesterton quote for you that will make us all think of a certain someone:
“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” – The Everlasting Man, 1925
Thanks, Sally in MI, for managing to cut to the chase
DeleteI suspect that Nancy French really freaked out when the engagement was cancelled and then the baby was announced. None of that fits in with the image of Bristol as the stalwart young, yet "Christian" single mom. Both she and her husband are afraid of being dumped from the Palin gravy train. So, folks, keep the pennies flowing into the money pit that is SarahPAC!
The two Frenchies also conveniently forgot that Bar$tool had to sheepishly admit in one of her TV interviews that no, Levi did NOT rape her, and that he did NOT steal her virginity.
DeleteI guess, they only admit whatever is convenient for tham, and what fits into their minds. If it doesn't fit and is a square peg for a round hole, then it will be MADE TO FIT GOSHDURNIT!
Wonder how many of her "large and loyal following" follow her simply to watch the train wreck, or were followers and are too lazy to unlike her facebook, etc because they've become disgusted with her behavior.
ReplyDeleteThe same with Sarah's 4M Facebook followers! The pee pond thinks they are votes. hahahahahaha
DeleteThese is zero accountability from you and the Palin's. You because you are paid.
Davey boi is THAT YOU? Yes I agree no accountability from the paymes...but WTF we are all PAID????Whaaaaat?
Ok I have been commenting and blogging since 08 and haven't got a cent? Where do we sign up to get Paid? Tell us I'm sure all of us including G would LOVE TO KNOW.
IM H8'rs
PS so, do we like get retroactive pay for all this "hating" on the poor payme family? Who pays us?
I'm sorry davey boi but its YOU and your suck up wifey who get paid to suck on the palin tit, not us.
We should all be so lucky her to get paid to voice our opin about this whorish, boorish, pimpin' family!
And fuck off , also,too!
Blame it on the left you idiots. These is zero accountability from you and the Palin's. You because you are paid. The Palin's because they are greedy morons. You self righteous dipsticks are now and forever tied to the grifters who set a new low standard for the the human race. Yes, the stupid palin klan.
ReplyDeleteWhat crap. Obviously, Sarah knows where his goat is tied.
ReplyDeleteNancy: the proverbial (and perennial) yolk-less egghead.
ReplyDeleteHer smile reminds me of Mrs. Duggar pf 19 babies and counting.
DeleteThe French family are disgusting, lying hypocrites for money. So much for their Christianity. Fakers just like the Palins. They use the black child they adopted as a prop to prove how unprejudiced they are like Sarah uses Trig for money and sympathy. Frauds.
ReplyDeleteI think any mention of Bristol's role in the Big Palin Family Brawl needs to include the fact that the police were going to charge her as the assailant, not the homeowner and not the guy who dragged her away. All of the witnesses said they saw her attack, not the other guy.
ReplyDeleteYeah, don't believe the police evidence of all the eyewitnesses, believe the French poodles.
DeleteHey there 5:54am, my Poodle resents that comparison! She's very smart I'll have you know! ;)
DeleteMr. French's credibility was completely shot when he tried to spin the Palin family brawl. You can't rewrite history when their is police audio and witness statements that tell the truth. Having lied about that incident, I will assume that all of French's claims are false.
ReplyDeleteAh, but there is reality and then there is the Palin version. And Brancy is paid to tell the Palin version. I find it odd that she has to rely on her husband, who supposedly is not one of Bristol's voices, to chime in on this matter. Things must be really wild in Palinland right now.
DeleteBut Nancy' spouse really shouldn't rely on lies (Isn't he supposedly a "Christian" like his wife and her boss?) and he shouldn't attack Levi over this matter. Levi had nothing to do with Bristol's current pregnancy. In fact Levi's trying to be as kind as possible to Bristol right now for Tripp's sake. And that takes a lot of maturity, not a feature common to anyone who resides, even part time, in Palinland. Both the Frenches, husband and wife, need to get real jobs and exit Palinland as fast as they can.
"In the beginning........."
It actually is possible to comment on the National Review Online's site, but all of the comments that disagree with French are quickly removed.
ReplyDeleteThat was exactly what I thought when I read this.
ReplyDeleteFrench lies in his very first paragraph. That guy did not "profanely accost" Bristol in that bar. He yelled at her when she was riding a mechanical bull, and then she fell off and accosted HIM, charging across the length of the bar to get in his face and swear at him. He was just standing there drinking and laughing at her..
ReplyDeleteThe Palins really think they are tough, are oh-so-ready to pick fights, like poorly raised little boys on some 19th century street corner. I have never known such utter trash.
TRUE on the bar scene, and TRUE on the brawl.
DeleteShe accosted first, and the pic of the nastiest witch
of all wagging her finger at Dakota at the
"Celebration Of Life." They are trash, pure trash.
They are all sick, and sickening. That they have any loyal following at all is deeply disturbing.
ReplyDeleteLoyal here is an inch deep and a mile wide. When any of the Palin loyalists actually find out the truth about them, they bail. Well, most of them bail. Not those getting paid, like the French's
DeleteRemember the troll on here the other night defending a post Gryph made calling attention to the latest Palin WTF entry? It said something to the effect of, "That post had xxxx likes, even Jason Recher!" Hey, dumb@ss, Recher is on the payroll. I giggled, what a doofus!
DeleteDear David French:
ReplyDeleteLet me help you out. I live in this Valley. I, unlike Sarah Palin, am a fiscal conservative and, unlike Sarah Palin, I am a social conservative. And I am an individual of faith. My faith moors me and means everything to me. I am deeply involved in this Valley at my home church and in a number of para-church organizations.
First, your wife has been pretending to be Bristol Palin for quite some time now. Period. Anyone in this Valley or in Alaska who knows Bristol knows there is zero chance she could (or would even be interested) in coming up with 99% of the material Nancy posts on Bristol's blog.
Saying that Nancy "edits" the blog is a far stretch of the truth. And you both know it. The word edit means, "to correct, condense, or otherwise modify written material for publication."
David - as you well know, Nancy CREATES the material on the blog. So how about we start there? With an admission to yourselves (forget your readership at National Review), let's just start with you and your wife deciding to do the very minimum that we, as Christians, are admonished to do: be honest.
Nancy creates the blog postings, with the exceptions of when she asks Bristol or Sarah to send her a photo so she can come up with a caption and do her darn-level best to speak in "Wasilla Young Twenty-Year Old" verbiage, which, gotta hand it to Nancy, she usually just throws in lots of exclamation points and hopes that keeps people convinced she's Bristol!!!!!!
But David, your wife is not Bristol Palin. When you write, "Bristol has built a large and loyal following," what you really mean is, "Nancy has built a large and loyal following."
And now, clearly, Nancy is down in the dumps because Bristol is pregnant with another baby and no one is exactly sure who the dad is. Probably Dakota. But. Maybe not, right?
Did Nancy have to beg and cry and pitch a fit for you to cough up your excuse-riddled commentary? Because, maybe what this whole recent scenario should teach the two of you is that it is never worth it to practice deception.
Proverbs 10:9 says, "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out."
Why don't you and Nancy take this opportunity to decide you want to walk in ways of integrity, not deceptive, false, crooked ways.
Nancy has been "found out." And instead of being heart-broken that she allowed herself to be used and duped and to have acted so deceptively over the past number of years, she's mad at the people who've found her out?
Nancy, you're upset about the wrong things. You should be pierced in your heart that you have allowed yourself to behave so deceptively these past number of years. And then you should "Make straight paths for yourselves."
David and Nancy - you are both talented writers and you are both so much better than what you have chosen to become. The Palins have practiced deception over and over and over. They are being called on it. But since you helped them practice deception, you're being called on it, too.
If you both genuinely cared about Bristol, you would urge her to seek help and you would stop writing her blog for her.
Just want to add: very well written!
DeleteNancy French is not a good writer. She was fired for plagerism, when all she had to do was make up captions! Also her syntax is garbled. She is many things,few of them good.But a good writer is not one of them.
DeleteAnd now let's talk about the little back girl David French always has his hands on....
Delete6:13, I assume her garbled syntax is that she's trying to sound like a Palin. Not an easy job, no matter how you parse it
DeleteNancy is a hack. My lowest high school student writes better.
DeleteLet's talk about the random post of Brissy's talking about a white woman with a black child in the mall. Foretelling??
DeletePerfectly said 5:23. Though I agree with others that Nancy is a mediocre writer at best.
DeleteIf Nancy French is a good writer, well then, I am Shakespeare! She is just a hack, a fake and a tool of the wretched Palin klan.
DeleteI would love to hear the Frenches respond to this. But they won't, because they can't. How would they possibly defend themselves against a well-articulated, kind, Bible-quoting statement from a conservative Christian?
DeleteBased on the photo of the French's, God ruined a perfect dick when he put ears on that man.
DeleteRotflmao! That's what i was thinking when I saw him.
DeleteThat pic of the Frenches is creepy on so many levels.
DeleteThey look like blood relatives. And both are ugly inside and out.
DeleteThe tension in their faces is so telling...
DeleteHad the same thought that they look like siblings. The Carpenters came to mind somehow http://ring.cdandlp.com/lerayonvert/photo_grande/115279894.jpg
DeleteI just got here. Have to admit when seeing the above photo, my first thought was, creepy, they look like twins.
DeleteHe's got crazy eyes!!
DeleteAgree. They look creepy in a Duggar style of way. I hope, their adopted black daughter is OK - so many of those adopted 'minority' children by white 'christian' (sic) families are beaten or otherwise mistreated and abused!
DeleteLoved that comment. He really makes me want to heave. What a slimy little dickhead.
DeleteHey, is he the lost son of Gov, Rick Scott of Florida? Just wonderin'....
DeleteDavid French writes "the Left's principles are situational." Really, David? What are your wife's "principles" if not situational?
ReplyDeletePot, meet kettle.
DeleteWhen Mr. French says the rules of decency no longer apply if you're on TV or write a blog, I think he forgets that most people in Alaska at least, know that before you can get hot and bothered about the rules of decency maybe he should be hot and bothered about the "rules of honesty."
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are patently dishonest people on more fronts than I care to try and remember.
Oh, somebody call a wambulance. David French is more concerned about decency than honesty.
David and Nancy French - Defenders of Their Version Of Decency (which doesn't include Honesty)
DeleteWell he is a lawyer after all. They are generally seen as shysters. He proves the publics perception.
DeleteGod I hate this effing family. I really do. There I said it!
ReplyDeleteI am with you 1,000 times.
DeleteMe, also too. Indeed, a little outrage CAN be a good thing.
DeleteYou gotta love this. Dave French says there was "taped evidence Bristol was physically beaten and dragged thru the mud."
ReplyDeleteCorrection, Sir. The taped evidence shows Bristol was pounding the heck out of a guy and in order to restrain her, she was pulled off of him and had to be physically carted off.
She wasn't "dragged" and there wasn't "mud."
Too bad those French's couldn't care less about the truth. I think of them as Spin Doctors, not authors.
David and Nancy French, Doctors of Spin
Klingenmeyer said on the police audio, paraphrasing, "great party, live band, and then the Palins show up. I heard there was a fight do went to inspect this is my property, I own it. Then fucking Bristol Palin....Bristol fucking Palin...." and Eric Hamilton, who DID tell the truth to ABC News, was immediately fired after years of service when it aired.
DeleteSomebody certainly put fear into Bristol, not ok to have two different messages out there, Nancy's blog message and Bristol's angry instagram. They told Bristol to shut up, posted the stupid bible quote and she's got her tail between her legs. If she doesn't, mommy won't cut more checks.
ReplyDeleteHow does Mr. French live with himself? There is so much wrong with his interpretation of the brawl. Mr. French, the only dog you have in this fight is your perceived self interest. As to your wife, she too is a liar and grifter. Shame on you.
ReplyDeleteBut Jesus forgives it all, right?
DeleteThey've got one rude awakening coming.
EXCLUSIVE: 'We don't ever discuss Bristol Palin in this family' - Marine's split with ex-fiancé goes public as his grandparents hint the war hero IS father of her unborn child
I saw this article before comments were deleted. 99% of the comments were very against the Palins and also the French's. Typical of conservatives, they weed out any comments made against them.
ReplyDeleteThey can't be letting the truth intrude on their preferred narrative now, can they?
DeleteHow do Greta Van Susteran, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, et al, live with themselves after all these years of supplying Sarah with answers to those tough questions, those awful gotcha questions? They have w and her. Bill Kristof .. Now there's an enabler! Let's get down to the brass tacks: Sarah has gotten by on her looks. If she looked like June Shannon, and was the same equal mentality, you think she's be anywhere near a camera and a microphone???
ReplyDeleteAh yes, the 2007 criuse that landed Kristol, Barnes, and Gerson in Alassska for lunch with the queen at the masion. I remember Kristol saying something about the most eloquent grace he'd ever heard before a meal, she went on and on......
DeleteOf course she did! The Great Seducer, and she still dresses like a harlot....all in the name of herself, NOT the Lord. All about the $$......God has nothing to do with it and never did. To ANY of them.
And now those looks are gone. Completely. She's now as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.
DeleteDoes not Bill Kristol have a sense of SMELL? Rancid is as rancid does. I suppose he was just horny at the time.
Delete"I guess the ties that bind these two families together are ones forged of money and hypocrisy, not Christianity."
I never use all caps but it is warranted in the case. DO NOT CLICK THROUGH TO THE ARTICLE ON NRO. And, don't bother commenting. Any comment made by anyone but a drooling Tea Party nut gets deleted in a matter of minutes. The crybabies who do comment on that site get to live in a bubble where nobody disagrees with them and then they gloat when comments are deleted.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone figured out what a Thong-dress is? Are they available on etsy?
I believe the idiot meant sarong.
DeleteThe camo dress pic of her in the street after the brawl that you could see through, standing over an oil stain that some claimed was a pee puddle she made herself. It wasn't.
DeleteI abhor this family, but that's how stuff gets started.
A thong dress is shear enough to see through. The wearer only wears a thong underneath it.
DeleteIt is preferred by well-brought up young ladies who respect themselves enough not to want the whole world looking at their bare asses. ;)
A thong dress is my garment of choice when I go out crashing parties with my dad and brother and young son. Oh, wait...
DeleteSeriously, I can't imagine donning a thong dress in front of any male relative. (And I'm kind of an exhibitionist, so it's not that I can't imagine myself in a thong dress. If I were 10 years younger and 20 pounds lighter, I'd wear one clubbing and enjoy all the attention.) My dad and brother would be horrified. They would go to the party without me.
There they go again. Suggesting, all but coming out and saying that Bristol getting pregnant with Tripp was because he sexually assaulted her.
ReplyDeleteI want somebody to ask her: if Levi really took advantage of you, then why did you become engaged to him TWICE? If somebody did that to me, I couldn't even stand to be the same room with them. Yet, she agreed to marry Levi twice. Why is that?
Yeah, you can claim $arah forced the first engagement. But Bristol definitely wanted the second engagement...or at least she wanted the money she got from that magazine she sold her engagement story too.
That infuriates me! Trying desperately to preserve her alleged virtuous reputation by destroying Levi's reputation
This is why she gets zero sympathy from me. She deserves everything she is getting. She is a lying, money-hungry, fame-hungry, man-hungry WHORE...She is her mothers daughter
Remember the rose petals on the bed??
DeleteIt infuriates me too, and YES SHE IS.
yep.... sums it up. She has made her bed now and she will have to lie (?) in it.
Deletethis is the same sicko posing with the little back adopted girl in very suggestive ways...fuck*n pig!
ReplyDeleteI think we might need to remind the fellow who he's defending with a release of all the sweet little texts she sends to people she hates. I'm sure he'd stand by Bristol and defend her honor right Mr French??
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes! Gryphen?
DeleteTotally agree! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyeys!!!!
DeleteI think we all know what it means that even after six years and dozens of auditions there is not a man on the planet that loves Bristol Palin.
ReplyDeleteWhat self-respecting man would put up with "my way or the highway?" She will NEVER be happy until she grows up and realizes it's not all about her. Not too late to get an education and make something of herself that she can be proud of. She certainly has the means to do it.
DeleteNot even Bristol, loves Bristol.
DeleteI think all the women in the Palin family are going to have a very difficult time finding a man that will commit to them!
DeleteAll the guy is going to have to do is be in the midst of Sarah and Todd for about a week and they'll find themselves running away as though the devil is chasing them!
Ain't nobody gonna love you if you don't love yourself.
DeleteThey are desperate to do anything and everything to put out the fire of the Palin flame out. You can almost smell the desperation from the lower 48; Sarah has got to be having a complete meltdown and all hands on deck are needed to try and fix it but it can't be fixed.
ReplyDeleteJust checked in on the comment board at NRO. It is totally worthless. The babies who post there have been hoisted on their own petard. There are deleted comments followed by replies that make no sense because the comment has been deleted and half the comments are @troll. It's unreadable! There has been an interuption is their right wing circle jerk.
ReplyDeleteDavid doesn't typically delete comments. But Nancy us all over that. You can bet she's a busy beaver working this NRO post, deleting as per Sarah's instructions. I wonder how much she pays her from SARHPAC. How muw much does your integrity cost Nancy? David?
DeleteMoney and hypocrisy and Christianity.
ReplyDeleteLet me see, Bristol asked for privacy and now we have Mr.French's version of Bristol is always a victim. He drags out the myth that she was raped by the father of Tripp, the myth that she was assaulted in a bar and the myth that she was assaulted in a drunken brawl.
ReplyDeleteMakes you wonder what is going on behind the scenes. Is Bristol planning on claiming her "planned pregnancy" is a result of rape?
Also too, if she has such a large following, why does the husband of the ghostwriter have to "defend" Bristol. Sounds more like he just aired all Bristol's dirty laundry in order to defend his wife's hate filled blog.
Guess Grandpa Meyer is really part of the Left out to smear poor little Bristol (let me get out my little violin).
It is funny. Doesn't he know this article just makes him look more pathetic? They are lake as much self awareness as the Palins. I wonder if Sarah paid him for this. Probably. I have a feeling the Frenches don't do anything for free, just like Sarah.
DeleteHey Nancy...you and your noxious husband are going to hell for bearing false witness. If you don't think that will happen then you are a lying sack of schitt and a hypocrite.
Hate to say it, but Nancy and her husband don't physically match at all. Husband and wife? One of them made a poor choice!
DeleteA horse matched with an anteater.
DeleteSo many assaults in the short life of one 24 year old girl. In 60 years, no one has ever got me drunk in a tent, or dragged me around in a thong dress, or punched me, or yelled at me in a bar, or, or, or... Poor little Bristle. Does French never wonder why this poor little girl is always being victimized? Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteBirds of a feather..... And mutual back scratching.....
ReplyDeleteOT except for how vital veterans and Israel are to SP. Any day now Bristol may be writing about this! lol
ReplyDeleteVeterans Call on Israel to Free International Flotilla, End Siege of Gaza
Gryphen - Excellent take down of the deceitful Nancy and David French.
ReplyDeleteJust one little correction: Mark McKennam carried Bristol. The dragging bit was a total lie....the Palin conspiracy to turn Bristol from perpetrator to victim.
That's how they do it, isn't it. They chip away at the details ... dragged v. carried .. mud or no mud ... pushed or falling down drunk ... victim or assailant ... then *viola* Bristol is a victim.
DeleteFortunately, we all heard the cussing and drunken slurred speech on the police tape. Kinda hard to live THAT down.
10:23 Voila?
Delete6:46 - lol! Yes, I meant voila. Stupid auto correct ...
DeleteThe Young Turks celebrate the death of Sarah Palin's political relevance and significance,
Thanks for the link!
DeleteNice empirical proof of Sarah's waning importance. Loved it! Thx for the link.
DeleteThat was a great ending for SP. Stick a fork in her scrawny hide. She's done.
DeleteHey Nancy and Mr. Nancy... the Duggars have fallen and need your help! They've fallen just like Bristol, but with the Duggars there's a mega asston of 'em that all fell together. And they used to actually have a highly rated show also too!
ReplyDeletePeople are shocked!
The mean libs and lamestream media have reported that there was (maybe still is?!) "sin in the camp." Reportedly there are also some police and investigators in the camp, and possibly a plaintiff's attorney or two too. I'm not counting the local yokels that work security for Jim Boob at his compound either.
As the Duggars (well Jim Boob anyway) sit at the right hand of gawd, this must be the work of a powerful demon! Or maybe the usurper? It is hard to believe that their show is off the air! Isn't there something you can do to help the Duggars?
Your "experience" in "helping" Bristol with her blog could help you help the Duggars. The good Lord knows they really do need lots of help. The whole durn lot of 'em! The best thing to do is start helping them soon. The Duggar's money might begin to run out and they are feeding a whole horde of mouths.
Knowing how to shut off comments on a blog could be a big selling point for Jim Boob, I'm pretty sure all he wants is people's free will donations to his little Tontitown baby factory. Actually you will probably not want to allow any comments at all about most anything the average person thinks about the Duggars. That's kind of like allowing any comments about Bristol and her planned vacation from abstinence and her latest pregnancy, also too!
Here is a free idea you can suggest to Josh and Jim Boob if you take the Duggar job. Everyone knows DWTS is fake as sh*t, but if you could get Josh Chester on DWTS with Tom Delay as his partner just think how weeweed up all the libs would be! And if DWTS won't let the Man Hammer and Josh Chester on the show then you can get Ken Starr to sue someone for something! Writing a book and blogging the whole time!
Anyway I think you should be worried about Bristol getting fed up (or maybe a wedgie if she remembers her thong) about this whole blogging and fame h*ing thing. (Since you are both 'christians' you certainly don't know anything about prostitution and hoing is where-oh wait a ghost written blog like Bristol's -never mind!) Or maybe not fed up but sent to a rehab of some sort instead. They usually don't allow blogging I hear. That's why I think it would be smart to diversify your portfolio of RWNJ blogging "partners."
One more thing. You should probably be careful and not suggest the Duggars get any kind of professional help other than your blogging help.
Reason one: It's Arkansas!
Reason two: Jim Boob is the HMFIC!
Reason three: See reasons one and two again!
ZOMFG! Maybe you can blog about how Josh Chester is waiting for President Obama to call him and Tom Delay too!
$arah got downright upset over that one, didn't she?
DeleteSlept without panties, yes she did....and loved it.
Happy Quitter Day!!
ReplyDeleteSix years tomorrow... time flies when you're having fun!
YES, Gryph, post on this tomorrow please so we can all raise the glass of our choice!
DeleteAs far as the Frenches, anyone that posts on another's behalf IS bearing false witness and an abomination unto the God they claim to serve. "The Good Wife" was so over the top.......
Great post at Psychology Today.
ReplyDelete'Anti-Intellectualism is Killing America'
...and the Palins are the poster children, in my opinion!
Yes, that is a fantastic article. Sums up the whole problem, IMO.
DeleteMr. Brancy's missive just proves that they do read all the comments and they do actually care. So much for the big zero. Oh, and it proves that both parents in the French family are liars. Keep talking Palins and Frenches... You're doing a lousy job of defending the indefensible.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Did nancy and hubby get cut off $$? Aint no mo money honey? Well Bristol, her mother, her father and others have not gained much respect from the whole entire usa public nor world. They have exhibited abundance of IGNORANCE. lousy manners, morals and humanity. They are the poster family of what is wrong in the American family. And Number one is a mother not staying home and taking care of her children. I don't get a shit if you want or deserve a career or not. RAISE YOUR KIDS TO BE DECENT CITiZENS
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't agree with you that a mother has to "stay home" with her children, I do agree with taking care of those children, and I love this statement:
And if you can't do that, then you really didn't do anything, did you?
I stole that from Jacqueline Kennedy.
Bristol was not raised to be A Respected woman nor A Lady. Therefore she is not treated or expected to be at any invitation to a event or party. She is exactly what she was raised to be. Period. Children Learn from their parents. And sarah and todd raised Bristol.
ReplyDeleteYep. Tawdry and Ol' $cary - prime examples of how NOT to be parents.
DeleteGets drunk. Punches people. Swears enough to make a sailor blush. Tells lies. large and small. Opens her legs for men. Breeds illegitimate children.
ReplyDeleteTHEN whines about God.
How about for a start you keep your legs together and stop telling lies, Bristol? Don't you think that would please God?
A little throwback fun....as I was watching this skit from Funny or Die, I kept thinking it was as if the writers had a magical crystal ball and just channeled the future of Sarah Palin.
Quickly, get out ahead of this thing!!! Plus, we need another headline...hop to it!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a big one for Sarah's Day.
DeleteWe’ll reveal our winner on Friday, July 3rd.
It doesn't matter how this Odd couple or any others argue it for Bristol. We wouldnt be hearing from Bristle and her mom if they weren't contacting the media. Barstools situation is what it is for now until baby is born and dna is taken. Barstool continues to try to argue with anyone that will argue. She needs to get in the last word. What ever happened to calm environments and having a healthy baby?? Tune in to the never ending saga of * what's new at the Palin zoo.
ReplyDeleteI didn't waste the time to visit French's blog but from just what's quoted here about the infamous brawl ...
It took about 30 seconds to Google up the ADN article with the police audio:
Clearly, Bristol and Track were both shit-faced drunk -- or, as the police report called it, "heavily intoxicated" -- and incapable of coherent statements.
Even so, both struggle to sound like THEY're the victims, and yet a parade of witnesses describes Bristol viciously attacking the party's host, Korey Klingenmeyer.
It's simply APPALLING that the concscienceless -- yet still somehow Oh-so-Christian! -- Mr. French would bother telling such bald-faces lies when the truth is just a few mouseclicks away.
"Yet when taped evidence emerged that Bristol was physically beaten at a party and dragged through the mud by her attacker, "
Uh, no, you lying dirtbag. The "taped evidence" you refer too was nothing more than a drunken Palin making that claim, while the actual evidence attested to by many witnesses showed that Bristol was the aggressor and could have been charged with assault.
Not just many witnesses. All of the witnesses said Brissy was the assailant, not the victim. She was the one that the cops were going to arrest, and nobody else.
DeleteDavid Green, like Pinochio, seems to have a bit of a probocsis issue. And the longer he hangs with the Palins, the more of a problem it will become.
ReplyDeleteWho is David Green?
DeleteI am surprised no one has pointed out David French's unfortunate resemblance to Florida Governor Rick Scott. They both look like giant penises.
ReplyDeleteActually, everyone over there except some loon named cvmoonshadow seems to be truthfully pushing back on the Green false narrative.
ReplyDeleteNancy and David French are grifting on the grifters. No one should stop the flow of money into their pockets!
39 minutes ago Brancy posted another thank-you to the National Review on the blog and fb. Says she's not going away! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat I want to know is why Todd, Bristol's father, is letting her hang out in the wind and not defending her? Instead some stranger has to post a bogus article? Why doesn't her own father come to her defense? Is it because he isn't really her father in blood? Is it because she's messing up his pimping business? Why hasn't any of her family taken up for her? Not Todd, not Sarah, not Willow, not her grandparents. NO ONE! They are just letting her keep digging her hole a little deeper.
ReplyDeleteShe must have REALLY fucked up the family's plans in some way for them to completely desert her, to the point that this David guy felt compelled to run to her defense with a whole lot of recycled lies and misinformation.
WHERE ARE HER FAMILY PROTECTORS? Obviously, they really don't give it shit, do they? They really could care less if she is 'crucified' by public opinion, do they?
I'm surprised that Mama Grizzly Sarah hasn't come to Bristol's defense. Something must really be afoot. I think that Sarah thought that MOH was her next meal ticket to keeping relevant. Just think of all the bragging she could do while conning more people into sending her money.
You're right. It's really weird. Maybe none of them are willing to defy orders from Scarah. Maybe it's the lack of an identifiable baby daddy. But the silence is very odd.
DeleteGhostwriting is one thing, but Nancy French is becoming One with her subject and it is beyond creepy.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for Bristol. Her mother has brainwashed her and used her as a pawn for her own agenda. Her mother humiliated her on Oprah and it just keeps getting worst. Bristol could have lived her life outside of the public eye and would not be subject to ridicule.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me Jesse or do the eyes of David and Nancy French's adopted child look all too familiar? The lips also look familiar. If I didn't know better, I would say that we just may have located the DWTS baby.
Those eyes sure do look like Bristol's 12:38. And right after DWTS in the fall of 2010, Bristol bought a house in Arizona and no one saw her for quite awhile.
Then there is this photo taken in April of 2012. That little girl doesn't look much older than 15 months. So, the math works.
These photos don't lie. Good old IM posted on Bristol's weight gain during DWTS. Sure looks pregnant to me.
Only question is where did the baby go? Sure looks like the baby went to live with the Frenches. That girl looks a lot like Bristol. No mistaking those eyes - those are Sarah Palin eyes. And Bristol Palin eyes. That wonky eye - no doubt about it. And Bristol often poses with her lips looking just like that. Sure looks like Bristol's kid.
David French says, "in true Palin fashion, she will
ReplyDeletepersevere." Huh? The Palin train has already wrecked!
Well - technically Brisket COULD have written while on the road - she could have used her phone. But I believe she DID write the first sad-face posting. THEN her 'ghost' writer - is it still a ghost when you know they are there?) wrote the SECOND STUPID one "It was planned, y'all!
ReplyDeleteAnd she also posted a sonogram of a fully-formed baby! HOW pregnant is Brisket? Or was that a PHONY sonogram off the net?? OOH - do a google image search!!
Was it Kyle Massey's kid? Or his brother's?
ReplyDeleteDoes Bristol REALLY have a job at the same doctor's office' for 6 years? How? She was living in AZ for a while, travels a lot, etc.
ReplyDeleteHaven't read the comments yet, so forgive me if this has already been covered. Has Mr French seen the clips from her appearances on television during the book tour? She all but admitted she LIED about being raped, a fact she overlooked while Nancy French kept typing. She also said she didn't know what happened to her and had to "phone a friend" on the campsite because she heard "chatter" outside the canvass. And that "friend" told her she was "raped". Where's the police report? Rape kit? She deserves the attention CNN gave her because she dishes it out, but can't take it, so she lies and lies and lies...... And Nancy eats it up like a softserve ice cream cone, reports back to the head of household, Dufus French, who twists "The left's" unjustifiable attacks against this fine christian family.
ReplyDeleteHow many arms can it take to animate ONE sock puppet? Rape is an act of violence that happens to include forced intercourse. No bruises? And why would a rapist stay around till the next morning?
Then there's the party crash bullshit. The family rents a limo to crash someone they don't know's party, and she's the one who was violent, and again, lies lies lies.
French's defence of VAWA using Bristol as an example is pure, unadulterated bullshit. Of course he defends her, she's a christian (snark), and a role model (snark) and she somehow finds herself in the oddest places at the wrong time.
Can't lose wifey's paycheck, so pile it on David.
Wow Nancy is working overtime deleting any comments at NRO that correct her husbands lies and omissions, mention the uncertainty of the baby daddy, etc. I wonder why they don't turn the comments off like she does on " Bristol's" blog? I'm guessing it's good for business. Which us what they are all about........
ReplyDeleteI am still interested in the story below. Dakota's grand parents. It sounds as if it was a fairly nasty few weeks with the NEW outlaws in the Dakota Fam. And this prego thingy? Somethings is really stinky and fishy. And then sarah hangs around the fake wedding day gig. I mean really? Something more then the secret wife. Sarah must have bought all cell phones, and paid folks to sign gag orders