Sunday, August 12, 2012

No wonder Mitt Romney likes the Ryan Budget!

Courtesy of the Atlantic:

Under Paul Ryan's plan, Mitt Romney wouldn't pay any taxes for the next ten years -- or any of the years after that. Now, do I know that that's true. Yes, I'm certain. 

Well, maybe not quite nothing. In 2010 -- the only year we have seen a full return from him -- Romney would have paid an effective tax rate of around 0.82 percent under the Ryan plan, rather than the 13.9 percent he actually did. How would someone with more than $21 million in taxable income pay so little? Well, the vast majority of Romney's income came from capital gains, interest, and dividends. And Ryan wants to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, interest and dividends. 

Isn't THAT convenient? Essentially this is just another example of Romney saying, "I got mine, so fuck the rest of you!"


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Hey, Sarah Palin, you colossal moron, THIS, is what makes American's nauseous.

    But even though your only credential to run on for City Council was being a 'taxpayer,' you've done your best to heft such burdens on big box stores coming into Wasilla, then there was that time you failed to report on the progessin of your cabin property so you wouldn't have to pay taxes on that whatsoever. . .then you tax the snot out of Big Oil to make your coffers full and make it seem like you are a fiscally responsible CEO, of the state you were of, to get John McCain to notice ya. . .oh dear, 2006 to 2008 and then some relapse.

    At least she isn't on the ticket again, also too there.

    Ryan, American Psycho (2000) he's the Government Death Panel coming after grandma.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      And the even the TeaTHUGS have too much class to give her a speaking part at the convention. And she's way to ugly for a walk on only.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Yep, f*ck you, your family, and anyone else that isn't part of the 1%.

    If the Romney/Ryan ticket (a.k.a the gruesome two some) doesn't scare the living daylights out of sane voters, I don't know what will.

    "Mitt Romney is Bush on steroids" - Vice President Biden.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I listened to the Romney-Ryan lovefest on 60 minutes. When Bob Schieffer started talking taxes, Mitt said the most parsed answer of all time - something about the uber wealthy contributing the most to our tax coffers. When Schieffer tried to pin him down about PERCENTAGES of income Ryan changed the subject. Two peas in a fucking pod.

  4. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Just in Greta posted on her blog Lego hair won't be speaking .

  5. Anonymous5:08 PM

    ops won't be speaking at the convention.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Awww, you gave us such hope that we'd finally be rid of that prima donna.

  6. Anonymous5:12 PM

    davidfrum ‏@davidfrum

    Ryan vs Palin: For GOP base, it's like marrying Miss Right and suddenly discovering you no longer miss that crazy ex-girlfriend

    1. David Frum---

      Damn, that's gonna leave a mark! Perfect observation and what a quote!!!

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM


      It's good to know that here are still a few in the GOP whose opinions are valid based on their principles on policy differences rather than the purely ideological RW nutter constituency who can't ever seem to call out their own when they see them in the typical rectal head-insert position the baggers are best known for.

      "But Paw, that's where Sarah does her 'best thinkin'."

  7. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Mike Drucker ‏@MikeDrucker

    Sarah Palin was like The Joker: insane and interesting. Paul Ryan is like Bane: more threatening but also way more boring.

  8. Anonymous5:32 PM

    The FINAL DISS. The Peebots are gonna piss their pants bigtime on this one:

    Sarah Palin Not Speaking At Republican Convention

    Sarah Palin said she won’t be speaking at the Republican National Convention later this month, in a statement on Greta Van Susteren‘s blog on Sunday. Underlining her support for the Romney/Ryan ticket, she said she intends to focus her energy on grassroots efforts.

    The statement, per Gretawire:

    “…Everything I said at the 2008 convention about then-candidate Obama still stands today, and in fact the predictions made about the very unqualified and inexperienced Community Organizer’s plans to “fundamentally transform” our country are unfortunately coming true. This year is a good opportunity for other voices to speak at the convention and I’m excited to hear them. As I’ve repeatedly said, I support Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in their efforts to replace President Obama at the ballot box, and I intend to focus on grassroots efforts to rally Independents and the GOP base to elect Senate and House members so a wise Congress is ready to work with our new President to get our country back on the right path. This is imperative. As President Clinton said in 2008 while candidate Obama and lapdogs in the media were thrashing his wife’s record and reputation, this is “…the biggest fairy tale.” For the sake of America’s solvency and sovereignty we must close this nonsensical book in November…”
    - Sarah Palin

    1. This is my favorite line

      "This year is a good opportunity for other voices to speak at the convention and I’m excited to hear them."


    2. So Serror didn't like that 3:00am speaking slot Prince Reeboks offered her at the RNC down in Tampa after The Donald had turned it down already.

      Mitt coulda ended all of this speculation months ago with a simple, "Fuck you, Sarah."

      Hoo Lawdy, I can feel the heat from Sarah's anger boiling over all the way from my back porch here in Tenne-fucking-see. "Anybody else up for some roasted marshmallows?"

    3. "Crazies4Palin" is the place to be tonight y'all! They are losing their fucking minds and I am laughing my ass completely off!

      I have popcorn falling out my "mouf"...Pepsi coming out my nose...tears streaming down my face! The nuts are rattling the cages...tearing off their "hospital gowns" throwing poo at anyone who disagrees with their comments! It's almost as good as Baldy Quitting Day!

      Someone did same say something interesting though...they said that long ass FB message that RAM posted yesterday was suppose to be Baldy's speech at the RNC!

      Too bad she wasn't invited!


    4. Anita Winecooler9:27 PM

      Aha! They're just adding to global warming,

      "Hope they took their blood pressure medicine"
      -Paul Ryan

      I just got a google ad for Romney/Ryan

      They're in front of the battle ship, both have opposite hands in the air (ala "Heil Hitler") and under that is "America's Comeback Team" with a huge honking "Donate" button.

      Poor Sarah's having an "Annus Horribilus"

  9. Anonymous5:33 PM


  10. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Paul Ryan Will Only Release 2 Years Of Tax Returns

    Presumptive vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan said on Sunday that while he turned over "several years" of tax returns to the Romney campaign during his vetting process, he would only make two years of tax returns public for voters.

    The Wisconsin Republican, appearing alongside Romney on "60 Minutes" for their first joint media interview, seemed poised and assured throughout the 15-minute segment. When pressed with a question about tax returns -- a topic that has dogged Romney -- Ryan had a ready answer.

    "It was a very exhaustive vetting process," he told CBS's Bob Schiefer. "It is a confidential vetting process. So there were several years. But I'm going to release the same amount of years that Governor Romney has. But I got to tell you Bob -- two, I'm going to be releasing two, which is what he's releasing -–

    1. Anita Winecooler9:31 PM

      Brilliant Move! That's to get to the .05 percenters who weren't sure who to vote for.

      What's a "Confidential Vetting"? Keep the voters in the dark?

  11. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Oh sheesh, I've no love for Billy Graham or his ilk whatsoever. I don't wish ill on him, but he's old and if it's his time, it simply is.

    But wait for the Billy Graham love-fest at the GOP Convention. As it if wasn't going to be nauseating enough, even though Sarah isn't invited.

    Breaking News ‏@BreakingNews
    93-year-old evangelist Billy Graham has been hospitalized in Asheville, North Carolina, for treatment of a pulmonary infection - @NBCNews

  12. Anonymous5:40 PM

    She has been cast aside and she's spinning this to make it sound like it was HER idea. They don't want the crazy woman at the party and they are making it crystal clear to her. Pretty amazing she's taking this one lying down, but the message is dead clear...stay away Palin!

    Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will not speak at the U.S. Republican nominating convention in Tampa later this month, she said in statement on Sunday.

    "This year is a good opportunity for other voices to speak at the convention and I'm excited to hear them," Palin, who was Senator John McCain's running mate in the 2008 election, said in a statement on Gretawire, the blog of Fox News's Greta Van Susteren.

    "Everything I said at the 2008 convention about then-candidate (Barack) Obama still stands today, and in fact the predictions made about the very unqualified and inexperienced community organizer's plans to 'fundamentally transform' our country are unfortunately coming true," Palin said.

    She said she supports Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan, and intends to focus on grassroots efforts to rally independents and the Republican base to elect Senate and House members "so a wise Congress is ready to work with our new president to get our country back on the right path."

  13. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Romney: Oh, that Ryan budget! Sure, we'll take that.

    Mitt Romney's campaign, Saturday:

    Gov. Romney applauds Paul Ryan for going in the right direction with his budget, and as president he will be putting together his own plan for cutting the deficit and putting the budget on a path to balance.

    Apparently the same forces that bullied Romney into picking Ryan as his running mate have let Romney know that they meant it. Mitt Romney's surrogates, today:

    TOP ROMNEY ADVISER ED GILLESPIE: Well, as Governor Romney has made clear, if the Romney, sorry, if the Ryan budget had come to his desk as a budget, he would have signed it, of course, and one of the reasons that he chose Congressman Ryan is his willingness to put forward innovative solutions in the budget.

    RNC CHAIRMAN REINCE PREIBUS: First of all, he did embrace the Ryan budget. He embraced it.

    Setting aside the fact the presidents don't sign budgets, which are basically political documents that set spending priorities and not actual legally-binding bills, what in the hell, Romney? Is anybody actually in control of this campaign?

    Either all of those people who were leaning on him to pick Ryan lit up the phone to set him straight, or he found out that his tax rate under the Ryan budget would be 0.82 percent. Now that, Romney can embrace.

  14. Sharon7:18 PM

    What a surprise, PeeWee Herman is gonna release 2 years too...I dunno another multi millionaire hiding his tax rate, what a shocker. We already know he made all his money working for the government he hates, and invests in energy stocks. I think its hilarious that in 13 years he passed 2 bills, renaming a post office and changing the tax rate on arrows (just a coincidence he is a bow/arrow hunter). During those 13 years has done nothing but vote with Dubya for tax cuts and war while voting against everything for women, education, jobs...anything to get this country moving. Its only gonna get better....Ryan is gonna bury Robme, and hopefully get those shithead teabaggers out of congress.

  15. Sharon7:21 PM

    I know there was a really bad time slot offered to Trump to speak first, and he declined...then they asked Palin, you know they did.
    Those miserable human beings knew the media would mock the shit out of them, so they declined...too funny.

  16. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Last week Trump said he will have a major role at the convention but could not say what it was at this time.

  17. Anonymous7:46 AM

    You betcha, Mitt loves Ryan! Now Mitt will never have to mingle with the masses again!

    Do you think that he will be able to send little Eddie Munster to debate President Obama?

  18. Best line, courtesy of Jon Stewart:

    His eyes are so blue it's like looking at a Smurf's anus.


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