Sunday, March 04, 2012

Sarah Palin's lesson for today. "How to take a question, that has nothing to do with you directly, and make it about you and your children.

"Who does Fox have interviewing me now? Is SHE even American?"
The Grizzled Mama was asked early yesterday morning for her opinion on the Republican candidates, if she would be willing to accept the nomination if there were a brokered convention (She says she's "not going to be asked" which may be the most factual thing about this interview) , and if she would actively work for Mitt Romney if he were the chosen candidate?

Palin answers that last question in way that will surely upset the folks over at the Sea O'Pee.

"Oh absolutely! Anybody but Obama!"

You can almost hear Palin-bot heads exploding all over the interwebs! (They have been working overtime to discredit Romney, since he first announced his candidacy. Once again Palin abandons them and crushes their little hearts in her talon like hands.)

Later around the 4:06 mark Uma Pemmaraju (Yes THAT'S her name!) asks Palin if she thinks the "negative mudslinging" among the GOP contenders is hurting their chances, and giving the President new momentum?

Palin, clearly tired of just talking about others, decides to take this opportunity to bring the focus back onto herself. (You know, where it belongs.) 

 "Well I think that uh, observers of the GOP process do get tired of some of the pettiness that goes on within the campaigns. Take for instance Rick Santorum was just slammed last week for, quote unquote, a 'dirty trick' that he used in trying to solicit Democrats and good union brothers and sisters support there in Michigan. That's not a dirty trick, and for him to be accused of that by..uh..his GOP opponents's ridiculous, and it wastes a lot of time and that makes a lot of us kind of impatient in watching some of that pettiness. And more power to Rick Santorum for trying to bring more into the fold, understanding that the GOP nominee will be the one to help turn this nation around, So, and by the way, a dirty trick in a campaign? No, it's when your KIDS are attacked, It's when people are l-y-i-n-g constantly about you and your reputation and your record. Those are dirty tricks, but not trying to elicit support from independent Americans."

Wow! That is some seriously deft verbal sleight of hand there Snooki!

First she starts off bringing up an "attack" on poor Rickie Santorum, and then right when the audience is feeling all warm and fuzzy about her coming to the aid of a fellow dominionist, she quickly switches gears and makes it ALL about her, her family, and her reputation.

And THAT my friends is today's lesson on "How to take a question, that has nothing to do with you directly, and making it about you and your children" by our guest lecturer, Sarah Palin.

In lieu of any applause, Palin would much prefer it if you would instead just feel sorry for her, recognize that every question it is ALL about her, and please, please, please don't watch that horrible "Game Change" movie on HBO.

(To watch the actual video on Mediaite, just click here.)


  1. Anonymous4:07 AM

    I am so sorry to hear Uma Pemeraju is on Fox interviewing Palin. I loved her when she was a reporter in Boston. She doesn't deserve this fate!

  2. Tom Joad4:12 AM

    I am sooo confused now about "dirty tricks"

    If Teacher Sarah could help me out here. {hand raised}

    If your husband has sex with a prostitute.....and said prostitute describes your husband as a small packaged little freak.....well is he a " quote unquote dirty trick"???????

    Keep on BOYCOTTing!!!!!!

  3. Slightly... not off topic, but side-topic: Uma Pemmaraju was a well-known news anchor up here in Boston, MA. We just LOVED her up here (once we learned how to pronounce her name). She always seemed fair and objective in the way she presented the news. Of course, that was back in the days before the news became just an adjunct to the entertainment industry.

    As for Sarah - what do you expect? That Fox keeps her employed just shows me that Roger Ailes has gone soft in the head.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Were Uma Pemmaraju's breasts so prominently displayed when she was in Boston? That might be why she was offered a Fox job.

  4. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Another EXCELLENT review:

    Is this film accurate? I asked Schmidt directly. “I felt as if I were having an out-of-body experience as I watched,” he said. In other words: yes.

    Palin’s own political career is over, a casualty of her own indiscipline, her own weaknesses, and her own eagerness for monetary gain.

  5. Anonymous4:46 AM

    A text book sociopath, she is. She and her children are nothing but leaches on society. Professional hustlers.
    When people do not watch Bristol's trashy reality show, and it bombs, as it should, she will have to resort to stripping to make the much money she craves.

    Shailey's book has finally got the goods out to the public about Sarah's sleazy husband.

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      Yes! Why is she still with that scum?

    2. Marleycat9:57 AM

      Could it be because of Todd's penchant for supplying drugs to those he controls, could it be the huge amounts of money he earned from his lucrative "side job" (and explains the lavish lifestyle that didn't match their income, even prior to the fame whore's
      national freak show). Could it be because Todd and the ones who control him - control her, too?

      According to Shailey - Todd and his pals threatened her - is this why Sarah, too, can't leave? Todd and his pals must have the goods on the "hoax pregnancy" and would certainly be willing to threaten to disclose this to keep her in line. Is she so co-dependent that she is incapable of being independent of a "controller"?

      While she may be able to leave him, she won't do it with an intact reputation as the Queen of Christian Family Values and the Heroic Mother of a DS baby whom she sacrifices so much for, no more faking the "I'm a Hockey MOM, Commonsense Conservative" BS. How would she be able to continue to fleece the Extremist flock without that faux rep - which disappears without the machinery in place because of Todd and his pals.

      Just askin' and sayin'! And Sarie ain't smart enough to work in any coffee shop, either! For that matter - with or with out Todd's cooperation - his "pals" can, at any time, decide to cut their losses, and throw them both under the bus - I'm sure they are infinitely more intelligent than these two fools and have an almost impenetrable smokescreen, even if Todd squeals.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      And who knows what Todd has enable Sarah to get hooked on.

  6. Anonymous4:52 AM

    They only person l-y-i-n-g about Sarah Palin's kids and record is Sarah Palin.

  7. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Wait a minute. Is this the same Sarah Palin who appeared in Wisconsin and slammed the unions? Now they are the "good union" people? I remember her being soundly booed for her anti-union comments.

    She really is a casebook example of a narcissist! Everything is about HER and only HER.

    I think she still thinks that they are going to come and beg her to run for POTUS...but only after all those pesky debates and primary elections are over. In her drug soaked mind, she thinks she can single handedly save the GOP. Look at what a good job she did for John McCain.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      She does seem to have difficulty deciding to be for or against the Republican party.

      Does she really think the powerful in the party don't notice that she keeps throwing the R's under the bus and dragging them out and tossing them again and again?

      If they want a conservative female for VP or even POTUS candidate they can find hundreds who are more loyal and less negatively loaded than Sarah.

      Much as I loath her Kay Baily Hutchinson is a true red R and is not stew ped.

      If Sarah thinks they don't notice she is even more self delusional that I thought.

  8. …"not going to be asked"…

    That, right there, is the best thing I’ll hear all day!

  9. Let's see: you take your pregnant teenager and put her and her reluctant boyfriend on display at the GOP convention; you take your infant with DS on the road, and toss him around like a toy; take your young child out of school and drag her along for show; call your dragooned into the military son a combat vet; lie about your husband's involvement in a secessionist party; get free clothes for your family courtesy of the GOP and on and on.

    Then complain that your family is targeted by the media.

    That about it, Sarah?

    1. Very sage wrap-up Crystal. The truth in a sweet little nutshell. Thank you.

  10. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Sarah, oh Sarah if all of the "attacks" on you and your children were lies why didn't you sue?


  11. Anonymous5:21 AM

    If you haven't been banned yet from posting a comment at C4P please go over and support Julia. She seems to be rather sane.

    Julia 37 minutes ago in reply to LT

    He apologized because he was a jerk and he was absolutely wrong. Too little, too late, IMO.

    I have no use for Rush. If he'd manned up on his own and apologized willingly, I might have respected him for doing so. But I'm sure he was forced.

    Reality is....Rush just pushed women voters into the arms of Obama. For that, he should be sincerely ashamed. You can defend the church's right to not cover birth control, and you can disagree with the woman who wants her plan to cover it. But when someone is stating their case civilly, you cannot attack them like a lunatic.

    Fact....her health plan included coverage for Viagra. Why shouldn't she be able to ask that birth control also be covered? 95% of American women use birth control. It does NOT make her a slut, and Rush should be ashamed.

    Rush took a serious problem.....Church's right to refuse to go against it's principles...and helped the Liberal cause by acting like an animal and saying derogatory things against women.

    No wonder they forced him to apologize. He needed to.

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:36 AM

    I didn't/couldn't watch the video (I don't want to revisit breakfast), but did the Queen actually s-p-e-l-l out the word "lying" in the interview?

    If anything, all the angst is tearing the motley group of C4Pee misfits apart: from SP hinting that she's going to promote Romney like the good little suck-up she is ("Oh, Mitsy, give me a role in your administration, pretty please?"), to Rush "apologizing," and the upcoming damage to be done by "Game Change" (which they're calling "Fact Change"). The only hope they have right now is a Palin/Allen West ticket, which they're praying for. It's the last chance for these two Patriots to save the country, y'understand, even though the Bots seem to be overlooking the fact that West has a VERY sketchy military record. Doesn't matter, he's all Mavericky. Banana republic, anyone?

    Otherwise, the Bible-spouting Xtians are resorting to tantrums, playground fights and whining about fighting the Libs. Oh, and only THEY play fair, didja know that? ;)

  13. Wow, gotta love the Wayne's World mullet wig and gobs of beige lip gloss in this appearance. Fabulous.

    Hey Sarah, I just read Shailey's book, you know, the gal Tripp was named after, and you got a lot more things to worry about than looking like an imbecilic psychopath in Game Change. Your sleazy, whiny, freaky husband is a much bigger problem.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Just finished Shailey Tripp's book too.

      It's hard out there for a pimp... How does anyone justify his illegal and immoral behavior? I guess you just lie and say it never happened... at least that's the way it works for the Palins. It can't work forever.

  14. Anonymous5:40 AM

    The Blood Libel bitch will never be asked to be on any GOP ticket.

    Sarah knows she is just a carnival side show now.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Sarah is in complete denial. She actually doesn't understand why the cross hairs and the blood libel words are a problem.

      As I said in a couple of places last week or so, the image of that little girl murdered at the site of Sarah's cross hairs will be part of Sarah's epitaph. A child martyred by public persona that is Sarah Palin.

      Even if the shooter did not use her quotes directly as a motivation, the atmosphere of the Sarah Palins of the right are permanently linked with that shooting.

      No political party would be insane enough to put her up for office. She wouldn't survive past the first showing of the child's face linked to her.

      And Sarah just doesn't get it.

  15. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Hi Scara, Your switcheroo just confirms to all of us who know just how much we get under your skin and how obsessed you are with this site. Dance Bitch Dance. We will never let up because you are bad for our country and a disgrace to our reputation abroad. I travel extensively and I always get people asking me what they hell is up with you and why don't we do something to make you go away. Oh how I fantasize!! AND if you don't want your kids to be picked on, then stop shoving them in our faces. How many fucking ways do you need that explained to you?????

  16. Anonymous5:49 AM

    That's just Sarah's pre-emptive strike on 'Game Change' when she's talking about 'dirty tricks' and all that ramadullah that came out of her mouth. She is CLEARLY terrified at what is coming and is doing all she can to 'dog whistle' her defense prior to the airing of the film....which OMG is just a few days from now!

  17. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Every time she talks about being attacked, just remember this: Obama defended Bristol, pointed out that HIS mom was a pregnant 18-year-old, basically signaling to his stand-ins and surrogates to BACK OFF the pregnant teen.and then, like, a week later, Sarah started to WAH WAH WAH about how Obama was attacking her family and making fun of Bristol.

    BTW, I'm not sure, but I think that in between this time....was a rise in speculation -- by the non-MSM -- that Sarah didn't give birth to Trig....just saying...

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      one big difference. Obama's mother was married and she was not 15 when she got pregnant.

  18. Gryphen, can you refudiate the claim by MANY C4PeeBots that Track Palin is still in the military and currently serving in Afghanistan?

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      I have an urgent request. Folks, would everyone PLEASE stop using "refudiate" as a real word???? Even when meant as a joke, the fact that it will appear over and over in common discourse will allow it to become accepted and will eventually find its way into the dictionary. The word in this case is "refute." Thanks in advance for saving the English language from S. Palin.


    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      I'm with you physicsmom! Let's us the correct English, not Palin english (yes, meant it as a small "p" here).

    3. Anonymous3:13 PM

      I'm with you physicsmom! Let's use correct American English rather than Palin english (meant that small "p").

  19. ...Palin would much prefer it if you would instead just feel sorry for her, recognize that every question it is ALL about her, and please, please, please don't watch that horrible "Game Change" movie on HBO...
    Gryphen! How could you leave out "and send her money"? Granted, it's a given with the Arctic Dunce, but her cranially challenged flock needs constant reminders.

  20. Gryphen...

    What about what she said about the Iron Dog race?

    "First place but of course the media placed him 5th or something but nothing new there twisting our words and damaging our record."

    Did she really just say that? Bold face lie.

    She posted a link to the standings for the Iron Dog race on her facebook on that and the Iron Dog website says Todd came in fifth.

    Here it is....directly from her own facebook page....

    She is a f$cken liar!

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      No, I think that quote comes from sea4pee, a parody site.

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Your first quote comes from this blog:

      The author was writing satire. Sarah Palin never actually said Todd won.

      There are enough real quotes of weirdness to pin on Sarah without making ones up.

    3. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Hi, Unknown --

      That quote is from the fabulous satire site See4Pee:

    4. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Wait, wait. Todd came in 5th (undoubtedly certified by the race managers and his opponents), yet "the media" placed him fifth, thereby "twisting our words and damaging our record." ??????

      How could "the media" possible alter the standing in a well-publicized race? This is sick.

    5. Oopsie.

      Sea4pee got me.

      But with all of the times that she has outright wasn't too far off.

      Thanks for everyone to let me know before I post this everywhere. :O)

  21. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I guess Sarah palin is the dirty trickster because she lies abour the President and his record every time she opens her mouth. About bringing your children inti it. If you had kept them out of politicsthe limelight you wouldn't have had that problem. I remember any other canadiate who had an unwed teenage daughter and their boyfriend paraded around at the republican party like they were special because she was pregnant . I knew she would never marry Levi especially before the baby was born so she could get it paid for by the state.She's a advocate for absinance but in multiple relationships first she's a hard working office manager, then an expert dancer (not) then she hard working going to college, then hard working doing realiry shows , then hard working to be a beautician, now reality show again had time inbetween to buy 3/4 houses get plastic surgery . Just go back to a quiet life so we don't have to be reminded of your lies.

  22. Don't overlook the part when she endorses West and then basically says: or ME: "In this very tumultuous time across our world, someone who has served in our military or at least has intimate knowledge of the way the military works and should work, perhaps by having a close family member serve, someone like that."

  23. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Didn't Sarah wear that outfit when she was pregnant?

  24. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Wonderful review of the movie Game Change by David Frum, in which he thoroughly eviscerates Palin and her toxic legacy in American politics.

    I'm signing up for HBO tomorrow. Can't wait.

    This is going to be EPIC!

  25. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Please, please stop playing the "kid" card, Sarah.

    Track will have nothing to do with you.
    Bristol can't get enough public attention all on her own -- she reaps what she sows, with dancing, magazines, book, interviews, reality shows, modeling her new face. Come on!
    Willow is photographed on your reality show and, a year later, with her sister in LA, during a school term. A journey to DC with tri-colored hair was her latest outing. Not to mention her various court appearances (see also, Track and Bristol.)
    The only time we saw Piper was on your gargantuan vacation bus tours (when she was rather an unhappy camper) or on your reality show.
    Which part of "respect my childrens'" privacy don't you and they get?k You and they have tried with all your might to stay on center stage. What other politician's or celebrity's family can match your shameless craving for public attention? Answer: none.

  26. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Stupid Sarah is mentally, ethically, and truthfully challenged. There is nothing but stupidity, vindictiveness, and ugliness emanating from her minuscule brain. She is the quintessential "victim" who whines, bitches, and moans about all the "lies" people make up about her.

    Her world is an ugly little place that is grossly distorted, bitter,and vengeful. She can't see beyond her pathetic little self. Can't wait until Game Change airs and adds to her demise, as well as her all ready decreasing sanity.

  27. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Blame Game: The Sarah Palin Story

    Chapter One: Blame Obama
    Chapter Two: The Lame Stream Media Is Attacking Me
    Chapter Three: Blame Obama
    Chapter Four: Playing The Family Victim Cards
    Chapter five: Blame Obama
    Chapter Six: Absolute Deniability

  28. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Liars lie. It's what they do. Unceasingly and often outrageously, even when they don't need to. In part because it gives them a feeling of power and control, when they get away with it, and narcissists do what makes them feel good.

    Sarah's problem is that her lifelong success with lying didn't prepare her for having lies on the record. She has always been able to get away with her lies by using the tactics all liars use" I didn't say that, it's taken out of context, I didn't mean it that way, you're too sensitive, I'm being victimized, I'm being persecuted.

    Denying her lies on the record is one thing, but now she's gone one step too far and seems too dim (and unstable) to know it. You can't lie on camera, with video available forever, and get away with it.

    She truly has risen to her very own personal level of incompetence.

    Todd came in first but the media distorted it?

    Tick tock. The Game Change movie will be a final humiliation. Epic. Mythical.

    And the best part is that - from then until now - all she's done is validate the craziness, the ambition, the stupidity, and the deceitfulness portrayed in the movie.

    Sarah has repeatedly shown herself to be that toxic grifting liar, so that the movie will absolutely ring true.

    How perfect is that?

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      I think you hit it on the head. She is such a habitual liar, and she didn't realize that on the national stage people are taking notes. Of everything.

  29. Anonymous6:57 AM

    When is her contract up with Faux? Any other person in her place would be ashamed to show their (surgically altered) face on TV. Has nobody had the courage to tell her that Shailey's book is published, and people can read about her slimeball spouse? Complain all you want, $carah, about your "kids" being talked about, they obviously like it since they are constantly seeking reality shows. What is next "15 and Pregnant" starring Piper Palin. The saga contunues with the Palin family tradition of unwed pregnancies.

  30. Anonymous7:03 AM

    1) She was interviewed by a person of color on Fox! Is that in her contract?
    2) Uma (may I call you Uma?) asked some pretty straight-to-the-point questions.
    3) Sarah doesn't know how to dress like a professional woman -- it appeared that she was wearing Cookie Monster's vest.
    4) Please, anybody and everybody, take a good look at Allen West, and decide for yourselves whether he would be suitable to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office?

    1. Well, Uma herself was not exactly dressed like a professional woman, either. She seemed to be wearing the Fox News femme uniform, a tight-fitting boldly colored dress with deep décolleté. "Mad Men" on the Fox set...

  31. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Sarah was the one who brought the conversation back at her 'kids'. Uma wanted to discuss the Republican dilema about how the candidates were making it difficult for themselves to sift out the nominee, and Sarah is the one who brought it back onto her victimhood and her kids.

    She is absolutely not fit to even sit there and give any input on anything. She's an embarrassment to motherhood.

    Sarah will never accept the fact a political figure will be questioned and criticized by their actions, their legacy. Each and every politician in past that had to face the scrutiny of media NEVER brought their kids into any of it. But it's Sarah who made it all about them. Examples, bringing Piper on the bus tour, knowing press would be following them around, playing cat and mouse with the press until poor Piper had had enough and wanted alone time with her mom, and had to push people out of the way. That is what got the attention of media. Whose fault is that? She's the one who ties them to her waist every time she knows there are cameras. She's the one who parades them every chance she gets.

    Bristol is of age now and it's evident she's made her own choices of deciding whether she wanted to ride on mom's national acclaim and stay in the limelight or not. It's not media who are to blame. Little Trig was used and exploited as a trophy. Whose fault is that? Because bloggers picked up on the photo evidence that he wasn't dressed warmly in cold climes?

    When the Clintons, the Edwards had their day in the sun because of poor choices by their shocking behavior, they didn't once mention their 'kids'. Their kids were never addressed or brought up by media, because their parents had enough common sense to keep their kids out of the public eye. Clinton and Edwards, Weiner, all took the blame and took the attacks. Their kids were not accessible because the parents made it that way.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Agreed. It's frightening and disgusting the way she uses her children as human shields and constantly casts them as co-victims in her self-serving martyr myth. Pathetic.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      She has to mention her daughters. They all will be stars in upcoming
      reality shows. Tune in and watch the victims Palin.

    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Do you remember during the campaign the "hockey mom" was going to drop the puck at a game in Pennsylvania. $arah was warned in advance not to do it as the crowd would be hostile. She ignored the advice(naturally) and drug Willow and Piper with her. The crowd was really booing. They cranked up the music to unsucessfully cover the boos. When asked about it That Horrible mother said the crowd was booing Willow and Piper and not her. She threw her kids under the bus (again).She is despicable.

    4. Anonymous2:23 PM

      it's pretty hard to forget Stupid Sarah shoving Piper out of the way to run to the microphones.

  32. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Palin is everything wrong about a human being. She has no redeeming values, but just keeps spewing lies and hateful messages without a thought. Her world is an ugly, vengeful, and dark little place that harbors her mental illness(es) with no room for any Truth.

    Looking forward to "Game Change" coming soon. Hurry!

  33. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Totally O/T: Just when you thought Bachmann was the only idiot in Minnesota

    Minn State Rep Compares Food Stamp Recipients to Feeding Wild Animals

  34. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Who "attacked her kids" during the campaign? No, really, who did?

    If I recall correctly, no politician did, and no major media did. There was certainly a lot of commentary on the internet, but as far as I recall it, the major media was pretty hands-off, and as respectful as they could be when reporting the facts of Bristol's pregnancy (what were they supposed to do, ignore it?)

    Who attacked her kids?

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Just as President Obama stood up for Ms. Fluke, so did candidate Obama for her children. Wish she'd do the same but we all know she's not able to as its not in her nature. Mama grizzly my ass!

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      "Who attacked her kids?"

      She did by putting them on show like a barrel of monkeys. She is the only one who harmed her children and they know it. All the money and fame in the world will never compensate them for losing the one thing all kids need... security. Her kids were used and some even tossed away (Track, Trig) like used dish rags.
      I would rather die than do what she did to her children.

  35. Randall7:42 AM

    I don't recall anyone attacking any of Sarah's kids, but let's go back a couple of administrations and look at the vicious things Rush Limbaugh (and others) said about the young Chelsea Clinton.

    Once again, the Republicans slam the door wide open and then whine when some one else walks through: they sure can dish it out, but they can't take it.

    And NO one whines about it more and more often than Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Well, actually, there's a lot of attacking Sarah's kids right here on this blog and comments. Unless, deserved or not, you don't think that counts.

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Is that a question you want an answer to Lynne?

      Because you didn't have a problem laughing and commenting about Bristol on Perils of Palin.

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      @anon 12:30
      So Lynn, How about it?
      You know damn well on the campaign Palins brats were off limits.
      She is not on the campaign trail now and has using her words "thrust them down our throats"!
      With the exception of Track who seems to shun the limelight and TriG (anyTriG all of the TriGs)
      All the rest of her kids... shove their faces down our throats. Piper is no longer a cute little girl but a vicious brat, also too!

  36. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Whenever Gryphen posts a video of Sarah appearing on Fox, I play a game. How long can I sit and watch Sarah before I scream, "Basta! Enough!" This time I made it through three minutes. The problem that I had with this video is that Sarah can't sit still. Her head bobs up and down or shakes form side to side. Her speech speeds up, and there is no end to a sentence once she starts. There is something very much wrong with her, both physically and mentally. She is a spectacle. Like the book "Game Chnage" suggested, Sarah was chosen people are drawn to watching her. There is a strange fascination at first in watching her. Then, it becomes apparent that Sarah has nothing to say. There is no thought process going on. Words are strung together for the sole purpose of filling the air with sound. (Poor Julianne having to listen to that all day long in order to repeat and capture it). Sarah is a stunt, meant to keep viewers watching Fox. The telling moment for me is when Sarah lowered her voice, responding to the question of a brokered convention, "They won't ask me." What we are watching is a paid performer who no longer believes the lines that she is forced to read. She does it for the money and to stay in the public eye.

    1. Marleycat10:10 AM

      It's called drug and alcohol abuse, and subsequent tardive dyskinesia, coupled with a lack of education and significant learning disability. That is the something terrible goin' on there! When she was in New York and FUX NEWS cleaned her up and she didn't have that "medicine cabinet" with her, and was under threat to NOT dare indulge - even though she was still coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs, not being under the influence really improved her thinking and word salad.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Marley, I think they stuff a few Domino's pizza in her also, b/c she didn't have that lolipop head thang goin' on...?
      Oh shrunken head on a string?
      She really looked different. Now she looks the same. She should start melting down any min since Shay's book Hit the SCENE and super tues...and GAME CHANGE!!!

  37. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Look, we all know the ONE area Palin ISN'T an idiot in is marketing herself to the mouth breathers. And she knows this is her last good year to pump the brand 'cause her opinion isn't going to be worth much after Obama wins his second term.

    Tic tock tic tock...

  38. Marleycat9:29 AM

    Somewhat off topic - Well, I just got done reading "Boys Will Be Boys", and as far as I'm concerned - Sarah Palin can't really speak to what is or is not a "DIRTY TRICK" (although clearly, Sarah and Todd Palin are the dirtiest tricks in the book).

    I really haven't haven't yet been able to tease out what's absolutely credible or not in this story - because it seems such a bizarro, sordid, disgusting, story! I do believe the bulk of it, however, and IMO - there is zero chance that Sarah Palin did NOT know what Todd was involved in.

    IMO - This was a well-established entrenched "business endeavor" that seems to me to have existed well before Shailey Tripp became involved in it and not only provided financial gain for the idiots like Todd - but IMHO also SPECIFICALLY for gaining political power and influence on a much larger scale through sex, drugs, special favors, etc.

    Control over those big-time players, who were obligated to deliver whatever was wanted, could then be maintained - influence peddling over elections, votes, contracts,etc. or face retribution themselves.

    I question whether Todd's role at VP was more akin to one of the "public relations" hookers whose main function is to provide special entertainment services to executives, politicians, et al, than being some he-man oil field worker for BP. From that perspective - if true, there is no mystery how a "hoax" pregnancy could be pulled off, or what Chuckie Heath could have been alluding to - "Sarah is not the one who makes the decisions".

    I used to think that the Dar Miller suspicious fire and death, with destruction of records at that church and any connection with the Palins a bit far-fetched - but it sure seems very likely now.

    Note the continuous theme of drugs, drug selling. and addiction, (in addition to the "sex")and from other sources - the associations of some of the players in this story with drugs (Johnston, Diana Palin, Sarah and Todd's alleged coke parties, "LS", and others - even percolating on down through the youth, etc!

    "LS" and Todd allegedly had a significant association PRIOR to "LS" being hired by Shailey as "LS" stated "Todd got her addicted", she didn't like Todd. The drug of choice throughout seems to be Oxycontin - as it crops up time and again.

    Also, No mystery of who was in control (with APD's help, and apparently FBI) of why Shailey Tripp was unable to get her cell phone back, with the SIM card detailing the "proof" of text messages and calls from Todd, since one of her "referrals" from Todd and regular customers was a highly placed *** employee? NO MYSTERY at all!

    This book is certainly not great literature, and is not perfect in terms of structure and editing - but, as a "tell-all", WOW, compelling. Some things are held back, but the storyline has the ring of authenticity. To pull together all the information that has been disclosed from so many different sources - this helps round out what is known about the Palin saga - BUY THIS BOOK!

    Things are falling into place, and the "contexts" of prior allegations are demystified, they make sense - such as rumours of Todd prowling for men and women sex partners - as apparently, if true - this "ring" used both men and women.

    AND such as the brain blurb on that radio show, from her own mouth - Todd isn't involved in a "prostitution ring", just ask him - When no such allegation had ever even been made! Sarie's RIGHT - there's no such thing as "coincidence"!

    Gryphen, McGinniss, Dunn, Bailey, and so many others have all been barking up the right tree, all right!

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Todd's highly illegal activities, on the Federal level illegal, was happening while he was in the Governor's office. Who was he influencing and for what reward? Come on State of Alaska. Come on Federal prosecutors. Why is there always a "lid" put on these illegal acts and corruption cases? Bill Allen comes to mind. How corrupt is our state government. Maybe Shailey's personal belongings didn't "disappear". Wouldn't it be sweet if the Fed's are in possession of them.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Yes, yes, and yes. I hope that the State's obvious destruction of information - in Shailey's case - would be of concern to the Feds. What else is Alaska covering up?

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Good review!

    4. Marleycat7:17 PM

      True - I'm sure someone kept a copy somewhere of anything incriminating - so they shouldn't be surprised if they get extortion threats - heck all that money from SarahPac could just begone overnight, same with the other Pro-Palin groups that collect for her - gone (although I'm sure that a lot of money is kept secreat from ole Sarie - after, she's their role model - if SHE doesn't disseminate the collections as she said she would, why would they!) Think about that bots - want your rent money or mortgage money go to pay for extortion demands?

  39. Anonymous9:37 AM

    My copy of Shailey Tripp's book should arrive around the 10th - HBO here I come! I am signing up for HBO just to watch Game Change.....

  40. Anonymous9:53 AM

    If you are married to a pimp, that makes you a Madame, right?

    1. AnonymousMar 4, 2012 10:53 AM

      HEY! I think "Crazies4Palin" have beat you to the punch....they call her "Madame President" over there! LOL!!! So I guess she is a "Madame" at least according to her bots'.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Todd has been pimping his wife ever since he saw dollar signs in her "potential." Much like he did with Shailey Trip.

    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I prefer Mad dame!


  41. jcinco9:56 AM

    One must give st. sarah of perpetual victimhood credit for her incredible athletic prowess in that she can perform cartwheels without underwear screeching "look at me , look at me!" whilst dragging that cross around.

  42. It's "President Obama," you ugly, vile, harpy. You're not even fit to utter his name, let alone comment on anything he does or says. Your limited IQ won't let you process it anyway ...

    And MILLIONS of people are anxiously awaiting GAME CHANGE. Now the whole world will know what IM'ers have known since traitor McCain foisted you onto an unsuspecting America. And we all know you didn't give birth to Trig. Your KARMIC payday is on the way and you will have to reveal this hoax.

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November (and March 10!) -- Landslide (on both counts)!!!

  43. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Yep. The only time Sarah likes talking about someone other than herself is when she has an opportunity to talk someone else down, in attempt to lift herself up. In the end, still never sees anything beyond herself.

  44. Anonymous10:40 AM

    In her last interview with Greta she started out by saying Toad Won the Ironman(he came in 5th) and it was the leftwing media trying to hurt her family by saying he didnt win. Also Alan West would be a good VP. The stupid insane woman doesn't know West had to leave the military for violent behavior. I think her mental instability is increasing .She is a very sick person.And I use the term person loosely.She has lost her grasp on reality.She is a pathological liar of the first order.She looks sick both mentally and physically.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Did she really tell Greta that Todd won the 2012 Iron Dog?

    2. imnofred8:52 AM

      She definitely lives in a different reality than most of us. I seriously doubt that anyone in the media, except maybe Fox News, really gives a fuck about how Tawd did in the Iron Dog

  45. Anonymous11:12 AM

    OOps I too was told about Sarah saying Toad won by someone who just told me they read it on the satire sight only they didnt know it was satire. She lies so much why wouldn't you believe it. I still say she is a pathological and she looks very sick.I could almost feel sorry for her. Almost...She has spewded so much hatred. There is zero excuse for her.

  46. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The person who has done more to alienate people from the GOP praises Santorum for bringing people into the fold?

  47. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Hey Sarah, your Mama, You, Bristol, and Willow, could have all used contraceptives, since all of you got knocked up before marriage. Now, that is the true definition of Sluts and Hoes. Oh yeah, Toad knows a little something about Prostitutes also. Now you like Alan West, you just can't get your mind off that Black d..k.

  48. LOL! Loved the caption Gryphen!

    If anybody has the patience or cast iron stomach....I would recommend that you go to the 6:14 mark in the video and freeze the picture. Check out the side by side pictures of Baldy! GRUESOME!

    The big difference of course is the hair! The talking wig on the left looks malnourished, half dead, overly botoxed and if you blink real fast I swear you can see a skeleton face instead of Baldy's Tranny manny face staring back at you!

    And the Baldy on the right...looks like she's eaten quite a few meals and she looks healthy...she also looks like she still has her teeth...and the most obvious difference of all...the aging factor!

    This is what Baldy USED to look like on the the Baldy we see today is oozing nastiness...and unrestrained violence. "Game Change" will finish her off!

    1. Tom Joad8:37 PM

      How did she look somewhat normal while she was in New York?

      And now, OMG, she looks sickly, unkept, dirty and mentally ill. Where is her family and friends? Don't they see her falling apart?

      No decent husband would let her health and looks get so bad!

  49. Not What You Want to Hear1:45 PM


    Palin, yesterday: "Anybody but Obama!"

    Palin, barely a month ago: "The challenge of this election is not simply to replace President Obama. The real challenge is who and what we will replace him with."

    Wow, those are some steadfast principles.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Thanks for pointing this out... My first thought too...

      Oh she's been so clever with her political teasing... running and not running, endorsing but not endorsing, keeping the mud slinging going cause it makes the candidates stronger (and that is the only schtict she's got - mud slinging) but now all that is petty.

      One thing about Sarah though, she is not a deep thinker. She'll go whichever way the wind blows as long as it blows her money. Real steadfast, Sarah. Steadfast in hate but not principles.

  50. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Did $arah write that only Bristle could love Trig's looks?...

    ..... Original Message ..... From: Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored) To: Mills, Andy J (GOV) Sent: Fri Feb 06 08:42:57 2009 Subject: Pics

    Could I get a couple of those trig pictures from the other night? I want to bring to Anchorage office. I LOVE them! He’s got that look that only a mother could love - but you made him very photogenic! :)


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