Saturday, August 14, 2010

It looks like Sarah Palin may have found her running mate for 2012.

Call me crazy but this just might be the way for Palin to overcome all of her glaring deficiencies in the eyes of the potential voters and finally "get'er done!"


  1. Pat in MA10:14 AM

    OMG this is for RILL! I thought it was a photoshop joke. From the website: "She will give a keynote address Saturday evening touching about her past hunting experiences and how politics affect the current state of hunting and fishing."


  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Two night 'a all Amurican hillbilly entertainment from ur two favorite dumb hicks. 20 bucks says that there cable guy done sells more tickets than the broad.

  3. Hal Turner guilty:

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Perfect pair: Grifter meets fraud. "Larry the Cable Guy," aka Daniel Whitney is a spoiled rich kid from Nebraska who went to Baptist schools. Like other enterprising Republicans, he figured out how to make himself rich by appealing to the vast market of idiocy that exists in this country. As himself, he has said truly vile and hateful things about liberals while gladly taking their money at his shows. What a puke.

  5. Anonymous10:59 AM

    A bit off topic ... yet:

    Forty different Catholic, evangelical, mainline Protestant, Jewish and Muslim leaders and scholars came together to release a statement condemning the hate language of Fox News, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich as it relates to the so called Ground Zero mosque, “Fear-mongering and hateful rhetoric only undermine treasured values at the heart of diverse faith traditions and our nation’s highest ideals.”

    The statement released by Faith In The Public Life condemned the religious bigotry of Gingrich, Palin, and Fox News, “As Catholic, evangelical, mainline Protestant, Jewish and Muslim leaders and scholars committed to religious freedom and inter-religious cooperation, we are deeply troubled by the xenophobia and religious bigotry ...”

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Larry the Cable Guy would be a better president than Palin. For that matter, MY DOG would be a better president than Palin! And he's dead!

  7. BAustin11:13 AM

    do we think sister sarah got a $100,000 speaking fee?

    I am feeling like the answer is no....bwhhahahahaha

  8. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Sounds like Palin blew her spot on FOX with Napolitano. Must find video!

    From: SarahPalinUSA

    Typical me,unable 2 articulate in 10-sec sound bite the NUMEROUS problems w/Obama's bogus "Stimulus Pkg"so read Michelle Malkin OpEd instead

    Oh, and Michelle Malkin is one of the worst racists. Lovely.

  9. Sisuanna11:49 AM

    Look at the latest on Sarah's Facebook tactics. This is from the Poynter Institute site.

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Remember that Levi said she didn't know how to shoot a gun and there is a photo out there of her holding one and she was noted not to be doing so correctly but a couple of avid hunters here in Alaska. She has hunted and skinned a moose my ass! They are not going to get their monies worth as usual. Nothing but a sack of lies spew from that horrid mouth of Sarah Palin!

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The grifter as VP candidate AGAIN?

  12. Enjay in E MT12:54 PM

    Teddy Nugent wasn't available ?

    What IS this country coming too?

  13. Virginia Voter1:12 PM

    Boy, has Sarah's speechifying career come to this...has to be the tackiest venue to date. I thought it was a joke until I clicked the link

    Awesome, these two are perfect together. They'll be a whole lotta bloated, sweaty, balding white guys wearing jorts and camo hats in 40 degree weather.

  14. Buffalo, NY1:29 PM

    Is she going to be on before or after the Elvis Impersonator ?

    And if you act now, you can become a member of SCI's Patron's Lounge !

    Just spend $10,000 or more at the live or silent auctions held at SCI's Annual Hunters' Convention !

    They booked her for one reason and one reason only - to get a bunch of old, redneck men horny; and if they're excited, maybe they'll spend more money buying hunting stuff !!

  15. Anonymous1:56 PM

    hey,, i like larry! at least he has a j-o-b.
    o/t,, i made a teeny tiny comment on the queens fb post that was not mean or vile as i would like. it just didn't agree with her.
    it was deleted in a matter of minutes!

    bill in belize

  16. Anonymous2:08 PM

    What about Joe the Dumber?

  17. Hasn't Palin faded into the sunset yet?
    Her routine became tiresome like 2 YEARS ago.

  18. The people who are loyal to Sarah "the nutjob" Palin and anyone else of that ilk are living in some sort of time warp.

  19. I didn't know much about him but this article is pretty good. He makes a perfect fit with Sarah.

  20. I am really not liking this dude. He called Native American women well you read the article.

  21. bill in belize

    Sarah has the latest program on Facebook to filter posts. The kissmyass refudidater. If you don't kiss her ass your post gets deleted.

  22. Isn't Larry the Cable Guy just the REAL Joe the Plumber?

  23. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Gryph, if you are going to speak true Southern then it is: "Git Er Dun", not Get Er Done. I speak with authority as I have a Gen-u-wine Sir-tif-a-kit that says I am an On-er-airy Redneck. This is quite an accomplishment for a Northerner to be accepted into the ranks of the Deep South Good'Ol Boy Club, 'Bama branch.

  24. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Saint Sarah has never stuck me as being an animal hunter... only a Poseur .. just as she is a Poseur for being a Christian, a Hockey Mom, a Special Needs Advocate, a ruff and tuff protector for the Constitution and the Country etc...

    She's proven many times that she's a chameleon for the cash. Reminds me of Tina Turner's Private Dancer ...

    "All the men come in these places
    And the men are all the same
    You don't look at their faces
    And you don't ask their names
    You don't think of them as human
    You don't think of them at all
    You keep your mind on the money
    Keeping your eyes on the wall

    I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
    I'll do what you want me to do
    I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
    And any old music will do

    I want to make a million dollars .."


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