Saturday, August 07, 2010

As predicted Palin's Facebook ghostwriter cannot give up on her feud with Politifact.

As I posted yesterday Palin's ghostwriter, Rebecca Mansour, is engaged in a very aggressive battle to prove that Sarah Palin is NOT an idiot, and that she in fact understands hard stuff like the economy, budgets, and that "reasearchy" thing that the Democrats are so good at.

However the twisted thing about this little spat is that it is NOT between Politifact and half term governor/ex-vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin.  It is between a VERY insecure woman who "pretends" to be Sarah Palin on Facebook and an organization that is really only trying to hold politicians and others accountable for their misstatements, including Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and even President Obama. (Who, by the way, do NOT feel it necessary to challenge Politifact on their ratings.)

So yesterday RAM fired off another salvo against Politifact from behind the safety of her Palin Facebook facade. I will not bore you with the whole thing because it is once against jam packed with bits and pieces of patched together information designed to discredit Politifact and smear President Obama. However  I WOULD like you to read this very last paragraph:

(By the way, the Left sure gets wee-wee’d up when they’re called on something like this, eh? And here I am, thousands of miles away from DC out on a commercial fishing boat, working my butt off for my own business, merely asking the Democrat politicos and their liberal friends in the media: “What’s the plan, man?”, and they seem to feel threatened by my question. So, I’ll go back to setting my hooks and watching the halibut take the bait, and when I come back into the boat’s cabin in a few hours, I’ll log back on here to read their reply. I’ll have succeeded if they’re forced to finally reveal to Americans how they plan to increase taxes, and what they intend to do with our money. In the meantime, I’m catching fish.)

"...working my butt off for my own business."

"I'LL go back to setting my hooks and watching the halibut take the bait."

Time for a reality check here folks.  The person who wrote the above statement is NOT out fishing in Homer, Alaska!  They are NOT currently being filmed for a reality show!  They are not married to hunky Todd Palin! They are not the darling of the Teabaggers! And they are NOT named Sarah Louise Palin!

The person who wrote that is somebody who has slipped on the persona of Sarah Palin in order to FINALLY be taken more seriously in the world, and is using that facade to make herself seem more important, and more relevant, than she has ever felt just being plain old Rebecca Mansour.

If you Google Rebecca Mansour you will be hard pressed to find even ONE picture of her, however you will find dozens upon dozens of pictures of Sarah Palin. In many ways Mansour has absorbed Palin's persona and undoubtedly walks around feeling that her spirit lives within her and makes her somehow much more special than she feels all on her own. In the craziness that always seems to surround Sarah Palin, this person might be one of the most certifiably crazy.

Other politicians have people on their staff to help them write their speeches and articles for the papers, but I don't believe I have ever heard of one who has such a bizarre individual channeling them as completely and as consistently as RAM.  I cannot decide if she is more like Yolanda Saldivar or Buffalo Bill from the "Silence of the Lambs," who made a suit out of the skin of women he killed in order to make himself feel more feminine.

I don't often take it upon myself to give advice to Sarah Palin, but if you ARE reading this I would keep a very cautious eye on your "biggest fan", because there is something just not right there.  Of course if RAM is the one who has been monitoring my blog for Palin, then it is highly doubtful that she will ever even hear about this post.


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Seems an odd way to run a fishing business, catching them one at a time via a rod, reel and hook.
    Another example of Palin & Co. being total liars? Or another example of the Palins having NO idea how to run (even a small) business? Or both?

  2. mommom6:13 AM

    I personally cannot comprehend why this millionaire would be out catching fish for a few thousand dollars. I would be leaving the fish for those who need them to survive.

  3. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I don't know what's more fucked up: being Sarah Palin or pretending to be Sarah Palin. I lean towards the latter.

  4. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Good horror movie plot, Facebook writer begins to think SHE is Sarah so the real Sarah must be killed. Like the guy who killed John Lennon.

  5. Anonymous6:19 AM

    she is doing all she can to get Obama to respond to some stupid crap she says. she really wants to say, "see, he listens to me".
    i hope he continues to ignore her drivel.

    bill in belize

  6. Ratfish6:24 AM

    "Sarah" says:"And here I am, thousands of miles away from DC out on a commercial fishing boat, working my butt off for my own business, merely asking the Democrat politicos and their liberal friends in the media: “What’s the plan, man?”, and they seem to feel threatened by my question. So, I’ll go back to setting my hooks and watching the halibut take the bait."

    Really? When did Sarah Palin get a commercial halibut permit? And halibut are caught in deep water- not a bath tub. You do NOT "watch them take the bait."

    So I'll ask my friends in Sarahland,"where's the truth, man?"

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I lean more toward Becky being more like Yolanda Saldivar. Stupid had better be careful around that one.

    I wonder if Stupid has ever seen "Selena" (doubtful, since the story is about an amazing young woman who wasn't white...)She'd be wise to know exactly what she has let into her life (wise? ha!). When people are as nutso as some of her supporters, what makes Stupid think they won't turn that crazy on her?

  8. Mickey76:33 AM

    This reminds me of when I worked with a particularly heinous and truly repulsive right-wirnger a few years ago. He told us that he was teaching his sons to stand by their position--even if it is wrong and they know it is wrong--because if you never let up on the argument eventually people will believe you and accept your point of view. I think that must be a talking point on the right because you sure see a lot of it. This guy was constantly bragging about his Christian values, while admitting he taught--in fact, insisted--that his children lie for their ideology.

    Problem for Sarah and her minions is that they come across as defensive, petty middle-schoolers when they get into these public spats. The only people who will be impressed by RAMs astounding logic are people already disposed to agree with everything Palin. She doesn't need to woo those people, she's already got them. Acting a little more mature, dignified and thoughtful and a little less thin-skinned and juvenile (not to mention deceitful and ill-informed) is the only shot Palin has at expanding her constantly shrinking fan club.

  9. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Kind of interesting that palin is fighting rolling back this tax.
    Could it be because SHE made more then $250,000.00 this last year?
    She obviously doesn't care about the rest of us, under that limist.
    As long as she and hers gets theirs!
    Can't those poor saps who send her their 10 or 15 dollars realize, like the people in Alaska, that palin is in this only for herself and what she can get out of it?
    She could care less about those she professes to care about.
    She is leaving a long trail of those she has stiffed, starting with her staff, the people that supported her, the people of Alaska and those that send her their money to pay her legal bills, while she is out their making her millions.
    And then there are the parents of special needs kids, what is she doing for them lately? About as much as she has done for Alaskan's.

    And the best she can come up with(or allow to be used in her name) is "wee wee'd up"?
    How very Not presidential.

    No, palin will fight those tax increases, because then she have to part with her money, and the rest of us be damned!

  10. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Why bother fishing when you can go give a 30 minute speech and rake in 75-100K for the "family business".

    Is Piper OK? Been worried about her not getting enough face time on TV or stage time lately.

    Where is Sarah's other prop Trig?

  11. Olivia6:47 AM

    It is obvious that it is not SP writing that drivel. You would think that whoever is writing it would try to at least imitate the unique wacko style of SP's drivel, which would be present in all it's glory if she were actually on a boat fishing while writing. You know without a doubt that when there are complete sentences, and passably correct punctuation and spelling, that SP didn't write it under any circumstances. Unless of course it really is SP and schizophrenia is manifesting itself.

  12. Ratfish6:49 AM

    There she goes again!

    I told Congress thanks but no thanks for the bridge to nowhere. No she didn't.

    I'm for small government. No she isn't- she increased the size of state government by 35% in 2 years.

    "I'm out on commercial fishing boat, working my butt off for my own business."

    No she is not. Palin is obviously trying to imply that she is out commercial fishing for halibut for her fishing business. She isn't, at least legally because she does not have a commercial fishing permit. Neither does anyone else in her family. According to the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Limited Entry Commission, Palin's husband and son have permits for set net fishing for SALMON in Bristol Bay.

    Look it up here:

    Palin may be out on a commercial SPORTS fishing boat that her reality show is paying for her to catch a halibut as a SPORTS angler, but she surely is not out "working her butt off" for her own commercial halibut fishing business as she implied.

    Maybe someone should report her to the CFEC.

  13. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I have a question for Gryphen. You seem pretty confident that Sarah and Todd do not have sex (at all). What specifics bring you to this conclusion?

  14. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Someone needs to ask that fucktard about all that job creatin' that has been going on since those tax cuts of the Shrub's were instituted.

    Seems there's been more job losin' that job creatin'.

  15. Anonymous6:54 AM

    It's so immature. Frankly, one would think someone who touts "common sense" as such a virtue would know by now that no one "wins" arguments over teh internets.

    It's just common sense. *winks*

    Sarah Palin et al., are just internet trolls and flame-baiters. They get off on this kind of childish name-calling.

  16. Anonymous7:15 AM

    When is she going to disappear?!?!?

    Hurry up Joe and Dunn!!! She'll announce she's running in Feb and their books come out in April.
    Should be interesting...

  17. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Since when did the Palins have a fishing business in Homer? Are they using their little set net boat out on the ocean to catch halibut? That women is so full of crapola. I can just imagine all the fake crap she's feeding everyone in this TLC show. Alaskans are going to be rolling on the ground laughing at her! FRAUD-FAKE-LIAR! But her P-Bots will eat it up.

    PS- Down here in Tri-Cities, got my camera ready watching for Bristol !!!

  18. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Wait a minute. She's fishing? Just a couple of days ago, a guy Tweeted Sarah that he had "seen (Sarah) standing in line at the (FN? FB?) in Soldota". That "he didn't want to invade her privacy but ... " blah, blah, kissy, kissy face to Sarah.

    The above is paraphrased and I can't remember the name of the store. I don't think Twitter keeps posts up longer than 2 days. I'll check to see if I can find it.

  19. Anonymous7:25 AM

    from Anon @ 6:51am - -

    "I have a question for Gryphen. You seem pretty confident that Sarah and Todd do not have sex (at all). What specifics bring you to this conclusion?"

    And, just 'What specifics do you have or know about' to bring yourself to any other conclusion?

    Just askin' !!! :)

  20. Anonymous7:29 AM

    bill in belize said:

    "she is doing all she can to get Obama to respond to some stupid crap she says. she really wants to say, "see, he listens to me".
    i hope he continues to ignore her drivel."

    That's the whole point. Her method of madness is to get an response from only one man. The man who beat "HER" not "HIM" on 4 November 2008. Palin wants to continue to snip at the President so that he would have to respond to "HER." As long as Obama doesn't responds, it leave her blowing in the wind like litter and like litter someone has to notice it to pick it up.

  21. Anonymous7:33 AM

    With luck, RAM's mental instability will be key in exposing Palin's lies. RAM will eventually be tossed under the bus because Palin ENJOYS banning people. RAM may react explosively.

    BTW, weren't Bristol and Levi working their butts off parenting? And now Sarah is doing the butt thing with the halibut. Butts all over the place! Sarah has an body fixation.

  22. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Whoever wrote that has not been halibut fishing. Period.

    And, I've never heard anything about the Palins fishing for halibut. I thought they had a salmon permit?

    The lies just pile up. Truth is a long way away from this entire family. Sad. They used to be, or appeared to be, nice people.

  23. Anonymous7:35 AM

    What's she doin' on that fishing boat anyway, I thought she said she was headin' to the border?

  24. Anonymous7:36 AM

    About the tweet from man who saw Sarah in Soldota store...tweets don't go back to yesterday so no chance of finding it. Is Soldota where the Palins' fishing business is?

  25. Anonymous7:40 AM

    RAM might also wish to brush up on her comma usage.

  26. Gryphen - The 'under the bus' day has to come sooner or later for RAM, doesn't it? You have done all you can to warn Sarah and can now rest easy.

    What's up with 'working her butt off for her own business'? What complete baloney! Todd's 'own business' is a fishing lease in Bristol Bay NOT in Homer. If Sarah's catching fish in Homer, it's for the TLC show -- not her 'own business' -- and you can bet your butt she's not working hard at fishing.

    RAM's first FB note was a failed set-up pretending Sarah was writing the note while watching a girls basketball game. This note follows the same pattern and it fails, also, too.

  27. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Commercial vs sport halibut from wiki:

    Canadian and U.S. waters, longline predominates, using chunks of octopus ("devilfish") or other bait on circle hooks attached at regular intervals to a weighted line that can extend for several miles across the bottom. Typically the fishing vessel retrieves the line after several hours to a day.

    Sport fisherman use large rods and reels with 80–150 pounds (36–68 kg) line, and often bait with herring, large jigs, or even whole salmon heads. Halibut are very strong, thus in both commercial and sport fisheries standard procedure is to shoot or otherwise subdue large halibut over 50–100 pounds (23–45 kg) before landing them.

  28. Anonymous7:50 AM

    To Anonymous @ 6:51 a.m., you said
    "I have a question for Gryphen. You seem pretty confident that Sarah and Todd do not have sex (at all). What specifics bring you to this conclusion?"

    I'm not Gryphen but my answer to that question would be "Have you SEEN Sarah and Todd and if so, doesn't that answer your question".

    Besides, imagine what Sarah looks like when the wigs come off, the eyelashes come off, make-up off, any other enhancements are thrown on the floor, still clutching her Blackberrys. Just saying...

  29. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Rebecca is saner than Sarah.

  30. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Obviously, Miss Rebecca needs to do some research on fishing if she wants to sound like her idol. Although I doubt even the real, live Palin knows much, but whatever.

    Anon 6:16 nailed it. The only thing worse than actually being Sarah Palin is pretending to be her. I actually can see RAM as being like the guys in the evil frat in the movie Animal House. Sarah's spanking RAM with a paddle and RAM says: Thank you Ma'am, may I have another?!

  31. Johnston May Yet Spill Palin Secrets
    Sources close to Levi Johnston tell Rob Shuter his agents are already shopping around a "His Side of the Story"-type interview where he is willing to "reveal the latest secret plans of his almost-mother-in-law for the bargain asking price of $20,000."

    Isn't 20K just pocket money....?

  32. Anonymous8:07 AM

    For those who don't understand the jargon used, you should know that it's consistent with longline halibut fishing. It's commercial fishing and not sport fishing because that method isn't allowed for sport fishing.

    So if the Palins don't have a halibut license then they are indeed fishing illegally and should be reported.

  33. Bear Woman8:13 AM

    You got it Ratfish! NO ONE in the Palin or Heath family owns a commercial halibut permit nor do they OWN any vessels licensed to fish for commercial halibut. You cannot legally lease a state halibut permit. Off to check the federal permit system for permit holders.

    IT IS NOT LEGAL to sell your sport caught catch! If Sarah has a family business doing this than the State Troopers and the US Fish and Wildlife Protection folks need to get the goods on her. Hopefully she will be charged with Lacey Act violations which carry very stiff penalties.

    No where do you get to see the halibut biting your hooks. If you're lucky you find them in 200-300 feet of water, most times its even deeper.

  34. Randall8:14 AM

    "...see that Martini? You're not a god-damned idiot - you're a fisherman!"

    ---Randle McMurphy

  35. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Did Rebecca mean to say salmon? Do Sarah and Rebecca ever talk to each other?

  36. Bear Woman8:22 AM

    The Palins also do not hold a federal halibut permit.

    By the way, I don't know what vessel Todd is fishing in Bristol Bay, he doesn't own it. He has not licensed a commercial vessel since 2008. Gee, who owns and built that boat Sarah boasted about?

  37. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Dear Gryphen,

    It is a good thing that you review comments before posting them. You may or may not want to post this information. Please feel free to edit if you wish.

    Rebecca Mansour was born March 1974, and she is listed in the Los Angeles, CA phone book. She lives in an apartment.

    Using some links at People Finders, I discovered that she came from Michigan, where she was part of the family of the Joseph and Nezalee Mansour. Her brother, Gregory is a dentist:

    This is the obituary of her mother, Nexalee, which lists other members of Rebecca's family. lists Joseph Anthony Mansour, Oakland MI death in 2002.
    If you are a big sport and want to pay the fee at Ancestry and/or People Finders, you may uncover more information about Rebecca's family. I remember some time ago, people jammed your blog with comments about RAM, including the fact that her father was a math professor at a nearby college, where Rebecca had gone to school. Either I can't find the references on line, or those references have been scrubbed. (Who would do a thing like that).

    Rebecca has made radio appearances, so you can hear the sound of her voice, but it really is strange that google images brings up Sarah's picture instead of hers. She has truly morphed into the object of her worship. (Rebecca originally went to CA as a freelance screen writer. Fortunately, she is doing what she always want to do, writing scripts for a wannabe movie star. This may explain her talent for fiction.) Rebecca received $12,000. from SarahPAC (Palingates).

  38. Anonymous8:39 AM

    RAM is a failed screenwriter. She also did not receive the"high enough" position in the Obama campaign so she jumped ship. Now she thinks her written words actually have force and meaning when in fact they are ridiculed. And like Bristol, if people love Sarah (even if they are the crazy ones), they must love her too. No, RAM, you are wayyyy over your head. If you are truly the brains behind the operation, then step out behind Facebook and let the world know your lies (uh, I mean views). I don't agree with O'Reilly or Beck. But at least they don't hide. They go on shows and meet people who are against them. The difference is they believe in what they say, I don't think you and Sarah believe in anything.

  39. emrysa8:41 AM

    uh, everyone knows sarah is filming her tv show right now.

    but her facebook writer says she's busy commercial fishing? give me a f-ing break.

    but it was good that she said that, because even the palinbots know that one is a lie. small cracks...

  40. "... somebody who has slipped on the persona of Sarah Palin in order to FINALLY be taken more seriously in the world."

    That's just possibly the funniest insult I've ever heard.

  41. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Oh my flipping gosh. They aren't fishing for halibut in Bristol Bay, are they? Pretty sure RAM means some form of salmon (and I would guess Silvers at this time of year.) Also, Sarah's not setting "her hook" - nor, from the pictures / videos that were taken last year after her abrupt resignation from office when she scooted her way up to the family's fishing spot in Bristol Bay - those boats didn't have cabins - and she wouldn't be checking her emails on them either.

    If any or all of my points in salient, Gryphen, what this means is that your hypothesis is indeed correct - and RAM is more fully in charge of Sarah's FB page than any of us ever guessed - I mean, I always assumed Sarah at least glanced at the posts before RAM pushed the "send" button. Appears not. RAM has gone rouge -- on the Queen of Rouge herself.

    Darn. What will Sarah's five or six highly paid inner circle Inside the Beltway advisors - who are currently strategizing her presidential win - think of this? She's their meal ticket to high falutin' jobs in the White House in a mere two years. They better put the kabosh on RAM. They managed to handle a slap down of Bristol last week; but they have no idea the crazy world of RAM.....

  42. Anonymous8:58 AM

    If Sarah is such a skilled fisherman/woman, then there was no reason for Kate's eight kids to be stuck with little snacks. Sarah and Chuck should have taken them huntin' and fishin'.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anonymous9:26 AM

    "So, I’ll go back to setting my hooks and watching the halibut take the bait."

    I have never heard SeaPeers referred to as halibut before!

  45. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Wait a minute. . .Sarah Palin just agreed to a debate on the tax break's sunset provision ( it isn't a tax HIKE if it was a repeal of an existing policy, Bush's first two cuts were sustainable - so I've heard, the third, this one that proved popular with the mega-wealthy, was over and beyond and cost the bottom line for the American pocket-book.

    That Sarah and the GOP spin it as a hike is brilliant cover for Bush's tactical cut to make his donors happy and let it 'expire' under the next one's watch. If McCain got elected, he and Sarah would prove popular to corporate America as job creators, all while balancing the budget by the end of their term (snark off.) But if a Dem won, the GOP could attack the lapse as devastating to the private sector.

    This is all Bush, Cheney, Rove and little hamster brained Sarah again appealing to the populist fiscal conservatives and the richest 2% population.

    Looking forward to you going on real televised, non-scripted debates with the Dems on this on Sarah, show us your mighty grasp of Econ 101.

  46. Anonymous9:49 AM

    in response to anon 6:51


    I don't care what T and S do in the bedroom (or don't do). However, I can see them as a more intimate couple than most political duos (the gores, the obamas, the clintons...) Just saying

    I feel anyone who ventures into politics has a very different take on their partnership solely because not one politician has what appears to be a "normal", lovey dovey relationship.

    We'll never know whether or not any of them have hot sex or abtain unless they release a private video. It's pointless to discuss.

  47. womanwithsardinecan10:11 AM

    we know Sarah and Todd are not having sex because Sarah is not preggers. The woman has never used birth control. Why would she start now?

  48. mommom10:11 AM

    So they took the little open garvey type boat that Sarah lied about Toad building out to where Halibut could be caught ?

  49. Facebook Lurker10:30 AM

    Didn't Bristol claim that most of the state of Alaska doesn't have cell coverage? Where is Sarah logging on? Probably a coffee shop or cozy inn... RAM could have at least used the google to find out about halibut fishing... what a retard.

  50. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Um, Anonymous 6:34 AM, the person who made the phrase "wee wee'd up" famous was President Obama. A year ago, he stated, "There's something about August going into September where everybody in Washington gets all wee-weed up. I don't know what it is. But that's what happens." So, yeah, guess that term is "presidential" (or the president wasn't very presidential).

  51. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Rebecca is still writing movie scripts, as illustrated by the "Sarah goes halibut fishing" treatment. The trouble with movies these days is that they try to create a sense of reality. It would be a movie cliche for Sarah to go into the cabin to check her messages at the on-board computer. We know that Sarah carries at least one Blackberry (she used to carry two). She could take a seat on the railing of the boat, pull out her trusted electronic friend and click away. When people saw her at the Air Force's Air Show, she was doing exactly that (no cabin).

    I don't know anything about fishing, but I do remember the pictures that Sarah posed for last summer right after she quit. She was at Todd's commercial fishing place laying out big long nets, not baiting hooks. I know, such a trivial detail, nets, hooks, just as long as you catch some suckers, I mean fish. In the way that Sarah is preaching to the choir, RAM is writing for the choir. Too bad, there she is in California, and no one bought the Sarah Palin movie. The proof is that Sarah is on a "reality show," which is probably a better work of fiction that anything that RAM could write.

  52. angela11:05 AM

    I say ask Sarah what's on her Facebook page.
    Betcha she doesn't have a clue.

  53. Anonymous11:07 AM

    If you Google Rebecca Mansour you will be hard pressed to find even ONE picture of her, however you will find dozens upon dozens of pictures of Sarah Palin.

    Just curious, has anyone witnessed that face? Is this her or what she looks like? ??? RAM ???
    The one without sunglasses.

  54. Anonymous11:19 AM

    If Rebecca Mansour is the "brain trust" behind Fakebook why has no one staked out her LA address and taken a photo of her? MY GAWD she could be running this country if they are not exposed! There is no one in the foreign press that is curious about the brains behind brainless that want the nuclear football in their grubby little mitts?

  55. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I've seen the movie Single White Female...with friends/staff like RAM, who really needs enemies?..

  56. Anonymous11:22 AM

    What a fine bunch of amateur sleuths, using Wikipedia as a source since you lack personal knowledge.

    Todd and Sarah have Alaska commercial fishing LICENSES. They can fish anywhere they have legal access. They have a PERMIT to fish for salmon in Bristol Bay.

    To commercial fish for halibut, you need an IFQ, a fishing quota to catch halibut and sablefish. You can buy or lease them from hundreds of current IFQ holders. Ever watch 'Deadliest Catch'? Half the boats out there are fishing someone else's quota for a percentage.

    You can fish this in dozens of Alaska waters: Kodiak, Seward/Resurrection Bay, Homer/Kachemak Bay, Whittier/Valdez/Cordova/Valdez/Prince William Sound.

    Todd's stepfather is a big player in the fishing industry in Dillingham. He knows everyone in the state and could round up an IFQ and whatever else was needed in about 15 minutes.

    Now, go back through this thread, read the original post, look at all the outlandish and foolish charges tossed around and decide who is lying.

  57. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Good luck getting Alaska Fish and Game to investigate Sarah's alleged illegal halibut fishing out of Homer. The current AF&G Commissioner was appointed to his job by then Gov. Palin in 2007.

    During her barely-there stint as governor, Sarah was infamous for appointing/recommending her friends to government positions. She even concocted new positions for them. Work experience was not necessary but being anti-choice was mandatory.

  58. Anonymous11:31 AM

    If anyone would like to report to the Alaska Fish and Game here is the number to report violations- 1-800-478-3377

  59. Annika12:04 PM

    "Didn't Bristol claim that most of the state of Alaska doesn't have cell coverage?"

    Bristol has brought that up more than once. No one has so much as asked executive Carolyn Hanson, Matanuska Telephone Association, a question about service?
    Phone towers.

    Carolyn not only knows about Sarah's love, she or the extended family have convinced others that Bristol was pregnant with Trig. Leave Matanuska Telephone Association ALONE!!!! I guess that is why no PI will look into this in Palmer or Wasilla. Is Jackie Kenshalo also brain dead?

    Where are Bristol and her cell phone working now? We all know it is not easy to be single with a child and how important going to work is to her.

  60. I am not a tech person. Can one be out at sea..(I don't know how far out one needs to go to catch halibut)..and have internet access?

    ROFLMAO Since when did the Palins open a halibut business?

    Thanks to the poster who provided the link the Palins ddo not have commercial licenses for halibut. I hope the fishing police..patrol is after them and they get consequences for lying!

  61. Annika12:20 PM

    "We'll never know whether or not any of them have hot sex or abtain unless they release a private video. It's pointless to discuss."

    The crew at Matanuska Telephone Association can do much more than discuss.

  62. Anonymous12:23 PM

    There is no corruption with the Alaska Fish and Game ????

  63. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I am not a tech person. Can one be out at sea..(I don't know how far out one needs to go to catch halibut)..and have internet access? >>

    Sure, either by satellite or with a USB wireless key although speed would be pretty slow. You could send and receive text but no pictures.

  64. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Thanks to the poster who provided the link the Palins ddo not have commercial licenses for halibut >>

    Don't be silly. Shannyn Moore already called folks in Homer, everything is legit.

  65. Anonymous1:06 PM

    FYI 8:52, RAM's FB rant signs off as "Sarah Palin, in Homer,AK... not Bristol Bay.

  66. Anonymous1:11 PM

    11:22, all you've done is establish that the Palins may have a commercial fishing license. So what? If you bothered to read any of the comments here, you'd see others who have actual knowledge can tell RAM is lying because her description of the event is implausible. you can't whitewash obvious lies just because you can produce a "license."

  67. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Anon @ 11:22

    You beat me to it. :-)

    Becky appears to be over the top obsessed with TeeVee Reality Personality Palin. Weird, indeed. I wonder if she sports the same bumpit wigdo and glasses as her idol Palin?!


  68. Anonymous2:14 PM

    What a frickin' ninny.
    Everybody's got great comments, but a little clarification is in order. A little challenge by anonymous at 11:22, eh?

    Commercial fishing is completely separate from sport. Managed completely differently and under different organizations. The state's Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission manages salmon harvest permits. Not a "license". The state also issues comfish licenses, which is what all crew are required to have. Can't have an unlicensed crew member on board. That's a violation.
    A captain with a PERMIT (for any fishery in Alaska) doesn't have to also buy a CREW license in another fishery. But they can't be the seller of the harvest unless they have a PERMIT as well.
    So, no, a "licensed" fisherman cannot harvest any other species. Each PERMIT, fishery, and harvest management area (the LOCATION) is species-specific. Why? Because of conservation of the biological stocks and to avoid over-fishing. Some fisheries are designated "super-exclusive". What that means is that a permitholder cannot fish more than one harvest region for the same species. At all. Period. For example, there are multiple herring fisheries all over Alaska. One of them is super-exclusive. If you fish that one, you can't participate in any other.

    Todd has a setnet permit and a skiff. That means he can harvest and sell salmon legally caught with a shore-based gillnet. He can't do anything else with that permit (can't harvest any other species) and no one else can legally use it.
    Sarah cannot borrow the permit for the day and operate the site. Only the permitholder can sell the fish and they have to be physically present, show ID, and SIGN each fish ticket.
    That's what Sarah was in trouble for with a criminal violation some years back. She sold fish on somebody else's permit. That's never accidental or you forgot it at home. There's nothing that mitigates that. That's intentional cheating.

    Sarah and the other Heaths have NO permits in their names, ANYWHERE in Alaska. None. Zero. Zip.
    It ain't a family operation. Sarah and her kids don't go. Track seems to be going more and someone gifted him a permit in his name, but Bristol and Willow don't. They certainly could! Lots of teenagers make their start that way, running a Bristol Bay setnet operation. That's exactly what Todd and his siblings did. Plenty of 20 year-old girls with permits and skiffs.

  69. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The halibut harvest is managed by the International Pacific Halibut Commission and National Marine Fisheries Service under NOAA. It is like the show "Deadliest Catch", but different. (That's CRAB, not halibut. Different permit, different gear type, different boats, different harvest locations.)

    Halibut is great money, but it's not easy money. It's a long season, a serious investment and significant commitment. Sarah and Todd once again steal an Alaska experience that doesn't belong to them. Again.
    Note to Rebecca, Todd, Sarah, the Heaths: just how much do you want to piss off your Alaskan peers? Do you seriously want to offer this kind of insult to fellow Alaskans? Why?

    Todd, you're not a multiple fisheries guy, you're not a Longliner, you never have been, and you know it. You don't even fish Togiak herring. You've had a slope job for a looong time. Neither you nor your wife Sarah, have had the time to commit to being real fisherman. It takes most of the year and you guys kept your day jobs! Plus, the crab season is right in the middle of the Iron Dog stuff for you, so please, Rebecca, don't even go there. And please, for godsake, no one mushes dogs, no one is a Smoke Jumper, Todd is not a Whaling Captain, and none of the kids are on whaling or walrus crews. Okay?

    Yes, there is a halibut harvest in Bristol Bay. But Palins don't participate in it. It's pretty small and tremendous work. Very difficult, heavily regulated, and way way way out there. In very rough cold water way far away from where someone would run a setnet skiff. Not possible.
    A huge shout-out to the bad-ass guys in Dillingham who persisted through some tough stuff to fish Bristol Bay halibut. Good job - you and the Alaskan fishing community know who you are. Too bad Sarah didn't bring her film crew out on one of your boats. But probably neither Sarah nor Todd would be able to handle the boat ride out past Protection Point... Actually, it's doubtful that either of them KNOW there's BB halibut.

    Todd's grandma is a halibut IFQ holder (Individual Fishing Quota), presumably inherited from her husband Al Andree. I have no idea what she does with it and who fishes it, on what boat. There are two other Andrees in Homer - Alfred and Howard. Maybe Alfred is the uncle that Trig is named after? They are real Homer fishermen. Obviously, it's a safe bet that that's who Sarah dragged the Discovery Channel down to film. Otherwise, she's out on a sports fishing charter. They don't bait hooks and run skates, but it's fun and a nice clean good-smelling comfortable boat with a warm cabin and a lovely meal prepared by willing crew. Ya can't get THAT on a commercial boat!
    And very useful that Todd's auntie works for a helicopter outfit in Homer, so the Discovery Channel has a good connection for those long-angle shots of the boat out on the water.

  70. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Todd has a setnet permit and a skiff. That means he can harvest and sell salmon legally caught with a shore-based gillnet. He can't do anything else with that permit (can't harvest any other species) and no one else can legally use it.
    Sarah cannot borrow the permit for the day and operate the site. Only the permitholder can sell the fish and they have to be physically present, show ID, and SIGN each fish ticket.
    That's what Sarah was in trouble for with a criminal violation some years back. She sold fish on somebody else's permit. That's never accidental or you forgot it at home. There's nothing that mitigates that. That's intentional cheating.

    Sarah and the other Heaths have NO permits in their names, ANYWHERE in Alaska. None. Zero. Zip.
    It ain't a family operation. Sarah and her kids don't go. Track seems to be going more and someone gifted him a permit in his name, but Bristol and Willow don't. They certainly could! Lots of teenagers make their start that way, running a Bristol Bay setnet operation. That's exactly what Todd and his siblings did. Plenty of 20 year-old girls with permits and skiffs.

    Here's a cute little family detail that the mainstream media missed altogether. (Pay attention, here now, Rebecca.) Todd's mommy is a BOAT CAPTAIN with her own boat. Actually more than one. She started with the 'Lady K' and now operates the 'Bristol K'. REAL fishing vessels, with Coast Guard documentation and fishing permits and whatnot. Not setnet skiffs.
    Too bad the Discovery Channel didn't film Todd's mom fishing! But I bet Sarah wouldn't allow that, huh?

  71. Anonymous2:27 PM

    The halibut harvest is managed by the International Pacific Halibut Commission and National Marine Fisheries Service under NOAA. It is like the show "Deadliest Catch", but different. (That's CRAB, not halibut. Different permit, different gear type, different boats, different harvest locations.)

    Halibut is great money, but it's not easy money. It's a long season, a serious investment and significant commitment. Sarah and Todd once again steal an Alaska experience that doesn't belong to them. Again.
    Note to Rebecca, Todd, Sarah, the Heaths: just how much do you want to piss off your Alaskan peers? Do you seriously want to offer this kind of insult to fellow Alaskans? Why?

    Todd, you're not a multiple fisheries guy, you're not a Longliner, you never have been, and you know it. You don't even fish Togiak herring. You've had a slope job for a looong time. Neither you nor your wife Sarah, have had the time to commit to being real fisherman. It takes most of the year and you guys kept your day jobs! Plus, the crab season is right in the middle of the Iron Dog stuff for you, so please, Rebecca, don't even go there. And please, for godsake, no one mushes dogs, no one is a Smoke Jumper, Todd is not a Whaling Captain, and none of the kids are on whaling or walrus crews. Okay?

    Yes, there is a halibut harvest in Bristol Bay. But Palins don't participate in it. It's pretty small and tremendous work. Very difficult, heavily regulated, and way way way out there. In very rough cold water way far away from where someone would run a setnet skiff. Not possible.
    A huge shout-out to the bad-ass guys in Dillingham who persisted through some tough stuff to fish Bristol Bay halibut. Good job - you and the Alaskan fishing community know who you are. Too bad Sarah didn't bring her film crew out on one of your boats. But probably neither Sarah nor Todd would be able to handle the boat ride out past Protection Point... Actually, it's doubtful that either of them KNOW there's BB halibut.

    Todd's grandma is a halibut IFQ holder (Individual Fishing Quota), presumably inherited from her husband Al Andree. I have no idea what she does with it and who fishes it, on what boat. There are two other Andrees in Homer - Alfred and Howard. Maybe Alfred is the uncle that Trig is named after? They are real Homer fishermen. Obviously, it's a safe bet that that's who Sarah dragged the Discovery Channel down to film. Otherwise, she's out on a sports fishing charter. They don't bait hooks and run skates, but it's fun and a nice clean good-smelling comfortable boat with a warm cabin and a lovely meal prepared by willing crew. Ya can't get THAT on a commercial boat!
    And very useful that Todd's auntie works for a helicopter outfit in Homer, so the Discovery Channel has a good connection for those long-angle shots of the boat out on the water.

  72. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Todd's grandma is a halibut IFQ holder (Individual Fishing Quota), presumably inherited from her husband Al Andree. I have no idea what she does with it and who fishes it, on what boat. There are two other Andrees in Homer - Alfred and Howard. Maybe Alfred is the uncle that Trig is named after? They are real Homer fishermen. Obviously, it's a safe bet that that's who Sarah dragged the Discovery Channel down to film. Otherwise, she's out on a sports fishing charter. They don't bait hooks and run skates, but it's fun and a nice clean good-smelling comfortable boat with a warm cabin and a lovely meal prepared by willing crew. Ya can't get THAT on a commercial boat!
    And very useful that Todd's auntie works for a helicopter outfit in Homer, so the Discovery Channel has a good connection for those long-angle shots of the boat out on the water.

    No, Todd's stepfather is not that big of a deal in fisheries. He's a very big deal in power sports. He's the dealer that owns EVERYONE'S paper for skiffs, snowmachines, outboard motors, ATVs, part and service. The entire west coast of Alaska owes him money. His dealership has been the single largest volume for the Polaris factory. And that's according to the factory.
    In fishing, he's no bigger deal than many Dillingham fishing families with multiple boats and permits.

  73. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Shannyn Moore made a comment that Palin violated someone's first amendment rights while in Homer and that it's on video, will be posted soon. Wonder what $arah got all wee-wee'd up about?

  74. Anonymous2:54 PM

    "Todd's stepfather is a big player in the fishing industry in Dillingham. He knows everyone in the state and could round up an IFQ and whatever else was needed in about 15 minutes.

    Naw. Now, Robert and Robin could round up an IFQ in 15 minutes, and maybe they'd do Bob a favor, but it would take three months to process. At least.
    What are you talking about?

    Now, I know for a fact that the "big players" would NOT do Sarah a favor. And they have little relationship loyalty to Todd. He's not one of them. They are not peers. They owe him nothing.
    These guys didn't earn wide respect and reputations for being smart and knowledgable by being stupid and corrupt.
    More insult brought on indirectly by Sarah Palin...

    Besides, Sarah threw the Bristol Bay fishing community under the bus a long time ago. One of her first acts as governor, in fact, when she endorsed Pebble Mine and participated in advertising for them. She's allowed to have whatever opinion she likes. But this is directly a fishing issue and western Alaska and Bristol Bay WAS her main constituency. Not anymore!

  75. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Please stop with the Sarah and Todd sex comments.
    Really and truly, very few people are interested in whether or not they're doin' it.
    And it's not the topic of this posting.

  76. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Re: Shannyn Moore comments

    Links, please?
    Where are you guys reading this stuff, or hearing it?

  77. Anonymous5:11 PM

    3:40 PM

    They procreate and emotionally abandon children. They are just not healthy and it starts in the way they are raised and taught to breed.

    A local newspaper deleted all the comments about the breeders on a thread about Brad Hanson and the kind of coach he was (hockey). He divided everyone and the word breeder was censored. Brad was a central person in the world where boys like Jeremy Morlock and Track Palin learned about manhood and hockeywood. If these people did not have children and stand for certain things while hiding crimes, no one would care. It is not for everyone. It will hit the big time again. The Hansons aren't done. It takes a village and people will want to know what took that village. Bristol and Tripp disappear, THAT IS A BIG RED FLAG. There is no reason she can't do follow up PR and show who she is and that Tripp is with her and he is safe. Unless she has something big to hide.

    Why is it Carolyn Hanson can't get Bristol's cell phone service to work? It is a tight incestuous place up there with the long, long winters and whatnot.

  78. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Anon @ 2:54 - you are a Dillingham local or Bristol Bay regular - I know who you are talking about, you know your stuff.

    Their pretend rugged background has been exploited forever, their Dillingham ties are so superficial. And we all know Sarah never cared for Natives.

    Quyana, thank you for sharing.

  79. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Anon@6:30 AM, I have often thought the same thing.

  80. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Anon@7:50 AM The photos of her on the beach in Hawaii come close to what you describe. Not a pretty sight. Now that is how this puffed up hussy really looks.

  81. Anonymous8:08 PM

    "Hey @SarahPalinUSA, when you violate someone's 1st Ammendment Right in Homer Alaska, and it's on film...well, you'll be sorry. #NOTINMYTOWN!"

  82. Anonymous8:12 PM

    (Pay attention, here now, Rebecca.) Todd's mommy is a BOAT CAPTAIN with her own boat. Actually more than one. She started with the 'Lady K' and now operates the 'Bristol K'. REAL fishing vessels, with Coast Guard documentation and fishing permits and whatnot. Not setnet skiffs.
    Too bad the Discovery Channel didn't film Todd's mom fishing! But I bet Sarah wouldn't allow that, huh?


  83. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Excellent post Gryphen. We need to know who is behind the curtains.

    I am no photo expert but I think the above photo is not RAM or Rebecca Mansour. Her nephew has been scrubbed from images but there are a few that remain of him. I am guessing RAM is over 20 years older than nephew. She would be more wrinkled unless that is a real old photo.
    Nephew Mansour in National Journal
    That is the nephew in the green shirt
    Americas future: Joe Mansour and Brian Forest
    Could Cameron provide Republicans with the model to beat Obama?
    Send tips --- Facebook gives people the power to share... Joe

    The soul never thinks without a picture

    Eddie Burke interviewed Mansour, did he see her? Why is she so afraid of showing face? She and Kate Gossline could be running the country by way of TLC. I want to see what she looks like!

  84. TwoBlueJays3:22 AM

    I believe there were photos taken on the GR book tour of Sarah and RAM. I think she was one of the recipients of the rotten tomatoes.


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