Sunday, August 12, 2012


"I'll get  you Mitt Romney, and your little dog Paul Ryan too!"
As we already predicted Sarah Palin will NOT be speaking at the GOP convention in Tampa.  Try not to act TOO surprised.

Here is her attempt to save face courtesy of Gretawire:

“…Everything I said at the 2008 convention about then-candidate Obama still stands today, and in fact the predictions made about the very unqualified and inexperienced Community Organizer’s plans to “fundamentally transform” our country are unfortunately coming true. This year is a good opportunity for other voices to speak at the convention and I’m excited to hear them. As I’ve repeatedly said, I support Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in their efforts to replace President Obama at the ballot box, and I intend to focus on grassroots efforts to rally Independents and the GOP base to elect Senate and House members so a wise Congress is ready to work with our new President to get our country back on the right path. This is imperative. As President Clinton said in 2008 while candidate Obama and lapdogs in the media were thrashing his wife’s record and reputation, this is “…the biggest fairy tale.” For the sake of America’s solvency and sovereignty we must close this nonsensical book in November…”- Sarah Palin

 You just KNOW that there is a refrigerator in Wasilla currently seeking a place on the witness protection program.

You know I think I can hear the screeching of the Batshit crazy Wasilla Banshee all the way from here.


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    GOP: Listen, Sarah. Either YOU announce you're not speaking at the GOP convention or WE announce it. Your choice, Sarah.

    And, voila, Sarah bleats out the "news".

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Was that Sarah's big announcement? That she wasn't invited to the big dance? LMAO...a wall flower at 50!

  2. lostinmn6:27 PM

    Kind of a classic face plant off the vault. Won't miss her but I don't doubt for a minute she won't be there and be making noise out on the street.

    It's going to be a real circus.

    1. Sarah will be there at the RNC to bark at and chase the blahs away outside the TB Times Forum.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      She'll have Fox press credentials, so, even if they don't put her on the air much, she can crash most of the convention parties and such, put on by all the corporations and others there to massage the GOPers. She'll have plenty of sound bites, and, if the convention is as boring as Romney and Ryan are, the press will be running after her for a story.

      Questions: will she be able to say anything new? ("Candidate Obama" "American exceptionalism" "crony capitalism" etc.) Or will she be hanging out at the strip mall hoping that enough loyal teabaggers will come by to genuflect when they're not being wined and dined by their masters? Will she have enough clean clothes to last her for a week? What a show.
      Then, the next week, she'll be back in Wasilla or some other outpost, trying to get attention, but the show will have moved on. Cobwebs will start to show up in her home tv studio, and she'll have to send back the books and "art" she'd rented to make it look like she was a scholar.

      Maybe some of the teabaggers will start to ask her about all those postage expenditures....even they must be getting a clue by now. So long, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Love your comment:

      "Or will she be hanging out at the strip mall hoping that enough loyal teabaggers will come by to genuflect when they're not being wined and dined by their masters?"

      They may be there to oogle her new boobies!

    4. Balzafiar5:18 AM

      On the street or behind the convenience store, whatever works is OK by me.

    5. Durham1:01 PM

      By day, you can bet Sarah will be at the convention trying to attract attention from the press in her one last ditch effort to keep her name out there. By night, she'll be pole dancing for the horny old Republican men in one of Tampa's notorious strip clubs. After all, do you really think she got that recent boob job for Todd? She needs the tips to help pay for her future extravagant living after her current cash flow dries up. Who knows, maybe dancing is finally something she's found she's good at.! Brisdul will surely follow in her mom's foot steps.

  3. laprofesora6:30 PM

    Ladies and Gentlemen, she is officially a has-been. God slammed the door right in her botoxed face. I would pay good money to hear the story behind this...

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Ouch! Thanks, God. /s
      Good thing Sarah's face is so numb.

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Gee, I guess that was all part of "God's plan" too!

    3. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Yeah, and whatnot.

    4. Anonymous11:36 PM

      Guess God shut the door right in her face! Do you get it, Sarah? You are not wanted at the convention and you so deserve being rejected!!!

      We really are tired of your same ole, same ole bullshit!

    5. Anonymous4:44 AM

      Yep - and she and the pee-ers don't realize it. Since we know she reads here and some of the pee-ers do to, though they need Nurse Ratchett to translate:

      2012 Option A:(Very likely)
      President Obama wins second term.
      Result in 2016: There is not only Mittens for a possible third run, but Jeb Bush, Rubio, and Ryan plus a slew of others including Ayotte and Haley most of whom will all have been actually governing or legislating in the next four years.

      And on the Dem side we have Hillary, Warren, Gillibrand and many others.

      2012 Option B: Mitt wins (unlikely, but GOP dirty tricks, still, alas, a possibility.)

      Result 2016: she would be primarying an incumbent - no more need be said.

      Result 2020: If Mittens were to win and 8 year term (yeah, there goes the country, but....Ryan would be in GHWB's former VP position and $carah will be pushing 60 hard and have been out of politics for 8 years. She looks it already - and her looks are about all she has to run on. What more need be said?

  4. Anonymous6:30 PM

    There's also video of you saying that you were supportive of America's choice and that you would work on common ground to support our new President.
    You were almost a grown-up, a statesman, a leader. Almost.

    Instead, the more people threw change at you to play the spiteful, vengeful shrew, you'd kick it up a notch and created a horrid discourse in this country to the point that it got a Democrat Congresswoman shot in the head and a child killed. Instead of toning it down, advancing in a different direction in public discourse, you went with Blood Libel.

    Seriously, you are one ill mother-fucker Sarah Palin. And for all the issues we have with Paul Ryan (who still remains an unknown to pivotal swing states despite being in Congress for 14 years) the 44 year old is still a normal hail-mary choice to balance out a bad ticket.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      @6:30PM -- Nailed it.

    2. Anonymous9:27 PM

      I am standing to applaud your comment. Yess.. thumbs up. Well put. Bravo!!

    3. Anonymous10:50 PM

      Well said, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Good choice on the Rmoney's team to NOT have her speak. BUT she will be going to ALL the soirees, along with her entire family (minus Trig)and will seek the spotlight anywhere she can. Will she be allowed to attend the convention?

    Wonder how much THIS vacation will cost Sarah PAC. No money for candidates, but lots for sarah and her family. Good grief. The will need that bus to carry all their clothes and "stuff."

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      It will be interesting to see if the Quitter does indeed show up in Tampa at her hole in the wall strip mall shop. She might be too embarrassed since it will only draw more attention to the fact that she was thrown to the curb by Mittens and the Repubs. (How does it feel, $arah!)

      Then again, drawing attention is her purpo$e in life, so maybe $he will show up to sell some books, $uperman tshirts, etc. $he knows it's guaranteed to get a camera shot, microphone spew from some media.

      The $hilla from Wasilla has officially become the po$ter child for what NOT to look for in a running mate HA!

    2. Anonymous2:00 AM

      I think as former Governor, she is actually a delegate, which means she can be on the floor and vote. Whether she will accept that I don't know.

    3. Anonymous4:10 AM

      but she QUIT her job as gvnr

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Oh, she was invited alright, but the Prima Donna couldn't abide by a supporting role. She'd of been buried in the agenda so she couldn't dominate the media cycle.

    She'd of wanted to introduce Ryan for sure, for the same altruistic reasons she wanted to 'thank' John McCain after his concession speech, cause that girl's got a hard-on for the bright lights and applause.

    1. Because like most women that never grow up and try to relive high school in their everyday lives as mean girls: Sarah JUST CAN'T LET 2008 GO!!
      That's the high point of her life, when she became soooo famous for being hot (sorry Sarah, it was never your brain and never will be). Looks are fleeting, girl. No one wants to hear about your 2008 woes or self-righteous back-patting. And that's because no one gives a shit. The liberals laugh at your inability to live in the present and the republicans blame you for losing the election.
      Get off your high horse and be glad that the Romney campaign hasn't gotten a restraining order against you.

    2. Anonymous11:01 PM

      She's too big of a risk. The GOP establishment know she's a loose cannon and will do her best to steal Mitt's thunder like she did when she went racing to New Hampshire to steal the spotlight from Mitt when he was declaring his candidacy. Besides they don't want her to remind the independents of McCain's "felled" campaign. She's a teabagger skank and a loooser!

    3. Anonymous2:35 AM

      Judge Judy got it right - "Beauty fades, dumb is FOREVER" The forever dumb $carah will have to face reality sooner or later. Her entire family is a joke with their reality shows. Not a speck of real talent in the entire group.She should go back to her compound and shut them all in with the numerous illegitimate grandkids. There are so many secret birthdays, plus secret kids it would be quite a reality show to open up this place to the truth. Show $carah and Bristles getting cosmetic surgeries at the low-cost surgeon's office. Everything about this family is "cut rate", no class, no intelligence, no style.

  7. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I don't think she's in Wasilla. Isn't she still flying around on her broom in her Texas Cowgirl boots stumping for votes or Toad's show or Bristol's reputation, or something? What a moron. And her face reflects her inner ugliness.

    1. Anonymous11:03 PM

      I read she was in Arizona...maybe a follow-up visit with her surgeon to check out her latest surgical procedures.

  8. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Buy more Spray Tan, Sarah. Your stay at FAUX NOISE is coming to an end. Reality Show Producers stand by for the influx of WASILLABILLIES. The PIMPING FAMILY from Wasilla is looking for a new way to GRIFT money. Maybe Sarah will invent a new PREGNANCY. After all, that's how she 1st started her GRIFTING.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Can't, she's a dried up prune down there.

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      NOSE RING! A nose ring will do wonders for her popularity with the younger crowd!

      Get one for Sarah and another for Bristol!

      Pimp daddies roll with an ampallang or a Prince Albert!

    3. *insert thoughtful expression*

      How WOULD Sarah look if she tried to appeal to a younger crowd? Oh, I'm SO going to dick around on Photoshop now!!!

    4. Anonymous11:06 PM

      She's already dressing like a teeny-bopper and looks like she had breast enhancements. Maybe she needs a butt enhancements now!

  9. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Don't worry Gryphen she rented that empty strip mall store in Florida. I am sure Tawd will just run his hookers out of there.

    1. moose pucky7:49 PM

      She put a DEPOSIT down for the space. Channelside Mall is trying to get a confirmation and has received NO RESPONSE from sarahpac. No cancellation, no confirmation - typical scarah.

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Here's new info right off the press.

      SarahPAC is shipping all of the hundreds of thousands of non-sold books that the Palins bought through PAC, and they're going to warehouse them in Tampa.

      The books will all be insured at the value that they sell the signed books for when you donate to the PAC, or $100. They will sell all they can until the last night of the convention, when some Muslim Terrorists will torch their book storage area and only the area where the Palins have over-insured their book stock.

      Boom! Trash to cash, and Tahd ain't gotta load them back in the truck and drive them back to AK. Good hard-working conservative principles and ethics at work

    3. Anonymous2:43 AM

      $carah must have expected a boatload of "donations" to her pac, which did not materialize. So now she may have to use her own money for a change, or cancel out. Either that or the rest of the family has finally decided not to show up with her after the bus fiasco. Too bad, I'll bet Piper is a real piece of work by now. Maybe she developed "mono" and has to be shipped to her aunt's house for the duration. If one of my sons had decided to "date" a Palin, I would have had a very serious talk with them about reputations being lost when you hang around with tramps.

    4. Anonymous4:56 AM

      If one of my sons decided to date a Palin, I would have him committed to a mental institution until recovered.

    5. Anonymous8:20 AM

      IF one of my sons decided to date a Palin, I'd give him a spycam and a secret microphone and tell him to get to work.

  10. laprofesora6:51 PM

    B-b-but Scarah got new boobies and everything. Big ones, too. Now what's she supposed to do?

    1. angela7:39 PM

      Another fake pregnancy?

    2. Anonymous11:10 PM

      She could put up a pole and do some pole dancing while wearing a skimpy, trashy Wonder Woman or Supergirl costume.

    3. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Ugh, a pole gyrating on a pole, uh, thanks, but not thanks.

  11. Anonymous6:54 PM

    How's that Stillman endorsement workin' out for ya', Sarah? Drats! All that plastic surgery for nothing! Only the people visiting the strip mall will get to see how fabulous Sarah looks! Hey maybe Toad can pimp some of the Teatards actually invited to the convention. You know they'll be looking for some hawt sex when they're down in Tampa and the little wife is home with the six kids.

  12. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Sending this special request out to all the pimp daddies and grifter grannies out there in valley trash land. Whichever house it is you are in.

    Don't call us child, we'll call you!

    Don't Call Us We'll Call You- Sugarloaf- 1975

  13. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Holy Moly, Breitbart is killing Sarah softly here:

    If it can be said that John McCain threw something of a Hail Mary pass by selecting Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008, Romney has thrown a long ball, as well, while making certain that his receiver was open before he launched the ball.

    In Ryan, Romney gets a running mate that represents both the young, conservative, smart and aggressive face of the Republican Party to which Sarah Palin so strongly appeals, while at the same time, a pick capable of silencing establishment critics who so often rebuff advances by would be political outsiders like Palin herself.

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      I don't think Ryan is nearly as smart as these boffs think he is. I heard one of them call him an " intellectual heavyweight" and I burst out laughing!! If this is their smart, they are in big trouble . Bitching and moaning about the deficit while coming up with an austerity plan that adds trillions to the deficit! What is so smart about this.
      It does put more money in the hands of the very rich like Howell & Munster, but it screws anyone making under a few hundred thousand a year.

      Oh so brilliant and fresh, not!!!!

    2. In other words, Mitt Gaffney has chosen a career politician rather than a corporate "jobs creator". His real challenge now will be to make himself look SMARTER than his VP choice. Good luck with that.

    3. Anonymous10:35 PM

      I don't know anyone who I'd consider smart who is impressed by Ayn Rand. I read Atlas Shrugged when I was maybe 13 or 14 but even then I could see how it was selfish and trite.

    4. Anonymous11:19 PM

      The guy has passed exactly 2 bills in 14 years in office!Not fiscal ones,either.He passed a bill to rename a post office,and one to change how arrows are taxed.I kid you not!

    5. Anonymous1:56 AM

      Well, since Rmoney introduced Ryan as "the next President" and then Ryan tells 60 Minutes that HE will end the tax breaks Mitt lives for, I'd say this is going to be Laurel and Hardy for the next two months. If Ryan has known since Aug. 1 that it was him, why in the heck are these two not on the same page?
      Oh, because Rmoney is 'entitled' to be POTUS, and because Ryan is so arrogant that he thinks America is going to agree to be screwed by the GOP just because he tells them it's for the best? Morons, and thieves...the new GOP.

    6. Anonymous2:47 AM

      In his high school yearbook Ryan was voted "The biggest BROWN NOSER" What a reputation.

    7. Dis Gusted4:15 AM

      that was also in his wiki description until 800 edits were made to the page over the weekend.

    8. Anonymous5:02 AM

      Ryan's Rand infatuation is just sad - as was Rand. An immigrant who was trying to out greed the greedy robber barons of America of her time. She was the Orly Taitz of her era.

      If Rand is to have any credence at all, it is with her theories as a whole. You can't cherry pick only what you like, pushing women (and their partners) into the slavery of uncontrolled childbearing while offering no safety net.

    9. Anonymous6:31 AM

      that was also in his wiki description until 800 edits were made to the page over the weekend.

      HOW PALIN!

  14. Anonymous7:11 PM

    LOL in plain words the idiot was not invited .

  15. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Last April , the Tampa Bay Times reported that her Pac / slush fund
    " had plunked down $4,500 to reserve space at Channelside Bay Plaza "
    during the RNC convention.
    " The expense was listed in required filings submitted Wednesday to the Federal Election Commission."
    They did not know why Palin had done this .
    Although the next sentence should have been a hint.
    " But the space at Channelside — a short walk from the Forum — will allow her an independent platform away from the formal event
    and access to some of the 15,000 journalists
    expected to cover the convention."
    However, on July 25 , when Palin showed up at the NBC party sporting her new chest and it's 3rd degree burns , she implied she did not know if she was going to Tampa.
    "We'll have an announcement in a couple of days," said Palin, as an aide insisted journalists direct questions to Todd Palin.
    "I don't know if we'll do anything fancy as a press conference,
    but we'll get the word out."
    She actually considered a press conference to announce her grand entrance.
    She really is delusional .

    1. Anonymous11:14 PM

      Like anybody really cares Sarah except for her C4Pee'rs.

    2. MollyM7:54 AM

      Ah - so it's TRUE! She's going to try to steal the spotlight. How pathetic.

  16. Anonymous7:15 PM

    McCain: Sarah, the GOP will unveil all of your dirt if you don't back out.
    Sarah: All of the dirt?
    McCain: Can you spell Shailey Tripp? Can you spell Trig?
    Sarah: That's enough, I don't need to hear any more.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      McCain is the one covering up all the lies and criminal activities of the Palins. I so wish McCain would be exposed for his complicity in their crimes. Obstruction of Justice, McCain, obstruction of justice. All for your sorry ass "reputation" which Palin has so royally trashed.

    2. I'm convinced McCain has to know SOMETHING about Sarah's faux pregnancy. But at the same time, she must have some killer dirt on him too for him to continue kissing her ass years later.

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Notice he hasn't called Harry Reid a liar either. McCain has seen the taxes and still chose Sarah??????????? Wow! Just Wow!

    4. Anonymous11:16 PM

      I'm wondering if Toad hooked him up with one of his prostitutes and has it on film.

    5. Dis Gusted4:16 AM

      funny how that boat trip lines up with the rumored delivery of Bristol's first kid in December 2007.

    6. Anonymous5:04 AM

      John may finally have to spill if she tries to use Channelside to start a third party - which the pee'ers are pushing for.

    7. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Dis Gusted: What boat trip? I am aware of the MV Pacifica and Dylan Kolvig and have thought that Bristol became pregnant at that time - 2007. Another boat trip?

  17. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Worry not dears, evidently, our exceptional Servant's Hearted Sarah will be riding out on that high falutin ballet horse, ringing those bells and shootin those guns to warn rill Amercians that we need to get our path fundamentally righted off this sinkin Titanic of the felled policies of O'Bama/Biden. Don't look back and blame the previous administration and waive the white flag of surrender, Sarah Palin will serve the time tested truths of the Constitution as our founding fathers, all of em, any of em over the years of the great history of this country by not inviting herself to the GOP Convention, it's not a Sadie Hawkins dance.

    1. Anonymous11:18 PM

      Brilliant anon@7:25, you sound just like Sarah!

  18. Anonymous7:26 PM

    No doubt she's locked in her bedroom watching Fatal Attraction on a loop. Bunnies of Alaska and Arizona, hide.

    Seriously, this woman needs major intervention for her Obama obsession.

  19. I said this on the other of the patients at the Asylum said that Baldy's FB screed from yesterday that RAM wrote was going to be her speech at the Convention!

    So she's probably known since Friday that her ass wasn't going to be invited nor allowed to speak! Probably in Baldy's twisted brain her FB shit from yesterday bashing Obama was a hail mary...and that she hoped that the Rmoney folks would change their mind...sorry Baldy...your days of stinking up the joint are....OVAH!!


    1. Gina - check out the early posts today - I'm still on an each way bet that "the berk" over there is a parody - and his glorious post this morning does not solve the issue

      "Guys, I really think that, beyond their GENERAL hatred of, envy of, fear of the Governor, the GOPe cowards may have a very specific fear:

      SARAH's election by ACCLAMATION as the Republican nominee."

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - what else to say

  20. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Heh heh....notice how Sarah carefully words her 'endorsement' of Ryan: "As I've repeatedly said, I support Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in their efforts to replace President Obama at the ballot box...."

    So, she only supports their efforts to REPLACE President Obama? What about supporting them fully as candidates who have a plan to do right by the party's criteria. She really doesn't want to give them any credit for their strengths, or any compliments. She only sees them as a replacement ticket - no matter who or what they are, just ABO.

    It's so hilarious how she just can't offer a kind word to anybody, especially the guys that replaced her. Paul Ryan during his speech yesterday talking about his wife and kids, his love of ice fishing, all that middle america stuff, and Sarah's grizzly mama bears have hibernated, never to be heard from again.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Like Romney has a big enough heart to invite her after all the vile things she has said and all the passive aggression she has directed at him. Ha! Romney is as asshat and Sarah is a fool.

      What I hope is that Sarah makes a lot of trouble for them. That'll be entertaining, a little repub on repub action.

    2. Anonymous11:26 PM

      She hasn't 'repeatedly' provided verbal support of Romney. She's never endorsed him at all. Lying bitch as always!

    3. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Wonder if she's sort of behaving in hopes of cabinet or other post in th eoff chance Rmoney and Eddie win?

  21. Sneering Sarah looks just like a Dick, er Vice-President Cheney, doesn't she?

  22. Anonymous7:28 PM

    And in what parallel universe has she repeatedly said she supported Romney and Ryan?

  23. At least I agree with her for once: we ALL want to hear different voices. Any voice but hers, actually.

    Perhaps this is just a clever strategic move on her part in preparation for a last-minute call from Rmoney-weary GOP leadership to swoop in, accept the nomination and save the Republican party? I wouldnt count her out just yet.

    See if she brings her nicer (cleaner?) wigs and sluttier shoes to Tampa. That'll be the clue for her supporters that there's still a chance she's going to be the nominee....


  24. angela7:31 PM

    Poor old pole dancing Sookie Cow Sarah. The old stingy heifer just gets more and more deranged about President Obama. I expect her to start screaming that she will not be ignored---again and try to boil sweet ole Bo.

    But I have to admit I'm truly surprised Mittens and his little buddy the Zombie Eyed Granny Starver won't be letting Palin show her ass in Tampa.
    I still think she'll do a Carrie and blood will flow over all her GOP enemies.
    I'm pretty sure there will be posters of her given to security at most of the entrances. She'll have to let her entourage lick her toes outside the arena. (But I'm still hoping someone threatens Mittens and makes him let her purge all over the crowd. The hate will be so thick you won't be able to cut it with her thick toenails.)

  25. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Palin probably made alot of Repubs mad by helping get rid of moderate Repubs.

    Now for the next 4 years, the bots can be taken in for their money with the "will she, won't she run in 2016" meme. She helped get alot of Tea Party people elected. She knows it caused gridlock. Now, she keeps throwing "independent" out there. Watch her try to start moving to the center--and try to swoop in in 2016 to "work across the aisle" as she said she has done. She is not to be trusted and she'll continue to throw her rocks from the sidelines up to 2016 no matter who gets elected.


    1. Anonymous10:58 PM

      Actually, I think she will be more and more marginalized and ignored over the next four years. I don't see her getting any attention for '16.

      If Romney or whoever is making the decisions has determined that not inviting her this time around is the best course of action it's either because they think her power has waned or that they want to defang her.

      She's toast. And so is Romney. Obama '12.

    2. AKRNHSNC1:35 AM

      The idiots at the PeeZoo think Sarah is working to get a Congress elected that she can work with when she's "elected in 2016"! Yes, they're now onto the next Presidential run despite the fact that this election hasn't been held yet. They actually think Palin will maintain a place in the media for the next 4 years?? There aren't enough reality shows for her to do that and Fox isn't going to keep her around for a few more years. Without a television presence, they will go nuts for a glimpse of their queen. They need to see her like a drowning man needs oxygen. They're also pissed as hell that Romney is allegedly afraid of Sarah upstaging him at the convention. LOL, still as delusional as ever!!

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Palin's supporters better grab some sweaters and coats while they wait for "The Great Grifter" to come and visit their humble voting district.

      Meanwhile back on the campaign trail, Mitt Romney will find himself playing second fiddle to Paul Ryan and his six-paged budget proposal.

      This is Game Change all over again. GOP start planning for 2016, this election's a wrap!

      Obama/Biden 2012!

    4. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Actually, the Right: Rove et al are planning hard for 2016 and so we should also take a long term view to keep them out of power. They will not stop and neither should we.
      M from MD

  26. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Why's Sarah going on the defense of Bill Clinton in 2008 now? Her reference to lapdogs - media - thrashing - his wife's record and reputation - biggest fairy tale.....WTH?

    So now she has to sniff around for even liberals to defend from then candidate Obama's campaign debates. Is she going to call every person who feels insulted so she can get them to join her pity-party camp?

  27. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I think this is Palin's "big announcement". I doubt Sarah Pac can collect enough monies to sustain her dwindling relevance. I predict the reality tv gigs will be over too. The Palins revealed they were pretending she would run to get better offers.

    Maybe they will shrink wrap their motor home again and they will all pile out like clowns do from a car at a circus. They can have a camera crew at the mall to pitch another reality show with the footage.

    Has any other former politician staged their own show as she has plotted to do?

  28. Anonymous7:39 PM

    the tranny granny has been shown who has the power and it isn't her. note that she made this "announcement" on fox and not some other network/radio station. she has been shown the door and she has also been put on notice to behave or all bets are off and she will be exposed completely. drips and drabs of info from anonymous sources will start showing up on huff po and on et and in other rags and mags.

    the see4pee is of course up in arms over romney not inviting her to the convention..........really? after all the gloating for months about how she wouldn't utter his name when interviewed by handyman and gretters and how she showed romney up on the day he announced his candidacy and how her rally in mass. outnumbered his on the same day? they have been bragging for months and months about how she is dissin him right and left then, then they expected he would invite her to the convention?

    the river of de-nial is wide and long over thare.
    eek! ewww! ugh!!!!!!! someone give them some chill pills so they can go quietly off to their recliners and shut up about her.

    1. Anonymous11:18 PM

      I wonder if she contacted McCain for help on this at some point? Obviously not successful! He talks nice about her to the public, but could be completely different behind the scene. Would be interesting to know more that is for sure!!

  29. Love how she tries to make it sound like this was her decision!

  30. Anonymous7:45 PM

    May 7, 2008

    Wonkette knew about all of Palin's Lego accessories way back then. How could McCain's vetting staff have missed the Prego-Lego attachments?

  31. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Just as the guests are seated at the convention and the first speaker begins, a sound.....the sound of an muffled engine, getting louder and louder, backfires, POW! - screeching tires and a loud thump. All the Palins spill out of Sarah's bus parked right at the stage entrance and crash the speech. Grandma, grandpa, uncle Chuck, aunts and a collection of Sarah impersonators, Todd, kids and finally a foot demurely appears on the bus top step, wrapped in an ugly shoe, and suddenly in all her splendor, descends Sarah. "Here I am!! Oh, here I am, my wonderfulness is here"!!!! Get a load of MEEEEEEE!!!!

  32. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Talk about being stuck in a time warp.

    Sarah has never moved on from her hey day weeks in 2008 and this statement says it all. She is trying to find any way she can to scream at the world that Barack Obama is a bad guy. Why even President Clinton said so, while he was trying to protect his wife from the big bad Barack. He took away her chance at the White House.

    She's flailing for anything to remind people of her important role back then. Her reference to the 'inexperienced', 'community organizer' are her attempt to remind people of her famous convention speech 'zingers' that the media hyped.

    She longs for the attention and adulation that the media gave her when she was new to the national scene and no one had yet found out what a mentally ill woman she was. She was charismatic, charming, and yes, attractive.

    But something happened to her when she lost that election and went back to Wasilla, and it wasn't a good thing. Sarah doesn't lose well. Somehow Sarah looks at this like President Obama stole her role in life, to be the first woman President. She sees it that way and she is beating him up every way she can.

    Of course, it's all for naught, since it's delusional and he doesn't give her a moment of thought while he is doing what the majority of Americans requested, to become the president of the United States. He won by a huge margin and there were no buts, ifs or ands about it. He won, fair and square, playing by the rules, and she can't get that out of her craw. America chose HIM. America rejected HER.

    1. Anonymous11:02 PM

      Her message hasn't changed since she and McCain lost the race in 2008. We are ALL so bored w/you Sarah!!!

      It's school time, Sarah. Something you can do now is pay attention to your kids and get them registered for school. We know how important they and education are to you!!! (Tongue in cheek, of course!)

    2. Anonymous11:09 PM

      Sarah wasn't running for the top spot on that ticket in 2008 7:49. McCain was running for President and the White House. The VP doesn't end up in the White House!!!

      Americans selected our wonderful President Obama and declined electing John McCain as President of the United States.

      Sarah wasn't and never has run in that position and President Obama didn't steal a damned thing from her. She's a friggin idiot! Thank God, Romney is excluding her from the convention in Tampa.

    3. Anonymous11:40 PM

      What rock has she been living under? Pres. Obama won the election in 2008 and has been our "president" since. He now has almost 4 years of experience in the White House - does she not know what job he has held for these past almost 4 years? And, he was a senator before that? Does she even give him credit for that? How long ago was it he was an actual community organizer?

    4. comeonpeople3:28 AM

      Please remember that Wasilla had less people than some high schools in the US when you were mayor.(And you had to hire a community organizer to run the place for ya)
      Alaska as a state has less people than all the major US CITIES.
      You have no college degree.
      Your nomination was a perfect storm of stupidity that will never ever ever form again.

    5. Anonymous4:28 AM

      If I recall correctly, he was a 'community organizer' after college and before law that would have made him have that role at the age of around 22...around Bristol's age! At least he was working! So that would be around, oh, 25 years ago!!! She conveniently skips the fact that he went to Harvard law, was a constitutional law prof, a state senator and then a US senator, all long after being a 'community organizer.' You can see that she is a nasty dirty fighter. I bet she and Todd and any others she gets in battles with have to deal with her dredging up things that happened 20 years ago that she hasn't forgotten and won't let anyone forget...that is a CLASSIC sign of the manipulation tactics of a person with a personality disorder. I bet she does this with all their children. Clearly she did it with Levi--and Bristol does too. Apparently Levi cheated on Bristol (who woulnd't) but it must have happened when he was, what, 15 years or 16 years old? And now, 5 years later they won't let him forget it? Or maybe he was pot-smoker as a junior in high school (who wasn't?) and maybe sold a joint or two...and now that seems like once of the points the trolls bring up to hold against him...stuff he did as a teenage boy--c'mon, who cares! But this is their pathology--they villify everyone and everything and won't let anything go and use it and abuse it to their advantage as a weapon to exact their power. I hope Levi could give a crap about what they claim to hold over him. Even if he got wasted and cheated--whatever he may have done, who cares? He was a teenage body! It's was SP and todd have done as adults that is the real issue...and bullying and threatening others seems to be their adult lifelong pasttime

    6. Anonymous5:14 AM

      True, 11:09 - but in her mind, McCain was just a temporary impediment.

      Her attitude towards President Obama reminds me of teh movie Mozart - $carah = Solieri - -at the end, in the insane asylum, claiming Mozart had screwed up God's plan fro Solieri. .

  33. Anonymous7:59 PM

    THAT is not well written! It is one long paragraph hitting on several different topics all run together. You know, Sarah just might have written this herself! And, notice it comes out on Sunday night during the closing of the Olympics.

  34. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Well Sarah, you managed to suck off the Tea Party teat for almost 4 years. You've milked your crazy followers for every spare dime they had (remember the time you were "hinting" at running for President just to get another surge of cash? Ha! Good times, good times...).

    But the torch has been passed to the next GOP VP hopeful. Granted, he doesn't have your "gift of gab"; he can actually articulate a coherent thought.

    So as you sulk your way back to Alaska or Arizona or wherever the Palin compound is these days, think about this: The GOP is having a BIG PARTY in Tampa, and none of them want you there.

    And in closing, might I add: Obama 2012!!!

    1. Anonymous2:58 AM

      Maybe $carah could invite W to her mall store? He is not invited to this shindig, either.

  35. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Dear Sarah,
    You can either be a reality TV star or a serious political commentator. You can't be both. That includes your family. With Bristol and Todd appearing on TV, they diminish the last shred of credibility that you might have thought you had. Your crazy outfits have not helped either. You cannot appeal to the Christian Conservatives if you wear that Jewish Star. You are also pushing the boundaries of good taste when you wear bondage sandals, Superman T-shirt and a curly wig meant for a younger woman. Yes, the breast enhancement is attractive to men, but not for political reasons. They will think of you in another way, bringing up some of Todd's baggage. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but no one else has had the nerve to tell you the truth. As long as you have chosen the commercial path, I wish you great success with your rented mall space in Tampa. Be sure to order enough Palin themed merchandise for everyone!
    From your Republican Friends.

    1. Sarah Lou4:40 AM

      Thank you, dear friends. I wish someone close to me had the nerve to tell me the truth a long time ago. I'm so ashamed of who I've become.

      I didn't start out to become a disgraced, money-grubbing irrelevant media whore. I'm just drawn that way. I'm sorry, Amercia. I'll sit down and shut up now and let the grownups talk.

      Frankly, it's a relief not to have to pretend to be smart or knowledgeable anymore.

      I have to go now. I have a whole bunch of kids (3? 5? 7?) and a hot hubby - have you seen Todd? - pounding on the door demanding hugs!

      Bye. *wink*

  36. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Man the Peebots at the PeeZoo are acting like Sarah, a bunch of pouty, whiny, crybaby kindergartners.

    Wonder how ole Krusty is taking the news?

    1. Yes SPHASH...where is ole Krusty? She's probably stalking Heath/Palin FB pages trying to find out where Beefy is hiding!

      Gee...I wonder what ole RAM is going to do too? Will she have a job anymore or will she finally get to publish that book she's been working on about working for Satan's little sister!

      *GinaM tapping her foot waiting for a reply from the Penguin*

  37. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Another throat punch in Sarah's turkey neck.
    Gobble gobble Sarah!

  38. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I wonder if she is still going to use the space she rented in Channelside next to the convention venue? I live in a condo across the street from that storefront that she was planing on renting so I was planning on going over there and visiting haha.

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Oh that's funny. I hope she goes and causes a scene and you are there to be our boots on the ground!

    2. comeonpeople3:23 AM

      Please do go, and ask her about her tight abs. Bring the March flat ab photo and then the Gusty photo. Ask her why she isn't dead from a burst uterus lol!!
      I hope this makes her uncomfortable, knowing at any time, any place she will be called out on this hoax by smart Rill Dill Amerikuns!

  39. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I am looking forward to her appearance on Hannity on November 7th. She'll be eating some crow when Obama wins in a landslide. Good times!

    1. Anonymous1:46 AM

      She may throw up right on national TV.

  40. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Here's an alternate title for the post: "Irrelevant!"

    Bye-bye, Blarah!

  41. Anonymous8:13 PM

    We were right.
    Sarah was wrong.
    Nuff said.

    1. Anonymous1:45 AM

      You know, I bet Trump does not have "a major role at the convention either.' Those two ought to buy a pizza parlor in Wasilla (complete with a roulette wheeel) and start a business. Hire some people who aren't hookers. Make sure their children get an education instead of a baby.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      I thought Trump was on the schedule.

      The difference is that Trump has money. Romney and others brown-nose him even after he went birther. He's given campaigns money and is a deep pocket for more.

      Palin? She takes money, not gives it away. They can just ignore like they would any crazy person.

  42. It's a lot of fun reading the comments to the news SP wouldn't be speaking at the GOP convention. Just a small sample, on CBS news:

  43. WakeUpAmerica8:19 PM

    You know, I think the media is finally tiring of her. Hallelujah!

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      it's about time..

  44. Best Olympics moment ever!!

    Imagine! And the broadcast the key verse!

    1. Anonymous1:07 AM

      Whenever Palin decries the loss of "American exceptionalism," people will also remember the record number of medals won by our country this summer. We must be doing something right, eh?
      It's not all doom and gloom for the USA, no matter what she spouts off.

  45. Anonymous8:31 PM to be Sarah..You are soo yesterday..

  46. Anonymous9:11 PM

    It must have been really exciting being part of a historic presidential campaign back in 2008 for Sarah. The first days since Ryan's selection is going to veer them into rallies, states, hotels, busses, planes; I am really certain the country will pay attention to how the Ryans present their kids and how much air time they will get and if the younger ones will be sent back home to go to school.

    Comparing the new VP candidate against the Palins in 2008 may reveal if the Ryan kids' priorities are school or keeping home routine. Do they attend church with their parents faithfully every Sunday? Do they have after school activities? The spectacle of the kids living in and out of a suitcase for part of the travel had to be difficult and disrupting. Will the Ryan kids be taken out of the rigid time constraints and heavy schedules. Whether dad Ryan wins or not, will they be encouraged to grab all lucrative deals that come their way. And would they take the bait? Would the teenagers do guest appearances on sit-comes or tv shows?

    Someone I don't believe the Ryans would allow it. This will likely generate discussions comparing the two VP families of 2008 to the 2012 ones.

    This new VP selection will ultimately compare the way the Ryans treat their kids to the way the Palins did in encouraging them toward the cameras as much as possible. Will the Ryan kids be given markies so they can sign autographs too?

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      The Ryans will handle their children much, much better than did the Palins. Doubt we'll see or hear much about them.

      Nobody wants to run a race even one bit similar to that of McCain/Palin in 2008.

      This VP selection is smart - Ryan is well educated, a Roman Catholic that goes to church w/his family (where the Palins never went or appeared as good christian people). The Romney/Ryan ticket will do everything they can to show themselves much differently that that of the horrible campaign of McCain/Palin in 2008.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    2. Anonymous11:08 PM

      Well said. And I think that after Vulture/Voucher go down in defeat, Paul Rand will be invited to speak at the convention in 2016.

      As deplorable as Rand is, he is well spoken and I believe he does know how to protect his family. I also think he is not just in it for the grifting opportunities.

    3. Anonymous1:43 AM

      Funny. I don;t even know how many kids Ryan has, nor do I really care. I do bet his wife hasn't recently given 'birth' to a special needs child though, just to pump up the special needs crowd and the anti-abortion folks.

    4. Anonymous3:21 AM

      Yes, three days into it and I actually don't know how many or the sex or ages of the Ryan kids.
      As it should be Sarah.

  47. Anonymous9:17 PM

    She looks like Cheney in that picture. Most appropriate.

    1. I posted my comment before I read thru the thread but we came to the EXACT same conclusion.

  48. Anonymous9:29 PM


    You tellin' me that Sarah Palin who was John McCain's pick for vp in 2008 was not qualified and too ignorant and chicken shit to run for president in 2012?

  49. Anonymous9:32 PM


    You tellin' me that Sarah Palin who was John McCain's pick for vp in 2008 was not Romney's pick for vp president choice in 2012?

    Is Sarah Palin too reeeetawwwwded or being married to a pimp wasn't considered politically correct?

  50. Anonymous9:39 PM


    You tellin' me that Sarah Palin who was John McCain's pick for vp in 2008 was not Romney's pick for vp president choice in 2012 or the 2012 GOP nominee for POTUS?

    Well at least let Sarah Palin speak and introduce Romney at the 2012 GOP convention. I heard that Sarah has a great concession speech she wasn't allowed to use from the McCain campaign.


    Well can Sarah at least stand outside the convention in hopes of the media getting a photo op of her?

    What do you mean Sarah bought and paid for a booth at the convention and is bringing her pimp husband with her in hopes of starting his reality career by giving him exposure?

    1. Anonymous11:36 PM

      WTF? You mean to say she can't even be a "greeter" at the convention like they have at Walmarts?

    2. Anonymous1:41 AM

      Exposure? Is Toad going to expose something in Tampa? Or is he just going so Sarah can keep her wonky eye on him? You know the hooker business will explode with the GOP and their free Viagra in town.

  51. Anonymous9:42 PM

    What's the name of the song written for Sarah Palin?
    The lyrics goes something like:

    "I hear you knocking but you can't come in"

    1. Anonymous11:36 PM

      Yep, that's Sarah's song alright!

    2. Anonymous1:03 AM

      "Please, Mr. Postman, look and see,
      If there's a letter in your bag for me...."

  52. Anita Winecooler9:43 PM

    HA HA The Wigged Wonk got Bonked!

    By tea party darling Paul Ryan, the presumptive VP pick of the presumptive Mitt Romney P pick of the GOP

    Happy Birthday, Mr President! Happy Birthday to You!!

  53. Anonymous9:45 PM

    You tellin' me Sarah Palin paid all that money for her implants and to tighten up that turkey neck and she will not be allowed to speak?

    Oh my! That shit shit must be embarrassing to that bitch?

    Wasn't she McCain's 2008 vp nominee? Doesn't that mean anything to the GOP?

    1. Anonymous1:40 AM

      Oh it means something all right. It means she is one mistake they admit to making.

  54. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I guess the Wasilla Hill Billies shouldn't of ransacked Saks 5th Ave and ran off with the 2008 GOP clothes?

  55. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Get out the popcorn kids -- she's coming to Tampa and it ain't gonna be pretty !!

  56. Anonymous9:48 PM

    What Sarah Palin is not invited to speak at the 2012 Republican convention?

    Must be the Sarah Palin Curse?

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      At least there is something I finally agree w/Romney about - not including idiot Sarah Palin in the Convention in Tampa!!! The main Teabagger will now be Ryan!!! The Republican party isn't all that excited about her anymore. Finally!!!

      Goodbye, Sarah! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you are trying to get attention while staying near the convention center in Tampa. You probably shouldn't even show your face down there - they don't want you!!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    2. Anonymous5:45 AM

      "Sarah! Don't let the door hit you in the ass"

      If the door hits Sarah in her old fragile brittle ass it would break it.

      Especially after Glen Rice has been hitting it!

  57. Anonymous9:50 PM

    So what now?

    This doesn't stop Sarah Palin from mugging in front of the cameras!

    We will see Sarah and her alto voice pimp purse carrying husband at DWTS.

    Oh lucky us.... NOT!!!!!!

  58. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I'm sorry America, I hear that Sarah Palin cannot run for POTUS or VP or speak at the 2012 GOP convention because she has to go to a Wasilla back woods clinic and have Willow's baby like she had Bristol's DS baby.

    Time to dust off that maternity baby bump.

  59. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Sarah Palin:



  60. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Perfect theme song for the RNC if Sarah shows up!

  61. Anonymous10:01 PM


    This is God speaking to you through the Immoral Minority.

    Can you tell your mother for me that her services at the GOP convention is not required in 2012 or any time after that?

    Since Sarah doesn't have time to visit my House of Worship, I don't see a need to help her anymore.

  62. Anonymous10:04 PM

    I heard the execs at FOX are saying "Now what the fuck do we need Sarah Palin for? McCain didn't want Sarah to speak and now Romney doesn't want her either!"

  63. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Sarah Palin.... "You are the Weakest Link, GOODBYE!"

  64. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "What do you mean my services are no longer needed by the GOP? I'm an energy expert! I was a governor of the smallest populated state before I quit! My unpopular kids and homophobic grandchild are on a reality show! My unpopular purse carrying husband is on a reality show! I had my own reality show! My daughter is the most unpopular unqualified non-star on DWTS's All Stars! My homophobic daughter dropped out of high school to go to hair school! What do you mean my services are no longer needed by the GOP?"

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      10:12 PM Ha! Well said!

  65. Anonymous10:20 PM

    She really believed she was a chance for the VP slot; she thought that that was why she hadn't been invited to speak at the convention. Now she knows that they simply don't like her and don't want her anywhere near their convention, which is why she can't bring herself to say anything civilized about Romney and Ryan.

    Mrs Nobody With Nowhere To Go, this is only the beginning of your problems. Wait five months and this current humiliation will seem like a picnic.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Wonder if BP and Tawdry's buddies on the Slope will accept him back? Who will hire Diva Willer-who-won't-work-Saturdays at a hair salon (be warned, Great Clips.)

    2. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Sarah Palin really believed she had a chance at the POTUS slot too.

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Yeah, she had that cover article in Newsweek last fall titled, (no kidding) "I Can Win"
      Meaning she could win the presidency, you know, if she really wanted it. What a joke.

  66. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Thankfully we won't have to listen to the raving loon again. The delivery of her 2008 speech was good - as long as you didn't pay any attention to the actual words and think about what she meant. What a hateful woman she is.

  67. Anonymous11:39 PM

    OMG! I love all the comments here. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading everyone's comments. They were all stupendous and really, really funny.

  68. Have to hand it to her, she's got the patented Cheney sneer down pat. Looks good on her, reveals the real inner Palin.

  69. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Good article. Ryan is a real screw up for the middle class!

  70. Anonymous2:38 AM

    That's Bullshit.

    You're telling me that the GOP can't find even a small space on the floor for her to sell cotton candy and popcorn?

    She went and got the new boobs and the "lifestyle lift" and the Boehner tan... and now the GOP does THIS to her???

    That's so disrespectful.

  71. Anonymous3:09 AM

    I'm sick of the dented refridgerator and popped popcorn and open champagne jokes.
    Someone take this bitch down.

  72. Anonymous3:18 AM

    I have family all over that area. Maybe I'll fly in for a few days, check out Sarah's book sale. Maybe I can meet her and ask her a few pointed, uncomfortable gotcha Tri-G questions. Maybe I'll wear a disguise lol!!

  73. With Paul Ryan in the spotlight, Palin had to scream loudly to bring attention back to her. First she posted a long tirade on her FB, which mentioned both Romney and Ryan only in passing (Palin makes brief mention of Ryan, Romney in V.P. statement: When it was obvious that the cameras were not rushing to capture her iconic image, she resorted to trying to draw attention with her grand "I'll not speak..." announcment. Still not enough attention was thrown her way so she stomped her naughty monkies and decided to rehash her victim's tour with another interview where she accused everyone (except McCain) for diabolically destroying her reputation:

    Yes, Sarah, it really is always about you!

  74. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Don't feel bad Sarah, Christine O'Donnell isn't speaking either...

    Will she even be attending?

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      According to Bristol, that is God's plan.

  75. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Maybe North Korea will let Palin speak?

  76. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Michelle Bachmann has her embarrassing corn dog picture and Sarah Palin has her embarrassing McCain cord dog picture!

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Oops, S/B McCain corn dog picture!

  77. Caroll P. Thompson, CPA7:17 AM

    I will make one point. Those choosen to speak at the convention donated more than a measley $15,000 to political candidates. In addition, those choosen to speak campaigned for candidates without being paid.

    Sarah is in this game for the money and everyone knows that. And I think that is why she was not given a spot.

    1. That's a very good point. She hasn't paid her dues.

    2. How long can Greta and Hannity prop up Sarah without it looking like they are not properly supporting Romney/Ryan?

      Because they are not going to be able to get Palin to focus on, or praise, or discuss, either Romney or Ryan, Romney for dissing her, and Ryan for taking the spot that was hers, hers, hers.

      Her facebook screed? Three mentions of Ryan and 26 of PBO?

      This will not be pretty.

      No one is going to believe that Palin is willingly stepping aside so that "new voices" get to have all the microphones.

  78. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Well former governor, you seem non plussed that you will not be allowed to speak at the upcoming republican convention.

    Palin: It's god's plan

  79. MollyM7:50 AM

    Rumors abound that she's taking the bus to Florida and will be giving speeches all around during the convention . . . and that SarahPAC is setting up a tent in the parking lot at the convention . . . . true or false? I wouldn't doubt it - media whore that she is. I mean, she upstaged RMoney on the campaign trail several times during the primary. How much longer do we have to deal with this crazy b*tch? If the media would stop giving her credit for elections won by tea baggers, maybe she'd go away. Just because she picks the craziest candidates in the craziest places and the crazies come out and vote for them doesn't mean that SHE had anything to do with it! Crazy is contagious!!

    1. I had the same thought. It would be just like her to stage a stunt like that, and the media just eggs her on.

  80. After four years, it still makes me angry when she calls President Obama unqualified, and when she uses the term "community organizer" as if it were a dirty word.

    You would never find Sarah Palin doing what Barack Obama did in that job, helping the poor find jobs, affordable housing, immunizations for their children, and so on. His office was in the basement of a Catholic church, and I think his salary was $10,000 a year.

    I love the Anonymous comment telling Sarah "It's God's plan." There are many self-identified Christians braying all over the media in un-Christ-like language. Palin is on a par with John Hagee and Pat Robertson, too eager to condemn.

    The Franciscan Action Network is making an effort to encourage civility in public discourse, and Secular Franciscans are being encouraged to write legislators and politicians entreating them to engage in respectful dialogue, rather than name-calling and polemics.

    I'm going to write Sarah Palin this week c/o Fox News. It almost certainly won't achieve its goal, but I will enjoy doing it.

  81. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Dear Sarah,

    Four years ago you were a rising star in the GOP. Now they'd rather you didn't bring your clown show to town.

    Look around, you're rich now, but what did you accomplish? Speeches count for nothing. Reality TV shows are not an accomplishment. Two of your kids have "graduated" from high school and are now not in college, or apparently even interested in furthering their education. You quit your job.

    You have loads of crazy fans: seriously delusional fans who write love poetry about you and analyze everything you say as if it were the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    Wow, what a ride it's been. Hope you enjoy all those Escalades.

  82. Anonymous10:22 AM

    OT. David Frum just wrote a short column titled, Palin's Star Gets Dimmer. Well, thank you, Captain Obvious!

  83. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Well, Sarah, how's that 'hopey changy' thing workin' out for ya???
    You were hopin' to get a special invite to the big convention to speak on prime-time TV but the changy thing is, the GOP doesn't want you there!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.