Sunday, March 04, 2012

David Frum gives a truly compelling review of the HBO movie "Game Change."

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:

They begin as pure operatives, concerned only to win and ready to accept Palin on that understanding. “My job is to give political advice,” says Schmidt in the film’s very first scene, a cleverly reconstructed 60 Minutes interview. “We needed to do something bold to win the race.” 

“This is a fantastic rollout, Steve,” is communications adviser Nicole Wallace’s coolly appraising reaction to the deftly stage-managed introduction of Palin to the country. What matters, or so the professionals at first believe, is the presentation, not the person. One red-state governor must be pretty much like another—right? 

The professionals soon discover their mistake. “I don’t even like to say this, but has it occurred to you guys that she might be mentally unstable?” asks one staffer about the woman the McCain campaign proposed to put next in line to America’s nuclear codes. As they come to know Palin, the campaign professionals begin to feel an awakening of conscience: first qualms, then fears, and finally revulsion—not for the campaign, not for their careers, but for their country. They supported McCain because they saw him, in Schmidt’s words, as a statesman and national hero running against a celebrity with no major life accomplishments. In hopes of reversing adverse poll numbers, they yoked a great man to a running mate who was not merely unworthy, but dangerous. 

Some of the best acting in the film is in the looks of unspoken dread that flit about the faces of Sarah Paulson’s Wallace and Harrelson’s Schmidt as they react to Palin’s wilder and wilder provocations. What have they done? And if this campaign somehow wins—and Palin is put within reach of the presidency—what might they have done? 

In the end, Wallace confesses she could not bring herself to vote for the ticket—and Schmidt is left to wrestle with his conscience before the 60 Minutes cameras, gallantly casting aside all self-excuse and self-deception. “You don’t get do-overs in life,” he says in the anguished voice of a man who wished one did. 

Is this film accurate? I asked Schmidt directly. “I felt as if I were having an out-of-body experience as I watched,” he said. In other words: yes.

You know as I read this I thought, "If I did not know ANYTHING about the campaign of 2008, or read the book Game Change, or knew what I know about Sarah Palin herself (I know right?), this review alone would be enough to compel me to watch this movie.

Essentially, despite what the Palin-bots and various critics have said, this movie is NOT the story of Sarah Palin.  It is the story of Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace, and the other McCain operatives who believed they were getting a rare, though unrefined gem from up north only to discover to their dismay that they were dealing with a heavily lacquered moose nugget from the meth capital of Alaska.

I already have my popcorn ready, and in six days I plan to have a GREAT night of television.

By the way Palin is still ragging on this movie, and essentially telling people it is not worth their time.  As if we needed another reason to make watching this a priority!


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:59 AM

    "...a heavily lacquered moose nugget from the meth capital of Alaska."

    Love it! And McCain will wear that little bauble around his neck forever.

    1. WakeUpAmerica8:51 AM


    2. OverMountainMan9:37 AM

      This evening at 6:30 ET on C-Span " Game Change " Co Authors discuss the new HBO movie !! Don't miss it !!

    3. Anonymous3:47 PM

      They're discussing their book and the whole election- and they seem very admiring of Sarah and said that she would have done much better if she'd had more time to prep. (Yeah, like if she'd started fifteen years before, maybe.) They also repeated the story about the malfunctioning TelePrompter. I didn't hear them mention the fact that they had to hide her away for two weeks to try to prep her before realizing it wasn't going to be possible.


  2. At the very least I hope this movie will start a conversation. Politics is serious business. Evidenced right this minute by Israel. Ones ability to flirt or look good in a pair of Naughy Monkey pumps should not enter the equation. Can we all be a little smarter when electing our leaders?

  3. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I don't have television, much less HBO! I use my computer for necessary news info. I'll have to arrange a viewing at a friend's or rent a room in a hotel with cable! Look forward to the acting of Woody Harrelson and Ed Harris.. all the actors are talented. We must give credit to Steve and Nicole for publicly admitting their mistake, unlike, what's her name.

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    She needs to have a very public meltdown. Sad, but it's the only way she'll ever get help.

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Dear Sarah: Hollywood's HBO is leftist and evil.

    Reality shows -- yours, Bristol's two, Todd's big fat failure -- produced in Hollywood and paid in part by the sweetheart law you signed that allows your Alaskan neighbors to pay for your vanity productions: all well and good. Right? Just like DWTS, back in evil LA, was a perfect fit for your daughter who had no plans, no education, no skill, no sense. She was able to take Hollywood money without a qualm.
    It's either one or the other, Sarah. Those that live by the sword,....

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:24 AM

      This. Remember when Sweetie Pie (and Grampy, too, I think) were calling the future President nothing more than a "Hollywood celebrity"? And SP was snarking on "tiny starlets" to the cheers of no-nothing crowds? And who can forget Levi Hollywood?

      Hey Sarah, where would you be without People Magazine, InTouch, TMZ, Dancing with the Stars, TLC, Faux News--and so on? Unfortunately, irony and logic escape the Bots whenever needed, and the SarahPalin™ character was designed purely to appeal to them.

  6. Anonymous7:28 AM

    "They supported McCain because they saw him, in Schmidt’s words, as a statesman and national hero running against a celebrity with no major life accomplishments."

    That's the least of his problems. He has a long criminal history starting with his traitorous singing to the Vietnamese. He crashed because he refused to follow orders. Then he betrayed his fellow prisoners. Add to that his profitable time as a member of the Keating Five. This man should never have been considered for dog-catcher, never mind the Senate.

    1. I'm glad someone else remembers how much of a slimeball McCain has been and always will be.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      So true, amazing how short the collective memory was for the savings and loan debacle. Maverick indeed.

    3. Anonymous1:18 PM

      And adding Sarah Palin to the ticket also showed that McCain did not care about the country, only about himself. Not much of a hero, not much of a statesman.

    4. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Left a broken wife for a young beer heiress

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    This movie is sounding better all the time - with the central character Steve Schmidt and the other professionals using their considerable skills to do what they were hired to do: win and get their candidate elected. What a story it is that they unleashed a monster on America in doing so.

    I also think it will tell the story of the dark heart of American politics, that this could happen, and the particulars of how.

    If Sarah is not viewed as a monster, she will at least be portrayed as the greedy, ignorant, deceitful and unbalanced participant in her own little power grab.

    A tragedy all around.

    1. Heh, Steve Schmidt is now doing is penance as an "analyst" on the enemy network , MSNBC.

  8. The more that Sarah rails against Game Change, the more interest she generates. How perfect is that? She is the master at self-destruction. This HBO movie will be a ratings hit for sure.

    Does champagne go well with popcorn? I plan to break out the bubbly as I watch the take-down of the Wicked Witch of Wasilla.

    1. I know, right? We couldn't have asked for a more perfect reaction from her, and you just know Sarah will be locked up in her bedroom, curled up with Taco Bell wrappers and Diet Dr. Pepper cans littered all over the place, replaying it on In Demand over, and over, and over....

    2. laprofesora10:18 AM

      I have a good friend who insists that champagne goes well with salty foods like french fries and popcorn. So enjoy!

    3. Champagne goes with everything!

    4. I like dry champagnes with popcorn! A brut or cuvee compliments the salty popcorn perfectly. Enjoy the show!

    5. justforpostin7:12 PM

      Champagne is already chilling in my wine-fridge for the occasion, and I am going to have popcorn and all sorts of fabulous eats. This is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!

    6. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

      I've always believed Sarah would cause her own undoing, and I can't agree more. She's doing the movie a huge favor. I hope it wins awards!

      I love "bubbly" with popcorn! (And crunchwrap supremes also, too!)

  9. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Game Change is a classic Faustian tale of temptation and redemption: think Fatal Attraction with Sarah in the Glenn Close role. This movie isn't actually "about" her, although she's the "X factor" that gives the story it's power and will draw in large audiences. The movie is about Schmidt and McCain, and how they made an impulsive, selfish decision only to slowly realize with mounting horror both the magnitude of that mistake and the price they will pay. Sarah is not the protagonist; she is the temptation, the apple.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

      What a fitting and ironic comparison, in more than one way.

  10. Very good point, Anon 8:20am

  11. once and for all people must accept the reality that palin does not have any heft in republican politics nor does she have any support from the real power brokers.

    the bizarre palin and her mental instability is well known to all that really matter and her chances of ever being close to real power are non existent.

    this is important to understand and always remember because even though fox network keeps her alive to rant to her small audience no one NO ONE takes this woman serious and there is absolutely no chance that her "image" will ever be resurrected.

    this is all well known and understood since her pathetic performance as McCains running mate as the film Game Change documents.

    I have commented several times concerning this as it needs repeating if anyone thinks for a second that palin is anything more then as I have described her.

    so, yes she may still be able under controlled conditions to attract enough people to make it financially worthwhile to give her attention but anything beyond that 'cult' like ability to attract people is non existent.

    never before have we seen any media figure given total control over their image and yet the more people see of her even under those staged appearances the more she is disliked.

    and that speaks to the integrity of this movie Game Change.

    EVERYONE close to her came away feeling the same way that people instinctively feel from casual observation.

    wondering, "is she mentally unstable?"

  12. Thor the Barbarian7:44 AM

    I don't have HBO. How do I see this?

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I don't have HBO either. I'll wait until this is available on DVD. In the meantime, read the book! I just finished it and it's great.

    2. You can go to to find HBOGO or google it.
      I read you can view "Game Change" there.

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Can you get HBO for a month or find someone who has a subscription? You could then watch it when it premiers or anytime after that through OnDemand or HBO-GO.

    4. Anonymous9:58 AM

      The book, which is indeed terrific, mostly focuses on the democratic primary race. What is reveals about Palin is massively damning, but I wonder if the movie might go beyond the material in the book, based on additional sources/research.

    5. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I think you need to have an existing HBO cable subscription to access HBOGO on your PC or other device...

    6. Bristol's Real Chin12:19 PM

      Anon at 10:58, the well publicized scene in which Palin did not know that the British PM, rather than the Queen, was the head of state wasn't in the book. I know there are others but that's the one I remember off the top of my head. (Er..... chin)

    7. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Wait until after it airs and check Youtube?

    8. As someone else suggested, if you can afford it you can always rent a motel/hotel room for the night. Just be sure they have HBO beforehand. Maybe make a party out of it with friends who also don't have HBO, and you can split the cost of the room!

    9. Anonymous9:57 PM

      I don't have HBO either but one time I called Comcast and asked if I could have a preview weekend to decide if I wanted it. They said sure and charged me like $2.50 for it. It's worth a try to ask. I plan to call and do again this weekend.

    10. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I got HBO (and upped my cable subscription) for the month just so I could watch it.

      It looks great.

    11. Anonymous5:46 PM

      When I called the cable company to get cable back just for the month so I could watch Game Change, the cable rep asked about the movie, and ended up saying, "That sounds really interesting. I think I'll get HBO to watch it too!"


  13. "...Palin’s humiliation in 2008 at the hands of journalists, campaign consultants, and comedians deformed her character, and the person who emerged from that wounding experience has in turn done her part to degrade American politics over four long years of economic hardship..."
    Frum's review was overall well-done, I believe, but this second to last paragraph shows that he really is very ignorant of Palin's actual history.

    a) There is so much on the record that proves her character flaws were evident going back many years.

    b) Palin was in her 40s when the campaign took place. Her character was well-formed by then. A rational, sane, psychologically and emotionally healthy person with actual healthy, secure, loving relationships in her life would not have been turned into an ignorant, uneducable, rage-filled, hateful, pathologically-lying, narcissistic fame whore, no matter how grueling the campaign experience was.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I agree. In fact, Palin humiliated herself the very instant she began to brag about boarding a transcontinental flight with an amniotic fluid leak and no medical check when she claimed she was carrying a premature Down Syndrome infant and she was high-risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages).

      A person that could brag about such irrational irresponsibility is a sociopath.

    2. WakeUpAmerica8:59 AM

      I hope you posted this comment at Frum's site.

    3. To Wake Up America; no I didn't, but what a good idea. Thank you. :)

    4. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Exactly, Anon 09:51am

  14. Anonymous7:51 AM

    So Nicole Wallace admitted she couldn't even vote for the ticket she had worked so hard for?! What an impact Palin has on people.

    Gryphen, I know this is off-topic but I was wondering if you've heard anything about Shailey's book and the revelations in it since it was released last week? After reading it, I can't believe Palin is ignoring it. The one thing this book has most assuredly done has put an end to any idea of future political office for Palin.

    No mention of suing this time around but they went ballistic when you mentioned divorce? So pimping is OK as long as you're a family man in their ignorant minds?

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Unless Shailey's book can get national exposure on major networks, I'm fearful that it is not going to have much of an impact. It's well and good that those of us who know the story will buy the book but for the majority of people who are oblivious as to what went on they will remain so until the story hits the mainstream.

      Shailey needs to promote her book agressively on as many legitimate media outlets as she can.

      It is essential that this story be told and as many folks as possible hear it.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I don't understand why Shailey's book isn't a media item. There is no news about it at all! I would think that given all of the solid evidence she provides, it would be a HUGE news story. Strange things are afoot ...

    3. lostinmn9:05 AM

      I am monitoring the Amazon website and reading reviews as they come in. As of this morning - seven reviews - 65 people have viewed the first one - all 5 star reviews. Waiting for the first troll with bated breath. I doubt they'll actually read it, just parrot the Palin line. I have enough experience with Sara and her douchebag daughters writing skills (sic) that I can recognize them - and with RAM and Brooklyn. My money is on one of those five.

    4. Anonymous10:03 AM

      I don't recall a lot of media attention to the Palin saga after Game Change was published.
      So, re: Boys will be Boys, maybe we'll have to wait for the movie to come out

    5. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Why won't ANYONE mention it or write about it? Like Andrew Sullivan or Geoffrey Dunn or David Frum? Why?? And what about Mudflats who could get an article at HP. What is the reason? Only because it's self-published?? I don't buy it! A prostitute? I still don't buy it. A press release by the APD? That makes no sense. There is something else going on that I can't put my finger on.
      All of us should write these people (and who else?)
      and ask them why it is ignored. Other prostitutes in politics haven't been this ignored.
      So how is Shailey different? Come on everyone, let's challenge people. Even you Gryphen, why are you so blasé about it. Saying it wouldn't be a NY times best seller was hardly a ringing endorsement! So please be honest with us. What's YOUR bias and have you told others to read it? Vouched for Shailey??

      Sorry folks, there is something else going on. I'd like to take my copy and send it to a media person but if it's tossed aside with a preconceived bias, what's the point. So the APD made a deceitful press release? That type of thing has not stopped stories before! WTF!?

    6. lostinmn10:45 AM

      Shailey's book will be blackballed by the MSM because the story was always there for the taking and they participated in the coverup. The MSM is just as guilty as the GOP (who owns them) in making Palin seem like a "valid" politician. It was only when the wheels really started coming off that they started to wake up and see what they had wrought. McCain was horrified as he came to know her better. I'm sure there was a contingency plan in place to get rid of her as quickly as his hand came off the bible if he'd won the election. None of that will ever come out. This is one of the most embarrassing and revealing scams in American history and the media won't dare touch it for fear their readers and watchers will demand they explain how they put ratings ahead of the good will of the American people. The conspiracy is far and wide and if Shailey's book is as accurate as I suspect it is, I think much of the reason the people of AK are afraid of her, and some of the top dogs in the GOP piss their pants at the thought of her wrath - it's because Todd and his prosties got the goods on a lot of VIP's and are threatening to out them if anything ever comes their way they don't like.

    7. Anonymous11:16 AM

      We all need to push Shailey's book - corrupt Anchorage Police Department - no response from the Palins or their attorney, etc. It makes me think they know they cannot fight it because Shailey's info is truthful and accurate and she has proof!

      I think Sarah knew that Todd was seeing Shailey and approved of the sex being supplied to their friends and working mates. Wonder if this matter will ever be investigated? Eventually the FBI as more and more stuff is disclosed about the Palins?

    8. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Have an idea - perhaps we should purchase and mail Shailey's book to the networks w/cover the attention of specific people...on both the left and right sides!

    9. Not everyone in the media was involved in a coverup! That is true of some, but not all. Many have talked badly about Palin and some have approached babygate. But this is being ignored.
      After the way MCGinniss was treated, he could at least mention the book. He discredited Shailey saying she had no proof but isn't there proof in the book.

      I would be willing to donate money to pay for copies of this book to go to certain people if Shailey donated at least her cost. We probably should talk about this on Shaileys blog. It needs to go with a powerful letter. And not just to media, but to women's political groups, the justice department and national FBi, Lisa Murkowski. We could find groups and people who have fought against and written about sex trafficking. Weren't minors involved too? This makes me sick. Todd makes me sick. We all need to do more. Can we talk at Shaileys? My name there is Lea.

      Gryphen, you never answered re your opinion. Why is this being ignored. Why is the enquirer still ignoring it. I don't believe it's only because of that press release. I just don't. There's more to it.

      And fuck Lifetime for making Bristols stupid mundane BORING reality show. Wouldn't this be a better movie AND help women?? Let's send them a copy with a letter.

      Thanks for posting Gryphen. I really would appreciate your thoughts. Please be honest.

    10. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Yes, I think we would all appreciate your thoughts on this, Gryphen. The silence about the demise of Fred's book along with the lackluster response to Shailey's is a little disturbing and tends to give rise to rumors and speculation.

      If there is something going on behind the scenes that you cannot reveal, that's ok. It would just be nice to hear something said, one way or the other.

    11. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I think the pimping was deliberate. Todd and Sarah made sure they would have the power brokers by the short hairs. This is how the Palins get away with their many frauds and scandals.

    12. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I just put a link to Amazon about the book, on Twitter. If you all have a Twitter account and post the Amazon link as well, I feel that will help spread the news about Shailey's book. ( Warning: you'll have to shorten the long text in the link.)

    13. justforpostin7:16 PM

      Palin is squawking to high heaven about "Game Change" to make sure no attention is placed on Shailey's Book. I will be promoting the heck out of her book at every site I visit online. I will be passing my copy on and I will do my BEST to publicize it.

  15. laprofesora7:58 AM

    David Frum also has a very good article at the beast about how Rush negatively impacts the GOP.

  16. Anonymous7:58 AM

    So $arah's STILL talking about this movie she's so "ambivalent" about?

    She's either a liar or needs a dictionary.

    Maybe both.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Yes both also evil.

  17. Anonymous8:00 AM

    If it's truly accurate, it will vindicate Palin and obliterate McCain aides. People know the truth. Nicholle and Stevie know theyre alone in the world.

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Briscow? Your early morning dedication to GRANNY GRIFTER? Nothing can vindicate LOU SARAH from the mistake of selection as a running mate of McCain. Everyone can see how unstable she is whenever she appears on FOX.
      Her unkempt wigs and Meth Twitching, accompanied with WORD SALAD about PRESIDENT Obama tells us all that she is CRAZY.

    2. angela8:31 AM

      Oh dear, Mr. Delusion seems to be visiting you and has set up a camp in your livingroom.

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM

      don't hold your breath on the vindication part. ain't gonna happen.

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      How will this movie “obliterate” the McCain aides? The book/movie is based on THEIR account of what happened, (not Palin’s fairy tale version) and Steve Schmidt, and Nicole Wallace have already admitted that they made a terrible mistake picking $arah Palin. How will this movie “vindicate” $arah Palin? Steve Schmidt, and Nicole Wallace may not come out smelling like roses, but the movie will just confirm the TRUTH the majority of people already know about $arah Palin: that she a mentally unstable bitch! That perception will not change.

    5. WakeUpAmerica9:01 AM

      You wish. NOTHING will ever vindicate the vicious, hateful, mentally ill Tundra Turd. Interesting, isn't it, that more and more people throw around the phrase "mentally ill"?

    6. lostinmn9:06 AM

      Vindicate Palin? OMFG - have you taken your meds today?

    7. Anonymous9:14 AM

      ¨People know the truth.¨ Of course they do. They have seen her Fox appearances, cellulite, wigs, padded bras, and they have listened to her rant about imaginary feuds.

      People today are trying to decide if Sarah is mentally ill (McCain aides belong to this school of thought) or is just mentally challenged (I belong to this school after seeing her talent performance in the Miss Alaska pageant).

    8. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Sure, that's why they are both employed in the political arena and Palin is... UNEMPLOYABLE!

    9. AnonymousMar 4, 2012 09:00 AM

      If it's truly accurate, it will vindicate Palin and obliterate McCain aides. People know the truth. Nicholle and Stevie know theyre alone in the world.

      You go ahead and keep beating that dead moose(no offense to Bullwinkle intended!) troll! I know you gotta earn your paper from's so obvious that your heart isn't in it...defending that crazy loony bird and her screwed up family.

      Just make sure after you watch Game Change you get over here to IM's and let everybody know how sorry you are for defending that poor excuse for a family! We'll forgive you troll! NOT!

    10. Anonymous10:04 AM

      You're very worried about this movie and Shailey's book. Sarah will be seen as the incompetent person she was and is. Todd paid for sex and was a pimp. Sarah was not pregnant.

    11. Anonymous10:19 AM

      First, learn to spell. Second you are wrong. They aren't alone as you will soon see. Over 25 people were interviewed and confirmed the story. Are you so retarded that you don't think HBO verified this.
      You really are dumb.

    12. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Doubt it seriously! Read the book and know that they are following the information as 'spot on' as possible. They had many of the real people participate and offered the Palin group to be a part, but they were not interested! As ususal, it gives idiot Palin the opportunity to continue playing the victim!

    13. Marleycat11:33 AM

      Hear, Hear - and don't forget to buy AND read "Boys Will Boys" and then come here to try and spin how Todd's "business" is just good ole free market entremanurialship, and created much needed jobs for those women and men! AND, of course, is just SO indicative of the good, strong, Christian Family Values and Morals that all Americans should emulate because GOD told him to walk through that door, GOD told him to do it! Hurry back, can't wait to read your painful, contorted rationalizations to turn fact into fiction!

    14. Marleycat11:42 AM

      Unfortunately for you Bristol, or Lou Sarah - lies can never "obliterate" truth, and, specifically, stupid can never "obliterate" intelligence. Both Steve Schmidt's and Nicole Wallace's (and everyone else, for that matter) high IQ's assures them of believability over the intellectual deficits of YOU! Sorry I had to tell you that, it IS hard to be truthful, sometimes, right Bristol, Sarah?

    15. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Nicole and Steve are alone in the world in speaking about how crazy Palin was during the campaign behind the scenes?? Why would that be? What reason would they have to lie about her? Do you really think that because McCain lost that they made things up about Palin? LOL, you're as crazy as Sarah if you think like that because both Wallace and Schmidt were not the only people who had things to say about Palin. The authors of Game Change interviewed dozens of people who all told similar stories. The only people who have said they are lying is Palin and those who work for her! Not very credible when she's signing their paycheck.

      So, what did you think about Todd being a pimp on the side? Now we know how the Palins' lived above their means all those years. They spent far more than they made and now it's quite obvious where the money came from. I wonder if the IRS is aware of Todd's little side business?

    16. Marleycat6:59 PM

      That COULD be the ticket to the downfall - TAX EVASION - ask Al Capone (I think it was him) that's how he got caught! Call the IRS and report!

  18. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I don't really give much of a damn if she ever gets help. I just wish she'd go AWAY. Can't we get her on a three hour tour with some dorky kid named Gilligan or something?

  19. Anonymous8:05 AM

    This is really O/T this morning, but I wanted to alert everyone that the Girl Scouts are out selling cookies now. Stock up, and let them know you appreciate and support them all the way.

    1. GSCookieMonster8:21 AM

      Here, here!

      Lol I mean, "Hear, hear!"

    2. I'm gonna stash 'em in my freezer.

      Hmmmmmm... frozen Thin Mints.

    3. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Already bought some and donated the lot to the women's shelter in my area. I buy them in batches of six every time I see the little ladies at the grocery store. Living in the boonies, we don't have the gals coming to our isolated farm house so I gladly go to them.

  20. I can hear the C4P Monkey workers constructing the bamboo cave shield from here.. AND, has anyone found out where the Monkey Mama buys her anxiety meds ?? There gonna need a bigger stock....


    1. Marleycat11:24 AM

      Rumor has it - Toad! Just ask poor "LS".

  21. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Time magazine, 3/12/12 issue, has a full page ad for "Game Change". At the bottom it says "Saturday, Mar. 10 at 9 PM, Encore Plays Sunday 7 PM and Mon. 9 PM or watch it on HBOGO". (I presume this is CST since this is the time zone I'm in.) I'm glad to know what time this will be on as I sure want to watch it, maybe more than once!

  22. Beldar Coughin Conehead8:24 AM

    Well done, Gryphen. Hard to imagine how she slithers out of this one. To celebrate your impressive victory over intolerance, stupidity and greed, I'm sending you a luxurious satin-lined, oak and walnut, gold-trimmed presentation case filled with 2 and a half* hand-forged, gold plated career coffin nails each custom-engraved with the initials "S.L.H.P.". Sure, you didnt do the job alone but you've provided us daily insights into the process of handing that hag a well-deserved career coup de grace. (slow hand clap) BTW, I wish her many, many years of healthy silent obscurity.

    *1 nail for every year served as governor.

    (The career coffin nails are metaphorical, of course, and won't actually arrive. But I'll hoist a brew in your honor the night Game Change airs.)

    1. Excellent, Beldar! And, in your honor -- since you're from "France," LOL! -- I'm breaking out the Veuve Cliquot. The night deserves no less. And I'll happily toast Gryphen AND all the great people who post on this site. The trolls can suck it.

  23. Anonymous8:28 AM

    What bothers me about this entire fiasco, is that just as in the case of W people overseas recognized how unqualified both of them were before American citizens did. Could that be because the media in other countries tell the TRUTH? Since whoever gets into office in the US has an effect on other countries, they want the best possible. My relatives in the UK are appalled that W was put into office twice, and this screeching loon almost made it into the VP position.

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      That's been happening way longer than that. I went to Nicaragua during the contra war, and what was being reported in the U.S had absolutely nothing to do with the truth.

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I totally agree that the majority of Americans are either not doing their own homework or are tuned in to FOX News and fall for what they spew hook, line and sinker!

      People - pay attention! President Obama has to be reelected. The Republican party is a mess and all you have to do to watch their lies is view Gingrich, Santorum, Perry (TX), Palin (AK) and on and on. It is amazing how things are turned on its ear and you have to read, watch hearings in Congress, listen to speeches, look at both sides and form your own opinions. Don't go by what is said on TV!!!! I have friends overseas too and they think Americans are nuts in following the likes of Rush Limbaugh, O'Reilly, etc. Turn them off and out and do your own research. Plus, it's fun and interesting.

  24. Betsy S9:08 AM

    Is it possible that Ailes is holding on to SP and still "retaining" her to persevere with her idiotic rants to VanSusteren and Hannity because in keeping her on occasional views there is a greater public to be aware of the inevitable denouement which will bring his network so much more attention?

  25. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I knew what she was almost from the very beginning, EVEN BEFORE THE Anne Kilkenny letter came out.

    And we aren't POLITICIANS


    Pretty poisonous bitch.

    1. comeonpeople10:29 AM

      It's true. Many of us actually had a visceral revulsion reaction when we first saw her. Weird, huh? We knew she was ill and bad news.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      I wonder how many of those (us) reacted the way they (we) did because of prior, real-life acquaintance with a malignant NPD Queen. It sure was the case in my case. And, not weird at all: the parallels were stunning from the outset.

    3. Anonymous11:46 AM

      The first moment she stepped out on that stage and sneered while saying "community organizer," I couldn't stand her. What a horrible person.

  26. Anonymous9:14 AM

    In a final twist of humiliation, Sarah is not even the central figure of the movie: it's NOT ABOUT HER! She's just the plot device to how the tragedy of temptation and betrayal of principles - and the consequences - for protagonist Steve Schmidt. It's about HIM, and the others in the campaign intent on winning at all costs, and really about how costly a mistake this was.

    It's a cautionary tale, and Sarah is the evil which walked through the open door into the heart of the American political process. She is the danger discovered too late as she coiled like a viper one heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world.

    It's an American political horror movie.

  27. Anonymous9:21 AM

    is this true per radar online
    Bristol Palin’s Ex Levi Johnston Refused To Be On Her New Reality Show

    Posted on Feb 29, 2012 @ 10:00PM print it send it

    FameFlynet Inc.
    By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Senior Reporter

    Bristol Palin has begun filming her new reality show, Life is a Tripp, with her three-year-old son, but there is one person who will be conspicuously absent from the show -- her ex-boyfriend and baby daddy!

    The daughter of former Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin wanted Levi Johnston to be on her latest television project, but has exclusively learned that he turned her down flat.

    “Bristol asked Levi to be on the show,” a source said about the 21-year-old single mother. “But, he said no way; Levi didn’t want to be a part of her reality show at all.”

    PHOTOS: Bristol Palin And Son Tripp Shoot Her Reality Show In Hollywood

    The source said that Bristol has been filming the show in her home state of Alaska, but so far it doesn’t look like it’s going to make for riveting viewing.

    “Everyone has seen her with the cameras,” the source said, but added, “it doesn’t look like she’s done that many interesting things.”

    PHOTOS: Bristol & Kyle Lunch In WeHo

    Life is a Tripp will air on Lifetime and the network released a statement Wednesday announcing the upcoming reality show.

    “From the first moment she was thrust into the public eye, Bristol and her son have been the subjects of a huge amount of curiosity and misunderstanding. This show will reveal the real Bristol Palin and her journey as a daughter, a mother and a young woman making her way in the world,” the press release reads.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Good for Levi to stay away from Bristol Hollywood's latest "look at me" disaster. Now, how about a court order to stop Tripp from being exploited?

      Either the custody agreement gives Bristol the ability to live off the back of her child in whatever way she can or Levi isn't the dad.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      This will be another Palin failure how much you wanna bet? Good for Levi that he isn't falling for their crap anymore. I'll wager that kid is NOT his!

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      It would be interesting to know who is bankrolling the production company. My guess is that after peeling away a few layers of the onion, we'll find that it is Palin money that is financing this operation.

      We also saw in the last go-around that they filmed some episodes with the Massey brothers. Then, they showed them to test audiences. That's where the series bombed and sank. After the filming, someone has to be in charge of editing and putting together a compelling story, even if it's only 21 minutes long (or less). If Lifetime doesn't test it before a couple of groups before airing, then they are fools. I can't imagine anything more exciting that watching a girl shop for junk food or read a story to a boy who should be enrolled in preschool activities. I can almost predict that there will be scenes of Bristol driving in a car, saying to a little boy in the back seat "Look, that's where Mommy shot her first caribou." Wow!

    4. Marleycat11:21 AM

      Good for Levi - I hope he sticks with that decision. I'm sure he could use the money, but he's finally learned the truth - anybody working with the Palin in good faith - is going to be maliciously maligned and trashed - as soon as they have extracted what they wanted for their OWN profit - guarandarnteed!

      Speaks volumes, doesn't it - about the veracity of what an "evil" man and father Levi Johnston Bristol claims him to be. Here she is angling for another chance to stab him in the back! Why would any mother ask the father to be on her show if he is so very evil? His credibility stands head and shoulders above hers (which isn't hard, since she has NONE)! When is the MSM going to put out the stories that this latest action by Bristol clearly shows she has done nothing but lie about Levi! Levi's steady taking the high road keeps Bristol on the Palin's low road in such a very public way!

    5. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Good for Levi! Bristol is just like her mother. I feel sorry for Tripp. And no, I wouldn't waste my time watching Bristol try to present herself as a good mother and teen role model.

    6. justforpostin7:21 PM

      Not sure Levi is so upstanding. I would bet more likely that Palins/Lifetime paid him off to stay hush hush about the reality series. Would be nice to think he'd refuse on principle, but I think it more likely that they just bankrolled him to stay mum.

  28. Anonymous9:35 AM

    This choice appears to have been made in a virtul vacuum,indicating the level of desperation the campaign felt at the time......

  29. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Another EXCELLENT review of Game Change:

    ...Yet the film, realizing the potential backlash, manages to deftly use documented evidence to show Palin’s lack of knowledge especially in foreign affairs.

    The now infamous Kaite Couric and Charlie Gibson interviews are central parts of the film. The film also leverages other key facets of the Palin character that are hardly radical or uncommon claims. It hammers home the mistake made (which weighs heavy on Schmidt) in rushing the vetting of Palin in a five-day process. It shows Palin’s habit of lying about past events, or manipulating the truth, much to the chargrin of senior strategists. One prominent example is Palin’s distortion of her husband’s involvement with the Alaskan Independence Party.

    As the supposed "game changing" character, Palin is depicted as nervous and vulnerable at times, and an increasingly unstable politician who both refuses to act as, and complains of being, a puppet, yet at the same time laps up the national spotlight and realizes her celebrity and power.

    The film is likely to be seen as liberal Hollywood bias by Republicans, and it adds another log to the fire of the Democratic claim of the idiocy of Sarah Palin. Game Change acts as a further confirmation of the mistake of picking Palin (a fact that Schmidt admits in the film), and the visualization of the inside actions of the McCain campaign, and the character of Palin, drive home the centrality of this mistake, and the consequences that would have resulted had McCain won in 2008. If there’s one thing that the 2012 candidates can learn from Game Change, it is this: it you try and vet your running mate in five days, you’re lining yourself up for disaster.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      We in Alaska knew how inept she was....turns out that Todd was doing the majority of the work when she was governor - sat in on the meetings, etc. Sarah was a no show much of the time too! All proven and factual!

  30. Anonymous9:55 AM

    On election night when Palin wants to deliver her own concession speech, something vice presidential candidates don't do, Schmidt attempts to rein her in, saying, "It's not about you, it's about the country. ... You, Sarah Palin, will not change the importance of this proud, American tradition."

    Filled with pulse-pounding, thriller-style music, "Game Change" is a thoroughly engrossing film made all the more compelling by Ms. Moore's performance. She nails Gov. Palin's trademark accent and speaking cadence. Ms. Moore's Palin veers from a near-catatonic state following too much bad press to impossibly demanding in the last month of the campaign when her head swells with self importance following a not-disastrous debate performance.

    Ms. Moore's Palin is not a villain so much as a politician adept at playing to Alaska's pint-sized stage but completely unprepared for a national spotlight. Her self-confidence masks a lack of knowledge. She's surprisingly clueless about world geography, let alone foreign policy, and overly concerned with her standing back home in Alaska, insisting on filling out a questionnaire for a Wasilla newspaper when she should be prepping for the Couric interview.

    Read more:

  31. Anonymous9:57 AM

    ¨...a huge amount of curiosity...¨

    Yeah, okay. Bristol could not even attract a hundred people to show up to pick up a free copy of her book.

    Bristol is still head-over-heels in love with Levi. Did she really believe promises of becoming a ¨star¨ would win Levi back? I love watching Levi, again and again, publicly reject Bristol and Sarah. It never gets old.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Now if only Levi would stand up and tell the truth about the parentage of the babies. I think he cannot do it because it might cost him a lot of money in future child support. There also might be far darker reasons, i.e. threats.

  32. Anonymous9:57 AM

    So Bristol is in a reality program called "Life is a Tripp" with her son. I wonder when it's going to dawn on her that she's not the star- he is. After all, the show is named after him.

    No wonder Levi doesn't want to appear on it. He's undoubedly figured out that Tripp's paternity has to be questionable. And it's odd, isn't it, that Bristol- so WILLING- can't keep a guy around. No wonder. After what happened to Levi- and Ben, and Gino, and the Wasilla High School Hockey Team- who with any brains would want to be mixed up with a poisonous Palin? She's trash, and she's begging to go on TV and reveal how trashy she is.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I can't imagine a man who would want to marry Bristol now, but maybe her "Reality" show will turn up a few offers for "dates.".

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Bristol must know by now that she has no talent. So, she is dragging this little boy around the country in hopes of becoming more rich and (in)famous. That's disgusting Bristol.

  33. Anonymous10:01 AM

    'Game Change' depicts a devoted yet unhinged Sarah Palin

    ..."Game Change" does show an increasingly unstable politician who complains about being a political puppet while performing some of her now famous gaffes -- from an inability in an interview to name a newspaper she reads to knowing little about the genesis of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

    When Palin, the character, is asked if she wants to take a break as aides rush to educate her in foreign affairs, she answers, "No way, this is flippin' awesome."

    She is also shown under extreme stress. Aides worry she is heading toward a nervous breakdown as she refuses to eat and is obsessed with her poll ratings back home in Alaska.

    But in some scenes, the film -- as does the SarahPAC video -- shows a charismatic, hard-working Palin whose Republican convention speech reshaped the race and how she attracted huge crowds at rallies and connects with voters.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Can you imagine being on the team that had to handle her? Never being sure what she'd say, not being smart enough to know what to say, dealing w/her ego and mental state? It must have been one stressful few months!

      Remember how head strong she was about making a speech, when McCain was doing so, because they had lost. They had to shut off the lights and sound system to assure themselves she'd not have a chance of doing so! Must have been one pain in the ass! No wonder it is an outstanding political story!

  34. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I'll bet this HBO movie has a record breaking watching group. Sarah is doing nothing more but bringing attention to it which will increase curiosity! (The movie has an outstanding group of actors, which is going to bring people to it too!) Plus, there will still be some Americans that will oppose the movie and support her - we all know that! But, they are getting to be fewer and fewer, thank God!

    I've notified all my friends and family to watch it in the lower 48 - and, I'm having a gathering of retired friends at my house w/booze and snacks to view it. Can hardly wait!!! Have to admit that our group doesn't care for her for many varied reasons!

    Sure would be fun to know how many in Washington D.C. view it (Congress) and laugh behind McCain's back!!

  35. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Yep, she's scared SHITLESS! Look at her eyes!

    Sarah Palin discusses the false and fabricated depiction of her involvement in the 2008 presidential campaign in the HBO film 'Game Change'. 'Hollywood Lies are Hollywood Lies'

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      It is amazing how this woman can constantly lie....can you imagine living within her mind and body? Would not be fun. She cannot remember all her previous lies which makes her lie more on top of other ones!

      My parents use to say 'a lie begets a lie'! Sarah obviously never learned that at the knees of her parents!

  36. comeonpeople10:09 AM

    I can not wait. I have to go to my parents to watch, and will need to pry the Fox channel set remote from their hands...but they have HBO!!

  37. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Just read a great comment from Michael Moore to Limpbaugh:

    Michael Moore ‏ @MMFlint
    Rush - As soon as u started losing the big $$ from your hate speech, you caved & obeyed the men who pay u. Who's the prostitute now, bitch?

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      It is becoming clearer and clearer that Rush is now Ms. Flukes´ ¨bitch.¨

  38. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I just voted in the poll on this article. It's up to nearly 70% as of now. People WILL BE watching this movie, no question!

  39. Anonymous10:21 AM

    John McCain’s “Country First” campaign motto was a shameful, utter lie. McCain knew he could never win the presidency with a boring old suit like Romney or Huckabee. He wanted American voters to think he was making a bold, new-generational move to thwart the Obama Express by picking the much younger, female, mostly unknown Palin. The fact he hardly vetted her clearly shows how shallow and manipulative his decision was, and how desperate his staff was to find an atypical running mate and shake things up. Schmidt has admitted, “My judgment was influenced by ambition to win the race.”

    If McCain had known that silly Sarah was so intellectually challenged she would inanely suggest that the proximity of Alaska to the Russian border gave her foreign policy expertise, or that the Queen of England was the head of the British government, would he still have picked her if she guaranteed him a win? Absolutely! You bet he would have, because all John McCain wanted was to become president at absolutely any cost, including the unacceptable cost to our nation's well-being.

    Given McCain’s age of 72 (in 2008) and his history of heart trouble, Palin as president was a very possible disaster for our country and the world.

    Even if McCain cringed at thoughts of her possible succession (as surely he must have now that we know the real story), his megalomania for power at any cost ruled the day. "Country First" my butt! That was blatant “Country Last—JOHN FIRST!”

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      I'll bet John McCain is the laughing stock of Congress and will be even more so after this HBO special comes out.

  40. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Here's a little something extra to scare the hell out of you. The tentacles run deep!

    Clear Channel owns Rush. Bain Capital owns Clear Channel.

  41. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Oh this just gets better and better! I am sooo excited to see this movie...Wasilla Windbag, indeed!

    'Game Change' and Politics as Reality TV

    There's a great scene toward the end of HBO's Game Change, the controversial and shamelessly entertaining movie about Sarah Palin and the 2008 presidential campaign, starring Julianne Moore as the Wasilla Windbag. A few of John McCain's advisers hit the hotel bar on Election Eve, drowning their sorrows, cursing the day Palin came on board to capsize the campaign. Woody Harrelson, as McCain's top strategist, Steve Schmidt, complains that it wasn't a campaign at all – it was just a "reality show."

    ...Once McCain's people decide they need an Obama of their own, they find Palin on YouTube – the same way Journey found their new lead singer – pluck her from obscurity and whisk her onto the national stage, like so many overnight TV sensations before her. At first, the McCain staffers are in awe of their new find, raving that she's "the greatest actress in American politics." When they learn she's clueless about government and foreign policy (upon being informed Germany was our enemy in WWII, she enthuses, "Flipping awesome!"), they rejigger their strategy to fit what they see as her strengths. "She's a great actress, right?" Schmidt says. "Why don't we just give her some lines?"

    As long as the camera is on her, she's on – as they say, "She's a red-light performer." But as the campaign wears on, and her intellectual flaws are exposed, she falls into a catatonic daze. It turns out the day-to-day strain of a campaign is not the right kind of gig for a red-light performer, since politicians have to be on even when the camera goes off. Moore's performance becomes riveting as Palin unravels into phone-throwing fits and silent stupors. The meltdown scenes are harrowing: When she falls apart trying to prepare for her debates, and she just sits there twitching helplessly...

    Read more:

  42. Anonymous10:30 AM


    PROFLOWERS STATEMENT 35 minutes ago on Facebook:


    At ProFlowers, our mission is to delight our customers with fresh and long lasting flowers, and that is our singular focus each and every day. We do not base our advertising decisions to align with any particular political view or opinion as our employees and customers are as diverse as the USA. Mr. Limbaugh’s recent comments went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company. As such, ProFlowers has suspended advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program.

    Another one bites the dust!!! YEA!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Fu$%&g awesome!!

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      I have three sisters, two nieces, a daughter, and three aunts. I send flowers all the time because it´s easier on me. Proflowers knows I am a huge customer. I e-mailed letting them know how disappointed I was in their lethargic response to Rush and told them I was taking my business elsewhere.

      Farm Fresh Flowers here I come. Those guys are going to love me.

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      The just suspended them, not cancelled. Sorry not good enough ProFlowers.

    4. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Time to move our business AWAY from ProFlowers - 'suspension' is temporary. I'm going to try 'Farm Fresh Flowers' too.

  43. comeonpeople10:34 AM

    Schadenfreude? You betcha
    Empathy? Not so much...

  44. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Holy crap! This MIGHT have happened is why I count my blessing each and every day that the people of this country are smart enough to see a trainwreck when it's heading straight for them. I hope they continue to exercise those smarts and choose Obama again, I know that I will be thrilled to vote for him again.

    'Game' over

    How the McCain campaign recruited and regretted picking Sarah Palin

    ...The solution? Little-known Alaska governor Sarah Palin. She seemed to have it all: She was pro-life, extremely conservative, a devout Christian, had high approval ratings in her own state, and had raised five children, one of whom had Down’s syndrome.

    The base, one adviser says, “will be doing backflips.”

    What looked like a promising solution for the Republicans backfired. It was soon discovered that Palin (Julianne Moore), while charismatic when giving speeches or participating in debates, was ill-prepared to be “a heartbeat away” from the presidency. Her dearth of knowledge of foreign affairs was embarrassing, as became clear to anyone who remembers her interviews with Katie Couric on the “CBS Evening News.” At one point, Schmidt confides to fellow campaign adviser Nicolle Wallace (Sarah Paulson),“I haven’t told [John] that she doesn’t know anything.”

    Watching the film may fill some viewers with horror, as in, “Holy crap, this almost happened!”

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Sarah Palin is not a devout christian - in fact, she is the furthest from it in her nastiness and vendictive ways. Plus, she lives a false marriage and was/is a horrible mother. The Palins are known not to attend church - Bristol said they are just too busy!

      Liars, cheaters and unethical people are not acting in 'christian' ways. Sarah has a place in hell waiting for her!

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      So Palin is living a "false narrative"! HAHA. Oh, my.

  45. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I just posted the statement from PROFlowers - pulling their ads from Limbaugh's radio show.

    Found it interesting on their FB site, the Photo Gallery - inclusive of a pic of 'Flush Rush' LOL

  46. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Compassion? For a women that says she boarded a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak for a premature DS baby!

    No compassion, no pity, no empathy. Why? Because Sarah Palin is a sociopath. She feels none of those emotions, or any emotions except the primitive ones of hate and rage.

  47. lostinmn10:53 AM

    One has to believe in the power of the internet. And that I'm sure Proflowers has been reading comments on blogs like this and were getting the message this isn't going away. Old limpballs apology has done nothing to slow the rage, if anything it has affirmed he's as clueless as the wicked witch. Now we need to get some national publicity for Shailey's book and then Game Change. The walls are crumbling

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Mail Shailey's book to the media outlets!

  48. Anonymous11:01 AM


    A flower company is the 7th advertiser in recent days to say it is pulling ads from conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh's radio program.

    ProFlowers says on its Facebook page that it has suspended advertising on Limbaugh's program because his comments about Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke "went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company."

    Read more:

  49. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Larry Flynt just made a new million dollar offer to anyone with dirt on politicians or the politically influential. Someone should send him Shailey's book!

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Wonder if Flynt has received Shailey's book yet?

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      I think I will try to send him a link to her book-she could use that money.

    3. Anonymous1:01 AM

      That actually worked on Newt. It wasn't just the ethics violation that caused him to resign. He was about to be outed by Flynt.

  50. rtprtlw@yahoo.com11:03 AM

    I have to say, Gryphen and all the other IMers out there, as well as the other Anti-Palin bloggers and supporters, don't you feel a huge sense of vindication that your sounding the alarm so consistently, and fervently - is now proving to be undeniably credible? It is not just one sordid story or allegation that will end up "proving" the veracity of the "Palin" horror story - but rather - the steady accumulation of these exposes, the "pattern" of the disclosures that will prove that this is not a case of political bias, conspiracy theory freaks, or sleazy, unreliable internet "hysteria". It's an avalanche now!

    When I worked for CPS, people reporting child neglect and abuse would sometimes think that if definitive action was not taken, that their reports were not reviewed, or investigated. The truth is, they were very important, and families were investigated. If the situation on that instance alone did not rise to the level where LEGALLY any action could be upheld by the Court - the accumulation of the complaints/reports that proved the pattern of abuse and neglect could be! With that pattern in hand, at least in VT - abuse and neglect could be substantiated!

    This is what is happening now with the Palin saga - the disclosures are now coming out from everywhere - and a clear pattern has emerged that OVERWHELMINGLY disproves Palin's denials. They are unable to keep up with their denials, w/o contradicting themselves to the point that it is becoming obvious that these people are hiding something truly horrific!

    The story's not over, yet, and not every piece of "evidence" will be uncovered. There are inaccuracies here and there, to be sure, but the overall truth will be obvious to everyone. There is enough there now that those who have taken the bull by the horn can at least feel they have been proven to be right, and know their risking their reputations as sane people was worth it. The truth is getting out there - it's starting to have an effect, a good one.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Very good post and you said it for so many of us. I keep hoping some out there who know the truth about some of Sarah's scandals will find the courage to come forth and tell what they know.
      Pat Padrnos

  51. lostinmn11:14 AM

    One wonders if Larry knows the whole Palin story is only lacking a little greeback grease. This could be the leverage someone needs to come forward on babygate and a host of other items. I would think Larry would be positively orgasmic to be the one who breaks the whole babygate truth and he wouldn't hold back like the wusses in the MSM and tabloids

  52. Anonymous11:17 AM

    After reading this, more than ever I have to say: EFF Schmidt and Wallace...Oh...Oh....Obama was dangerous and untested???? But Sarah Palin wasn't??? EFF. THEM! How is a Harvard-educated, half-term senator dangerous but an uneducated half-term governor NOT in the same category? And I understand that the movie is basically about them showing that she as dangerous, but...NO....Obama should not be put in the same category as her and HE ISN'T DANGEROUS NOR WAS HE EVER....The only thing that he's dangerous to is the idea that white people are superior. That's the only thing that Obama put in danger...HATE....

  53. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Sympathy, maybe, because she is so pathetic.

    Or course, any sympathy for the moment went out the window as she continued her quest for fame.

    Definitely NOT empathy.

  54. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I'm so glad that $arah achieved her lifelong goal of becoming famous. She's renown the world over for being a deranged ignorant lying loser. Enjoy your moment in the sun, $arah. You deserve it.

  55. Anonymous11:45 AM

    That wasn´t the look of ¨pain and embarrassment¨ on her face.

    It was the look of being utterly dumbfounded, clueless and out of touch with reality.

  56. "...only to discover to their dismay that they were dealing with a heavily lacquered moose nugget from the meth capital of Alaska."

    LOL! Sounds like you are channeling GinaM!

  57. "...only to discover to their dismay that they were dealing with a heavily lacquered moose nugget from the meth capital of Alaska."

    LOL! Sounds like you are channeling GinaM!

  58. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I don't have HBO but will look forward to someone making this available on BitTorrent, or wait for the DVD release next fall. Meanwhile, I'm sure that I will get every highlight and nugget of interest from the blogs until I get to watch it.

  59. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I hope HBO buys the rights to Boys Will Be Boys. That would make one hell of an interesting movie.

    What high-pitched voiced midget would play Todd?

    1. I think that Justin Timberlake could do it. He did a great Booboo in the Yogi bear movie. ;-D

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Elijah Wood

  60. Otto Katz12:35 PM

    My husband and I watched the movie "13 Days" last night, about the Cuban missile crisis, and how narrowly we avoided a nuclear war, how it was Jack, and Kevin, who together kept the "game" of chess in play, until a peaceful solution could be found. The tension throughout the movie was palpable, as it was in our living room watching. And the whole time we were watching it, with terror in my heart, I kept thinking, put Sarah Palin in place of JFK. We would have been totally f7cked.

  61. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I won't and don't have ANY empathy for Palin and have always thought Tina Fey portrayed her beautifully (with humor). Palin deserved, and will continue to deserve, everything that factually shows her to be the idiot she is! She has NEVER been the woman she tries to make everyone think she is. It's a game she has been playing for years and it's finally home to roost!

    Ask folks in Alaska - we've known it for a long, long time.

  62. Anonymous1:37 PM

    The "discover to their dismay" should read "discover to their horror of mind blowing horrors".

  63. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I wonder if the Game Change movie is a prologue type thing that is being used to make a movie sequel (about babygate for instance) more palatable for the audience. Just sayin'.

    1. Very interesting idea.

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Oooh... a prequel, then a sequel... all the dirt! If HBO experiences the "Palin spike" like the first episode of the Sarah Plain's Alaska, then they will likely consider taking another dip in that pool.

      Hah! Finally her fame-whoring comes back to bite her in the ass!

      What's better than karma?

  64. Irishgirl3:30 PM

    Mr. Strong’s rebuttal is simple: “The film’s true.” He said he supplemented the book with 25 of his own interviews. Because more time had passed since the election, he said: “Some people who weren’t comfortable talking right after the election were now ready to talk about it. And, boy, did they talk.”

  65. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Rolling Stone published a wonderful review of "Game Change"

    As long as the camera is on her, she's on – as they say, "She's a red-light performer." But as the campaign wears on, and her intellectual flaws are exposed, she falls into a catatonic daze.

  66. I don't get HBO. I don't know anyone who does.

    Any chance HBO will make this a free viewing weekend?

    Thought not.


    I await your reviews, G.

  67. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Does anyone know if "Game Change" will be on Pay-per- View? I've not been able to ascertain that info on

    Thanking you in advance.

  68. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I would like to see the palinbots start a petition to stop Game Change from airing

    just to see how small their group really is

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Start one and announce it there. It sure would be interesting.

  69. Janet Carter5:01 PM

    I took out HBO just to watch this movie next Saturday. I did read the book and can't wait to see the movie. Sarah Palin is protesting this movie more than I've ever seen her protest anything. Speaks volumes.

  70. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Palin has proven once again that she is stupid beyond belief. She just HAD to keep whining about this movie, pouring gasoline on the flames of what now promises to be her own very public, epic humiliation.

    And the movie is not even really about her - it's about Steve Schmidt's ultimate realization that he has helped unleash the Sarah Palin monster who, thankfully, only poisoned but didn't quite destroy our political discourse... just the GOP for a generation.

  71. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Steve Schmidt has almost redeemed himself.

    I want Scarah to give us a very public meltdown with some shrieking, spittle, shaking, eye rolling and much nastiness. On camera. Live. YouTube'd forever and ever.

    Bet on it.

  72. Anonymous5:03 AM

    If you are interested in letting Larry Flynt know about Shailey's book and the importance of publicizing the detailed information it can email him at . That is the email that was noted in his "million dollar offer" ad.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.