Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wow! Palin is REALLY working herself into quite a tizzy over this Mosque thing! Update!

All from SarahPalinUSA:

Mr. President, should they or shouldn't they build a Muslim mosque steps away from where radical Islamists killed 3000 people?Your position?
about 1 hour ago via web

We all know that they have the right to do it, but should they? This is not above your pay grade.
about 1 hour ago via web

Mr. President, did you encourage the mosque dvlprs to accept Gov. Paterson’s offer of land if they move away from hallowed ground @ GZero?

about 1 hour ago via web

Mr. President, why are they so set on marking an area w/ mosque steps from what you described, in agreement with many, as "hallowed ground”?

about 1 hour ago via web

9/11 mosque=act of fitna, "equivalent to bldg Serbian Orthodox church@Srebrenica killing fields where Muslims were slaughtered" - Raza&Fatah

25 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Dammit!  Why won't he answer me?  Doesn't he know who I think I am?

Good news ex-half term governor, twitter spitter, crazy lady, the President has heard you and has your answer right here.

Which, by the way, is the ONLY answer you should ever expect from him.

Update: Apparently Sarah is convinced that Obama will not read her tweets but she is convinced that he cannot ignore one of her infamously crazed Facebook posts!

Gee where have I read that entire post before? 

Oh yeah! It is almost exactly what she has been frantically tweeting all fucking day long! 

Well gee now I feel kinda bad for RAM. 

I mean usually she gets to have some creative control over what she writes on Palin's behalf, but this time it looks like SARAH just sent her the tweets and told her to "CLEAN THEM UP AND MAKE ME LOOK SMART!"

Too bad she didn't ask Mansour to make her sound sane.  Now THAT would have taken some real talent!


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    FITNA is a movie by Euro facist Geert Wilders. She's been getting some advice.

    Google it.

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Not above his pay grade?

    She is DISGUSTINGLY disrespectful.

    Take her down, Gryph. Soon.

  3. Anonymous3:22 PM

    That pic with this post is perfect.

    She really is in a tizzy. She must be losing her mind.

  4. lwtjb3:24 PM

    How many people have we sent to their deaths in the Middle East to avenge the 3000 9/11 deaths? Does this make any sense at all?

  5. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Just typical Right-Wing thinking:

    They want the most EXPANSIVE interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

    But they want the most NARROW interpretation of separation of Church and State.

    But this mosque thing beats all.

    The Tea Party excoriates Obama for 'shredding the Constitution'?

    The Tea Party wants less government control over private property?

    Tell me now which side it is that is shredding the Constitution and practically calling in the powers of eminent domain?

    Some days I think they cannot hear themselves.


  6. Geez that woman drunk-tweeting again!?!?!?!

  7. And there's a new post on her Face Book page too.

    It says:

    Legitimate Questions for the President

    Mr. President, should they or should they not build a mosque steps away from where radical Islamists killed 3000 people? Please tell us your position. We all know that they have the right to do it, but should they? And, no, this is not above your pay grade. If those who wish to build this Ground Zero mosque are sincerely interested in encouraging positive "cross-cultural engagement" and dialogue to show a moderate and tolerant face of Islam, then why haven't they recognized that the decision to build a mosque at this particular location is doing just the opposite? Mr. President, why aren't you encouraging the mosque developers to accept Governor Paterson's generous offer of assistance in finding a new location for the mosque on state land if they move it away from Ground Zero? Why haven't they jumped at this offer? Why are they apparently so set on building a mosque steps from what you have described, in agreement with me, as "hallowed ground"? I believe these are legitimate questions to ask.

    - Sarah Palin

  8. angela3:27 PM

    Poor Sarah. The President sits around ignoring her every time she tweets, smacks RAM up for a Fakebook post or blithers on FAUX. Sarah really needs to get over herself and take up a sport that doesn't involve her looking like a psychopath all the time. Next thing you know she'll be found breaking into the White House family suite wearing the Presidents clothes.

  9. Anonymous3:27 PM

    She's not only a narcissist. She's a pest, too.

  10. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Apparently you haven't been able to figure out he's backpedaling which is his usual style when he fucks up.

    The Dems are pissed at him because now they have to answer for him sticking his nose in the mosque business.

    Try to keep up will you.

  11. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Gryphen, I love your link to indicate the president's response to the crazy twit, otherwise known, also, too, as a twitter-spitting quitter.

    Good work.

  12. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Yep, like I said. She's come totally unhinged....and apparently escaped her "handlers" now. Gives a whole new meaning to "going rogue", I guess. First I hoped that they would change her password so I didn't have to see the lousy grammar (whomever) and sentence structure. Now I've come to the conclusion I want to see the total meltdown on Twitter.

  13. Anonymous3:36 PM

    palin has nothing to complain she is married to a man that belonged and may still believe in that groups beliefs of hatred of America and her daughter has the gall to claim she represents America LOL palins just looking for air time.She could care less about anything to do with NYC.I do believe it is the republican party that won't sign off on health care for the first responders and others caught in that nightmare.

  14. honestyinGov3:41 PM

    Adrienne Ross, ( WGE Stalker ),is busy licking up the drool coming off of sarah's lips today. She is busy reposting EVERYTHING off her lips at a frantic frenetic pace. I guess she wants to interview the rill dill WGE reallllly bad.
    I left a few comments to her posts... I really don't even think Adrienne has the ' cojones ' to answer them though.

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Just in case Palin or her crew of idiots read this blog,I have something to tell them (even though they never seem to listen):
    Every time "she" tweets something to the President, she reminds me of Tracy Flick, the character played by Reese Witherspoon in the movie "Election". Palin's middle name should be "Vendetta", because it seems she lives and breathes revenge, and it's MOST ugly to witness. She probably thinks she's playing the game the way a man would play, but I've NEVER seen any Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidate in this country hold such an obvious grudge against the winning opponent for so long. She is exceptionally childish, and it's important for the MAINstream media (enough with the use of her made-up words!) to point out her immaturity every chance it gets.

  16. Anonymous3:51 PM

    My God, she is DESPERATE for him to notice her.

  17. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Meltdown in



  18. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck3:58 PM

    if what jon stewart said on daily show is true - i find it hard to believe that a location that use to be a Burlington coat factory is now somehow sacred ground.

    that woman is an idiot.

  19. Anonymous4:00 PM

    so liberal Amerikkans are evil...

    but liberal Muslims are ok?

    p.s., let's start a pool here - my money is on, once the Islamic Community Center is built, some nutjob teabagger blows it up.

  20. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Obama is already 'walking back' his statements.

    The definition of 'is.'

    The American people are dead set against this and Palin is right on this time.

  21. She is such a bubblehead! I just asked her on twitter (I won't be a friend on FB just to say something to her)if Christians should be able to build churches or Christian event centers near the OK building that McVeigh blew up? He was a professed Christian so I would say the answer should be NO! Big NO!

  22. I'm sure Mrs. Palin would be all for building a christian shrine next to the Oklahoma Federal Building which was blown up by a CHRISTIAN TERRORIST...the sooner we get over this christian nation bullshit the sooner we can all move forward.

    I'm sorry for spouting off so much but this shit pisses me off, a lot. Religion, in all its' forms pisses me off, a lot. Religion is the underlying cause for most of the wars that have been fought ever since man came down from the trees. Perhaps humans are simply hardwired to come to fisticuffs over whose god is really the one that creates the thunder and lightening.

    If we are ever to evolve as a species we really need to get over it or it will be our undoing. The Iraq and Afghan wars are bankrupting America. They are nothing more than a 21'st century version of the Crusades. Do we never learn?

  23. Anonymous4:09 PM

    spin this:

  24. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Re: the Gov's offer - it's unconstitutional (and he's an idiot for trotting that one out in the first place), and Obama knows it.

    And why isn't this getting more attention?


  25. emrysa4:12 PM

    wow looks like someone got a hold of her twitter account and is making her look like she's having a meltdown. reading those twits makes me think STROKE. meltdown city.

  26. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Why is she getting so involved in this mosque thing??? Because she wants to "win." She stated a position, and no one jumped to obey her. In fact, no one really answered her. So, she has to stand up and shout because, like any mean girl in high school, she cannot handle being ignored. She MUST be followed.

  27. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Responses for Hello Quitty:

    1) Position is yes they should be allowed to build it. Constitution says so. You do support the constitution don't you half gov?

    2) Yes they should because freedom of religion exists in the constitution. Symbolism is a matter of taste, like a grown adult writing notes on their palm.

    3) Half term Gov, we have this thing called separation of church & state. The Gov. of NY has no business offering land for religious purposes.

    4) Irrelevant. Buildings have steps.

    5) The UNITED STATES Constitution provides for freedom of religion in our country, half term gov. This is not Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Now that you've received answers to your questions, go away, the adults are trying to talk.

  28. Anonymous4:20 PM

    all of a sudden she doesn't love the constitution so much

  29. Anonymous4:24 PM

    She's the same people who protest when the LDS church wants to build a temple in her 'hood.

  30. majii4:28 PM

    And this is the loudmouth who told Mrs. Gustafson that she's standing up for our constitutional rights? Give me a break. President Obama has said what he had to say, and it was very appropriate. If Palin, Newt, and the rest of the nuts want to inflame al Qaeda, they can show their dedication to their position on Cordoba House by having the courage to take their message and deliver it live in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and/or Iraq.

    It is a d@mn shame that Palin runs her stupid mouth all of the time about how much she supports the troops, and then turns around and put their lives in danger with her useless rhetoric and bigotry. I'm African American, and I can tell her that President Obama has no plan, or obligation, to respond to her stupidity. People like Palin that we know don't like us, don't get the time of day from us. Anything that al Qaeda would do that would hurt our troops Palin would turn it into a negative for the president after causing and contributing to the problem.


    If you're reading this blog, take a little advice from me. You're throwing feces against the wall, hoping some will stick to President Obama, but the real truth is that you're coming across as a bigoted, uninformed, desperate for attention, middle aged, has been quitter caught in a dream where you are POTUS, a dream that will remain forever out of your reach. We progressives have daughters, and we would never encourage them to emulate you in any way.

    P.S. You didn't bring your "A" game to my state. Handel lost.

  31. "Dammit! Why won't he answer me? Doesn't he know who I think I am?"
    That and the crickets...Hilarious!

    Could she be more obnoxious and annoying?

    Repeating myself but the President would have done us all a favor by not agreeing with the 'hallowed ground' bit.

  32. London Bridges4:35 PM

    Should we be taking a look a Sarah's Wasilla church to see if it could have been located in a "better" location.

  33. Anonymous4:37 PM

    She sure is wee wee'd up.

  34. Pat in MA4:42 PM

    Sarah please for the love of God sit down and STFU!!

    Crickets, exactly! President Obama is always the grown up in the room. It's easy to get frustrated about things not getting changed fast enough or as much as we want (HCR, DADT, Gitmo to name a few), but we should pause and think about where we would be if this idiot and McCain won the election...Erratic shoot-from-the-hip to no leadership, more wars, more negativity {{shudder}} what a nightmare.

  35. Her mental illness and breakdown is happening on twitter and Facebook - this may be a first.

    I would normally feel sorry for anyone who is plainly insane, but the hatred and vindictiveness she has stirred up has caused me to have no pity.

    She is like a mad stalker now, and she is a danger to this Country.

  36. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Sarah..did you reward Willow for calling the teacher an asshole? Did Willow get a new car or shopping trip?

    Sarah put down the blackberry and Keep an eye on Willow before Levi knocks her up.

  37. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Someone needs her dosage adjusted.

  38. Enjay in E MT5:01 PM

    Am at a loss - rilly!
    She's gone off her meds again - or did she fall on her head .. oh pardon me - forgot where her brains were... did she fall on her AZZ again!!

    She's just melting down cuz Bristol & baby are at the compound & she can't say SHIT about Levi. Then with the "stalker" next door, she can't even go outside & yell at the Dead Lake. Feeling trapped - she's resulted to cyber talking the President, AGAIN.

    Tell ya what MzQuitter, IF you ever get elected to be the mayor of NY, YOU can tear the COMMUNITY CENTER down all by yourself!

    Personally, I believe that ANY faith based person, would want to seek a place of prayer after visiting the planned memorial. To pray for the souls of ALL that died that day.

    Does she honestly believe that ONLY Christians were killed? Perhaps the NYFD or NYPD did not have any Muslims on the payroll? Or there were no Muslims working in either Tower?

    Shame on YOU half governor!!

  39. Anonymous5:02 PM

    This is beyond her trying to get the president's attention and is nothing to make light of. She is inciting and encouraging hatred and violence. I'm continually stunned by her willingness to manipulate the darkness in peoples' hearts for her own advantage. I actually think she'd be gratified to see bloodshed that resulted from her words because it would demonstrate her power in her sick mind. Jesus wouldn't do this. She is nothing like him although she would claim to be acting in his name. She disgusts me.

  40. majii5:09 PM

    There was NO walkback. The president noted that his speech on the Establishment Clause was not an endorsement of Cordoba House. His speech was a reminder of what America is supposed to stand for. I can understand him wanting to issue a clarification in the interest of remaining a neutral party, allowing the state of NY and the citizens of NYC to have the final say so.

    Had the president inserted himself into the debate, the right would have attacked him anyway on the basis of the Tenth Amendment.

    I see nothing wrong with the clarification. And if anyone is confused, let him/her be confused. It's his/her problem that he/she doesn't understand why the president issued the clarification.

  41. emrysa5:19 PM

    hey sarah, maybe you should ask your handlers about 9/11. I bet they know more about it than you do.

    does it feel good to be so used? you know nothing. and it shows.

  42. Anonymous5:19 PM

    "Obama is already 'walking back' his statements.

    The definition of 'is.'"

    Nice spin, winger, maybe some will fall for it.

    Read some Althouse. Sometimes she makes sense:

  43. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Mosque? What Mosque? It's a community center. This woman is so willfully ignorant,I just want to shake her and hear her brain rattle around like a cheap cat's toy.

    She shames the entire country with her ignorance and hatred.

  44. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I agree with Buttercup on this one, they shouldn't waste their money on a community center for the whole community...instead they should spend their money putting passages from the Koran on gun sights. (snark off)

  45. Anonymous5:31 PM

    If Hilary Clinton sprayed out the series of tweets that Palin did tonight, her political career would END.

    Sarah Palin is just reminding us that she is "special". The media and the voters will tolerate any crap she wants to spew. Even a faked pregnancy gets a free pass for Palin.

    The drug use might be enough to turn public opinion, or a really violent crime. Otherwise, little Sarah will sail along in the bubble of John McCain's making.

    the outlook is grim.

  46. Anonymous5:33 PM

    majii wrote:
    "truth is that you're coming across as a bigoted, uninformed, desperate for attention, middle aged, has been quitter caught in a dream where you are POTUS, a dream that will remain forever out of your reach."

    Exactly. And I hope no one allows their daughters to follow in her footsteps- we are really more intelligent and capable than that.
    And who ever thought up Hello Quitty- LOL!

  47. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Gee, I didn't know God had consecrated a Burlington Coat Factory. Imagine that.

    Sarah - wake up you silly fool - there is no Mosque involved in this project and the project is not on "hallowed ground" unless you worship cheap coats and clothing.

    Good grief, somebody put her back on her meds.

  48. Anonymous5:38 PM

    This issue is apparently a bit too complex for the poster at 3:30.

    The president framed the issue by reminding us about the fundamental truths and principals this country was founded upon. He also spoke about the hurt and pain associated with the terrorist attack on our country and its diverse people.

    He did not and does not presume to speak to what is right for the people of NY who live near the site of the attack or for the families who have lost love ones on 9/11.

    President Obama respects the principals, laws and people of our great country too much to think this is his decision to make.

    Sarah is arrogant enough of course to believe she speaks for the people of NY and America. All she does is divide our country with lies, hate and fear.

    Good and wise men of God have told Sarah to sit down and shut up. She has no business making comments and attempting interfere with complex issues that are far above her pay grade.

  49. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Gee, Sarah, keep it up and the FDA will have no choice but to declare crunch-wrap tacos and Red Bull dangerous to one's mental health because you will be Exhibit A that the frequent ingestion of both brings on psychotic episodes.

    Honestly, girl, grow up. It's shameful to see a 13-year old in a 46-year body. Pitiful.

    Remember - ugly is as ugly does - and you are acting pretty ugly. Not enough money in the world to correct your face with all this ugly going on inside you.

  50. Anonymous5:41 PM

    what is fascinating is her focus on "maybe they can but should they?" It doesn't matter if they "should" because the Constitution trumps personal beliefs, expediency, or popularity. Which is something she seems to miss.

    The President is correctly focusing on the constitutionality because that's what he has to (and should) do. Most people who are concerned with the constitution don't give a rip what 70% or any other figure "wants."

  51. Anonymous5:47 PM

    The President is not paying attention to this stupid Bitch. He's having fun in the Gulf with his beautiful wife and daughter.

    Obama Swims At Alligator Point During Florida Trip.

  52. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Seems her meth addiction is in full overdrive!

  53. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I truly believe her kids at home are in deep trouble, having a mom that is so mentality unstable must be leaving a deep scare on those kids.

  54. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Sarah should walk a couple NYC blocks before she describes Cordoba House as 'steps away,'


    AKPetMom - You go, girl!

  55. Anonymous5:57 PM

    It's a good thing Stupid is on the job -- much like she's demanding answers from the president we KNOW she demanded to always know where her children were so that no one ended up pregnant, no one cut school bus brake lines, and no one broke into anyone's house. This is a stellar person here who wholly believes in our Constitution so we know her demands are relevant and not in the least bit arbitrary or self-serving.

    Oh wait...

  56. Sarah, how do you feel about confederate flags hanging all over the southern states? And what about Virginia's confederate history month? I'll betcha don't see anything offensive about that you ignorant slut.

  57. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The Twit is in a tizzy because thousands are responding to her tweets. They are bashing her.

    "RH3AHr3l7 RT @dawnam: .@SarahPalinUSA It dsnt matter whether he thinks they shld. The religious frdm grantd by constitution says they do. His job is 2 defend that"

    "Marnus3 Note to POTUS: It's time to block @SarahPalinUSA on Twitter. #p2"

    "ACFD23 RT @Paul_Conrad: Obama defends freedom of religion and the holier than thou @SarahPalinUSA and her Teabaggers hate him for it. #p2 #tcot"

  58. Ms. Palin, should they build a Christian church right next to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City? Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. How far away must we keep all Christian churches to that sacred ground? ANSWER ME NOW!!!!!

  59. Anonymous6:03 PM

    re: Leah Texas4Obama said...
    "There's a new post on her Face Book page too." 'Legitimate Questions for the President'

    Sounds like her tweets, were copied almost word-for-word from RAM's facebook entry, hmmm?

    Having no ideas of her own, nor exactly what she was twittering about.

    WGE - is such a loser - again!!! LOL

  60. Oh my!

    POTUS will not bend to the will of the Wassilla Hillbilly?

    The self anointed Queen Esther DEMANDS you bow to her and show your fealty MR. president!

    How DARE you ignore the Tin Cup Grifter!

    Don't you KNOW the POWER that she has??

    Haven't you SEEN that ruffled eared infant come and go until it finally disappeared?

    Do YOU invite the same fate?


    Oh yeah, here is more of shrieking from the old crow:

    Please read this op-ed: by Raheel Raza and Tarek Fatah.

    9/11 mosque=act of fitna, "equivalent to bldg Serbian Orthodox church@Srebrenica killing fields where Muslims were slaughtered" - Raza&Fatah
    Just to remind everyone of how constitutionally challenged, (to the point of being moronic)
    $arah is :

    Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  61. Anonymous6:11 PM

    If Hilary Clinton sprayed out the series of tweets that Palin did tonight, her political career would END.

    Sarah Palin is just reminding us that she is "special". The media and the voters will tolerate any crap she wants to spew. Even a faked pregnancy gets a free pass for Palin.

    The drug use might be enough to turn public opinion, or a really violent crime. Otherwise, little Sarah will sail along in the bubble of John McCain's making.

    the outlook is grim.

  62. Every living survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty believes the attack was intentional. Every one of them. Yet there is a Jewish community center two blocks from the Annapolis academy. I know because I've donated to it. And I've donated to the Cordoba House too.

    Islam has nothing to do with the 9/11/2001 deliberate attacks, just as Judaism has nothing to do with the deliberate 6/8/1967 attacks by the thugs who have hijacked Israel.

  63. Anonymous6:18 PM

    so liberal Amerikkans are evil...

    but liberal Muslims are ok?

    p.s., let's start a pool here - my money is on, once the Islamic Community Center is built, some nutjob teabagger blows it up.

    4:00 PM
    Anonymous 4:03 PM said.
    Obama is already 'walking back' his statements.

    The definition of 'is.'

    The American people are dead set against this and Palin is right on this time.

    This is what the President said today.

    "My intention was to simply let people know what I thought. Which was that in this country, we treat everybody equally in accordance with the law. Regardless of race. Regardless of religion. I was not commenting on and will not comment on the wisdom of making a decision to put a mosque there. I was commenting very specifically on the right that people have that dates back to our founding. That's what our country's about and I think it's very important that as difficult as some of these issues are, we stay focused on who we are as a people and what our values are all about."

    It doesn't sound like he's walking back his statement. Palin is not right... as always.

  64. Anonymous6:25 PM

    The President is not backing off and guess what Fox News agreed.

    "Just to be clear, the President is not backing off in any way from the comments he made last night. It is not his role as President to pass judgment on every local project. But it is his responsibility to stand up for the Constitutional principle of religious freedom and equal treatment for all Americans.

    "What he said last night, and reaffirmed today, is that If a church, a synagogue or a Hindu temple can be built on a site, you simply cannot deny that right to those who want to build a Mosque."

  65. I just thought that I would share a small sampling of the intellect and sensitivity, of Queen Esther's follower's on her Fakebook page.

    Please, no need to thank me now:

    Pam Dyer


  66. Anonymous6:29 PM

    She obviously is showing her a$$ and stupidity again. It is also obvious she doesn't believe in the rights our Constitution gives all, including of course the freedom of religion which she doesn't understand, unless it is for HER religious rights.

  67. Beldar K.6:30 PM

    Twitter for BLACK BARRY???? My, my... THAT'S ballsy, Sarah.... Oh, "Twitter for Blackberry".... Nevermind....

    "Doesnt he know who I think I am?" good one!

  68. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I'm relevant! I'm relevant! I am mama grizzly, hear me roar...I'm...I'm.. I'm losing it.

  69. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Na Na Nanana! Sorry Sarah, President Obama's just not that into you.

    I hope he ignores her and never mentions her name again, not even in jest. Someone tell her Trig needs her, and that the ELECTED officials in Washington have got things under control, and they're gittin' er done excellently.

  70. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Lithium can be difficult to dose properly.

  71. imnofred7:10 PM

    It really doesn't matter what the President's position on this issue is. He simply stated that they have a right to practice any religion they so choose. Churches and mosques are built all of the time and the President doesn't get involved.

    Wasn't Sarah just saying that she is fighting for our constitutional rights? I guess the right to practice any religion doesn't count. Sarah and the rethugs keep on talking about the constitution when it supports their agenda but want to change when it suits their needs better.

  72. Anonymous7:27 PM

    So Palin is now against private property rights and is looking for government intervention?

    I imagine some tea bagger heads will explode over that 180 degree flip flop.

  73. Fucking unhinged lunatic.

    Religious freedom is a constitutionally protected civil right of all American citizens. Full stop. STFU, Sarah Palin.

    Cordoba House is NOT steps away from Ground Zero and it is NOT just a mosque. STFU, Sarah Palin.

    TWO BLOCKS away is not steps. A community center is not just a mosque. Just because OTHER people disagree with President Obama's position, doesn't mean he should capitulate (look it up, idiot) and fold on his principles. We all know you would fold and quit your principles when you face any opposition - which is why you are not President and Obama IS. STFU, Sarah Palin.

  74. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Oh, the irony of that "blackberry" comment! Maybe we should make it clearer for slow Sarah --- black Barry (the nickname Barrack used when he was young). Poor Sarah, will that make it all icky to use the phone now?

    Maybe she will have to get an iPhone or Droid now. Hehe

  75. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I have not read all of the comments yet, but these SP twitters are so infuriating, and I sure hope that President Obama does not respond to her childish nonsense. I am sad that he's already made further comments from his initial statement.

    Some issues are constitutional yet unpopular (civil rights was very unappealing to many, as are gay marriages, yet they are constitutional .. that's how decisions are made in this country!). We learn, as a nation, to accept these changes, with time.

    In my opinion, having a Mosque on "hallowed" ground makes so much sense. Churches, synagogues, temples, and, yes mosques, belong on hallowed ground. In fact, how about having all faiths represented in the ground zero area to show that we are a country that is founded on freedom of religion??? Perhaps such a gesture will discourage other acts of terrorism.

    The bottom line with SP is her horrendous lack of RESPECT for anyone who differs from herself or who beat her. Karma will take care of her, sooner than later, I hope.


  76. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sarah has proven once again that not only has she never read the Constitution, but she lacks the mental capacity to understand even if she tried.

    Sarah is stupid, and she loves reminding us of this all the time.

  77. Palin's pressure on Obama to comment on the wisdom of the decision to build a community center near Ground Zero is an obvious trap. If he says it was a good decision, he will be shredded by the Right. If he says it was a bad decision, he risks alienating the Dem base even more AND comes across as a complete hypocrite to Muslim Americans, thus losing their support.

    The President wisely left that alone when he said he wasn't commenting on whether it was wise or not. BECAUSE IT DOESN"T MATTER - the job of the President is to UPHOLD the Constitution. Not to impose his own personal beliefs onto an issue that affects the civil rights of Americans. Palin's churlish response to the Cordoba House community center is a very very clear view of how she would govern if she were elected President. If you are not scared, you should be. This woman is a fascist, pure and simple.

  78. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Oh, man: I just read through some of the comments on that Facebook page of hers.

    It sounds like they are all written by the same, delusional crackpot, as not one of them strays from the rigid party line she demands.

    I hope it all is made up...thinking that there are actual people who would write such crap, is too much to imagine.

  79. Enjay in E MT7:48 PM

    I hear Alaska has some quite nice mental health facilities. If anyone works at the one in Anchorage, please get "the Quiet Room" ready.

  80. Anonymous7:49 PM

    It is very scary to think SP, as the president, would not have any respect for the constitution. This isn't like getting out of a ticket with "please, just this once, change the rules?" Rules, laws, the constitution. It won't matter. She thinks she knows best.
    Scary, scary, scary.

  81. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I have been haunted by the Dillingham plane crash and have been staying up on the news. ADN published an article that was actually a blog entry about the investigation. There was a reference to another article (Washington Post, I believe) that had information on on the woman who is doing the investigaion for NTSB. What an amazing person with amazing credentials and leadership skills. This is what I think I hoped SP was and I am afraid what SP thinks she IS! The NTSB woman is beautiful, smart, driven, athletic (triathlons), family-oriented. She is the real thing; SP is NOT.

    here is the link:


  82. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I'm sure you mean well Phil, but your Israel analogy is ridiculous! Thugs have not taken over Israel and MANY do NOT believe the attack was intentional. In fact, many believe Israel was provoked so that you and anti-Semites can scream about wicked Israel. You are so obsessed with Israel as you bring it into every context. It's why I don't read your blog. And why start that hear??? How can you even compare 9/11 to the flotilla? That proves how naive you are to the hatred against Jews and these activists you SO love do not want peace with Israel, they want the END of Israel and the Jews. You just don't get it and I find your comparison offensive and out of place on Gryphens blog!

    Do you realize the comparison you just made????? My God!!

  83. sallyngarland,tx8:03 PM

    Palin's tweets, FB rants and virtual stalking of Obama reveals a very twisted mind. She has been stirring up trouble since 2008 and it just never seems to stop. She seems as though she wants something bad to happen. Does she have a drinking problem? Her mania suggests a mental illness but I've always wondered if she is a high functioning alcoholic also. She fits a description I read long ago of an alcoholic/addict--"The alcoholic/addict goes through everyone's life like a tornado and leaves the pieces for others to pick up."

  84. honestyinGov8:03 PM

    as delusional as WGE is... Her Cult is behind her. FaceBook is the wave of the future as to how politicians run a Country. ( as per WGE Stalker A. Ross )
    We had a dialog going. She obviously can't grasp the concept of me just posting a comment about some silly idea in HER head as opposed to How a President should talk to people and govern. There IS a difference... yu betcha. ( And She is a Teacher?? )

    { IE : her... " Governor Palin demands Answers " }
    honestyinGov, August 14, 2010 7:33 PM

    The simple Fact is that " Legitimate Contenders for the Presidency " don't rule or develop Policy positions using Facebook. THAT is a FACT that everybody agrees on.

    15 year old teen-age girls talking about their boyfriends and their dates think Facebook is important. NOT Presidents.
    Adrienne Ross, August 14, 2010 7:47 PM

    I beg to differ. Obviously it's working because you're responding to the FB note. I notice, too, that you didn't address the issue itself. With so many challenges facing our nation, do you really want to spend time debating whether or not someone should use FB to get the message out?

  85. Anonymous8:09 PM

    GenieO said..."Not above his pay grade? She is DISGUSTINGLY disrespectful."

    I agree. Palin is disrespectful because she can't stand another black person beating her. She can't get over her losses. She's a delusional Narcissus. Queen Bee can't stand it. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  86. Anonymous8:29 PM

    The image that comes to mind is the little puppy running after a car, barking at its spinning wheels. The puppy will never catch the car, and couldn't possible bite those tires and do any damage.

    That's Sarah, yapping at the President. Since he didn't respond to the first couple of tweets, a couple more are really the sign of mature person, in control of their emotions. On the contrary. That's what a teenaged girl does when a guy doesn't pay any attention to her. She keeps calling his house, and when someone picks up the phone, she hangs up. That'll show him! How dare he ignore me!

    There has been a mosque in the Pentagon, which was also attacked on Sept.11, making an institution dedicated to killing "hallowed ground." There is a mosque located four blocks from ground zero. It has been there for years. There is another mosque ten blocks away. Is that far enough away to be respectful?

    Sarah's sudden compassion for the victims of September 11 is so real and heartfelt. Perhaps someone in Alaska will refresh our memories about exactly what Sarah was doing in 2001. Mayor of Wasilla? National spokesperson of outrage then? What noble speech did Sarah make on that occassion?

    It's a tough subject. Even Fox news had people back away, saying that Obama said the right thing. He did swear to protect the Constitution. Sarah once took that oath as governor, but now that she is a private citizen, she must feel free to trash the constitution and generate hate against one religious group.

    If a Christian picked up a gun and went on a killing spree, should we be banning churches because of the actions of a crazed gunman? What if the group was organized, like the Neo Nazis? The ACLU defended their right to march in a Jewish suburb of Chicago, even though the march was considered in bad taste. Sarah forgot her recent tweet, "With freedom comes responsbilities...." That means when Sarah enjoys her freedom of speech, she should be responsible in the way she uses it. A true leader would be focusing on healing; Sarah only focuses on hating, and getting even with the guy who won't pay any attention to her. (It's worse, because of Obama, she not the Vice President or President that she always dreamed that she should be. Maybe mone more tweet, and then he'll take notice of her).

  87. Anonymous8:32 PM

    OMG, when will this idiot every shut up. As far as I am concerned, this is skirting right on the edge of sedition.


  88. Anonymous8:51 PM

    @ Victoria Paige: everything you said! Excellent post.

  89. aj weishar9:02 PM

    If Palin and the mosque protesters know who committed the 9/11 crimes, they should tell the Justice Department. The FBI never put Bin Laden on the most wanted list, because they can't prove he was connected to the crimes. Let's solve the crimes before we claim we know where the perpetrators worship. There are a lot of Christians in the middle east. Until we try convict and jail a bunch of people for 9/11, we can't blame any single religion.

  90. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Off topic, I don't think Bristol is pregnant, she has a teen mom speaking engagement in Sept.
    She would have canceled it by now if she was.

  91. AKRNC9:08 PM

    Did she or did she not listen to what the President said about the Mosque in NY just hours ago? If I had to guess, I'd say that there is a good chance that many of these people still believe the mosque is being built right at Ground Zero rather than almost 3 blocks away. I'm sure they are also not aware that there are other mosques in the area. These people responding to $arah are as ignorant as she is but she's leading the call. Does she really believe that she deserves some special answer from the President? She is delusional as always.

  92. Anonymous9:10 PM

    How is Obama's comments on the mosque controversial to her?

    As President, he must support our Constitution. Our Constitution says that it is their right to build whatever the hell they want to on private property. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.

    Obama's personal opinion on the matter doesn't mean shit. As President, it is his OBLIGATION to uphold everyone's rights, and not pander to pissed-off Christians.

    Personally, I don't think the mosque idea is a smart one, either. But that is their right, and rights aren't taken away when others are uncomfortable with how you exercise them.

  93. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I wonder if Sarah knows that about 100 Muslims worship inside the Pentagon which was, of course, actually hit on 9/11 ?

  94. Emrysa @ 5:19pm commented:
    "hey sarah, maybe you should ask your handlers about 9/11. I bet they know more about it than you do. does it feel good to be so used? you know nothing. and it shows."

    My sentiments, exactly. Perhaps $arah needs to watch the video released by Richard D Hall earlier this month that reveals the fakery of 9/11 video footage.

  95. Anonymous9:32 PM

    So Sarah is going crazy, raising the rabble against the Ground Zero Mosque. Oops, then Obama brings up the constitution, of which she is so fond of trumpeting. She realizes, yeah, so now people think I might have been wrong on that. But, if I can get people to focus on the "should it be" question rather than the "can it be" question, they'll think I'm right again. This lady is tap-dancing as fast as she can to wiggle her way out of this. Fox News has even turned on her!

  96. Nellcote9:37 PM

    LaPalin's twats make her sound like the troll under the bridge (to nowhere).

  97. Anonymous9:42 PM

    How about building a Mosque right on Lake Lucille and when Palin does a F0X broadcast from her ivory tower, the glare of the gold dome shines brightly through her window?

  98. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I say if they build a Mosque anywhere in the good old US of A it would be a good job opportunity for Sarah's husband Re-Todd.

    Re-Todd could put in a bid to build a 14 ft high white trash fence around the Mosque.

  99. Presidential Oath of Office

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

    And that is exactly what President Obama is doing.

  100. Sarah Palin is unfit for Presidential office as she has clearly demonstrated that she would be unable to keep the oath of office.

  101. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Please be very cognizant of this clever little dodge:

    They say they don't question the group's legal right to build it under the Constitution. Rather, they say, they're merely criticizing the group's decision to do so, on the grounds that it's insensitive to 9/11 families and will undercut the project's goal of reconciliation.

    The group has the right to build the center, runs this argument, but they are wrong to exercise it.

    This is the crux of Sarah et al's bullshit argument.

    They are sly demagogues. We must fight them.

    I'm actually going to build a minaret in my front yard if this pisses me off much more.

  102. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I don't give a flying eff what Saint Sarah has to say. She holds no public office and is not even qualified to shine my shoe. And if I can help it, no one named Palin or Palin-related will ever be in office again. Time for L. Menard to go too.

  103. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Gryphen, has your daughter arrived safely yet?

  104. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Have I said lately how much I loathe this money hungry, fascist whore?

    Now--get off America's lawn, you idiot.


  105. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Why hasn't McCain caught OBL yet?

  106. London Bridges4:52 AM

    Anon said:
    Off topic, I don't think Bristol is pregnant, she has a teen mom speaking engagement in Sept.
    She would have canceled it by now if she was.

    If she canceled now, it would raise suspicions, but if she canceled a day or 2 before she can say the has the flu. If she canceled now she'd have to say she has mono.

  107. Anonymous5:28 AM

    The Democrats have to hit the Republicans lack of respect for the Constitution hard. I think a wonderful speech by the President would be the thing this country needs right now to stop the hate-filled rhetoric coming from the likes of the Governut. The only amendment that the Republicans like is the 2nd Amendment. That would also be a problem for them if the people currently carrying assault rifles at parades and rallies weren't white rednecks!

    Examples Palin's Disrespect of the Constitution and Bill of Rights:
    Repeal the 14th Amendment so babies can't be citizens when born in the country if their parents aren't citizens.

    Tear down a private citizen's poster that is displayed on private property. This diminishes the citizen's rights to Freedom of Speech.

    Don't allow gay and lesbian couples to marry. Marriage is a fundamental right as ruled by the Supreme Court over 12 times. Denying marriage to gay couples diminishes their equality. All people are created equal.

    Subject private citizens to illegal search and seizure in Homer while she is filming a reality show.


  108. About this "pay grade" remark. This is a reference to an answer Pres. Obama gave to Rick Warren in August 2008. Warren asked Mr. McCain and Pres. Obama at what point a baby gains human rights. McCain predictably answered "at conception". while Pres. Obama gave a more thoughtful answer: “. . . whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity . . . is above my pay grade.”

  109. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Anon@7:01 you are right about lithium especially when the self dosers like what dr did not order.

  110. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Anonymous 5:31 PM - her political career has ended. Only those in denial can't see the writing on the wall.

    She's showing herself to be quite unstable. America is better than that. With everything that's going on in our country, we now look at her for comic relief.

  111. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I can't help but think that these tweets came from Sarah's handlers. Just a random idea but her handlers are most likely at the higher positions at Fox. Doesn't it help their ratings to inflame such issues? Of course, it does. The blogs are going crazy on this so can't help that Fox won't experience more ratings.

    If you think about their end game, it is to divide the country before elections to gin up their ratings. They want to create as many of these white supremacy issues prior to the elections in November to get the white folk out to vote. I think she is simply a useful and stupid pawn who they will toss aside after she has wee weed up the racists prior to the election.

    Please feel free to disagree. I just feel that they know she is a fool and a tool, and they will use her now since they can throw her under the bus later. Regardless of her idiocy, she is a ratings' boom for every site and news organization.

  112. mommom6:04 AM

    Everbody please stop calling it a Mosque.It is a community center.

  113. Anonymous6:30 AM

    You know that scene in 'Beetlejuice' where he closes Geena's mouth with a zipper and then a metal plate?

    Yeah. We need that for Sarah.

    Or perhaps she can twitter herself into a coma.

  114. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Dear former half-term Governor, please stop pestering Barack Obama. Unlike you, he actually HAS a job. As his employer, I'd like him to do it instead of responding to nutcases like you.

    Not a 'bot

    Anon 9:03, there's certainly been plenty of time for Bristol to get a whited-out miscarriage. If she shows up in the exact same chubby shape - no thinner, no fatter- than in the US cover I'll consider that she was never pg.

  115. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Saint Sarah darling, don't you have those special connections that can get you face time with the President so you can have your brain dump session and save the good old USA? Oh, not that well connected are you? Well don't you have the email addresses of the White House or your representatives or even those special phone numbers that people who are well connected have? Oh, not that well connected to the underlings are you? Don't you have the addresses of your representatives so you can take your lazy ass there to relay your good faith concerns for the American people? Oh, so you don't have any good faith concerns? Well then, all I've got to say STFU! ... Your agitation,hatred and divisiveness is not welcomed and you really need to get that mental health checkup today. At least do it for your family... and while you are at it, make it a family visit as well.

  116. betty7:02 AM

    This is my favorite response from Palin's FB page, from one Fran Weber:

    "I can't believe everything that is happening to our country...How can we allow this Muslin to continue destroying our country?"

    Muslin can be kind of itchy, so I totally get her point.

  117. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Can you image President Obama at his daily briefing sessions which are held each morning, taking inventory of all the reports before him: CIA check... Afghanistan check.. IRAQ check.. Department of Defense check..Homeland Security check...Domestic and Overseas Economy check...BP Oil disaster/recovery check.. International disasters check...International situations check.. Unemployment/Job Statistics/Recovery check... Health Care progress/issues check .. psycho Sarah's Facebook rantings ... um.... um ... um .. guess it didn't make the list....

  118. Anonymous7:42 AM

    WE all know who you are Shag-Hag... Guess what..we DON'T CARE!!!

  119. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Dear Mosque Opponents:

    Hi. How's it going?

    Good. Just a little reminder, it's been nine years since September 11th and in that time, Muslims have continued to practice their faith without problem. Yes, we had some near misses that could have been catastrophes. I know. Because in 2006, I was in Ireland when several people were arrested a few days before they were set to blow up planes over American cities. This talked about as "Britain's 9/11" but the point is that the terrorists were targeting AMERICAN planes, and AMERICAN flights. They were going to use chemicals to turn the planes into bombs that would explode over our country. This would have been terrible.

    The American press portrayed this as a success for Bush's policies. This is BULLSHIT!!!!! I was in Ireland at the time. I got the full report from the BBC. The truth is that the terrorist attack - which would have been way worse than 9/11 -- was stopped because -- now I know you're not going to believe this, because it goes against your view of the world, but believe me, it's true -- AN IMAM GOT WORD OF THE ATTACK AND WENT TO THE POLICE.

    Let's go through this again. A Muslim leader in London got wind of an attack and went to the police. A MUSLIM leader...

    A Muslim leader...

    It should be noted that England has had attacks from Al Qaeda, too, and that they have a populace equally wary of Islam. Probably, many people would be in favor of laws limiting rights of Muslims in England. But the fact is that if that happened, if Muslim leaders had been alienated, this guy, this hero who has gone along unsung so that the British and American intelligence communities could take credit for their failed policies, this terrorist attack would not have been stopped. Thousands would have been killed, including many of my friends, who were scheduled to fly home through London on American, one of the targeted airlines.

    So, I say, screw you and shove your racism where the sun don't shine.

    I don't care that the "majority" of Americans don't want this mosque to be built. The majority of Americans voted for Barack Obama. The majority of Americans, however, did NOT want Bush to be president, yet somehow the 50+ percent of us got his assinine policies shoved down our throats.

    So you can also take that argument and shove it.

    I know you people like to tell yourself stories, with clear boogie men and monsters. Most people with a child's level of intelligence do. And I know that in these stories you portray Muslims as the boogiemen. I'd be remiss if I didn't point out the fact that in the days following 9/11, a whole bunch of countries stood behind us. The main Paris paper's headline was -- We are all American's. It brings a tear to my eye. Muslim countries also did backed us up. There was outrage all over the world. And we took this unprecedented good will and we used it to persecute TWO wars that were so poorly managed that they have resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilians being killed. Conservative estimates are that civilian deaths in Iraq total 100,000. That's more than 33 people dead for every person who died on 9/11 -- and this is a war in a country that had NOTHING to do with the terrorist attacks of that day. NOTHING! It's been proven! Meanwhile, the person/people who planned these attack were allowed to escape. That's been proven, too. It was in an independent report presented to the Senate in 2009.

    Perhaps, it's time for us to reconsider who the real monsters are.

    Please pass this post along to every site where people continue to tell lies about Muslims...

  120. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Gee- I know Sarah has never traveled much. If she had, speaking of provocations, she'd be calling for the Catholic Church to dismantle the cathedrals built in Seville and Cordoba- both on the sites of mosques after the cities were conquered by Christians.

    And perhaps she can tell us why we should listen to 2 Canadian Muslims. Is it because they actually know who the Prime Minister of Canada is!

    And if she's going to quote Tarek Fatah, does she also support gay marriage like he does?

  121. Sounds like she is in favor of the President of the United States using the full force of his federal office to influence the business decisions of a private religious organization! She wants the federal government to meddle in a local zoning issue. She also wants the President to pressure a religious organization to accept funding from the state - all in pursuit of the so-called public good.

    How*(?) of her!


  122. Anon @ 9:03 said: "Off topic, I don't think Bristol is pregnant, she has a teen mom speaking engagement in Sept. She would have canceled it by now if she was."

    You're assuming something you don't really know, the date of conception. What if Bun #3(?) was conceived with Ben Barber the first night they "hung out together", in the week after Christmas 2009? She looked about 6-7 months along in the July engagement video.

    No doubt Dr. CBJ is lined up to induce Bristol prematurely, so she can get back on her feet in plenty of time to make her speech date. 19 year old thrice-pregnant women are still pretty resilient, especially when they have nannies and dozens of relatives and lots of gossip-mag money.

  123. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Something that few people know is that there is a an arab-based cultural organization that has been run out of an office space across from Ground Zero for years. This is a meeting place for arabs and people interested in arab culture of all faiths - muslim and christians and even jews - like myself - who gather to share a love of art and film and dance and dialog and religion. Has there ever been an instance of hatred or terrorism or anything negative? No. Why? Because this is not what it stands for. It's a place of unity for people with common interests.
    Sarah Palin should stick her nose out of NY politics and NYC issues, which she knows nothing about. "Ground Zero" is a small area in the very densely populated financial district. Lots of things good and bad happen down there every day. Muslims and Jews and Christians and people from around the world shop flock to Century 21, a huge discount store, which is directly across the street. Should the store not allow muslims to shop there because of some radicals that happen to share the same religion? Life happens here in NYC and muslims have just as much a right to be here and worship as do I. What I find interesting is that the NY Jews seems to be the ones that are most tolerant of this mosque. Why? Perhaps because we understand hatred and know what it is like to be discriminated against based on our religion. Jews are still a minority in this city. How many times have you read about instances of hatred between muslims and Jews, despite the strife that rages on in the middle east. We are tolerant here and if we don't like someone then we ignore them. This is what NY is about. So wake up Palin. White christian folks aren't the only ones with rights in this country so go hole up in your little racist den and stick your nose out of our business.

  124. MicMac @ 3:24 PM, majii @ 4:28 PM, Enjay in E MT @ 5:01 PM -- well said. If there were a "like" button, you got it from me.

    Anon @ 6:25 PM, that statement wasn't from Fox News, nor were they agreeing. The quoted statement was from the Pres.'s White House spokesman Bill Burton.


    BTW, for those who don't think Pres. Obama should have agreed that Grownd Zero is "hallowed", that word also means "venerated" (a secular term) as well as "holy" or "sacred".

    From "regarded as holy; venerated; sacred: Hallowed be Thy name; the hallowed saints; our hallowed political institutions."

    Also, "–verb (used with object)
    1. to make holy; sanctify; consecrate.
    2. to honor as holy; consider sacred; venerate: to hallow a battlefield.

  125. Anonymous9:37 AM

    LOL @Palin. The only following she has are the sad bigots of this country anyway. Let'r rant all she wants, even if she has no clue what she (through her ghost writer) is talking about.

  126. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Anon 7:57, I thought Phil's Israel analogy and related comments were quite apt and on the mark. And I'm Jewish.

  127. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Is it just me, or does the twitter URL to her Facebook wee-wee look like "Is God Evil?

    Legitimate Questions for the President

  128. Apparently she STILL isn't reading or keeping up with current events. Everyone else heard the President speak his thoughts about people building a mosque in the same neighborhood as the destroyed World Trade building. How did she miss it?

  129. Anonymous11:23 AM

    at Kajo,

    You are aware that there was a picture of Levi and Bristol from usmag standing sideways. One can get a perfect glimpse of her belly in most of the pics. She is not pregnant. She has been asking around for good diet tips (via fb). While in NYC for Candies, there are pics of her looking pretty skinny, minus the ugly candies dress. She is skinnyish at the TIME event and even now isn't huge. Maintaining weight is a lifelong process. Let's give her a break. Besides, why would she flat out say No im not pregnant in a national publication?

  130. Anonymous3:24 PM

    This comment is in response to Pam Dyers comment. First of all The president is an African American. Until 4 or 5 years ago, there was not race in America called "Bi-Racial". The law of the land was (ask you Tea Bagging Crew)if a person had 1-drop of Black blood in them they were considered to be Black. So, don't try this "The President should realize that a white woman gave birth to him." So what! When you Tea Baggers display your foul signs of the President, you never mention "Bi-Racial" you use the N-word.

  131. Ratfish8:19 PM

    Refudiate hate.

    Refudiate Palin.

    Love it or leave it, Sarah!

  132. Anonymous4:16 AM

    An Anon poster here wrote one of the biggest and absurd lies here I have ever heard that defies physical reality and is impossible. The putrid lie that landing gear touched the roof of the mosque site building has got to be from the mind of a nut case.

    Anon: if you were told this by someone and beleived it give yourself a reality check of lower Manhattan specificly the height of the Twin Towers and height of surrounding buildings.

    I hope Sarah gets another award for her whopping lie the islamic center steps are being built on hallowed ground. She is a master of taking advantage of people i.e. deceiving people while claiming she is their protector. Palin has no ethics "no moral compass" and is clearly a predator posing as a savior. These lies are an insult to New Yorkers and people who visit the site of 9/11 to pay respects to the dead and not forget the destruction and mass murdering of people these extremists are intolerant of.

    Newt, Sarah, the Repubs don't give a crap about the islamic center per se and are using this to undermine and divert the POTUS is all for radical islamic terrorism and it is the POTUS who does not care about the people. It is not about the constitution, the sites, or sensitivity but an agenda of sick and evil minded politicians who are extremeists seseking to terrorize people to control and dominate them seeking to take power back terrorizing people with lies, inflammatory statements instilling hate and fear of people who are different from them.

    How low can they go? Palin..shut up taunting and harassing people to respond to your manufactured lies to misinform and mislead people while deceiving people you are a christian.

  133. Republican Rep. King and Democratic Rep.Jerry Nader were on CNN Sunday morning, with Candy Crowley.

    King is perpetrating the LIE that "parts of the planes" from 9/11 were found in this building, therefore the BUILDING is "hallowed ground".

    This is utter RUBBISH!

    To which Rep.Jerry Nader reminded him, that there's a mosque in the Pentagon .

    The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11, so by those standards the Pentagon is "hallowed ground", but King and the rest of the GOBP never complain about that or the other 2 "mosques" in the area.

    Rep. Jerry Nader reminded him of this too:

    Interfaith Leaders Stand with Cordoba House, Denounce Hateful Rhetoric

    As Catholic, evangelical, mainline Protestant, Jewish and Muslim leaders and scholars committed to religious freedom and inter-religious cooperation, we are deeply troubled by the xenophobia and religious bigotry that has characterized some of the opposition to a proposed Islamic center and mosque near where the World Trade Center towers once stood.

    Fox News has aired a steady stream of irresponsible commentary and biased coverage that reduces what should be a civil debate into starkly combative terms.

    Mr. Gingrich, Ms. Palin and other prominent voices privileged to have the ear of the media would make a more lasting contribution to our nation if they stopped issuing inflammatory statements.

    Fear-mongering and hateful rhetoric only undermine treasured values at the heart of diverse faith traditions and our nation's highest ideals.

    Please sign the "Faithful America" petition against anti-Muslim propaganda and for religious freedom and tolerance


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.